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对山区生态林补偿政策实施的调查——北京市案例 被引量:1
作者 米锋 高岚 +1 位作者 崔一梅 崔向雨 《林业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第11期52-55,共4页
从北京市山区生态林补偿政策实施现状出发,在对涉及生态林补偿政策的10个区(县)进行实地调研的基础上,分析了生态林补偿政策的实施成效,同时重点分析了北京市山区生态林补偿政策实施中存在的问题,提出要从健全生态林补偿管理机制、提... 从北京市山区生态林补偿政策实施现状出发,在对涉及生态林补偿政策的10个区(县)进行实地调研的基础上,分析了生态林补偿政策的实施成效,同时重点分析了北京市山区生态林补偿政策实施中存在的问题,提出要从健全生态林补偿管理机制、提高生态林管护人员补偿标准等方面进一步完善北京市山区生态林补偿政策。 展开更多
关键词 生态林补偿 成效 问题 建议
关于建立我国西部生态林补偿制度的思考 被引量:2
作者 陈娟丽 张炳淳 《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第2期97-99,共3页
近年来我国生态环境不断恶化,西部生态问题更加突出。我国政府为尽快改善生态环境,相继制定出了退耕还林经济补偿政策。现虽有《退耕还林条例》等法律规范做保障,但由于该制度的缺陷,退耕农的利益得不到充分实现,该政策的实施出现了种... 近年来我国生态环境不断恶化,西部生态问题更加突出。我国政府为尽快改善生态环境,相继制定出了退耕还林经济补偿政策。现虽有《退耕还林条例》等法律规范做保障,但由于该制度的缺陷,退耕农的利益得不到充分实现,该政策的实施出现了种种障碍。主要问题是补偿期限不合理、补偿标准不科学,没有建立完善的生态林补偿制度。本文结合我国西部生态实际,分析了该政策的缺陷,并从补偿的原则、性质、范围、标准、程度、方式等六个方面对建立完善的生态林补偿制度作出简要的构想。 展开更多
关键词 西部 退耕还 经济补偿政策 缺陷 生态林补偿制度
作者 李卫兵 《林业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第7期55-57,共3页
关键词 生态林补偿制度 生态力评价 设想
《中国城市林业》 2005年第1期i001-i002,共2页
关键词 北京 山区生态林补偿 生态屏障 生态建设 业建设 措施
作者 陈清锋 《绿色科技》 2017年第13期137-138,140,共3页
指出了林区生态林的保护建设一直都是福建省生态工程建设的重点问题,实行生态林补偿机制有利于生态林资源的保护和发展,但目前补偿机制的管理制度还有待完善。阐述了福建省生态公益林建设实行的方针及原则,以期实现生态效益、经济效益... 指出了林区生态林的保护建设一直都是福建省生态工程建设的重点问题,实行生态林补偿机制有利于生态林资源的保护和发展,但目前补偿机制的管理制度还有待完善。阐述了福建省生态公益林建设实行的方针及原则,以期实现生态效益、经济效益、社会效益的和谐统一,有效保护造林绿化成果,促进上游农民由"靠山吃山"向"养山就业"转变,推进林区建设和农民增收进程,结合其对林区农民的影响进行了综合分析,提出了相应的建议。 展开更多
关键词 生态 生态林补偿机制 农民增收
作者 赵俊华 《林业财务与会计》 2001年第10期6-7,共2页
关键词 税费改革 生态效益补偿 中国 基金
作者 陆礼彬 《防护林科技》 2017年第8期97-99,共3页
关键词 集体生态补偿现状 存在问题 解决对策
作者 刘友多 刘碧云 项国华 《林业勘察设计》 2000年第2期39-41,共3页
福建省生态林保护工程建设规划是落实《福建省人民政府办公厅关于严格控制采伐天然林的紧急通知》文件精神,建设生态林工程的基础性工作。文章就我省生态林规划过程中所涉及的生态林与我省生态林保护工程、生态竹林划分、生态林比重、... 福建省生态林保护工程建设规划是落实《福建省人民政府办公厅关于严格控制采伐天然林的紧急通知》文件精神,建设生态林工程的基础性工作。文章就我省生态林规划过程中所涉及的生态林与我省生态林保护工程、生态竹林划分、生态林比重、生态林补偿、生态林保护与阔叶林保护、生态林保护与天然林保护等问题提出相关的探讨。 展开更多
关键词 生态保护 天然保护 阁叶保护 生态林补偿 生态
福建永安集体林林权改革亟待解决的几个问题 被引量:10
作者 李彧挥 焦德泉 《林业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第7期34-36,共3页
福建永安集体林林权制度改革取得了显著的成绩,极大地解放了林业生产力,促进了当地社会经济的发展。但调查发现在改革过程中,森林保险、砍伐指标的公平合理分配、生态公益林补偿机制、村级财务使用监管等问题有待完善,提出了开展生... 福建永安集体林林权制度改革取得了显著的成绩,极大地解放了林业生产力,促进了当地社会经济的发展。但调查发现在改革过程中,森林保险、砍伐指标的公平合理分配、生态公益林补偿机制、村级财务使用监管等问题有待完善,提出了开展生态林分类规模化承包经营试点,对承包者进行不同程度补偿等建议。 展开更多
关键词 集体 保险 生态林补偿
退耕还林政策需建立协调机制 被引量:1
作者 谢六英 王万山 《农业经济》 北大核心 2005年第5期52-53,共2页
退耕还林政策是一项很好的生态林补偿制度创新,使政府获得广泛的社会支持与赞誉,也得到多国政府和环保组织的赞同.但由于产权安排、政策设计缺乏弹性和协调机制的原因,使退耕还林政策在实施中还是遇到不少的阻力,在退耕地选择、还林林... 退耕还林政策是一项很好的生态林补偿制度创新,使政府获得广泛的社会支持与赞誉,也得到多国政府和环保组织的赞同.但由于产权安排、政策设计缺乏弹性和协调机制的原因,使退耕还林政策在实施中还是遇到不少的阻力,在退耕地选择、还林林种选择、种苗供应、经费管理与补助等方面都存在不少的问题.这些问题均可归纳进四个字:产权冲突. 展开更多
关键词 退耕还政策 协调机制 中国农村 生态林补偿制度 公益产权制度
集体林权制度公共财政问题调研报告 被引量:14
作者 北京大学光华管理学院集体林权制度改革课题组 厉以宁 蔡洪滨 《林业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期3-8,共6页
关键词 公共财政 集体权制度改革 生态林补偿 资源培育补助 基础建设投入 业发展基金
作者 田孝武 赵俊华 《林业财务与会计》 2001年第10期3-3,6,共2页
关键词 中国 税费改革 生态效益补偿 专项资金管理
Forest eco-compensation mechanism:a survey 被引量:6
作者 Li Fen Li Wenhua Liu Moucheng 《Ecological Economy》 2008年第1期115-126,共12页
China is a country with a vast territory and a large population but limited forest resources, which is mainly distributed in the economically less developed regions. Therefore, it is particularly important to address ... China is a country with a vast territory and a large population but limited forest resources, which is mainly distributed in the economically less developed regions. Therefore, it is particularly important to address the issue to establish forest eco-compensation mechanism to overcome the problems of inequity between the people and promote the public incentive for forest management and conservation. The definition of eco-compensation is deeply discussed based on the literature review of national and international initiatives. According to summary and analysis of the empirical work of forest eco-compensation at international level,some significant inspirations are duaw on this paper. Based on them, this paper focuses on the forest eco-compensation mechanism of china. Firstly, integrating