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作者 蒋博雅 黄宝麟 +1 位作者 曾碧晶 胡振宇 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2022年第14期5860-5870,共11页
当前日趋多元的养老生活需求与不均衡、不协调的社会养老资源供给之间的矛盾亟待有效缓解。通过资料搜集、实地调研及专家问卷评价,重构了“食、住、医、情、规、体”六位一体养老生活圈体系,结合层次分析法并运用ArcGIS技术进行因子叠... 当前日趋多元的养老生活需求与不均衡、不协调的社会养老资源供给之间的矛盾亟待有效缓解。通过资料搜集、实地调研及专家问卷评价,重构了“食、住、医、情、规、体”六位一体养老生活圈体系,结合层次分析法并运用ArcGIS技术进行因子叠加分析与量化研究,结果表明:调整规划布局,优化设施配置,以缓解鼓楼区养老设施“中心优-周边弱”的态势,达到服务公平性全覆盖;依照“六位一体”养老生活圈体系引导规划,全面提升设施服务水平,补短板强弱项;以社区为依托展开养老生活圈更新研究,与时俱进构建和谐宜养“大家庭”。 展开更多
关键词 老年群体 “六一体”养老生活 需求水平分析 适宜性评价
作者 叶蔚芳 《丽水学院学报》 2009年第6期36-41,共6页
美国现代女作家苔丝·斯拉辛格写于1935年的短篇小说《一位作家某天的生活》,作品主人公青年作家伯特伦姆仍属一个病态异化的现代人形象,他对创作灵感的苦寻过程恰是作家与真实自我靠近融合的过程。但在身处个人与社会、精神与肉体... 美国现代女作家苔丝·斯拉辛格写于1935年的短篇小说《一位作家某天的生活》,作品主人公青年作家伯特伦姆仍属一个病态异化的现代人形象,他对创作灵感的苦寻过程恰是作家与真实自我靠近融合的过程。但在身处个人与社会、精神与肉体、理性与情感分裂的现代性氛围中,作家自我发现的瞬间却正是自我崩溃的时刻。 展开更多
关键词 《一作家某天的生活 现代主义 异化 自我 崩溃
作者 王世达 《社会科学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第6期88-88,共1页
夜半醒来,夜雨的淅沥,夜风的呻吟,从黑暗中传人耳际的时候,我常常惊异地想:我是怎么成为今天的我的呢?我是怎么来到现在这个生活位置,这个特殊的时空的呢?“我猛然发现自己就在这里,没有人请我来,也没有人批准我来,我是被“扔”到这个... 夜半醒来,夜雨的淅沥,夜风的呻吟,从黑暗中传人耳际的时候,我常常惊异地想:我是怎么成为今天的我的呢?我是怎么来到现在这个生活位置,这个特殊的时空的呢?“我猛然发现自己就在这里,没有人请我来,也没有人批准我来,我是被“扔”到这个世界上来的。我被自已这一想法深深地震动了。我感到人生的起点就象掷骰子一样,它的偶然性深深植根于一些无法逃避的事实之中。 展开更多
关键词 偶然性 命运 生活位 耳际 深植 无法逃避 夜风 掷骰子 夜雨 机敏的人
作者 乔力 《东岳论丛》 1986年第4期99-101,共3页
每个人都有自己寄托理想的一定外化形式,我,选择了文学。尽管最初还只是一种不够稳定的热情,一个虽美好却朦胧的愿望,但它是坚毅执着的。随着岁月的推移、人生阅历的丰富和学识的增长,从史蒂文生“宝岛”那充满传奇色彩的精巧构思中,在... 每个人都有自己寄托理想的一定外化形式,我,选择了文学。尽管最初还只是一种不够稳定的热情,一个虽美好却朦胧的愿望,但它是坚毅执着的。随着岁月的推移、人生阅历的丰富和学识的增长,从史蒂文生“宝岛”那充满传奇色彩的精巧构思中,在拜伦洋溢着牺牲精神的自由诗篇里;自莱蒙托夫总在寻觅新奇刺激、找不到生活位置而焦灼不安的“多余人”形象上,到贝克特通体贯注了深刻惶恐情绪、已然绝望却仍在期望着什么的“等待戈多”;由首创种族、环境、时代三要素批评理论的丹纳至中西交汇、博大情深的钱钟书……终于,我的文学意识渐趋明晰,认定这就是毕生追求的事业。十年,二十年,在山区的建设工地上,在喧闹的集体宿舍里,我一步步地走了过来。当然,那步履是艰辛的。 展开更多
关键词 传奇色彩 古典文学研究 二十年 精巧构思 文学意识 外化形式 生活位 自由诗 集体宿舍 审美把握
城市生态环境质量评价初探 被引量:5
作者 刘蕾 刘建军 +1 位作者 李志强 曾永清 《干旱环境监测》 2006年第2期79-82,共4页
关键词 城市生产 城市生活位 城市环境 城市生态环境质量评价
王安忆小说的观察点:一个人物,一种冲突 被引量:5
作者 南帆 《当代作家评论》 1984年第2期48-54,共7页
一要在王安忆小说中寻找一些瑕疵,那并不是件十分困难的事。不过,我们无论如何不能忽略王安忆在这方面的才华:她总是在许多人所熟视无睹的现象中看出特別的意蕴。王安忆经常把眼光固执地盯在某一处,仿佛要看穿什么似的。这使她的小说具... 一要在王安忆小说中寻找一些瑕疵,那并不是件十分困难的事。不过,我们无论如何不能忽略王安忆在这方面的才华:她总是在许多人所熟视无睹的现象中看出特別的意蕴。王安忆经常把眼光固执地盯在某一处,仿佛要看穿什么似的。这使她的小说具有一种不可轻视的分量。也正是因此,某些时候——譬如说。 展开更多
关键词 王安忆小说 文工团 复杂性 生活 中篇小说 人物性格 观察点 冲突 街道工厂 生活位
《小鲍庄》的艺术世界 被引量:4
作者 晓华 汪政 《当代文坛》 1985年第12期9-11,共3页
严厉的批评家终于从王安忆的创作中发现了“一种人物”,“一种冲突”。这是确确实实的。我们和“雯雯”们毕竟太熟了,也毕竟太熟悉那种人物与生活位置不和谐的冲突。这对一个作家来说,不能不说是一个致命的打击!人们不禁为之担心:她能... 严厉的批评家终于从王安忆的创作中发现了“一种人物”,“一种冲突”。这是确确实实的。我们和“雯雯”们毕竟太熟了,也毕竟太熟悉那种人物与生活位置不和谐的冲突。这对一个作家来说,不能不说是一个致命的打击!人们不禁为之担心:她能超越自我么? 能的。她拿出了《小鲍庄》。(载《中国作家》85年2期,《小说选刊》85年9期转载) 这是怎样的一个艺术世界!再不是清丽然而单调,努力思考人生然而总是略想一下便掉过头去的了。悠远、凝重、深厚,我们第一次感受到她作品的力度。 展开更多
关键词 《小鲍庄》 王安忆 艺术世界 作家 童养媳 乡里人 生活场景 生活位 原始野性 小说
“回归”析——对知青小说的一点思考 被引量:1
作者 晨立 《当代文坛》 1983年第11期29-33,29,共6页
近两年来,文坛上出现了一批以知青生活为题材的“反思”文学作品。这些作品“立足于现实回味旧梦,从失落的青春中追寻流逝的岁月的珍贵馈赠”。作品中,“知青生活的旧梦由不堪回首变作不能忘记,对苦难岁月中美好东西的深情眷恋代替了对... 近两年来,文坛上出现了一批以知青生活为题材的“反思”文学作品。这些作品“立足于现实回味旧梦,从失落的青春中追寻流逝的岁月的珍贵馈赠”。作品中,“知青生活的旧梦由不堪回首变作不能忘记,对苦难岁月中美好东西的深情眷恋代替了对生活全盘否定的片面的诅咒,青年努力从自己的生活实践中认识社会,领悟人生真谛,寻找生活位置。”这种反思。 展开更多
关键词 知青小说 作品 知青生活 清平湾 生活位 《塔》 人的价值 人生价值 农村 岁月
作者 黄河 《小说评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第1期81-81,共1页
黄皮肤的中国人远渡重洋去海外探险、交流、求学、谋生的历史已经是很久很久的事了。在异域的文化环境中,大批仁人志士怀着富国图强的心愿节衣缩食、寒窗苦读的情景也已成为遥远的一幕。时间由世纪初跨入了世纪末。黄土地的中国面临着... 黄皮肤的中国人远渡重洋去海外探险、交流、求学、谋生的历史已经是很久很久的事了。在异域的文化环境中,大批仁人志士怀着富国图强的心愿节衣缩食、寒窗苦读的情景也已成为遥远的一幕。时间由世纪初跨入了世纪末。黄土地的中国面临着同样的历史课题;龙的子孙又一次飞向了父辈们曾经去过的地方。仿佛是历史的重演,然而在每一个个体身上,历史却不再会重演了。至少,我们在伍珍的心灵中,已经读不出二十世纪初叶那种悲壮的情景。 展开更多
