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作者 贺加贝 王涵 +3 位作者 赵延宁 李峰 杨陆飞 赵强 《大连海洋大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期402-409,共8页
为探明香螺(Neptunea cumingii)雌、雄生殖系统发育规律及特征,以中国山东省烟台市四十里湾海域人工养殖的香螺(体质量为58.09 g±10.70 g)为研究对象,利用组织切片技术对其性腺发育及生殖细胞发生进行连续观察,并研究了水温对性腺... 为探明香螺(Neptunea cumingii)雌、雄生殖系统发育规律及特征,以中国山东省烟台市四十里湾海域人工养殖的香螺(体质量为58.09 g±10.70 g)为研究对象,利用组织切片技术对其性腺发育及生殖细胞发生进行连续观察,并研究了水温对性腺发育的影响。结果表明:香螺为雌、雄异体,本次采样性别比为2.45∶1,偏离期望值;雄性生殖系统由交接口、交接器、贮精囊、输精管和精巢5部分组成,精子在精巢的精小叶内形成,雌性生殖系统由产卵器、囊腺体、受精囊、输卵管和卵巢5部分组成,卵细胞在卵巢滤泡中发生;雌、雄性腺发育均分为增殖期、生长期、成熟与排放期和退化期4个阶段;精子发生经过精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精细胞和精子5个阶段,卵子发生经过卵原细胞、小生长期卵母细胞、大生长期卵母细胞和成熟卵子4个阶段;在同一个体中,香螺雄性不同生殖细胞具有分批成熟、排放的特点,但雌性生殖细胞成熟、排放较为同步。研究表明,香螺雌、雄性腺均在水温较低的时期进入快速发育阶段,雄性较雌性早成熟1~4个月,在人工养殖条件下同性个体间性腺发育阶段较为接近,产卵期集中在5—6月份,具备人工规模化苗种繁育的条件。 展开更多
关键词 香螺 繁殖生物学 性腺发育 生殖细胞发生
单环刺螠生殖腺的发生及雌体的生殖周期 被引量:13
作者 李昀 王航宁 +1 位作者 邵明瑜 张志峰 《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期81-84,共4页
采用组织学方法观察单环刺螠(Urechis unicinctus)生殖腺的发生、卵巢的结构及其年周期变化。结果显示:3.5cm幼螠中,原始生殖细胞迁至后肠管壁外的结缔组织膜处,并数个集群与该处的体细胞共同构成性腺原基;至4cm幼螠,性腺初具雏形;随着... 采用组织学方法观察单环刺螠(Urechis unicinctus)生殖腺的发生、卵巢的结构及其年周期变化。结果显示:3.5cm幼螠中,原始生殖细胞迁至后肠管壁外的结缔组织膜处,并数个集群与该处的体细胞共同构成性腺原基;至4cm幼螠,性腺初具雏形;随着个体的生长和成熟,构成卵巢的细胞不断增殖,于虫体尾部后肠腹侧形成长条形膜状的卵巢,外周为卵原细胞,中央为结缔组织,其两端分别与后肠管壁外侧和体壁内侧相连。根据卵巢的组织学和体腔液中雌性生殖细胞的细胞学特征,单环刺螠的卵巢发育可划分为增殖期、生长期、成熟期、排放期和休止期5个时期。单环刺螠生殖腺为低等的定型类型,其卵巢成熟期较生殖期早半个月。 展开更多
关键词 单环刺螠 生殖发生 卵巢 年周期发育
光照周期对文昌鱼生殖细胞发生和性腺生长的影响 被引量:5
作者 方永强 梁萍 洪桂英 《动物学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1989年第4期438-439,共2页
厦门文昌鱼性腺发育,因季节和生态因子的不同,呈明显的年周期变化(方永强等,1989)。然而,光照周期对文昌鱼性腺发育有何影响,迄今仍缺乏了解(Guraya,1983)。为此,本文分三组不同光照周期的实验,结果发现光照可影响文昌鱼生殖细胞发生和... 厦门文昌鱼性腺发育,因季节和生态因子的不同,呈明显的年周期变化(方永强等,1989)。然而,光照周期对文昌鱼性腺发育有何影响,迄今仍缺乏了解(Guraya,1983)。为此,本文分三组不同光照周期的实验,结果发现光照可影响文昌鱼生殖细胞发生和性腺生长。 文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri Gray)取自厦门琼头海区。本实验在1987年12月至1988年2月,分三组不同光照周期:第一组 8L(light)—16D(dark)(光照 8小时,黑暗16小时),第二组12L— 展开更多
关键词 文昌鱼 生殖细胞发生 性腺生长
扇贝“渤海红”性腺结构及生殖细胞发生的组织学研究 被引量:1
作者 郭恩棉 王沈同 +1 位作者 崔亮 王春德 《海洋科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期9-12,共4页
应用石蜡切片技术对海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradias)与紫扇贝(Argopecten purpuratus)的杂交品种——扇贝"渤海红"的性腺组织结构和生殖细胞发生规律进行了研究。扇贝"渤海红"大多为雌雄同体,但也存在雄性不育现象... 应用石蜡切片技术对海湾扇贝(Argopecten irradias)与紫扇贝(Argopecten purpuratus)的杂交品种——扇贝"渤海红"的性腺组织结构和生殖细胞发生规律进行了研究。扇贝"渤海红"大多为雌雄同体,但也存在雄性不育现象。性腺包括生殖滤泡、生殖小管和生殖输送管三个部分,滤泡是生殖细胞产生的主要场所。扇贝"渤海红"雄性生殖细胞发生经过了精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精细胞和精子五个阶段;雌性生殖细胞发生经过卵原细胞、小生长期卵母细胞、大生长期卵母细胞和成熟卵子四个阶段。 展开更多
关键词 扇贝“渤海红” 性腺 生殖细胞发生
交互-仿真技术在胚胎学泌尿生殖系统发生教学中的探索 被引量:1
作者 倪海涛 徐莎 +4 位作者 仵敏娟 蒋俊锋 王越 熊俊 礼嵩 《基础医学教育》 2019年第10期818-820,共3页
胚胎学是医学基础课程中,以“动态发生”为根本的形态学科。随着科学的发展及现代信息技术的迭代,交互-仿真可视化技术已经相对成熟。文章探索性地将此技术引入海军军医大学胚胎学泌尿生殖系统发生一节教学中,介绍相关实践经验,并对后... 胚胎学是医学基础课程中,以“动态发生”为根本的形态学科。随着科学的发展及现代信息技术的迭代,交互-仿真可视化技术已经相对成熟。文章探索性地将此技术引入海军军医大学胚胎学泌尿生殖系统发生一节教学中,介绍相关实践经验,并对后续应用的延伸提出了合理的构想。 展开更多
关键词 胚胎学 泌尿生殖系统发生 教学实践 交互-仿真
作者 曲江雪 覃清圆 +1 位作者 刘涛 严杰 《中国生育健康杂志》 2022年第5期487-490,共4页
WFIKKN2属于整合蛋白家族成员,是近年新报道的转化生长因子-β家族成员的胞外结合蛋白,在卵巢、睾丸、大脑和肌肉组织中高表达,与转化生长因子-β家族肌肉生长抑制素、生长分化因子11、转化生长因子-β1、骨形态发生蛋白2和骨形态发生蛋... WFIKKN2属于整合蛋白家族成员,是近年新报道的转化生长因子-β家族成员的胞外结合蛋白,在卵巢、睾丸、大脑和肌肉组织中高表达,与转化生长因子-β家族肌肉生长抑制素、生长分化因子11、转化生长因子-β1、骨形态发生蛋白2和骨形态发生蛋白4等因子特异性结合,但是具体作用尚不清楚。已知转化生长因子-β1、骨形态发生蛋白2和骨形态发生蛋白4参与精子发生,肌肉生长抑制素、转化生长因子-β1、骨形态发生蛋白2和骨形态发生蛋白4参与卵子发生和卵泡发育,推测WFIKKN2可能通过调节转化生长因子-β家族因子的功能正向或者负向调控生殖细胞发生。本文围绕WFIKKN2及其互作因子在调控生殖细胞发生与发育的机制中的最新研究进展进行总结分析。 展开更多
关键词 WFIKKN2 TGF-β家族 生殖发生 生殖发育
象山港褶牡蛎的生殖周期研究 被引量:2