with the actual situation of china, the paper puts forward the policy framework of eco-compensation .The institutional framework of eco-compensation should be established among the multi-departments with different temporal and spatial scales. Secondly, the types and ranges of forest eco-compensation are further studied, that is three levels of forest eco-compensation such as micro-level, macro-level as well as media-level, and then the standards of eco-com-pensation are primarily estimated which include the three factors, namely direct expense of plantation opporiunity cost for forests protection and benefits of forest ecosystem services.Finally the recommendation is created in terms of above research conclusions, which is provide the vital important references for government policy making in the forest eco-compensation domain. 展开更多
关键词 FOREST Eco-compensation MECHANISM SURVEY
A Brief Analysis of the Non-commercial Forest Compensation System in China
作者 章颖 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第5期809-812,共4页
The non-commercial forest is an important natural resource protecting the environment and contributing to the sustainable development of a nation. Due to its crucial positive external effects, it is inevitable policy ... The non-commercial forest is an important natural resource protecting the environment and contributing to the sustainable development of a nation. Due to its crucial positive external effects, it is inevitable policy that non-commercial forestry should be invested by government, thereby formulates the non-commercial forestry compensation system. This paper first discusses the theoretical basis of non-commercial forestry compensation system and the process of establishment of non-commercial forestry compensation system in China, and then analyzes the deficiency in the current compensation system. 展开更多
关键词 Non-commercial forest Compensation system Theoretical basis Deftciencies
作者 董明 《新疆财会》 2005年第5期80-80,共1页
(本刊讯)2005年9月12日至14日,自治区财政厅党组书记卡米力·阿不都拉同志,自治区农业厅正厅级巡视员沙吾提·吐尔迪同志,自治区农发办主任夏代提·海木都拉同志携财政厅预算处、教科文处、农业处、农发办领导一行10... (本刊讯)2005年9月12日至14日,自治区财政厅党组书记卡米力·阿不都拉同志,自治区农业厅正厅级巡视员沙吾提·吐尔迪同志,自治区农发办主任夏代提·海木都拉同志携财政厅预算处、教科文处、农业处、农发办领导一行10人,在伊犁州人大副主任左尔墩同志、州财政局党组书记丁军生同志、州财政局长莫合普尔同志及州财政局相关处室负责人的陪同下。分别赴伊犁州本级单位、伊宁市、察布查尔县、伊宁县、特克斯县、昭苏县、尼勒克县、奎屯市等基层单位就伊犁州直农业综合开发、2004年-2005年二期义务教育、中小学危房改造工程、州直中小学生均公用经费执行情况、2004-2005年义务教育阶段“两免一补”的落实、伊犁州直国家生态林效益补偿情况、伊犁州直防洪工作、 展开更多
关键词 党组书记 自治区 财政厅 义务教育阶段 生态效益补偿 调研 财政局长 农业综合开发 危房改造工程
北京 全力打造绿色生态城市
作者 李轩 《中国林业》 2005年第01B期8-9,共2页
关键词 北京 绿色生态城市 科学发展观 山区生态林补偿机制 业重点工程补助政策 自然保护区
Mechanisms for Realizing the Economic Values of Ecosystem Services 被引量:2
作者 张昌顺 刘春兰 李娜 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2015年第6期412-419,共8页
The fact that ecosystem services have values that can be quantified has been widely accepted in recent years. Part of the economic values of ecosystem services have been realized partly by ecological compensation of f... The fact that ecosystem services have values that can be quantified has been widely accepted in recent years. Part of the economic values of ecosystem services have been realized partly by ecological compensation of fiscal transfer payments at different levels, trade and consumption of leisure tourism and ecological products, and carbon sequestration forest funds sponsored by non-governmental capital. However, it remains difficult to realize the economic value of ecosystem services as industrial products and support the coordinated and sustainable development of nature, economy and society. To reveal the role of ecological compensation, consumption of biological products, leisure tourism and ecosystem services trading in realizing the economic values of ecosystem services, we analyzed the composition, transfer and consumption pattern of ecosystem services. In order to provide theoretical and technological support for inter-regional ecological compensation, ecosystem service industry development and ecosystem services trade, the concept of ecosystem services credit and key problems with ecosystem services trading are proposed. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem services values of ecosystem services value transfer ecological compensation forestry ecological project
