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生活方式化与城市购物中心的发展升级 被引量:7
作者 韩凝春 康健 《时代经贸》 2017年第4期8-19,共12页
随生活方式变化而变化是国际购物中心发展的基本趋势。21世纪以来,国际购物中心发展呈现出休闲娱乐目的地、生活方式中心两大主题。当前我国购物中心建设逐渐指向社区,社区型购物中心经营一定要坚持顾客导向,以顾客生活方式为中心推动... 随生活方式变化而变化是国际购物中心发展的基本趋势。21世纪以来,国际购物中心发展呈现出休闲娱乐目的地、生活方式中心两大主题。当前我国购物中心建设逐渐指向社区,社区型购物中心经营一定要坚持顾客导向,以顾客生活方式为中心推动购物中心的发展升级。 展开更多
关键词 购物中心 生活方式化 零售 顾客为本
论宋人文化人格与书斋化生活方式的关系 被引量:4
作者 周建梅 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2008年第3期333-338,共6页
宋人的书斋化生活方式成就了宋人独特的文化人格:清韵绝俗的精神高标,阴柔静弱、内敛沉潜的风神格调和忧乐互济、悲智双修的生命智慧,宋人的文化人格体现在宋人生活中从形上之道至形下之器的方方面面,也在一定程度上与宋朝的时代走向呈... 宋人的书斋化生活方式成就了宋人独特的文化人格:清韵绝俗的精神高标,阴柔静弱、内敛沉潜的风神格调和忧乐互济、悲智双修的生命智慧,宋人的文化人格体现在宋人生活中从形上之道至形下之器的方方面面,也在一定程度上与宋朝的时代走向呈相互生发影响的关系。 展开更多
关键词 宋人 人格 书斋生活方式
作者 宋丽花 《现代商贸工业》 2012年第2期210-211,共2页
养成学习化生活方式,接受基础教育和终身教育机会,已成为人类发展之必需。在剖析学习型社会与学习化生活方式内涵的基础上,分别从知识信息服务开放化、馆藏建设数字化与文献服务多元化等方面深入阐述了图书馆关于学习化生活方式形成趋... 养成学习化生活方式,接受基础教育和终身教育机会,已成为人类发展之必需。在剖析学习型社会与学习化生活方式内涵的基础上,分别从知识信息服务开放化、馆藏建设数字化与文献服务多元化等方面深入阐述了图书馆关于学习化生活方式形成趋势的影响。 展开更多
关键词 图书馆 学习生活方式 影响
廉政教育生活化——“腐败亚文化”背景下的“廉政文化”之路 被引量:9
作者 陈延庆 《学术论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第10期198-201,共4页
新时期,虽然我国的廉政文化建设和反腐败工作取得了重大进展,但在腐败渐呈普遍化、习惯化倾向,具有生活方式化并形成"腐败民俗学"危险的背景下,要持续推进此项工作,便不能仅仅停留在"实物"建设和"制度"... 新时期,虽然我国的廉政文化建设和反腐败工作取得了重大进展,但在腐败渐呈普遍化、习惯化倾向,具有生活方式化并形成"腐败民俗学"危险的背景下,要持续推进此项工作,便不能仅仅停留在"实物"建设和"制度"设计的层面,必须特别强调廉政文化"精神"和廉政价值观的宣传教育。而这种宣传教育也必须与民俗化、生活方式化的"腐败亚文化""背道而驰","反其道而行之",以使之生活化,使廉政成为生活方式。 展开更多
关键词 廉政文 腐败 腐败亚文 生活方式化
我国意识形态安全的遮蔽与解蔽——以碎片化生活方式为视域 被引量:2
作者 杨杰 《河南科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第4期10-16,共7页
碎片化生活方式催生了我国意识形态的新发展,然而意识形态安全作为我国国家安全的重要领域,却陷入碎片化信息弱化意识形态的领导权、碎片化阅读分化意识形态的系统性、碎片化传播降低意识形态的防御性、碎片化舆论消解意识形态的话语权... 碎片化生活方式催生了我国意识形态的新发展,然而意识形态安全作为我国国家安全的重要领域,却陷入碎片化信息弱化意识形态的领导权、碎片化阅读分化意识形态的系统性、碎片化传播降低意识形态的防御性、碎片化舆论消解意识形态的话语权四大困境,只有整合碎片化信息,增强我国意识形态的引导力,深化碎片化阅读,塑造我国意识形态的凝聚力,融合碎片化传播,巩固我国意识形态的防御力,引导碎片化舆论,提升我国意识形态话语阐释力,才能牢牢掌握党对意识形态工作的领导权、管理权和话语权,在碎片化生活方式浪潮中维护我国意识形态安全。 展开更多
关键词 碎片信息 碎片生活方式 意识形态安全
碎片化生活方式的当代表现及其超越 被引量:1
作者 杨杰 李明 《皖西学院学报》 2019年第6期34-38,共5页
随着网络碎片化信息和各种多元化社会思潮的快速传播,人们的思想观念发生翻天覆地的变革,生活方式也被打上了碎片化时代的烙印。改革开放以来人们生活方式的变迁见证了当代碎片化的生活方式,运用理论研究的方法考察碎片化生活方式在人... 随着网络碎片化信息和各种多元化社会思潮的快速传播,人们的思想观念发生翻天覆地的变革,生活方式也被打上了碎片化时代的烙印。改革开放以来人们生活方式的变迁见证了当代碎片化的生活方式,运用理论研究的方法考察碎片化生活方式在人们生活中的表现和影响,为碎片化生活方式的不利影响提出解决措施,积极引导并超越碎片化生活方式,使之为和谐社会的健康发展服务、为美丽中国的建设服务。 展开更多
关键词 碎片生活方式 当代表现 影响 超越
碎片化生活方式对高校思想政治教育的影响研究 被引量:1
作者 杨杰 《喀什大学学报》 2020年第2期101-105,共5页
碎片化生活方式在时间上的片断性、空间上的变化性、信息传播上的非连续性和信息接收上的多元性等特征深深地影响了人们的生活、工作和学习。碎片化生活方式冲击了高校思想政治教育,产生冲击传统文化认同、弱化主流价值观认同、降低主... 碎片化生活方式在时间上的片断性、空间上的变化性、信息传播上的非连续性和信息接收上的多元性等特征深深地影响了人们的生活、工作和学习。碎片化生活方式冲击了高校思想政治教育,产生冲击传统文化认同、弱化主流价值观认同、降低主客体之间的信任关系、模糊思政教育目标和加深价值认同危机等影响,需要搭建文化交流平台、建设传播主流价值观阵地、激发社会交往热情、建设高校思政队伍和建立思政教育体制机制等。 展开更多
关键词 碎片生活方式 高校思想政治教育 冲击 对策
作者 谢枝丽 《云南社会主义学院学报》 2014年第3期452-453,共2页
物质享乐主义导致物质生活与精神生活的失衡。当代人高消费的生活方式,造成了人与自然之间的矛盾。人类的消费行为与资源、环境和生态之间存在明显的矛盾与冲突,人类在享受丰裕的物质生活的同时,陷入了新的困境:在进步与倒退、发展与无... 物质享乐主义导致物质生活与精神生活的失衡。当代人高消费的生活方式,造成了人与自然之间的矛盾。人类的消费行为与资源、环境和生态之间存在明显的矛盾与冲突,人类在享受丰裕的物质生活的同时,陷入了新的困境:在进步与倒退、发展与无法生存之间步履艰难。在残酷的现实面前,人类开始审视自身的生存方式,努力探寻有价值、有意义的生存之道,希望实现"百姓富"与"生态美"的有机统一。在艰难的探寻中生发出了"诗意"生存、"审美"生存的理念,并将其与可持续发展联系起来,提倡人与自然协调、可持续发展之路。 展开更多
关键词 马克思主义生态思想 高消费 诗意生活方式
成都休闲文化与休闲产业发展研究 被引量:4
作者 李静 文婷 《科技资讯》 2017年第11期233-233,235,共2页
该文结合目前对成都休闲文化的褒贬争论,从"以自由看待发展"的视角指出休闲才是个体的生命真谛和人生追求。在把"城市文化资本"作为竞争力的当今社会,成都打造休闲文化不仅可以在经济竞争和社会治理中发挥积极的作... 该文结合目前对成都休闲文化的褒贬争论,从"以自由看待发展"的视角指出休闲才是个体的生命真谛和人生追求。在把"城市文化资本"作为竞争力的当今社会,成都打造休闲文化不仅可以在经济竞争和社会治理中发挥积极的作用,而且可以对建立以平民文化为基础的成都市民精神起到推动作用。结合目前成都休闲产业发展的现实问题,指出成都发展休闲产业应该坚持高尚化、树人化和生活方式化的原则,做到以平民文化为底色的深度休闲产业发展。 展开更多
关键词 休闲文 市民精神 生活方式化 深度休闲
作者 王俊沾 孟刘义 《甘肃科技》 2018年第3期14-17,共4页
