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生物磁技术在工农业的应用及其机理探讨 被引量:27
作者 毛宁 黄谚谚 《激光生物学报》 CAS CSCD 1998年第4期306-309,共4页
关键词 生物磁技术 化水
生物磁技术在食用菌栽培中的应用 被引量:3
作者 刘银春 《物理》 CAS 北大核心 1996年第8期488-490,共3页
用磁场处理水(简称磁水,下同)喷浇食用菌能获得高产,这是生物磁技术在食用菌栽培中应用的新成果.实验表明:用磁水拌料加菇期喷浇磁水的方法最好,它可使食用菌增产10%—50%;磁水能使纤维素酶、脂酶、淀粉酶等酶的活性增加... 用磁场处理水(简称磁水,下同)喷浇食用菌能获得高产,这是生物磁技术在食用菌栽培中应用的新成果.实验表明:用磁水拌料加菇期喷浇磁水的方法最好,它可使食用菌增产10%—50%;磁水能使纤维素酶、脂酶、淀粉酶等酶的活性增加,加速了纤维素、脂肪、淀粉等养分的分解,并提高这些养分的利用率,达到增产的效果。 展开更多
关键词 食用菌 水器 生物磁技术
作者 季洁 郭义 王一民 《针灸临床杂志》 2008年第4期46-48,共3页
目的:总结生物磁检测技术在实验针灸学中的应用现状,为科研提供依据和思路。方法:检索相关文献50余篇,选用其中具有代表性的篇目22篇,从经络腧穴、针刺机理及临床治疗等方面介绍了近年的研究状况。结果:生物磁检测技术为实验针灸学理论... 目的:总结生物磁检测技术在实验针灸学中的应用现状,为科研提供依据和思路。方法:检索相关文献50余篇,选用其中具有代表性的篇目22篇,从经络腧穴、针刺机理及临床治疗等方面介绍了近年的研究状况。结果:生物磁检测技术为实验针灸学理论和技术的不断深化和发展提供了较好的手段。结论:生物磁检测技术在实验针灸学中的应用具有广阔的前景。 展开更多
关键词 生物检测技术 实验针灸 综述
生物磁学与生活 被引量:14
作者 高丽松 《广东教育学院学报》 2002年第2期52-56,75,共6页
关键词 生物 化水 生物磁技术 生物效应
2003-2004年生物磁学研究和应用的新进展 被引量:34
作者 李国栋 《生物磁学》 2004年第4期25-27,共3页
本综述性论文开始写于 1 979年 ,其后每年撰写。每年撰写的内容包含 :①生物磁场 ;②磁场生物效应 ;③生物磁技术 ;④生物磁法研究 ;
关键词 生物 生物效应 生物磁技术 生物 新进展 研究 综述 撰写 论文
2001-2002年生物磁学新进展综述 被引量:11
作者 李国栋 《生物磁学》 2003年第1期3-5,共3页
本综述自1979年开始每年撰写。最初在《中华物理医学》杂志发表,1994年起在《生物磁学》杂志发表。每年综述均介绍当时国内外生物磁学的若干重要新进展。内容包括:生物磁场和生物磁性;磁场生物效应;生物磁技术;生物系统磁法研究;生物磁... 本综述自1979年开始每年撰写。最初在《中华物理医学》杂志发表,1994年起在《生物磁学》杂志发表。每年综述均介绍当时国内外生物磁学的若干重要新进展。内容包括:生物磁场和生物磁性;磁场生物效应;生物磁技术;生物系统磁法研究;生物磁学应用。 展开更多
关键词 生物 生物 生物 生物效应 生物磁技术 生物系统法研究 生物学应用
2002-2003年生物磁学新进展 被引量:5
作者 李国栋 《生物磁学》 2003年第4期1-3,共3页
这一新进展综述自1979年开始每年撰写。最初在《中华物理医学杂志》发表,1994年起在《生物磁学》杂志发表。每年综述均介绍当时国内外生物磁学的若干重要的新进展。内容包括:生物磁场和生物磁性;磁场生物效应;生物磁技术;生物系统磁法研... 这一新进展综述自1979年开始每年撰写。最初在《中华物理医学杂志》发表,1994年起在《生物磁学》杂志发表。每年综述均介绍当时国内外生物磁学的若干重要的新进展。内容包括:生物磁场和生物磁性;磁场生物效应;生物磁技术;生物系统磁法研究;生物磁学应用。 展开更多
关键词 生物 生物 生物 生物效应 生物磁技术
2004-2005年生物磁学研究和应用的新进展 被引量:4
作者 李国栋 《生物磁学》 2006年第1期66-68,共3页
关键词 生物 生物 生物 生物效应 生物磁技术 生物应用
作者 李国栋 《生物磁学》 2000年第1期2-5,共4页
关键词 生物 生物效应 生物磁技术 生物 研究进展 1998年 1999年
《生物医学工程学进展》 CAS 1994年第1期9-9,共1页
关键词 生物磁技术 计算机处理 扫描装置 源成像 瞬时性 共振成 场强度 三维图像
核磁共振技术在医学临床的应用 被引量:6
作者 赵桂生 《中国卫生产业》 2011年第4期84-84,共1页
核磁共振是一种物理现象,作为一种分析手段广泛应用于物理、化学生物等领域,到1973年才将它用于医学临床检测。为了避免与核医学中放射成像混淆,把它称为核磁共振成像术(MR)。MR是一种生物磁自旋成像技术,它是利用原子核自旋运动的特点... 核磁共振是一种物理现象,作为一种分析手段广泛应用于物理、化学生物等领域,到1973年才将它用于医学临床检测。为了避免与核医学中放射成像混淆,把它称为核磁共振成像术(MR)。MR是一种生物磁自旋成像技术,它是利用原子核自旋运动的特点,在外加磁场内,经射频脉冲激后产生信号,用探测器检测并输入计算机,经过处理转换在屏幕上显示图像。它对疾病的诊断具有很大的潜在优越性,对检测脑内血肿、脑外血肿、脑肿瘤、颅内动脉瘤、动静脉血管畸形、脑缺血、椎管内肿瘤、脊髓空洞症和脊髓积水等颅脑常见疾病非常有效,同时对腰椎间盘后突、原发性肝癌等疾病的诊断也很有效。 展开更多
关键词 物理现象 生物自旋成像技术 自旋运动 潜在优越性核共振
作者 刘志强 石光森 《畜牧市场》 1995年第2期76-77,共2页
磁混肥的研创与展望刘志强,石光森编者按:磁混肥作为一种新型物理化学肥料,正逐渐得到人们的亲睐和重视。为了更好地宣传磁混肥,使其广泛地应用于生产实践中,本刊从这期起,开辟磁混肥专栏,陆续介绍磁混肥在小麦、水稻、蔬菜等作... 磁混肥的研创与展望刘志强,石光森编者按:磁混肥作为一种新型物理化学肥料,正逐渐得到人们的亲睐和重视。为了更好地宣传磁混肥,使其广泛地应用于生产实践中,本刊从这期起,开辟磁混肥专栏,陆续介绍磁混肥在小麦、水稻、蔬菜等作物上的增产效应.磁混肥是80年代末... 展开更多
关键词 混肥 粉煤灰 性复合肥 中南电力设计院 土壤生态系统 西南农业大学 处理 品质改善 市场前景 生物磁技术
作者 袁启明 《医疗装备》 1995年第1期10-11,共2页
美推出牙科X射线新装置(袁启明)美国亚利桑那大学放射学家HansRoehring研制成一种新的电子X射线系统,它能使人们牙齿的图像出现在电子计算机的屏幕上,加快了牙科检查速度,且更为安全。新系统使用电子探测器代替了X... 美推出牙科X射线新装置(袁启明)美国亚利桑那大学放射学家HansRoehring研制成一种新的电子X射线系统,它能使人们牙齿的图像出现在电子计算机的屏幕上,加快了牙科检查速度,且更为安全。新系统使用电子探测器代替了X光胶片,与传统的X光技术相比,所产... 展开更多