作者 谷进进 李建伟 《宁波大学学报(理工版)》 CAS 1998年第1期51-60,共10页
首次报道了褶牡蛎雌、雄生殖细胞的发生、生殖腺发育分期和发育周期等组织学方面的研究工作。褶牡蛎雌性生殖细胞的发生分为卵原细胞期、无卵黄期、卵黄形成早期、卵黄形成后期和成熟期。雄性生殖细胞的发生为精原细胞期、初级精母细胞... 首次报道了褶牡蛎雌、雄生殖细胞的发生、生殖腺发育分期和发育周期等组织学方面的研究工作。褶牡蛎雌性生殖细胞的发生分为卵原细胞期、无卵黄期、卵黄形成早期、卵黄形成后期和成熟期。雄性生殖细胞的发生为精原细胞期、初级精母细胞期、次级粮母细胞期、精细胞期和精子期。褶牡蛎生殖腺发育分为休止期(从第一年11月至翌年2月中旬)、增殖期(2月中旬至4月中旬)、生长期(4月中旬至5月中旬)、成熟期(5月中旬至10月上旬)和排放期(5月下旬至10月下旬)五期。褶牡蛎为一年一个生殖周期(一足龄褶牡蛎的生殖腺已经成熟),生殖细胞分批成熟、分批排放,估计象山港整个褶牡蛎群体从5月下旬至10月,每月排放一次,大约总共可排放5-6次。褶牡蛎在生殖期间雌雄个体的比例(性比)接近1:1,也发现极少数个体是雌雄同体。 展开更多
关键词 褶牡蛎 生殖细胞发生 生殖周期 象山港
作者 门里牟 何培生 《中国人才》 北大核心 1997年第8期6-8,共3页
关键词 太阳活动 胚胎发育 太阳系 气候因素 发育水平 生殖细胞发生 气温年较差 自然环境 海拔高 发生和发育
Male Reproductive System and Spermatogenesis in Homoptera(Insecta:Hemiptera) 被引量:7
作者 田润刚 袁锋 张雅林 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期241-253,共13页
Morphology of the male reproductive system, chromosome behaviors during meiosis and spem tail structures in Homoptera and Heteroptera are compared in this paper. The sheathed testis is found in Fulgoroidea and Heterop... Morphology of the male reproductive system, chromosome behaviors during meiosis and spem tail structures in Homoptera and Heteroptera are compared in this paper. The sheathed testis is found in Fulgoroidea and Heteroptera, and unsheathed testis occurs in Cicadoidea, Cicadelloidea, Cercopoidea, Membracoidea, Psyloidea, Aphidoidea, Aleyrodoidea and Coccoidea. The testis also can be divide into three types by the shape of testicular follicles. The sphere-shaped type is found in Cicadoidea, Cicadelloidea, Cercopoidea, Membracoidea, Aphidoidea and Aleyrodoidea, the tube-shaped type observed in Fulgoroidea, Psyloidea and Coccoidea, and the lamella-shaped type represented by Heteroptera. It is suggested the unsheathed testis may be the primitive type in Homoptera. Meiosis can be divided into 6 type at least, i.e. 1) Cicadoid type; 2) Fulgoroid type; 3) Psyloid type; 4) Aphidoid type; 5) Aleyrodoid type; and 6) Coccoid type. At least four groups exhibit a diffuse stage during meiosis prophase l, they are Psyloidea, Fulgoroidea, Coccoidea and Heteroptera. Sperm tail structures are similar to those reported from other insects with a typical 9+9+2 axoneme except that in Aleyrodoidea and Coccoidea whose sperm tail is degenerated. 展开更多
关键词 HEMIPTERA HOMOPTERA reproductive system SPERMATOGENESIS MEIOSIS sperm structure
Ontogeny and Metamorphic Patterns of Female Reproductive Organs of Ephedra sinica Stapf (Ephedraceae) 被引量:2
作者 杨永 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第10期1011-1017,共7页
Ontogeny and metamorphic. development of female reproductive organs in Ephedra sinica Stapf were surveyed. At the end of April, female cones began to initialize from the vegetative buds. Pollination occurred in mid-Ma... Ontogeny and metamorphic. development of female reproductive organs in Ephedra sinica Stapf were surveyed. At the end of April, female cones began to initialize from the vegetative buds. Pollination occurred in mid-May and seeds matured at the beginning of July. The ontogenetic pattern of female reproductive organs of E. sin ca is basically similar to that of E. distachya L. The foliar nature of the outer envelope of the ovule in Ephedra is corroborated. Reduction of ovule number as a tendency of speciation in the genus is substantiated by the occurrence of tri-ovulate cones coupled with comprehensive characters of the genus. The metamorphic patterns as well as the leaf nature of the outer envelope indicate that female cones of Ephedra are compound while the female reproductive units of the ovulate cone have been reduced from secondary reproductive shoots similar to those of cordaites by phylogenetic transformation, fusion and reduction. Each fertile bract together with its axillary female reproductive unit composed the Bract Scale and Seed Scale Complex of Ephedra. 展开更多
