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促进学生投入的生本学习设计框架——论定向、掌握与分享 被引量:14
作者 李英蓓 迈克尔.J..汉纳芬 +1 位作者 冯建超 盛群力 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期12-29,共18页
生本学习是一种将学生视为自主学习掌控者的方法。近年来,研究者和一线教师对生本学习的关注与讨论不断升温。然而,如何在基础教育和高等教育中设计、开发和应用生本学习,学界尚未提出通用的综合框架。为了明确指导原则,促进学生主动学... 生本学习是一种将学生视为自主学习掌控者的方法。近年来,研究者和一线教师对生本学习的关注与讨论不断升温。然而,如何在基础教育和高等教育中设计、开发和应用生本学习,学界尚未提出通用的综合框架。为了明确指导原则,促进学生主动学习,本文梳理了相关理论、应用案例与研究证据。生本学习的理论基础是认知建构主义、心理建构主义与自我决定理论。目前对这三大理论的独立研究已较为深入,但还需进一步探索三大理论的相互关系并综合提炼。本文认为:自主性、教学支架、现实受众是实施生本学习的三个关键因素;生本学习的内容包括动机、认知、社会交往与情感四方面,基本框架包括定向、掌握、分享三个步骤。实施过程包括:1)让学生自主掌控学习过程、明确学习意义并树立目标;2)提供元认知、程序性、概念性、策略性教学支架,支持学生自主开展学习、掌握学习内容;3)学生创作并广泛展示学习成果,而不仅仅由老师评分;实施生本学习有十条设计原则。本文主要为研究者与一线教师提供生本学习概念模型与实施原则,最终加强学生主动投入学习。本文首先按时间顺序回顾生本学习理论,并试图总结生本学习特征;然后梳理自我决定理论、认知建构主义与心理建构主义的内容与关键结构;最后提出定向、掌握、分享学习模型以及相应的设计原则。本文所提出的模型与原则将有助于师生创造良好的自主学习氛围,让学生得到有益的帮助,最终为现实受众呈现学习结果。 展开更多
关键词 生本学习 认知建构主义 心理建构主义 自我决定理论 自主学习 教学支架
生本学习的积极心理学解析 被引量:2
作者 李晶晶 卢建筠 《内蒙古师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 2010年第7期65-67,共3页
生本学习是生本教育的主要实现方式。积极心理学对于深刻理解生本学习能提供独特的视角。生本学习的自主性与主动性给学生带来欢乐与乐观的心理,其重视自主学习中的探究性使学生产生深度的幸福感,重视合作学习以促进学生的交往能力与自... 生本学习是生本教育的主要实现方式。积极心理学对于深刻理解生本学习能提供独特的视角。生本学习的自主性与主动性给学生带来欢乐与乐观的心理,其重视自主学习中的探究性使学生产生深度的幸福感,重视合作学习以促进学生的交往能力与自我表现能力的提高。生本学习能促进学生的成功感与进步感,增强其幸福感,从而有助于人格水平的提升。 展开更多
关键词 生本教育 生本学习 积极心理学 幸福感
基于大数据的生本学习作用模型的构建与应用 被引量:1
作者 任珊 胡凡刚 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期66-71,共6页
大数据对生本学习具有促进作用,两者的融合应用已成必然趋势。基于此,文章首先对生本学习进行了解读,随后通过与传统生本学习的比较,总结了基于大数据的生本学习的内涵与特点。在此基础上,文章构建了包含两大主体、六大模块的基于大数... 大数据对生本学习具有促进作用,两者的融合应用已成必然趋势。基于此,文章首先对生本学习进行了解读,随后通过与传统生本学习的比较,总结了基于大数据的生本学习的内涵与特点。在此基础上,文章构建了包含两大主体、六大模块的基于大数据的生本学习作用模型,并对该模型的运作流程和主要功能模块进行了具体分析。最后,文章将该模型应用于"学习科学与技术"虚拟社区,通过问卷调查法和实证分析法进行了该模型的满意度分析。基于大数据的生本学习作用模型的构建与应用,实现了大数据与生本学习之间更紧密的融合,有助于解密教育教学难题,助推教育发展创新。 展开更多
关键词 大数据 生本学习 作用模型 虚拟社区
作者 龚厚清 《神州》 2018年第24期122-122,共1页
关键词 广州 深圳 生本学习 迸发 火花
作者 朱荣辉 《教育界(教师培训)》 2019年第5期95-96,共2页
在学生数学学习的过程中,要让学生的学习真正发生,就要充分彰显学生的主体地位,关注学生的预情、学法、困惑、体验等。让我们从关注学生开始,到关注学生结束。在这个不断反复关注的过程中,让他们爱上数学,爱上学习数学,增强学好数学的... 在学生数学学习的过程中,要让学生的学习真正发生,就要充分彰显学生的主体地位,关注学生的预情、学法、困惑、体验等。让我们从关注学生开始,到关注学生结束。在这个不断反复关注的过程中,让他们爱上数学,爱上学习数学,增强学好数学的信心。 展开更多
关键词 生本学习 预情 学法 困惑 体验
作者 李敏 《教育界(基础教育)》 2018年第8期106-107,共2页
生本学习是指将学生视为自主学习掌控者的教学方法。传统的政治复习课往往是学生埋头做题,教师碎碎讲题,不仅不利于学生主体性的发挥,而且教学效果也不尽如人意。笔者以'揭开货币的神秘面纱'的复习实践为例,提出了生本学习在政... 生本学习是指将学生视为自主学习掌控者的教学方法。传统的政治复习课往往是学生埋头做题,教师碎碎讲题,不仅不利于学生主体性的发挥,而且教学效果也不尽如人意。笔者以'揭开货币的神秘面纱'的复习实践为例,提出了生本学习在政治复习课中的三条有效途径:生本学习要求教师转变居高临下的态度;生本学习要充分调动学生的课堂自主性;生本学习要突出政治核心素养的渗透。 展开更多
关键词 生本学习 自主性 核心素养 有效性
作者 陆滢 《华人时刊·校长版》 2019年第11期82-83,共2页
"儿童是天生的学习者。"郭思乐教授提出"教育走向生本"的论断,倡导教育要"为了学生、尊重学生、依靠学生"。课堂是师生生命绽放的舞台,是学生学习的核心地带,"生本学习"是"生本教育"... "儿童是天生的学习者。"郭思乐教授提出"教育走向生本"的论断,倡导教育要"为了学生、尊重学生、依靠学生"。课堂是师生生命绽放的舞台,是学生学习的核心地带,"生本学习"是"生本教育"的核心,以学生的发展为本,是教育的本质追求,生本学习是有效教学的必由之路,新课程呼唤生本学习,生本学习课堂指向学生的核心素养,颠覆了传统课堂以教师讲授为主体的教学模式,学生劳动知识、技能的培养不再依赖教师的传授,而是依靠学生自主建构和习得,学生学得扎实有效。 展开更多
关键词 生本学习 核心素养 生本教育 教育的本质 传统课堂 扎实有效 技术课堂 郭思乐
初中生物“生本课堂教学模式”的构建 被引量:1
作者 徐映梅 《中学教学参考》 2020年第26期81-84,共4页
传统的初中生物课堂教学,常以教师为中心,学生缺乏自主意识,被动学习。运用生本理念指导生物教学,一切为了学生好学、乐学而设计,采取建立生本学习小组、布置前置作业、改革课堂教学流程、改变评价方式等手段构建富有活力的“生本课堂... 传统的初中生物课堂教学,常以教师为中心,学生缺乏自主意识,被动学习。运用生本理念指导生物教学,一切为了学生好学、乐学而设计,采取建立生本学习小组、布置前置作业、改革课堂教学流程、改变评价方式等手段构建富有活力的“生本课堂教学模式”,促进学生积极主动参与学习,使生物课堂焕发生机。 展开更多
关键词 生本课堂教学模式 初中 生本理念 生本学习小组
作者 陈烈燕 《语文教学通讯(初中)(B)》 2019年第1期22-24,共3页
跨学科教学能帮助学生从复杂的学科问题中提炼出意义,并熟练地找出知识间的内在联系快速解决问题,是培养学生综合能力的需要。语文课程跨学科教学的主体也应该是学生。跨学科教学的联结点的确立与教学主题的选择互为因果。教师需要在备... 跨学科教学能帮助学生从复杂的学科问题中提炼出意义,并熟练地找出知识间的内在联系快速解决问题,是培养学生综合能力的需要。语文课程跨学科教学的主体也应该是学生。跨学科教学的联结点的确立与教学主题的选择互为因果。教师需要在备课前就在不同材料中寻找到联结点,并根据联结点选择教学主题。跨学科教学提倡知识的转移和应用,侧重于对不同学科间知识的整合筛选,从而促进学生思维能力、演绎推理能力和创造力的培养。跨学科的语文教学,是立足语文教学融合非语文知识的学习,最终目的是实现语文素养的提升。 展开更多
