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利用生物学发展史培养学生的科学探究能力 被引量:1
作者 雷光泽 《实验教学与仪器》 2018年第12期22-24,共3页
科学探究能力是新课标高中生物学科核心素养的重要内容,也是高考对学生能力的重要考查内容。高中生物教学应把对学生科学探究能力的培养作为重要的目标。必修教材中有大量生物学发展史方面的内容,介绍了科学家们经典的研究过程,其中不... 科学探究能力是新课标高中生物学科核心素养的重要内容,也是高考对学生能力的重要考查内容。高中生物教学应把对学生科学探究能力的培养作为重要的目标。必修教材中有大量生物学发展史方面的内容,介绍了科学家们经典的研究过程,其中不乏关于科学探究的基本原则、思路方法、技术手段等重要知识,教师可充分挖掘其价值,从多方面培养学生的探究能力。 展开更多
关键词 生物学发展 实验探究 核心素养
作者 王立刚 《中学生物教学》 2018年第8期39-41,共3页
介绍了以生物学发展历程为主线的教学设计是科学方法教育的重要载体和有效途径。结合"光合作用的过程"实例阐述应用生物学历程进行教学设计,要充分挖掘其中所隐含的知识、方法和情感教育资源,建立生物学事件与教学任务之间的... 介绍了以生物学发展历程为主线的教学设计是科学方法教育的重要载体和有效途径。结合"光合作用的过程"实例阐述应用生物学历程进行教学设计,要充分挖掘其中所隐含的知识、方法和情感教育资源,建立生物学事件与教学任务之间的联系。同时,以生物学发展历程为主线进行教学后,教师要有意识地引导学生按照知识逻辑建构所学内容的框架和体系。 展开更多
关键词 生物学发展历程 教学设计 光合作用的过程
面向二十一世纪的生物学 被引量:1
作者 饶新华 《世界科学》 2001年第2期7-11,共5页
关键词 生物学 学术会议 细胞科学 生物信息处理 神经科学 生物学发展 《新科学家》 免疫学
点击化学及其在生物医学领域的应用分析 被引量:1
作者 罗诗琴 《科技风》 2017年第23期16-16,共1页
点击化学这一概念形成于对天然产物和生物合成途径的观察,是由化学家巴里·夏普莱斯于2001年引入的一个合成性的概念。并且这一概念提出至今,其高效率和富含多样性的化学反应为合成化学领域注入了新的活力,近年来也成为生物学和医... 点击化学这一概念形成于对天然产物和生物合成途径的观察,是由化学家巴里·夏普莱斯于2001年引入的一个合成性的概念。并且这一概念提出至今,其高效率和富含多样性的化学反应为合成化学领域注入了新的活力,近年来也成为生物学和医学领域中最为广泛使用的连接工具之一。本文主要介绍了点击化学的概念、反应特征,介绍了其在药物合成与开发、材料制作等生物医学领域的应用,综述了点击化学作为一种新的合成方法在国内外生物医学领域的最新进展,并对其未来的发展进行战略分析。 展开更多
关键词 点击化学 反应特征 化学合成药物 生物学发展前景
作者 陈宪仪 《南宁职业大学学报》 1995年第2期70-69,共2页
直观教学是微生物课教学的有效手段。我校是新办学校,在微生物教学方面,要做好直观教学则受到实验设备、财力、人方、菌种、标本资源等条件的限制。而食品斑的“食品微生物学”则是该专业的一门主要技术基础课。在现有条件下,为了帮助... 直观教学是微生物课教学的有效手段。我校是新办学校,在微生物教学方面,要做好直观教学则受到实验设备、财力、人方、菌种、标本资源等条件的限制。而食品斑的“食品微生物学”则是该专业的一门主要技术基础课。在现有条件下,为了帮助学生理解微生物学概念,避免“照本宣科”、“画饼充饥”式的教学。笔者在利用现有实验室条件、选编讲义、课堂讲授等方面。在食品微生物直观教学上做了点滴启发。 一、调整讲授顺序,突出食品工业与微生物的关系 食品专业与微生物有何联系?这往往是讲完微生物的特点。阐明微生物在生物界的分类,在自然界中的分布,微生物学发展史之后的话题。如此讲授一番,耗去课堂部分时间,而学生在课堂教学的后期听课精力不如始初集中。 展开更多
关键词 食品微生物学 直观教学 生物学发展 生物工业 金黄色葡萄球菌 食品生产加工 技术基础课 肠杆菌 课堂教学 生物学概念
《生物学思想发展的历史》中译2版书评 被引量:3
作者 崔肇春 沈士弼 黄诒森 《生命的化学》 CAS CSCD 2013年第2期111-114,共4页
恩斯特·迈尔(Ernst Mayr)教授发表的《生物学思想发展的历史》是一本里程碑式的巨著。在这本书里,Mayr为我们从哲学和宏观的高度去思考生物学的一些基本问题提供了样板。Mayr强调,要彻底搞清一个问题,从历史上去了解它是正道。May... 恩斯特·迈尔(Ernst Mayr)教授发表的《生物学思想发展的历史》是一本里程碑式的巨著。在这本书里,Mayr为我们从哲学和宏观的高度去思考生物学的一些基本问题提供了样板。Mayr强调,要彻底搞清一个问题,从历史上去了解它是正道。Mayr进行宏观思维的一个表现就是他提出新概念的建立往往比新事实的发现还要重要,尤其是在生物科学中更是这样。他反复强调了生物学问题和物理学问题的区别。而且在生物学里,问为什么(what for?)往往会导致新概念的产生;而在物理学里问whatfor则往往毫无意义。本书叙述了包括达尔文在内的一些生物学家的学术思想和生平,涉及了他们的喜怒哀乐,读之犹如读侦探小说,饶有兴味。 展开更多
关键词 恩斯特·迈尔 生物学思想发展的历史》 宏观思维 生物学问题和物理学问题的区别 现代综合进化论
微生物学“绪论”教学中培养学生独立思考和系统性学习能力 被引量:6
作者 全哲学 刘明秋 《微生物学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期1273-1277,共5页
在微生物学教学中注重培养学生的独立思考和系统性学习能力是实施创新教育的重要途径。“绪论”作为微生物学课程的第一节课内容,要帮助学生培养独立思考能力,并对微生物以及微生物学这门课程的内容建立一个整体框架。“绪论”部分的重... 在微生物学教学中注重培养学生的独立思考和系统性学习能力是实施创新教育的重要途径。“绪论”作为微生物学课程的第一节课内容,要帮助学生培养独立思考能力,并对微生物以及微生物学这门课程的内容建立一个整体框架。“绪论”部分的重点是介绍微生物学发展史和微生物的五大共性。在微生物学发展史的教学过程中,以巴斯德的曲颈瓶实验为切入点,让学生掌握从不同层面去思考同一个问题。另外,通过介绍微生物学发展史后的分组讨论,让学生体会科学发展规律和独立思考的重要性。微生物的五大共性是微生物的“微小”特点所决定的,而且这五大共性之间存在严谨的逻辑关系。微生物的五大共性是微生物各个方面特点的核心,与周德庆编著的《微生物学教程》中各章节内容和顺序相吻合,能帮助学生建立大框架,易于把后继学习的一个个知识点放进这个框架,系统学好微生物学。 展开更多
关键词 生物学 绪论 生物学发展 生物五大共性 科学方法论 生物学框架
作者 袁至欣 徐文鑫 +2 位作者 段彩灵 孙莉 秦金亮 《幼儿教育》 2021年第27期3-7,38,共6页
人类分子遗传学和人类进化生物学为研究婴幼儿入园适应提供了新思路。研究者开展应激-适应的人类发展分子生物学整合性研究,以皮质醇作为应激状态生物标记物,研究其分泌模式、动态变化特征、个体差异性及其影响因素,为整合研究婴幼儿入... 人类分子遗传学和人类进化生物学为研究婴幼儿入园适应提供了新思路。研究者开展应激-适应的人类发展分子生物学整合性研究,以皮质醇作为应激状态生物标记物,研究其分泌模式、动态变化特征、个体差异性及其影响因素,为整合研究婴幼儿入园发展性适应提供了证据。 展开更多
关键词 发展性适应 婴幼儿入园 生物标记物 跨学科 人类发展分子生物学
生物学史中的谬误理论与教学价值分析 被引量:1
