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面向可持续城市生态系统管理的国土空间开发适宜性评价——以烟台市为例 被引量:26
作者 王静 翟天林 +3 位作者 赵晓东 宋子秋 袁昕怡 孔雪松 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期3634-3645,共12页
国土空间开发适宜性评价是国土空间规划编制的基础和前提。面向可持续城市生态系统管理目标,基于生态保护红线和永久基本农田的"底线"思维,以资源环境禀赋为基础,构建了本底约束-综合限制-承载力评价-多空间适宜评价的资源环... 国土空间开发适宜性评价是国土空间规划编制的基础和前提。面向可持续城市生态系统管理目标,基于生态保护红线和永久基本农田的"底线"思维,以资源环境禀赋为基础,构建了本底约束-综合限制-承载力评价-多空间适宜评价的资源环境承载力和国土空间开发适宜性评价的逻辑框架和指标体系,并以烟台为例,设置城市生态系统保护的不同情景,综合运用特尔斐法及多要素空间叠置等方法,开展了城市资源环境承载力与国土空间开发适宜性评价的实践应用。研究结果表明:①资源环境对烟台经济社会发展的阻碍与限制总体较小,高限制区面积仅占烟台国土面积的6.09%。②烟台市不同区县之间的资源环境承载力差异较大。从西北部向东南,烟台市资源环境承载力呈现出逐渐提高的变化趋势。③面向可持续城市生态系统管理情景,烟台市各县市国土空间开发建设适宜性差异显著,适宜建设区范围为2380 km^2。面向城市生态系统一般保护情景,烟台市适宜建设区面积达2610 km^2,不适宜建设开发区与适宜建设开发区数量结构为1.12∶1,未来国土空间开发利用潜力较大。两种情景下烟台市国土空间开发适宜性适宜建设区面积均大于现状建设用地面积,为城市未来发展提供了用地保障,同时确保了烟台市水资源安全和生态安全。研究结果可为烟台市国土空间优化以及相关地区政府部门重大决策、战略部署等提供决策信息支持和技术服务。 展开更多
关键词 国土空间开发适宜性评价 可持续城市生态系统管理 国土空间规划 烟台市
走向可持续城市生态系统管理的国土空间规划方法与实践——以烟台市为例 被引量:17
作者 王静 李泽慧 +3 位作者 宋子秋 方莹 刘晶晶 翟天林 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期9-18,共10页
研究目的:探索走向可持续城市生态系统管理的城市国土空间规划编制方法和应用实践。研究方法:综合分析与实证分析方法,空间分析与大数据分析方法,综合评价与生境质量模型、生境风险评估模型结合方法等。研究结果:(1)明确了走向可持续城... 研究目的:探索走向可持续城市生态系统管理的城市国土空间规划编制方法和应用实践。研究方法:综合分析与实证分析方法,空间分析与大数据分析方法,综合评价与生境质量模型、生境风险评估模型结合方法等。研究结果:(1)明确了走向可持续城市生态系统管理的国土空间规划目标与编制方法,以及规划编制的空间边界;(2)构建了“底线约束—区域协同—多目标优化—空间管制—功能提升”的国土空间规划编制技术架构;(3)以烟台市为例,探索了走向可持续城市生态系统管理的国土空间规划方法应用与实践。研究结论:生态文明背景下的国土空间规划走向可持续城市生态系统管理成为必然,研究提出的国土空间规划方法和应用实践,可为市级国土空间规划编制提供新的思路与方法。 展开更多
关键词 国土空间规划 可持续城市生态系统管理 规划编制技术框架 烟台市
甜高粱可持续农业生态系统研究 被引量:146
作者 黎大爵 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第8期1021-1024,共4页
甜高粱的生物学产量极高 ,故有“高能作物”之称 ,本系统以甜高粱作为龙头 (主培作物 ) ,在甜高粱田间套种木耳或其它食用菌 ,其籽粒作粮食、饲料 ,叶片喂奶牛和鱼 ,茎秆酿酒或制酒精燃料 ,酒糟喂奶牛产牛乳 ,牛粪及作物残渣作沼气原料 ... 甜高粱的生物学产量极高 ,故有“高能作物”之称 ,本系统以甜高粱作为龙头 (主培作物 ) ,在甜高粱田间套种木耳或其它食用菌 ,其籽粒作粮食、饲料 ,叶片喂奶牛和鱼 ,茎秆酿酒或制酒精燃料 ,酒糟喂奶牛产牛乳 ,牛粪及作物残渣作沼气原料 ,沼气供照明、煮饭或用于塑料大棚中给蔬菜加光、增温、提高CO2 浓度 ,沼肥还田 ,从而形成了农村能源自给 ,农、牧、副、渔业共同发展的可持续农业生态系统。该系统具有较高的经济效益 ,每公顷产值可达 18万元 ,为一般大田作物的 10~ 2 0倍。具有一定独创性、实用性和前瞻性 ,可在适宜栽培甜高粱的地区推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 甜高粱 可持续农业生态系统 能源生态循环
浅析应用景观生态学理论的风景园林规划方法 被引量:4
作者 刘敏 《现代物业(中旬刊)》 2018年第10期263-263,共1页
关键词 生态学理论 农业风景园林 生态系统可持续
A Self-organization Mapping Neural Network Algorithm and Its Application to Identify Ecosystem Service Zones 被引量:16
作者 战金艳 史娜娜 +1 位作者 吴红 邓祥征 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第5期162-165,共4页
The self-organization mapping (SOM) neural network algorithm is a new method used to identify the ecosystem service zones at regional extent. According to the ecosystem assessment framework of Millennium Ecosystem A... The self-organization mapping (SOM) neural network algorithm is a new method used to identify the ecosystem service zones at regional extent. According to the ecosystem assessment framework