Responses of Ecosystems to Ecological Compensation in a Key Ecological Function Area of the Loess Plateau 被引量:2
作者 鲁春霞 余付勤 +1 位作者 刘晓洁 Dhruba Bijaya G.C. 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2015年第6期369-374,共6页
Evaluation of the ecological effects of eco-compensation policies helps analyze policy rationality and feasibility and provides scientific and practical bases for perfecting eco-compensation systems. Taking the key ec... Evaluation of the ecological effects of eco-compensation policies helps analyze policy rationality and feasibility and provides scientific and practical bases for perfecting eco-compensation systems. Taking the key ecological function area of the Loess Plateau, China as a case study, we have evaluated ecosystem responses to the Grain-for-Green Project that commenced in 1999. Six indicators were selected to assess changes in ecosystem structure, quality and function. The results showed that implementation of the Grain-for-Green Project has reduced sloping cropland by 1571 km2 and increased ecological land by 1337 km2. The increase in ecological land alters ecosystem structures across the study area and the decline in sloping cropland reduces farming activity interference; both of these are conducive to the restoration of natural vegetation. From 2000 to 2010, the vegetation cover of grassland, desert and forest ecosystems increased 10.89%, 8.34% and 4.24% respectively and average NPP rose 51%, with an average annual growth rate of around 5%. This indicates that eco-compensation has promoted the improvement of ecosystem quality. Total biomass of ecosystems increased two times on average from 2000 to 2010, meaning that the carbon sequestration capacity of ecosystems also increased. The reduction in the area of water loss and soil erosion and the increase in retained runoff by forests indicate an improvement in ecosystem function and services on the Loess Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 Grain-for-Green Project eco-compensation response ECOSYSTEM Loess Plateau
Factors Affecting the Willingness of Farmers to Accept Eco-compensation in the Qianxi Chestnut Agroforestry System,Hebei 被引量:2
作者 WANG Jiaran LIU Moucheng +1 位作者 YANG Lun MIN Qingwen 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2018年第4期407-415,共9页
Ecological compensation plays an important role in promoting ecological protection.Identifying factors affecting the willingness of farmers to accept eco-compensation has become a focus of ecological economics.The Qia... Ecological compensation plays an important role in promoting ecological protection.Identifying factors affecting the willingness of farmers to accept eco-compensation has become a focus of ecological economics.The Qianxi traditional chestnut agricultural heritage system is a typical agroforestry system in China and adapts the local environment well.However,local farmers concentrate on chestnut monocultures,driven by short-term profits.The local ecological environment is very fragile.We surveyed 100 local rural households.Based on face-to-face interviews and questionnaires and model assessment,we analyzed factors affecting the willingness of farmers to accept eco-compensation in the Qianxi chestnut agroforestry system of Hebei.We found that many factors influence farmer willingness to accept,including education level,household income,environmental awareness,environmental protection practices and knowledge of ecological compensation.This research provides helps clarify the mechanism of farmer participation in eco-compensation and provides a basis for further development of compensation standards that benefit the local environment. 展开更多
关键词 agroforestry system ecological compensation willingness to accept Qianxi
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