关键词 EPHEDRA female reproductive unit ONTOGENY metamorphic development bract scale and seed scale complex
Porcine Breeding Management in a Large-scale Piggery with Microbial Fermentation Bed 被引量:1
作者 刘波 李兆龙 +6 位作者 唐建阳 黄勤楼 郑回勇 蓝江林 史怀 翁伯琦 余文权 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第1期160-166,171,共8页
[Objective] The behavior of eating, drinking, defecating and peeing of 1 500 pigs in a large-scale microbial fermentation bed-equipped piggery was observed. We hoped to find some simple indicators that could reflect t... [Objective] The behavior of eating, drinking, defecating and peeing of 1 500 pigs in a large-scale microbial fermentation bed-equipped piggery was observed. We hoped to find some simple indicators that could reflect the health status of swinery and to provide experience for the swinery performance management in large-scale microbial fermentation bed-equipped piggery. [Method] The body weight (BW), daily BW gain, feed intake and other indicators of different-day-old pigs were recorded in details. Based on the recorded data, the models between BW, BW gain, average daily feed intake and feed/gain ratio and growth days (d) were established. In addition, the incidences of pox-like macula (dermatitis), diarrhea (gastrointestinal disease), cough (respiratory disease), stiff pig (malnutrition), conjunctivitis (eye disease) and foot inflection (trauma) among fattening pigs were also investigated. [Result] The BW range, average BW, daily BW gain, breeding days, daily feed intake range, average daily feed intake, staged feed intake, accumulated feed intake, feed/gain ratio and accumulated feed/gain ratio of different-day-old pigs were studied, respectively. Four dynamic models were established for the growth of pigs: (1) the BW (y)-age (x) mod- el: y=0.758 9x-19.883 (3=0.993 7); (2) the BW gain (y)-age (x) model: y=1.039 5x05051 (F=0.885 4); (3) the average daily feed intake (y)-age (x) model: y=0.023 5x-0.334 3 (F=0.991 7); (4) the feed/gain ratio (y)-age (x) model: y=0.022x+0.427 8 (P=0.988 5). Based on these models, the corresponding theoretical growth value of pigs at different growth stage could be predicted. The main diseases occurred among the swinery in the large-scale microbial fermentation bed piggery included pox-like macula (dermatitis), diarrhea (gastrointestinal disease), cough (respiratory disease), stiff pig (mal- nutrition), conjunctivitis (eye disease) and foot inflection (trauma). The deadly infec- tious diseases had been not found among the pigs. [Conclusion] When the actual BW, BW gain, average daily feed intake and feed/gain ratio were all lower than the theoretical values predicted by the models, the management should be enhanced. The average daily feed intake of 60 to 65-day-old pigs was lower than the theoretic value, indicating that the pigs could not adapt nicely to the fermentation bed at the very early stage. When the pigs grew up to 70 to 75 d old, the average daily feed intake was higher than the theoretical value, indicating that the pigs had adapted to the fermentation bed. In particularly, average daily feed intake of 75-day-old pigs was higher than the theoretical value by 21%. It was suggested the fermentation bed was conducive to the growth of pigs. Considering the occurrence of diseases among pigs, the overall incidence was relatively low. The incidence of each disease was all lower than 10% with little difficulty in treating. If the management of mattress was strength- ened, such as paying attention to feeding and keeping water clean, many diseases could heal by themselves. 展开更多
