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基于空间统计分析方法的生态服务价值评价研究 被引量:5
作者 王高强 《测绘工程》 CSCD 2015年第7期65-68,72,共5页
生态服务价值核算对建立可持续发展的土地利用模式至关重要。文中基于地理国情普查试点成果,进行了生态服务价值评估,并在此基础上利用格网分析、Spline插值、Moran’s I、Getis-Ord Gi*等空间统计分析方法,对浙江省德清县生态服务价值... 生态服务价值核算对建立可持续发展的土地利用模式至关重要。文中基于地理国情普查试点成果,进行了生态服务价值评估,并在此基础上利用格网分析、Spline插值、Moran’s I、Getis-Ord Gi*等空间统计分析方法,对浙江省德清县生态服务价值进行分析评价。研究结果表明:德清县生态服务价值整体上呈现出集聚现象;单位面积生态服务价值热点主要集中在对河口水库、下渚湖湿地和东部河网密集区等。这些区域直接影响德清县的整体生态环境水平,需要进行重点生态保护。 展开更多
关键词 地理国情普查 空间自相关 Moran’s I Getis—Ord Gi’ 生态服务价值评价
甘肃省森林生态服务功能及价值评估 被引量:18
作者 张岑 任志远 +1 位作者 高孟绪 阎文浩 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期147-151,共5页
根据森林生态系统服务功能的内涵,采用物质量和价值量相结合的评价方法,使用影子工程法、市场价值法、生产成本等方法,定量评价了甘肃省森林生态系统服务功能的经济价值。估算结果表明:甘肃省森林生态系统涵养水源的经济价值为2.56×... 根据森林生态系统服务功能的内涵,采用物质量和价值量相结合的评价方法,使用影子工程法、市场价值法、生产成本等方法,定量评价了甘肃省森林生态系统服务功能的经济价值。估算结果表明:甘肃省森林生态系统涵养水源的经济价值为2.56×108元/a;森林保持土壤的经济价值为47.48×108元/a;森林净化水质的价值为2.48×108元/a;固定CO2的价值为115.32×108元/a;释放O2价值为131.24×108元/a;吸收SO2价值为3.88×108元/a;滞尘价值为156.39×108元/a;甘肃森林涵养水源、保持土壤、净化水质、固定CO2、释放O2、吸收SO2、滞尘7种生态服务功能价值共447.12×108元/a;其中灌木林贡献率最高占41.64%,而未成林造林和薪炭林贡献率较低。 展开更多
关键词 森林生态系统 生态服务价值评价 甘肃省森林
基于生态系统服务价值的区域生态补偿--以山东省为例 被引量:118
作者 王女杰 刘建 +2 位作者 吴大千 高甡 王仁卿 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第23期6646-6653,共8页
区域生态补偿是协调区域发展的重要机制,但区域补偿的依据一直存在争议。综合考虑区域的生态系统服务价值和经济发展水平,提出了生态补偿优先级(ecological compensation priority sequence,ECPS)作为区域间补偿的重要依据。对山东省不... 区域生态补偿是协调区域发展的重要机制,但区域补偿的依据一直存在争议。综合考虑区域的生态系统服务价值和经济发展水平,提出了生态补偿优先级(ecological compensation priority sequence,ECPS)作为区域间补偿的重要依据。对山东省不同生态区和不同县市的生态系统服务价值和生态补偿优先级进行了计算,从生态区、市和县3个空间尺度分析了山东省开展区域生态补偿的优先领域和补偿机制。结果表明:山东省生态区中处于西部地区的鲁西南平原湖区生态区应优先获得补偿,偏东部的鲁东丘陵生态区和鲁中南山地丘陵生态区应优先支付补偿;在山东省17地级市中菏泽市应优先获得补偿;对青岛、济南、菏泽和东营4个典型市中的各县区进行生态补偿优先级核算,4个城市中补偿优先级最低的均为市区,说明市区是生态系统服务的输入和受益地区,而周围县市的补偿优先级较高,是"生态输出"地区,应该得到区域生态补偿,其中东营河口区补偿优先级最高,为典型的高"生态输出"、经济欠发达的地区,应优先享受区域生态补偿。本研究提出的生态补偿优先级为开展区域生态补偿提供了较为简单可靠的指标,可为山东或其他地区的区域生态补偿提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统服务价值评价 补偿依据 生态补偿优先级(ECPS) 区域生态补偿 山东省
土地利用变化生态环境效应的动态评价——以邵阳县为例 被引量:2
作者 滕耀华 易武英 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2012年第19期10286-10288,共3页
以邵阳县2001和2009年TM遥感影像为数据源,运用土地利用动态度模型、土地利用程度模型以及生态系统服务价值理论对土地利用变化的生态环境效应进行了评价。结果表明:从动态变化来看,建设用地变化最为突出,其他类型变动较小;从利用程度上... 以邵阳县2001和2009年TM遥感影像为数据源,运用土地利用动态度模型、土地利用程度模型以及生态系统服务价值理论对土地利用变化的生态环境效应进行了评价。结果表明:从动态变化来看,建设用地变化最为突出,其他类型变动较小;从利用程度上看,土地利用程度变化不明显。林地生态服务价值呈增加趋势,而其他地类生态服务价值呈减少趋势;生态系统服务价值敏感性分析结果表明其生态系统服务价值缺乏弹性。结合研究区的生态环境现状及其特殊性等,分析认为人口数量变化、退耕退林退草工程及经济发展是导致土地利用及生态环境变化的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统服务价值评价 土地利用变化 邵阳县
生态建设补偿的定量标准--以南水北调东线水源地保护区一期生态建设工程为例 被引量:72
作者 蔡邦成 陆根法 +1 位作者 宋莉娟 刘庄 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期2413-2416,共4页
生态补偿标准的确定是生态补偿机制建立的重点和难点。以南水北调东线水源地保护一期生态建设工程的补偿为例,探讨生态建设的补偿标准。从工程投资和机会成本的角度分析生态建设的总成本为1.46亿元/年,通过生态系统服务价值评价并结合... 生态补偿标准的确定是生态补偿机制建立的重点和难点。以南水北调东线水源地保护一期生态建设工程的补偿为例,探讨生态建设的补偿标准。从工程投资和机会成本的角度分析生态建设的总成本为1.46亿元/年,通过生态系统服务价值评价并结合专家咨询赋权,计算出生态建设工程成功实施后,建设区域所增加的生态服务效益为0.83亿元/年,外部区域所增加的生态服务效益为2.13亿元/年;综合生态建设成本和生态效益,提出了根据生态服务效益分担生态建设成本的补偿标准分析思路,并由此计算得到外部区域对建设区域的补偿标准为1.11亿元/年。 展开更多
