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作者 周洪宇 《福建陶研》 2021年第4期25-25,共1页
关键词 特色办学之路 陶行知 创新性发展 生活教育学 实践探索 教育与社会
作者 范寅虎 《生活教育》 2013年第3期18-21,共4页
现行的教育理论体系是基于学校通过课堂教学的形式向学生传授系统的文化科学知识而形成的教学教育学,而真正能够促进学生成人、成才的教育理论却是生活教育学。生活教育学是以人的整个生活为视域进行研究的教育学说,生活教育学与教学... 现行的教育理论体系是基于学校通过课堂教学的形式向学生传授系统的文化科学知识而形成的教学教育学,而真正能够促进学生成人、成才的教育理论却是生活教育学。生活教育学是以人的整个生活为视域进行研究的教育学说,生活教育学与教学教育学是整体与局部的关系。生本教育思想要求教育应做到以学生为本,即以学生的发展为本,而要做到以学生为本,必然要求教育理论由教学教育学向生活教育学回归。 展开更多
关键词 教学教育学 生活教育学 生本教育
作者 涂怀京 赵莹洁 《生活教育》 2018年第7期18-21,共4页
陶行知"生活教育"学说植根于民族文化土壤,融贯中西,意蕴宏阔,其本质论、领域论、方法论广为人知,广受关注和研究。在当代素质教育改革不断向前推进的情势下,应深入发掘并鲜明高扬教育学说"培植生活力"的目的论,系统研究"培植生活... 陶行知"生活教育"学说植根于民族文化土壤,融贯中西,意蕴宏阔,其本质论、领域论、方法论广为人知,广受关注和研究。在当代素质教育改革不断向前推进的情势下,应深入发掘并鲜明高扬教育学说"培植生活力"的目的论,系统研究"培植生活力"的内涵、特质及其在教育陶炼、学科教学、班级管理等多方面的借鉴运用价值。 展开更多
关键词 生活教育学 培植生活 目的论 班级管理
周洪宇:“生活·实践”教育,让师生向生活的更深处漫浸 被引量:2
作者 高林福 《课堂内外(中国好老师)》 2023年第10期8-11,共4页
作为蜚声海外的陶行知研究领域大家,周洪宇教授研究陶行知先生四十余载,曾经撰写发表《我们今日为什么需要建立陶行知学》《陶行知研究的方法论问题》《陶行知历史定位新论》《陶行知的教育遗产及其启示》等论文。一路走来,周洪宇深受... 作为蜚声海外的陶行知研究领域大家,周洪宇教授研究陶行知先生四十余载,曾经撰写发表《我们今日为什么需要建立陶行知学》《陶行知研究的方法论问题》《陶行知历史定位新论》《陶行知的教育遗产及其启示》等论文。一路走来,周洪宇深受陶行知言行影响。沿着陶行知的步伐,在陶行知创立的生活教育学说基础上,结合贯彻落实习近平总书记实践育人指示精神,周洪宇结合时代、社会和教育发展需要,提出了“生活·实践”教育,为新时期的教育改革发展注入了活水。 展开更多
关键词 陶行知 周洪宇 教育发展需要 实践育人 教育改革发展 方法论问题 历史定位 生活教育学
“生活·实践”教育理论的渊源、意蕴及价值 被引量:1
作者 李新 《河南教育(基教版)(上)》 2022年第11期16-18,共3页
20世纪前期,陶行知先生创立的生活教育学说,与传统教育相比,在教育的性质、目的、方法等方面有着本质的区别,为我国现代国民教育增添了一抹亮色,对教育理论的发展起到举足轻重的作用。20世纪80年代以来,中国教育学人在对中国特色的教育... 20世纪前期,陶行知先生创立的生活教育学说,与传统教育相比,在教育的性质、目的、方法等方面有着本质的区别,为我国现代国民教育增添了一抹亮色,对教育理论的发展起到举足轻重的作用。20世纪80年代以来,中国教育学人在对中国特色的教育理论与实践探索中,形成了一批具有中国特色的教育理论与实践,“生活·实践”教育便是其中之一。“生活·实践”教育是对陶行知生活教育学说的创造性继承和发展,是把生活教育和新时代的实践教育结合起来的教育,是立足中国国情、适应现代社会、回归育人本真的一种教育。 展开更多
关键词 教育理论与实践 中国教育学 陶行知 20世纪前期 现代国民 理论与实践探索 生活教育学
作者 方明 《重庆陶研文史》 2020年第3期27-34,共8页
陶行知的生活教育学说,是从中国国情出发,立足于人类社会的历史发展,为解放劳苦大众,为全国人民谋幸福的教育学说。生活教育是以人生的需要为出发点,通过人的创造性劳动,达到提高人的物质生活和精神生活的目的。它着眼于全体人民的利益... 陶行知的生活教育学说,是从中国国情出发,立足于人类社会的历史发展,为解放劳苦大众,为全国人民谋幸福的教育学说。生活教育是以人生的需要为出发点,通过人的创造性劳动,达到提高人的物质生活和精神生活的目的。它着眼于全体人民的利益、全社会的健康发展,是一种大教育观,不同于狭小的学校教育观。 展开更多
关键词 教育 陶行知 幸福的教育 生活教育学 人的创造性 改革开放 人民的利益
陶行知职业教育思想的历史地位与当代价值 被引量:5
作者 周洪宇 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2021年第34期1-1,共1页
2021年是陶行知先生诞辰130周年。陶行知是我国伟大的人民教育家,他满怀救国救亡理想,在满目疮痍的旧中国,以教育改革推动社会进步,探索出一条顺应世界教育发展趋势并符合中国国情的教育新路,创建了独具特色的生活教育学说。在探索教育... 2021年是陶行知先生诞辰130周年。陶行知是我国伟大的人民教育家,他满怀救国救亡理想,在满目疮痍的旧中国,以教育改革推动社会进步,探索出一条顺应世界教育发展趋势并符合中国国情的教育新路,创建了独具特色的生活教育学说。在探索教育新路过程中,他通过对当时中国社会和教育需求的考察,结合自身长期的教育实践,大力倡导职业教育,并将之作为其生活教育学说的一个重要组成部分来倡导与实践。 展开更多
关键词 人民教育 教育发展趋势 陶行知 职业教育思想 生活教育学 探索教育 当代价值 中国国情
返回生活世界教育学:教育何以面对个体生命成长的复杂性 被引量:56
作者 刘铁芳 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第1期46-52,68,共8页
教育必须充分尊重个体生命成长的复杂性,人的生命发展的复杂性总在我们所能设计的教育形态之上,现代教育必须小心地恪守自己的本分,恪守自己对个体生命发展理性设计的限度,给个体自我成长提供必要的空间,避免教育的过度。早期教育的诗... 教育必须充分尊重个体生命成长的复杂性,人的生命发展的复杂性总在我们所能设计的教育形态之上,现代教育必须小心地恪守自己的本分,恪守自己对个体生命发展理性设计的限度,给个体自我成长提供必要的空间,避免教育的过度。早期教育的诗性特征奠定个体经验世界的原型。返回生活世界教育学,即回到本原性的教育学,保持理智化教育学之于生活世界的生动张力,保持生活世界对儿童生命发展的全面孕育,扩展个体生命发展的可能性,避免理智化教育的自负以及单一教育模式形塑出来的千人一面,回复个体生命发展的自由与人的多样性。 展开更多
关键词 理智化教育学 生活世界教育学 个体生命成长
作者 邹开煌 《福建陶研》 2021年第4期8-9,共2页
尊敬的刘在琳会长、赵素文会长、省政协文化文史和学习委员会黄国林主任、各位陶友们:大家好!今天我们聚集在这里,纪念陶行知先生诞辰130周年,缅怀他对中国教育事业的巨大奉献,重温他的教育思想和生活教育学说,就是继承他的教育事业,实... 尊敬的刘在琳会长、赵素文会长、省政协文化文史和学习委员会黄国林主任、各位陶友们:大家好!今天我们聚集在这里,纪念陶行知先生诞辰130周年,缅怀他对中国教育事业的巨大奉献,重温他的教育思想和生活教育学说,就是继承他的教育事业,实现他的教育理想。 展开更多
关键词 中国教育事业 纪念陶行知 做人做事 生活教育学 周年 诞辰
作者 黄亚栋 《重庆陶研文史》 2023年第1期28-31,共4页
陶行知是我国近代“伟大的人民教育家”,被誉为“万世师表”。他的一生是献身教育、勤于实践、勇于创新和甘于清贫的一生。他三十年如一日以身立教、矢志不移,为中国教育寻觅曙光、探求新路。他言教与身教并重,不仅创立了生活教育学说,... 陶行知是我国近代“伟大的人民教育家”,被誉为“万世师表”。他的一生是献身教育、勤于实践、勇于创新和甘于清贫的一生。他三十年如一日以身立教、矢志不移,为中国教育寻觅曙光、探求新路。他言教与身教并重,不仅创立了生活教育学说,还在家庭、学校、社会中传播教育之爱。他不仅爱国、爱民,还热爱每一位学生。他为人师表、师德高尚,最终使得教育之爱遍及天下。 展开更多
关键词 陶行知 爱满天下 万世师表 生活教育学
Operationalizing physical literacy: The potential of active video games 被引量:4