关键词 Disease investigation Large-scale breeding Microbial fermentation bed Porcine growth model
Upregulation of FIk-1 by bFGF via the ERK pathway is essential for VEGF-mediated promotion of neural stem cell proliferation 被引量:13
作者 Zhifeng Xiao Yaxian Kong ShufaYang Meiyu Li Jinhua Wen Lingsong Li 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期73-79,共7页
Neural stem cells (NSCs) constitute the cellular basis for embryonic brain development and neurogenesis. The process is regulated by NSC niche including neighbor cells such as vascular and glial cells. Since both va... Neural stem cells (NSCs) constitute the cellular basis for embryonic brain development and neurogenesis. The process is regulated by NSC niche including neighbor cells such as vascular and glial cells. Since both vascular and glial cells secrete vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), we assessed the effect of VEGF and bFGF on NSC proliferation using nearly homogeneous NSCs that were differentiated from mouse embryonic stem cells. VEGF alone did not have any significant effect. When bFGF was added, however, VEGF stimulated NSC proliferation in a dose-dependent manner, and this stimulation was inhibited by ZM323881, a VEGF receptor (Flk-1)- specific inhibitor. Interestingly, ZM323881 also inhibited cell proliferation in the absence of exogenous VEGF, suggesting that VEGF autocrine plays a role in the proliferation of NSCs. The stimulatory effect of VEGF on NSC proliferation depends on bFGF, which is likely due to the fact that expression of Flk-1 was upregulated by bFGF via phosphorylation of ERK1/2. Collectively, this study may provide insight into the mechanisms by which microenvironmental niche signals regulate NSCs. 展开更多
关键词 neural stem cells vascular endothelial growth factor fibroblast growth factor embryonic stem cells
作者 尹嫚 杨林青 王云飞 《中华诊断学电子杂志》 2022年第3期193-196,共4页
目的探讨女性生殖道同期发生的黏液上皮化生和肿瘤(SMMN-FGT)的诊断学特征。方法回顾性分析2020年8月27日济宁医学院附属医院妇科收治的1例SMMN-FGT患者的临床资料,并复习文献,总结其诊断学特征。结果患者59岁,无明显诱因出现持续性下... 目的探讨女性生殖道同期发生的黏液上皮化生和肿瘤(SMMN-FGT)的诊断学特征。方法回顾性分析2020年8月27日济宁医学院附属医院妇科收治的1例SMMN-FGT患者的临床资料,并复习文献,总结其诊断学特征。结果患者59岁,无明显诱因出现持续性下腹坠痛1月余,伴阴道排液,无其他典型临床表现。人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)阴性;阴道超声和盆腔CT提示双侧附件区囊腺瘤倾向以及宫颈多发囊性结节,行经腹双侧输卵管-卵巢切除术、子宫全切除术及盆腔黏连松解术,术后病理诊断为SMMN-FGT,且合并子宫内膜交界性黏液性肿瘤、宫颈胃型腺癌和双侧卵巢交界性透明细胞腺纤维瘤样改变。结论SMMN-FGT的临床表现无特异性,多表现为阴道排液,影像学检查价值亦有限,病理学检查是诊断SMMN-FGT的金标准。 展开更多
关键词 女性生殖道同期发生的黏液上皮化生和肿瘤 黏液上皮化生 宫颈肿瘤 宫颈胃型腺癌 人乳头瘤病毒
New developments of the effect of melatonin on reproduction 被引量:2
作者 Fanuel Lampiao Stefan S Du Plessis 《World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2013年第2期8-15,共8页
