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一种快速、高效分离微生物转化产物5-氟尿苷的方法 被引量:2
作者 姜立春 古静燕 +1 位作者 彭正松 阮期平 《天然产物研究与开发》 CAS CSCD 2007年第1期131-134,共4页
关键词 生物转化产物 5-氟尿苷 干燥柱真空色谱
煤生物转化产物作为水煤浆添加剂试验研究 被引量:1
作者 王龙贵 张明旭 +1 位作者 欧泽深 沈国娟 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2005年第11期76-78,共3页
本项研究通过培育微生物菌种,作用于经硝酸处理的褐煤样,得到煤生物转化产物。用此水溶性产物作为添加剂制备出水煤浆,与加与不加常规添加剂的两种水煤浆进行粘度对比试验,从考察了煤生物转化产物制备的水煤浆流变特性。结果显示使用煤... 本项研究通过培育微生物菌种,作用于经硝酸处理的褐煤样,得到煤生物转化产物。用此水溶性产物作为添加剂制备出水煤浆,与加与不加常规添加剂的两种水煤浆进行粘度对比试验,从考察了煤生物转化产物制备的水煤浆流变特性。结果显示使用煤生物转化产物作为水煤浆添加剂能制备出优质水煤浆。 展开更多
关键词 生物转化产物 生物菌种 水煤浆 粘度
煤生物转化产物应用于制备水煤浆的试验研究 被引量:1
作者 王龙贵 欧泽深 《煤炭转化》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期20-22,共3页
通过培育微生物菌种,并作用于经硝酸处理的褐煤样,得到煤生物转化产物.用此水溶性产物作为添加剂制备出水煤浆,与加与不加常规添加剂的两种水煤浆进行黏度对比试验,考察了煤生物转化产物制备的水煤浆的流变特性.结果表明,使用煤生物转... 通过培育微生物菌种,并作用于经硝酸处理的褐煤样,得到煤生物转化产物.用此水溶性产物作为添加剂制备出水煤浆,与加与不加常规添加剂的两种水煤浆进行黏度对比试验,考察了煤生物转化产物制备的水煤浆的流变特性.结果表明,使用煤生物转化产物作为水煤浆添加剂能制备出优质水煤浆. 展开更多
关键词 生物转化产物 生物菌种 水煤浆 黏度
银杏花粉黄酮苷的恶味乳杆菌B2生物转化产物及其抗氧化活性评价 被引量:2
作者 裘纪莹 魏朝治 +5 位作者 陈相艳 杨金玉 张翔 陈蕾蕾 王易芬 李大鹏 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第21期203-209,共7页
目的:研究恶味乳杆菌B2(Lacbacillus perolens B2)生物转化对银杏花粉黄酮组分及其抗氧化活性的影响。方法:分析银杏花粉及其生物转化产物的提取物和各自石油醚相、乙酸乙酯相和正丁醇相萃取物的得率和高效液相色谱图,通过2,2’-连氮基-... 目的:研究恶味乳杆菌B2(Lacbacillus perolens B2)生物转化对银杏花粉黄酮组分及其抗氧化活性的影响。方法:分析银杏花粉及其生物转化产物的提取物和各自石油醚相、乙酸乙酯相和正丁醇相萃取物的得率和高效液相色谱图,通过2,2’-连氮基-双-(3-乙基苯并二氢噻唑啉-6-磺酸)、1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼自由基清除能力评价其体外抗氧化活性,通过对H_2O_2损伤小鼠巨噬细胞RAW264.7的保护作用评价其细胞抗氧化活性。结果:通过L. perolens B2的生物转化,提取物及各相萃取物得率均有所提高,银杏花粉主要黄酮苷被转化为以山柰酚为代表的黄酮苷元,并富集于乙酸乙酯萃取相。体外抗氧化活性评价显示,通过L. perolens B2的生物转化,提取物和各相萃取物的体外抗氧化能力均得到提高,其中生物转化产物的乙酸乙酯相萃取物的体外抗氧化活性最高。细胞实验显示,供试的银杏花粉及其生物转化产物的提取物和各自的乙酸乙酯相萃取物均可减缓由H_2O_2损伤导致的RAW264.7细胞凋亡,并且存在剂量依赖关系。生物转化产物的提取物及乙酸乙酯相萃取物对H_2O_2损伤RAW264.7细胞的保护能力均高于对应的银杏花粉样品,其中生物转化产物的乙酸乙酯相萃取物保护能力最强,当其质量浓度为15μg/mL时,几乎可以完全保护RAW264.7细胞不受H_2O_2损伤。结论:通过L. perolens B2的生物转化,银杏花粉主要黄酮苷被转化为以山柰酚为代表的黄酮苷元,提取物及各相萃取物的得率、体外抗氧化活性及对H_2O_2诱导损伤的RAW264.7细胞的保护作用均显著提高(P<0.05),其中生物转化产物的乙酸乙酯相萃取物抗氧化活性最高。 展开更多
关键词 银杏花粉 恶味乳杆菌B2 黄酮 生物转化产物 体外抗氧化活性 细胞抗氧化活性
低剂量T-2/HT-2毒素生物转化产物的遗传毒性研究 被引量:2
作者 邱妹 陈海燕 +4 位作者 孙力军 王雅玲 徐德峰 聂芳红 励建荣 《现代食品科技》 EI CAS 北大核心 2015年第8期42-46 36,共6页
本文为了研究低剂量T-2和HT-2毒素经弯曲假单胞菌(Pseudomonas geniculata)生物转化至无游离态毒素检出时,降解产物是否具有遗传毒性。通过连续7 d给小鼠灌胃不同剂量T-2/HT-2毒素降解产物,检测小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核率和精子致畸率... 本文为了研究低剂量T-2和HT-2毒素经弯曲假单胞菌(Pseudomonas geniculata)生物转化至无游离态毒素检出时,降解产物是否具有遗传毒性。通过连续7 d给小鼠灌胃不同剂量T-2/HT-2毒素降解产物,检测小鼠骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核率和精子致畸率。结果表明雄性小鼠产生的微核率均高于雌性小鼠,各剂量组的微核率与阴性组相比差异显著(P<0.05),10/20 ng/m L和25/50 ng/m L的雄性小鼠微核率与阳性组相比差异不显著(P>0.05)。2.5/5 ng/m L T-2/HT-2组的小鼠精子畸形与阴性组相比差异不显著(P>0.05),畸形精子主要表现为胖头和折尾,随着T-2、HT-2剂量的增加,小鼠精子畸形率呈线性增加。说明经过弯曲假单胞菌(Pseudomonas geniculata)转化的T-2和HT-2毒素仍具有遗传毒性,而且雄性比雌性易感性更强,同时为T-2和HT-2毒素生物转化物中存在结合态的T-2毒素提供佐证。 展开更多