我国城乡教育差距较大,许多农村小学生到乡镇街上(以下称之为镇区)择校,家长也在镇区陪同,成为特殊的镇区人口,属于就近城镇化行为。农村居民虽然生活在镇区,生活习惯等各方面可能不适应。本文通过调查问卷收集数据,探讨这些特殊人口在... 我国城乡教育差距较大,许多农村小学生到乡镇街上(以下称之为镇区)择校,家长也在镇区陪同,成为特殊的镇区人口,属于就近城镇化行为。农村居民虽然生活在镇区,生活习惯等各方面可能不适应。本文通过调查问卷收集数据,探讨这些特殊人口在镇区的生活方式城镇化水平、社会融合度和在镇区定居意愿。研究发现,受访者生活方式城镇化水平不高,大部分人没有长期定居意愿,但是社会融合度较高。 展开更多
关键词 就近城镇 镇区择校 生活方式城镇 社会融合
The current status, threats and protection way of Sanjiang Plain wetland, Northeast China 被引量:12
作者 ZHOUZhi-qiang LIUTong 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期148-152,共5页
The Sanjiang Plain is a vast area of alluvial floodplains and low hills in northeast Heilongjiang Province. It is the largest tract of wetlands in China and East Asia outside of Siberia. 28 wetland nature reserves exi... The Sanjiang Plain is a vast area of alluvial floodplains and low hills in northeast Heilongjiang Province. It is the largest tract of wetlands in China and East Asia outside of Siberia. 28 wetland nature reserves exist on the Sanjiang Plain, and three of them have been listed as wetlands of international importance to water bird conservation by the Ramsar Convention Bureau. The wetlands of Sanjiang Plain are noteworthy for its rich biodiversity, but they continue to decline in area and deteriorate in quality currently. The main threats or constrains, immediate cause, root cause and required response are analyzed in this paper, and the four aspects opinion such as improvement of watershed management, enhancement of protection and restoration of habitats and biodiversity, alternative livelihoods of rural residents living in and near natural wetland reserve, and reinforcement of capacity building of natural reserves are brought forward as the effective measures for the Sanjiang Plain wetland protection. 展开更多
关键词 sanjiang plain wetland protection wetland nature reserves threat factors DETERIORATION northeast China
China cardiovascular diseases report 2015: a summary 被引量:50
作者 Wei-Wei CHEN Run-Lin GAO +10 位作者 Li-Sheng LIU Man-Lu ZHU Wen WANG Yong-Jun WANG Zhao-Su WU Hui-Jun LI Dong-Feng GU Yue-Jin YANG Zhe ZHENG Li-Xin JIANG Sheng-Shou HU 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第1期1-10,共10页
1 Introduction Major and profound changes have taken place in China over the past 30 years. An epidemic of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in China is emerging as a result of lifestyle changes, urbanization, and the ... 1 Introduction Major and profound changes have taken place in China over the past 30 years. An epidemic of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in China is emerging as a result of lifestyle changes, urbanization, and the accelerated process of aging. The incidence of CVD is continuously increasing and will remain an upward trend in the next decade. Since 2005, 展开更多
关键词 Atrial fibrillation Cardiovascular diseases HYPERTENSION Risk factors STATISTICS STROKE
Nutritional status in relation to lifestyle in patients with compensated viral cirrhosis 被引量:11
作者 Fumikazu Hayashi Chika Momoki +13 位作者 Miho Yuikawa Yuko Simotani Etsushi Kawamura Atsushi Hagihara Hideki Fujii Sawako Kobayashi Shuji Iwai Hiroyasu Morikawa Masaru Enomoto Akihiro Tamori Norifumi Kawada Satoko Ohfuji Wakaba Fukusima Daiki Habu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第40期5759-5770,共12页
