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BioMEMS和人体植入式生物微系统 被引量:2
作者 刘菁 赵建龙 金庆辉 《微纳电子技术》 CAS 2005年第8期374-379,共6页
MEMS技术在医药科学技术的一个重要应用是植入人体内的生物微系统(BioMEMS)。该系统集微传感器、微驱动器、微流体系统、微光学系统及微机械元件于一体,用于体内器官的诊断、体内器官功能修复或替代,其治疗效果确切,已成为关系本世纪医... MEMS技术在医药科学技术的一个重要应用是植入人体内的生物微系统(BioMEMS)。该系统集微传感器、微驱动器、微流体系统、微光学系统及微机械元件于一体,用于体内器官的诊断、体内器官功能修复或替代,其治疗效果确切,已成为关系本世纪医学与人类健康进步的重要领域。本文介绍了近年来不同功能类别植入式BioMEMS的发展状况,说明了MEMS工艺、方法及材料在此领域的应用。 展开更多
关键词 生物机电系统 植入式生物微系统 机电系统
风柴储生物质独立微网系统的优化控制 被引量:23
作者 周志超 王成山 +2 位作者 焦冰琦 郭力 许伟 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第14期3605-3615,共11页
生物质资源是广泛存在且可存储的绿色可再生能源,但生物质发电技术在偏远地区的独立微网系统中应用较少。该文围绕风柴储生物质独立微网系统,基于各分布式电源运行特性,提出一种包含正常运行时的经济运行调度和大扰动时的紧急功率控制... 生物质资源是广泛存在且可存储的绿色可再生能源,但生物质发电技术在偏远地区的独立微网系统中应用较少。该文围绕风柴储生物质独立微网系统,基于各分布式电源运行特性,提出一种包含正常运行时的经济运行调度和大扰动时的紧急功率控制的双模式优化控制方案。柴油发电机组运行于发电效率较高的基点运行功率附近,吸收净负荷的瞬时波动,并提供系统运行备用容量;生物质发电系统视净负荷的波动出力,和风电实现有效的合作发电,提高可再生能源渗透率;提出一种新的电池储能系统控制方法,优先紧急功率控制,削峰填谷次之,减小储能容量配置需求,优化运行工况。针对某偏远社区的独立微网系统,从基于准稳态的系统运行经济性和典型运行场景下的暂态稳定性两个层面进行仿真研究,结果验证了方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 能源互联网 风柴储生物质独立系统 能量调度管理 运行备用容量 电池储能系统
运用生物显微数码互动系统创新生物实验教学 被引量:10
作者 谢铭 《中国教育技术装备》 2012年第15期120-121,共2页
关键词 生物数码互动系统 创新 生物实验 教学质量
作者 王晓华 赵倩 《上海电力学院学报》 CAS 2013年第5期477-481,共5页
概述了BioMEMS生物微传感器系统的原理、特点、分类,分析了生物微传感器系统技术的发展状况.由于生物微传感器系统识别元件中的敏感材料含有生命物质,故具有体积小、选择性好、灵敏度高、反应速度快等优点,可广泛应用于医学、工业、农... 概述了BioMEMS生物微传感器系统的原理、特点、分类,分析了生物微传感器系统技术的发展状况.由于生物微传感器系统识别元件中的敏感材料含有生命物质,故具有体积小、选择性好、灵敏度高、反应速度快等优点,可广泛应用于医学、工业、农业、军事和环境监测等领域. 展开更多
关键词 电子机械系统 生物传感器系统 系统 生物芯片技术
作者 麻彩萍 李玉明 +2 位作者 王欢 张贵友 王宏英 《高校生物学教学研究(电子版)》 2022年第5期37-41,共5页
微生物培养是微生物科学研究和应用领域的重要技术基础。为了深入了解微生物的生长特性,需要长时程、持续性对培养中的微生物进行取样检测,这严重依赖人力,存在染菌等风险。清华大学现代生命科学实验教学中心基于全自动微生物微液滴培... 微生物培养是微生物科学研究和应用领域的重要技术基础。为了深入了解微生物的生长特性,需要长时程、持续性对培养中的微生物进行取样检测,这严重依赖人力,存在染菌等风险。清华大学现代生命科学实验教学中心基于全自动微生物微液滴培养系统(microbial microdroplet culture system,MMC)搭建了教学用实验平台并系统开发了微生物生长特性评价教学实验:细菌生长曲线的测定、细菌化学因子耐受性研究以及细菌适应性(定向)进化等。经教学实践检验,基于MMC的教学实验设计达到了优化课程建设、提高教学效率、扩充课堂容量、提高课堂挑战度的教学目标,教学效果良好。 展开更多
关键词 全自动生物液滴培养系统 MMC 生物培养 教学实验
作者 杜少杰 杜金凯 +1 位作者 王春艳 陈海辉 《承德医学院学报》 2003年第2期176-176,共1页
关键词 彩色电视生物教学系统 组织学 实验教学 高等教育 课堂应用效果
微生物数码显微培养计数系统在固体粉末样品检测中的应用 被引量:1
作者 廖燮恒 赵海锋 《现代食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第5期279-286,共8页
本文研究了微生物数码显微培养计数系统在微生物培养过程中的菌落判定和计数能力。以大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、白假丝酵母菌和巴西曲霉四种微生物为测试菌株探讨了传统目测计数方法和仪器计数方法的一致性,并分析了当样品有杂质时对... 本文研究了微生物数码显微培养计数系统在微生物培养过程中的菌落判定和计数能力。以大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、白假丝酵母菌和巴西曲霉四种微生物为测试菌株探讨了传统目测计数方法和仪器计数方法的一致性,并分析了当样品有杂质时对仪器读数的影响。结果显示仪器读数和目视读数具有显著的正相关性(R2=0.85~0.99,p<0.05),该仪器在微生物生长过程中能够实现实时监测,当菌落总数超标时能及时起到预警作用,且仪器能显示出培养皿上各点的三维图像,仪器读数结合人工判断,能较好地区分菌落和杂质,接种回收率在105%~155%之间。在实际固体粉末测试样品中应用,结果显示仪器读数和目视读数接近,一致性比例为94%,且仪器读数更为敏感。因此,微生物数码显微培养计数系统可以很好的应用于食品、药品和化妆品中菌落总数的快速准确定量检测。 展开更多
关键词 生物数码显培养系统 相关性 实时监测 杂质
作者 任大海 崔明洋 +1 位作者 夏亦秋 尤政 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期931-944,共14页
结合生物物理学与生物化学的微细加工技术已可以获得与生物大分子相近的特征尺寸,推动了微图形化技术在药物筛选与新药开发、组织工程、疾病诊断等领域的应用.综述了微图形化技术在生物医学领域的发展,讨论了光刻、软光刻、模板辅助构... 结合生物物理学与生物化学的微细加工技术已可以获得与生物大分子相近的特征尺寸,推动了微图形化技术在药物筛选与新药开发、组织工程、疾病诊断等领域的应用.综述了微图形化技术在生物医学领域的发展,讨论了光刻、软光刻、模板辅助构图、扫描探针加工、喷墨构图、激光诱导图形化等方法,分析了各种方法的优势、局限性与适用范围,指出分辨力与精度、图形化规模、实验加工条件等是选择不同图形化方法的主要依据.而基于生物物理学和生物化学等对纳米尺度的处理过程进行定量分析、进一步提高其生物兼容性及材料适应性、发展适合图形化芯片的体内微环境模拟技术等是微图形化技术进一步发展的方向. 展开更多
关键词 生物微系统 图形化 光刻 表面修饰 生物传感器
作者 张洪强 王斌 《新疆医学》 2003年第5期51-52,共2页
