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新疆紫草石油醚提取物对小鼠生殖组织形态及其脏器指数的影响 被引量:3
作者 戴冰 曹璐婷 +4 位作者 肖子曾 吴沁璇 曾呈茜 杨梦琳 张嘉倪 《湖南中医药大学学报》 CAS 2015年第3期16-18,72,共4页
目的观察新疆紫草石油醚提取物对小鼠生殖组织形态学及其脏器指数的蓄积毒性影响。方法采用渗漉提取法制备新疆紫草石油醚提取物,以其为受试物。选用昆明种小鼠40只,雌雄各半,按随机数字表法分为对照组和试验组,每组20只进行蓄积毒性试... 目的观察新疆紫草石油醚提取物对小鼠生殖组织形态学及其脏器指数的蓄积毒性影响。方法采用渗漉提取法制备新疆紫草石油醚提取物,以其为受试物。选用昆明种小鼠40只,雌雄各半,按随机数字表法分为对照组和试验组,每组20只进行蓄积毒性试验。试验组给以新疆紫草石油醚提取物,对照组给以4%吐温-80水溶液。当小鼠死亡过半后停止试验,计算小鼠生殖组织脏器指数,光镜下观察小鼠生殖组织形态变化。结果新疆紫草在小鼠体内的蓄积毒性为中等蓄积,小鼠累积灌胃13.08 g/kg新疆紫草石油醚提取物后试验组雄性小鼠睾丸指数与对照组比没有显著性差异,组织形态观察未发生病变。试验组雌性小鼠卵巢指数和子宫指数降低,但其组织形态未发生病理性损伤。结论新疆紫草石油醚提取物对小鼠生殖组织形态以及雄性小鼠睾丸指数均无明显影响,但能降低雌性小鼠卵巢指数和子宫指数。 展开更多
关键词 新疆紫草 石油醚提取物 蓄积毒性试验 生殖组织形态 脏器指数
作者 刘彦斌 郑振群 《国外医学(计划生育分册)》 北大核心 1990年第4期201-203,共3页
具有生育能力的正常男性精液中,淋巴细胞以CD_8^+(Ts/c)亚群为主。CD_8^+亚群主要分布在睾丸网、附睾、输精管、前列腺、精囊腺等组织的上皮和固有层内;而CD_4^+(T_(H/I))亚群多分布在间质中。B淋巴细胞的分布多局限在前列腺间质组织中... 具有生育能力的正常男性精液中,淋巴细胞以CD_8^+(Ts/c)亚群为主。CD_8^+亚群主要分布在睾丸网、附睾、输精管、前列腺、精囊腺等组织的上皮和固有层内;而CD_4^+(T_(H/I))亚群多分布在间质中。B淋巴细胞的分布多局限在前列腺间质组织中,在精液中也存在有B淋巴细胞。单核巨噬细胞在精液和上述生殖组织均有不同程度的组成和分布。免疫细胞在正常生育男性的这种特征性分布构成了生殖组织局部免疫的稳定。尤其是以CD_8^+细胞占优势的分布特征调节着机体对自身精子抗原的免疫应答。 展开更多
关键词 生殖组织 男性 免疫细胞
小桐子生殖组织基因表达谱(英文) 被引量:1
作者 王威 魏迪明 +5 位作者 潘昇 卿冬进 黄伟成 张仕华 王磊 李凝 《中国生物工程杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期38-48,共11页
虽然表达序列标签(ESTs,mRNA片段序列)已广泛用于高效基因发现和补充基因组注释的工作,最近,与实时荧光定量反转录PCR(qRT-PCR)结合,它也开始应用于种系遗传学、转录谱及其蛋白组学方面。通过对油料木本植物小桐子(J.curcas)的生殖组织... 虽然表达序列标签(ESTs,mRNA片段序列)已广泛用于高效基因发现和补充基因组注释的工作,最近,与实时荧光定量反转录PCR(qRT-PCR)结合,它也开始应用于种系遗传学、转录谱及其蛋白组学方面。通过对油料木本植物小桐子(J.curcas)的生殖组织基因表达水平的分析,预期可能找到一些与油脂合成相关的基因。这些研究成果在将来可能用于提高种子产油木质类植物的油产量。为此,分别构建了两个cDNA文库,一共得到9289条平均长度为603bp的EST序列。这些序列经过组装得到4502条独立基因序列(UniSeqs),分别包括1427条重叠群(包含1条以上EST序列)和3075条单一序列(包含1条EST序列)。用Gene Ontology(GO)分类软件对这些组装的序列进行了基因注释,并利用qRT-PCR对其中50条EST序列在叶子,花和种子中的相对表达水平进行了定量分析,发现在两个cDNA文库中有6条高丰度的EST序列(Contig1452,Contig1482,Contig1510,Contig1514,Contig1534和Contig1535)在一或两个小桐子组织中也是高表达。这些基因编码高表达的油脂合成相关蛋白或者转录因子。此实验为小桐子的基因组注释及其在增加公共数据库内储备序列的数量方面提供了EST序列。尤其是实时荧光定量反转录PCR分析验证的6条在cDNA文库中频繁出现的,高丰度的,具有推定功能的EST序列,特别是qRT-PCR检测出的与油脂合成或转录因子相关的EST编码基因群可能在小桐子的油脂合成中起着重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 小桐子(麻疯树) 表达序列标签 实时荧光定量反转录PCR测序 生殖组织 油脂合成
作者 章娜 徐丽明 +3 位作者 林戈 黄国宁 杨昭鹏 朱伟杰 《生殖与避孕》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期868-873,共6页
中国辅助生殖技术(ART)在近30年里发展迅速,已接近国际先进水平。但是,我国ART标准化的工作尚处于初级阶段。加拿大标准协会(CSA)自2000年开始进行"辅助生殖组织"国家标准的制订。本文分3个单元介绍加拿大"辅助生殖组织&... 中国辅助生殖技术(ART)在近30年里发展迅速,已接近国际先进水平。但是,我国ART标准化的工作尚处于初级阶段。加拿大标准协会(CSA)自2000年开始进行"辅助生殖组织"国家标准的制订。本文分3个单元介绍加拿大"辅助生殖组织"(CAN/CSA-Z900.2.1-12)国家标准的主要内容。该标准涵盖了辅助生殖组织管理的各个方面,包括公司与工作人员的要求,设备的要求,标准的操作程序、规范及质量控制,记录和随访的要求,感染的预防及控制,捐赠者和接受者的规范,不良事件的监控等。该标准的有关内容值得研究和借鉴,可为我国ART和相关医疗器械产品的科学监管,以及辅助生殖中心的规范管理提供参考,从而促进该领域的健康有序发展。 展开更多
关键词 辅助生殖技术(ART) 辅助生殖组织 标准 加拿大标准协会(CSA)
作者 杨树宝 张英楠 +2 位作者 马馨 栾维民 钱爱东 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第3期174-177,共4页
鸡生殖道相关淋巴组织作为泌尿生殖道抵御外界病原微生物入侵的第一道免疫屏障,研究其组成和发育有助于了解蛋鸡生殖道黏膜免疫状态的变化情况,尤其是出壳初期和产蛋期间的免疫状态,从而为蛋鸡生殖道疾病(尤其是沙门氏菌病)的防制提供... 鸡生殖道相关淋巴组织作为泌尿生殖道抵御外界病原微生物入侵的第一道免疫屏障,研究其组成和发育有助于了解蛋鸡生殖道黏膜免疫状态的变化情况,尤其是出壳初期和产蛋期间的免疫状态,从而为蛋鸡生殖道疾病(尤其是沙门氏菌病)的防制提供理论依据,并最终为人们能够食用上健康无污染的鸡蛋奠定基础。因此,作者对鸡生殖道相关淋巴组织的结构基础、发育情况及其免疫功能进行了综述。 展开更多