AIM:To assess the nourishment status and lifestyle of non-hospitalized patients with compensated cirrhosis by using noninvasive methods.METHODS:The subjects for this study consisted of 27 healthy volunteers,59 patient... AIM:To assess the nourishment status and lifestyle of non-hospitalized patients with compensated cirrhosis by using noninvasive methods.METHODS:The subjects for this study consisted of 27 healthy volunteers,59 patients with chronic viral hepatitis,and 74 patients with viral cirrhosis,from urban areas.We assessed the biochemical blood tests,anthropometric parameters,diet,lifestyle and physical activity of the patients.A homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance(HOMA-IR) value of ≥ 2.5 was considered to indicate insulin resistance.We measured height,weight,waist circumference,arm circumference,triceps skin-fold thickness,and handgrip strength,and calculated body mass index,arm muscle circumference(AMC),and arm muscle area(AMA).We interviewed the subjects about their dietary habits and lifestyle using health assessment computer software.We surveyed daily physical activity using a pedometer.Univariate and multivariate logistic regression modeling were used to identify the relevant factors for insulin resistance.RESULTS:The rate of patients with HOMA-IR ≥ 2.5(which was considered to indicate insulin resistance) was 14(35.9%) in the chronic hepatitis and 17(37.8%) in the cirrhotic patients.AMC(%)(control vs chronic hepatitis,111.9% ± 10.5% vs 104.9% ± 10.7%,P = 0.021;control vs cirrhosis,111.9% ± 10.5% vs 102.7% ± 10.8%,P = 0.001) and AMA(%)(control vs chronic hepatitis,128.2% ± 25.1% vs 112.2% ± 22.9%,P = 0.013;control vs cirrhosis,128.2% ± 25.1% vs 107.5% ± 22.5%,P = 0.001) in patients with chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis were significantly lower than in the control subjects.Handgrip strength(%) in the cirrhosis group was significantly lower than in the controls(control vs cirrhosis,92.1% ± 16.2% vs 66.9% ± 17.6%,P < 0.001).The results might reflect a decrease in muscle mass.The total nutrition intake and amounts of carbohydrates,protein and fat were not significantly different amongst the groups.Physical activity levels(kcal/d)(control vs cirrhosis,210 ± 113 kcal/d vs 125 ± 74 kcal/d,P = 0.001),number of steps(step/d)(control vs cirrhosis,8070 ±3027 step/d vs 5789 ± 3368 step/d,P = 0.011),and exercise(Ex)(Ex/wk)(control vs cirrhosis,12.4 ± 9.3 Ex/wk vs 7.0 ± 7.7 Ex/wk,P = 0.013) in the cirrhosis group was significantly lower than the control group.The results indicate that the physical activity level of the chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis groups were low.Univariate and multivariate logistic regression modeling suggested that Ex was associated with insulin resistance(odds ratio,6.809;95% CI,1.288-36.001;P = 0.024).The results seem to point towards decreased physical activity being a relevant factor for insulin resistance.CONCLUSION:Non-hospitalized cirrhotic patients may need to maintain an adequate dietary intake and receive lifestyle guidance to increase their physical activity levels. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis C virus Insulin resistance LIVERCIRRHOSIS Nutrition assessment Obesity LIFESTYLE Ex-ercise
Beginnings of Modern Urbanity and Architectural Expression: The Balkan Tale of Northern Greece
作者 Sofoklis Kotsopoulos 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2017年第9期544-556,共13页
The urban consciousness under foreign domination is a complex issue, especially when the reporting period is the 19th century, the century of great social, ethnic, and economic changes in Europe. The issue is further ... The urban consciousness under foreign domination is a complex issue, especially when the reporting period is the 19th century, the century of great social, ethnic, and economic changes in Europe. The issue is further complicated in the case of the Balkans, during the latter period of Ottoman rule. But how did certain cities