十六世纪人类发明了光学显微镜,最早光学显微镜的放大倍数只达到8倍,后来随着物理学技术的不断发展,显微镜的放大倍率不断提高.二十世纪80年代,美国斯坦福大学科学家R.M.Bradford率先在医学界推出潜心研制并以自身命名的布氏显微镜,其... 十六世纪人类发明了光学显微镜,最早光学显微镜的放大倍数只达到8倍,后来随着物理学技术的不断发展,显微镜的放大倍率不断提高.二十世纪80年代,美国斯坦福大学科学家R.M.Bradford率先在医学界推出潜心研制并以自身命名的布氏显微镜,其放大倍率可达15000倍,被视为医学显微技术的重大进展,超高显微诊断仪(或系统)是一项高科技项目,其能快速、简便、可靠地提供人体健康状态信息,用于疾病的检测和预报. 展开更多
关键词 XSC-2000型超倍生物系统 活血片 干血片 亚健康 病原菌 检查
“微/纳系统国际会议(ICMNS 2002)”简介
作者 赵亚溥 《力学进展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期630-631,共2页
关键词 /纳系统 国际会议 ICMNS2002 生物/纳系统 纳米材料 建模 分析 测试
作者 于丽娜 刘静 +1 位作者 周一欣 华泽钊 《低温工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期21-26,共6页
低温生物学应用中,筛选最佳的冻结、复温程序以及相应的保护剂配方,通常需要大量繁琐、费时且高度重复性的测试工作。将样品准备及其活性检测功能加以集成,首次在低温保存程序优化方面引入了生物芯片技术的概念。设计制作了相应的原型... 低温生物学应用中,筛选最佳的冻结、复温程序以及相应的保护剂配方,通常需要大量繁琐、费时且高度重复性的测试工作。将样品准备及其活性检测功能加以集成,首次在低温保存程序优化方面引入了生物芯片技术的概念。设计制作了相应的原型器件并开展实验研究。结果表明,流道式芯片用于样品分配时效果不佳,而点样式芯片则可实现快速、可靠的样品加载,红外实验进一步表明其传热一致性较好。在此基础上,利用点样式芯片与集成化的半导体制冷器件相结合,对多种生物样品的低温冷冻及复温效果进行了测试,基于对结果的比较分析可以筛选出最优的降温、复温程序及低温保护剂浓度配比。此外,还对批量测定低温保护剂溶液的热物性也进行了考察。研究表明,借助于功能集成化及检测自动化的生物芯片,可以实现大规模快速优化复杂低温保存程序。 展开更多
关键词 生物芯片 低温保存 活性检测 冷冻损伤 生物材料分析系统
Bioturbation Effects of Benthic Fish on Soil Microorganism of Paddy Field 被引量:5
作者 胡勇军 孙刚 +1 位作者 房岩 韩国军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第4期172-175,共4页
[Objective]The research aimed to explore the bioturbation effects of benthic fish Misgurnus anguillicaudatus on soil microorganism(microflora,biomass,and special physiological groups) of paddy field.[Method]The expe... [Objective]The research aimed to explore the bioturbation effects of benthic fish Misgurnus anguillicaudatus on soil microorganism(microflora,biomass,and special physiological groups) of paddy field.[Method]The experiments were conducted locally and quantitatively in field,using plate count and MPN methods.[Result]In the microflora of paddy soil tested,the quantity of bacteria is the largest,followed by actinomycetes and fungus.Compared with the control paddy fields,in rice-fish paddy fields the quantities of bacteria,actinomycetes and fungus were higher,at significance level P 〈0.05,P 〈0.01,and P 〈0.01 respectively.The microbial biomass C and N in rice-fish paddy fields is remarkably higher than those in control paddy fields,both at significance level P 〈0.01;the microbial biomass P in rice-fish paddy fields is higher than that in control paddy fields,but at significance level P 〈0.05.Benthic fish promotes the growth of soil azotobacter,cellulolytic bacteria,nitrobacteria,sulfur bacteria,and ammonifying bacteria,restricts the reproduction of nitrate reducing bacteria and sulfate reducing bacteria.[Conclusion]The benthic fish had important effects on microflora,microbial biomass,and special microorganism physiological groups of paddy soil,improves the living conditions of soil microorganisms,promotes the soil fertility and bio-chemical activity,which is beneficial for improving the supply ability of soil nutrients such as N,P,S,as well as the efficiency of nutrient utilization. 展开更多
关键词 Benthic fish Soil microorganism Paddy field Integrated ecosystem BIOTURBATION
Barrier Structure Design for Fattening Pigs in Large-scale Pig House with Fermentation Bed
作者 刘波 唐建阳 +2 位作者 蓝江林 史怀 李兆龙 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第12期2249-2252,2270,共5页
