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生态植草混凝土制备及其在生态城护岸中的应用 被引量:5
作者 梁远博 王成启 《水运工程》 北大核心 2021年第6期1-5,共5页
针对我国基础工程建设过程中因对地理形貌和植被造成毁坏而引起的地域生态环境失调等问题,进行兼具生态保护和护坡功能的生态植草混凝土及其施工技术研究。采用低碱度特种材料、大粒径骨料和优化配合比设计等方法,制备强度≥7.0 MPa、... 针对我国基础工程建设过程中因对地理形貌和植被造成毁坏而引起的地域生态环境失调等问题,进行兼具生态保护和护坡功能的生态植草混凝土及其施工技术研究。采用低碱度特种材料、大粒径骨料和优化配合比设计等方法,制备强度≥7.0 MPa、孔隙率≥30%、pH值≤9.0的生态植草混凝土,满足植物生长的基本要求。在室内试验和模型试验的基础上,依托株洲市清水塘老工业区产业新城整体开发PPP工程,确定了生态植草混凝土关键施工技术,并成功应用于边坡工程,边坡治理后的90 d植被覆盖率为95.3%,有效解决了滑坡隐患和绿化问题。 展开更多
关键词 生态植草混凝土 施工工艺 生态护岸
生态植草沟结构参数变化对降雨径流调蓄净化效应的影响 被引量:23
作者 沈子欣 阚丽艳 车生泉 《上海交通大学学报(农业科学版)》 2015年第6期46-52,共7页
通过对5条不同结构参数的生态植草沟进行模拟降雨径流实验,分析生态植草沟结构参数变化对降雨径流的调蓄效应和污染物净化效应的影响,找出效果最佳的结构参数和相关影响因素。结果表明,5种结构参数的生态植草沟在大雨(12mm/h)和暴雨(24... 通过对5条不同结构参数的生态植草沟进行模拟降雨径流实验,分析生态植草沟结构参数变化对降雨径流的调蓄效应和污染物净化效应的影响,找出效果最佳的结构参数和相关影响因素。结果表明,5种结构参数的生态植草沟在大雨(12mm/h)和暴雨(24、30mm/h)情况下对降雨径流洪峰的延缓均能超过20min,同时对降雨径流的削减率均能达到20%以上;5种结构参数的生态植草沟中对径流污染物净化效果最佳的结构组合是:20cm种植土+30cm砌块砖+10cm砾石,此结构对总悬浮物(TSS)、化学需氧量(COD)、氨氮(NH+4-N)和总磷(TP)的削减率分别为89.3%、48.0%、72.3%和85.3%;随着砌块砖厚度增加、砾石厚度减少,植草沟对TSS和TP的削减率都增大;随着砾石厚度增加、砌块砖厚度减小,植草沟对COD的削减率增大;砌块砖层和砾石层组合结构的植草沟对氨氮的削减率较高。 展开更多
关键词 生态植草 结构参数 调蓄效应 净化效应
“生态植草”助力西藏生态文明建设——中华环境保护基金会援藏项目纪实 被引量:2
作者 李力 《环境与可持续发展》 2021年第5期69-72,共4页
保护青藏高原的生态环境事关中华民族乃至全球生存和发展。开展生态植草、修复青藏高原草地生态系统对于建设高原生态安全屏障具有重要意义。中华环境保护基金会作为国内首家专门从事环境保护的公募基金会,积极整合企业和社会资源,推进... 保护青藏高原的生态环境事关中华民族乃至全球生存和发展。开展生态植草、修复青藏高原草地生态系统对于建设高原生态安全屏障具有重要意义。中华环境保护基金会作为国内首家专门从事环境保护的公募基金会,积极整合企业和社会资源,推进西藏生态植草,为社会组织参与高原生态环境保护提供了借鉴与参考。 展开更多
关键词 西藏 生态植草 社会组织 生态环境保护 生态文明建设
生态植草沟对降雨径流污染物去除率试验分析 被引量:4
作者 巴诺 《水利技术监督》 2020年第1期71-76,93,共7页
文章分析了3种生态植草沟类型污染物去除效率,对主要设计参数进行探讨。结果表明:渗透型植草沟去污效果最佳,各污染指标去除率均在60%以上,适合于居民区及商业区;表流型植草沟整体去污效果不如渗透型植草沟,各污染物指标去除效率为50%~6... 文章分析了3种生态植草沟类型污染物去除效率,对主要设计参数进行探讨。结果表明:渗透型植草沟去污效果最佳,各污染指标去除率均在60%以上,适合于居民区及商业区;表流型植草沟整体去污效果不如渗透型植草沟,各污染物指标去除效率为50%~60%,适合于公路交通区域;干植型植草沟污染物去除效率最低,适合于居民生活区。 展开更多
关键词 生态植草 污染物 去除率 降雨径流 面源污染
河岸带基底生态导流植草沟对地表径流净化效果研究 被引量:1
作者 喻阳 冯旭 +3 位作者 李珊珊 陈小刚 吴属连 赵振业 《广东化工》 CAS 2021年第7期120-123,共4页
为重建河岸带生态系统,本研究于秦台河河岸带构建S和L两种基底生态导流植草沟,在模拟和实际条件下,考察两类植草沟对不同浓度地表径流污染物的净化效果,同时对比两类植草沟与原始河岸的净化作用。实验表明:S型较L型出流时长较短;两类植... 为重建河岸带生态系统,本研究于秦台河河岸带构建S和L两种基底生态导流植草沟,在模拟和实际条件下,考察两类植草沟对不同浓度地表径流污染物的净化效果,同时对比两类植草沟与原始河岸的净化作用。实验表明:S型较L型出流时长较短;两类植草沟对高浓度的地表径流净化效果较好,对COD、TP、氨氮去除率分别在42.3%、62.6%、54.6%以上,对中低浓度的地表径流净化效果较差;两类植草沟对地表径流的净化效果均好于原始河岸带,其中S型植草沟最好,对COD、氨氮、TP的去除率均达到81%以上,L型植草沟次之,其对COD、氨氮、TP的去除率均为50%以上。 展开更多
关键词 地表径流 河岸带 基底生态导流植草 去除率%
生态袋植草护坡技术在城市河道治理中的应用 被引量:3
作者 李威亚 徐鑫 姚磊钧 《四川水利》 2021年第S02期45-46,55,共3页
