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作者 杨春成 覃雯 +1 位作者 武琳 尹立伟 《安庆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2022年第3期107-111,122,共6页
野生菌栽培具有重要的经济价值。本文报道了分离培养野生侧耳属菌株PO1,并进行生物栽培转化的实验结果。以真菌试剂盒提取的PO1基因组DNA为模板,PCR扩增获得了大小为636 bp的ITS序列(GenBank No.MT261808.1)。运用ClustalX和MEGA软件的N... 野生菌栽培具有重要的经济价值。本文报道了分离培养野生侧耳属菌株PO1,并进行生物栽培转化的实验结果。以真菌试剂盒提取的PO1基因组DNA为模板,PCR扩增获得了大小为636 bp的ITS序列(GenBank No.MT261808.1)。运用ClustalX和MEGA软件的NJ法构建了侧耳属代表种的系统发育树,结果显示,PO1与NCBI中其他54株侧耳菌株亲缘关系较为密切,相似性达99.04%以上。明确野生侧耳为糙皮侧耳菌株分类后,总结出一套侧耳室内生物栽培转化技术与管理体系,栽培转化的糙皮侧耳PO2头潮菇和二潮菇产量高、口感好,经济效益佳,转化率高达158%,达到实验室侧耳高产栽培的目的,为大棚栽培管理技术提供了重要参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 野生侧耳 糙皮侧耳 分子鉴定 生物栽培
“非洲骄傲”番荔枝生物学习性及栽培技术研究 被引量:8
作者 高爱平 陈业渊 +1 位作者 邓穗生 魏守兴 《华南热带农业大学学报》 2002年第1期5-9,共5页
对儋州地区引种试植的“非洲骄傲”番荔枝 (即AP番荔枝 )进行研究 ,试验结果表明 ,AP番荔枝生长势强 ,枝梢顶芽具有延续向上生长的特性 ,侧芽极少萌发成枝 ;易成花 ,并可多次成花 ,但花雌雄异熟 ,自然座果率低 ;定植 1a即可开花结果 ,1... 对儋州地区引种试植的“非洲骄傲”番荔枝 (即AP番荔枝 )进行研究 ,试验结果表明 ,AP番荔枝生长势强 ,枝梢顶芽具有延续向上生长的特性 ,侧芽极少萌发成枝 ;易成花 ,并可多次成花 ,但花雌雄异熟 ,自然座果率低 ;定植 1a即可开花结果 ,1a可收 2次果 ;根系不甚发达 ;果实品质优良 ;通过人工授粉、产期调节等技术实施 ,可以获得较高的产量并产生较好的经济效益 ,随着根病等关键技术的解决 ,该品种在海南将具有较好的开发前景。 展开更多
关键词 非洲骄傲番荔枝生物学习性及栽培技术
拉氏栲栽培生物学特性及人工栽培技术研究 被引量:1
作者 刘春华 《林业勘察设计》 2006年第1期15-17,共3页
关键词 拉氏栲 栽培生物学特性 栽培技术 物候 分布
红锥栽培生物学特性及人工培育技术研究 被引量:7
作者 冯随起 《林业勘察设计》 2006年第2期113-115,共3页
红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)是壳斗科常绿阔叶乔木,为速生优质用材树种。通过对红锥的系统调查,研究了红锥适生环境、栽培生物学特性、物侯和生长发育规律,在此基础上进行红锥人工培育技术研究,总结出可供林业生产推广应用的红锥人工培... 红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)是壳斗科常绿阔叶乔木,为速生优质用材树种。通过对红锥的系统调查,研究了红锥适生环境、栽培生物学特性、物侯和生长发育规律,在此基础上进行红锥人工培育技术研究,总结出可供林业生产推广应用的红锥人工培育技术措施,在我国南方,特别是闽北林区有更广泛的推广应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 红锥 栽培生物学特性 培育技术 物侯
鲍鱼菇的生物学特性及栽培技术要点 被引量:3
作者 雷明锋 《现代园艺》 2006年第7期41-41,共1页
关键词 鲍鱼菇 生物学特性、栽培技术
特早熟温州蜜柑市文的生物学特性及栽培要点 被引量:1
作者 张尔一 《浙江柑桔》 北大核心 1995年第4期25-,24,共2页
特早熟温州蜜柑市文的生物学特性及栽培要点张尔一(浙江省象山县东陈乡政府315712)特早熟温州蜜柑市文原产日本,是1971年从宫川早生园中选出的一个枝变.本县于1984年从日本爱媛县引人,经过几年的栽培观察,基本上掌... 特早熟温州蜜柑市文的生物学特性及栽培要点张尔一(浙江省象山县东陈乡政府315712)特早熟温州蜜柑市文原产日本,是1971年从宫川早生园中选出的一个枝变.本县于1984年从日本爱媛县引人,经过几年的栽培观察,基本上掌握了该品种的生物学特性及栽培要点,... 展开更多
关键词 生物学特性及栽培 温州蜜柑 特早熟 果实横径 栽培要点 浙江省象山县 着果率 栽培技术要点 可溶性固形物 病虫害防治
作者 郑小红 戴津权 +1 位作者 林松楠 谈德成 《农业灾害研究》 2022年第6期167-169,共3页
甜瓜是我国重要的经济作物,甜瓜连作障碍问题已成为制约农民增收的关键因素。通过连续4年的实践,发现应用甜瓜生物活力栽培法可使土壤生物酶、土壤肥力、土壤物理性状均得到改善,土壤施肥量同比减少,土壤未再用农药,无寄生线虫、枯萎病... 甜瓜是我国重要的经济作物,甜瓜连作障碍问题已成为制约农民增收的关键因素。通过连续4年的实践,发现应用甜瓜生物活力栽培法可使土壤生物酶、土壤肥力、土壤物理性状均得到改善,土壤施肥量同比减少,土壤未再用农药,无寄生线虫、枯萎病发生,不用嫁接苗,网纹瓜长势和商品率逐年提升。生物活力栽培法为解决甜瓜连作障碍提供新的落地栽培系统。 展开更多
关键词 甜瓜 连作障碍 生物活力栽培
棉花机械制钵微钵育苗栽培效应及配套技术研究 被引量:1
作者 陈建平 张萼 +1 位作者 王海洋 蔡立旺 《江苏农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期103-104,共2页
对棉花机械制钵微钵育苗移栽技术与传统大钵育苗移栽技术在生物学栽培效应上的差异(生育进程比较和主要经济性状比较)进行研究,研究表明:采用微钵育苗且移栽时加地膜覆盖的方式与传统大钵育苗移栽相比,在棉花籽棉、皮棉、衣分、铃重等... 对棉花机械制钵微钵育苗移栽技术与传统大钵育苗移栽技术在生物学栽培效应上的差异(生育进程比较和主要经济性状比较)进行研究,研究表明:采用微钵育苗且移栽时加地膜覆盖的方式与传统大钵育苗移栽相比,在棉花籽棉、皮棉、衣分、铃重等主要经济性状上没有明显差异,而且微钵育苗移栽具有省工、省地、省本的优势,植棉劳动强度大大减轻,经济效益显著提高。该项技术的推广应用对于稳定发展江苏沿海地区棉花生产有着极其重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 棉花 机械制钵 微钵育苗移栽技术 生物栽培效应
杏鲍菇“国森一号”特性及栽培技术要点 被引量:1
作者 沈学香 王瑞娟 +2 位作者 尚晓冬 李玉 周峰 《食用菌》 2018年第2期64-65,共2页