In the past decades, a lot of advances in understanding the biochemistry and physiology of the pineal gland have been made. There is evidence that it interacts with many endocrine as well as non-endocrine tissues to i... In the past decades, a lot of advances in understanding the biochemistry and physiology of the pineal gland have been made. There is evidence that it interacts with many endocrine as well as non-endocrine tissues to influence their metabolic activity modulating many organs and functions. Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland in the brain and plays an important role in regulating the neuroendocrine system. This hormone is one of the major role players in the regulation of the circadian sleep-wake cycle. It is normally released from the pineal gland during the night in response to environmental changes in light. Studies have shown that melatonin plays a role in the regulation of many reproductive processes such as puberty, gonadal function, and pregnancy. Beside these, melatonin has been shown to be able to directly neutralize a number of free radicals and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. The main objective of this review is to provide comprehensive information about the new developments in melatonin research regarding its role in reproduction. A review of international scientific literature was done and a question-and-answer format was used in an attempt to convey comprehensive information in a simple manner. This review discusses evidence currently available relating to the effect of melatonin on reproductive processes. It deliberates the mechanism of action of melatonin, its effect on puberty, testicular and ovafunction, pregnancy, and oxidative stress. A growing body of scientific evidence is suggesting that melatonin plays an important role in reproductive function. It is therefore imperative to highlight the beneficial effects of this hormone in improving the reproductive processes. 展开更多
关键词 MELATONIN REPRODUCTION Reactive oxygen species ANTIOXIDANTS Pineal gland
Chlorocholine Chloride Induces Cacao Reproductive Development Leading to Improved Fruitlets Productivity of Cacao Trees in the Field
作者 Djoko Santoso Samanhudi Roedy Purwanto 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第7期517-524,共8页
Fruitlet abscission (cherelle wilt) is a major factor contributing to lower productivity of cacao plantation in Indonesia. An attempt was made to reduce such cherelle wilt by spraying plant growth retardants (PGRs... Fruitlet abscission (cherelle wilt) is a major factor contributing to lower productivity of cacao plantation in Indonesia. An attempt was made to reduce such cherelle wilt by spraying plant growth retardants (PGRs) on cacao trees at about 10 weeks before flowering session. The treatment was repeated every three weeks. Both the flowering initiation time and the number of flowers on the treated trees were improved significantly. With the most effective composition, flowers were initiated at 24 days after spraying (DAS), where as the flowering initiation was 11-day later in the controls. At the 35 DAS, the chlorocholine chloride (CCC) 2,000 treatment induced about 20-80 folds more flowers than the controls. Extended observation was made to assess the treatment effect on the fruiting capacity. The treatments were found to improve fruiting ability by increasing the number of fruits set on the trees and shortening the time for fruit setting. At 20 weeks after the first spraying (WAS) there were on average 12.57 fruits per CCC 2,000-treated tree, as opposed to only 4.14 fruits per untreated tree. Analyses of the metabolites content in the flower cushions of the trees indicated that the reproductive growth is significantly correlated with the increased metabolites particularly the reduced sugar. Exogenous addition of sucrose to the PGR treatment gave greater improvement mainly in the fruiting. In conclusion, foliar spray of CCC induces flowering of cacao tress in the field that leads to improve the fruitlets productivity. 展开更多