城市河道治理正在从单纯的防洪性需求转变成兼具生态性、景观性与防洪性三位一体的复合性功能需求,而生态袋植草护坡技术作为河道治理中的一种重要手段,在多个城市的河道治理中皆有所应用,现根据成都市温江区江安河河道治理工程的现场... 城市河道治理正在从单纯的防洪性需求转变成兼具生态性、景观性与防洪性三位一体的复合性功能需求,而生态袋植草护坡技术作为河道治理中的一种重要手段,在多个城市的河道治理中皆有所应用,现根据成都市温江区江安河河道治理工程的现场施工调研情况,对生态袋植草护坡技术在其中的应用进行具体分析,阐述在施工中遇到的实际问题和相应解决办法以供类似项目参考。 展开更多
关键词 生态植草护坡 城市河道治理 生态 防洪
作者 王贵川 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)自然科学》 2022年第8期9-11,共3页
喀斯特山区植被被破坏,土地使用率下降,人与自然矛盾显著,石漠化问题愈加突出,地质灾害发生率较高;为了缓和人与自然的矛盾,能为治理喀斯特地貌多一种方法,植草生态混凝土引入研究。本文以 “材料过程工程学”这一视角确定了植草生态混... 喀斯特山区植被被破坏,土地使用率下降,人与自然矛盾显著,石漠化问题愈加突出,地质灾害发生率较高;为了缓和人与自然的矛盾,能为治理喀斯特地貌多一种方法,植草生态混凝土引入研究。本文以 “材料过程工程学”这一视角确定了植草生态混凝土循环经济的发展模式,得出了要从减少对不可再生资源的消耗、充分利用废弃资源,建立保护环境、生态化意识三个途径打造“绿色化”、“生态化”的植生混凝土产业体系。从植草生态混凝土结构工程、结构特性、生态修复方面对喀斯特地貌特性提出了应用策略,保护自然的同时美化自然,最终实现人与自然的和谐共生。 展开更多
关键词 喀斯特山区 植草生态 混凝土
作者 李晟钰 陈池威 +3 位作者 陈德钢 曾显迪 苏燕 谢秀栋 《绿色科技》 2016年第10期210-212,共3页
指出了在生态环保、节能降耗日渐成为趋势的新时期,各类新型生态挡土墙都得到了不同程度的应用。探究了不同填土性质、不同水流速度下新型生态挡墙的抗冲稳定性,分析了生态挡墙的水毁机理,探讨了新型生态挡墙的生态特点及适用范围,以期... 指出了在生态环保、节能降耗日渐成为趋势的新时期,各类新型生态挡土墙都得到了不同程度的应用。探究了不同填土性质、不同水流速度下新型生态挡墙的抗冲稳定性,分析了生态挡墙的水毁机理,探讨了新型生态挡墙的生态特点及适用范围,以期为合理设计该类生态挡土墙提供科学的参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 新型生态挡墙 生态植草 砌块 冲刷
作者 周婷 何凡 +2 位作者 贾洪柏 陈升 林宇迪 《安徽农学通报》 2023年第7期153-155,160,共4页
为了开发农业面源污染水质提升新技术,本研究以生态多孔介质、生态飘带等新功能材料为基础,结合试验地的实际情况,设计了生态植草沟、氮磷拦截沟渠、雨水花园等技术,并进行了应用。结果表明,COD的消减率达47%~56%,氨氮消减率达58%~72%,T... 为了开发农业面源污染水质提升新技术,本研究以生态多孔介质、生态飘带等新功能材料为基础,结合试验地的实际情况,设计了生态植草沟、氮磷拦截沟渠、雨水花园等技术,并进行了应用。结果表明,COD的消减率达47%~56%,氨氮消减率达58%~72%,TP消减率达51%~75%,TN消减率达45%~51%,水质提升效果明显。本研究成果可以为农业面源污染治理提供新的解决方案。 展开更多
关键词 农业面源污染 功能材料 生态植草 氮磷拦截沟 雨水花园
作者 张洁 姜晗 《城市道桥与防洪》 2022年第9期119-121,M0012,共4页
随着我国城镇化的快速发展,互通立交已经成为了城市发展的重要标志,而城市基础设施、城市管理能力等因素跟不上城镇快速发展的需要,各种城市病累积爆发,尤其是近年来频发的“城市内涝”现象,对城市居民生活质量造成了严重影响,制约了城... 随着我国城镇化的快速发展,互通立交已经成为了城市发展的重要标志,而城市基础设施、城市管理能力等因素跟不上城镇快速发展的需要,各种城市病累积爆发,尤其是近年来频发的“城市内涝”现象,对城市居民生活质量造成了严重影响,制约了城市的快速可持续发展。为了贯彻我国“海绵城市”建设理念,以西安市酒十路互通立交为依托,探讨低影响开发下的立交排水设计,并结合实际案例提供一些建设性的经验。 展开更多
关键词 海绵城市 互通立交 生态植草 雨水花园 排水设计
海绵城市在轨道交通工程中的应用探讨 被引量:1
作者 张贞 《价值工程》 2019年第18期28-30,共3页
近几年,随着国务院推进海绵城市建设的步伐,人们对如何实现控制雨水径流,充分循环利用水资源的需求也逐渐提高。如何将海绵城市的建设与城市建设相结合,实现绿色城市的构想,是目前城市建设中面临的新的问题。本文结合西安北客站至机场... 近几年,随着国务院推进海绵城市建设的步伐,人们对如何实现控制雨水径流,充分循环利用水资源的需求也逐渐提高。如何将海绵城市的建设与城市建设相结合,实现绿色城市的构想,是目前城市建设中面临的新的问题。本文结合西安北客站至机场铁路项目来探讨城市轨道交通工程建设中如何实现海绵城市的一些构想,探讨海绵城市在工程实际中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 海绵城市 西咸新区 轨道交通 雨水种植池 生态植草 雨水花园
作者 王振荣 《福建建材》 2019年第9期40-41,10,共3页
关键词 海绵城市 透水铺装 绿色屋顶 雨水花园 生态植草
作者 黄兴 《花卉》 2021年第22期91-92,共2页
广州科学城外环线(广汕公路、永顺大道、新桂路、新阳东路)绿化景观提升工程勘察设计施工一体化项目在园林绿化施工过程中,通过置石、生态植草沟植物配置、挡土墙施工、节能减排、专利等关键技术应用,园林景观效果突出,取得良好的社会... 广州科学城外环线(广汕公路、永顺大道、新桂路、新阳东路)绿化景观提升工程勘察设计施工一体化项目在园林绿化施工过程中,通过置石、生态植草沟植物配置、挡土墙施工、节能减排、专利等关键技术应用,园林景观效果突出,取得良好的社会效益和经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 园林绿化 施工关键技术 置石 生态植草沟植物配置