of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment ( MA), this paper develops an indicator system and conducts a spatial cluster analysis at the 1km by I km grid pixel scale with the SOM neural network algorithm to sort the core ecosystem services over the vertical and horizontal dimensions. A case study was carried out in Xilingol League. The ecosystem services in Xilingol League could be divided to six different ecological zones. The SOM neural network algorithm was capable of identifying the similarities among the input data automatically. The research provides both spatially and temporally valuable information targeted sustainable ecosystem management for decision-makers. 展开更多
关键词 Neural network algorithm Ecosystem services Ecosystem service zones Sustainable ecosystem management
全球桉树人工林发展面临的困境与对策 被引量:52
作者 温远光 周晓果 +1 位作者 喻素芳 朱宏光 《广西科学》 CAS 2018年第2期107-116,229,共10页
桉树人工林是世界人工林的重要组成部分,在木材供给和应对气候变化等方面扮演着越来越重要的角色。世界热带亚热带地区的国家都在大力发展桉树人工林,使全球桉树人工林的面积呈现不断增加的趋势,近15年来全球桉树人工林面积年平均增长11... 桉树人工林是世界人工林的重要组成部分,在木材供给和应对气候变化等方面扮演着越来越重要的角色。世界热带亚热带地区的国家都在大力发展桉树人工林,使全球桉树人工林的面积呈现不断增加的趋势,近15年来全球桉树人工林面积年平均增长110万hm^2。面对可利用林地资源的限制、立地条件的制约、气候变化的胁迫、社会对林产品需求的变化,以及社会舆论博弈的影响,世界桉树人工林必将在营林制度、经营策略和经营途径方面发生深刻变化和重大调整。营林制度上由短周期纯林连作的林分经营转变为短中长周期循环混交轮作的景观经营,经营策略上从注重桉树造林面积扩张转变为人工林单产和生态系统服务的全面提升,经营途径上更加重视多目标森林生态系统可持续经营将成为未来桉树人工林发展的主流趋势。然而,在由单一的木材经营转变为多目标森林生态系统可持续经营过程中,桉树人工林仍将保持以木材生产为主导功能的发展格局,这是桉树人工林的比较优势和特点决定的。但有效权衡和协同桉树木材生产主导功能与其他生态服务功能是今后经营的方向。 展开更多
关键词 桉树人工林 多目标 生态系统服务 森林生态系统可持续经营 全球
寻找自然、城市、人共生的伊甸——2007国际风景园林师联合会国际学生设计竞赛荣誉奖作品介绍 被引量:6
作者 郭湧 张杨 《中国园林》 2007年第9期11-13,共3页
介绍在2007年第44届IFLA国际风景园林学生设计竞赛中获得荣誉奖的作品的构思创作过程和主要的方案内容。该方案以温州杨府山垃圾处理场这个在城市化条件下面临突出生态灾难和社会问题的场所为规划设计对象,综合运用风景园林规划设计方... 介绍在2007年第44届IFLA国际风景园林学生设计竞赛中获得荣誉奖的作品的构思创作过程和主要的方案内容。该方案以温州杨府山垃圾处理场这个在城市化条件下面临突出生态灾难和社会问题的场所为规划设计对象,综合运用风景园林规划设计方法和环境保护的技术手段,以一种规划设计对象与周围城市发展相得益彰的过程实现了垃圾场向高密度城市环境中具有生物多样性的可持续发展的自然生态系统的转化。以这种戏剧性的转化实践了人类追求更加美好的人居环境的重归伊甸之梦。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 伊甸化 垃圾场 可持续生态系统 人居环境
重庆市绿色建筑示范中心优化技术集成 被引量:2
作者 赵辉 谢厚礼 林学山 《建设科技》 2012年第6期71-73,共3页
基于生态优先原则的可持续建筑贯彻了环保、节能、健康及舒适等理念,集成60余项绿色建筑技术,并突出被动式太阳能通风、可再生能源利用系统、智能集成系统、高性能围护结构系统、可持续生态系统等5大技术体系,由外到内对建筑进行绿色建... 基于生态优先原则的可持续建筑贯彻了环保、节能、健康及舒适等理念,集成60余项绿色建筑技术,并突出被动式太阳能通风、可再生能源利用系统、智能集成系统、高性能围护结构系统、可持续生态系统等5大技术体系,由外到内对建筑进行绿色建筑设计和技术的整合,实现技术的多维度、广布式、全寿命周期的优化技术集成示范。 展开更多
关键词 绿色建筑技术 技术集成 优化 示范 重庆市 可持续生态系统 生态优先原则 被动式太阳能
Research Progress on Evaluation Frameworks of Regional Ecological Sustainability 被引量:9
作者 PENG Jian WANG Yanglin +2 位作者 WU Jiansheng SHEN Hong PAN Yajing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第4期496-510,共15页