关键词 文化环境 二十世纪初 人生追求 历史课题 美国 仁人志士 八十年代 生活位 情景 中篇小说
作者 银甲 《当代文坛》 1986年第5期77-78,共2页
一位离休老干部在干休所分到一幢精巧的小楼,在他那“三代同堂”的传统思想的支配下,他的儿女们又重新被召回这个大家庭中。小说的故事比较简单,作家冷静而客观地描写了老干部的大儿子怎样在家庭中实施他那种封建的铁腕统治,又是如何走... 一位离休老干部在干休所分到一幢精巧的小楼,在他那“三代同堂”的传统思想的支配下,他的儿女们又重新被召回这个大家庭中。小说的故事比较简单,作家冷静而客观地描写了老干部的大儿子怎样在家庭中实施他那种封建的铁腕统治,又是如何走向失败的。 我们的社会,当前正在进行着一场空前伟大而艰巨的经济体制的改革。作者以高度的社会责任感关注着这场改革,进行着清醒的思考,并有了自己独特的发现。 展开更多
关键词 小说 家庭生活 离休老干部 生活位 传统思想 经济顾问 铁腕 大儿子 三代同堂 民和
作者 皖人 《中共太原市委党校学报》 1999年第3期63-63,共1页
关键词 人生选择 下岗职工 生活位 生物进化理论 新选择 马克思 封建婚俗 青年学生 人生价值 风险选择
《课堂内外(创新作文)(高中版)》 2008年第Z1期8-9,共2页
关键词 生活位 宋体字 经历 人生价值 上下 颠倒 低下 体现 前言 居中
Electrooxidative Degradation of an Anthraquinone Dye with in-situ Electrogenerated Active Chlorine in a Divided Flow Cell 被引量:3
作者 杨蕴哲 杨卫身 +1 位作者 杨凤林 张兴文 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第5期628-633,共6页
The purpose of this paper was to investigate the possibility of treating C. I. Reactive Blue 19 wastewater by electrochemical oxidation via electrogenerated active chlorine, using metallic oxide coatings (dimensional... The purpose of this paper was to investigate the possibility of treating C. I. Reactive Blue 19 wastewater by electrochemical oxidation via electrogenerated active chlorine, using metallic oxide coatings (dimensional stable anode, DSA) as anode. The electrolysis for the simulated wastewater was conducted at a constant current. Absorbances at 592 nm and 255 nm were measured to follow the decolorization of the dye and the degradatin of its aromatic ring. After 4 h of electrolysis under the experimental conditions: current density of 15 A·m^-2, 0.2 mol·L^-1 NaCl, 0.1 mol·L^-1 Na2SO4, 0.1 mmol·L^-1 dye, initial pH=6.4 and T=30℃, 100% decolorization of the dye and about 45% degradation of its aromatic ring were achieved, while no obvious change of total organic carbon was observed. The experimental results suggest that the decolorization of the dye and degradation of its aromatic ring were directly affected by current density, temperature, concentrations of the dye and sodium chloride, while slightly affected by initial pH and sodium sulfate concentration; the decolorization of the dye and degradation of its aromatic ring followed pseudo-first-order kinetics; and indirect electrooxidation, using electrogenerated active chlorine, predominated in the electrochemical oxidation. 展开更多
关键词 electrochemical oxidation anthraquinone dye electrogenerated active chlorine galvanostatic model flow cell
The Flavivirus Protease As a Target for Drug Discovery 被引量:4
作者 Matthew Brecher Jing Zhang Hongmin Li 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第6期326-336,共11页
Many flaviviruses are significant human pathogens causing considerable disease burdens,including encephalitis and hemorrhagic fever,in the regions in which they are endemic.A paucity of treatments for flaviviral infec... Many flaviviruses are significant human pathogens causing considerable disease burdens,including encephalitis and hemorrhagic fever,in the regions in which they are endemic.A paucity of treatments for flaviviral infections has driven interest in drug development targeting proteins essential to flavivirus replication,such as the viral protease.During viral replication,the flavivirus genome is translated as a single polyprotein precursor,which must be cleaved into individual proteins by a complex of the viral protease,NS3,and its cofactor,NS2B.Because this cleavage is an obligate step of the viral life-cycle,the flavivirus protease is an attractive target for antiviral drug development.In this review,we will survey recent drug development studies targeting the NS3 active site,as well as studies targeting an NS2B/NS3interaction site determined from flavivirus protease crystal structures. 展开更多
