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川西高原冬虫夏草生态气候区划研究 被引量:10
作者 张利平 彭云 田宏 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第10期108-116,共9页
川西高原是我国冬虫夏草的重要产区,但其生态气候适宜区一直不是十分明确.综合分析国内特别是川西高原冬虫夏草的调查研究成果,结合产区实际,初步确定以海拔高度、年平均气温、年平均降水量、植被类型、土壤类型、坡度等为区划指标,利用... 川西高原是我国冬虫夏草的重要产区,但其生态气候适宜区一直不是十分明确.综合分析国内特别是川西高原冬虫夏草的调查研究成果,结合产区实际,初步确定以海拔高度、年平均气温、年平均降水量、植被类型、土壤类型、坡度等为区划指标,利用GIS空间分析方法进行生态气候适宜性区划.结果表明:冬虫夏草适宜区和次适宜区广泛分布于川西高原的北部高原和南部横断山区的山体山原中上部的草甸和草甸灌丛中,但分布区破碎分散,呈带状、片状或块状.北部高原区相对成片,南部横断山区多以河流和宽谷为界,孤立分散.以雅砻江--鲜水河北延至壤塘县东为界,西部多适宜区,东部以次适宜区为主.以州为界,适宜区主要分布在甘孜州、阿坝州以次适宜区为主.经对比验证,区划结果比较真实、准确,直观地反映了川西高原冬虫夏草的适宜性空间分布,可以为虫草资源调查研究、生态环境保护管理和合理综合利用等提供决策依据. 展开更多
关键词 冬虫夏草 物种分布 生态气候区 川西高原
不同生态气候区核桃坚果品质比较 被引量:7
作者 肖之炎 黄瑞敏 +3 位作者 王其竹 李爱华 常昌富 徐永杰 《中国农学通报》 2019年第28期70-74,共5页
为核桃跨生态气候区引种栽培提供技术参考,以产于亚热带生态气候区湖北保康县和暖温带生态气候区河北临城县早实核桃‘香玲’和晚实核桃‘清香’坚果为试材,采用连续2年的平均数据比较分析它们的坚果表型数量性状、脂肪酸和氨基酸组分... 为核桃跨生态气候区引种栽培提供技术参考,以产于亚热带生态气候区湖北保康县和暖温带生态气候区河北临城县早实核桃‘香玲’和晚实核桃‘清香’坚果为试材,采用连续2年的平均数据比较分析它们的坚果表型数量性状、脂肪酸和氨基酸组分和含量及脂肪酸和氨基酸均衡性。结果表明:同一品种在2个生态气候区表现出各自的优势:地处亚热带地区的早实核桃‘香玲’脂肪酸含量丰富(67.4%),脂肪酸(ω-6PUFA/ω-3 PUFA=8.06)、氨基酸均衡性好(SRC=68.18),晚实核桃‘清香’坚果重(单果重14.27 g)、出仁率高(53.18%)、氨基酸均衡性好(SRC=70.45);地处暖温带地区的早实核桃‘香玲’坚果重(单果重12.83 g)、出仁率高(66.53%)、氨基酸总量(21.84 g/100 g)、必需氨基酸含量(5.91 g/100 g)丰富,晚实核桃‘清香’则脂肪酸含量丰富(72.41%)且均衡性好(ω-6PUFA/ω-3 PUFA=5.77)。说明不同品种类型的核桃坚果品质受生态气候区气候、果园土壤等环境因素影响存在差异。 展开更多
关键词 核桃 生态气候区 坚果品质 脂肪酸 氨基酸
甘肃省甜菜生态气候区划的探讨 被引量:2
作者 邓国伦 邓振镛 方德彪 《中国农业气象》 CSCD 北大核心 1993年第6期9-11,共3页
利用甘肃省40个站点和7个气候指标变量进行自然正交分解,确定以7~8月平均气温、9月气温日较差和6~7月日照时数3个因子作为甜菜气候区划的指标.用上述指标进行模糊聚类分析,将全省划分为5种不同类型的甜菜生态气候区,即最适宜、适宜、... 利用甘肃省40个站点和7个气候指标变量进行自然正交分解,确定以7~8月平均气温、9月气温日较差和6~7月日照时数3个因子作为甜菜气候区划的指标.用上述指标进行模糊聚类分析,将全省划分为5种不同类型的甜菜生态气候区,即最适宜、适宜、次适宜、可能种植和不能种植区.为全省甜菜种植的合理布局、建立甜菜高产优质的生产基地提供科学依据. 展开更多
关键词 甜采 生态气候区 气候 甘肃
甘肃省甜菜生态气候区划的探讨 被引量:2
作者 邓国伦 邓振镛 方德彪 《甘肃农业科技》 北大核心 1993年第11期1-3,共3页
甜菜是甘肃省主要的经济作物之一,其生长发育好坏、产量高低、品质优劣除与品种、农业技术措施有关以外,跟气候生态环境是否适宜有着极为密切的关系。因全省不同地区气候条件差异很大,故各地甜菜种植的气候生态适宜性差异亦很大。本文... 甜菜是甘肃省主要的经济作物之一,其生长发育好坏、产量高低、品质优劣除与品种、农业技术措施有关以外,跟气候生态环境是否适宜有着极为密切的关系。因全省不同地区气候条件差异很大,故各地甜菜种植的气候生态适宜性差异亦很大。本文在已完成的甜菜气候适应性分析及产量、含糖率与气候条件关系探讨的基础上,根据气候条件对甜菜种植的影响,作出了甜菜气候生态区划,为全省甜菜种植的合理布局、建立甜菜高产优质的生产基地提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 甜菜 生态气候区
黑龙江省杨树栽培生态气候区区划模糊聚类分析 被引量:4
作者 孙淑芬 权伍贤 +1 位作者 张剑斌 杨玉林 《防护林科技》 2004年第6期32-34,共3页
筛选出8个与杨树生长相关性较强的气候因子作为聚类分析的指标,采用模糊聚类分析方法,对黑龙江省杨树栽培气候区进行了区划,区划结果为黑龙江省杨树栽培区划为三江平原湿润、半湿润区,松嫩平原东部半湿润、半干旱区和松嫩平原西部半干旱... 筛选出8个与杨树生长相关性较强的气候因子作为聚类分析的指标,采用模糊聚类分析方法,对黑龙江省杨树栽培气候区进行了区划,区划结果为黑龙江省杨树栽培区划为三江平原湿润、半湿润区,松嫩平原东部半湿润、半干旱区和松嫩平原西部半干旱区,确定了各区划区的主栽杨树品种。为各地区制定丰产林规划、丰产林标准及栽培技术措施提供可参考的依据。 展开更多
关键词 黑龙江 杨树 栽培技术 生态气候区 区划 模糊聚类分析
作者 Ralph Jaetzold 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSCD 1993年第Z1期97-99,共3页
关键词 生态气候区 干草原 半荒漠 荒漠 草原生态气候
不同生态气候区泽泻产量与品质的变化研究 被引量:5
作者 张静 杨文钰 +3 位作者 陈兴福 刘卫国 陈圣伦 杜刚 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第22期2857-2861,共5页
目的:比较不同生态气候区泽泻产量和品质的差异,并分析差异的原因。方法:以川产泽泻4个地方种为材料,在四川7个生态气候区育苗移栽,成熟收获后,测定其直径、产量及药用成分含量。并进一步研究其直径与产量的相关性,及主要药用成分之间... 目的:比较不同生态气候区泽泻产量和品质的差异,并分析差异的原因。方法:以川产泽泻4个地方种为材料,在四川7个生态气候区育苗移栽,成熟收获后,测定其直径、产量及药用成分含量。并进一步研究其直径与产量的相关性,及主要药用成分之间的相关性。结果:不同生态气候区泽泻产量存在显著差异,其中眉山的产量最高,达1 200.72 kg.hm-2,其次为都江堰的,达1 167.51 kg.hm-2,宜宾的产量最低,为417.54 kg.hm-2;都江堰的泽泻块茎中23-乙酰泽泻醇B和24-乙酰泽泻醇A含量均显著高于其他生态气候区,分别达4.222,2.727 g.kg-1。泽泻块茎的直径大小与其产量呈极显著正相关,23-乙酰泽泻醇B含量与24-乙酰泽泻醇A含量也呈极显著正相关。结论:综合产量与品质来看,都江堰的质量最佳,眉山的次之,邛崃的最差。 展开更多
关键词 生态气候区 泽泻 产量 品质
作者 周明刚 李成鹏 +2 位作者 许迎杰 杨国彬 杨炳玉 《地球科学前沿(汉斯)》 2023年第2期75-84,共10页
基于云南省大理州祥云县1981~2021年的气象观测资料和数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model, DEM)资料,通过地理信息科学(Geographic Information Science, GIS)技术分析祥云县降水、热量、光照、风以及地形、土壤等生态气候因子对烟... 基于云南省大理州祥云县1981~2021年的气象观测资料和数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model, DEM)资料,通过地理信息科学(Geographic Information Science, GIS)技术分析祥云县降水、热量、光照、风以及地形、土壤等生态气候因子对烟草、核桃、桑树生长发育的影响,结合农业生产实际,运用GIS技术构建具有地方特色农业的生态气候区划及次生的地质灾害风险区划,为振兴区域种植产业和防灾减灾提供科学指导。 展开更多