As natural ecosystems provide the material basis and fundamental support for regional sustainable devel-opment,the sustainability of natural ecosystems is an important prerequisite and a viable approach for the achiev... As natural ecosystems provide the material basis and fundamental support for regional sustainable devel-opment,the sustainability of natural ecosystems is an important prerequisite and a viable approach for the achievement of regional sustainable development.It is also the final criteria to assess whether sustainable development paradigm is successful.Along with the increasing impacts of human activities on natural ecosystems,the evaluation of regional ecological sustainability has become one of the key issues for research on macro ecology and sustainable development.Based on different unit of indicators,this study firstly groups the evaluation frameworks of regional ecological sus-tainability into three major types:comprehensive index evaluation with dimensionless unit,monetary valuation,and biophysical quantity measurement.We then discuss and compare these types in terms of basic principles,scope of ap-plications,advantages and shortcomings.Finally,drawn on the discussion about characteristics of ecological sustain-ability,we outline the current trend and future directions of regional ecological sustainability evaluation,for instance,transition from sustainable development evaluation to sustainability science,integration of goal-oriented and problem-solving approaches,combination of spatial pattern analysis and ecological sustainability evaluation,and en-hancement of ecological sustainability evaluation at landscape scale. 展开更多
关键词 evaluation framework regional ecological sustainability research progress research prospects compre-hensive index evaluation monetary valuation biophysical quantity measurement
廊坊燕郊潮白河城市滨水空间可持续性景观生态设计研究 被引量:2
作者 刘洋 谭杰 沈宏 《同行》 2016年第4期5-7,共3页
从城市滨水景观设计中可持续性的生态设计、宜居环境人性化概念出发,分析以保护当地生态环境为前提,营造可持续城市滨水空间的方法。在城市滨水景观规划设计中,建议运用城市景观生态设计原理、城市滨水休闲空间设计要素、注重人文关怀... 从城市滨水景观设计中可持续性的生态设计、宜居环境人性化概念出发,分析以保护当地生态环境为前提,营造可持续城市滨水空间的方法。在城市滨水景观规划设计中,建议运用城市景观生态设计原理、城市滨水休闲空间设计要素、注重人文关怀的表达方式来营造具有可持续生态系统的,地域文化特色的城市滨水景观生态廊道。 展开更多
关键词 滨水空间 城市滨水景观 燕郊 滨水景观设计 景观生态设计 可持续生态系统 生态廊道 设计要素 持续 滨水区
Poverty Reduction,Environmental Protection and Ecosystem Services:A Prospective Theory for Sustainable Development 被引量:9
作者 ZHEN Nahui FU Bojie +1 位作者 LU Yihe WANG Shuai 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期83-92,共10页
Poverty reduction and environmental protection are two global tasks for sustainable development.The study perspective has changed over time,from narrowly focusing on poverty reduction to comprehensively strengthening ... Poverty reduction and environmental protection are two global tasks for sustainable development.The study perspective has changed over time,from narrowly focusing on poverty reduction to comprehensively strengthening human-welfare.We reviewed key references targeting the theoretical content and practical approach relying on poverty,environment protection and ecosystem services.We discussed the contradicting