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作者 柴斌 《美与时代(城市)》 2014年第10期40-40,共1页
山地农业是指在在海拔500米以上的高地,起伏较大,坡度陡峻,沟谷幽深,一般多成脉状分布的地形中进行农作物种植生产的一种农业生产模式。随着经济的发展和生态环境的不断恶化,单一传统的山地农业生产模式已经不能满足社会经济发展... 山地农业是指在在海拔500米以上的高地,起伏较大,坡度陡峻,沟谷幽深,一般多成脉状分布的地形中进行农作物种植生产的一种农业生产模式。随着经济的发展和生态环境的不断恶化,单一传统的山地农业生产模式已经不能满足社会经济发展的需求。依据复合生态系统理论分析问题产生的原因及内在规律,探究问题的根源是符合当今产业发展的必然需求。本文基于复合生态系统中自然环境生态子系统理论的指导,对陕西秦岭地区山地农业发展模式进行分析研究,对山地空间最大化利用与山地农业可持续发展做出有益探索。 展开更多
关键词 自然环境生态子系统 秦岭 山地 山地立体农业
打造生态市 国土资源部门任重道远——访衢州市国土资源局局长金明
作者 柳京 《浙江国土资源》 2004年第4期15-18,共4页
位于浙西山区的衢州市,有着得天独厚的生态自然环境。随着社会的发展和人类的进步,人们越来越重视保护自然生态环境,保持人类与自然的和谐。衢州市委书记蔡奇去年底在全市推进生态示范乡(镇)村建设工作现场会议上强调,要坚定不移地推进... 位于浙西山区的衢州市,有着得天独厚的生态自然环境。随着社会的发展和人类的进步,人们越来越重视保护自然生态环境,保持人类与自然的和谐。衢州市委书记蔡奇去年底在全市推进生态示范乡(镇)村建设工作现场会议上强调,要坚定不移地推进生态市建设,特别是要坚持生态示范村建设与千村整治、百村示范工程有机结合,加快生态型新农村建设。在生态建设和环境保护方面,国土资源部门承担着艰巨而重要的任务。衢州市国土资源局在这方面,做了大量的工作,取得了显著的成效。为此,本刊专门组织记者赴衢考察,并采访了衢州市国土资源局金明局长。 展开更多
关键词 生态自然环境 生态建设 环境保护 国土资源管理
《风景园林》 2015年第9期50-53,共4页
长白山位于吉林省东南部地区,是中、朝两国界山,图们江、鸭绿江、松花江的三江发源地,国家AAAAA级风景区。闻名中外的美景,关东第一山长白山,因其主峰白头山多白色浮石与积雪而得名,素有"千年积雪为年松,直上人间第一峰"的美誉。因此... 长白山位于吉林省东南部地区,是中、朝两国界山,图们江、鸭绿江、松花江的三江发源地,国家AAAAA级风景区。闻名中外的美景,关东第一山长白山,因其主峰白头山多白色浮石与积雪而得名,素有"千年积雪为年松,直上人间第一峰"的美誉。因此长白山规划规划强调在自然保护区内搞景观设计一定要尊重自然、保护自然,在详细调查资源的基础上进行设计,不露人工痕迹。 展开更多
关键词 国家自然保护区 吉林省东南部 步行系统 白头山 景观设计 第一山 规划设计 环境生态 自然美景 生态自然环境
作者 唐继高 杨敏 +15 位作者 杨忠诚 张芸 孙鹃 张双翔 宋汝谋 杨红文 唐宇 沈德林 龚俞 皮泉 焦仁刚 侯萍 刘林洋 黎恒铭 杨正文 姜桃 《贵州畜牧兽医》 2017年第4期56-59,共4页
关键词 生态自然环境 隔离条件 饲养周期 地方鸡种 地形地势 气候资源 技术规程 育雏室 脱温 自由采食
作者 陈仲伯 《中南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2001年第3期206-210,共5页
依据景观生态系统理论 ,运用生态元原理来研究凤凰古城生态网络体系中子系统和各变系之间复杂有序的生态关系。通过对自然环境生态元、人工环境生态元、人文环境生态元三个各具功能、相互联系、分工有序的基本功能单元进行分析 ,对凤凰... 依据景观生态系统理论 ,运用生态元原理来研究凤凰古城生态网络体系中子系统和各变系之间复杂有序的生态关系。通过对自然环境生态元、人工环境生态元、人文环境生态元三个各具功能、相互联系、分工有序的基本功能单元进行分析 ,对凤凰古城的环境和现状进行了景观生态评价 ,概括了凤凰古城的区位优势、人文内涵和民族特色 ,提出了景观生态结构的整体性、依存性。 展开更多
关键词 湖南 凤凰县 凤凰古城 国家级历史文化名城 景观生态体系 自然环境生态 人工环境生态 人文环境生态
作者 刘爱香 《中学历史教学参考》 2017年第5X期21-23,共3页
中国传统文化源远流长,博大精深,它涵盖修身、治学、为人、处事、为官、交友等诸多领域,早已成为中华民族宝贵的精神财富和民族传承的文化载体。传统文化对国人的熏陶犹如血脉与我们每个人息息相通,割不断、剪不乱。看似无影无踪,影响... 中国传统文化源远流长,博大精深,它涵盖修身、治学、为人、处事、为官、交友等诸多领域,早已成为中华民族宝贵的精神财富和民族传承的文化载体。传统文化对国人的熏陶犹如血脉与我们每个人息息相通,割不断、剪不乱。看似无影无踪,影响却实实在在。 展开更多
关键词 天地万物 中国传统文化 和谐相处 生态自然环境 人与自然
植物种子大小与幼苗生长策略研究进展 被引量:6
作者 高志刚 《农业开发与装备》 2015年第4期32-33,共2页
1前言自19世纪中期,种子大小研究相关论断的提出,就开始引发诸多生态专家就这一话题的关注。生态自然环境中,同一物种及不同物种见种子大小的差异是较为普遍的现象。时至今日,物种内种子大小变异的研究,对于获取种子大小变异的生态学意... 1前言自19世纪中期,种子大小研究相关论断的提出,就开始引发诸多生态专家就这一话题的关注。生态自然环境中,同一物种及不同物种见种子大小的差异是较为普遍的现象。时至今日,物种内种子大小变异的研究,对于获取种子大小变异的生态学意义显著。为了提升重视程度,本文在阐述种子大小的生物学意义基础上,就种子大小与种子萌发、种子大小与幼苗生长特性、种子大小与幼苗存活和竞争等涉及幼苗生长策略的相关话题进行系统论述。 展开更多
关键词 生态自然环境 意义基础 植物生活史 生态学意义 相对生长率 植物种群 张世挺 负相关 生长优势 胁迫
海绵城市建设理念、技术和政策问题的思考 被引量:3
作者 万之瑛 《中华建设》 2016年第5期68-69,共2页
海绵城市是当下我国力推以解决城市雨洪管理难题的新建设模式。本文通过梳理海绵城市概念提出的背景和源起,指出弹性城市、低影响开发和可持续资源管理是海绵城市理念的核心思想,认为海绵城市比雨洪管理更加准确体现城市雨洪管理可持续... 海绵城市是当下我国力推以解决城市雨洪管理难题的新建设模式。本文通过梳理海绵城市概念提出的背景和源起,指出弹性城市、低影响开发和可持续资源管理是海绵城市理念的核心思想,认为海绵城市比雨洪管理更加准确体现城市雨洪管理可持续发展要求的完整内涵,海绵城市与生态城市、低碳城市存在理论递进的紧密联系,相辅相成。海绵城市的概念与思想具有先进性和有效性, 展开更多
关键词 雨洪 资源管理 管理难题 存在理论 水资源短缺 排水系统 生态自然环境 面源污染 生态环境 硬质铺装
比较中警醒 落后中奋起
作者 戴嵩青 《老区建设》 1993年第5期32-33,共2页
幕阜山是湘鄂赣三省交界处的天然屏障,江西修水、铜鼓、湖南平江、湖北通城、崇阳等县分布在其东、南、西、北麓,相同、相似的生态自然环境和经济条件,使这些毗邻县在经济发展中表现出许多相同或相近的特点。如:经济发展条件基本相同,... 幕阜山是湘鄂赣三省交界处的天然屏障,江西修水、铜鼓、湖南平江、湖北通城、崇阳等县分布在其东、南、西、北麓,相同、相似的生态自然环境和经济条件,使这些毗邻县在经济发展中表现出许多相同或相近的特点。如:经济发展条件基本相同,经济发展水平相同、经济发展战略也相似。 展开更多
关键词 经济发展条件 经济发展战略 经济发展水平 修水 湖南平江 生态自然环境 天然屏障 幕阜山 经济协作区 省际边界
