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昆山生态森林公园野生观赏植物资源开发评价研究 被引量:1
作者 魏亮亮 张丽娜 《中国农学通报》 2017年第2期67-72,共6页
为进一步丰富昆山城市园林绿化植物品种并积极开发利用乡土野生观赏植物资源,选取昆山生态森林公园内的60种野生观赏植物资源作为研究对象,通过构建由观赏价值系数、濒危系数、繁殖难易系数、抗性系数、蕴藏系数和生境适宜性系数6项指... 为进一步丰富昆山城市园林绿化植物品种并积极开发利用乡土野生观赏植物资源,选取昆山生态森林公园内的60种野生观赏植物资源作为研究对象,通过构建由观赏价值系数、濒危系数、繁殖难易系数、抗性系数、蕴藏系数和生境适宜性系数6项指标组成的评价体系进行评价分析,确定60种观赏植物的优先开发序。研究结果表明:第一类的夏至草、益母草等15种植物在昆山极具推广应用价值,第二类马齿苋、野菊等6种植物也可在园林建设中积极推广,第三类以及第四类共39种植物的推广应用价值意义不大。通过综合评价,可为昆山地区野生观赏植物资源的开发利用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 昆山生态森林公园 野生观赏植物 优先开发序
善行旅游在生态型森林公园中的良性实践嫁接与再造——以福州国家森林公园为例 被引量:4
作者 郑耀星 阮永明 储德平 《资源开发与市场》 CAS CSSCI 2014年第1期93-95,共3页
善行旅游是一种全新理念和一种良性实践的智慧结晶,它通过融合生态旅游、绿色旅游、低碳旅游、可持续旅游的理念,以一种可行的实践方式推动着人与自然、社会三方的和谐共处。鉴于此,对善行旅游进行论证,对生态型福州国家森林公园开发现... 善行旅游是一种全新理念和一种良性实践的智慧结晶,它通过融合生态旅游、绿色旅游、低碳旅游、可持续旅游的理念,以一种可行的实践方式推动着人与自然、社会三方的和谐共处。鉴于此,对善行旅游进行论证,对生态型福州国家森林公园开发现状进行描述,挖掘其存在的瓶颈,针对问题将善行旅游这样一种良性实践嫁接于生态型森林公园。从旅游服务理念、旅游发展机制、旅游文化保护、旅游发展产业、旅游产品形态方面对福州国家森林公园进行再造与转型升级。 展开更多
关键词 善行旅游 生态森林公园 良性实践 福州国家森林公园
作者 杨瑞文 《农家致富顾问》 2017年第18期88-88,共1页
城市森林公园与传统城市公园相比,具有维护成本低、生态功能显著和保护物种多样性等特点.将城市森林作为城市绿化的立足点,能够全面提高城市绿地的生态功能,促进城市的可持续发展,是提高城市园林绿化水平和城市形象的重要途径.城市森林... 城市森林公园与传统城市公园相比,具有维护成本低、生态功能显著和保护物种多样性等特点.将城市森林作为城市绿化的立足点,能够全面提高城市绿地的生态功能,促进城市的可持续发展,是提高城市园林绿化水平和城市形象的重要途径.城市森林公园景观生态规划是实现森林公园生态功能和社会功能的重要途径,对于改善城市生态环境并满足人类日益增长的精神文化需求具有重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 西宁 西堡生态森林公园 现状 规划
基于层次熵分析法的森林公园生态旅游发展研究——以30个国家森林公园为例 被引量:23
作者 王瀛旭 郭燕茹 陈东杰 《林业经济》 北大核心 2021年第1期68-82,共15页
为全面掌握生态旅游对森林公园产生的影响,客观、公正评价其发展状况,文章从我国东部、中部、西部地区共抽取30个国家级森林公园为案例进行实证研究,从生态旅游资源、生态旅游社区、生态旅游环境、生态旅游发展、开发利用条件5个维度构... 为全面掌握生态旅游对森林公园产生的影响,客观、公正评价其发展状况,文章从我国东部、中部、西部地区共抽取30个国家级森林公园为案例进行实证研究,从生态旅游资源、生态旅游社区、生态旅游环境、生态旅游发展、开发利用条件5个维度构建国家森林公园生态旅游发展评价指标体系,采用层次熵分析法和多目标线性加权函数法确定指标权重与生态旅游综合计算模型,基于评价结果,对30个森林公园进行了分类研究。研究结果表明:(1)生态旅游资源(0.3408)、开发利用条件(0.2583)权重值之和超过59%,是衡量森林公园生态旅游发展的关键因素;(2)指标层中旅游资源吸引力(0.1157)、生物多样性(0.0877)、区位条件(0.0896)及内外部交通条件(0.0626)权重值最高,是影响森林公园生态旅游发展评价的重要指标;(3)对30个国家森林公园生态旅游发展评分进行聚类分析,得出关注型7个、薄弱型8个、矛盾型4个、发展型5个以及优质型6个。研究认为,发展森林公园生态旅游应按照近期、中期、远期目标分层次稳步推进,在此基础上有针对性地提出坚持特色开发与宣传,打造生态旅游品牌;加强基础设施建设,满足游客需求;坚持保护性开发,实现旅游发展与生态保护相得益彰;构建合理社区格局,强化内生动力等政策启示。研究结果验证了发展评价指标体系的可行性及其在森林公园生态旅游发展背景下的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 层次熵分析法 森林公园生态旅游 发展水平评价
作者 张明霞 王得祥 陶雅琴 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2023年第9期144-149,共6页
作为青藏高原重要核心区域,保护好青海生态环境是“国之大者”,青海省第十四次党代会提出“六个现代化新青海建设”目标,牢牢把握“三个最大”省情定位和“三个更加重要”战略地位,全面启动生态文明高地建设。具备良好生态服务功能的生... 作为青藏高原重要核心区域,保护好青海生态环境是“国之大者”,青海省第十四次党代会提出“六个现代化新青海建设”目标,牢牢把握“三个最大”省情定位和“三个更加重要”战略地位,全面启动生态文明高地建设。具备良好生态服务功能的生态森林公园是现代化宜居城市的重要标志,城市在森林中、森林在城市中,城市与森林两种体系相互融合、高效互动、综合生态体系平衡,建设生态公园发挥综合功能的重大意义无可替代。本文以青海省会城市西宁市西堡生态森林公园为例,构建生态公园质量评价指标体系,探索青藏高原生态公园建设路径,为推进高原城乡绿地系统、城市生态功能区和公园体系建设提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 生态森林公园 青海西宁 生态文明高地
对发展广东省生态旅游经济的新探讨 被引量:1
作者 叶晓东 《南方论刊》 2010年第1期26-28,共3页
