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生物质热电项目取用水合理性分析 被引量:2
作者 唐伟霄 于文祥 +1 位作者 刘松涛 张新星 《陕西水利》 2019年第3期52-53,56,共3页
根据淮阴区生物质热电项目所在区域水资源基本情况,对建设项目取用水合理性进行分析。结果表明:本项目取用水方案基本合理,取水和退水对区域水资源及其他用水户的影响较小。建议项目单位在取水口处安装计量设施,以便水行政主管部门对水... 根据淮阴区生物质热电项目所在区域水资源基本情况,对建设项目取用水合理性进行分析。结果表明:本项目取用水方案基本合理,取水和退水对区域水资源及其他用水户的影响较小。建议项目单位在取水口处安装计量设施,以便水行政主管部门对水资源的统一管理;遇到特殊干旱年区间水量不能满足区间用水需要压缩工业用水时,项目单位应服从水行政主管部门的统一调度,确保特殊干旱时期的用水秩序。可为生物质热电项目水资源保护提供技术支持。 展开更多
关键词 生物质热电 取用水 合理性 分析
村镇人口密度对生物质热电厂运输成本的影响 被引量:1
作者 张一飞 马克尼 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第10期157-163,共7页
具备热电联产功能的生物质热电厂相对于生物质发电厂具有更高的能源利用效率,不仅可以满足冬季采暖需求,而且更适合于寒冷地区村镇体系发展生物质能源,但目前其发展受成本制约严重,而运输成本是关系运营成本的重要问题之一.为实现根据... 具备热电联产功能的生物质热电厂相对于生物质发电厂具有更高的能源利用效率,不仅可以满足冬季采暖需求,而且更适合于寒冷地区村镇体系发展生物质能源,但目前其发展受成本制约严重,而运输成本是关系运营成本的重要问题之一.为实现根据研究区域内村镇人口密度数据来提升生物质热电厂运输成本的研究目的,依据不同农作物地理分布状态测算生物质潜能,运用GIS分析工具的网络分析、邻近分、叠加分析等方法,依托人口分布与能源需求数据确定生物质热电厂位置与服务区域,采用含收费、油耗、路况多种干扰因素的公式计算生物质热电厂原料供应范围与运输成本,形成区域范围内优化运输路径.分析结果表明,根据能源完全自给自足的假设前提进行判断,生物质热电厂仅适合于人口密度较低的村镇体系,供应范围随着村镇人口密度增加呈现反S曲线形态,运输成本随着村镇人口密度增加呈现指数曲线形态,当区域范围内村镇人口密度小于65人/km^2时建设生物质热电厂的整体运营效率更高. 展开更多
关键词 村镇 人口密度 生物质热电 供应范围 运输成本
生物质热电企业内部控制存在的问题及对策研究 被引量:1
作者 任东丁 孙兴旺 梁运吉 《现代审计与会计》 2022年第11期46-48,共3页
不同于传统意义上的火力热电企业,生物质热电企业作为生物质能源控制业链中的重要一环,在提高发电供热效率、减少农林业废物、维护生态环境等方面表现卓越。但现阶段我国生物质热电行业处于起步阶段,仍然存在较多问题。针对以上情况,笔... 不同于传统意义上的火力热电企业,生物质热电企业作为生物质能源控制业链中的重要一环,在提高发电供热效率、减少农林业废物、维护生态环境等方面表现卓越。但现阶段我国生物质热电行业处于起步阶段,仍然存在较多问题。针对以上情况,笔者提出了相应的内部控制措施,希望企业能够根据自身发展情况进行有效调整,促进我国经济长效可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 生物质热电企业 内部控制 问题对策
浅析秸秆综合利用生物质热电项目模式——依托阜蒙县惠农生物质热电有限公司 被引量:1
作者 裴海全 《现代农业》 2020年第9期82-83,共2页
关键词 秸秆 惠农 生物质热电 模式
内蒙古农作物秸秆生物质热电产业发展优势探讨 被引量:1
作者 单松 张军 《环境与发展》 2013年第1期143-146,共4页
开发和利用秸秆生物质能对促进社会经济的发展和改善生态环境具有重大意义。内蒙古是农作物秸秆资源蕴含丰富的省区,本文通过对内蒙古秸秆生物质资源现状分析的基础上,简单介绍了生物质热电产业状况和良好的政策环境,探讨内蒙古发展秸... 开发和利用秸秆生物质能对促进社会经济的发展和改善生态环境具有重大意义。内蒙古是农作物秸秆资源蕴含丰富的省区,本文通过对内蒙古秸秆生物质资源现状分析的基础上,简单介绍了生物质热电产业状况和良好的政策环境,探讨内蒙古发展秸秆生物质热电产业的优势。 展开更多
关键词 秸秆资源 生物质热电产业 产业政策 生态效益
作者 马晨烁 张一飞 《当代建筑》 2020年第11期132-135,共4页
现阶段,我国存在生物质载体浪费的问题,本文以提供生物质能规划的数据参考为目的,寻求地理纬度对原料消耗量的影响。通过能源消耗量,结合热效率指标计算人均原料消耗量,并建立与地理纬度的回归模型。结果表明,非采暖期二者呈线性负相关... 现阶段,我国存在生物质载体浪费的问题,本文以提供生物质能规划的数据参考为目的,寻求地理纬度对原料消耗量的影响。通过能源消耗量,结合热效率指标计算人均原料消耗量,并建立与地理纬度的回归模型。结果表明,非采暖期二者呈线性负相关关系,采暖期呈线性正相关关系。此外,对部分城市采暖期提出了修改建议,以期减少能源浪费。 展开更多
关键词 生物质热电 地理纬度 原料消耗量 能源需求量 采暖期
作者 何奕玲 《能量转换利用研究动态》 2001年第3期2-3,共2页
关键词 热能学 动力工程 芬兰 Fortum公司 生物质热电 成套技术
生物质热电厂建设规划与优化 被引量:1
作者 任峰 《电力建设》 2010年第12期11-13,共3页
生物质热电厂的规划与优化,直接关系到热电厂的经济运行、生物质资源的高效利用和环境保护。在构建生物质热电厂选址评价指标体系的基础上,利用粗糙集信息熵和属性重要度方法获得完全信息驱动的指标权重,通过专家群决策将定量和定性信... 生物质热电厂的规划与优化,直接关系到热电厂的经济运行、生物质资源的高效利用和环境保护。在构建生物质热电厂选址评价指标体系的基础上,利用粗糙集信息熵和属性重要度方法获得完全信息驱动的指标权重,通过专家群决策将定量和定性信息相结合,得出选址的优先次序。建立生物质热电厂多目标混合整数优化模型,充分考虑建厂的经济性和平均综合效益,在满足现实热负荷需求的情况下,实现了建厂成本最少化和平均综合效益最大化,得出建厂规模和供热调度的优化方案。算例表明生物质热电厂规划优化模型具有一定的科学性和实用性。 展开更多
关键词 粗糙集 多目标规划 生物质热电 规划与优化 节能减排 环境保护
寒区热电厂中水水源论证 被引量:1
作者 邓国立 刘艳艳 《黑龙江水专学报》 2009年第2期72-75,共4页