关键词 生态建设 补偿标准 建设成本 生态系统服务价值评价
基于GIS的安徽省会经济圈区域生态补偿优先等级研究 被引量:14
作者 孙贤斌 黄润 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期152-155,307,共4页
生态补偿已经成为当前全社会所广泛关注的热点问题,补偿优先领域确定是区域协调发展研究的重要内容。利用2007年遥感图像TM数据,对安徽省会经济圈的生态系统服务价值和生态补偿优先等级进行了计算。结果显示:(1)2007年经济圈内六安市所... 生态补偿已经成为当前全社会所广泛关注的热点问题,补偿优先领域确定是区域协调发展研究的重要内容。利用2007年遥感图像TM数据,对安徽省会经济圈的生态系统服务价值和生态补偿优先等级进行了计算。结果显示:(1)2007年经济圈内六安市所提供的非市场价值总量最大,为5市之首,生态补偿优先等级为六安市>巢湖市>桐城市>淮南市>合肥市;(2)经济圈的六安市为典型的高"生态输出"、经济欠发达地区,应优先享受区域生态补偿。合肥市为高"生态消费"、经济发展水平高,应优先支付补偿。(3)就各市内部而言,市区的补偿优先等级高于周围县域;各县、市区的单位面积非市场价值和生态补偿优先等级差异显著,其中金寨县和霍山县的生态补偿优先级最高。研究结果可为区域生态补偿提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统服务价值评价 生态补偿 优先等级 安徽省会经济圈
作者 王潇 《广西质量监督导报》 2019年第8期244-246,共3页
2019年政府工作报告中明确提出要大力促进蓝色经济发展,保护海洋环境,建设海洋强国。我国海洋环保力度不断加大,人民环保意识不断增强,我国海洋环境状况也逐年好转,然而海洋生态风险依然存在。《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》(以下简... 2019年政府工作报告中明确提出要大力促进蓝色经济发展,保护海洋环境,建设海洋强国。我国海洋环保力度不断加大,人民环保意识不断增强,我国海洋环境状况也逐年好转,然而海洋生态风险依然存在。《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》(以下简称《海环法》)经过2016年和2017年两次修订,明确了海洋生态补偿制度的法律地位,将海洋环境保护重心从'污染治理'向'生态保护'倾移。但新《海环法》也存在规定过于原则,操作性不强的问题,可以根据国家和地方的实践经验,制定和修改相关法律,完善海洋生态补偿制度,健全海洋生态系统服务功能价值评价制度,构建海洋生态保护法律体系,建设海洋强国。 展开更多
关键词 海洋生态保护 海洋生态补偿 海洋生态系统服务功能价值评价
辉河湿地国家自然保护区生态系统健康评价 被引量:18
作者 常学礼 吕世海 +1 位作者 叶生星 陈艳梅 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第9期1905-1911,共7页
在RS和GIS技术的支持下,以1975和2006年两期遥感影像为信息源,从生态系统空间范围和服务功能价值变化的角度对呼伦贝尔辉河草原湿地国家级自然保护区的生态系统健康状况进行了分析.结果表明,1975~2006年间辉河湿地自然保护区的草原和... 在RS和GIS技术的支持下,以1975和2006年两期遥感影像为信息源,从生态系统空间范围和服务功能价值变化的角度对呼伦贝尔辉河草原湿地国家级自然保护区的生态系统健康状况进行了分析.结果表明,1975~2006年间辉河湿地自然保护区的草原和湖泊面积分别减少了7346和2731hm2,湿地和干涸湖面积分别增加了6877和2953 hm2.从自然保护区的核心——湿地生态系统的斑块格局变化来看,1975~2006年间斑块密度增加了74.48个.hm-2,斑块连通度在100~300m的阈限值范围内呈减少的趋势,平均减少0.069±0.038.基于生态系统服务价值的评价结果表明,1975~2006年间辉河湿地国家自然保护区生态系统达到健康水平以上的区域面积为323215 hm2,占保护区面积的93.31%,生态系统较差和恶劣区的面积为23177 hm2,占总面积的6.69%.研究区的总生态价值盈余为8.8×107元,其盈余主要来源于草原向湿地的转化、水体向湿地的转化及干涸湖向草原的转化. 展开更多
关键词 生态系统健康 生态服务价值评价 辉河湿地保护区
Remote Sensing of Ecosystem Services:An Opportunity for Spatially Explicit Assessment 被引量:19
作者 FENG Xiaoming FU Bojie +1 位作者 YANG Xiaojun Lü Yihe 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第6期522-535,共14页
Ecosystem service is an emerging concept that grows to be a hot research area in ecology.Spatially explicit ecosystem service values are important for ecosystem service management.However,it is difficult to quantify e... Ecosystem service is an emerging concept that grows to be a hot research area in ecology.Spatially explicit ecosystem service values are important for ecosystem service management.However,it is difficult to quantify ecosystem services.Remote sensing provides images covering Earth surface,which by nature are spatially explicit.Thus,remote sensing can be useful for quantitative assessment of ecosystem services.This paper reviews spatially explicit ecosystem service studies conducted in ecology and remote sensing in order to find out how remote sensing can be used for ecosystem