关键词 生殖道相关淋巴组织 淋巴细胞 免疫功能 发育
生殖器官组织鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜血管生成模型的建立 被引量:4
作者 张树成 王弘毅 +2 位作者 许如华 程捷 王介东 《生殖医学杂志》 CAS 1998年第2期105-106,共2页
生殖器官组织鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜血管生成模型的建立张树成王弘毅许如华程捷王介东血管生成是指从已存在的血管中生成新的毛细血管的过程。体内大部分血管一经发育完全后呈高度的稳定性,除创伤修复及一些疾病(如肿瘤)外,血管生成作用缓... 生殖器官组织鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜血管生成模型的建立张树成王弘毅许如华程捷王介东血管生成是指从已存在的血管中生成新的毛细血管的过程。体内大部分血管一经发育完全后呈高度的稳定性,除创伤修复及一些疾病(如肿瘤)外,血管生成作用缓慢。但是,女性生殖器官是唯一例外,... 展开更多
关键词 生殖器官组织 鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜 血管生成 模型
公山羊β防御素104a生物信息学分析及表达特性研究 被引量:7
作者 任有蛇 张国林 +7 位作者 郭丽娜 张春香 郑亚琳 张彩霞 乔利英 靳黎 吕丽华 刘文忠 《畜牧兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期219-227,共9页
旨在预测山羊β防御素104a蛋白质特性,研究其在成年公山羊生殖组织及其他组织中的表达特性及其定位。采用在线软件对gBD104a基因(KJ508074.1)进行生物信息学分析,用QRT-PCR法检测gBD104amRNA在睾丸、附睾及其他组织中的表达情况,用免疫... 旨在预测山羊β防御素104a蛋白质特性,研究其在成年公山羊生殖组织及其他组织中的表达特性及其定位。采用在线软件对gBD104a基因(KJ508074.1)进行生物信息学分析,用QRT-PCR法检测gBD104amRNA在睾丸、附睾及其他组织中的表达情况,用免疫荧光技术对生殖组织和精子中的gBD104a进行定位。结果,(1)生物信息学分析结果表明gBD104a基因cDNA全长324bp,编码107个氨基酸,第1~19个氨基酸为信号肽,第27~55个氨基酸为潜在的β防御素构象区域,在C端有7个潜在的O糖基化位点;(2)QRT-PCR结果表明,gBD104a在附睾体中表达量最高,在附睾头、气管、皱胃、空肠、回肠等组织中表达量较高,其他组织中表达量均较低;(3)免疫组化定位结果显示,在附睾头和体部的假复层纤毛柱状上皮细胞检测到较强的gBD104a阳性信号,在附睾尾部的纤毛柱状上皮细胞也检测到较强的阳性信号。gBD104a包裹在精子头部顶体和中段线粒体表面。gBD104a是一种分泌型糖蛋白,在成年公山羊机体各组织中广泛表达,但主要表达在附睾体,是精子表面的主要成分。推测可能与精子运动、顶体反应和获能有关。需要进一步深入研究其功能。 展开更多
关键词 β防御素104a 生殖组织 表达特性及定位 公山羊
Micropropagation of Pistacia vera 'Kerman' 被引量:7
作者 于菲 苏淑钗 +2 位作者 沈漫 姬谦龙 冷平生 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第1期107-108,121,共3页
[Objective]The aim was to commercialize micropropagation of pistachio and provide good foundations for varieties improvement. [Method]The seeds and stem-segments were used as explants in the tissue culture of Pistacia... [Objective]The aim was to commercialize micropropagation of pistachio and provide good foundations for varieties improvement. [Method]The seeds and stem-segments were used as explants in the tissue culture of Pistacia vera 'Kerman',tissue culture condition and medium and transplant matrix were researched for micropropagation of pistachio,[Result]Mediums of 1/2DKW and 1/2DKW+3.00 mg/L of 6-BA +0.05 mg/L of NAA were suitable medium for seed germination and axillary bud induction of pistachio; Proliferation coefficient was 3.6 on the medium of 1/2DKW +4.00 mg/L of 6-BA + 0.05 mg/L of IBA; Rooting rate was up to 75% on the medium of 1/2DKW + 5.00 mg/L of IBA + 1.00 mg/L of NAA; The suitable transplantation matrix was 3/4 sand + 1/4 vermiculite,and survival rate of plant with root was above 79%. [Conclusion]The pistachio (Kerman) tissue culture technology system was established. 展开更多
关键词 Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) Tissue culture TRANSPLANT
作者 张兆祥 《实用医学进修杂志》 2003年第1期60-64,共5页
关键词 女性 生殖道软组织肿瘤 病理诊断
The Rapid Propagation and Domestication of Wild Bletilla striata 被引量:2
作者 陈海锋 徐森富 陈依桃 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第2期289-290,322,共3页