[Objective] The large-scale single-column fattening pig house with fermen- tation bed could hold 1 500 heads of fattening pigs. Since the number of pigs in piggery is too large, the management is difficult. The behavi... [Objective] The large-scale single-column fattening pig house with fermen- tation bed could hold 1 500 heads of fattening pigs. Since the number of pigs in piggery is too large, the management is difficult. The behavior of feeding, drinking, movement, sleeping, fighting of pigs is difficult to handle. The pigs cannot be man- aged well, resulting in the enhanced weakness of piglets, enhanced illness of weak pigs and missing treatment of ill pigs. The management for the pig populations is not satisfactory, and thus, it is needed to improve timely. [Method] The barriers for the fattening pigs in the large-scale pig house with fermentation bed were designed. The single management for single fattening pig was proposed. The large-scale fat- tening pig house was divided into 8 regions. Among them, 4 regions were located in both sides of the fermentation bed. Their main function was to separate ill, weak, small and bad pigs. In addition, the main column was divided into 4 gradual barri- ers. They were used to separate different-size fattening pigs. In view of manage- ment, the different-type pigs were managed dividedly with the gradual barriers. The equally-sized pigs were concentrated into one column. The ill, weak, small and bad pigs were isolated into barriers. Thus, the dynamic management was adopted. Until the fattening pigs grew up to 75 kg and their health was stable, the barriers among the columns were canceled to mix the pigs again and guarantee the pigs more gymnastic space. [Result] This design would improve the disease resistance of ill pigs, health status of weak pigs and management level of pig populations. This study would also provide a basis for the healthy running of large-scale fattening pig house with fermentation bed. [Conclusion] The pig-raising model with fermentation bed would improve the environment of pig house and the welfare of pigs. In addi- tion, the performance of pigs and quality of pork were also improved. The fermen- tation bed had an obvious advantage in safety and economics, and it had a broad application prospect. 展开更多
关键词 Fermentation bed Fattening pigs' management Gradual columns for raising pigs Structure of barriers
作者 任麒陞 《中国乡村医药》 2005年第11期59-60,共2页
关键词 XSC-2000型超倍生物系统 布康镜 医学领域 中华中医药学会 价值 放大倍率 医疗器械 生物系统 国际领先
Phenolic Acids in Plant-Soil-Microbe System: A Review 被引量:13
作者 LI SHOUTIAN, ZHOU JIANMIN, WANG HUOYAN and CHEN XIAOQIN Institute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, P. O. Box 821, Nanjing S10008 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期1-14,共14页
Phenolic acids are very common compounds in pedosphere. Theobjective of this review was to summarize the current knowledge ofthe behaviors of phenolic acids in plant-soil microbe system. Whenphenolic acids originated ... Phenolic acids are very common compounds in pedosphere. Theobjective of this review was to summarize the current knowledge ofthe behaviors of phenolic acids in plant-soil microbe system. Whenphenolic acids originated form leaching, decomposition and exudationof living and dead plant tissues enter soils, they can reactphysiochemically with soil particle surfaces and/or incorporate intohumic matter. Phenolic acids desorbed from soil particle surfaces andremained in solution phase can be utilized by microbe as carbonsources and absorbed by plants. 展开更多