作者 钱军敏 《中学生物教学》 2010年第9期7-8,共2页
科学史中的谬误是指科学家由于主客观条件的制约而产生的认识上的错误,证伪主义的哲学观强调了科学谬误的必然性与必要性,它也为教师的课程开发提供了新的实践视角。教师正确认识和运用生物学发展过程中的谬误理论对学生形成正确的科... 科学史中的谬误是指科学家由于主客观条件的制约而产生的认识上的错误,证伪主义的哲学观强调了科学谬误的必然性与必要性,它也为教师的课程开发提供了新的实践视角。教师正确认识和运用生物学发展过程中的谬误理论对学生形成正确的科学观、掌握科学方法有着重要的理论与实践指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 生物学发展 谬误 科学方法 教育价值
Development of Plant Embryology in China 被引量:7
作者 胡适宜 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第9期1022-1042,共21页
The development of plant embryology in China can be roughly divided into three stages: (1) the initial stage, (2) the stage of establishing plant embryology as a branch of plant sciences, and (3) the stage when plant... The development of plant embryology in China can be roughly divided into three stages: (1) the initial stage, (2) the stage of establishing plant embryology as a branch of plant sciences, and (3) the stage when plant embryology evolves into plant reproductive biology with its vigorous development. It is in the third stage that research work in this field in China has developed rapidly and many of the significant achievements obtained are described in more details in this review. Researches of experimental embryology are not included in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 plant embryology sexual plant reproductive biology ANGIOSPERM GYMNOSPERM
作者 张凤英 赵洁 《菏泽医学专科学校学报》 2003年第4期83-84,共2页
基因芯片(Genechip又称DNA芯片、生物芯片)是人类基因组计划(Human Geneome Project,HGP)的逐步实施和分子生物学的迅猛发展及运用的产物,基因芯片技术是生物学家受到计算机芯片制造和广为应用的启迪,融微电子学、生命科学、计算机科学... 基因芯片(Genechip又称DNA芯片、生物芯片)是人类基因组计划(Human Geneome Project,HGP)的逐步实施和分子生物学的迅猛发展及运用的产物,基因芯片技术是生物学家受到计算机芯片制造和广为应用的启迪,融微电子学、生命科学、计算机科学和光电化学为一体,在原来核酸杂交(Northern、South-ern)的基础上发展起来的一项新技术,它是第三次革命(基因组革命)中的主要技术之一[1]. 展开更多
关键词 基因芯片 类型 分子生物学/发展趋势
New developments of the effect of melatonin on reproduction 被引量:2
作者 Fanuel Lampiao Stefan S Du Plessis 《World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2013年第2期8-15,共8页
In the past decades, a lot of advances in understanding the biochemistry and physiology of the pineal gland have been made. There is evidence that it interacts with many endocrine as well as non-endocrine tissues to i... In the past decades, a lot of advances in understanding the biochemistry and physiology of the pineal gland have been made. There is evidence that it interacts with many endocrine as well as non-endocrine tissues to influence their metabolic activity modulating many organs and functions. Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland in the brain and plays an important role in regulating the neuroendocrine system. This hormone is one of the major role players in the regulation of the circadian sleep-wake cycle. It is normally released from the pineal gland during the night in response to environmental changes in light. Studies have shown that melatonin plays a role in the regulation of many reproductive processes such as puberty, gonadal function, and pregnancy. Beside these, melatonin has been shown to be able to directly neutralize a number of free radicals and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. The main objective of this review is to provide comprehensive information about the new developments in melatonin research regarding its role in reproduction. A review of international scientific literature was done and