关键词 跨学科教学 语文素养 生本学习 教学《三峡》
Study on Biological Characters of Asparagus macowanii Baker. 被引量:1
作者 刘方农 彭世逞 刘联仁 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2351-2354,共4页
Asparagus macowanfi Baker, is a climbing herbaceous foliage species in genus Asparagus of Liliaceae, This paper summarized its multiple uses, morphologi- cal characteristics, biological habit, reproduction methods, ma... Asparagus macowanfi Baker, is a climbing herbaceous foliage species in genus Asparagus of Liliaceae, This paper summarized its multiple uses, morphologi- cal characteristics, biological habit, reproduction methods, management after cultiva- tion, prevention and control of pests and disease, as well as harvest and grading, with the objective to provide references for the exploitation and utilization of As- paragus macowanii Baker. 展开更多
关键词 Asparagus macowanii Baker Biological Characters Multiple uses
Learning Retention in Undergraduate Biology Using a Hands-on Practical "Enzyme Detection from Vegetables and Fruits"
作者 Surasak Laloknam Supapom Sirisopana Somkiat Phornphisutthimas 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2010年第5期29-35,共7页
The purpose of this research was to study learning retention in undergraduate biology students on the topic of enzyme properties by using simple enzyme activity from vegetables and fruits. A hands-on practical was dev... The purpose of this research was to study learning retention in undergraduate biology students on the topic of enzyme properties by using simple enzyme activity from vegetables and fruits. A hands-on practical was developed to simplify detection of enzyme activity of amylase, protease and lipase on starch agar, dry whole milk agar, and trihutyrin agar, respectively. The subjects of the study were 24 senior undergraduates who studied in the Program of General Science, Faculty of Science, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, in three semesters during 2007 - 2008. The basic concepts of enzymes, e.g., substrate specificity, how to detect enzymes and optimal enzyme conditions, were taught before the practical. The first enzyme, protease, was used in the second semester of 2007, and then changed to be lipase and protease in the first and second semesters of 2008, respectively. Ten open-ended questions were used to assess students in all semesters. In agreement with the constructivist learning model, it was demonstrated that students had learning retention and applied their prior knowledge to other enzyme experiments. 展开更多
关键词 Learning retention enzyme detection CONSTRUCTIVISM undergraduate classroom.
A Polish College Students' Use of Dictionaries in Text Production
作者 Dorota Osuchowska 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第10期726-732,共7页
The study, conducted in the academic year 2008, explores the potential differences in the use of a dictionary in support of a standard writing task by two student groups at two different proficiency levels. Fifty seve... The study, conducted in the academic year 2008, explores the potential differences in the use of a dictionary in support of a standard writing task by two student groups at two different proficiency levels. Fifty seven students working on a real classroom assignment were observed; in order to make sure that the subjects behaved as they normally would, they had not been informed that their dictionary behavior was to be observed. The study which shows that the need for a dictionary is smaller in the case of more advanced students may be of interest to those foreign language teachers who fear that giving a student an unlimited access to a dictionary may hamper the development of his expressive abilities. In turn, a marked preference on the part of more advanced students for an L I-L2, paralleled by a sustained interest in information categories typically placed in foreign learner's dictionaries suggests that advanced language learners writing in English would probably opt for a lexicographic product combining the best of both dictionary types: an LI-L2 and an MLD. 展开更多
