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密云库北区域典型村庄生态经济评估与规划设计 被引量:2
作者 胡艳霞 李红 +1 位作者 周连第 王亚芝 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第22期313-317,共5页
密云水库位于北京市密云县北部山区,由于干旱少雨,其来水量由20世纪50年代平均来水量17亿m3下降到近10年的0.7亿m3,水库水质的变化与水库近区域,尤其是密云水库一级保护区的经济行为关系更为密切。作者以密云水库一级保护区典型村庄为案... 密云水库位于北京市密云县北部山区,由于干旱少雨,其来水量由20世纪50年代平均来水量17亿m3下降到近10年的0.7亿m3,水库水质的变化与水库近区域,尤其是密云水库一级保护区的经济行为关系更为密切。作者以密云水库一级保护区典型村庄为案例,对其生态经济状况进行能值评估,结果表明,该村净能值产出率<1,全村生态经济运行可行性不强,能值投资率(5.67)高于中国农业能值投资率的平均值(4.93),该村对经济资源投入的依赖性较大,同时,环境负荷率为5.67,对环境造成了一定压力,可持续指数(1.13)偏低,全村属于资源密集型的经济开发系统。在能值评估的基础上,提出了以旅游循环农业为核心的生态设计方案,为水源保护区生态经济的协调发展提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 密云库区 生态经济评估 旅游循环农业
陕西省农业生态经济系统综合评估及空间聚集特征分析 被引量:4
作者 徐茜 任志远 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期196-202,共7页
基于陕西省农业生态经济统计数据,构建农业生态经济综合评估指标体系,采用熵权法确定权重系数,对陕西省各县(区)进行农业生态经济系统综合评估,在此基础上基于地理事物空间分布的自相关理论,进一步探索其在空间分布上的聚集特征。研究... 基于陕西省农业生态经济统计数据,构建农业生态经济综合评估指标体系,采用熵权法确定权重系数,对陕西省各县(区)进行农业生态经济系统综合评估,在此基础上基于地理事物空间分布的自相关理论,进一步探索其在空间分布上的聚集特征。研究结果表明,近十年全省变化波动较大。2007年陕西省农业生态经济水平的空间差异呈现出由以西安市为中心的关中地区向陕北、陕南递减的态势。各县(区)的农业生态经济系统及其子系统间的相互关系也具较大差异,关中地区各县(区)各系统间协调得最好,陕北地区最差。2007年陕西省各县(区)的农业生态经济水平主要趋向于低低集聚,而表现为高高集聚的县(区)主要集中于西安市各县(区)及其临近区域,陕北和陕南地区的空间集聚主要表现为低低集聚。另外,关中地区边缘个别市、县表现为非集聚现象,且分布于高高集聚地区的外缘,其非集聚地区地理分布较为集中。 展开更多
关键词 农业生态经济综合评估 熵权法 空间自相关 陕西省
安徽森林生态系统服务功能经济价值评估 被引量:4
作者 刘琳 林逢春 《科技资讯》 2006年第33期86-87,共2页
以安徽森林生态系统为研究案例,评价了涵养水源、固碳释氧、水土保持、空气净化等四个方面的生态经济价值。结果表明,安徽森林主导服务功能经济价值727亿元,土壤保持功能最大,其次为涵养水源。考虑到迄今对生态系统服务功能了解的局限... 以安徽森林生态系统为研究案例,评价了涵养水源、固碳释氧、水土保持、空气净化等四个方面的生态经济价值。结果表明,安徽森林主导服务功能经济价值727亿元,土壤保持功能最大,其次为涵养水源。考虑到迄今对生态系统服务功能了解的局限性及计算方法的缺陷,得出值应低于实际值。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统服务功能 森林生态系统 安徽森林 生态经济价值评估
金沙县湖水生态林场森林资源的生态经济价值评估 被引量:3
作者 胥献宇 糜崇琦 李旭光 《毕节师范高等专科学校学报(综合版)》 2002年第3期81-83,共3页
森林资源的生态经济价值除传统意义上的林木、林地等有形价值外,还应包括其生态价值、社会价值在内。全面合理地评估这些价值是开展森林资源资产化管理的一项基础性工作。应用市场价值法、机会成本法、影子价格法等,评估了金沙湖水生态... 森林资源的生态经济价值除传统意义上的林木、林地等有形价值外,还应包括其生态价值、社会价值在内。全面合理地评估这些价值是开展森林资源资产化管理的一项基础性工作。应用市场价值法、机会成本法、影子价格法等,评估了金沙湖水生态林场的生态经济价值,以期为制定和实施相应的保护、开发森林资源的政策提供一些科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 金沙县 湖水生态林场 森林资源 生态经济价值评估 市场价值法
北京市经济林生态系统服务功能评估 被引量:5
作者 李少宁 陶雪莹 +2 位作者 鲁绍伟 赵娜 徐晓天 《西北林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期267-272,共6页
依照《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》(LY/T 1721-2008),以北京市13个区县、14个经济林树种为研究对象,定量评估北京市经济林生态系统服务功能。结果表明,北京市年经济林生态系统涵养水源和保育土壤等7项评估指标总价值为78.41亿元,以... 依照《森林生态系统服务功能评估规范》(LY/T 1721-2008),以北京市13个区县、14个经济林树种为研究对象,定量评估北京市经济林生态系统服务功能。结果表明,北京市年经济林生态系统涵养水源和保育土壤等7项评估指标总价值为78.41亿元,以涵养水源(30.15亿元·a^(-1))、固碳释氧(17.42亿元·a^(-1))、净化大气环境(11.59亿元·a^(-1))为主;北京市各区经济林生态系统中密云区、平谷区和怀柔区的服务价值相对高于其他区县;以板栗林生态服务价值量较高(29.90%);北京市各项生态服务功能空间分布格局由大到小基本呈现为:东北部、西北部、西南部、东南部、中部。 展开更多
关键词 经济生态服务功能评估 物质量 价值量 空间格局 北京市
关中农业生态经济系统评估及时空演化研究 被引量:1
作者 方兰 王雪莹 《财经理论研究》 2019年第3期60-67,共8页
通过构建农业生态经济水平综合评价体系测算关中各市县(市、区)2007-2016年的农业生态经济水平指数,并采用全局空间自相关Moran’s Ⅰ指数、局部热点Getis-Ord Gi*指数和标准差椭圆等工具分析关中地区农业生态经济水平的时空演化特点。... 通过构建农业生态经济水平综合评价体系测算关中各市县(市、区)2007-2016年的农业生态经济水平指数,并采用全局空间自相关Moran’s Ⅰ指数、局部热点Getis-Ord Gi*指数和标准差椭圆等工具分析关中地区农业生态经济水平的时空演化特点。结果表明,关中地区农业生态经济总水平在十年内波动上升,各县(市、区)农业生态经济水平的整体空间集聚程度在十年间变动幅度不大,大部分年份呈显著的空间集聚分布,并且逐渐向西咸地区集中,整体空间分布范围变化不大。最后针对关中农业进一步可持续发展提出政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 农业生态经济综合评估 农业技术效率 GIS 空间自相关 标准差椭圆
盐城滨海湿地生态经济效益评估 被引量:1
作者 吴亚茜 张亚楠 《中国集体经济》 2018年第25期26-27,共2页
十八大报告中曾指出:"要把资源消耗、环境损害和生态效益纳入经济社会发展评价体系,建立体现生态文明。"这说明经济发展与良好的生态环境密不可分,而良好的生态环境要归功于对生态系统的保护。因此,特定生态系统的生态经济效... 十八大报告中曾指出:"要把资源消耗、环境损害和生态效益纳入经济社会发展评价体系,建立体现生态文明。"这说明经济发展与良好的生态环境密不可分,而良好的生态环境要归功于对生态系统的保护。因此,特定生态系统的生态经济效益评估也是国家社会经济发展中一项重要的工作。而作为陆地与海洋生态系统的交汇地带,滨海湿地生态系统不仅具备有多重生态功能(涵养水源、河道分流、洪水调蓄等),还支撑着海滨城市的经济发展。对滨海湿地生态系统发展进行综合评估,有利于协助相关单位部门以及政府做好今后环境保护与经济发展的双边工作。 展开更多