杏鲍菇(Pleurotus eryngii)别名刺芹侧耳,菌肉肥厚,质地脆嫩,特别是菌柄组织致密、结实、乳白,可全部食用,且菌柄比菌盖更脆滑、爽口,被称为“平菇王”“干贝菇”[1]。“国森1号”是上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所根据杏鲍菇工厂化瓶栽... 杏鲍菇(Pleurotus eryngii)别名刺芹侧耳,菌肉肥厚,质地脆嫩,特别是菌柄组织致密、结实、乳白,可全部食用,且菌柄比菌盖更脆滑、爽口,被称为“平菇王”“干贝菇”[1]。“国森1号”是上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所根据杏鲍菇工厂化瓶栽需求选育出的杂交新品种(图1)。亲本为中国农业微生物菌种保藏中心上海食用菌分中心编号“长野”和“广杏”。栽培试验表明,“国森1号”保持了亲本的优良性状,改良了亲本“长野”个体偏小、“广杏”抗性差的缺陷,产量略高于亲本,平均生物学效率87.5%左右,栽培周期52 d,子实体形态优美,货架期较长,抗性较强,适合工厂化瓶式栽培的要求。“国森1号”在杏鲍菇工厂化瓶式栽培企业上海国森生物科技有限公司应用表明,子实体产量和农艺性状、栽培周期、抗性等指标均表现稳定。2011年通过上海市品种审定委员会认定。 展开更多
关键词 杏鲍菇 品种 “国森一号” 生物学特性栽培技术
水稻地膜栽培试验初报 被引量:1
作者 赵有芳 周英 郝艳艳 《云南农业》 2011年第10期31-32,共2页
关键词 水稻 生物降解膜栽培 性状 产量
设施化栽培条件下香菇菌棒刺孔数比较试验 被引量:1
作者 雷伟冬 刘爽 +5 位作者 丁建 张晶 张园园 景勃 樊玉萍 张莉 《食用菌》 CAS 2022年第6期53-55,共3页
研究菌棒刺孔数对其水分流失、头潮菇生长及子实体形态特征、产量及生物转化率、单菇质量、分等比例的影响。结果表明,菌棒刺孔数对香菇子实体硬度无明显影响;刺70孔菌棒水分损失量显著大于试验其他刺孔组;刺50孔现蕾发育最早,菇蕾大,... 研究菌棒刺孔数对其水分流失、头潮菇生长及子实体形态特征、产量及生物转化率、单菇质量、分等比例的影响。结果表明,菌棒刺孔数对香菇子实体硬度无明显影响;刺70孔菌棒水分损失量显著大于试验其他刺孔组;刺50孔现蕾发育最早,菇蕾大,平均菇蕾数较多;刺40孔子实体菌盖直径最大,厚度最厚,平均单菇质量最高,与其他组有显著性差异,产量最高,且生物转化率最高,为70.3%。建议设施化培养菌棒采用一次刺孔法时,刺40~50孔较为适宜。 展开更多
关键词 施化刺孔栽培技术生物转化率 香菇
百合花卉的研究综述 被引量:69
作者 洪波 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第2期68-70,共3页
百合属世界名花.除观赏价值外.还具食用、药用等多种价值。通过查阅大量相关资料可知,目前国内外有关百合的研究工作主要集中在分类学、繁殖及栽培生物学、细胞学、育种学等方面.并取得了可观的研究成果.但在珍稀濒危种保护、新品... 百合属世界名花.除观赏价值外.还具食用、药用等多种价值。通过查阅大量相关资料可知,目前国内外有关百合的研究工作主要集中在分类学、繁殖及栽培生物学、细胞学、育种学等方面.并取得了可观的研究成果.但在珍稀濒危种保护、新品种繁育、种球复壮等方面尚需深入和加强。 展开更多
关键词 百合花卉 分类 繁殖 细胞 育种 栽培生物
Effect of NH_4^+-N/NO_3^--N Ratios on Growth and Some Physiological Parameters of Chinese Cabbage Cultivars 被引量:35
作者 CHENWei LUOJin-Kui SHENQi-Rong 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3期310-318,共9页
The responses of three cultivars of Chinese cabbage (Brassica chmensis L.), one of the main vegetable crops in China, to different ratios of NH4+-N/NO3--N was investigated to find the optimal ratio of ammonium to nitr... The responses of three cultivars of Chinese cabbage (Brassica chmensis L.), one of the main vegetable crops in China, to different ratios of NH4+-N/NO3--N was investigated to find the optimal ratio of ammonium to nitrate for maximal growth and to explore ways of decreasing the nitrate content, increasing nitrogen use efficiency of Chinese cabbage, and determining distributions of nitrogen and carbon. Three cultivars of Chinese cabbage were hydroponically grown with three different NH4+-N/NO3--N ratios (0:10… 展开更多
Soil Biological Changes for a Natural Forest and Two Plantations in Subtropical China 被引量:18
作者 CHENGuang-Shui YANGYu-Sheng +2 位作者 XIEJin-Sheng LILing GAORen 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期297-304,共8页
Conversion of natural forests into pure plantation forests is a common management practice in subtropical China.To evaluate the effects of forest conversion on soil fertility, microbe numbers and enzyme activities in ... Conversion of natural forests into pure plantation forests is a common management practice in subtropical China.To evaluate the effects of forest conversion on soil fertility, microbe numbers and enzyme activities in topsoils (0-10 cm)were quantified in two 33-year-old monoculture plantations of Castanopsis