a question-and-answer format was used in an attempt to convey comprehensive information in a simple manner. This review discusses evidence currently available relating to the effect of melatonin on reproductive processes. It deliberates the mechanism of action of melatonin, its effect on puberty, testicular and ovafunction, pregnancy, and oxidative stress. A growing body of scientific evidence is suggesting that melatonin plays an important role in reproductive function. It is therefore imperative to highlight the beneficial effects of this hormone in improving the reproductive processes. 展开更多
关键词 MELATONIN REPRODUCTION Reactive oxygen species ANTIOXIDANTS Pineal gland
Taxonomy in the Kunming Institute of Botany(KIB): Progress during the past decade(2008-2018) and perspectives on future development 被引量:2
作者 Xiangqin Yu Chunlei Xiang Hua Peng 《Plant Diversity》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期147-157,共11页
The development of new taxonomical theories and approaches, particularly molecular phylogenetics, has led to the expansion of traditional morphology-based taxonomy into the concept of "integrative taxonomy."... The development of new taxonomical theories and approaches, particularly molecular phylogenetics, has led to the expansion of traditional morphology-based taxonomy into the concept of "integrative taxonomy." Taxonomic knowledge has assumed greater significance in recent years, particularly because of growing concerns over the looming biodiversity crisis. Since its establishment in 1938, the Kunming Institute of Botany(KIB), which is located in Yunnan province in Southwest China, has focused attention on the taxonomy and conservation of the flora of China. For the forthcoming 80 th anniversary of KIB, we review the achievements of researchers at KIB and their associates with respect to the taxonomy of land plants, fungi, and lichen. Major taxonomic advances are summarized for families of Calymperaceae,Cryphaeaceae, Lembophyllaceae, Neckeraceae, Polytrichaceae and Pottiaceae of mosses, Pteridaceae and Polypodiaceae of ferns, Taxaceae and Cycadaceae of gymnosperms, Asteraceae, Begoniaceae, Ericaceae,Euphorbiaceae, Gesneriaceae, Lamiaceae, Orchidaceae, Orobanchaceae, Poaceae, Theaceae and Urticaceae of angiosperms, Agaricaceae, Amanitaceae, Boletaceae, Cantharellaceae, Physalacriaceae Russulaceae, Suillaceae and Tuberaceae of fungi, and Ophioparmaceae and Parmeliaceae of lichens. Regarding the future development of taxonomy at KIB, we recommend that taxonomists continue to explore the biodiversity of China, integrate new theories and technologies with traditional taxonomic approaches,and engage in creative monographic work, with support from institutions, funding agencies, and the public. 展开更多
关键词 TAXONOMY Molecular phylogeny Land plants FUNGI LICHEN
Current advances in solid free-form techniques for osteochondral tissue engineering 被引量:1
作者 Joao Bebiano Costa Joana Silva-Correia +1 位作者 Rui Luis Reis Joaquim Miguel Oliveira 《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》 2018年第3期171-181,共11页