Effects of rice straw on the cell viability, photosynthesis, and growth of Microcystis aeruginosa 被引量:5
作者 苏文 Johannes A.HAGSTR?M +2 位作者 贾育红 卢亚萍 孔繁翔 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期120-129,共10页
Rice straw is supposed to be an environment-friendly biomaterial for inhibiting the growth of harmful blooms of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. However, its potential mechanism is not well known. To explore... Rice straw is supposed to be an environment-friendly biomaterial for inhibiting the growth of harmful blooms of the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. However, its potential mechanism is not well known. To explore this mechanism, the growth, cell viability(esterase activity, membrane potential, and membrane integrity), photosynthesis, and cell size of M. aeruginosa were determined using fl ow cytometry and Phyto-PAM after exposure to rice straw extracts(RSE). The results show that doses from 2.0 to 10.0 g/L of RSE effi ciently inhibited the alga for 15 days, while the physiologic and morphologic responses of the cyanobacteria were time-dependent. RSE interfered with the cell membrane potential, cell size, and in vivo chlorophyll- a fl uorescence on the fi rst day. After 7 days of exposure, RSE was transported into the cytosol, which disrupted enzyme activity and photosynthesis. The cyanobacteria then started to repair its physiology(enzyme activity, photosynthesis) and remained viable, suggesting that rice straw act as an algistatic agent. 展开更多
关键词 esterase activity membrane potential Phyto-PAM rice straw MICROCYSTIS flow cytometry
Regeneration of waste SCR catalyst by air lift loop reactor 被引量:10
作者 LEE Jung-bin EOM Yong-seok +1 位作者 KIM Jun-han CHUN Sung-nam 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第5期1314-1318,共5页
A solution of 0.1 mol/L to 1.0 mol/L H2SO4 can dissolve alkali metals and alkaline earth metals which weaken an active site of SCR catalyst. The waste catalyst washed with 0.5 mol/L H2SO4 regained the best catalytic a... A solution of 0.1 mol/L to 1.0 mol/L H2SO4 can dissolve alkali metals and alkaline earth metals which weaken an active site of SCR catalyst. The waste catalyst washed with 0.5 mol/L H2SO4 regained the best catalytic activity. When a concentration of the sulfuric acid is less than 0.5 mol/L, sufficient cleaning effects cannot be obtained. In contrast, when the concentration is greater than 1.0 tool/L, the active components, vanadium and tungsten are undesirably eluted. The total BET surface of the catalyst regenerated by air lift loop reactor showed almost the same as that of fresh catalyst due to the removal of insoluble compounds which may be penetrated into pores of catalyst. The addition of a solution of 0.075 mol/L ammonium vanadate (NHnVO3) and 0.075 mol/L ammonium paratungstate (5(NH4)20· 12WO3-5H20) to 0.1 mol/L H2SO4 significantly increases the activity of the waste catalyst. 展开更多