关键词 T-2毒素 生物转化产物 微核实验 精子致畸
作者 徐诗伟 《医药工业》 CAS 1988年第3期120-125,共6页
关键词 高效液相色谱 11Α-羟基化 11β-羟基化 16α-羟基化 1 2-脱氢 A环芳构化 不对称还原 生物转化产物 甾体
HPLC法测定积雪草总苷转化产物中积雪草酸B单葡萄糖苷、羟基积雪草酸单葡萄糖苷和积雪草酸单葡萄糖苷的含量 被引量:2
作者 吴博 茅仁刚 +2 位作者 宋纯清 袁萍 叶晓平 《天然产物研究与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第B12期54-56,100,共4页
本文建立了积雪草总苷转化产物中积雪草酸B单葡萄糖苷、羟基积雪草酸单葡萄糖苷和积雪草酸单葡萄糖苷含量的测定方法。采用Agilent 1100 Series高效液相色谱仪,Welch Materials,XB-C18(250 mm×4.60 mm,5μm)色谱柱,流动相为乙腈-4 ... 本文建立了积雪草总苷转化产物中积雪草酸B单葡萄糖苷、羟基积雪草酸单葡萄糖苷和积雪草酸单葡萄糖苷含量的测定方法。采用Agilent 1100 Series高效液相色谱仪,Welch Materials,XB-C18(250 mm×4.60 mm,5μm)色谱柱,流动相为乙腈-4 mmol/Lβ-CD溶液(1~15 min:26∶74;15~45 min:28∶72;45~60 min:29∶71,磷酸调节至pH 2.8)梯度洗脱,流速为1.0 mL/min,柱温为30℃,检测波长为204 nm的方法。积雪草酸B单葡萄糖苷、羟基积雪草酸单葡萄糖苷和积雪草酸单葡萄糖苷依次在0.6~6.0μg、1.24~12.4μg和1.34~13.4μg范围内线性关系良好,Y=335.19X-4.7855(r=0.9999)、Y=303.61X-15.208(0.9998)和Y=281.77X-16.357(0.9999);平均加样回收率(n=6)依次为97.59%、100.19%和100.33%,RSD分别为1.70%、0.91%和0.45%。方法学研究结果表明该方法准确、可靠,适用于积雪草总苷转化产物中积雪草酸B单葡萄糖苷、羟基积雪草酸单葡萄糖苷和积雪草酸单葡萄糖苷的含量测定。 展开更多
关键词 积雪草酸B单葡萄糖苷 羟基积雪草酸单葡萄糖苷 积雪草酸单葡萄糖苷 流动相添加剂法 生物转化产物 积雪草苷 反相高效液相色谱法
球形红细菌生物转化2,4-二硝基甲苯及硝基还原酶性质 被引量:1
作者 王寿艳 白红娟 +1 位作者 赵婷婷 康鹏洲 《含能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期279-284,共6页
为了探索球形红细菌生物转化2,4-二硝基甲苯(2,4-DNT)的中间产物变化趋势及硝基还原酶性质,研究了不同氮源组合对球形红细菌生物转化2,4-DNT的效率及球形红细菌细胞生长的影响,测定了2,4-DNT及2,4-DNT生物转化产物在不同时间的浓度变化... 为了探索球形红细菌生物转化2,4-二硝基甲苯(2,4-DNT)的中间产物变化趋势及硝基还原酶性质,研究了不同氮源组合对球形红细菌生物转化2,4-DNT的效率及球形红细菌细胞生长的影响,测定了2,4-DNT及2,4-DNT生物转化产物在不同时间的浓度变化,用非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(native-PAGE)法分析了硝基还原酶的同工酶谱,测得了硝基还原酶的动力学参数。结果表明,球形红细菌转化2,4-DNT的最适组合氮源为(NH_4)_2SO_4/酵母膏;球形红细菌能够高效还原2,4-DNT为4-氨基-2-硝基甲苯(4A2NT)和2-氨基-4-硝基甲苯(2A4NT),但4A2NT的含量远大于2A4NT的含量,它们没有进一步还原为2,4-二氨基甲苯(2,4-DAT)。当2,4-DNT初始浓度为20、40和60 mg·L^(-1)时,对球形红细菌产生硝基还原酶活力有明显的促进作用,当2,4-DNT初始浓度为80 mg·L^(-1)时,对该酶活力有抑制作用;当pH值为7时,球形红细菌产生的硝基还原酶活力最高。球形红细菌中硝基还原酶的动力学参数,最大反应速率v_(max)和米氏常数K_m,分别为0.0507 mmol/(L·min)和0.1772 mmol·L^(-1)。 展开更多
关键词 球形红细菌 2 4-二硝基甲苯(2 4-DNT) 氮源 生物转化产物 硝基还原酶 同工酶 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳
桂枝汤及其生物转化模拟产物对IL-1β介导的bEnd.3细胞PGE_2代谢通路的影响 被引量:6
作者 陈冰 柏冬 +6 位作者 李沧海 张畅斌 牛晓红 李兰芳 郭淑英 宋剑南 姜廷良 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第16期128-132,共5页