关键词 Plant growth retardant induced flowering Theobroma cacao L
《医学文选》 1998年第4期46-47,共2页
关键词 胎儿畸形 有害化合物 孕妇流产 烟酒 生殖细胞发生 精子畸形 酒精中毒 妊娠中毒症 正常人体 危险增加
作者 杨锋 《医药与保健》 1994年第6期19-19,共1页
人类精子亮“黄牌”杨锋“滴精胜过十滴血”。这一流传在民间的俗语,形象地道出了在人们的心日中,精液占有何等神秘而又神圣的位置。人类依靠精子代代繁衍.然而.半个多世纪以来,全球性的人类精子质量不断下降,精液量减少。据有关... 人类精子亮“黄牌”杨锋“滴精胜过十滴血”。这一流传在民间的俗语,形象地道出了在人们的心日中,精液占有何等神秘而又神圣的位置。人类依靠精子代代繁衍.然而.半个多世纪以来,全球性的人类精子质量不断下降,精液量减少。据有关资料表明,1940年,人类精液的平... 展开更多
关键词 人类精子 精子质量 生殖细胞发生 无精子症 生殖系统 不育症 精液量 胎儿畸形 精子活力 生殖器官
作者 董新红 刘保忠 +1 位作者 吴长功 相建海 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期244-247,共4页
Histological characteristics of gametogenesis of two kinds of scallops, gonochoric Chinese scallop, Chlamys farreri and hermaphroditic bay scallop, Argopecten irradians were investigated in this study. Spermatogenesis... Histological characteristics of gametogenesis of two kinds of scallops, gonochoric Chinese scallop, Chlamys farreri and hermaphroditic bay scallop, Argopecten irradians were investigated in this study. Spermatogenesis in C. farreri has different developmental stages: spermatogonia, primary spermatocyte, second spermatocyte, spermatid and spermatozoon. A large number of same developmental stage spermatic cells converge at a definite area of the testis. Premeiotic, previtellogenic and vitellogenic oocytes can be found during oogenesis in C. farreri , where oocyte distribution is obviously irregular. The A. irradians gonad consists of two different parts in one individual: one part functions as testis, the other as ovary. Between these two parts is a special appearance area, where a large number of spermatic cells are bound with two layers of acellular substance with many oocytes in it. 展开更多
关键词 GAMETOGENESIS Argopecten irradians Chlamys farreri
Effect of Zinc Sulfate against the Red Palm Weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus with Reference to Their Histological Changes on the Larval Midgut and Adult Reproductive System
作者 Zamzam M. Al-Dhafar Aziza Sharaby 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第7期888-900,共13页
The red palm weevil Rhynchophorusferrugineus is the most important insect pest for the date palm trees in the Middle East and Gulf states. Zinc sulfate (ZnSOa'H20) was toxicologically, biologically and physiologica... The red palm weevil Rhynchophorusferrugineus is the most important insect pest for the date palm trees in the Middle East and Gulf states. Zinc sulfate (ZnSOa'H20) was toxicologically, biologically and physiologically evaluated as insect development disruptors against the RPW. LCs0 of Zinc sulfate against 10 days old larvae was 0.566%, 3% concentration inhibited the larvae from feeding. LCs0 concentration of zinc sulfate solution was capable to disrupting growth, development and reproduction of R. ferrugineus. Growth and development disruptions are resulted from larval feeding on the treated diet that causing percentage of mortality rate, retardation in larval and pupal duration, percentage of pupation, adults emergence, reduction in deposited eggs that laid by the resulting adults and in the egg fertility. The study further reveals that Zinc sulfate effects on histological structure of epithelial cells of the larval midgut including separation and elongation of their cells, rupture in the peritrophic membrane