service assessment.Several important areas considered include land cover,biodiversity,and carbon,water and soil related ecosystem services.We found that remote sensing can be used for ecosystem service assessment in three different ways:direct monitoring,indirect monitoring,and combined use with ecosystem models.Some plant and water related ecosystem services can be directly monitored by remote sensing.Most commonly,remote sensing can provide surrogate information on plant and soil characteristics in an ecosystem.For ecosystem process related ecosystem services,remote sensing can help measure spatially explicit parameters.We conclude that acquiring good in-situ measurements and selecting appropriate remote sensor data in terms of resolution are critical for accurate assessment of ecosystem services. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem service remote sensing spatially explicit assessment surrogate information
Concept and Evaluation of Ecosystem Intrinsic Value 被引量:1
作者 Luo Ping Zhang Hong Ni Xu +2 位作者 Hua Xia Sheng Wei Qi Chen Qin Hua Fang 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2015年第6期401-409,共9页
Ecosystem valuation can serve as a basis of scientific support for decision-making. So far, the most popular methods for ecosystem valuation are ecosystem service valuation (ESV), which is based on the utility of ec... Ecosystem valuation can serve as a basis of scientific support for decision-making. So far, the most popular methods for ecosystem valuation are ecosystem service valuation (ESV), which is based on the utility of ecosystem to human beings rather than on the objective value of the ecosystem. After more than 10 years' application, it has been found that all losses of ESV were about 10% of the benefits of human activities. In this paper, the ecosystem intrinsic value (EIV) is defined. EIV is an objective value that emerges from the existence, structures, functions and processes of ecosystem, but independent with man, man's will and preferences. The valuating approach and methods used for EIV were developed by using energy approach and the methods of emergy analysis and eco-exergy analysis. The EIV calculated by emergy from the substance, energy and information of ecosystem and by eco-exergy from the structure and function of ecosystem represents the existent value and the externally working capacity of ecosystem, respectively. The approach and methods of EIV evaluation were applied to Xiamen Bay, China. The results showed that the marine EIV in Xiamen Bay was 209 billion RMB, including 116 billion RMB of emergy and 92.4 billion RMB of eco-exergy in 2010, nearly 30 times of ESV and 8.5 times of the GDP of Xiamen marine industry in 2010. The EIV in unit area of Xiarnen Bay is more than 10 times higher than the average global ESV in estuaries. It implied a potential undervaluation to ecosystem value by ESV calculation, which may mislead decisions-making processes. 展开更多
关键词 Ecosystem intrinsic value CONCEPT EVALUATION APPROACH methods.