kawakamii Hayata (CK) and Cunninghamia lanceolata Lamb. (Chinese fir) (CF), and compared to a neighboring relict natural C. kawakamii forest (NF), in Sanming,Fujian. Five soil samples were collected once each in January, April, July, September and November in 2000 in each forest for laboratory analysis. Over the sampling year, there were significant differences for bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes between forests and between seasons (P < 0.05). The largest bacteria and fungi populations were in NF, while CF contained the greatest number of actinomycetes. There were also significant differences (P < 0.05) with microbial respiration for forests and seasons. Additionally, compared with NF, urease and acid phosphatase were significantly lower (P < 0.05)in CK and CF. Also, the correlations of soil hydrolysable N and available P to soil microbial and enzymatic activities were highly significant (P < 0.01). Thus, to alter the traditional Chinese fir monoculture so as to mimic the natural forest conditions, managing mixed stands of Chinese fir and broadleaf trees or conducting crop rotation of conifers and broadleaf trees as well as minimizing forest disturbances like clear-cutting, slash burning and soil preparing, could be utilized. 展开更多
关键词 chinese fir monoculture plantation natural forest soil enzymes soilmicrobes
Effect of planting density on plant growth and camptothecin content of Camptotheca acuminata seedlings 被引量:4
作者 WEIHuan-yong WANGYang +1 位作者 WANGZhen-yue YANXiu-feng 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期137-139,共3页
C. acuminata seedlings cultivated in greenhouse were transplanted into the fields with 5 designed planting densities (11, 16, 25,44 and 100 plants·m^-2) in May of 2004 and were harvested in the middle of Septembe... C. acuminata seedlings cultivated in greenhouse were transplanted into the fields with 5 designed planting densities (11, 16, 25,44 and 100 plants·m^-2) in May of 2004 and were harvested in the middle of September of 2004. The seedling growth indexes including plant height and crown width, biomass allocation, camptothecin (CPT) content and CPT yield of different organs (young leaf, old leaf, stem,and root) were studied. For the 5 selected planting densities, the plant biomass, height, crown width, and total leaf area of C. acuminata seedlings all showed highest values at the planting density of 25 plants ·m^-2. CPT content in young leaves was higher than that in other organs of seedlings and presented an obvious change with the variation of planting densities and with the highest value at density of 100plants·m-2, while for other organs no significant variation in CPT content was found with change of planting density. The accumulation of CPT was enhanced significantly at the planting density of 25 plants·m^-2. It is concluded that for the purpose to get raw materials with more CPT from C. acuminata, the optimal planting density of C. acuminata seedlings should be designed as 25 plants·m^-2. 展开更多
关键词 camptotheca acuminata seedlings planting density BIOMASS CAMPTOTHECIN
