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作者 孙艳艳 《周口师范学院学报》 CAS 2008年第4期110-112,共3页
关键词 生物道德 生命伦理 生命法学
生物医学道德增强技术的语法构建:本质、异化与谱系 被引量:4
作者 陈万球 周舟 《云梦学刊》 2021年第2期75-81,共7页
传统的道德增强主要采取学校教育、榜样示范、自身修养和社会实践等方式。从效果主义看,传统道德教育使我们明白是与非、善与恶、美与丑,养成尊重人、关心人的习惯,形成推己及人的道德情感以及理性思维能力。今天我们已经进入一个技术... 传统的道德增强主要采取学校教育、榜样示范、自身修养和社会实践等方式。从效果主义看,传统道德教育使我们明白是与非、善与恶、美与丑,养成尊重人、关心人的习惯,形成推己及人的道德情感以及理性思维能力。今天我们已经进入一个技术操控道德的时代,生物医学技术正在不断形塑我们的生活世界,不断刷新人-技术-世界关系图景。技术化道德意象作为人的感性与理性的集合体,克服了传统道德进化容量和进化深度上的拘谨,用崭新的方式诠释了新的话语体系。技术化道德打开了一个全新道德的空间,生成全新的道德进化模式,也因此造成传统道德进化链全方位断裂。在人类纪,建构适应全新的道德进化模式的原则成为一种必然逻辑。 展开更多
关键词 生物医学道德增强 异化 道德进化链 人类纪 谱系
作者 吴雪华 《大庆社会科学》 2020年第4期43-49,共7页
人类不道德行为造成的灾难使整个社会都面临着巨大挑战。在应对这类道德大问题时,以佩尔森和赛沃莱斯库为首的道德增强派认为,应该通过生物医学技术的手段来增强道德;但反道德增强派却认为,生物医学道德增强存在一定的伦理困境,如,个人... 人类不道德行为造成的灾难使整个社会都面临着巨大挑战。在应对这类道德大问题时,以佩尔森和赛沃莱斯库为首的道德增强派认为,应该通过生物医学技术的手段来增强道德;但反道德增强派却认为,生物医学道德增强存在一定的伦理困境,如,个人主义、人格同质化、限制自由、认识论上的困难等社会问题,所以,在不太遥远的未来,传统道德增强的地位并不会被生物医学道德增强所取代,应该倡导两者互补,构建一种新的道德观。 展开更多
关键词 生物医学道德增强 伦理困境 传统道德增强
道德增强与反增强的博弈与反思 被引量:3
作者 陈万球 周心怡 《伦理学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期113-120,共8页
随着技术干预和增强人类道德的系统性实现,引发了人们的希望与恐惧、期待与不安、支持与反对的对立。增强派认为,人类道德的发展已经严重滞后于科技进步,人类完全有权利进行道德增强:道德增强与自由意志、社会公平、人格特性等问题并不... 随着技术干预和增强人类道德的系统性实现,引发了人们的希望与恐惧、期待与不安、支持与反对的对立。增强派认为,人类道德的发展已经严重滞后于科技进步,人类完全有权利进行道德增强:道德增强与自由意志、社会公平、人格特性等问题并不冲突,并能助人以达到“行善”境界。反增强派则主张人类无权进行道德增强:道德增强是一种“扮演上帝”的行为,会限制人类自由、扩大社会差距、人格同质化,甚至引发个体安全和社会风险等问题,道德增强的交锋实质上是传统道德自然主义与道德非自然主义两派博弈的理论翻版,它把技术与道德关系的思考引向深入,有助于人类探寻道德发展的新路径。 展开更多
关键词 生物医学道德增强 道德增强派 道德增强派 伦理意义
作者 胡珍妮 《科学学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期1145-1151,共7页
道德生物增强借助非传统的生物医学手段来干预主体的道德情感,在本质上呈现为道德自然主义的哲学进路。然而,一些学者热衷于将该进路归结为一种立场强硬的还原论观点,并从科学上和哲学上来批判道德自然主义的还原论限度,进而否认道德生... 道德生物增强借助非传统的生物医学手段来干预主体的道德情感,在本质上呈现为道德自然主义的哲学进路。然而,一些学者热衷于将该进路归结为一种立场强硬的还原论观点,并从科学上和哲学上来批判道德自然主义的还原论限度,进而否认道德生物增强的合法性。此论断忽视了在道德生物增强的讨论语境中,还原论在本体论和方法论意义上具有不同的形相。道德生物增强在方法论的层面主张还原论对于人类道德现象研究的必要性和重要性,而在本体论的层面试图构建一幅科学与人文融合发展的非还原论图景。在此基础上,道德生物增强从根本上呈现为一种弱还原论版本的自然主义道德观,并由此确立了自身的存在论空间与理论合法性。 展开更多
关键词 道德生物增强 道德自然主义 弱还原论
作者 徐向东 陈玮 《世界哲学》 北大核心 2023年第2期126-137,F0003,共13页
在目前所能设想的人类增强技术中,通过生物医学手段来增强人类道德被认为是最没有争议的。但是否确实如此关键地取决于我们对道德的本质和来源及其在人类生活中的地位的认识和理解。通过集中考察英格玛·佩尔松和朱利安·萨瓦... 在目前所能设想的人类增强技术中,通过生物医学手段来增强人类道德被认为是最没有争议的。但是否确实如此关键地取决于我们对道德的本质和来源及其在人类生活中的地位的认识和理解。通过集中考察英格玛·佩尔松和朱利安·萨瓦勒斯库对道德生物增强提出的倡议,本文尝试表明,鉴于人类道德生活的复杂性、多样性和开放性,鉴于我们目前对人类道德行为的神经生物学基础仍然缺乏充分明晰和系统的认识,利用生物医学手段来直接干预大脑以“增强”人类道德的做法不仅并不成熟,而且也未能充分正视自由与其他重要的人类价值之间错综复杂的关系。 展开更多
关键词 道德生物增强 自由 直接干预 上帝机器 道德能动性
生物医学道德增强及其伦理和社会问题探析 被引量:11
作者 刘玉山 陈晓阳 宋希林 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期99-103,共5页
生物技术的发展为人类增强自身道德成为可能。生物医学道德增强是运用生物医学技术调节人的道德情感,增强其行为动机,从而提高道德行为。但是道德增强可能带来大量的伦理和社会问题。它违背了人的自由和自由意志,混淆了道德责任;随意改... 生物技术的发展为人类增强自身道德成为可能。生物医学道德增强是运用生物医学技术调节人的道德情感,增强其行为动机,从而提高道德行为。但是道德增强可能带来大量的伦理和社会问题。它违背了人的自由和自由意志,混淆了道德责任;随意改变人的道德性情,可能会瓦解稳定的社会关系;道德增强还会削弱人的正常理性和道德判断力,严重破坏了正常的社会秩序,它不会给人类带来安宁美好的生活。因而使用生物医学技术进行道德增强从道德上讲是不允许的。 展开更多
关键词 生物医学道德增强 自由意志 理性 地球面临的风险
生物医学道德增强可行吗? 被引量:7
作者 刘玉山 宋希林 陈晓阳 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期59-64,共6页
