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论习近平“生态环境生产力”——当代中国马克思主义生产力观 被引量:13
作者 华章琳 《学术论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期1-4,共4页
在治国理政过程中,习近平提出了加强和推进生态文明建设的一系列新理论、新观点。"生态环境生产力论"是其理论基石。"生态环境生产力"克服了传统生产力资源"无限论、无价论与无主论"的不足,体现了马克思... 在治国理政过程中,习近平提出了加强和推进生态文明建设的一系列新理论、新观点。"生态环境生产力论"是其理论基石。"生态环境生产力"克服了传统生产力资源"无限论、无价论与无主论"的不足,体现了马克思主义"自然生产力"基本精神与时代发展。当前,应借助"生态环境生产力"进一步推进我国生态文明建设的思想解放,扩大马克思"劳动价值论"的范畴,合理制定基于多重价值关系的生态环境价值量。 展开更多
关键词 习近平 生态环境 生产 生态环境生产
生态环境生产力论:马克思主义生产力理论的当代发展 被引量:8
作者 张永红 《河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第5期16-20,71,共6页
生态环境生产力论是马克思主义生产力理论的最新成果:其一,它强调保护与改善生态环境并举,在"协调"中培育生产能力,这是对以征服与改造自然为要义,在"斗争"中彰显生产能力的传统生产力理论的纠偏;其二,它强调资源... 生态环境生产力论是马克思主义生产力理论的最新成果:其一,它强调保护与改善生态环境并举,在"协调"中培育生产能力,这是对以征服与改造自然为要义,在"斗争"中彰显生产能力的传统生产力理论的纠偏;其二,它强调资源、环境、生态并重,将生态环境作为潜在要素和内生变量纳入生产力范畴,这是对马克思自然生产力理论的继承与发展;其三,它强调生态环境与民生相融,良好的生态环境是生产力健康持续发展的内在动力与价值目标,这是对生产力价值目标的当代拓展。 展开更多
关键词 习近平 生态环境 生产 生态环境生产
“生态环境生产力论”对我国林业建设的价值引领 被引量:3
作者 周统建 铁铮 秦国伟 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期118-122,共5页
习近平总书记提出:"保护生态环境就是保护生产力,改善生态环境就是发展生产力"。以此为核心思想的"生态环境生产力论",传承了马克思实践唯物主义的基本观点,蕴含了人与自然、社会和谐的价值诉求,张扬和凸显了"... 习近平总书记提出:"保护生态环境就是保护生产力,改善生态环境就是发展生产力"。以此为核心思想的"生态环境生产力论",传承了马克思实践唯物主义的基本观点,蕴含了人与自然、社会和谐的价值诉求,张扬和凸显了"人创造环境,同时环境也创造人"的精神实质,体现了中国政府对生态环境也是一种生产力的积极认知,为我国当前林业建设提供了新的生产力标准,进一步为林业建设树立起价值维度,即从"发展绿色"走向"绿色发展"的生态之路。 展开更多
关键词 生态环境生产力论 林业建设 生态为中心 绿色发展 中国
作者 杨小刚 《世界有色金属》 2022年第2期25-27,共3页
水生态环境主要是指外部环境中水因子和全体生物之间彼此影响与水体构成的变化。对于生物而言,最为不可缺少的物质之一就是水,生物与环境之间会持续地存在水分交换作用,因此水生态环境的变化将会直接决定着生物今后的生存与发展。本文... 水生态环境主要是指外部环境中水因子和全体生物之间彼此影响与水体构成的变化。对于生物而言,最为不可缺少的物质之一就是水,生物与环境之间会持续地存在水分交换作用,因此水生态环境的变化将会直接决定着生物今后的生存与发展。本文以冶金工业生产区水生态环境为核心,分析了其当前的保护情况,并介绍了水生态环境管理工作的主要内容,希望能为工业生产区水生态环保事业的发展提供帮助。 展开更多
关键词 冶金工业生产区水生态环境 保护 现状 要点
作者 曹美英 《党校教学》 1990年第4期47-49,共3页
自从18世纪的产业革命开始,生态环境问题就逐渐受到人们的普遍重视。两个多世纪以来,虽然人们对环境问题的认识在不断提高,而且也采取了一系列措施来治理、保护生态环境,但是盲目的社会经济活动和人口生产,还是使环境恶化愈演愈烈。今天... 自从18世纪的产业革命开始,生态环境问题就逐渐受到人们的普遍重视。两个多世纪以来,虽然人们对环境问题的认识在不断提高,而且也采取了一系列措施来治理、保护生态环境,但是盲目的社会经济活动和人口生产,还是使环境恶化愈演愈烈。今天,生态环境恶化已经对整个人类的生存构成了极大威胁,如不断然采取措施来解决这一问题。人类必将失去它所赖以存在的空间。基于这种认识,当前兴起了一场全球性的环境保护热潮。 展开更多
关键词 人口生产 生态环境问题 生态环境生产 生态环境建设 物质资料生产 生态环境恶化 环境污染 自然资源 社会经济活动 生态平衡
马克思线性生产框架下的生态可持续性测量 被引量:1
作者 荆克迪 钟荣盛 +1 位作者 冯志轩 刘宜卓 《南开经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期16-33,共18页
本文在马克思主义经济学的框架下探讨技术进步过程中劳动生产率维度和生态生产率维度的差异,并根据两种生产率的差异定义了技术变化过程中生态可持续性的标准,分析了在商品经济和资本主义条件下生态不可持续的基本逻辑。在此基础上,我... 本文在马克思主义经济学的框架下探讨技术进步过程中劳动生产率维度和生态生产率维度的差异,并根据两种生产率的差异定义了技术变化过程中生态可持续性的标准,分析了在商品经济和资本主义条件下生态不可持续的基本逻辑。在此基础上,我们在马克思线性生产框架下提供了一个经济体生态可持续性的动态测量方法,并利用1990—2015年的Eora数据对包括中国在内的88个经济体的碳排放和水足迹可持续性进行了测算,验证了生态马克思主义关于技术的经济效率和生态效率存在系统性偏离的论断。在整个样本期间内,约有2/3的国家碳排放不可持续,一半的国家水资源利用不可持续;碳排放的可持续性在近年来有所改善,而水资源利用则没有类似的趋势。在这两个维度上,世界整体生态可持续性仍然不容乐观。就中国而言,尽管中国的水足迹和碳排放生产率进步速度在样本中处于较高水平,但是位居世界前列的劳动生产率增速给中国的生态可持续性造成了压力。不过,随着近年来劳动生产率和生态生产率的相对变化,中国的生态可持续性已经大幅度改善。 展开更多
关键词 马克思线性生产框架 劳动生产 生态环境生产 生态可持续性
生态环境的保护与生产初探 被引量:3
作者 王本兴 《哲学动态》 CSSCI 北大核心 1995年第8期27-29,共3页
生态环境问题已经成为全球关注的热点问题。但从总体上看,生态环境的研究尚停留在保护的层次上,笔者认为,应在此基础上,再上升到生态环境的生产和再生产的高度去研究和解决。 一 生态环境是指以人为中心的由生物群落、水、大气、土地等... 生态环境问题已经成为全球关注的热点问题。但从总体上看,生态环境的研究尚停留在保护的层次上,笔者认为,应在此基础上,再上升到生态环境的生产和再生产的高度去研究和解决。 一 生态环境是指以人为中心的由生物群落、水、大气、土地等构成的动态平衡系统。它是人类产生、发展的必不可少的物质条件。 人类把自己赖以生存和发展的生态环境看作什么性质的对象,决定着人类对生态环境的态度以及社会生产的对象和任务。如果把生态环境看作纯自然的产物,看作自然界留给人类的遗产,那么,至多是给自己提出保护、珍惜生态环境的任务。 展开更多
关键词 生态环境 生态环境生产 生态危机 生态环境问题 自生能力 物质生产 人口生产 自然资源 保护战略 生态资源
作者 杨世宏 《延安大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第2期22-28,共7页
马克思"再生产整个自然界"的思想是马克思生态思想的重要组成部分。人能"再生产整个自然界"标志着人的主体地位及其不同于动物的活动方式的确立,它表明:人类的生产活动应当体现内在尺度和外在尺度的统一;社会经济... 马克思"再生产整个自然界"的思想是马克思生态思想的重要组成部分。人能"再生产整个自然界"标志着人的主体地位及其不同于动物的活动方式的确立,它表明:人类的生产活动应当体现内在尺度和外在尺度的统一;社会经济再生产与生态环境再生产相互联系、相互制约,只要合理调控人与自然的物质变换,这两种再生产就能彼此协调,互相支持,持续发展;"再生产整个自然界"也是人按照美的规律来重塑自然界的过程。 展开更多