作者 Haichun Sun 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第2期145-149,共5页
The core idea of physical literacy is a mind-body integrated, holistic approach to physical activity. A physically literate individual is expected to be cognitively knowledgeable, physically competent, and mentally mo... The core idea of physical literacy is a mind-body integrated, holistic approach to physical activity. A physically literate individual is expected to be cognitively knowledgeable, physically competent, and mentally motivated for a physically active life throughout the lifespan. The advancement of technology in recent years, especially those in active video games(AVGs), seems to have allowed the mind-body integrated physical activity accessible to children at all ages. This article reviews findings from research and critique research on AVGs in light with the theoretical and pedagogical tenets of physical literacy and, on the basis of the review, elaborates the potential that AVGs could contribute to enhancing children's physical literacy. 展开更多
关键词 Exergaming MOTIVATION Motor skill learning Physical activity Physical education
Students' English comprehensive ability based on Anglo- American literature
作者 Lili Yang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第9期88-90,共3页
American Literature Education Status and its significance are: Currently, the community is generally filled with quick success; anxious atmosphere has penetrated the influence of contemporary students. No matter what... American Literature Education Status and its significance are: Currently, the community is generally filled with quick success; anxious atmosphere has penetrated the influence of contemporary students. No matter what time, we are not able to separate literature and language these two concepts to analyze literary language and it is the most important bearing carrier, and the language is the basic tool to shape the image of literature to reflect the social life and express thoughts and feelings. 展开更多
关键词 PUBLISHER DESIGNING Lowercase letters.
Analysis of College Students' life views and life education strategy
作者 ZHENG Fanqiang 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期69-70,共2页
Through the method of questionnaire survey, this paper investigate the current status of life views from some college students in Guangdong Province, to get more acquainted with the problems existing in college studen... Through the method of questionnaire survey, this paper investigate the current status of life views from some college students in Guangdong Province, to get more acquainted with the problems existing in college students of life views, and analyze the reasons, in order to put forward specific, feasible and effective suggestions aimed at the current status of college students at school, and provide strategic thinking for the implementation of life education for college students. Through the implementation of life education strategy, cultivate college students to aware of understanding life, cherish life and love life, and then learn to respect life, care for life, accept life and other people. 展开更多
关键词 College students Life views Life education
An Insight Into the Promise and Problems of Combining Life History and Grounded Theory Research
作者 Bronwyn Betts 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第2期84-92,共9页