Effects of Land Use Change on Ecosystem Services in Arid Area Ecological Migration 被引量:9
作者 LIU Xiaopeng CHEN Xiao +5 位作者 HUA Kaiping WANG Yajuan WANG Peng HAN Xiaojia YE Junyan WEN Shengqiang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第5期894-906,共13页
Ecological migration is the process of increasing the population density in the immigration area and transferring the ecological pressure from emigration area to immigration area. This process may result in significan... Ecological migration is the process of increasing the population density in the immigration area and transferring the ecological pressure from emigration area to immigration area. This process may result in significant changes in land use and land cover in the area of immigration and have an important effect on ecosystem services. Therefore, scientifically revealing the effects and differentiation mechanisms of ecological migration on ecosystem services is becoming an important issue related to the implementation of the national ecological migration strategy in China. This study employed the Hongsibu District as a typical example of ecological migration. Hongsibu District is located in the central Ningxia steppe and desert steppe areas. Remote sensing data covering five periods from the period before ecological migration in 1995 and after migration in 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015 was used to measure the value of ecosystem services(ESV). A geographical detector model and the value of ecosystem services model were used to diagnose the dynamic mechanism of the effects of land use change on ecosystem services. The results showed that: 1) The development of large-scale ecological resettlement has caused the area of cultivated land and urbanized land area to increase significantly in the area of immigration, while the grass area decreased significantly. 2) The overall value of the Hongsibu ecosystem services increased in a form of a ‘V'. Among them, during the period of 1995–2005, the overall ESV decreased and had an annual rate of change of-0.67%. During the period of development 2005–2015, the ESV increased steadily, with an annual rate of change of 0.79%. 3) The proportion and total ESV in soil formation and protection, waste treatment, and biodiversity conservation of the Hongsibu District decreased from 57.61% in 1995 to 56.17% in 2015, indicating that the region's ecological regulation function slightly decreased. 