关键词 dictionary use text production teaching English as a foreign language
An Investigation of Samoan Student Experiences in Two Homework Study Groups in Melbourne
作者 Vaoiva Ponton 《Sociology Study》 2017年第7期349-363,共15页
This research examines Samoan student experiences in two Homework Study Groups (HSGs) in Melbourne using a researcher-practitioner approach. It highlights that school teachers need to acknowledge students' preferre... This research examines Samoan student experiences in two Homework Study Groups (HSGs) in Melbourne using a researcher-practitioner approach. It highlights that school teachers need to acknowledge students' preferred learning methods, especially those of minority backgrounds like the Samoan participants in this investigation. A detailed exploration of the experiences of students in two HSGs finds that while students and their families place a high priority on learning, their cultural practices are not compatible with standard Western learning approaches. The HSGs provided a social space in which students could ask the teacher questions without fear of appearing foolish, in which they could apply themselves to study. It provided a physical study space away from the demands some Samoan families place on their young people, and it provided a cultural space in which the students could learn according to fa'aSamoa (traditional values and beliefs). This research makes a contribution to an understanding of the motivations of Melbourne-based Samoan students to learn, of what concerns them, and of impediments to their educational success. It also offers insight into the benefits that set up a specific space for students offers, when its specific intent is influencing the merging of Samoan and Western ideas to further learning. 展开更多
关键词 Samoan student learning experiences homework study groups Pacific community engagement
English Public Speaking and the Cultivation of Talents for Chinese College Students 被引量:11
作者 Stephen E.LUCAS 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2013年第2期163-182,287,共21页
This essay explores key issues and developments in the growth of English public speaking as a course in Chinese higher education. Growing initially out of interest generated by national speech competitions, English pu... This essay explores key issues and developments in the growth of English public speaking as a course in Chinese higher education. Growing initially out of interest generated by national speech competitions, English public speaking has become a sought-after subject because of its value in today's globalized world. Focusing on English as a working language, it strengthens core skills and competencies not just in oral communication, but also in writing, listening, critical thinking, intercultural communicative competence, and overall English proficiency. Grounded in the Western discipline of rhetoric, it is being localized in China through creative adaptation by teachers and students alike. 展开更多
关键词 English public speaking RHETORIC English-language learning Chinese college students localization
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