关键词 生产整个自然界 生态环境生产 社会经济再生产 物质变换
作者 书奇 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1993年第2期98-101,共4页
一、人口生产必须同物质产品生产和生态环境生产相适应人口生产,就是人类自身的生产。物质产品生产,就是人们以一定的社会联系方式通过劳动对物质生活资料或物质财富的制造。生态环境的生产,是指与人类生产和物质资料生产相关的各种生... 一、人口生产必须同物质产品生产和生态环境生产相适应人口生产,就是人类自身的生产。物质产品生产,就是人们以一定的社会联系方式通过劳动对物质生活资料或物质财富的制造。生态环境的生产,是指与人类生产和物质资料生产相关的各种生态环境因素乃至整个生态环境系统,按其固有自然规律所进行的生产。在这三种生产中,人口生产同物质产品的生产以及生态环境的生产必须相适应。 展开更多
关键词 生态环境因素 人口生产 相适应 物质产品 生态环境生产 生产 产品生产 三种生产 生产主体 人类社会
Simulation and animation model to boost mining efficiency and enviro-friendly in multi-pit operations 被引量:3
作者 Tarshizi Ebrahim Sturgul John +1 位作者 Ibarra Virginia Taylor Danny 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第4期671-674,共4页
A discrete-event system simulation and animation program was developed to enhance the efficiency of a truck-excavator operation and reduce the environmental impact of haulage in an open-cut coal mine with multiple-pit... A discrete-event system simulation and animation program was developed to enhance the efficiency of a truck-excavator operation and reduce the environmental impact of haulage in an open-cut coal mine with multiple-pit operations. In any mine, a key objective is to have sufficient equipment for production and not to have excess to where it becomes counterproductive. Due to the advent of responsible mining,environmental regulations, and eco-friendly practices, these factors must also be considered in the analysis. Simulation studies can be financially advantageous for both the optimization of existing mine operations and new development phases in a mine. This study is a new approach to use discrete-event system simulation for mine systems, in order to investigate and possibly reduce environmental impact considering mining haulage performance and production target. A hypothetical layout of a surface coal mine with two pit operations was used for the simulation and animation model. The simulation model includes the animation of the operation. Animation is helpful to enhance the benefit of a mine simulation model. GPSS/Hòand Proof Professionalòwere the software used for the investigation. 展开更多
关键词 Simulation and animation Multiple-pit mining Equipment efficiency Truck-excavator allocation Environmental impact WEB-based simulation
作者 YUShu-xia SHANGJin-cheng GUOHuai-cheng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第3期215-220,共6页
The main purpose of this study is to give evaluation of ecological services of Jilin Province, Northeast China. To take this value into decision-making and GDP accounting system is considered to be one of the economic... The main purpose of this study is to give evaluation of ecological services of Jilin Province, Northeast China. To take this value into decision-making and GDP accounting system is considered to be one of the economic solutions for ecological problems. The evaluation is based on the methods proposed by COSTANZA et al., and some modifications about unit value of forest and cropland system were made according to the real characters of ecosystem, climate, natural conditions etc., in Jilin Province. Total value of ecosystem services is about 554.404x10(9) yuan(RMB)/a, which is about 4.9 times of GDP of the corresponding period. The results of this study could be used as a fundamental work for the construction of ecological province, which was carried out from 2001, and could provide ecological information for decision-making. Furthermore, the necessities for the further studies on the evaluation of ecological services and natural capital were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 ecological services economic evaluation sustainable development strategic decision-making Jilin Province