views on the relationship of poverty and environmental degradation,and then illustrated the study progress of a cutting-age topic-ecosystem services which pave a way to address poverty reduction and environmental protection together.At last,we investigated essential factors that affect the development and environmental protection.Considering the evolution of the concept of poverty,we found that the environment has occupied an increasing proportion in the cognizance of poverty.The relationship between poverty and environmental degradation is regional uniqueness.In practical aspect,projects based on the management and valuation assessment of ecosystem services draw researchers′attention all over the world.The appropriate scale,essential economic incentives,morality,law and social equality are key factors affecting individuals′decisions which directly relate to the sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 POVERTY environmental degradation ecosystem services sustainable development
作者 ANSARI Ubedullah 程远方 +2 位作者 周晓晖 丁吉平 李庆超 《华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第S01期84-88,共5页
提供了一个可以利用卫星成像技术证明水合物的存在和评估巴基斯坦境内天然气水合物饱和度的可行性模型.研究证明了巴基斯坦具有开采天然气水合物的极大潜力.阿拉伯海的卫星图像与海底模拟反射器(BSR)的联合作用,可以预测其中是否存在水... 提供了一个可以利用卫星成像技术证明水合物的存在和评估巴基斯坦境内天然气水合物饱和度的可行性模型.研究证明了巴基斯坦具有开采天然气水合物的极大潜力.阿拉伯海的卫星图像与海底模拟反射器(BSR)的联合作用,可以预测其中是否存在水合物和潜在能源.此外,热成像技术成本较低,结合它的创新性,都极大地增加了水合物探测的性价比,其中包含的热梯度也可以有助于了解特定区域海底天然气水合物的热力学特点.不幸的是,因为水合物中天然气生产的高风险性,所以天然气在水合物中的生产在商业上仍然不被广泛接受.但毫无疑问,所有的这些项目都非常有前景.以巴基斯坦为例,1998年巴基斯坦-德国合作进行了一次寻找水合物的考察.考察发现,在阿拉伯海Makran海岸埋藏的天然气水合物的饱和度约为29%,其中存在甲烷气体和7.5%的游离气.此外,阿拉伯海的海底模拟反射器(BSR)还可以在深达500至800 m的海底进行追踪.另一方面,巴基斯坦对天然气的需求量每年增加60~75 MMSCFD,因此开发天然气水合物是满足未来全国能源需求的一个明智的方案.本文的创新之处在于将卫星成像技术应用于巴基斯坦附近海域天然气水合物的勘探.该研究还强调了中巴经济走廊(CPEC)和海上丝绸之路在水合物开发中的潜在价值. 展开更多
关键词 天然气水合物 热工 海岸科学 可持续生态系统 海上丝绸之路
Sustainability Evaluation of Different Systems for Sea Cucumber(Apostichopus japonicus) Farming Based on Emergy Theory 被引量:2
作者 WANG Guodong DONG Shuanglin +2 位作者 TIAN Xiangli GAO Qinfeng WANG Fang 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第3期503-510,共8页
Emergy analysis is effective for analyzing ecological economic systems. However, the accuracy of the approach is af- fected by the diversity of economic level, meteorological and hydrological parameters in different r... Emergy analysis is effective for analyzing ecological economic systems. However, the accuracy of the approach is af- fected by the diversity of economic level, meteorological and hydrological parameters in different regions. The present study evalu- ated the economic benefits, environmental impact, and sustainability of indoor, semi-intensive and extensive farming systems of sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) in the same region. The results showed that A. japonicus indoor farming system was high in input