近几年,生物医学道德增强成为西方学界探讨的热点问题。生物医学道德增强是通过药物、基因选择等生物医学技术,增强或削弱人的情感使之具有更好的道德动机,从而提高人的道德行为。尽管科学家运用生物医学技术在调节道德情感方面取得了... 近几年,生物医学道德增强成为西方学界探讨的热点问题。生物医学道德增强是通过药物、基因选择等生物医学技术,增强或削弱人的情感使之具有更好的道德动机,从而提高人的道德行为。尽管科学家运用生物医学技术在调节道德情感方面取得了一定的进展,但由于道德情感难以量化、道德心理的复杂性、道德多元化以及道德增强本身带来的伦理问题都将给道德增强带来严峻的挑战。所以,在不太遥远的未来,生物医学道德增强不可能取代传统的道德培养模式。我们应该充分发挥传统道德培养的优势,重视认知和理性在道德判断中的重要作用,而不是仅仅关注情感的表层调节。 展开更多
关键词 生物医学道德增强 情感 道德动机 挑战 传统道德培养
作者 芦文龙 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第9期61-66,共6页
人类面临着生化武器、核武器等大规模杀伤性武器,以及人为的气候变化和环境恶化、全球经济不平等等重大威胁。佩尔松和萨夫列斯库称之为"道德大问题",并提出了生物医学道德增强(BME)这一应对之策。在阐明BME提出的背景和原因... 人类面临着生化武器、核武器等大规模杀伤性武器,以及人为的气候变化和环境恶化、全球经济不平等等重大威胁。佩尔松和萨夫列斯库称之为"道德大问题",并提出了生物医学道德增强(BME)这一应对之策。在阐明BME提出的背景和原因的基础上,论述了其基本内容和可能性,并揭示了其无碍于自由、较弱意义上改变个人同一性、兼容性、谨慎性和乌托邦性等特征。 展开更多
关键词 佩尔松和萨夫列斯库 生物医学道德增强(BME) 传统道德增强
论生物医学道德增强——与刘玉山、陈晓阳和宋希林三位学者商榷 被引量:1
作者 芦文龙 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期56-61,共6页
生物医学道德增强只是道德增强的方式之一,与道德教育等传统的社会-文化道德增强方式共同发挥作用。生物医学道德增强不会限制人的自由和自由意志,不会随意改变性情从而出现人类的同质性,也不会损害道德理性和造成"搭便车"现... 生物医学道德增强只是道德增强的方式之一,与道德教育等传统的社会-文化道德增强方式共同发挥作用。生物医学道德增强不会限制人的自由和自由意志,不会随意改变性情从而出现人类的同质性,也不会损害道德理性和造成"搭便车"现象的净增长。对生物医学道德增强,应积极应对其风险,持一种谨慎的乐观态度。 展开更多
关键词 生物医学道德增强 传统道德增强 道德动机
Global Bioethical Prevention of the Collision of Biological and Cultural Evolution on Miserable Human Survival
作者 lames E. Trosko 《Sociology Study》 2015年第4期295-313,共19页
With the cultural myth that science can only determine the way the world "is" (facts), while humanities, social sciences, lawyers, philosophers, and theologians must determine the way the world "ought to be" (v... With the cultural myth that science can only determine the way the world "is" (facts), while humanities, social sciences, lawyers, philosophers, and theologians must determine the way the world "ought to be" (values), those in position of global-, national-, and local-political power make major decisions of the use (or non-use) of scientific knowledge and technology. As a result, the human being has created a non-scientifically based cultural environment that is affecting his ability to survive. In effect, cultural evolution is occurring more rapidly than biological evolution that can adapt to the changes brought about in the physical and psycho-social environments. In a pluralistic cultural world, where each society has generated a different view of human nature and different ethical values, the use, misuse, or non-use of scientific and technological advances are derived from these unscientific views of human nature. Since all life depends on limiting interacting environmental and ecological factors, it is imperative that scientific information be used to govern how to minimize irreversible effects on life-sustaining ecological factors, but also scientific information bearing on understanding human nature ought to be integrated into a "global bioethics". While ethical values cannot be directly derived from scientific factors, it is also true that human values or our "ought" cannot be maintained in ignorance or defiance of the facts or the "is". 展开更多
关键词 Global bioethics scientific concepts of human nature genetic and environmental interactions one health-one planet humanimpact on earth's ecosystem
Developmental Programming of Ethical Consciousness: Impact on B ioscience Ethics Education and Learning