作者 方茹 《戏剧之家》 2014年第10期318-318,共1页
葛牌属蓝田,是秦岭里的一个小镇。这里群山环绕,三河交汇,有一片深山里难得一见的小盆地。又因连接了关中与商洛的镇安、柞水,葛牌逐渐发育成古辋川商道上的商贸枢纽重镇。据说清道光年间,大量湖广地区的流民来到这里安营扎寨,让地处秦... 葛牌属蓝田,是秦岭里的一个小镇。这里群山环绕,三河交汇,有一片深山里难得一见的小盆地。又因连接了关中与商洛的镇安、柞水,葛牌逐渐发育成古辋川商道上的商贸枢纽重镇。据说清道光年间,大量湖广地区的流民来到这里安营扎寨,让地处秦岭北麓的葛牌亦有了江南风韵,老瓦房、青石板,古香古色。 展开更多
关键词 秦岭北麓 商道 清道光 辋川 翠柳 葛牌镇 革命事业 热岛效应 生态自然环境 村中
作者 杨阳 《食品安全导刊》 2014年第7X期40-40,共1页
近日,2014第五届中国北京食品饮料有机绿色食品茶叶文化博览会在北京全国农业展览馆举行。记者走进展会现场,一阵黑茶的茶香味扑鼻而来。根据史料记载,"千年黑茶出安化,高马二溪茶最佳"。高马二溪产茶、制茶历史悠久,为安化... 近日,2014第五届中国北京食品饮料有机绿色食品茶叶文化博览会在北京全国农业展览馆举行。记者走进展会现场,一阵黑茶的茶香味扑鼻而来。根据史料记载,"千年黑茶出安化,高马二溪茶最佳"。高马二溪产茶、制茶历史悠久,为安化黑茶之宗源。此次茶品的参展商就带来了产制高马二溪的黑茶。他们向记者介绍,高马二溪一带平均海拔800米,原生态自然环境下至今栖息有野生中华蝾螈,广泛分布7亿年历史之久的冰碛岩。原产茶叶肥大厚实、 展开更多
关键词 二溪 安化 生态自然环境 宗源 全国农业展览馆 冰碛岩 茶业界 贡茶 虾饼 贸易平台
作者 木易 《城市风(建设管理专刊)》 2003年第20期40-41,共2页
关键词 余斌 人物专访 生态自然环境 历史文化名城 书写艺术
Effect of Cropland Occupation and Supplement on Light-temperature Potential Productivity in China from 2000 to 2008 被引量:7
作者 YANG Xiaohuan CHENG Chuanzhou LI Yuejiao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第6期536-544,共9页
There are more people but less land in China,so food safety has always been a most important issue government concerned.With continuous population increase,economic development and environment protection,cropland occu... There are more people but less land in China,so food safety has always been a most important issue government concerned.With continuous population increase,economic development and environment protection,cropland occupation and supplement are unavoidable.It not only leads to the variation of cropland area,but also makes the light-temperature potential productivity per unit area different due to regional climate differentiation,therefore impacts the total potential productivity and food output eventually.So,it is necessary to analyze the climate differentiation between occupation and supplement cropland areas and to study its impact on total potential productivity,which is significant to reasonably develop natural resources and instruct agricultural arrangement.This study firstly discussed the variation and distribution of occupation and supplement croplands in China from 2000 to 2008,then analyzed the climate differentiation between occupation and supplement cropland areas and its effect on light-temperature potential productivity.The results demonstrate:1) From 2000 to 2008,the cropland variation presented occupation in the south and supplement in the north,but overall decreased.Supplement cropland was mainly from ecological reclamation(77.78%) and was mainly distributed in Northeast China and Northwest China with poor climatic and natural conditions.Occupation cropland was mainly used for construction(52.88%) and ecological restoration(44.78%) purposes,and was mainly distributed in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain,and the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang(Yangtze) River with better climatic and natural conditions.2) The climate conditions were quite different in supplement and occupation cropland areas.The annual precipitation,annual accumulated temperature and average annual temperature were lower in the supplement cropland area,and its average po-tential productivity per unit was only 62% of occupation cropland area,which was the main reason for the decrease of total potential productivity.3) Cropland