关键词 nitrogen oxide REGENERATION selective catalyst reduction air lift loop reactor catalyst
Blasphemy and Islamic Sophism in Selected Poems by Emily Dickinson
作者 Wafa Nouari 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第12期1556-1560,共5页
In spite the fact that Emily Elizabeth Dickinson lived during the 19th century Amherst among conservative community that gave less chance to female voice to gain a share in social and political life, she paved the way... In spite the fact that Emily Elizabeth Dickinson lived during the 19th century Amherst among conservative community that gave less chance to female voice to gain a share in social and political life, she paved the way for the coming female thinkers to obtain more freedom of thought and expression. In other words, since she was convient that "Abdiction of Belief makes the Behaviour Small", she undercut social conventions and moved under gradual shift from Orthodox Trinitarianism into new thoughts of liberalism. However, in good deal of her work, she still pertains to religious conservatism in wider sense than Amhest Church had been dectated. 展开更多
关键词 Blasphemy Islamic Sophism POETRY FAITH RELIGION
Some Antimicrobial Activity Plants Growing in Rize Region Used in Alternative Medicine
作者 Gulsum Yaldiz 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第6期624-631,共8页
Rize has a different and special flora because of its geographical position, climate, and topography. The natural plants of Rize have a very big usage potential and value in some sort of intrustrial branches. In parti... Rize has a different and special flora because of its geographical position, climate, and topography. The natural plants of Rize have a very big usage potential and value in some sort of intrustrial branches. In particular, the antimicrobial activity of natural plant oils and extracts has formed the basis of many applications, including raw and processed food preservation, pharmaceuticals, alternative medicine and natural therapies: These natural plants can be listed as follows: Artemisia absinthium L., Achi[[ea millefolium L., Astragalus schizopterus Boiss, Ajuga orientalis L., Humulus lupulus L,, Mentha longifolia L., Melissa officinalis L., Thymus pseudopulegioides Klokov et Des., Plantago major L., Rhus L., Hypericum perforatum L., Camellia chinensis L., Taraxacum officinale Wobb., duniperus communis L., etc.. In the present study, the bio-eco-morphological features of some antimicrobial activity plants, their active substance content, their effectuality and usage as traditional medicine in Rize region were discussed. It was observed that these herbs are preferred by experts and they are sold in the neighborhood markets and spice stores, and the local people are quite interested in these medicinal herbs. 展开更多
关键词 Antimicrobial activity FLORA medicinal and aromatic plants Rize
Effect of biologically active fraction of Nardostachys jatamansi on cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis 被引量:4
作者 Gi-Sang Bae Min-Sun Kim +10 位作者 Kyoung-Chel Park Bon Soon Koo Il-Joo Jo Sun Bok Choi Dong-Sung Lee Youn-Chul Kim Tae-Hyeon Kim Sang-Wan Seo Yong Kook Shin Ho-Joon Song Sung-Joo Park 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第25期3223-3234,共12页