关键词 滨海湿地 生态经济效益评估
在我国推行生态保险的可行性研究 被引量:1
作者 王顺庆 《生态经济》 北大核心 2010年第1期58-61,共4页
文章讨论了在我国推行生态保险的可行性。首先解释了生态保险的概念、适用范围及其分类;接着用图示诠释了经济发展与生态环境成本之间的关系,提出了兼顾总经济效益和总生态效益的生态经济效益评估公式,简述了生态经济风险管理,评介了几... 文章讨论了在我国推行生态保险的可行性。首先解释了生态保险的概念、适用范围及其分类;接着用图示诠释了经济发展与生态环境成本之间的关系,提出了兼顾总经济效益和总生态效益的生态经济效益评估公式,简述了生态经济风险管理,评介了几种生态经济危险评估的方法;最后概括了推行生态保险的其他必备条件。 展开更多
关键词 生态保险 可行性 生态经济效益 生态经济风险评估
Payment for ecosystem services:emerging lessons 被引量:9
作者 Pushpam Kumar 《Ecological Economy》 2008年第1期2-14,共13页
Market based initiatives for management of degrading ecosystems and their services have received the added attention as one of the innovative responses in the reent years. Those initiatives such as direct and indirect... Market based initiatives for management of degrading ecosystems and their services have received the added attention as one of the innovative responses in the reent years. Those initiatives such as direct and indirect payment for ecosystem services like premium for rain forest honey, payment by the people at the lower reach to those at the upper reach for the watershed services etc. have drawn the attention of the decision makers as they have proved to be far more cost effective.This paper wynthesizes the key messages from some of the paper are carbon, watershed services and biodiversity, We find that while credible valuation of ecosystem services for all services remain a critical concern behind setting up the payment mechanism, absent of necessary institutional framework may seriously undermine this innovative response for management of ecosystems. In the paper, necessary institutional mechanisms enabling the market for those services have been sketched out, Key messages from those cases have been synthesized. 展开更多
Economic Value Evaluation of Wetland Service in Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve,Beijing 被引量:9
作者 ZHU Lin CHEN Yun +3 位作者 GONG Huili JIANG Weiguo ZHAO Wenji XIAO Yanfang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第6期744-752,共9页
Based on multi-source data,this paper evaluated the economic value of ecological services in the Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve,Beijing,China.The ecological services of wetland included gas regulation,water quality im-... Based on multi-source data,this paper evaluated the economic value of ecological services in the Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve,Beijing,China.The ecological services of wetland included gas regulation,water quality im-provement,biodiversity maintenance,erosion control,water supply,recreational opportunity,raw material supply and existence value.Multiple conventional evaluation methods were used to calculate the value of eight wetland services.The results showed that significant values came from biodiversity maintenance and recreational opportunity.The main reasons were as follows.Firstly,Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve was the habitat for migrant birds,and government had payed more efforts to protect precious birds.Secondly,the population is large in Beijing.People enjoyed going outside and enjoyed the natural and artificial wetland scenes.At the same time,most people were prepared to pay for wetland conservation.The decline of vegetation cover made the economic value of erosion control the lowest.While the shrink of water resource and the deteriorative water quality caused the economic value of water supply lower.The evaluation results could help decision-makers understand the present status of the Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve and provide a scientific basis for strategic decision. 展开更多