综观经济效益理论运用到旅游经济中,就对生态旅游的发展提供了理论上的解释。笔者通过对广东省生态旅游资源的调查,运用综观经济学理论,合理的对广东省生态旅游的发展提出了建议,包括:大力发展粤北的山区生态旅游;大力发展粤西的森林公... 综观经济效益理论运用到旅游经济中,就对生态旅游的发展提供了理论上的解释。笔者通过对广东省生态旅游资源的调查,运用综观经济学理论,合理的对广东省生态旅游的发展提出了建议,包括:大力发展粤北的山区生态旅游;大力发展粤西的森林公园生态旅游;大力发展珠江三角洲的都市型生态旅游;大力发展东西两翼的沿海生态旅游四方面。 展开更多
关键词 山区生态旅游 森林公园生态旅游 都市型生态旅游 沿海生态旅游
A model of deep ecotourism development and its empirical study 被引量:1
作者 Yu Lixin 《Ecological Economy》 2007年第4期417-424,共8页
Ecotourism requires the harmony of all factors involved in tourism system for a multilateral benefit. Based on such cognition, a concept of deep ecotourism development is put forward which includes two connotations: o... Ecotourism requires the harmony of all factors involved in tourism system for a multilateral benefit. Based on such cognition, a concept of deep ecotourism development is put forward which includes two connotations: on the one hand, it should give prominence to the display of the eco-culture of the tourist destination and tourists' eco-experience, in which way the development behavior on the tourist destination and the tourists' behavior will be regulated; on the other hand, it implies the deep harmony among tourist entrepreneurs and tourists, the local governments and the local residents, as well as tourist activities and the ecological environment in the tourism development for the multilateral benefit of every element involved and sustainable tourism development. The common sense is that the degrees in a certain tourism destination will differ and that consequently four levels of ecotourism are divided - very shallow ecotourism, shallow ecotourism, deep ecotourism and very deep ecotourism. To move shallow ecotourism toward deep one, two models of "four subjects and two wings" and "connecting the two wings" of deep ecotourism development system are introduced to make ecotourism industry favorable to the display of eco-culture and the sustainable development of the destination community. With the two models, a case study of ecotourism development in Louguantai National Forest Park was made as a demonstration. The ultimate purpose is to build an ideal new Shangri-La. 展开更多
关键词 Deep ecotourism development The harmony of ecotourism system The display of eco-culture Louguantai Forest Park New Shangri-La
Ecotourism Development Evaluation and Measures for Forest Parks in China 被引量:1
作者 向宝惠 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2017年第5期470-477,共8页
Forest parks are one of the important kinds of destinations for the development of ecotourism in China. Based on the principles of ecotourism, an evaluation index system of ecotourism development in forest parks was e... Forest parks are one of the important kinds of destinations for the development of ecotourism in China. Based on the principles of ecotourism, an evaluation index system of ecotourism development in forest parks was established. This paper uses data from investigations in 27 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in China to evaluate and analyze the ecotourism development of China's forest parks. In order to promote the sustainable