作者 Irina Pollard 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第6期431-442,共12页
Personal ethics are strongly influenced by emotions, particularly secondary emotions, because these emotions expand ethical reasoning and development as the child matures. A well-developed consciousness profoundly inf... Personal ethics are strongly influenced by emotions, particularly secondary emotions, because these emotions expand ethical reasoning and development as the child matures. A well-developed consciousness profoundly influences a person's actions and conduct when solving problems of what is thought, or taught to be, right or wrong Compelling neurological evidence supports the claim that children begin to develop enduring ethical standards at an early age and that these standards are largely based on the experiences of early childhood. Essentially, the innate sense of ethics requires nurturing during infancy before it can be cognitively understood and practiced in maturity. In biological terms, the development of neural networks that regulate emotional growth, and subsequently, the capacity for ethical discrimination, depends on the infant's early social environment. Thus, the toddler's early epigenetic experiences enhance, or impede, its innate still dormant genetic potential. Importantly, personal character development and ethical discrimination begins long before the child's formal educational years. As a consequence, early learning has to discover ways of conserving adaptive thinking which can be applied to the choices that may confront future generations. Early ethics education, including accurate access to scientific, medical, and technological knowledge, is thus critical. Future generations will increasingly require education from a global perspective when making major ethical decisions in areas, such as nuclear technology, disposal of wastes, preservation of biodiversity, global warming, and unregulated human population growth. As long as our culture continues to reflect advances in science and technology, there is an obligation to make science education overlap with crucial periods in the advancement of ethical consciousness. Significantly, when considering the human capacity for excess at times of conflict, it is incumbent on the scientific community to integrate research-based knowledge with wide-ranging learning and problem-solving skills. Bioscience ethics, the established interface bridging applied science and applied bioethics, can assist in this process of integration. To become fully responsible adults, we must share our extraordinary cognitive talents and respect life on earth in all its rich diversity. In biological terms, human uniqueness resides primarily in our brains with its products being co-operation in family and ancestral units, long education, sophisticated language and culture, and importantly, ethical consciousness-all attributes held in trust by knowledge and wisdom for future generations. 展开更多
关键词 human brain programming evolution and ethics NEUROETHICS primary and secondary emotions bioscience ethics bioscience ethics education early childhood education
Does Aristotelian Magnanimity Exclude Women?