The research explored rapid multiplication on Bletilla striata and the re- suits showed that the medium of MS+2.5 mg/L6-BA+0.2 mg/L NAA performed the best in induction, with induction rate at 98%; the medium with MS... The research explored rapid multiplication on Bletilla striata and the re- suits showed that the medium of MS+2.5 mg/L6-BA+0.2 mg/L NAA performed the best in induction, with induction rate at 98%; the medium with MS+IAA2.5mg/L+ 2.5 mg/L6-BA+2.0 mg/L NAA was the best in terms of induction and multiplication; the medium with 1/2MS+0.01 mg/L NAA 1+0.01 mg/L IAA promoted rooting.The harden- ing temperature was the optimal at 23℃-28 ℃ and relative humidity of 80%-90% the best. 展开更多
关键词 Wild Bletilla striata Tissue culture PROPAGATION DOMESTICATION
Research on Rapid Propagation and Domestication of Wild Raspberry Plantlets 被引量:2
作者 朱伟俊 徐森富 陈依桃 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第2期298-300,共3页
[Objective] This study was conducted to acquire a large quantity of wide raspberry plantlets and provide a basis for large-scale production. [Method] Re- search was performed on series tissue culture propagation of wi... [Objective] This study was conducted to acquire a large quantity of wide raspberry plantlets and provide a basis for large-scale production. [Method] Re- search was performed on series tissue culture propagation of wide raspberry. [Re- sult] Adventitious shoots were induced with stem segments, and the best induction medium was MS +1.5 mg/L BA +0.3 mg/L NAA with an induction rate of 96%; and the best differentiation medium was MS +2.0 mg/L KT +0.5 mg/L NAA, which ex- hibited high root number and quality, with an average root number of 4.5 per plant. The substratum for training plantlets was leaf mould 60%+perlite 30%+vermiculite 10%; and the temperature of 23-27℃ and relative air humidity of 80%-90% were beneficial to survival of trained plantlets.[Conclusion] This study laid a foundation for further large-area cultivation of Rubus chingii Hu. 展开更多
关键词 Wild raspberry Tissue culture PROLIFERATION DOMESTICATION
向日葵离体孤雌生殖过程的组织化学研究 被引量:1
作者 魏正元 杨弘远 《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》 SCIE CAS 1986年第2期117-122,229-230,共8页
对向日葵未受精胚珠培养所诱导的孤雌生殖过程进行了DNA、RNA、蛋白质与多糖的组织化学研究,同时也观察了体内胚胎发育的相应变化以作比较。离体孤雌生殖原胚发生初期的组织化学特征和体内合子胚相近;其中,卵细胞质中嗜派洛宁颗粒和卵... 对向日葵未受精胚珠培养所诱导的孤雌生殖过程进行了DNA、RNA、蛋白质与多糖的组织化学研究,同时也观察了体内胚胎发育的相应变化以作比较。离体孤雌生殖原胚发生初期的组织化学特征和体内合子胚相近;其中,卵细胞质中嗜派洛宁颗粒和卵核中孚尔根反应的动态值得注意。在后期,离体孤雌生殖胚状体和体内合子胚在淀粉动态上呈现显著的差异,这可能是前者不能顺利分化时的一种生理表现。 展开更多
关键词 向日葵 胚珠培养 孤雌生殖组织化学
Histological Observation of Germ Cell Development and Discovery of Spermatophores in Ovoviviparous Black Rockfish(Sebastes schlegeli Hilgendorf) in Reproductive Season 被引量:6
作者 FENG Junrong LIU Liming +2 位作者 JIANG Haibin WANG Maojian DU Rongbin 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第5期830-836,共7页