Effect of Cropland Occupation and Supplement on Light-temperature Potential Productivity in China from 2000 to 2008 被引量:7
作者 YANG Xiaohuan CHENG Chuanzhou LI Yuejiao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第6期536-544,共9页
There are more people but less land in China,so food safety has always been a most important issue government concerned.With continuous population increase,economic development and environment protection,cropland occu... There are more people but less land in China,so food safety has always been a most important issue government concerned.With continuous population increase,economic development and environment protection,cropland occupation and supplement are unavoidable.It not only leads to the variation of cropland area,but also makes the light-temperature potential productivity per unit area different due to regional climate differentiation,therefore impacts the total potential productivity and food output eventually.So,it is necessary to analyze the climate differentiation between occupation and supplement cropland areas and to study its impact on total potential productivity,which is significant to reasonably develop natural resources and instruct agricultural arrangement.This study firstly discussed the variation and distribution of occupation and supplement croplands in China from 2000 to 2008,then analyzed the climate differentiation between occupation and supplement cropland areas and its effect on light-temperature potential productivity.The results demonstrate:1) From 2000 to 2008,the cropland variation presented occupation in the south and supplement in the north,but overall decreased.Supplement cropland was mainly from ecological reclamation(77.78%) and was mainly distributed in Northeast China and Northwest China with poor climatic and natural conditions.Occupation cropland was mainly used for construction(52.88%) and ecological restoration(44.78%) purposes,and was mainly distributed in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain,and the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River with better climatic and natural conditions.2) The climate conditions were quite different in supplement and occupation cropland areas.The annual precipitation,annual accumulated temperature and average annual temperature were lower in the supplement cropland area,and its average po-tential productivity per unit was only 62% of occupation cropland area,which was the main reason for the decrease of total potential productivity.3) Cropland occupation and supplement led to the variation of total potential productivity and its spatial distribution.The productivity decreased in the south and increased in the north,but had a net loss of 4.38315×107 t in the whole country.The increase of cropland area was at the cost of reclaiming natural forest and grassland resources,and destroying natural ecological environment,while the decrease of cropland area was mainly due to a lot of cropland occupied by urban-rural construction,which threatened the sustainable use of cropland resources. 展开更多
关键词 CROPLAND cropland occupation cropland supplement climate condition light-temperature potential productivity China
Eco-transformation of steel industry in China: from the perspective of industrial ecology and circular economy 被引量:2
作者 LI Su-qin CANG Da,qiang +1 位作者 LUO Shi-mei ZHU Fang 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第3期217-227,共11页