This paper describes the research carried out in partial fulfilment of the degree of doctor of education. The study was qualitative in nature with a phenomenological interpretive paradigm dominating the philosophical ... This paper describes the research carried out in partial fulfilment of the degree of doctor of education. The study was qualitative in nature with a phenomenological interpretive paradigm dominating the philosophical approach. The research methods adopted combined life story and grounded theory. As far as the author has been able to determine there are very few, if any studies which have applied this approach specifically to this area of research which investigated the influence life history has on attitude to lifelong learning. Twenty five respondents were interviewed in face-to-face informal interviews. The main aim was to elicit the respondent's subjective interpretation of the interaction between school, family, work, and learning within their lives. The researcher was then able to identify when they occurred and what or who made them particularly meaningful. This paper describes how initial decisions were made regarding the substantive area for the research. Sampling technique and method for collecting the data is discussed and a worked example is given of how the data was analysed. It is intended that this paper will give an insight into the challenge of combining these two much debated methods of research. The empirical data lead to some interesting findings which educators and policy makers will find helpful in order to strengthen the school, college, and workplace interface. 展开更多
关键词 life history grounded theory METHODOLOGY FAMILY SCHOOL LEAMING
Curriculum Reform: Theory of Curriculum-A Starting or a Final Point of Curriculum Reform 被引量:1
作者 A. Thelma Rani 《Sociology Study》 2014年第10期869-880,共12页
Knowledge is essentially a human construct and it evolves continuously on reflective thinking and is practiced systematically in educational institutions. Education has to develop man's intellectual, physical, and sp... Knowledge is essentially a human construct and it evolves continuously on reflective thinking and is practiced systematically in educational institutions. Education has to develop man's intellectual, physical, and spiritual powers for survival and develop enrichment factors of life through its curriculum which has certainty of content and methodology based on the educational objectives. Curriculum must build the capacity of individuals. Hence, the author defines curriculum and argues the results as better life style. Also, the author projects the expectations of the twenty-first century learners, and has extended the educational objectives to one more domain as enterprise domain, emphasizing that education must aim to develop entrepreneurial skills of learners. Therefore, it is essential that any curriculum be framed in the light of the existing curriculum, educational transaction, needs of the society, and measurable practices and evaluation, and must aim for enrichment in curricular knowledge, pedagogy and transmission techniques, and value inculcation. The author portrays the results of education. 展开更多
关键词 CURRICULUM enterprise domain societal consciousness liability and excellence
Virtue Education: Josef Pieper's Vita Contemplativa as Pedagogical Ground
作者 Annette M. Holba 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第8期537-545,共9页
Virtue education in the United States has lost its clout while the corporatization of higher education may be at its peak. The focus of traditional education has shifted from ideas, wisdom, and the love of learning to... Virtue education in the United States has lost its clout while the corporatization of higher education may be at its peak. The focus of traditional education has shifted from ideas, wisdom, and the love of learning to having a corporate mindset on progress and skills-based knowledge. In many cases, the focus of attention is on remaining viable/sustainable in times of economic decline rather than learning itself, so the resources supporting institutions of higher education are directed