4) The ESV in the Hongsibu District, showed a low distribution pattern of ecosystem services increasing from northeast to southwest, and the capacity of three townships, Hongsibu, Taiyangshan, and Liuquan, to provide ecosystem services gradually declined over time. The ecological service function of Xinzhuangji Township and Dahe Township gradually improved. 5) The sensitivity index of the ESV of each land use type was less than 1, indicating that the environment lacks flexibility in providing a strong ESV index in Hongsibu, which shows that the research results are reliable and believable. 6) During the study period, the decisive force of the change of land use on ecosystem services in Hongsibu District was: grassland(0.9934), climate regulation(0.9413), soil formation and protection(0.9321) and waste treatment(0.9241). 展开更多
关键词 ecological migration land use change ecosystem services geo-detector arid area Hongsibu district
Ecological and Economic Benefits of Vegetation Management Measures in Citrus Orchards on Red Soils 被引量:17
作者 SHUI Jian-Guo WANG Qiu-Zhen +2 位作者 LIAO Gen-Qing J. AU J. L. ALLARD 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期214-221,共8页
A three-year experiment was conducted to investigate and compare the economic and ecological benefits of six types of vegetation management measures in citrus orchards of the hilly red soil region of the eastern part ... A three-year experiment was conducted to investigate and compare the economic and ecological benefits of six types of vegetation management measures in citrus orchards of the hilly red soil region of the eastern part of China.Six vegetation treatments,including tillage without herbicide(clean tillage)and no tillage without herbicide(sod culture) and with herbicide paraquat(paraquat),glyphosate(glyphosate),glyphosate-glyphosate-paraquat(G-G-P),and paraquat- paraquat-glyphosate(P-P-G),were applied in the citrus orchards on a clayey red soil with slopes of 8°and 13°and a sandy soil with slope of 25°.The results showed that the sod culture,paraquat,glyphosate,G-G-P,and P-P-G treatments reduced surface runoff by 38.8%,42.5%,18.7%,28.7%,and 37.5%,then the soil-water losses by 55.5%,51.7%,39.9%,46.8%, and 50.0%,and the N,P,and K nutrient losses by 60.3%,50.2%,37.0%,41.8%,and 45.4%,respectively,as compared with the clean tillage treatment.The weed regeneration ratios with the treatments of clean tillage without herbicide,paraquat, glyphosate,G-G-P,and P-P-G were reduced by 55.1%,67.2%,30.3%,36.8%,and 51.2%,respectively,as compared with the sod culture.The sod culture,paraquat,glyphosate,G-G-P,and P-P-G