Study on Flowering, Cultivation, and Reproduction of Agave americana Var. Marginata Hort. (Agavaceae) 被引量:2
作者 刘方农 彭世逞 刘联仁 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1864-1869,共6页
Agave americana Var. Marginata Hort. (Agavaceae) is a perennial herb. This paper summarized its classification, distribution, morphological characteristics, habit, flowering and fruiting, cultivation and reproductio... Agave americana Var. Marginata Hort. (Agavaceae) is a perennial herb. This paper summarized its classification, distribution, morphological characteristics, habit, flowering and fruiting, cultivation and reproduction, as well as multiple uses in daily life, which provided references for the exploitation and utilization of Agave americana Vat. Marginata Hort. (Agavaceae). 展开更多
关键词 Agave americana Var. Marginata Hort. (Agavaceae) Flowering andfruiting Cultivation and reproduction Multiple uses
Effect of barley straw biochar application on greenhouse gas emissions from upland soil for Chinese cabbage cultivation in short-term laboratory experiments 被引量:5
作者 Se-Won KANG Dong-Cheol SEO +6 位作者 Yong-Hwa CHEONG Ju-Wang PARK Jong-Hwan PARK Hang-Won KANG Ki-Do PARK Yong Sik OK Ju-Sik CHO 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第4期693-702,共10页
Chinese cabbage was cultivated in upland soil with the addition of biochar in order to investigate the potential for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Barley straw biochar(BSB) was introduced in a Wagner pot(1/50... Chinese cabbage was cultivated in upland soil with the addition of biochar in order to investigate the potential for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Barley straw biochar(BSB) was introduced in a Wagner pot(1/5000a) in amounts of 0(BSB0, control), 100(BSB100), 300(BSB300), and 500(BSB500) kg 10a^(-1). After the addition of BSB into the upland soil, carbon dioxide(CO_2) emission increased while methane(CH_4) and nitrous oxide(N_2O) emissions decreased. The highest CO2 flux was measured for the BSB500 sample,(84.6 g m^(-2)) followed by BSB300, BSB100, and BSB0 in decreasing order. Relative to those of control, the total CH_4 flux and N_2O flux for the BSB500 treatment were lower by 31.6% and 26.1%, respectively. The global warming potential(GWP) of the treatment without biochar was 281.4 g CO_2 m-2 and those for treatments with biochar were in the range from 194.1 to 224.9 g CO_2 m^(-2). Therefore, introducing BSB into upland soil to cultivate Chinese cabbages can reduce the global warming potential. 展开更多
关键词 Biochar Carbon dioxide Methane Nitrous oxide Global warming
Discriminating ability of molecular markers and morphological characterization in the establishment of genetic relationships in cultivated genotypes of almond and related wild species 被引量:2
作者 Karim Sorkheh Behrouz Shiran +7 位作者 Soghra Kiani Nazanin Amirbakhtiar Sadegh Mousavi Vahid Rouhi Shahram Mohammady-D Thomas M. Gradziel Lyudmyla V. Malysheva-Otto Pedro Martinez-Gomez 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期183-194,共12页