作者 Mischa Beckett 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第7期463-474,共12页
This article studies whether Aristotle's understanding of magnanimity excludes women. I examine Aristotle's concept of the biological, moral, and intellectual capacities of women in theory and practice. Although Ari... This article studies whether Aristotle's understanding of magnanimity excludes women. I examine Aristotle's concept of the biological, moral, and intellectual capacities of women in theory and practice. Although Aristotle's biology describes key differences between the sexes, it does not exclude women from magnanimity. While the ethical and political writings also note key differences between men and women, they leave the theoretical possibility of attaining magnanimity open. Practically, the lack of leadership opportunities available to actual women may hinder the development of prudence, leading to an inability to achieve complete virtue and hence magnanimity. Thus, if women are unable to be magnanimous, this is due to practical political and familial arrangements, not to innate feminine defects. This finding provides a unique argument for feminine leadership and political participation. Truly exceptional women may need to actively seek out leadership opportunities and political involvement in order to complete their virtue 展开更多
Medicine as Profession: An Overlooked Approach to Medical Ethics
作者 Michael Davis 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第1期36-51,共16页
This article begins with three problems of "dual loyalties" in medicine, the supposed fact that military physicians are, as medical officers, sometimes required to do what violates ordinary medical ethics--for examp... This article begins with three problems of "dual loyalties" in medicine, the supposed fact that military physicians are, as medical officers, sometimes required to do what violates ordinary medical ethics--for example, ignore medical need in order to treat their own wounded before civilians or wounded enemy, help make chemical or biological weapons more deadly, or assist at a rough interrogation. These problems are analyzed as special cases of a problem that could arise in any profession, a problem easily resolved using a theory of professional ethics (more or less) absent from medical ethics until now though common outside. Employing a physician--rather than an ordinary officer, some other kind of healer, or scientist--is to enter a sort of "Ulysses contract" requiring the physician's professional standards to preempt obligations otherwise applying to an employee. In this way, the article also illustrates the benefits that might accrue to medical ethics from drawing (more than is now common) on other fields of practical ethics. 展开更多
关键词 medical ethics Ulysses contract PROFESSION dual loyalties military medicine medical officer
Liberals, Communitarians, Republicans and the Intervention of the State in the Private Sphere
作者 Rafael Rodrigues Pereira 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第5期354-362,共9页