面临资源严重紧缺的现状,作为新型节能减排工程的中水生物质发电工程将在一定程度上缓解资源危机。建设项目水源论证是水资源可持续利用的重要环节。在明确论证目标的基础上,对基于中水的寒区生物质热电厂取水水源论证的论证思路和方法... 面临资源严重紧缺的现状,作为新型节能减排工程的中水生物质发电工程将在一定程度上缓解资源危机。建设项目水源论证是水资源可持续利用的重要环节。在明确论证目标的基础上,对基于中水的寒区生物质热电厂取水水源论证的论证思路和方法进行了详细分析、梳理和归纳。以黑龙江省友谊县国电红兴隆生物质发电工程取水水源论证为例进行了实证分析,结果表明,所归纳的思路和方法是可行的。为今后分析中水作为寒区生物质热电厂取水水源的可行性和可靠性提出了一套可供操作的计算论证策略,丰富了建设项目水资源论证的实践研究。 展开更多
关键词 中水 生物质热电 取水 论证 寒区
前进热电厂混合取水水源论证 被引量:3
作者 崔凤友 《黑龙江水专学报》 2009年第4期113-115,共3页
在建设项目水资源论证实例中,对于中水与其他形式水源作为混合取水水源的生物质热电厂水源论证的研究较少,规范中也尚存在不明确的地方。结合黑龙江省国电前进生物质热电水资源论证的实践,对利用混合水源的生物质热电厂区域水资源形势... 在建设项目水资源论证实例中,对于中水与其他形式水源作为混合取水水源的生物质热电厂水源论证的研究较少,规范中也尚存在不明确的地方。结合黑龙江省国电前进生物质热电水资源论证的实践,对利用混合水源的生物质热电厂区域水资源形势、供水水源选择及其可行性分析、取退水影响等内容进行探究与梳理,以丰富建设项目水资源论证的实例研究,同时为其他相关实践提供一定的参考借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 中水 混合取水水源 生物质热电 论证
《电力设备》 2004年第4期85-86,共2页
江苏省赣榆引资4亿建生物质热电厂近日,赣榆县引资4亿元兴建的连云港环保生物质热电项目顺利通过评审,并开始动工兴建。投资4亿元在江苏省赣榆经济开发区兴建的热电厂,是利用煤、稻、麦秸杆等生物质发电的环保项目。一期工程投资近1.5亿... 江苏省赣榆引资4亿建生物质热电厂近日,赣榆县引资4亿元兴建的连云港环保生物质热电项目顺利通过评审,并开始动工兴建。投资4亿元在江苏省赣榆经济开发区兴建的热电厂,是利用煤、稻、麦秸杆等生物质发电的环保项目。一期工程投资近1.5亿元,2004年10月竣工后可并网发电,二期工程投资2.5亿元。工程全部完工后,年可发电1.6亿kWh。 展开更多
关键词 江苏 赣榆县 生物质热电 河南省神力集团 垃圾焚烧热电联产项目 福州江阴火电厂
Physical and electromagnetic shielding properties of green carbon foam prepared from biomaterials 被引量:2
作者 Ru-min WANG Ke-zhi LI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第1期103-113,共11页
100%green carbon foam from the fibrous fruits of Platanus Orientalis-L(Plane)along with the tar oil as binder has been prepared using a powder molding technique.The objective was to develop a porous monolithic carbon ... 100%green carbon foam from the fibrous fruits of Platanus Orientalis-L(Plane)along with the tar oil as binder has been prepared using a powder molding technique.The objective was to develop a porous monolithic carbon from biomaterials with a considerable strength necessary for various physical,thermal and electromagnetic shielding applications.Fast carbonization was carried out at1000°C under the cover of Plane tree pyrolyzed seeds without using any external protective gas.For comparative analysis,some samples were mixed with5%(mass fraction)iron chloride during the molding process.Iron chloride being a graphitization catalyst and activating agent helped in increasing the specific surface area from88to294m2/g with a25%decrease in flexural strength.Thermal stability was improved due to the incorporation of more graphitic phases in the sample resulting in a little higher thermal conductivity from0.22to0.67W/(m·K).The catalytic carbon foam exhibited shielding effectiveness of more than20dB over the X-band frequency.Absorption was dominant with only8.26%?10.33%reflectance,indicating an absorption dominant shielding mechanism.The new material is quite suitable for high temperature thermal insulation being lightweight,highly porous with interconnected porous morphology most of which is preserved from the original biomaterial. 展开更多
关键词 carbon foam BIOMASS PYROLYSIS powder molding electromagnetic properties
