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农田及生态补偿区甲虫群落结构的差异 被引量:9
作者 艾尼瓦尔.吐米尔 马合木提.哈力克 Tomas FRANK 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第9期2284-2290,共7页
为了调查冬麦田和不同年龄生态补偿区甲虫群落结构和物种多样性,从2003年7到10月和2004年5到6月在瑞士农业区周围不同景观中进行了实地调查,并采用对应及典范对应分析方法,对冬麦田和1~4a不同年龄阶段的野花地中的甲虫群落结构及物种... 为了调查冬麦田和不同年龄生态补偿区甲虫群落结构和物种多样性,从2003年7到10月和2004年5到6月在瑞士农业区周围不同景观中进行了实地调查,并采用对应及典范对应分析方法,对冬麦田和1~4a不同年龄阶段的野花地中的甲虫群落结构及物种多样性进行了比较系统的研究.结果,共捕甲虫6009只,分别属于150种,25科,其中,麦田共计38种445个体,1~4a不同年龄的野花地中分别计46种,2760个体,81种,1325个体,73种,668个体,75种,811个体.根据食性,植食性种类有98种(65.33%),5189个体(86.35%)、肉食性种类有40种(26.67%),240个体(3.99%)、食菌性种类有10种(6.67%),578个体(9.62%)、食腐性种类有2种(1.33%),2个体(0.03%).冬麦田中栖息的甲虫种类及其物种丰富度和多度与1~4a不同年龄阶段的野花地有明显差异.这主要由于冬麦田中植物种类多样性低和植被结构简单而导致的.在不同演替阶段野花地中甲虫群落物种的丰富度一般在1~3a型野花地之间有差异.1年型野花地具有比较典型的甲虫群落结构,不同演替阶段的野花地对甲虫群落的定居,扩散及其演替过程中具有非常重要的作用.对甲虫提供丰富的食物资源和栖息,繁殖场所.因此,人为在农业区建立生态补偿区,有利于提高无脊椎动物和昆虫多样性,对物种保护方面具有重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 甲虫群落 生态补偿区 冬麦田 物种组成
流域生态补偿区的建立对企业经营绩效影响研究——以福建省为例 被引量:1
作者 何晓楠 《中国林业经济》 2021年第2期78-82,共5页
通过理论分析建立生态补偿区可能会对企业经营绩效产生的影响,以福建省上游上市公司为实验组,下游上市公司为对照组,选取2011-2018年上市公司数据共584个观测值进行实证检验。研究表明:福建省流域生态补偿区的建立提高了上游企业的绩效... 通过理论分析建立生态补偿区可能会对企业经营绩效产生的影响,以福建省上游上市公司为实验组,下游上市公司为对照组,选取2011-2018年上市公司数据共584个观测值进行实证检验。研究表明:福建省流域生态补偿区的建立提高了上游企业的绩效。进一步分析其主要原因可能是:财政转移支付向上游地区倾斜促进上游环保建设;企业R&D投入的加强;企业资本结构的改变。最后从政策和企业层面提出建议,以实现流域生态补偿政策的可持续性。 展开更多
关键词 流域生态补偿区 双重差分法 经营绩效
我国主体功能区生态补偿思路研究 被引量:32
作者 孟召宜 朱传耿 +1 位作者 渠爱雪 杜艳 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 2008年第2期139-144,共6页
主体功能区生态补偿是一种新型生态补偿方式,具有目标多元性、定位战略性、机制科学性、等级层次性、政策配套性。与传统生态补偿相比,不仅生态学、经济学等相关理论是主体功能区生态补偿的科学基础,而且区域分工理论、区域发展空间均... 主体功能区生态补偿是一种新型生态补偿方式,具有目标多元性、定位战略性、机制科学性、等级层次性、政策配套性。与传统生态补偿相比,不仅生态学、经济学等相关理论是主体功能区生态补偿的科学基础,而且区域分工理论、区域发展空间均衡理论、区域管治理论对其也有重要的指导意义。在实施生态补偿中,应遵循注重科学、政府主导、规范有序、协商一致等原则构建生态补偿模式,为促进这一新型生态补偿的落实,需要注意:树立大局意识,引领生态补偿;完善规章制度,规范生态补偿;科学规划先行,落实生态补偿;改革财政预算,提高补偿效果;完善配套政策,协动生态补偿。 展开更多
关键词 主体功能 生态补偿 主体功能生态补偿
自然资本理论与生态服务跨区补偿标准 被引量:3
作者 王翊 邹方斌 李碧花 《系统工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期116-119,共4页
分析了自然资本与生态服务的性质和特征。生态服务跨区补偿的实质,是平衡地区之间对自然资本投资的投入水平。根据补偿性质的不同,本文区分了地区之间生态服务跨区补偿的两种基本形式,即生态服务跨区溢出补偿和自然资本跨区耗费补偿;并... 分析了自然资本与生态服务的性质和特征。生态服务跨区补偿的实质,是平衡地区之间对自然资本投资的投入水平。根据补偿性质的不同,本文区分了地区之间生态服务跨区补偿的两种基本形式,即生态服务跨区溢出补偿和自然资本跨区耗费补偿;并按照经济补偿的受益原则,分别提出了判别地区之间的生态补偿方或受偿方、以及测算补偿量或受偿量的理论标准。 展开更多
关键词 自然资本 生态服务 生态补偿
宁夏水土保持生态补偿优先区识别 被引量:3
作者 申草 任宗萍 +4 位作者 李鹏 王凯博 鲁克新 任正龑 魏小燕 《干旱区研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期1527-1536,共10页
水土保持服务功能下的生态补偿优先区识别的研究,对建立适宜当地生态发展的水土保持生态补偿体系具有重要参考意义。以宁夏为研究区,运用InVEST模型评估水源涵养、土壤保持和碳储存三项主要水土保持服务功能,并进行价值化表达;综合考虑... 水土保持服务功能下的生态补偿优先区识别的研究,对建立适宜当地生态发展的水土保持生态补偿体系具有重要参考意义。以宁夏为研究区,运用InVEST模型评估水源涵养、土壤保持和碳储存三项主要水土保持服务功能,并进行价值化表达;综合考虑各区县生态补偿优先级和生态脆弱性指数,对全区水土保持生态补偿优先区进行空间识别。研究表明:2000年、2010年、2020年宁夏水土保持价值分别为2478.9×10^(8)元、2661.7×10^(8)元、2958.5×10^(8)元,总体呈现不断增长趋势;在空间上呈现南高北低的空间分布特征,其最高值位于泾源县,最低值位于金凤区;全区20a来水土保持优先补偿区动态变化差异较小,补偿优先区主要位于生态价值高、经济落后的南部地区,而生态补偿次级优先区则位于中部和北部生态价值较低、经济水平较高区域。对生态补偿优先区进行补偿能够有效提高生态补偿的效率,促进区域生态环境和经济社会可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 生态服务价值 生态补偿优先 水土保持 InVEST模型
区域间生态补偿标准定量化研究——以鄂州市三区间补偿为例 被引量:8
作者 周业晶 周敬宣 +3 位作者 陶涛 闫冀楠 秦剑涛 叶建彬 《环境与可持续发展》 2017年第3期143-150,共8页
梁子湖区生态环境优越,鄂州市拟向其进行生态补偿,需要研究补偿依据,定量测算生态补偿标准上限。本文基于修正的当量因子法测算了鄂州三区的生态服务功能价值,在生态价值测算的基础上,对4种具有明显流动性的生态功能的流动去向进行研究... 梁子湖区生态环境优越,鄂州市拟向其进行生态补偿,需要研究补偿依据,定量测算生态补偿标准上限。本文基于修正的当量因子法测算了鄂州三区的生态服务功能价值,在生态价值测算的基础上,对4种具有明显流动性的生态功能的流动去向进行研究,从宏观角度探索了区域间生态补偿标准量化方法。重点包括:(1)通过比选,确定合适的生态价值评估方法;(2)利用当量因子法,需根据研究区域的生态状况、环境质量等因素对因子当量表的若干参数进行修订,测算鄂州三区的生态服务价值;(3)确定生态服务功能中具有流动特性的类别,并基于熵增原理阐释区域间流动的基本规律;(4)根据生态功能与其价值成正比,合理划定生态补偿相关范围(划定区),研究计算方法,测算研究区各区域向划定区的生态输出价值,确定生态补偿权重与分配补偿金额。测算结果表明,鄂州市三区(梁子湖区、鄂城区、华容区)2015年生态服务总价值分别为8491亿、7224亿、6642亿;生态输出价值分别为2644亿、824亿、1217亿;在理论上,在鄂州三区之间2015年鄂城区、华容区应分别补偿梁子湖区215亿、037亿元。对于周边地区应给予梁子湖区等地的补偿,已超出了鄂州市政府的管辖范围,应由湖北省政府出面协调。鄂州市三区内部的生态补偿可先行先试。 展开更多
关键词 生态补偿 当量因子法的修正 流动性生态服务功能 生态补偿划定 熵增理论