manage to emerge from rural or suburban enslaved routine and develop a European urbanity? An urbanity expressed itself as lifestyle (habits, costumes, entertainment), as art and as formation of the urban environment and architecture. The State pushed for modernization by the Great Powers, ethnic communities with parent countries seeking to differentiate themselves from their “backward” conquerors, economic opportunities through trade and new visual observations by penetration of European countries and companies: all this would create suitable conditions for an unprecedented urbanization. This shift in the quality of life was clearly expressed in the new architecture, which always continued, as ever, to reflect the cultural activity. The transition from vernacular architecture to historicism and eclectism would capture the most characteristic moment of the beginning of urbanization in northern Greece. 展开更多
关键词 URBANIZATION EUROPEANIZATION MODERNIZATION 19th century Northern Greece Balkans eclectic architecture
Radio Preaching in Southern Appalachia
作者 Rebecca Dean 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2017年第5期259-262,共4页
Appalachian inspired Pentecostal radio preaching maintains the Protestant legacy of that region first settled through the medium of radio. These sermons are characterized by high levels of affect in delivery, and serv... Appalachian inspired Pentecostal radio preaching maintains the Protestant legacy of that region first settled through the medium of radio. These sermons are characterized by high levels of affect in delivery, and serve to differentiate "preacher culture" from those denominations that abandoned their original heritage for admittance into middle class status. Thus, preacher culture is an act of both religious and class descent because they are "inspired" by the Holy Spirit (that is, not composed before delivery). Gramscian notions of hegemony are used to interpret how "preacher culture" has maintained itself since the settlement by the northern British and the Scots to Appalachia. The genre of melodrama and "preacher culture" share significant parallels and content, dynamics of presentational styles, and because of these basic parallels, theories of melodrama offer analytical methods for analysis of the content of the inspired sermons and the way of life they elaborate. Gramscian notions of negotiation and consent are used to analyze the maintenance of "preacher culture", which maintains both tradition and cultural specificity that is characteristic of southern Appalachia. 展开更多
关键词 Preacher culture southern Appalachian inspired radio preaching cultural maintenance cultural specificity
The influence of the mass culture on the contemporary college students' daily life
作者 LI Oumei 《International English Education Research》 2018年第4期30-35,共6页
The mass culture penetrates into the world of the daily life of the contemporary college students in all directions. As the most sensitive group of the cultural assimilation, the college students practice various form... The mass culture penetrates into the world of the daily life of the contemporary college students in all directions. As the most sensitive group of the cultural assimilation, the college students practice various forms of the mass culture in their daily life. The popular culture and the everyday life are inseparable. The mass culture influences and changes the concept of our everyday life and the practice of our daily life, and enriches the connotation of the popular culture. The popular culture greatly enriches and expands the daily life of the college students with the