Osteochondral (OC) lesions are characterized by defects in two different zones, the cartilage region and subchondral bone region. These lesions are frequently associated with mechanical instability, as well as osteo... Osteochondral (OC) lesions are characterized by defects in two different zones, the cartilage region and subchondral bone region. These lesions are frequently associated with mechanical instability, as well as osteoarthritic degenerative changes in the knee. The lack of spontaneous healing and the drawbacks of the current treatments have increased the attention from the scientific community to this issue. Different tissue engineering approaches have been attempted using different polymers and different scaffolds' processing. However, the current conventional techniques do not allow the full control over scaffold fabrication, and in this type of approaches, the tuning ability is the key to success in tissue regeneration. In this sense, the researchers have placed their efforts in the development of solid free-form (SFF) techniques. These techniques allow tuning different properties at the micro-macro scale, creating scaffolds with appropriate features for OC tissue engineering. In this review, it is discussed the current SFF techniques used in OC tissue engineering and presented their promising results and current challenges. 展开更多
关键词 Solid free-form OSTEOCHONDRAL Tissue engineering Scaffolds
ALK5 transfection of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells to repair osteoarthritis of knee joint 被引量:1
作者 Danna Cao Liang Ma +4 位作者 Xiaodong Han Lingqing Dong Mengfei Yu Bin Zhang Binbin Ying 《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》 2018年第2期135-145,共11页
Previous studies have suggested that the transforming growth factor-β receptor ALK5 is crucial for articular chondrogenesis by bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Here, the wild-type ALK5 plasmids were mutated by ove... Previous studies have suggested that the transforming growth factor-β receptor ALK5 is crucial for articular chondrogenesis by bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Here, the wild-type ALK5 plasmids were mutated by overlapping extended PCR and transfected into bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. The knee joint osteoarthritis mouse model was constructed by cutting oft" the anterior cruciate ligament and divided into three groups: saline group, bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and ALK5-transfected bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells group. HE staining showed that the articular cartilage lesions were more serious of saline group compared with that of mesenchymal stem cell group, and this trend was more pronounced as time goes on. Immunohistochemical staining showed that although the expression level of type II collagen in all three groups down-regulated gradually upon time, its expression in ALK5-transfected bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells group was significantly enhanced compared with the other two groups. Micro-CT also suggested that ALK5 transfection of mouse bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells would promote repairing the knee cartilage lesions with arthritis of the mice. Although the osteoarthritis mechanism underlying a variety of factors work together, and the appropriate proportion of ALKS/ALK1 was also emphasized for the treatment of osteoarthritis. This work therefore demonstrated that ALK5 transfection of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells could be a promising stem cell therapy for repair of cartilage lesions. 展开更多