关键词 allelopathic activity phenlic acids plant-soil-microbe system
A system combining microbial fuel cell with photobioreactor for continuous domestic wastewater treatment and bioelectricity generation 被引量:9
作者 蒋海明 罗生军 +2 位作者 师晓爽 戴萌 郭荣波 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第2期488-494,共7页
A coupled system consisting of an upflow membrane-less microbial fuel cell (upflow ML-MFC) and a photobioreactor was developed, and its effectiveness for continuous wastewater treatment and electricity production was ... A coupled system consisting of an upflow membrane-less microbial fuel cell (upflow ML-MFC) and a photobioreactor was developed, and its effectiveness for continuous wastewater treatment and electricity production was evaluated. Wastewater was fed to the upflow ML-MFC to remove chemical oxygen demand (COD), phosphorus and nitrogen with simultaneous electricity generation. The effluent from the cathode compartment of the upflow ML-MFC was then continuously fed to an external photobioreactor for removing the remaining phosphorus and nitrogen using microalgae. Alone, the upflow ML-MFC produces a maximum power density of 481 mW/m 3 , and obtains 77.9% COD, 23.5% total phosphorus (TP) and 97.6% NH4+-N removals. When combined with the photobioreactor, the system achieves 99.3% TP and 99.0% NH4+-N total removal. These results show both the effectiveness and the potential application of the coupled system to continuously treat domestic wastewater and simultaneously generate electricity and biomass. 展开更多
关键词 wastewater treatment microbial fuel cell PHOTOBIOREACTOR MICROALGAE BIOELECTRICITY
Soil Microbial Community Structure in Diverse Land Use Systems:A Comparative Study Using Biolog,DGGE,and PLFA Analyses 被引量:56
作者 XUE Dong YAO Huai-Ying +1 位作者 GE De-Yong HUANG Chang-Yong 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期653-663,共11页
Biolog, 16S rRNA gene denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analyses were used to assess soil microbial community characteristics in a chronosequence of tea garden syst... Biolog, 16S rRNA gene denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analyses were used to assess soil microbial community characteristics in a chronosequence of tea garden systems (8-, 50-, and 90- year-old tea gardens), an adjacent wasteland, and a 90-year-old forest. Biolog analysis showed that the average well color development (AWCD) of all carbon sources and the functional diversity based on the Shannon index decreased (P 〈 0.05) in the following order: wasteland 〉 forest 〉 tea garden. For the DCCE analysis, the genetic diversity based on the Shannon index was significantly lower in the tea garden soils than in the wasteland. However, compared to the 90-year-old forest, the tea garden soils showed significantly higher genetic diversity. PLFA analysis showed that the ratio of Gram positive bacteria to Cram negative bacteria was significantly higher in the tea garden soils than in the wasteland, and the highest value was found in the 90-year-old forest. Both the fungal PLFA and the ratio of fungi to bacteria were significantly higher in the three tea garden soils than in the wasteland and forest, indicating that fungal PLFA was significantly affected by land-use change. Based on cluster analysis of the soil microbial community structure, all three analytical methods showed that land-use change had a greater effect on soil microbial community structure than tea garden age. 展开更多