and output (yield) whereas pond extensive farming system was low in input and output. The output/input ratio of indoor fann- ing system was lower than that of pond extensive farming system, and the output/input ratio of semi-intensive farming system fell in between them. The environmental loading ratio of A.japonicus extensive fanning system was lower than that of indoor farming sys- tem. In addition, the emergy yield and emergy exchange ratios, and emergy sustainability and emergy indexes for sustainable devel- opment were higher in extensive farming system than those in indoor farming system. These results indicated that the current exten- sive farming system exerted fewer negative influences on the environment, made more efficient use of available resources, and met more sustainable development requirements than the indoor farming system. A. japonicus farming systems showed more emergy benefits than fish fanning systems. The pond fanning systems ofA. japonicus exploited more free local environmental resources for production, caused less potential pressure on the local environment, and achieved higher sustainability than indoor farming system. 展开更多
关键词 Apostichopusjaponicas farming systems emergy theory SUSTAINABILITY
The application of social capital in the development of eco- sustainable community planning 被引量:1
作者 Xina Ma 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第12期68-70,共3页
Sustainable is a familiar description to most people, it is in a sensible way to treat the natural and human environment, it is not only able to ensure ourselves a balanced, healthy living environment, but also to ens... Sustainable is a familiar description to most people, it is in a sensible way to treat the natural and human environment, it is not only able to ensure ourselves a balanced, healthy living environment, but also to ensure that our future generations are also a normal, healthy and living environment. This means we can not only consider our current short-term interests, but also give our future generations a healthy and sustainable environment to further develop the natural and cultural environment. In those environmental conditions, our future generations can have the same quality of life as us forever, keep ecological and sustainable development of the world, and even be able to have a better quality of life than ever before. In sustainable urban development, first of all, it is to be in accordance with the laws of nature to have a cooperative and friendly attitude to treat the environment. In this rational way of working, we must respectfully treat human nature, it is a huge sustainable ecosystems. We can either learn a lot of knowledge from nature' s perfect eco-cycle system, but also it can be used in future planning and design. 展开更多
关键词 PUBLISHER DESIGNING Lowercase letters.