Black rockfish(Sebastes schlegeli) is an important species for culture; however, its reproductive characteristics have not been fully documented. In this study, we investigated the morphology and developmental process... Black rockfish(Sebastes schlegeli) is an important species for culture; however, its reproductive characteristics have not been fully documented. In this study, we investigated the morphology and developmental process of germ cells in this ovoviviparous rockfish in reproductive season(October 2011–November 2012) with histological methods. We found that the gonad of mature fish showed notable seasonal changes in developmental characteristics and morphological structure. The sperm cells matured during a period lasting from October to December, significantly earlier than the oocytes did. A large number of spermatozoa and other cells occurred in testis at different developmental stages. Vitellogenesis in oocytes began in October, and gestation appeared in April next year. Spermatophores were discovered for the first time in Sebastes, which assembled in testis, main sperm duct, oviduct and genital tract, as well as ovarian cavity in October and April. These organs may serve either as production or hiding places for spermatophores and spermatozoa which were stored and transported in form of spermatophores. Testicular degeneration started from the distal part of testis in April, with spermatophores assembled in degenerating testis and waiting for transportation. The copulation probably lasted for a long period, during which the spermatozoa were discharged in batches as spermatophores. These spermatophores were coated with sticky materials secreted from the interstitial areas of testis and the main sperm duct, then transported into ovary. 展开更多
关键词 Sebastes schlegeli germ cell development SPERMATOPHORE copulation period
Differential expression and regulation of integral membrane protein 2b in rat male reproductive tissues
作者 Deivendran Rengaraj Xiao-Huan Liang +3 位作者 Fei Gao Wen-Bo Deng Nathaniel Mills Zeng-Ming Yang 《Asian Journal of Andrology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第3期503-511,共9页
Aim: To examine the expression and regulation of integral membrane protein 2b (Itm2b) in rat male reproductive tissues during sexual maturation and under different treatments by in situ hybridization. Methods: Tes... Aim: To examine the expression and regulation of integral membrane protein 2b (Itm2b) in rat male reproductive tissues during sexual maturation and under different treatments by in situ hybridization. Methods: Testis, epididymis, and vas deferens were collected on days 1-70 to examine Itm2b expression during sexual maturation. To further examine the regulation of Itm2b, adult rats underwent surgical castration and cryptorchidism. Ethylene dimethane sulfonate and busulfan treatments were carried out to test the regulation of Itm2b after destruction of Leydig cells and germ cells. Results: In testis, Itm2b expression was moderately detected in the adluminal area of seminiferous cords on days 1-10, and detected at a low level in the spermatogonia on days 20 and 30. The Itm2b level was markedly increased in Leydig cells from day 20 to day 70. In epididymis and vas deferens, Itm2b was detected from neonate to adults, and the signal gradually increased in accordance with sexual maturation. Itm2b expression was