development of ecotourism in forest parks, the paper suggests a number of measures, such as promoting the integration of the tourism industry and related industries, exploring folklore tourism products, planning an environmental interpretation system, perfecting the infrastructure and service facilities system in line with the principles of ecology, building an environmental monitoring system, setting up a reasonable mechanism for community participation, strengthening capital investment and investment management, and paying attention to the cultivation of professional talent for ecotourism. These measures can be used as references and guides to the development and construction of ecotourism in forest parks in China. 展开更多
关键词 forest park ecotourism development EVALUATION measures China
A Preliminary Study on Effects of Four Urban Greenbelt Types on Human Comfort in Shenzhen,P.R.China 被引量:2
作者 SUN Bing WU Tuliang +1 位作者 CHEN Yong LIAO Shaobo 《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 2006年第2期84-92,共9页
Four urban greenbelt types including roadside greenbelt, resident-area greenbelt, landscape forest, and forest park, were simultaneously investigated in Shenzhen, China, in such measures as air temperature, air humidi... Four urban greenbelt types including roadside greenbelt, resident-area greenbelt, landscape forest, and forest park, were simultaneously investigated in Shenzhen, China, in such measures as air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, air anion ratio, and inhalabal particle concentration, which were strongly related with pleasing feeling of human body. The results show that the average air temperature in both forest park and landscape forest is much closer to the pleasing feeling of human body temperature than that of the rest two greenbelts, where it is 1.782 ℃ and 0.837℃ in forest park as well as 3.084 ℃ and 2.140 ℃ in landscape forest less than that of roadside and resident-area greenbelts, respectively. In terms of mean air humidity, forest park and landscape forest are 3.034% and 7.563% higher than that of roadside greenbelt, and 1.205% and 5.734% higher than that of resident-area greenbelt, respectively, implying a sound humidity feeling of human comfort in the former two types. The air cleanness holds a descending rank as forest park, landscape forest, resident-area greenbelt, and roadside greenbelt, whereas the rank in inhalable particle concentration is completely reverse. In general, landscape forest and forest park that mainly consist of trees have a comparatively higher feeling of human comfort whereas roadside and resident-area greenbelts fluctuate irregularly to some extent for the measures studied. The four greenbelt types investigated could be summarized in human comfort as the following descending rank, forest park, landscape forest, resident-area greenbelt, and roadside greenbelt. 展开更多
关键词 urban greenbelt human comfort SHENZHEN China
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