关键词 GIS 生态气候区 风险区划 乡村振兴
柚木栽培气候区划的研究 被引量:4
作者 陶国祥 《西部林业科学》 CAS 1992年第1期22-26,共5页
关键词 柚木 贴近度 生态气候区
Simulating Net Carbon Budget of Forest Ecosystems and Its Response to Climate Change in Northeastern China Using Improved FORCCHN 被引量:6
作者 ZHAO Junfang YAN Xiaodong JIA Gensuo 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第1期29-41,共13页
As dominant biomes,forests play an important and indispensable role in adjusting the global carbon balance under climate change.Therefore,there are scientific and political implications in investigating the carbon bud... As dominant biomes,forests play an important and indispensable role in adjusting the global carbon balance under climate change.Therefore,there are scientific and political implications in investigating the carbon budget of forest ecosystems and its response to climate change.Here we synthesized the most recent research progresses on the carbon cycle in terrestrial ecosystems,and applied an individual-based forest ecosystem carbon budget model for China(FORCCHN) to simulate the dynamics of the carbon fluxes of forest ecosystems in the northeastern China.The FORCCHN model was further improved and applied through adding variables and modules of precipitation(rainfall and snowfall) interception by tree crown,understory plants and litter.The results showed that the optimized FORCCHN model had a good performance in simulating the carbon budget of forest ecosystems in the northeastern China.From 1981 to 2002,the forests played a positive role in absorbing carbon dioxide.However,the capability of forest carbon sequestration had been gradually declining during the the same period.As for the average spatial distri-bution of net carbon budget,a majority of the regions were carbon sinks.Several scattered areas in the Heilongjiang Province and the Liaoning Province were identified as carbon sources.The net carbon budget was apparently more sensitive to an increase of air temperature than change of precipitation. 展开更多
关键词 net carbon budget climate change northeastern China improved FORCCHN
Climate Change Impacts on Central China and Adaptation Measures
作者 REN Yong-Jian CUI Jiang-Xue +4 位作者 WAN Su-Qin LIU Min CHEN Zheng-Hong LIAO Yu-Fang WANG Ji-Jun 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2013年第4期215-222,共8页
In Central China, the obvious climate change has happened along with global warming. Based on the observational analysis, the climate change has significant effects, both positive and negative, in every field within t... In Central China, the obvious climate change has happened along with global warming. Based on the observational analysis, the climate change has significant effects, both positive and negative, in every field within the study area, and with the harmful effects far more prevalent. Under the A1B scenario, it is reported that temperature, precipitation, days of heat waves, and extreme precipitation intensity will increase at respective rates of 0.38℃ per decade, 12.6 mm per decade, 6.4 d and 47 mm per decade in the 21st century. It is widely believed that these climate changes in the future will result in some apparent impacts on agro-ecosystems, water resources, wetland ecosystem, forest ecosystem, human health, energy sectors and other sensitive fields in Central China. Due to the limited scientific knowledge and researches, there are still some shortages in the climate change assessment methodologies and many uncertainties in the climate prediction results. Therefore, it is urgent and essential to increase the studies of the regional climate change adaptation, extend the research fields, and enhance the studies in the extreme weather and climate events to reduce the uncertainties of the climate change assessments. 展开更多