occupation and supplement led to the variation of total potential productivity and its spatial distribution.The productivity decreased in the south and increased in the north,but had a net loss of 4.38315×107 t in the whole country.The increase of cropland area was at the cost of reclaiming natural forest and grassland resources,and destroying natural ecological environment,while the decrease of cropland area was mainly due to a lot of cropland occupied by urban-rural construction,which threatened the sustainable use of cropland resources. 展开更多
关键词 CROPLAND cropland occupation cropland supplement climate condition light-temperature potential productivity China
Sustainable Development and the Basic Value of Natural Environment 被引量:1
作者 Jia Zhong Li Jianhua 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2009年第1期89-93,共5页
Contrast with artificial environment, the multi-level self-organizational system of nature has great gain. Sustain-able material environment should respect nature: non-rubbish and super-cycle quality of natural ecosys... Contrast with artificial environment, the multi-level self-organizational system of nature has great gain. Sustain-able material environment should respect nature: non-rubbish and super-cycle quality of natural ecosystem offers the material source of human development, fractal structure of nature offers new field of space and information source to this high-density and information-based society, dissipative structure of nature links the new system of energy with whole ecosystem organi-cally, and life-chain regulation is the base of sustainable life environment. Nature guarantees the physical healthy environ-ment by its all-dimension healthy factor, constructs the mental healthy environment by its quality of co-ordinate and chaos, so that guarantees the whole emergence of sustainable develop-ment on the 'super-science' level. In the view of sustainable development, construction, green economy and human health are basic fields. With the concept of ecosystem regulation, we can relate these fields organically and fulfill the task of human health, welfare and sustainable development. Ecosystem regulation is the base of sustainable development's new para-digm. 展开更多
关键词 sustainable development natural environment ECOSYSTEM HEALTH SELF-ORGANIZATION
Elementary Introduction and Suggestion on Ecotourism 被引量:1
作者 WangXlaoxlao 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第2期40-43,共4页
The ecotourism is a combination of popularizing ecological, scientific knowledge and increasing the nation's awareness of protection of nature. Therefore, it is a better form for national forest parks and nature r... The ecotourism is a combination of popularizing ecological, scientific knowledge and increasing the nation's awareness of protection of nature. Therefore, it is a better form for national forest parks and nature reserves to fully publicize the necessity of environmental protection. The combination of ecology with tourism is the current world-developing tendency. 展开更多
关键词 ECOTOURISM NATURE environmental protection.
Taxonomic Distinctness of Macrofauna as an Ecological Indicator in Laizhou Bay and Adjacent Waters 被引量:9
作者 ZHOU Hong HUA Er ZHANG Zhinan 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2010年第4期350-358,共9页