Wetland Economic Valuation Approaches and Prospects in China 被引量:3
作者 JIANG Bo Christina P.WONG +1 位作者 CUI Lijuan OUYANG Zhiyun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期143-154,共12页
Ecosystem services valuation seeks to increase the social relevance of ecosystem characteristics, the underlying biological mechanisms that support services, by making the contribution of ecosystems to human well-bein... Ecosystem services valuation seeks to increase the social relevance of ecosystem characteristics, the underlying biological mechanisms that support services, by making the contribution of ecosystems to human well-being explicit. Economic valuation can help management by clarifying the full range of benefits and costs of proposed management actions. In the past two decades, economic valuation of wetland ecosystem services has become one of the most significant scientific priorities for wetland protection. In this paper, we provide an overview of ecosystem services, and summarize the main interdisciplinary approaches to measure and value wetland ecosystem services. We identified four main methodological gaps preventing progress on wetland valuation of ecosystem services in China, which are: 1) confusion on terminology like intermediate and final ecosystem services, 2) lack of ecological production functions to link ecosystem characteristics to final ecosystem services, 3) static valuation making it difficult to evaluate the trade-offs and synergies among ecosystem services, and 4) lack of clear guidance on relating ecological compensation programs to conservation targets. Overcoming these gaps is important to inform wetland compensation mechanisms and conservation policies. We propose future research on wetland ecosystem services in China should be focused on: 1) defining final ecosystem services based on beneficiary preferences and underlying biophysical mechanisms, 2) establishing wetland monitoring programs at specific sites to collect data on final ecosystem service indicators and ecosystem characteristic metrics to create ecological production functions for economic valuation and rescaling techniques, and 3) incorporating wetland ecosystem service values into decision-making processes to inform wetland management. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem services wetlands economic valuation methodological gaps China
Economic Valuation of Environmental Services: Increasing the Effectiveness of PES Schemes in Developing Countries?
作者 Ana Claudia Sant Anna Jorge Madeira Nogueira 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第9期1048-1057,共10页
Payments for ecosystem service (PES) schemes have spread all over developing countries in the last 20 years or so. PES schemes often have high opportunity costs in terms of foregone uses of goods and services offere... Payments for ecosystem service (PES) schemes have spread all over developing countries in the last 20 years or so. PES schemes often have high opportunity costs in terms of foregone uses of goods and services offered by the environment. It is within this scope that economic evaluation of environmental goods and services plays a role. In this paper we surveyed articles and studies that report application of economic environmental valuation procedures in PES schemes. Special attention was paid to data collection and analysis, to theoretical robustness of its procedures and to the aggregation of estimated value. We also scrutinize how these estimates had been incorporated into PES schemes, in particularly in the assessment phase of these schemes. Empirical data from Brazil and other Latin American countries were used, particularly those in the Amazon Basis. Our results reveal a frequent overestimation of the values of ecosystem services calculated through the use of economic valuation methods. Values have been estimated by production function methods (opportunity cost, preventive expenditures, recovering cost or dose-response methods). As a consequence, estimated values reflect much more willingness to accept compensation by supplier and rarely willingness to pay by consumer of these ecosystem services. Besides this distance between supply and demand, application of valuation methods did not account for problems such as uncertainty, risks, and lack of information. All these limitations have led to wrong decision-making. 展开更多
关键词 Economic valuation PES valuation methods environmental costs benefits.
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