Eco-compensation and Harmonious Regional Development in China 被引量:4
作者 LIU Chunla LIU Weidong +3 位作者 LU Dadao CHEN Mingxing Michael DUNFORD XU Mei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第3期283-294,共12页
Harmonious regional development poses difficult problems, especially in so far as the harmonious regional development of ecological resources is concerned. China has explored several eco-compensation models, and in ea... Harmonious regional development poses difficult problems, especially in so far as the harmonious regional development of ecological resources is concerned. China has explored several eco-compensation models, and in each province eco-compensation has different characteristics. These methods have had significant impacts. The aim of this paper is first to examine the meaning of ecocompensation and to present a framework for analyzing it. Next the development of eco-compensation in China is examined. Finally, four typical models of eco-compensation are compared: the government financial transfer payment compensation model; the ecological resource exploiters′ payment compensation model; the ecological destruction compensation model; and the ecological resource tax collection compensation model. Each model has its own unique feature and potential to contribute to harmonious regional development. 展开更多
关键词 eco-compensation harmonious regional development China
Major Problems and Countermeasures for the Establishment of Ecological Compensation Systems for National Key Ecological Function Areas 被引量:6
作者 孙新章 鲁春霞 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2015年第6期363-368,共6页
At the end of the 1990 s China started to construct an ecological compensation system for national key ecological function areas. An eco-compensation system focusing on the "Transfer Payment of National Key Ecologica... At the end of the 1990 s China started to construct an ecological compensation system for national key ecological function areas. An eco-compensation system focusing on the "Transfer Payment of National Key Ecological Function Areas" has been established. The current eco-compensation system has played a positive role in improving the ecological environment of national key ecological function areas; but the ecological effect is weakening due to existing problems in the eco-compensation system such as unreasonable calculation of compensation standards, poor expression of rights and interests of stakeholders, simple sources of capital and modes of compensation. For better development, the eco-compensation system should be improved by(i) adhering to the combination of vertical compensation(oriented) and horizontal compensation(auxiliary) on the whole and establishing a transfer payment system of eco-compensation at national scale;(ii) defining the compensation standard according to ecological protection costs, development opportunity costs and ecological service values and adding indicators that reflect economic green transformation to evaluate compensation effects;(iii) gradually building a utilization system of eco-compensation funds in which multi-stakeholders participate and establishing a green development-oriented system to evaluate the performance of local governments; and(iv) cultivating a new business pattern where ecological services are the product, to grow the ecological service industry. 展开更多
关键词 national key ecological function areas ecological compensation transfer payment ecological environment indexes
The Effects of Eco-Compensation in the Farming-Pastoral Transitional Zone of Inner Mongolia,China 被引量:1
作者 韩鹏 黄河清 +1 位作者 甄霖 李芬 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2011年第2期141-150,共10页