关键词 economic value evaluation wetland service Yeyahu Wetland Nature Reserve BEIJING
Another strategy to assess sustainable development 被引量:1
作者 Chen Yunfeng Lu Genfa 《Ecological Economy》 2006年第2期140-151,共12页
The goal of sustainoble development is to preserve sustainabitity trod simultaneously prevent catastrophe in a man-land .system. However, almost all the existing approaches to assessing sustainable development are to ... The goal of sustainoble development is to preserve sustainabitity trod simultaneously prevent catastrophe in a man-land .system. However, almost all the existing approaches to assessing sustainable development are to measure the sustainability. namely appraise from the obverse side of the sustainable development. So it seems necessary to attack the same task on the reverse, namely to measure the passibility of eatostrophe. In this paper, with a case study of Tianjin, China. we employ catastrophe theory and models to integrate Tianjin's sustainable development indicators, and then deduce the catastrophe risk index ( CRI) to present the level of catastrophic possibility in the city. Applying catastrophe theory, is a new strategy to assess sustainable development and shows great practical significance, especially for those developing regions or countries, who always give more priority to their economy and therefore have more obligation to make sure whether their social economic activities might bring forth any ecological environment catastrophe. Besides, being both qualitative and quantitative, the approach could be employed to explore not only static characteristics bat also dynamic mechanism of man-land system. Although our work is only a maiden attempt and still calls for further effort to improve it, the case study of Tianjin in this paper would assure as the great promising future to apply, catastrophe theory to sustoinable devetopment modeling, 展开更多
关键词 Sastoinable development modeling Catastrophe theory Catastrophe sisk index (CRI) Man-land system
Appraisal of the vegetation-based services for cropland ecosystems: a case study of a high-yielding county in North China 被引量:1
作者 Bao Yonghong Wu Wenliang Wang Mingxin Liu Wenna 《Ecological Economy》 2006年第2期127-139,共13页
As people become increasingly aware of the irreplaceability of ecosystem services, defined as "the nataral environmental conditions and effects upon which peopic rely for existence that are formed and maintained by e... As people become increasingly aware of the irreplaceability of ecosystem services, defined as "the nataral environmental conditions and effects upon which peopic rely for existence that are formed and maintained by ecosystems and ecological processes", more emphasis is being placed on these services'. In rectent years numerous studies have focused primarily on the sen,ices of natural ecosystems. This paper expands the scope of this field from natural ecosystems to semi-natuval ecosystems, i.e. cropland ecosystems, which are closely associated with human productivity and life. Taking Huantat County in Shandong Province as an example, the vegetation.based services of winter wheat/summer maize rotation systems and carton cropland ecosystems were systematically analyzed, including the material production, carbon dioxide fixation, oxygen release, water conservation, and nutrient recycling. These services were then evaluated in terms of economics through the applications of a market value technique, a substinaion engineering method and a shadow price method. The results indicated that the total economic value of cropland ecosystem vegetation.based services in Huantai County is 124.827.3 ×10^4 yuan. which is equivalent to 15.63% of