关键词 美国 牙科X射线 医疗设备 生物磁技术
Effects of anatomical position on esophageal transit time:A biomagnetic diagnostic technique 被引量:1
作者 Teodoro Cordova-Fraga Modesto Sosa +4 位作者 Carlos Wiechers Jose Maria De la Roca-Chiapas Alejandro Maldonado Moreles Jesus Bernal-Alvarado Raquel Huerta-Franco 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第37期5707-5711,共5页
AIM: To study the esophageal transit time (ETT) and compare its mean value among three anatomical inclinations of the body; and to analyze the correlation of ETT to body mass index (BMI). METHODS: A biomagnetic ... AIM: To study the esophageal transit time (ETT) and compare its mean value among three anatomical inclinations of the body; and to analyze the correlation of ETT to body mass index (BMI). METHODS: A biomagnetic technique was implemented to perform this study: (1) The transit time of a magnetic marker (MM) through the esophagus was measured using two fluxgate sensors placed over the chest of 14 healthy subjects; (2) the EIF was assessed in three anatomical positions (at upright, fowler, and supine positions; 90°, 45° and 0°, respectively). RESULTS: ANOVA and Tuckey post-hoc tests demonstrated significant differences between E-IT mean of the different positions. The ETT means were 5.2 ± 1.1 s, 6.1 ± 1.5 s, and 23.6 ± 9.2 s for 90°, 45° and 0°, respectively. Pearson correlation results were r = -0.716 and P 〈 0.001 by subjects' anatomical position, and r = -0.024 and P 〉 0.05 according the subject's BMI. CONCLUSION: We demonstrated that using this biomagnetic technique, it is possible to measure the ETT and the effects of the anatomical position on the ETT. 展开更多
关键词 Transit time Magnetic marker ESOPHAGUS Anatomical position NON-INVASIVE
Bioleaching of sphalerite by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans cultured in 9K medium modified with pyrrhotite 被引量:5
作者 陈松 邱冠周 +1 位作者 覃文庆 蓝卓越 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2008年第4期503-507,共5页
Elective culture of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans in 9K medium modified with pyrrhotite was studied.Bioleaching of flotation concentrate of sphalerite by the selected bacteria was ca... Elective culture of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans in 9K medium modified with pyrrhotite was studied.Bioleaching of flotation concentrate of sphalerite by the selected bacteria was carried out.The results show that the microorganisms cultured by pyrrhotite are a mixture of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans,of which the capability to oxidize ferrous to ferric irons is enhanced by the high mass ratio of Fe to S in pyrrhotite.Three pyrrhotite samples were separated into various parts with corresponding S/Fe ratios by magnetic separation and were used to culture the elective bacteria as the substrate.The association of the cultures could provide a more rapid and complete oxidation of sphalerite than that of bacteria cultivated by conventional methods. 展开更多