significantly downregulated in epididymis and vas deferens of castrated rats, and strongly stimulated when castrated rats were treated with testosterone. Cryptorchidism led to a significant decline of Itm2b expression in testis and caput epididymis. Itm2b expression in epididymis and vas deferens was significantly decreased after the Leydig ceils were destroyed by ethylene dimethane sulfonate. Busulfan treatment produced no obvious change in Itm2b expression in epididymis or vas deferens. Conelusion: Our data suggested that Itm2b expression is upregulated by testosterone and might play a role in rat male reproduction. 展开更多
关键词 TESTIS EPIDIDYMIS vas deferens integral membrane protein 2b
High-frequency Plant Regeneration from Leaf Cultures of Moringa oleifera Lam: a Multipurpose Plant 被引量:1
作者 李国葱 周启艳 李欣 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第6期1318-1321,1358,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to optimized and established the regeneration system of Moringa oleifera and provided foundation for its rapid propagation and further research. [Method] Tissue culture techniques and large sca... [Objective] The aim was to optimized and established the regeneration system of Moringa oleifera and provided foundation for its rapid propagation and further research. [Method] Tissue culture techniques and large scale micropropagation of M. oleifera were studied in this paper. By means of a series of experiments, we used the leaf of aseptic seedling from M. oleifera as explants to optimize and establish the regeneration system cultured in vitro by means of direct organogenesis. [Result] It was observed that using the fresh shelled M. oleifera seeds with 0.1% mercuric chloride for 6 minutes could reach the best disinfection effect. The seed germination rate was 85%. The leaf could produce cluster buds well using the medium with MS+2.0 mg/L 6-BA+0.05 mg/L NAA, while the best proliferation condition was under MS+6-BA 1.0 mg/L+KT 0.1 rag/L+2, 4-D 2.0 mg/L+NAA 0.05 mg/L. The best rooting induction culture medium was MS+0.5 mg/L IBA, with the rooting rate as 100%. [Cenclusien] This protocol might find use in mass production of true- to-type plants and in production of transgenic plants through Agrobacterium/biolisticmediated transformation. 展开更多
关键词 Moringa oleifera Tissue culture PROLIFERATION ROOTING Optimization
Primitive neuroectodermal tumor of uterus——A rare entity 被引量:2
作者 Syed Nisar Ahmad Shiekh Aejaz Aziz +6 位作者 Rangreze Imran Manzoor Ahmad Banday Gul Mohammad A.R.Lone Parveen Reshi Nisar Ahmad Wani Shaheena Parveen 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第6期365-367,共3页
Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) of uterus is the rare of the rarest among the tumors of female genital tract. We herein reported a 32 years old female operated for lower abdominal lump,which was diagnosed,as PN... Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET) of uterus is the rare of the rarest among the tumors of female genital tract. We herein reported a 32 years old female operated for lower abdominal lump,which was diagnosed,as PNET later confirmed by immunohistochemistry (IHC). She was lost to follow-up and presented 10 months later with recurrence. She was treated with cyclical combination chemotherapy followed by definitive surgery and is in complete remission at present. 展开更多