目的:研究桂枝汤及其生物转化模拟产物对白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)介导的小鼠脑微血管内皮细胞株(bEnd.3)细胞前列腺素E2(PGE2)代谢通路的影响。方法:制备了桂枝汤及桂枝汤生物转化模拟产物的含药血清(分别设五个浓度组),采用酶联免疫吸附... 目的:研究桂枝汤及其生物转化模拟产物对白细胞介素-1β(IL-1β)介导的小鼠脑微血管内皮细胞株(bEnd.3)细胞前列腺素E2(PGE2)代谢通路的影响。方法:制备了桂枝汤及桂枝汤生物转化模拟产物的含药血清(分别设五个浓度组),采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)和免疫印记法(Western blot),观察桂枝汤及其生物转化模拟产物对IL-1β刺激的bEnd.3细胞磷酸化丝裂原活化的蛋白激酶p38(p-p38MAPK)、胞浆型磷脂酶A2(cPLA2)、分泌型磷脂酶A2(sPLA2)、环氧合酶2(COX-2)、前列腺素E合成酶(PGES)、15-羟基前列腺素脱氢酶(15-PGDH)、磷酸化核因子κB(p-NF-κB)以及前列腺素E2(PGE2)分泌及表达的影响。结果:IL-1β作用于细胞10 h后,各项指标均明显上调,与对照组比较,P<0.01。除质量终浓度为2.5%的桂枝汤含药血清对PGES,sPLA2;终浓度为1%的模拟药对PGES;终浓度为2.5%的含药血清对PGES,sPLA2,cPLA2作用不显著外,其他各浓度组与模型组比较均出现显著性差异。结论:桂枝汤及其生物转化模拟产物对IL-1β刺激bEnd.3细胞合成PGE2的代谢酶系统有不同程度的抑制作用,从而降低了前炎症介质和中枢发热介质PGE2的释放和分泌。结果提示,桂枝汤及其生物转化模拟产物对脑微血管内皮细胞分泌PGE2具有相似的药效,为模拟产物的应用和开发提供了实验支持。 展开更多
关键词 桂枝汤 生物转化模拟产物 脑微血管内皮细胞 前列腺素E2
Microbiological Transformation of Ginsenoside Rg_1 被引量:14
作者 董阿玲 崔亚君 +2 位作者 郭洪祝 郑俊华 果德安 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2001年第3期115-118,共4页
Forty-nine microbial strains were used to screen their ability for the microbiological transforma-tion of ginsenoside Rg1. Aspergillus niger (3.1858) and Absidia coerulea (3.3538) were found to convert ginsenoside Rg1... Forty-nine microbial strains were used to screen their ability for the microbiological transforma-tion of ginsenoside Rg1. Aspergillus niger (3.1858) and Absidia coerulea (3.3538) were found to convert ginsenoside Rg1 efficiently to less polar metabolites. Preparative scale transformation with both fungi Absidia coerulea (3.3538) and Aspergillus niger (3.1858) have resulted in the production of one same metabolite (MT1). Its structure was char-acterized as 6-O-b-D-glucopyranosyl-20(S)-protopanaxatriol (Ginsenoside Rh1) on the basis of its TOF-MS and 1H, 13C NMR spectral data. The biotransformation kinetic curves for Ginsenoside Rg1 and MT1 were reported for the first time, and the biotransformation pathway was proposed. 展开更多
关键词 Microbiological transformation Ginsenoside Rg1 Ginsenoside Rh1 MICROORGANISM FUNGI
Biotransformation of aesculin by human gut bacteria and identification of its metabolites in rat urine 被引量:5
作者 Wei-Jun Ding Yun Deng +5 位作者 Hao Feng Wei-Wei Liu Rong Hu Xiang Li Zhe-Ming Gu Xiao-Ping Dong 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第12期1518-1523,共6页
AIM: To observe the biotransformation process of a Chinese compound, aesculin, by human gut bacteria, and to identify its metabolites in rat urine.METHODS: Representative human gut bacteria were collected from 20 he... AIM: To observe the biotransformation process of a Chinese compound, aesculin, by human gut bacteria, and to identify its metabolites in rat urine.METHODS: Representative human gut bacteria were collected from 20 healthy volunteers, and then utilized in vitro to biotransform aesculin under anaerobic conditions. At 0, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48 and 72 h postincubation, 10 mL of culture medium was collected. Metabolites of aesculin were