Biological effect of expression of exogenous human nuclear receptor hLRH-1 in SW480 cells and its molecular mechanism 被引量:1
作者 Shuiliang Wang Yingmeng Zheng Fenghua Lan 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2007年第3期228-231,共4页
Objective: To explore the possible biological function of human nuclear receptor hLRH-1 in tumorigenesis and progress of colon cancer. Methods: Plasmids pcDNA3-hLRH-1 were introduced into SW480 cells via lipofectami... Objective: To explore the possible biological function of human nuclear receptor hLRH-1 in tumorigenesis and progress of colon cancer. Methods: Plasmids pcDNA3-hLRH-1 were introduced into SW480 cells via lipofectamine. The expression of mRNA and protein of exogenous hLRH-1 were detected by RT-PCR and western blotting, respectively. MTT assay was carried out to survey the proliferation of SW480 cells with overexpression of hLRH-1. Meanwhile, the expression of proliferation-related genes cyclin E1 and cyclin D1, and apoptosis-related genes PTEN and Rbl, were analyzed by realtime RT-PCR. Results: The proliferation of SW480 cells was promoted under the condition of overexpression of hLRH-1. The expression of cyclin E1 was up-regulated significantly, while that of PTEN and Rbl were down-regulated in SW480 cells with overexpressed hLRH-1. Conclusion: The expression of exogenous hLRH-1 in SW480 cells induced the proliferation resulting form up-regulation of cyclin E1, as well as participated in the regulation of apoptosis via influencing the expression of PTEN and Rb1. 展开更多
关键词 nuclear receptor hLRH-1 colon cancer expression of exogenous gene biological effect
Using Magnetic Technique to Increase Efficiency of Organic Pollutants Biodegradation in Wastewater
作者 Khalid Falih Hassan Suadad Awad Kadhim +1 位作者 Noor Nihad Baqer Elaaf Safa Al-deen Hassan 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2016年第1期21-32,共12页
The intensity of Magnetic field by 200, 300 and 400 gaos were selective to study their impacts on bacteria Bacillus, Pseudomonas and yeasts Candida dubliniensis, Candida glabrata, lssatchenkia orientalis and Rhodotoru... The intensity of Magnetic field by 200, 300 and 400 gaos were selective to study their impacts on bacteria Bacillus, Pseudomonas and yeasts Candida dubliniensis, Candida glabrata, lssatchenkia orientalis and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa growth and to reduce organic pollutants in wastewater by COD, TOC, TN and TP in concentrations of 180, 75, 52 and 84 ppm in pH 7.6 and treatment periods of 2, 4, 6 and 18 h in batch system. Results showed that magnetic field 300 gaos had higher ability to increase bacterial and yeasts growth by 400-600% in 18 h and reduced COD, TOC, TN and TP by 88, 85, 90 and 98.5% in same period treatment. While, the intensity of magnetic field 200 and 400 gaos have no effect on microorganisms growth and reducing organic pollutants. This study is first record for showing and explaining the positive effective of magnetic field on microorganisms growth. 展开更多
关键词 MAGNETIC YEAST bacteria increase growth BIODEGRADATION wastewater.