Recently the behavior of human has resulted in the deterioration of global ecological environment, and global warming and environmental pollution have caused the occurrence of extreme events frequently If we repeat th... Recently the behavior of human has resulted in the deterioration of global ecological environment, and global warming and environmental pollution have caused the occurrence of extreme events frequently If we repeat the reckless environmental overkill, civilization will enter a victous circle of decline and lose even the strength and vitality to live in harmony with the environment. At Present, China is in a speciat period of rapid economic develop- ment. Some enterprises focus on short-term profits and don't formulate long-term strategies. For example, with the rapid expansion of the steel industry, some serious problems have emerged. Based on principles of industrial ecology and the concept of circular economy, to develop a new development model, taking a new road to industrialization is very necessary. Re-examining the current steel enterprises, this' paper proposes the new methods of the integration of material, energy integration, water system integration and sharing of information and facilities. Through ecologi- calization of technology, system, and industrial structure and product structure adjustment, the eco-transformation of the modern steel industry will be gradually achieved in China 展开更多
关键词 Steel industry Integration Eco-industrial park Eco-transformation
Environmental Strategies for Design of Sustainable Buildings in Technique of Green Eco-Architecture
作者 Boris Bielek Milan Bielek 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第7期892-898,共7页
Architecture is defined as a symbiosis of function, aesthetics, technology and economics. This paper introduces the concept of development of technology in architecture for a sustainable society. The concept is based ... Architecture is defined as a symbiosis of function, aesthetics, technology and economics. This paper introduces the concept of development of technology in architecture for a sustainable society. The concept is based on a systemic link building-climate-energy. The scientific analysis of this link allows us to define three technical levels of modern architecture. The lowest level is represented by low energy architecture that gives priority to the element of energy. Climate is defined only by physical parameters here. It is characterized by the production of emissions that deplete the Biocapacity of the Earth. Higher level of architecture is represented by green architecture which gives equal priority to both energy and ecology. Climate is defined by physical and chemical parameters here. It is characterized by the tendency of reduction of emissions production and move towards environmentally clean energy, material and water sources. Sustainable architecture represents the target program of development of human settlements in the interaction of society-energy-ecology. It is characterized by the balance of categories nature-man-technology and by minimizing the emissions production to the extent of their coverage by the Earth's ecosystems. This paper introduces design strategy for green building. The basic structure of the strategy defines, and internal structure of the strategy emphasizes, principles and concepts of green buildings. In this strategy, the vital role is played by renewable energy sources as a production technology of the capital provided to man by nature. 展开更多
关键词 Low energy architecture green architecture sustainable architecture green building.
Tracing the Holistic Voice in Ecological Space: Exploring Theodore Roszak's Ecopsychology in Henri Lefebvre's "Differential Space"