treatments could increase the soil fertility (annual accumulation of N,P,K,and OM)by 7.1%,6.9%,5.3%,6.2%,and 6.6%,respectively,whereas the clean tillage treatment without herbicide reduced soil fertility by 4.4% after the three-year experiment.The citrus fruit yields in the treatments of paraquat,glyphosate,G-G-P,and P-P-G increased by 7%-10%;the soluble solid,total sugar,total acidity,sugar-acid ratio,and single fruit weight of citrus fruits of all treatments except sod culture significantly(P>0.05) exceeded that of the clean tillage treatment.In general,the paraquat treatment showed the best economic and ecological benefits among the six treatments;therefore,it could be regarded as the best available vegetation management measure in citrus orchards of hilly red soil region to retain water and soil,enhance soil fertility,and improve the yield and quality of citrus. 展开更多
关键词 BENEFITS CITRUS HERBICIDE red soil vegetation management
Contribution of Study Bioecology of the Fauna Chamaerops humilis in the Region of Tlemcen (Algeria)
作者 Damerdji Amina 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第10期1158-1166,共9页
The region of Tlemcen is situated in the north-west of Algeria. The aridity of the climate had lead to the development of the matorral, a state of degradation of the Mediterranean, and the composed xerophytes plants s... The region of Tlemcen is situated in the north-west of Algeria. The aridity of the climate had lead to the development of the matorral, a state of degradation of the Mediterranean, and the composed xerophytes plants such as doum and diss, had been found. Chamaerops humilis, xerophyte plant, with special morphologic and botanic character presents a resistance of these climatic. The authors have proposed study of fauna closly linked to this plant. A faunistic inventory was realized in the Mansourah area (region of Tlemcen). Four stations have been described. Collecting sample was performed during June 2003-Mar. 2004, replying on sixteen (16) prelevements. The number of species were estimated of about 136, in which 111 are Arthropoda, the Entomofauna represented by 97 species and the other inventory are Arachnida by 8 species and Myriapoda by 6 species. 18 species are related to Gastropoda. The vertebrates are few. The importance of different groups' recolted on the Chamaerops humilis in the four stations is done particular to the insects. Analysis factorial correspondence (A.F.C) show different grouping of animal species. 展开更多
关键词 Chamaerops humilis FAUNA INVENTORY BIOECOLOGY region of Tlemcen (Algeria).