Multi-agent Blind Model and Its Application to Regional Eco-environmental Quality Assessment 被引量:2
作者 LI Ruzhong 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第3期249-254,共6页
Through denoting each expert as an agent and viewing a multiple criteria decision-making as a synthesis problem of aggregating experts' ratings, a multi-agent blind model (MABM) is developed for regional eco-enviro... Through denoting each expert as an agent and viewing a multiple criteria decision-making as a synthesis problem of aggregating experts' ratings, a multi-agent blind model (MABM) is developed for regional eco-environmental quality assessment. In this model, the ratings of the evaluated object under an index, given by expert group, are first utilized to construct a series of blind numbers. In general, each index will correspond to different blind numbers. On the basis of aggregating index weights, the rank score in the form of a blind number is obtained for the evaluated object. Then, by means of calculating expected value of the above blind number, its rank score is further converted into a crisp value. By way of comparing the expected value with classification standards, eco-environmental quality of the evaluated sample could he identified successfully in the end. As a case, the MABM is used to evaluate the eco-environmental quality of Chaohu Lake basin. Study result shows that the MABM is a useful model for regional eco-environmental quality assessment. 展开更多
关键词 eco-environmental quality assessment multi-agent blind model (MABM) blind number unascertained rational number faith degree
The Global Science of Integrated Water Governance 被引量:1
作者 HebinLin 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第10期1167-1174,共8页
Abstract: This study discusses the benefits of establishing a broader discipline of water science, based on the organizing mechanism of PES-W (payments for ecosystem services on the watershed scale). PES-W is deriv... Abstract: This study discusses the benefits of establishing a broader discipline of water science, based on the organizing mechanism of PES-W (payments for ecosystem services on the watershed scale). PES-W is derived from an extension of governance analyses of 163 watershed-based PES (payments for ecosystem services) programs, and from the integrative decision mechanism of IPES (integrated payments for ecosystem services) to generalize the PES approach. PES-W reflects three interrelated perspectives fundamental to the global science of integrated water governance: (1) the ecological and economic perspective to integrate human incentives for integrated water resources governance; (2) the sociological and ecological perspective to form partnerships for meta-monitoring and recta-funding for integrated watershed governance; and (3) the scientific and sociological perspective to develop organizing botmdaries based on technology, lifestyle, entrepreneurship and organizing infrastructure for integrated aquatic ecosystem governance. This study is intended to communicate with the international scientific communities for establishing an advanced, academic, and practical multidisciplinary field of the global science of integrated water governance as a critical condition for sustainable development in human societies. 展开更多
关键词 Aquatic ecosystem management payments for ecosystem services water governance water science.
From Conservation to Sustainable Development-A Case Study of Angkor World Heritage Site, Cambodia 被引量:1
作者 Hang Peou Ishwaran Natarajan +1 位作者 Hong Tianhua Delanghe Philippe 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2016年第3期141-155,共15页
The World Heritage Committee of UNESCO has called for a strategic commitment from its States Parties to strengthen links between heritage conservation and sustainable development. Fulfilment of this commitment will re... The World Heritage Committee of UNESCO has called for a strategic commitment from its States Parties to strengthen links between heritage conservation and sustainable development. Fulfilment of this commitment will require integration of the conservation of sites with the sustainable use and management of natural resources in a larger area beyond the boundaries of sites. Identification and demarcation of areas for conserving World Heritage sites and sustainable development of broader regions must derive from an in-depth knowledge of people-environment relationships. The management of Angkor-an iconic World Heritage site -has been primarily focused on conservation and restoration of monuments within the boundaries of the site. However, that focus is now shifting towards addressing environmental, social and economic challenges for sustainable development of the broader landscape described in this paper as the Angkor ecosystem. Angkor has the potential to demonstrate the application of an ecosystem approach to sustainable development--advocated under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. The site could be a laboratory for new research on cultural ecosystem services as a tool for bridging site conservation to the sustainable development of the Siem Reap province where the site is located. 展开更多
关键词 HERITAGE ECOSYSTEM TOURISM sustainable development.