Application of Waste Biomass Pyrolysis Oil in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine: For a Small Scale Non-Grid Electrification
作者 Sunbong Lee Lihao Chen +1 位作者 Koji Yoshida Kunio Yoshikawa 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2015年第11期929-943,共15页
The population which could not access to electricity was around 1.2 billion in 2010 and is distributed in many low developing countries. With the increase in the population and the economic growth in those countries, ... The population which could not access to electricity was around 1.2 billion in 2010 and is distributed in many low developing countries. With the increase in the population and the economic growth in those countries, waste generation is growing rapid especially for the organic and the plastic, and the uncontrolled waste disposal is becoming more serious issues to manage it. The interest on waste to energy is growing by the above drivers. This research was carried out for aiming to the real world adaption at the minimum cost of the pyrolysis oil from waste biomass in a diesel engine, mainly for electricity generation. The proposal of the appropriate adaptable blend ratio was the major scope rather than the optimization of the engine parameters. For the sake of it, the pyrolysis oil of the waste biomass was produced from a gasification pilot plant in Japan and blended with biodiesel at minimum effort. A small single cylinder diesel engine (direct injection) was used for the experiment with regard to full load power-output, exhaust emissions and fuel consumption. 展开更多
关键词 Waste biomass PYROLYSIS BLEND direct injection diesel engine exhaust emissions.
Solid Particle Emission Abatement from Biomass-Fired Boilers at District Heating Plants
作者 Egils Dzelzitis Aldis Jegeris +1 位作者 Agnese Lickrastina Normunds Talcis 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2016年第3期173-182,共10页
The district heating company "Rigas siltums" operates biomass fuelled boiler in Riga city. Three systems consisting ofbiomass boilers having a comparatively similar heat capacity and particle abatement units like mu... The district heating company "Rigas siltums" operates biomass fuelled boiler in Riga city. Three systems consisting ofbiomass boilers having a comparatively similar heat capacity and particle abatement units like multicyclons, electrostatic precipitators and flue gas condensers are compared. The main goal of the study is to evaluate the boiler plant as a system where solid particles are both emitted and caught. The results show that, the particulate matter can be efficiently trapped from flue gases by the particle abatement technologies, and the electrostatic precipitator with sufficiently large collection surfaces is able to provide appropriate flue gas treatment of the particulate matter in the biomass boilers also without pre-cleaning of the flue gas in multieyelons. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMASS district heating plant particulate formation particulate abatement.
