There is a strong relation among qi, time, and acupuncture. This relation is so close, that it can be said it is of yin-yang nature. Qi stands for yin, time for yang. This fact and its application in acupuncture are k...There is a strong relation among qi, time, and acupuncture. This relation is so close, that it can be said it is of yin-yang nature. Qi stands for yin, time for yang. This fact and its application in acupuncture are known since the times, the Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon) was written. The theory of time-related acupuncture, referred to as traditional Chinese chronotherapeutics or chronoacupuncture. In order to achieve better results in acupuncture, time-related acupuncture methods as represented in traditional Chinese chronotherapeufics should be applied in clinic regularly. Furthermore, they should become compulsory for the study of acupuncture.展开更多
文摘There is a strong relation among qi, time, and acupuncture. This relation is so close, that it can be said it is of yin-yang nature. Qi stands for yin, time for yang. This fact and its application in acupuncture are known since the times, the Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon) was written. The theory of time-related acupuncture, referred to as traditional Chinese chronotherapeutics or chronoacupuncture. In order to achieve better results in acupuncture, time-related acupuncture methods as represented in traditional Chinese chronotherapeufics should be applied in clinic regularly. Furthermore, they should become compulsory for the study of acupuncture.