Livelihood Diversification as an Adaptation Approach to Change in the Pastoral Hindu-Kush Himalayan Region 被引量:1
作者 WU Ning Muhammad ISMAIL +3 位作者 Srijana JOSHI YI Shao-liang Ritu Meher SHRESTHA Abdul Wahid JASRA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期1342-1355,共14页
Migratory livestock raising has been one of the most important livelihood options for people residing in high mountain areas and has made a significant contribution to the economy of the Hindu Kush Himalayan(HKH) regi... Migratory livestock raising has been one of the most important livelihood options for people residing in high mountain areas and has made a significant contribution to the economy of the Hindu Kush Himalayan(HKH) region, both in terms of supporting households and in export earnings. However, in recent decades, changes in the socioeconomic situation and increasing climate variability have led to a need to enhance adaptation by building the resilience of local socio-ecological systems, including economic diversification and sustainable management of natural resources. Based on semistructured interviews with pastoral communities in six countries within the pastoral HKH region, this paper discusses the situation, trends and driving forces behind the diversification of pastoral livelihood. For internal diversification the study highlights the need for enhancement of pastoral livelihoods through value-adding activities in the pastoral sectors. For external diversification changes on policy changes are needed to support free out-migration, market exploitation, and multiple resource use. Finally the paper highlights the role of education in determining household adaptation strategies in the face of various socio-ecological pressures and recommends integrating innovative and indigenous knowledge to develop appropriate methods for risk management and resource management in the pastoral HKH region. 展开更多
关键词 Adaptive capacity Diversification Livelihoods Pastoralism Himalaya
The evaluation of ecosystem health in mining areas on the matter element method 被引量:2
作者 LI Xin-ju LIU Xue-ran +2 位作者 LU Yan-yan GUO Shuo-li WANG Mei 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第2期176-180,共5页
According to the characteristics of ecosystem and concept of the ecosystem in mining area, the index system of the ecosystem health in mining area was set up, and the evaluation standard was established. Aiming at the... According to the characteristics of ecosystem and concept of the ecosystem in mining area, the index system of the ecosystem health in mining area was set up, and the evaluation standard was established. Aiming at the complexion in which the information lost in index ration, the matter element method was put forward to evaluate the ecosystem health in mining area. Making use of the model set up, the weight was built up by the method of index number heavy, the matter element, clas- sical field, and limit field were set up. The rating hierarchy was calculated by relating function. As a case study in the mining area of Pingyangsi Town, the results show that the ecosystem is good and sustainable from 2003 to 2006, but the healthy degree is not high, and some indexes have depravation. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem health the ecosystem in mining area matter element Pingyangsi Town
A watershed-based adaptive knowledge system for developing ecosystem stakeholder partnerships 被引量:2
作者 Hebin LIN Jeffrey A.THORNTON Nickolai SHADRIN 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1476-1488,共13页
This study proposes a Watershed-based Adaptive Knowledge System(WAKES) to consistently coordinate multiple stakeholders in developing sustainable partnerships for ecosystem management.WAKES is extended from the instit... This study proposes a Watershed-based Adaptive Knowledge System(WAKES) to consistently coordinate multiple stakeholders in developing sustainable partnerships for ecosystem management.WAKES is extended from the institutional mechanism of Payments for Improving Ecosystem Services at the Watershed-scale(PIES-W).PIES-W is designed relating to the governance of ecosystem services flows focused on a lake as a resource stock connecting its inflowing and outflowing rivers within its watershed.It explicitly realizes the values of conservation services provided by private land managers and incorporates their activities into the public organizing framework for ecosystem management.It implicitly extends the "upstream-to-downstream" organizing perspective to a broader vision of viewing the ecosystems as comprised of both "watershed landscapes" and "marine landscapes".Extended from PIES-W,WAKES specifies two corresponding feedback:Framework I and II.Framework I is a relationship matrix comprised of three input-output structures of primary governance factors intersecting three subsystems of a watershed with regard to ecosystem services and human stakeholders.Framework II is the Stakeholder-and-Information structure channeling five types of information among four stakeholder groups in order to enable the feedbacks mechanism of Framework I.WAKES identifies the rationales behind three fundamental information transformations,illustrated with the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis and the Strategic Action Program of the Bermejo River Binational Basin.These include(1) translating scientific knowledge into public information within the Function-and-Service structure corresponding to the ecological subsystem,(2) incorporating public perceptions into political will within the Serviceand-Value structure corresponding to the economic subsystem,and(3) integrating scientific knowledge,public perceptions and political will into management options within the Value-and-Stakeholder structure corresponding to the social subsystem.This study seeks to share a vision of social adaptation for a global sustainable future through developing a network to adopt contributions from and forming partnerships among all ecosystem stakeholders. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem services information transformation integrated ecosystem management stakeholder partnerships transaction costs watersheds
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