A total 23 morphological traits, 19 AFLP-primer combinations, 80 RAPD primers and 32 SSR primer pair were used to compare the informativeness and efficiency of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), amplified frag... A total 23 morphological traits, 19 AFLP-primer combinations, 80 RAPD primers and 32 SSR primer pair were used to compare the informativeness and efficiency of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in establishing genetic relationships among 29 almond cultivars and three related wild species. SSRs presented a high level of polymorphism and greater information content, as assessed by the expected hetrozygosity, compared to AFLPs and RAPDs. The lowest values of expected hetrozygosity were obtained for AFLPs; however AFLPs showed the highest efficiency, owing to their capacity to reveal large numbers of bands per reaction, which led to high values for various types of indices of diversity. All the three techniques discriminated almond genotypes very effectively, except that SSRs failed to discriminate between 'Monagha' and 'Sefied' almond genotypes. The correlation coefficients of similarity were statistically significant for all the three marker systems, but were lower for the SSR data than for RAPDs and AFLPs. For all the markers, high similarity in dendrogram topologies was obtained, although some differences were observed. All the dendrograms, including that obtained by the combined use of all the marker data, reflect relationships for most of cultivars according to their geographic diffusion. AMOVA detected more variation among cultivated and related wild species of almond within each geographic group. Bootstrap analysis revealed that the number of markers used was sufficient for reliable estimation of genetic similarity and for meaningful comparisons of marker types. 展开更多
关键词 Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs) Random Amplified Potymorphic DNA (RAPDs) Simple-SequenceRepeats (SSRs) germplasm genetic relationships breeding prunus dulcis
Evaluation of Endophytic Bacteria for Plant Growth Promotion and Pathogen Suppression Traits in Saccharum officinarum
作者 Penumatsa Kishore Varma Kotam Vijay Krishna Kumar +5 位作者 Vanapalli Chandra Sekhar Dandu Adilakshmi Madugula Suresh Nambala Raja Kumar Karnam Jayaehandra Ravuri Anitha 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2017年第8期537-545,共9页
Endophytes are beneficial microbes that are capable of promoting growth, besides protecting colonized plants against plant pathogens. These microbes are of either bacterial, fungal or actinomycetes in plants. In the s... Endophytes are beneficial microbes that are capable of promoting growth, besides protecting colonized plants against plant pathogens. These microbes are of either bacterial, fungal or actinomycetes in plants. In the study, the endophytic bacteria isolated from sugarcane with their characterization related to plant growth promotion and pathogen suppression have been reported. Roots, shoots and leaves of rooted tissue culture plantlets of sugarcane cultivars of 87A298 and 2009A107 were excised aseptically and isolated endophytic bacterial strains. The strains were identified using 16S rRNA gene sequence based homology. Molecular characterization of these strains was