Adaptability of Permanent Grassland to Drought
作者 L'ubos Vozar Jan Jancovic Peter Kovar Slaivka Bacova 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第9期1057-1060,共4页
Continuing climate changes are strongly associated with status of water, threatening the majority of ecosystems, including the grass ecosystem. The climate changes primarily affect the botanical composition of grassla... Continuing climate changes are strongly associated with status of water, threatening the majority of ecosystems, including the grass ecosystem. The climate changes primarily affect the botanical composition of grassland that is subsequently determined by production of above-ground phytomass which is used like feed for the ruminants. In our field experiment we assessed the impact of climate changes on grass ecosystem during the long-term period (23 years). We obtained a picture of the preceding development of botanical composition in this stand, due to the assumption that expected climate changes are going to disturb the botanical composition of grassland especially in the grass biome. From the obtained results follows the significant change in botanical composition in grass-herbaceous vegetation with the low share of legumes. It is not possible to confirm strict relation between precipitation during vegetation season and the share of individual botanical group. Analysis of long-term development of the botanical composition of monitored grassland influenced by different pratotechnical interventions demonstrated the significant flexibility this plant community in the times of changing climatic conditions. 展开更多
关键词 GRASSLAND DROUGHT climatic changes botanical composition.
一种生态治水的新材料与新工艺 被引量:6
作者 郑润谋 《北京水利》 2002年第4期40-40,共1页
1前言 河道是个重要的生态系统,自然、绿色、生态平衡的河道生态系统,不仅为生物多样性提供了前提,且提高了水体的纳污和自净能力.同时,自然平衡必将大大降低人工管理维护的成本.从城市生态学的观点来看,生态丰富的河道系统的重要功能之... 1前言 河道是个重要的生态系统,自然、绿色、生态平衡的河道生态系统,不仅为生物多样性提供了前提,且提高了水体的纳污和自净能力.同时,自然平衡必将大大降低人工管理维护的成本.从城市生态学的观点来看,生态丰富的河道系统的重要功能之一,就是把城市的绿色孤岛连起来,并延伸到远郊,使城乡的绿色生态系统成为一个整体,给人以回归自然的感觉. 展开更多
关键词 生态治水 绿色生态系统 河道治理 边坡 生态植草
作者 周密 《中国建筑装饰装修》 2023年第4期171-173,共3页
加快城市中老旧小区的改造,进一步提高城市品质,是目前城市建设中的重要环节。老旧小区雨水排放设施的透水性能和调蓄性能,会直接影响城市内涝的发生频率。本文以某小区的改造项目为载体,研究海绵城市设计理念在老旧小区不透水基础设施... 加快城市中老旧小区的改造,进一步提高城市品质,是目前城市建设中的重要环节。老旧小区雨水排放设施的透水性能和调蓄性能,会直接影响城市内涝的发生频率。本文以某小区的改造项目为载体,研究海绵城市设计理念在老旧小区不透水基础设施改造过程中的技术设计。 展开更多
关键词 海绵城市设计 透水铺装 下沉式绿地 生态植草
Relationships between altitudinal gradient and plant carbon isotope composition of grassland communities on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,China 被引量:13
作者 ZHOU YongChun FAN JiangWen +1 位作者 ZHONG HuaPing ZHANG WenYan 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第2期311-320,共10页
Foliar and root carbon isotope composition(δ13C) of grassland communities on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,China,was obtained by the biomass weighting method and direct measurement.We investigated the characteristics and... Foliar and root carbon isotope composition(δ13C) of grassland communities on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,China,was obtained by the biomass weighting method and direct measurement.We investigated the characteristics and altitudinal patterns of foliar and root δ13C and determined which environmental factors influenced foliar δ13 C most.Foliar δ13 C of alpine steppe was significantly higher than that of alpine meadow and temperate steppe.For alpine meadow,root δ13C was significantly higher than of foliar δ13C.Foliar δ13C increased with altitude at an average rate of 0.60‰ km 1 for the whole grassland ecosystem.This rate was lower than that at species level.However,there were no significant relationships between root δ13C and altitude.Atmospheric pressure was a more important factor than temperature and precipitation in its influence on the altitudinal pattern of foliar δ13C at the community level. 展开更多
关键词 community level carbon isotope composition ALTITUDE atmospheric pressure temperature precipitation QinghaiTibet Plateau
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