extracted 3 × from rat urine with methanol and analyzed by HPLC. For in vivo metabolite analysis, aesculetin (100 mg/kg) was administered to rats via stomach gavage, rat urine was collected from 6 to 48 h post-administration, and metabolite analysis was performed by LC/ESI-MS and MS/MS in the positive and negative modes.RESULTS: Human gut bacteria could completely convert aesculin into aesculetin in vitro. The biotransformation process occurred from 8 to 24 h post-incubation, with its highest activity was seen from 8 to 12 h. The in vitro process was much slower than the in vivo process. In contrast to the in vitro model, six aesculetin metabolites were identified in rat urine, including 6-hydroxy-7-glucocoumarin(M1), 6-hydroxy-7-sulf-coumarin (M2), 6, 7-digluco-coumarin (M3), 6-glc-7-gluco-coumarin (M4), 6-O-methyl-7-gluco-coumarin (MS) and 6-O-methyl-7- sulf-coumarin (M6). Of which, M2 and M6 were novel metabolites.CONCLUSION: Aesculin can be transferred into aesculetin by human gut bacteria and is further modified by the host in vivo. The diverse metabolites of aesculin may explain its pleiotropic pharmaceutical effects. 展开更多
关键词 Aesculin BIOTRANSFORMATION Human gutbacteria Rat urine Sulfated derivatives LC/ESI-MS Aseculetin
Separation and analysis of lignite bioconversion products 被引量:14
作者 Yao Jinghua Xiao Lei Wang Liqiang 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第4期529-532,共4页
The bioconversion of coal at ambient conditions is a promising technology for coal processing, although the mechanisms of coal degradation are still not understood fully. In this work, the bioconversion of lig- nite w... The bioconversion of coal at ambient conditions is a promising technology for coal processing, although the mechanisms of coal degradation are still not understood fully. In this work, the bioconversion of lig- nite was studied using a fungus isolated from decaying wood. The lignite samples were oxidized with nitric acid under moderate conditions and then the oxidized samples were placed on a potato medium with isolated fungus for lignite bioconversion. Lignite, oxidized lignite and residual products after bioconversion of lignite were sequentially extracted with petroleum ether, CS2, methanol, acetone and tetrahydrofuran (THt:), and then each extract was characterized by gas chromatography-mass spectrom- etry (GC/MS). The differences in composition and structure among the samples were inferred by compar- ing the differences between the extracts. The results show that aromatics with one or several benzene rings and their derivatives; and some long-chain alkanes containing oxygen decreased in the metha- nol-, acetone-, and THF-soluble fraction from residual lignite, whereas long chain or a few branched alkanes and small quantities of aromatic compounds increased in petroleum ether and CS2 soluble fractions. 展开更多