关键词 neuroectodermal tumor UTERUS
A Study on Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation ofGinger
作者 PENG Kang HU Xin-xi +2 位作者 QIN Yu-zhi HE Chang-zheng LI Yan-lin 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2019年第6期28-35,共8页
The buds of ginger grown in Tongdao Dong Autonomous County were used as explants, the tissue culture and rapid propagation of ginger were studied and the CMV (Cucumber mosaic virus) and TMV (Tobacco mosaic virus) of g... The buds of ginger grown in Tongdao Dong Autonomous County were used as explants, the tissue culture and rapid propagation of ginger were studied and the CMV (Cucumber mosaic virus) and TMV (Tobacco mosaic virus) of ginger tissue culture seedlings were detected. The results showed that MS+6-BA 4.0 mg/L+NAA 0.2 mg/L was the suitable medium for the proliferation induction and differentiation of ginger seedlings. This medium can realize the synchronous culture of ginger seedling proliferation and rooting, and one-step seedling re fining and transplanting, and the proliferation multiple can reach 3.00. The suitable rooting medium was 1/2MS+0.4 mg/L NAA. The survival rate of coir and vermiculite was the highest among the 4 culture mediums, reaching 100%. The survival rate of peat and cottonseed shell was very low, among which the ginger seedling transplanted with vermiculite grew more robustly than that transplanted with coir, with developed root system, more adventitious roots and less yellowing of leaves. No CMV and TMV were found in the tissue culture seedlings of ginger. The tissue culture seedlings can be used for the production of non-toxic ginger seedlings. 展开更多
关键词 GINGER Tissue culture Rapid propagation Virus detection
作者 Wang X F Li X Q +3 位作者 Leng X J Shan L L Zhao J X Wang Y T 《饲料博览》 2014年第8期47-47,共1页
将含有棉籽粕(CM)0、9%、18%、27%、36%、45%和54%(含游离棉酚0、107.8、215.7、323.5、431.3、539.2和647.0mg·kg-1)的等氮等能饲粮饲喂给初始体重为11.3g的鲤鱼幼鱼,试验共8周,并评价CM对其生长性能、血液学... 将含有棉籽粕(CM)0、9%、18%、27%、36%、45%和54%(含游离棉酚0、107.8、215.7、323.5、431.3、539.2和647.0mg·kg-1)的等氮等能饲粮饲喂给初始体重为11.3g的鲤鱼幼鱼,试验共8周,并评价CM对其生长性能、血液学指标、肝脏和生殖腺组织学的影响。CM0-9%组的增重(WG)和饲料转化率差异不显著(P〉0.05),但CM27%~54%组的WG和蛋白质效率(PER)显著降低(P〈0.05),FCR显著增加(P〈O.05)。与CM0~18%组相比,27%~54%组的红细胞数量(RBC)和红细胞比容(HCT)显著增加(P〈O.05),CM0~45%组的血红蛋白(Hb)含量相对稳定,CM54%组的显著下降。与CM0-36%组相比,CM45%。54%组血清中谷丙转氨酶和羟基自由基的活性显著增加(P〈0.05)。肌肉和肝脏中游离棉酚的含量与饲粮中CM的水平密切相关。两性别性腺指数差异不显著(P〉0.05)。与CM0和27%组相比,CM54%组的肝细胞体积减少,肝细胞数目增多,睾丸中初级精母细胞数量增多,精子细胞数量减少。研究表明,鲤鱼幼鱼CM安全水平为27%(舍游离棉酚323.5mg·kg-1),增重折线分析表明,鲤鱼幼鱼的CM最大量为26.85%。饲粮中棉籽粕舍量高于36%(含游离棉酚431.3mg·kg-1)会破坏鲤鱼的生长性能和血液指标。此外,饲粮中高CM(CM54%,含游离棉酚647.0mg·kg-1)对肝脏有轻微损害,且精子细胞数量会降低。 展开更多
关键词 鲤鱼幼鱼 棉籽粕 生长性能 血液 肝脏和生殖组织
The Analysis of Growth and Reproduction of Industrial Clusters Based on View of Ecological Coexistence
作者 LIU Man-feng Song Ying 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第3期186-193,共8页