carried out for presence of antimicrobial genes. The results showed that the endophytes isolated from sugarcane tissue culture plantlets were of the genera Bacillus (B. amyloliquefaciens, B. subtilis, B. cereus, B. safensis, B. siamensis, B. aryabhattai, B. flexus and B. velezensis) and Paenibacillus pabuli. There were three antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) producing genes of bacilysin, bacillomycin and fengycin in B. amyloliquefaciens (SE1, SE7), B. siamensis (SE4, SE16), B. subtilis (SE2, SE3) and B. velezensis (SE15). The biochemical characterization assays showed that some of these strains could produce hydrogen cyanide (HCN), protease, cellulase and indole acetic acid (IAA). Few strains (SE1 and SE4) were phosphate solubilizers, whereas nine isolates were found to be diazotrophs. Most of the bacterial isolates were found antagonistic to Fusarium sacchari, the sugarcane wilt pathogen under in vitro conditions. Overall, the results suggested the scope and potentiality of sugarcane endophytic bacteria, isolated from tissue culture plantlets, in promoting plant growth and suppression of sugarcane pathogen. 展开更多
关键词 BACILLUS Fusarium sacchari PAENIBACILLUS antimicrobial peptides.
Improvement of light uniformity by lighting arrangement for standardized crop production
作者 Lee Hwa-Soo Kwon Sook-Youn Lim Jae-Hyun 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第11期4311-4319,共9页
In a commercialized, fully artificial plant factory, artificial luminaire is arranged in a unified way using a general illumination theory, an actual measurement, or an empirical methodology. However, with these metho... In a commercialized, fully artificial plant factory, artificial luminaire is arranged in a unified way using a general illumination theory, an actual measurement, or an empirical methodology. However, with these methods, lightings are implemented without considering specific optical characteristics of lighting or material characteristics of each component that constructs a cultivation system, resulting in an amount of light that becomes irregular. The amount of lighting is closely related with the growth and quality of crops, and the deviation between points where cultivated crops are located causes quality difference in the produced crops, thus impairing the economic feasibility of a plant factory. In this regard, a simulation to figure out an optimum lighting layout was performed. Arrangements based on the spectrum distribution of light source and reflector materials were implemented to ascertain the distance between lighting and height of lighting and gather information in the pre-treatment process to improve the uniformity of light in the plant cultivation system. Improvement of around 15% in light uniformity is achieved compared with the existing system after the simulation is carried out. This result would reduce the deviation in crop growth to make uniform quality crop production possible. 展开更多
关键词 high-quality crop light uniformity improvement optimal lighting layout fully artificial plant factory Relux simulation
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