The aim of this paper is to discuss whether the increasing intervention of the state in the private sphere-as is evidenced in labor laws, consumer rights, bioethics, and Internet crimes-is compatible with the liberal ... The aim of this paper is to discuss whether the increasing intervention of the state in the private sphere-as is evidenced in labor laws, consumer rights, bioethics, and Internet crimes-is compatible with the liberal ideal of neutrality, or, on the contrary, whether it can be seen as a turning point towards the position of communitarian or republican authors, for whom the state must endorse a substantive good. Such a turning point could lead to a reformulation of the public and private spheres, and of course, raise questions over which values justify which kinds of intervention. This paper will cover these debates in three parts: First, by presenting briefly the history of the liberal conception of rights, I will try to show that, from a starting point based mostly on individual protection, the liberal tradition has become more interventionist, which can be seen through the notion of "claim rights." Departing from John Rawls's work, I will argue that this notion allows for some level of intervention, without betraying liberal neutrality. Subsequently, I will discuss the difference between this kind of intervention and the ones proclaimed by communitarians and republicans authors: The former will be illustrated by Michael Sandel's criticism of Rawls in Liberalism and the Limits of Justice, and the later by Richard Dagger's position in Civic Virtues, Citizenship, and Republican Liberalism. Finally, in the third part, we'll discuss whether liberal principles can be harmonized with the republican and communitarian focus on civic virtues and good life. 展开更多
关键词 State intervention LIBERALISM COMMUNITARIANISM REPUBLICANISM NEUTRALITY public sphere private sphere
道德增强与人的自由——自主原则的视角 被引量:3
作者 胡永文 柯文 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第9期46-53,共8页
道德生物增强构想通过生物科技途径对人的情感或认知能力进行修正,从而达到道德增强的目的。该构想遭遇到威胁人类自由的诘难,由之引发了辩护与质疑的观念交锋。文章概观了道德生物增强的途径以及争议双方的论证,指出这一诘难的真正问... 道德生物增强构想通过生物科技途径对人的情感或认知能力进行修正,从而达到道德增强的目的。该构想遭遇到威胁人类自由的诘难,由之引发了辩护与质疑的观念交锋。文章概观了道德生物增强的途径以及争议双方的论证,指出这一诘难的真正问题在于澄清自由观念的自主原则,亦即论证道德生物增强能否摆脱行为操纵之诘难。通过对层次欲望理论以及"理由回应理论"等自由理论的分析表明,道德生物增强会破坏自由所要求的自主原则。 展开更多
关键词 道德生物增强 人的自由 自主原则
道德增强的伦理探析——自由意志的视角 被引量:4
作者 马翰林 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第9期17-22,共6页
道德生物增强(MB)设想通过生理改造提高接受者的道德认知能力,获得特定的道德目的。从生物保守主义出发,对该思潮的一个主要批评是MB会削弱人类的"作恶的自由",但"作恶的自由"相比于"可供取舍的选择可能性(AP)... 道德生物增强(MB)设想通过生理改造提高接受者的道德认知能力,获得特定的道德目的。从生物保守主义出发,对该思潮的一个主要批评是MB会削弱人类的"作恶的自由",但"作恶的自由"相比于"可供取舍的选择可能性(AP)"而言说服力更差,这让MB的批评者一度陷入被动。但即便面对来自使用AP的反驳,MB的支持者依然可以通过坚守相容论的立场而立于不败之地。我们将试图从丹尼特的意识表征进化理论入手,提出一种新的道德生物保守主义视角,指出MB的支持者会陷入"MB无用论"同"废除人类直接意识控制的道德意义"的悖论之中。 展开更多
关键词 道德生物增强 意志自由 表征
道德增强与人的自由——与刘玉山、叶岸滔等学者商榷 被引量:2
作者 王珀 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期28-34,共7页
关键词 生物医学道德增强 自由意志 道德自律 相容论 神经伦理学
作者 氿鼋 《科学与无神论》 CSSCI 2016年第6期31-33,共3页
所谓道德,"道"指客观规律,"德"指人为规范,规范是对规律的一种模仿和适应,客观规律不可违逆,规范却可以随着社会变迁或环境变化而调整。从某种意义上说,善、恶都是特定环境下的相对竞争优势,是人类生存繁衍的必要条件,无需刻意改造... 所谓道德,"道"指客观规律,"德"指人为规范,规范是对规律的一种模仿和适应,客观规律不可违逆,规范却可以随着社会变迁或环境变化而调整。从某种意义上说,善、恶都是特定环境下的相对竞争优势,是人类生存繁衍的必要条件,无需刻意改造。而在进化论之前,在一大堆基于化石、分子生物学、进化心理学、进化生物学的证据链没有被整理出来之前,如果有人敢说自己懂得人性,那可真是痴人说梦了。 展开更多
关键词 人性演化 道德生物 科学世界观 文明史VS人类史 极端个性的病理性
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