the GDP of Hnantat County (798, 491 × 10^4 yuan), Among these services, the gas regulation value is 82.698.3 × 10^4 yuan (66.25%), the material production value is 38.049.4 × 10^4 yuan (30.48%), the nutrient cycling value is 3257.3 × 10^4 ynan (2.61%), and the water conservation value is 822.3 × 10^4 yuan (0.66%). In addition, through the comparison between winter wheat/summer maize rotation systems and cotton cropland ecosystems, we conclude that the economic value of vegetation-based services provided by the former is much higher than that of the latter, which could provide a scientific guideline for adjusting the agricultural structure, Our study may facilitate the conservation of cropland ecosystems and promote effective use of vegetation-based services to achieve sustainable development of agriculture and guarantee nationwide food security. 展开更多
关键词 Cropland ecosystems Ecosystem vegetation-based services Economic valuation
A model of techno-economic evaluation for eco-industrial park project
作者 Cai Xiaojun Wang Yan 《Ecological Economy》 2006年第4期357-364,共8页
An eco-industrial park or estate is a community of manufactaring and service businesses located together on a common property. The goat of ElP is to create a win-win harmonious development aspect of ecooomic developme... An eco-industrial park or estate is a community of manufactaring and service businesses located together on a common property. The goat of ElP is to create a win-win harmonious development aspect of ecooomic development and environmental protection. This paper emphasizes that the external .effect of an EIP is its main characteristic of technoeconomic evaluation for eco-industrial park project. From the view of the property, rights, the EIP's product is typicalty public-private. The government should take some inca.rares for the quantitative analysis on ecological positive externalities of the enterprises in EIP, and also should adopt Coase's Theorem, which supports that the market transaction is the best way to deal with positive externalities (external economics or diseconoraics), or Pigou's Theorem, which holds that the government anti-positive externalities programs are the best way to cope with positive externalities, to internalize the EIP's external effects, which is also a fundamental tool to encourage investors to actively invest in EIP projects, Furthermore. this paper thinks that the EIP 's income should be equal to the income of staple products of the private property, and that of its by-products of the public property. According to this principle, this paper has put forward three major indicators, net present value (NPV), internal rate of renan (IRR), and investment repayment period (IRP), which are also extensively used indicators in ardinary project techno-economic evaluation model to evaluate EIP technoeconomic effects. Theoretically, the indicatory not only can be used in EIP project evaluation, but also can provide a quantitative measure toot for the government to support EIP's construction to the maximum. In the end. a case is analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 Circular economy Eco-industrial park Eco-industry Techno-economic evaluation Project evaluation
作者 许倩 《农村科学实验》 2023年第16期115-117,共3页
工业的不断发展,给林业带来巨大的破坏,森林资源的减少,直接危害人们赖以生存的自然环境。森林资源属于林业长期发展的物质条件,为了使林业符合可持续发展要求,做好森林资源的保护管理工作,需要用科技推动林业发展,用“以二促一带三”... 工业的不断发展,给林业带来巨大的破坏,森林资源的减少,直接危害人们赖以生存的自然环境。森林资源属于林业长期发展的物质条件,为了使林业符合可持续发展要求,做好森林资源的保护管理工作,需要用科技推动林业发展,用“以二促一带三”的对策,优化林业的生态和经济效益评估方法,完善森林资源的法律制度,加强执法队伍的执法力度,建构严格的综合性监测体系,这样才能达到森林资源保护管理工作和林业可持续发展的双赢效果。 展开更多
关键词 林业科技 “以二促一带三”策略 生态经济效益评估 监测体系
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