In this paper, we assessed the ecological and biodiversity status in the Bohai Sea through a quantitative survey on mac-rofaunal community at 25 stations in Laizhou Bay and adjacent waters in the autumn of 2006.We tes... In this paper, we assessed the ecological and biodiversity status in the Bohai Sea through a quantitative survey on mac-rofaunal community at 25 stations in Laizhou Bay and adjacent waters in the autumn of 2006.We tested the robustness and effectiveness of taxonomic distinctness as an ecological indictor by analyzing its correlation with species richness and natural environmental variables and by analyzing other ecological indicators (Shannon-Wiener H' and W statistics from Abundance Biomass Comparison curve).Results so obtained indicated that the benthic environment of the study waters in general is not under major impact of anthropogenic disturbance, but some stations in Laizhou Bay and along the coast of the Shandong Peninsula and even in the central Bohai Sea might be moderately disturbed and showed signs of ecological degradation.The taxonomic distinctness measures △+ and Λ+ were independent of sampling effort and natural environment factors and were compliant to other ecological indicators.Further application of the taxonomic distinctness indicator to assess marine biodiversity and ecosystem health on a larger regional scale with historical data seems promising. 展开更多
关键词 Taxonomic distinctness MACROFAUNA ecological indicator BIODIVERSITY Laizhou Bay Bohai Sea
Urban and Industrial Metabolism: Towards Sustainable Planning
作者 Ma Carmen Ruiz Puente Elena Romero Arozamena 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第2期182-188,共7页
Nowadays, urban planning supposes a key issue to promote sustainable cities' development. In the last decades, the urban growth of developed countries has caused several environmental, social and economic problems, s... Nowadays, urban planning supposes a key issue to promote sustainable cities' development. In the last decades, the urban growth of developed countries has caused several environmental, social and economic problems, such as the inefficient use of resources and infrastructures. Notwithstanding, detailed analysis of population's necessities allows decreasing these drawbacks. These enhancements can foster a more feasible development through technical sustainability criteria. Therefore, the urban metabolism study becomes an essential tool to plan a suitable management for material and energy flows. Industrial Ecology (IE) theory looks for the sustainable integration of human activities on their natural environment. It seeks mimic natural systems performance and their processes. Industrial Metabolism (IM) studies those processes which turns material and energy into products and wastes. The IE final goals aim to promote improvements in process efficiency, decreasing consumption and waste generation through flows recirculation and exchange networks of material and energy. This contribution proposes a new conceptual framework which integrates urban and industrial metabolisms as an opportunity to achieve more efficient and sustainable development. The review of national and international experiences shows the improvements achieved through metabolisms' combination based on the exchanges of residual energy and water streams. 展开更多
关键词 Urban planning urban metabolism industrial metabolism industrial ecology sustainable development.