features of the image, the nationhood and the consumption, but it also brings the negative effects that cannot be ignored. The daily life of the college students can be divided into several relative meanings according to their contents and forms, including the communication plate, the emotional plate and the leisure plate. Every meaning plate is concerned about the generation of values in the daily life of the college students, and the mass culture gives fresh and complicated contents to these meanings. How to find the values of their life and how to present oneself is the difficult problems and missions faced by the contemporary college students. 展开更多
关键词 Daily life mass culture INFLUENCE
Family Lifestyle and Housing Preferences during the Process of Globalization: The Case of Turkey
作者 Betel Gurel Hulya Oztop 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第12期787-793,共7页
Although the fundamental physical role of housing is safety and sheltering for individuals, it is in fact the collection of places that hold the family together. Due to globalization and changes in the world, housing ... Although the fundamental physical role of housing is safety and sheltering for individuals, it is in fact the collection of places that hold the family together. Due to globalization and changes in the world, housing is no longer only a structure that provides sheltering but is also a factor that provides mutual interaction in formation of life style and quality. The elements such as the increase in the effect of consumption preferences and life style on selections, the changes in family structure, and urban structures also influence the residences used and housing preferences. The purpose of this study is to determine the general situation of housing preferences while taking into account the family life style in Turkey and at the same time to make an evaluation based on international publications. 展开更多
关键词 family life styles housing preference GLOBALIZATION
Income Growth,Urbanization,Changing Life Style and Energy Requirements in China
作者 Wang Yan Shi Minjun 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第2期120-128,共9页
This paper aims to estimate the effects of changing life style and consumption demands driven by income growth and urbanization on increase of energy requirements in China, and es-timate the impacts of improvement in ... This paper aims to estimate the effects of changing life style and consumption demands driven by income growth and urbanization on increase of energy requirements in China, and es-timate the impacts of improvement in household consumption on mitigating energy requirements towards 2020, based on input-out-put analysis and scenarios simulation approach. The result shows that energy requirement per capita has increased by 159% for urban residents and 147% for rural residents from 1995 to 2004. Growth in household consumption driven by income growth and urbanization may induce a successive increase in energy require-ments in future. Per capita energy requirements of urban residents will increase by 240% during 2002-2015 and 330% during 2002-2020. Urbanization might lead to 0.75 billion ton of increment of energy requirements in 2020. About 45%-48% of total energy requirements in China might be a consequence of residents' life styles and the economic activities to support consumption demands in 2020. Under low-carbon life style scenario, per capita energy requirements of urban residents may decline to 97% in 2015 and 92% in 2020 in contrast with baseline scenario. That implies that China needs to pay a great attention to developing green low-carbon life style in order to realize mitigation target towards 2020. 展开更多