and in some microvilli and some degeneration of the surrounding muscles. Histological changes also was observed on the adults ovary, in this way, disrupt female gamete production through their action on the accumulation of yolk granules (vitellogenesis) and follicular epithelial cells. Disruption of male gamete production was detected by disorganized of testicular cysts and depopulation of these cysts in addition to degeneration in germ cells. Zinc sulfate may be used among other control methods by injection into the tree trunk or as fertilizer around the tree roots which in turn may have an indirect effect for controlling the RPW. 展开更多
关键词 Red palm weevil zinc sulfate inorganic salt TOXICITY growth disruption histological changes MIDGUT OVARY TESTES Rhynchophorus ferrugineus.
Ecological variables influencing the diversity and distribution of macrolichens colonizing Quercus leucotrichophora in Uttarakhand forest
作者 Shashi UPADHYAY Arun K.JUGRAN +2 位作者 Yogesh JOSHI Renu SUYAL Ranbeer S.RAWAL 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期307-318,共12页
Ecological variables play a significant role in determining the diversity and distribution of any living organism on earth. Lichens are not exceptional and are quite sensitive in comparison to other organisms; hence t... Ecological variables play a significant role in determining the diversity and distribution of any living organism on earth. Lichens are not exceptional and are quite sensitive in comparison to other organisms; hence the present study focuses on the impact of ecological variables on the diversity and distribution of epiphytic macrolichens colonizing Quercus leucotrichophora across eight different sites(50 m × 50 m) in Thal Ke Dhar forest, Kumaun Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India. For sampling of macrolichens, 200 trees(25 trees from each site) of Q.leucotrichophora were selected from each site and five quadrats of 5 cm × 10 cm(1000 quadrats in totality) were drawn at the tree trunk. From all the sampled trees, a total of 54 species of epiphytic macrolichens belonging to 18 genera and five families were recorded. Various ecological variables, namely altitude, aspect, slope, diameter at breast height(DBH), and lopping percent(partial cutting of the twigs as disturbance), were also analyzed to investigate their influence on macrolichen species composition and distribution pattern in the study area. For the determination of relationships between these variables, statistical analysis, namely Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, Polynomial regression analysis and Principal Component Analysis(PCA)were performed. Out of all variables, lopping was significantly correlated to species richness of epiphytic macrolichens(0.712~*, p<0.05) and it was confirmed by Pearson's Correlation Coefficient.Despite of having high anthropogenic pressure or impact through lopping, the maximum number of macrolichen species was recorded at elevation 2267 meter above sea level(m asl). The present study revealed that besides other ecological variables,lopping practices can act as a key parameter incontrolling the diversity and distribution not only of epiphytic macrolichens but also of other life forms such as bryophytes, pteridophytes, insects, birds etc.and can be either negatively or positively correlated. 展开更多
关键词 CONSERVATION Epiphytic macrolichens Kumaun Himalaya Lopping QUERCUS Banj oak
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