Ecological compensation or eco-compensation has been implemented mainly through institutional arrangement in China. In the farming-pastoral transitional zone of Inner Mongolia, eco-compensation has been implemented in... Ecological compensation or eco-compensation has been implemented mainly through institutional arrangement in China. In the farming-pastoral transitional zone of Inner Mongolia, eco-compensation has been implemented in two modes, one for land use abandonment and the other for productionstructure adjustment. Based on a detailed field survey, this study performs a comparative analysis of the willingness of households to accept economic compensation and consequently evaluates the effects of the two eco-compensation modes. The mode of eco-compensation for land use abandonment lacks a mechanism for generating employment opportunities and so is unsustainable. In contrast, ecocompensation for production-structure adjustment makes the pastoral and farming scales of households decrease significantly and most importantly helps to generate more job opportunities. Although this mode faces households with more market risk, it provides an effective means for resolving conflicts between ecosystems restoration and regional socio-economic development. 展开更多
关键词 ecological compensation ecologically fragile zone willingness of acceptance farming-pastoraltransitional zone Inner Mongolia
Ecological compensation for winter wheat abandonment in groundwater over-exploited areas in the North China Plain 被引量:2
作者 王学 李秀彬 +3 位作者 辛良杰 谈明洪 李升发 王仁靖 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第10期1463-1476,共14页
The land fallow policy was adopted by central and local governments to encourage the abandonment of water-intensive crops, such as winter wheat, in groundwater over-exploited areas. At the same time, since the 1990s, ... The land fallow policy was adopted by central and local governments to encourage the abandonment of water-intensive crops, such as winter wheat, in groundwater over-exploited areas. At the same time, since the 1990s, many households in the North China Plain (NCP) have chosen to replace the winter wheat and summer maize double-cropping system with the spring maize single-cropping system. Therefore, it is crucial to identify target land parcels for winter wheat abandonment and to design reasonable and proper standards for ecological compensation prior to the implementation of the land fallow policy in the NCP. In this study, multi-level Iogit models were used with household survey data in order to detect determinants across land parcel, household and village levels on household cropping system decisions; the opportunity costs for winter wheat abandonment were also calculated using cost-benefit analysis. The results show that: (1) land quality and irrigation condition at parcel level are two essential elements influencing household cropping system decisions. Nearly 70% of the total area of poor land and more than 90% of the total area of unirrigated land has suffered winter wheat abandonment. Target land parcels for the land fallow policy should be those that are irrigated and of high quality. (2) There were no significant differences between net profits from spring maize and summer maize under similar farming conditions, and the opportunity cost for winter wheat abandonment should be equal to the net profit of winter wheat. (3) The primary purpose of the land fallow policy is to induce groundwater recovery and restoration as a preliminary stage. A higher level of 350 yuan/mu is recommended as subsidy for ecological compensation at this stage. Later, the primary purpose of the policy should be a transition to a balance between exploitation and supplementation of water resources, and a lower level of 280 yuan/mu is recommended as a subsidy at this stage. 展开更多
关键词 land fallow ecological compensation multi-level Iogit model opportunity cost groundwaterover-exploited areas
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