关键词 climate change impact assessment adaptation measure UNCERTAINTY Central China
Impacts of Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems in Northeast China 被引量:12
作者 WANG Xiao-Ying ZHAO Chun-Yu JIA Qing-Yu 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2013年第4期230-241,共12页
This paper reviews the studies and research on climate change impacts on the forest ecosystems in Northeast China. The results show that in the context of global and regional warming, the growing season of coniferous ... This paper reviews the studies and research on climate change impacts on the forest ecosystems in Northeast China. The results show that in the context of global and regional warming, the growing season of coniferous forests has been increasing at an average rate of 3.9 d per decade. Regional warming favors the growth of temperate broad-leaved forests and has a detrimental effect on the growth of boreal coniferous forests. Over the past hundred years, the forest edge of the cool temperate zone in the southern Daxing'anling region has retreated 140 km northward. From 1896 to 1986, the northern boundary of broad-leaved forests in Heilongjiang province has extended northwestward about 290 km. Future climatic changes (until 2060) may lead to the northern deciduous needle forests moving out of China's territory altogether. The occurrence cycles of pests and diseases have shortened; their distribution ranges have expanded. The life cycle of tent caterpillars (Malacosoma neustria testacea Motschulsky) has shortened from 14-15 years in the past to 8-10 years now. The pine caterpillar (Dendrolimus tabulaeformis Tsai et Liu), which has spread within western Liaoning province and the nearby areas, can now be found in the north and west. Lightning fires in the Daxing'anling region have significantly increased since 1987, and August has become the month when lightning fires occur most frequently. Overall, the net primary productivity (NPP) of forest in Northeast China has increased. The NPP in 1981 was around 0.27 Pg C, and increased to approximately 0.40 Pg C in 2002. With the current climate, the broad-leaved Korean pine forest ecosystem acts as a carbon sink, with a carbon sink capacity of 2.7 Mg C hm-2. Although the carbon sink capacity of the forest ecosystems in Northeast China has been weakened since 2003, the total carbon absorption will still increase. The forest ecosystems in Northeast China are likely to remain a significant carbon sink, and will play a positive role in the mitigation of climate change. 展开更多
关键词 Northeast China forest ecosystem climate change
Oribatid Use as Bioindicateur of Environment: Case of Galumna sp. and Scheloribates sp. (Acari: Oribatida)
作者 Ghezali Djelloul Harkat Hafsa 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第5期518-527,共10页