Exploring aramid as emerging contender for CO_2 capture
作者 Sonia Zulfiqar Muhammad Ilyas Sarwar 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第7期850-855,共6页
To prevent CO_2 accumulation in the atmosphere generated from scorching of fossil fuels, carbon capture and sequestration(CCS) technology is considered as a potential route to mitigate the emissions of CO_2 from reach... To prevent CO_2 accumulation in the atmosphere generated from scorching of fossil fuels, carbon capture and sequestration(CCS) technology is considered as a potential route to mitigate the emissions of CO_2 from reaching the atmosphere. Power generation from sources such as gas, coal and biomass can fulfill the energy demand more readily than many other sources of electricity production. Thus these sources may be retained as important alternative option in the global energy cycle. In order to curtail CO_2, porous aramid network was fabricated by the condensation of 1,3,5-benzenetricarbonyl trichloride and 1,3-phenylenediamine in 1,4-dioxane solvent. Aramid was characterized for various analyses including FTIR, XRD, TGA, BET surface area and pore size analysis, FESEM and CO_2 adsorption measurements. Excellent thermal stability was provided by strong amide linkages in the polymer backbone. Optimum CO_2 uptake of aramid was achieved to be 23.14 mg·g^(-1) at 273 K at 0.1 MPa. The basic amide groups of network structure showed greater affinity for CO_2.Excellent thermal stability of aramid makes it a promising sorbent for CO_2 capture in adverse conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Greenhouse gasCO2 capturePolymers
Characterization of Thailand Rice Husk Ash from Biomass Power Plant and Synthesized Zeolite
作者 Chawikarn Santasnachok Winarto Kumiawan Hirofumi Hinode 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第3期127-130,共4页
Thailand rice husk ash was used to synthesize zeolite by hydrothermal treatment. Raw rice husk ash material and zeolitic products were characterized in terms of specific surface area (BET method), morphological anal... Thailand rice husk ash was used to synthesize zeolite by hydrothermal treatment. Raw rice husk ash material and zeolitic products were characterized in terms of specific surface area (BET method), morphological analysis (SEM), mineralogical composition (XRD) and CEC (cation exchange capacity). LOI (Loss of ignition) of rice husk ash was also evaluated. Result indicated that the rice husk ash sample from Roi-Et Green power plant in the Northeastern of Thailand with combustion temperature of 650 ℃ has a high content of SiO2 (above 90 wt.%). Zeolite-X from rice husk ash with high content of Si was successfully synthesized using hydrothermal treatment. The zeolitic material synthesized with the optimal condition possessed a maximum value of CEC of 503 meq/100g, and it has potentiality to be used as ion exchangers. 展开更多
关键词 ZEOLITE rice husk ash hydrothermal synthesis.
Evaluation of solar aided biomass power generation systems with parabolic trough field 被引量:15
作者 HOU HongJuan YANG YongPing +3 位作者 HU Eric SONG JiFeng DONG ChangQing MAO Jian 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第6期1455-1461,共7页
Solar and biomass are both renewable energy resources.Using biomass as fuel is becoming more and more attractive after governments increase the tariff for the electricity from the renewable sources.However the costs o... Solar and biomass are both renewable energy resources.Using biomass as fuel is becoming more and more attractive after governments increase the tariff for the electricity from the renewable sources.However the costs of power from a biomass power generation plant depend greatly on the availability and quality of the biomass resource.The commercialization of solar alone thermal power generation is hindered by its high initial investment and low thermal efficiency.In this paper,a concept of integrating solar into a biomass power generation system is put forward.In the system the oil heated by a parabolic trough solar field is used to replace the extraction steam to preheat the feed water(entering a biomass boiler) and the previous extraction steam thus saved can continue to do work in the lower stages of turbine.The performance of the hybrid system with different replacements is analyzed and compared through two typical solar aided biomass generating units.The results show that the integration not only reduces the consumption of biomass fuel(at the same generation capacity) but is also proved to be an efficient way to convert solar thermal energy into power.The results also show that with the same solar aperture area,the higher the grade of the replaced extraction steam,the better the thermal performance and economy. 展开更多
关键词 solar thermal power biomass power aided
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