关键词 consumption-induced energy requirements incomegrowth URBANIZATION life style change input-output analysis China
Green Product Purchase Behaviour: Relevance for Muslims
作者 Siti Haslina Md Harizan Mahmod Sabri Haron 《Chinese Business Review》 2012年第4期377-382,共6页
Recent climate change phenomenon and other prevailing environmental problems have marked a need for human beings to rethinking their way of life, particularly in their relationship with the environment. In Islam, huma... Recent climate change phenomenon and other prevailing environmental problems have marked a need for human beings to rethinking their way of life, particularly in their relationship with the environment. In Islam, human beings are made responsible at his/her best efforts in preserving the environment including practising pro-environmental behaviour. Due to strong pressures by Western public movements since past decades, the emergence of green products in marketplace has provided an alternative and better way of consumption in reducing adverse environmental impacts. However, little attention has been paid on relating green product purchase behaviour with Islamic teachings. Therefore, the paper discusses the role of green products purchase behaviours in reducing adverse environmental impacts and its relationship with Islamic teachings as mentioned in AI-Quran and As-Sunnah. Besides, the importance of green product knowledge in determining green product purchase behaviour is also discussed. Implications from the study would provide some insights on links between green product purchase behaviours and Islamic teachings as well as improving understanding on the influence of knowledge on pro-environmental behaviours both in empirical manner and as being outlined in Islam. 展开更多
关键词 consumer behaviour ENVIRONMENT green ISLAM MARKETING product knowledge PURCHASE
The Particularity of Identity in Amin Maalouf' s Ports of Call
作者 Alhaj Mohammad Sumaya 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第9期707-713,共7页
This study explores the intricate situation of the coexistence of different identities in Amin Maalouf' s Ports of Call (1996). It contends that identity is complex, flux, and not limited to what is inherited; it i... This study explores the intricate situation of the coexistence of different identities in Amin Maalouf' s Ports of Call (1996). It contends that identity is complex, flux, and not limited to what is inherited; it is rather a psychological, political, and social amalgamation. Thus, each individual has a unique and particular identity, which is completely different from the others'. This study is a theoretical and analytical survey of Maalouf's Ports of Call. It aims at proving that this novel is an example that Maalouf provides to show the challenges that characters of different identities face, and the obstacles that hinder them from assimilation. The argument is mainly based on Edward Said's theories that have opened up discussions about Otherness and multiculturalism, alongside with other postcolonial critics, such as Homi Bhabha. Maalouf's book In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong (1996) is also integral to this study. The study concludes that it might be possible for people, in parallel with the characters of the novel, to challenge the identity predicament that the world is witnessing nowadays, and accept diversities as a way of life, rather than a reason for waging wars. 展开更多
关键词 Amin Maalouf Ports of Call IDENTITY MULTICULTURALISM
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