作者 Su-chen Wu 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第9期843-856,共14页
The goal of ecopsychology is to awaken the inherent sense of environmental reciprocity that lies within the ecological unconsciousness. Proclaiming the spirit of ecopsychology, Theodore Roszak argues that psychotherap... The goal of ecopsychology is to awaken the inherent sense of environmental reciprocity that lies within the ecological unconsciousness. Proclaiming the spirit of ecopsychology, Theodore Roszak argues that psychotherapy is an urban movement, but human beings can never heal themselves until they reconnect with nature. Other therapies aim at healing the alienation between person and person, person and family, person and society; ecopsychology intends to heal the more primary alienation between the person and the natural environment. Henri Lefebvre's work has revitalized urban studies, geography and planning via concepts like the social production of space. Lefebvre claims that space is not an inert, neutral, and pre-existing given, but rather, an on-going production of spatial relations. According to Lefebvre, space is produced by three types of practice: spatial practices of physical transformation of the environment, practices of representation of space, and everyday practices of representational space. Lefebvre further presents a "differential space," named as such for its dialectical resistance to the forces of homogenization present in "abstract space." The aim of this paper is to trace the ecological voice from Roszak's The Voice of the Earth in Henri Lefebvre's "differential space." Roszak's ecopsychology has formed a differential space, acknowledging that the boundaries of dualism and separations such as mind and body, man and nature should be finally dissolved in terms of ecological sustainability. Within this space, a holistic approach and thinking are created and required to take into account perception of the inextricable relationship between all life and all phenomena. 展开更多
关键词 ecopsychology holistic worldview representations of space abstract space differential space ecological consciousness
From Oil to Renewable Energies: An Ecological Concern
作者 Julieta Evangelina Sanchez Cano 《Sociology Study》 2012年第7期527-539,共13页
The energetic sector is necessary for productive activity in the world, because energy is one of the most essential economic resources. The energy, at a social-historic level, always has been relevant for the developm... The energetic sector is necessary for productive activity in the world, because energy is one of the most essential economic resources. The energy, at a social-historic level, always has been relevant for the development of any society, and as a country advanced in this field, there is an important increase of their energetic needs, in such a way that all energy supplies are considered as a national security strategy for many countries. This element, the natural resources of their own, their existence and good management are and will be the key for the coming years and decades to achieve the national security in the energetic field, economic development, and environment. This last argument has a great importance for the issues that are generated by an environmental crisis and the greenhouse effect in the world, due to the consumption of energy from oil and coal. All these justify the relevance of performing an analysis of the problems between the energy development and the environment, and both issues are presented in this paper from the economic history point of view. 展开更多
关键词 Greenhouse effect sustainable development renewable energies
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