AIM: To determine if the fraction of Nardostachysjata- mansi (N J) has the potential to ameliorate the severity of acute pancreatitis (AP). METHODS: Mice were administered the biologically active fraction of N J... AIM: To determine if the fraction of Nardostachysjata- mansi (N J) has the potential to ameliorate the severity of acute pancreatitis (AP). METHODS: Mice were administered the biologically active fraction of N J, i.e., the 4th fraction (N J4), intra- peritoneally, and then injected with the stable chole- cystokinin analogue cerulein hourly for 6 h. Six hours after the last cerulein injection, the pancreas, lung, and blood were harvested for morphological examination,measurement of cytokine expression, and examination of neutrophil infiltration. RESULTS: N J4 administration attenuated the sever- ity of AP and lung injury associated with AP. It also reduced cytokine production and neutrophil infiltration and resulted in the in vivo up-regulation of heine oxy- genase-1 (HO-1). Furthermore, NJ4 and its biologically active fraction, N J4-2 inhibited the cerulein-induced death of acinar cells by inducing HO-1 in isolated pan- creatic acinar cells. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that N J4 may be a candidate fraction offering protection in AP and N J4 might ameliorate the severity of pancreatitis by induc- ing HO-1 expression. 展开更多
关键词 Nardostachysjatamansi Acute pancreatitis CYTOKINES Heine oxygenase-1
Implementing a Rainwater Sustainable Control in SaheI-Feedback from "Niayes" Zone of Dakar
作者 Sylvestre Dasylva 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第1期25-33,共9页
Dakar area landscape is mainly characterized by the existence of the "niaye"-or agricultural depressions located in the sand dunes system. In these depressions, the top-table of quaternary sand groundwater reaches o... Dakar area landscape is mainly characterized by the existence of the "niaye"-or agricultural depressions located in the sand dunes system. In these depressions, the top-table of quaternary sand groundwater reaches or overflows the soil surface. Because of a recent groundwater level drop, some of the niayes have become runoff-gathering sites. This water ensures various economical, environmental and social services, i.e. urban agriculture, drinking water supply of Dakar and formation of ecosystems supporting biodiversity. Given that rainwater infiltration is the only natural "input", conception and implemention of rainwater management PPP (Politics, Plan and Program) must necessarily take into account this interrelationl Nowadays, two acute problems are observed in the Dakar area. On the one hand, the niayes are threatened by a hydrological drying process due to the insufficiency of rainwater refill. On the other hand, the dramatic social pressure on the environment has led to the urbanization of these bottom-lands. Furthermore, because of the pluviometry decrease, a worsening of the nuisances (floods and malaria) related to surface waters occurs. Consequently, an appropriate runoff management should integrate both the "risk" and "resource" dimensions, thus allowing the protection of natural resources and a secure living environment. According to the limits of"classicai" solutions, this paper provides approach elements for building a sustainability plan focusing on emergent concerns, which would control rainwater in urbanized zones. 展开更多
关键词 Rainwater control emergent issues natural resources protection living environment security participative governance.
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