Magnetization of microorganism cells by thermal decomposition method 被引量:5
作者 ZHANG DeYuan ZHANG WenQiang CAI Jun 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1275-1280,共6页
The bio-limited forming technology, a new technology organically integrating microbiology, manufacturing science and materials science, is used in the manufacturing of magnetic or conductive microstructures of differe... The bio-limited forming technology, a new technology organically integrating microbiology, manufacturing science and materials science, is used in the manufacturing of magnetic or conductive microstructures of different standard shapes. This paper explores the feasibility of magnetizing microorganism with thermal decomposition method. The principle of thermal decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl has been adopted to investigate the cells of Spirulina (a type of nature micro-helical microorganism) coated with pure iron. Further analysis have been conducted on the observations results of hollow micro-helical magnetic particles form, components and the phase structure obtained by using various tools including optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray detector (EDX), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). Results showed that Spirulina cells could be coated with iron particles after the completion of thermal decomposition process, with well-kept shape of natural helixes and consistent components of different sampling points on the surface layer and thickness of layer. After the heat treatment at 700°C, the type of the surface iron layer formed was α-Fe. The paper also investigates the kinetics of the cell magnetization technology by thermal decomposition. 展开更多
关键词 BIO-MANUFACTURING bio-limited forming hollow micro-helical magnetic particles Fe(CO)5 thermal decomposition
Magnetic nanoparticles based cancer therapy: current status and applications 被引量:10
作者 Huan Zhang Xiao Li Liu +5 位作者 Yi Fan Zhang Fei Gao Ga Long Li Yuan He Ming Li Peng Hai Ming Fan 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期400-414,共15页
Nanotechnology holds a promising potential for developing biomedical nanoplatforms in cancer therapy. The magnetic nanoparticles, which integrate uniquely appealing features of magnetic manipulation, nanoscale heat ge... Nanotechnology holds a promising potential for developing biomedical nanoplatforms in cancer therapy. The magnetic nanoparticles, which integrate uniquely appealing features of magnetic manipulation, nanoscale heat generator, localized magnetic field and enzyme-mimics, prompt the development and application of magnetic nanoparticles-based cancer medicine. Considerable success has been achieved in improving the magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) sensitivity, and the therapeutic function of the magnetic nanoparticles should be given adequate attention. This work reviews the current status and applications of magnetic nanoparticles based cancer therapy. The advantages of magnetic nanoparticles that may contribute to improved therapeutics efficacy of clinic cancer treatment are highlighted here. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic nanoparticles therapeutic delivery magnetic hyperthermia treatment THERANOSTICS
Research on magnetic metallization of microorganism cells using electroplating technique 被引量:3
作者 CAI Jun ZHANG DeYuan +1 位作者 LAN MingMing LIAN ZhiYang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第6期1525-1531,共7页
Spirulina platensis were chosen as templates to produce microscopic helical soft-core magnetic particles by way of depositing ferromagnetic alloy onto their surface using electroplating technique,and the process of el... Spirulina platensis were chosen as templates to produce microscopic helical soft-core magnetic particles by way of depositing ferromagnetic alloy onto their surface using electroplating technique,and the process of electroplating ferromagnetic alloy onto microorganism cells was studied.The morphology and appearance of the coated Spirulina platensis were analyzed with optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy,respectively,and the ingredients and phase structure of the alloy coating were analyzed with energy dispersive X-ray detector(EDX) and X-ray diffractive analysis(XRD),respectively.The result showed that the particles were successfully coated with uniform metal coating and their initial helical shape was perfectly replicated.The coating was NiFe alloy,and its phase structure was face-centered cubic structure.The magnetic properties of the coated particles were tested with vibrating sample magnetometer(VSM),and the result showed that the particles were ferro-magnetic,which means the magnetic electroplating of the microorganism cells was successfully achieved.The electrochemical reaction mechanism of the magnetic plating process was also analyzed;the result showed that the deposition of NiFe on the microorganism cells was anomalous codeposition,and that Fe2+ ion was preferential deposited when magnetic stirring was applied. 展开更多
关键词 bio-limited forming MICROORGANISM helical particles ELECTROPLATING magnetic metallization
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