The behavior of industrial cluster is similar to the behavior of biological population, that is, the industrial cluster is seemed to be an ecological symbiotic system. The relationship between economic organizations i... The behavior of industrial cluster is similar to the behavior of biological population, that is, the industrial cluster is seemed to be an ecological symbiotic system. The relationship between economic organizations in the industrial cluster is similar to the relationship of species in ecological system, and symbiotic reciprocity, competition and cooperation are the basic. The ecological development is mainstream and direction of industrial cluster. In this paper, firstly, we studied the ecological symbiosis growth model of industry cluster, and tbund it being according to logistic growth model; secondly, we studied the growth and reproduction of economic organizations in industrial cluster in three different cases, which with only competition relations, only beneficial relations, and both competition and beneficial cooperation relationship between economic organizations, and finally, we determined the number of economical organizations when the industrial cluster attained ecological equilibrium. 展开更多
关键词 Ecological coexistence industrial clusters growth and reproduction.
Interaction between Spermatozoa and the Different Epithelia along the Female Reproductive Tract of Mustelus schmitti
作者 Femanda Gabriela Elias 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第3期111-119,共9页
The presence of sperm was observed in different organs of the reproductive tract of M. schmitti. These were the club, baffle and terminal zone of the oviducal gland, posterior portion of the uterus and in the cervix. ... The presence of sperm was observed in different organs of the reproductive tract of M. schmitti. These were the club, baffle and terminal zone of the oviducal gland, posterior portion of the uterus and in the cervix. This fact allowed for consideration not only its storage but its interaction with the female reproductive tract epithelia as well. SEM (microscopic observation studies) detected loose and sole spermatozoa in the club and baffle zones in a pregnant female. On the other hand, histochemical techniques showed sperm storage tubules of the terminal zone, which contain bundles of sperm, do not stain AB (alcian blue) or PAS (periodic acid schiff). Disintegration of some of the male gametes was observed in the posterior part of the uterus with TEM (transmission electron microscopy) studies which would indicate a first uterine sperm selection. The uterine epithelial cells involved in this process showed an important level of secretion vacuoles suggesting an interaction with sperm cells. Sperm in the cervix was found without the matrix that constitutes the spermatozeugmata formed in the male tract. Some heads of the sperm were uncurled while they were interacting with the cervical cells. 展开更多
关键词 SPERM uterine epithelium oviducal gland chondrichthyes.
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