关键词 BIOLOG DCCE microbial community structure PLFA tea garden soil
Assessment of different mcy genes for detecting the toxic to non-toxic Microcystis ratio in the field by multiplex qPCR 被引量:3
作者 ZUO Jun CHEN Liting +3 位作者 SHAN Kun HU Lili SONG Lirong GAN Nanqin 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期1132-1144,共13页
Harmful cyanobacterial blooms, especially Microcystis blooms, occur worldwide and draw widespread attention. The dynamics of microcystin-producing Microcystis and competition between microcystin-producing Microcystis ... Harmful cyanobacterial blooms, especially Microcystis blooms, occur worldwide and draw widespread attention. The dynamics of microcystin-producing Microcystis and competition between microcystin-producing Microcystis and non-microcystin-producing Microcystis are key to predicting and treating Microcystis blooms. Multiplex qPCR is a useful tool to assess such issues. In this study, we developed multiplex qPCR methods with newly-designed probes and primers for the microcystin-synthesis related genes mcyA and mcyE. We used seven toxic Microcystis strains and four non-toxic Microcystis strains to compare the differences in the ratios of toxic and non-toxic Microcystis in mixed cultures, which were calculated using abundances of the genes mcyA, mcyB, mcyD, mcy E and phycocyanin( PC). We also compared traditional cell counting and multiplex qPCR. Hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis indicated that mcyD was the most suitable mcy gene for quantification in laboratory experiments. mcyB abundances were always higher; we suggest that the amount of toxic Microcystis measured using mcyB might overestimate the actual percentages. 展开更多
关键词 Microcystis bloom toxic Microcystis multiplex qPCR mcyA mcyB mcyD meTE PCA
136名风洞科技人员亚健康指标分析 被引量:2
作者 张杰 杨其江 +5 位作者 郭文俊 王普杰 黄勇 杨慎柯 余帆 肖庆 《解放军预防医学杂志》 CAS 2009年第2期124-125,共2页
目的分析风洞科技人员亚健康状况,为预防亚健康提供依据。方法对进行健康体检的风洞科技干部136人采指尖末稍血,制成干血片和活血片,以布康仪直接观测干血片中纤维蛋白网的连接情况和氧自由基斑块的大小、形状及其位置,活血片中血液细... 目的分析风洞科技人员亚健康状况,为预防亚健康提供依据。方法对进行健康体检的风洞科技干部136人采指尖末稍血,制成干血片和活血片,以布康仪直接观测干血片中纤维蛋白网的连接情况和氧自由基斑块的大小、形状及其位置,活血片中血液细胞形态、数量、血中有形成分结构及活动情况。结果风洞科技人员较多存在疲劳与应激状态、胃肠功能紊乱、颈腰椎劳损、血脂代谢异常、微量元素缺乏及重金属盐沉积等亚健康状态表现,检出异常率93.4%;女性亚健康发生率(100.0%)明显高于男性的89.8%(P<0.05);年龄越大、职称越高,亚健康发生率也越高(P<0.05)。结论风洞科技人员是亚健康的高发人群,应对其进行健康干预。 展开更多
关键词 科技人员 亚健康检测 布康超倍生物系统
Epitypification:should we epitypify? 被引量:2
作者 Kevin D. HYDE Ying ZHANG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第10期842-846,共5页
Epitypification can solve many taxonomic problems and stabilize the understanding of species, genera, families or orders. The aim of this paper is to illustrate how to epitypify. A few examples where taxa have been ep... Epitypification can solve many taxonomic problems and stabilize the understanding of species, genera, families or orders. The aim of this paper is to illustrate how to epitypify. A few examples where taxa have been epitypified are considered and the benefits and disadvantages of epitypification are discussed. We also outline some examples of taxa which need to be epitypifled with reasons. 展开更多
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