Environmental characteristics are often the factors that determine the distribution of species in nature. However, species response vis-A-vis these factors differs. For a better understanding of the phenomenon, we hav... Environmental characteristics are often the factors that determine the distribution of species in nature. However, species response vis-A-vis these factors differs. For a better understanding of the phenomenon, we have conducted this study which consists of following the spatio-temporal evolution of two species of Oribatida (Scheloribates sp. and Galumna sp.). The sites which have been the subject of this study, are situated in different bioclimatic zones presenting a very different climatic, edaphic, nutritional, and altitudinal characteristics. The variability of ecological factors showed that the behavior of two species differs. Indeed, Scheloribates sp. is present in all sites except in Biskra whereas Galumna sp. is present only in sites belonging to humid and sub humid bioclimatic zones. Moreover, Scheloribates sp. appears more tolerant of environmental changes while Galumna sp. is more stringent and its presence is marked only in the sites where ecological conditions are better. Thus, it can be noted that the spatial and temporal distribution of oribatid is not only conditioned solely by environmental factors but also by intrinsic factors specific to each species. The specific behavior of Galumna sp. and the tolerance of Scheloribates sp. are interesting and can be the subject of bioindicator species that can inform us about the changes that effect whether natural or anthropogenic environment. 展开更多
关键词 ORIBATIDA ecological factors area bioclimatic spatiotemporal.
A trait-based approach to assess climate change sensitivity of freshwater invertebrates across Swedish ecoregions 被引量:3
作者 Leonard SANDIN Astrid SCHMIDT-KLOIBER +2 位作者 Jens-Christian SVENNING Erik JEPPESEN Nikolai FRIBERG 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期221-232,共12页
Freshwater habitats and organisms are among the most threatened on Earth, and freshwater ecosystems have been subject to large biodiversity losses. We developed a Climate Change Sensitivity (CCS) indicator based on ... Freshwater habitats and organisms are among the most threatened on Earth, and freshwater ecosystems have been subject to large biodiversity losses. We developed a Climate Change Sensitivity (CCS) indicator based on trait information for a selection of stream- and lake-dwelling Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera taxa. We calculated the CCS scores based on ten species traits identified as sensitive to global climate change. We then assessed climate change sensitivity between the six main ecoregions of Sweden as well as the three Swedish regions based on lilies. This was done using biological data from 1,382 stream and lake sites where we compared large-scale (ecoregional) patterns in climate change sensitivity with potential future exposure of these ecosystems to increased temperatures using ensemble-modelled future changes in air temperature. Current (1961-1990) measured temperature and ensemble-modelled future (2100) temperature showed an increase from the northernmost towards the southern ecoregions, whereas the predicted temperature change increased from south to north. The CCS indicator scores were highest in the two northernmost boreal ecoregions where we also can expect the largest global climate change-induced increase in temperature, indicating an unfortunate congruence of exposure and sensitivity to climate change. These results are of vital importance when planning and implementing management and conservation strategies in freshwater ecosystems, e.g., to mitigate increased temperatures using riparian buffer strips. We conclude that traits information on taxa specialization, e.g., in terms of feeding specialism or taxa having a preference for high altitudes as well as sensitivity to changes in temperature are important when assessing the risk from future global climate change to freshwater ecosystems [Current Zoology 60 (2): 221-232, 2014]. 展开更多
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