into marketing and public relations practices instead of the infrastructure for thinking and learning. This essay draws together three coordinates to make a case for a return to virtue education in the United States. First, the current condition of higher education is shown to have dubiously strayed from a virtue model. Second, the re-emergence of philosophy as a preferred major and its growth in the academy suggest that people realize that something has to change in higher education as they revert back to a broad liberal arts emphasis. Third, a discussion of virtue education from the lens of Josef Pieper's virtue philosophy, grounded in the lSta Contemplativa, offers renewed possibility to reengaged higher education for a sustainable future. Together, I suggest that the tradition of higher education in the United States is no longer viable and return to a virtue education model is an alternative that might make higher education sustainable. 展开更多
关键词 VIRTUE EDUCATION CONTEMPLATION Vita Contemplativa aesthetic education
Reflection on College Physical Education Reform Issues
作者 Xiangrong Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期120-122,共3页
College Physical Education is a teaching model which helps university students masters the basic knowledge, basic theory, basic skills and technology further so as to enhance their integrated abilities and levels of p... College Physical Education is a teaching model which helps university students masters the basic knowledge, basic theory, basic skills and technology further so as to enhance their integrated abilities and levels of physical education. In recent years, under the joint efforts of government departments, schools and society, the reform of college physical education comes to show effects. China' s sports undertaking has become increasingly important in the social life and higher education. However, because of the effects of objective and subjective factors, there are some problems yet to be solved in the process of reform. This paper aims to analysis the problems existing in the work of University Physical Education Reform and proposes some targeted solutions to it. 展开更多
关键词 College sports education reform QUESTIONS responses.
Research on Mental Health Education of Vocational College Students
作者 Bingrong Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期76-78,共3页
College life is the psychological conflict -prone period, and college students in vocational colleges suffer more psychological pressure than other undergraduate college students. Currently, the vocational colleges sh... College life is the psychological conflict -prone period, and college students in vocational colleges suffer more psychological pressure than other undergraduate college students. Currently, the vocational colleges showed an increasing trend of mental health problems, which has become an important factor in hindering the healthy growth and successfully completion of their studies in college students. This article analyzed and summarized from the meaning of the concept of mental health, the performance characteristics of vocational college students' mental health problems, forming factors of mental health problems in vocational students, and put forward some education countermeasures. 展开更多
关键词 VOCATIONAL college students mental health education countermeasures
作者 黄亚栋 《神州学人》 2018年第9期8-11,共4页
陶行知是我国近代"伟大的人民教育家",被誉为"万世师表"。他的一生是献身教育、勤于实践、勇于创新和甘于清贫的一生。他三十年如一日以身立教、矢志不移,为中国教育寻觅曙光、探求新路。他言教与身教并重,不仅创立了生活教育学说,... 陶行知是我国近代"伟大的人民教育家",被誉为"万世师表"。他的一生是献身教育、勤于实践、勇于创新和甘于清贫的一生。他三十年如一日以身立教、矢志不移,为中国教育寻觅曙光、探求新路。他言教与身教并重,不仅创立了生活教育学说,还在家庭、学校、社会中传播教育之爱。他不仅爱国、爱民,还热爱每一位学生。他为人师表、师德高尚,最终使得教育之爱遍及天下。 展开更多
关键词 陶行知 爱满天下 万世师表 生活教育学
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