On the Theory of Harmonious Co-existence between Man and Nature by Marx and Engels 被引量:1
作者 KongXiangli 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第2期19-22,共4页
Marx and Engles believed that man and nature develop harmoniously, when the activities of man constitute the content of nature, which is changed constantly because of the activities of man. Marx and Engles also pointe... Marx and Engles believed that man and nature develop harmoniously, when the activities of man constitute the content of nature, which is changed constantly because of the activities of man. Marx and Engles also pointed out the duality of the conquest, change and influence exerted on nature by man. On one hand, it can improve people’s living conditions and make people free from the enslavement of the nature. On the other hand, it may also lead to excessively snatching and wrecking nature, then make the deterioration of the environment and ecology out of balance. They also, from the technical angle of ecology, put forward the concrete measures to realize the harmonious symbiosis of man and nature in the development of economy. They also believed that only when socialism or communism is realized, can the conciliation of mankind and nature be realized finally. Marx and Engle’s theory of harmonious symbiosis of man and nature is of great theoretical directive significance for us to insist on the scientific development view. 展开更多
关键词 Marx and Engles man and nature harmony.
Wordsworth's Nature Poetry: An Eco-Scientific Perspective
作者 Mohammad Moniruzzaman Miah 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第12期1793-1800,共8页
From time immemorial down to the present decade, poets, dramatists, and fictionists have portrayed nature in different ways in their works. Critics, so far, have pointed out the mystic, didactic, and philosophical asp... From time immemorial down to the present decade, poets, dramatists, and fictionists have portrayed nature in different ways in their works. Critics, so far, have pointed out the mystic, didactic, and philosophical aspects of Wordsworth's nature poetry. In the backdrop of global deforestation and environmental degradation, traditional approaches to the evaluation of Wordsworth's nature poetry have lost charms and appeals to both the readers and the environmentalists. So, new approaches to the judgment of his poetry are a demand of the day. Keeping this demand in view, this paper aims at delving deep into Wordsworth's selected nature poems from eco-scientific point of view. Eco-scientific approach, missing in the previous analysis of his poetry, may pave the way for opening up a new trend for the new generation of readers and critics. 展开更多
Tracing the Holistic Voice in Ecological Space: Exploring Theodore Roszak's Ecopsychology in Henri Lefebvre's "Differential Space"
作者 Su-chen Wu 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第9期843-856,共14页
The goal of ecopsychology is to awaken the inherent sense of environmental reciprocity that lies within the ecological unconsciousness. Proclaiming the spirit of ecopsychology, Theodore Roszak argues that psychotherap... The goal of ecopsychology is to awaken the inherent sense of environmental reciprocity that lies within the ecological unconsciousness. Proclaiming the spirit of ecopsychology, Theodore Roszak argues that psychotherapy is an urban movement, but human beings can never heal themselves until they reconnect with nature. Other therapies aim at healing the alienation between person and person, person and family, person and society; ecopsychology intends to heal the more primary alienation between the person and the natural environment. Henri Lefebvre's work has revitalized urban studies, geography and planning via concepts like the social production of space. Lefebvre claims that space is not an inert, neutral, and pre-existing given, but rather, an on-going production of spatial relations. According to Lefebvre, space is produced by three types of practice: spatial practices of physical transformation of the environment, practices of representation of space, and everyday practices of representational space. Lefebvre further presents a "differential space," named as such for its dialectical resistance to the forces of homogenization present in "abstract space." The aim of this paper is to trace the ecological voice from Roszak's The Voice of the Earth in Henri Lefebvre's "differential space." Roszak's ecopsychology has formed a differential space, acknowledging that the boundaries of dualism and separations such as mind and body, man and nature should be finally dissolved in terms of ecological sustainability. Within this space, a holistic approach and thinking are created and required to take into account perception of the inextricable relationship between all life and all phenomena. 展开更多
关键词 ecopsychology holistic worldview representations of space abstract space differential space ecological consciousness
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