关键词 ALK5 transfection Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell Articular cartilage lesion OSTEOARTHRITIS
MicroRNAs identification and bioinformatics analysis in large yellow croaker Larimichthys crocea using an integrated comparative and ab initio approach
作者 FANG Luting XIAO Shijun +1 位作者 HAN Zhaofang WANG Zhiyong 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1707-1719,共13页
MicroRNAs(miRNAs) are a group of small, endogenous, single-stranded non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression levels. Previous studies have revealed that miRNAs play key roles in multiple bi... MicroRNAs(miRNAs) are a group of small, endogenous, single-stranded non-coding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression levels. Previous studies have revealed that miRNAs play key roles in multiple biological processes, such as growth and development in both animals and plants. Computational identification is an efficient method for miRNA prediction in organisms with a reference genome before high-throughput miRNA sequencing experiments. In this study, we employed an integrated strategy combining the homology-based and ab initio approaches to predict miRNAs from the genome and transcriptome of large yellow croaker, one of the most commercially important marine fish in China and East Asia. A total of 418 miRNA molecules, including 287 miRNAs by the homology-based method and 131 miRNAs by the ab initio approach, were identified for large yellow croaker. Additionally, 16 053 target genes were predicted and annotated for Gene Ontology(GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes(KEGG) databases. Meanwhile, we analysed single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) around large yellow croaker miRNA and found that the miRNA seed regions were significantly less prone to mutations, indicating that the miRNA sequences were under strict natural selection based on their essential regulation functions in living cells. Twenty-two SNPs were identified in large yellow croaker miRNA seed regions, which dramatically influenced the miRNA-gene regulation networks. This is the first reported miRNA detection from both the genome and transcriptome using the integrated strategy for large yellow croaker species, and the miRNA and SNP analyses in this work provide important resources and a reference for subsequent miRNA functional investigations in large yellow croaker. 展开更多
关键词 large yellow croaker MIRNAS integrated computational approach
作者 李琴 杜伟 《医学信息(医学与计算机应用)》 2014年第21期285-286,共2页
胃肠道间质瘤(Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors,GIST)是在1983年由Mazur和Clark[1]首次提出,它是一类起源于胃肠道原始间叶组织的肿瘤,由未分化或多潜能梭形或上皮样细胞组成的肿瘤,以往常被误诊为平滑肌瘤、平滑肌肉瘤或神经源性肿瘤... 胃肠道间质瘤(Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors,GIST)是在1983年由Mazur和Clark[1]首次提出,它是一类起源于胃肠道原始间叶组织的肿瘤,由未分化或多潜能梭形或上皮样细胞组成的肿瘤,以往常被误诊为平滑肌瘤、平滑肌肉瘤或神经源性肿瘤,因此在临床诊断中常被误诊。随着免疫组化、病理学及分子生物学的发展,我们对胃肠道间质瘤有了更进一步的了解,以下对GIST的螺旋CT及病理表现的进展作一综述。 展开更多
关键词 胃肠道间质瘤 螺旋 肿瘤 生物学发展 平滑肌肉瘤 细胞组成 误诊 神经源性 平滑肌瘤 免疫组化 临床诊断 间叶组织 病理表现 未分化 上皮样 病理学 综述 潜能 起源 分子
作者 王丽霞(综述) 杨林(审校) 《医学信息(医学与计算机应用)》 2014年第23期675-675,共1页
阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)是老年痴呆的最常见类型,临床表现为记忆障碍、抽象思维和计算力损害、人格和行为改变等。以神经炎性斑(NP)、神经原纤维缠结(NFT)及β-淀粉样蛋白变性(Aβ)为典型病理特征。目前AD病因还未完... 阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)是老年痴呆的最常见类型,临床表现为记忆障碍、抽象思维和计算力损害、人格和行为改变等。以神经炎性斑(NP)、神经原纤维缠结(NFT)及β-淀粉样蛋白变性(Aβ)为典型病理特征。目前AD病因还未完全清楚,主要认为是由环境因素和遗传因素相互作用所致,但随着遗传分子生物学的发展,人类开始从基因层面来寻找AD的发病机制。随着研究的进行,有学者发现磷脂酰肌醇结合网格蛋白组装蛋白基因(phosphatidylinositol-binding clathrin assembly,PICALM)与AD有关。我们就PICALM基因多态性与阿尔茨海默病的相关性研究进展作一综述。 展开更多
关键词 基因多态性 阿尔茨海默病 生物学发展 相关性研究 磷脂酰肌醇 遗传因素 遗传分子 行为改变 神经炎 临床表现 老年痴呆 记忆障碍 环境因素 发病机制 蛋白组装 蛋白基因 蛋白变性 抽象思维 常见类型 病理特征
Integrated site-specific quantification of faecal bacteria and detection of DNA markers in faecal contamination source tracking as a microbial risk tracking tool in urban Lake ecosystems
作者 Oscar Omondi DONDE TIAN Cuicui XIAO Bangding 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1629-1642,共14页
The presence of feacal-derived pathogens in water is responsible for several infectious diseases and deaths worldwide. As a solution, sources of fecal pollution in waters must be accurately assessed, properly determin... The presence of feacal-derived pathogens in water is responsible for several infectious diseases and deaths worldwide. As a solution, sources of fecal pollution in waters must be accurately assessed, properly determined and strictly controlled. However, the exercise has remained challenging due to the existing overlapping characteristics by different members of faecal coliform bacteria and the inadequacy of information pertaining to the contribution of seasonality and weather condition on tracking the possible sources of pollution. There are continued ef forts to improve the Faecal Contamination Source Tracking(FCST) techniques such as Microbial Source Tracking(MST). This study aimed to make contribution to MST by evaluating the efficacy of combining site specific quantification of faecal contamination indicator bacteria and detection of DNA markers while accounting for seasonality and weather conditions' eff ects in tracking the major sources of faecal contamination in a freshwater system(Donghu Lake, China). The results showed that the use of cyd gene in addition to lacZ and uidA genes differentiates E. coli from other closely related faecal bacteria. The use of selective media increases the pollution source tracking accuracy. BSA addition boosts PCR detection and increases FCST efficiency. Seasonality and weather variability also influence the detection limit for DNA markers. 展开更多
关键词 ASSAY contamination faecal bacteria indicator source tracking water quality
Agricultural Biotechnology Research and Development in Hunan
作者 Zhou Shangyou (Hunan Provincial Science & Technology Committee, Changsha 410001) 《Hunan Agricultural Science & Technology Newsletter》 2000年第2期4-7,共4页
Recent agricultural biotechnology research and advances in the province are reviewed. Targets and practices for biotechnological development in depth are discussed, with 'Stress on the talent's training, new t... Recent agricultural biotechnology research and advances in the province are reviewed. Targets and practices for biotechnological development in depth are discussed, with 'Stress on the talent's training, new techniques' establishment and its industrialization, starting from the existing level and problems in the field in the province. 展开更多
关键词 Biotechnology Agriculture Hunan Industrialization
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