关键词 LigniteLignite bioconversionFractional extractionGC/MS
Use of Silage Acid Devil Fish (pterygoplichthys spp.) as Protein Supplement in Finishing Beef Cattle
作者 S. Ornelas E. Gutierrez +5 位作者 A. Juarez R. Garciduefias J. L. Espinoza M. Perea J. P. Flores G. Salas 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1280-1283,共4页
Animal nutrition is one of the most important limiting factors in animal production, especially in ruminants, providing proteins being the main constraint, due to the limited availability and high cost of protein sour... Animal nutrition is one of the most important limiting factors in animal production, especially in ruminants, providing proteins being the main constraint, due to the limited availability and high cost of protein sources (oilseed meals). Currently in the dam "El lnfiernillo" in Michoacan Mexico, has a large population of devil fish (Pterygoplichthys spp.), which is an economic and ecological problem, because it is not consumed by humans and causes pollution to be discarded directly into the environment. For that reason the objective of this study was to evaluate the use of silage acid devil fish (SADF) in fattening beef cattle as a protein supplement. SADF is defined as a product semi-liquid or pasty mixed with formic acid, which leads to a decrease in pH to near 4.0. Used 18 young bulls (Bos taurus × Bos indicus) for 60 days with a starting weight of 278.9 ± 51.2 kg, housed in individual pens with food and water ad libitum were randomly assigned to three treatments with different levels of inclusion SADF (0%, 12% and 18%). They were weighed to the beginning of the experiment and later every 30 days, previous fasting of 24 hours. To determine the food consumption, weigh every day the offered food and the surplus. There were no significant differences (P 〈 0.05) among treatments with different levels of inclusion of SADF with respect to daily weight gain, with values of 952 ± 324, 927 ±322 and 854 ± 307 g/day, respectively. The dry matter intake (DMI) was 8.9, 9.3 and 7.7 kg/day to 0%, 12% and 18% of SADF, respectively. In the same values for feed conversion were 9.34, 10.03 and 9.01 kg DMI/kg of weigh live, and carcass yield of 60.6%, 60.3% and 58.5%, respectively. It is concluded that fish silage acid devil is an excellent alternative in feeding beef cattle as a protein supplement. 展开更多
关键词 Fish silage acid devil fish finishing beef cattle.
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