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八诊疗法生理观及其应用 被引量:3
作者 贺晓慧 贾戌生 +2 位作者 唐利龙 贾孟辉 杨华祥 《中国民族民间医药》 2019年第24期6-8,共3页
八诊疗法以“四元三子七行”、“四性四液”等理论为依据,结合八诊的形成过程,从“脑为核心”,“末梢经脉根传法”,“异经奇脉”等观点对八诊疗法生理观进行阐述,并在以往理论及临床研究基础上,不断挖掘整理其生理观中所体现的丰富多彩... 八诊疗法以“四元三子七行”、“四性四液”等理论为依据,结合八诊的形成过程,从“脑为核心”,“末梢经脉根传法”,“异经奇脉”等观点对八诊疗法生理观进行阐述,并在以往理论及临床研究基础上,不断挖掘整理其生理观中所体现的丰富多彩、独具特色、行之有效的养生保健方法和技术及其应用。尤其对脑为主脏、脑统经脉和脏腑的认识;对末梢经脉根传理论(三节四梢)诊疗技术手法的阐述;异经奇脉理论中“转五围”、“揉五窝”的灵活发挥和应用。结合八诊疗法诊疗技术和手法通俗易懂、简单易学,可自行操作的特点,对常见慢病防治作用尤为突出。也可借助八诊特殊的辅助诊疗器具,施以八诊常用的非药物疗法,对临床有着极其重要的指导意义,值得大力推广。 展开更多
关键词 R223八诊疗法 生理观 应用
作者 闫廷禄 张晓静 《邯郸医学高等专科学校学报》 1997年第2期173-176,共4页
关键词 对立统一 人体生理 生理观 肝主疏泄 《脾胃论》 阴火 肺气以清肃下降为顺 对立统一的关系 机能活动 升降运动
从回归中医基本生理观论推拿振腹疗法的作用特点 被引量:10
作者 谭燚飞 戴晓晖 付国兵 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期355-356,共2页
关键词 推拿振腹疗法 中医生理观 气机
以“和”文化诠释中医生理观 被引量:7
作者 刘扬 陈元 何清湖 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期1338-1340,共3页
以"和"文化的角度去诠释中医生理观,可将人体的正常生理活动从天人和、形神和、形内和3个角度全面概括。其中形内和包括阴阳和、营卫和、气血和、五脏自身和、脏脏和、脏腑和;脏脏和包括心肺和、心脾和、心肝和、心肾和、肺... 以"和"文化的角度去诠释中医生理观,可将人体的正常生理活动从天人和、形神和、形内和3个角度全面概括。其中形内和包括阴阳和、营卫和、气血和、五脏自身和、脏脏和、脏腑和;脏脏和包括心肺和、心脾和、心肝和、心肾和、肺脾和、肺肝和、肺肾和、肝脾和、肝肾和、脾肾和;脏腑和包括心小肠和、肺大肠和、脾胃和、肝胆和、肾膀胱和。 展开更多
关键词 “和”文化 中医 生理观
从马王堆医书看先秦中医生理观 被引量:5
作者 林伯欣 李建民 林昭庚 《中华医史杂志》 CAS 2008年第1期19-23,共5页
战国末年以降中国医学有重大的发展。其生理观特别集中于“脉”、“内脏”与身体各种结构的认识。过程中虽因观点不同而有文本与内容上的差异,但也因此使得医学内涵得以快速增加,呈现多面向的特色。这些各自发展的生理观点因深入探索... 战国末年以降中国医学有重大的发展。其生理观特别集中于“脉”、“内脏”与身体各种结构的认识。过程中虽因观点不同而有文本与内容上的差异,但也因此使得医学内涵得以快速增加,呈现多面向的特色。这些各自发展的生理观点因深入探索也助长了彼此间的关连性,中医整体性的身体观逐渐成形。同时原先“由外而内”的身体探索意识也随着各种生理知识的逐渐繁复多样而有朝向资料群组化、系统化与便利操作的发展趋势,并逐渐具备了“司外揣内”的能力。 展开更多
关键词 先秦 中医生理观 马王堆医书
儿童游戏的发生及其本质特点新探——儿童游戏的生理—心理观 被引量:19
作者 张新立 《学前教育研究》 北大核心 2007年第11期40-43,56,共5页
儿童游戏的生理-心理观能直接说明儿童游戏的发生及其本质特点。儿童游戏是由儿童生命历程的本性决定的,是儿童生活的必需。儿童游戏的发生是儿童生理和心理发展的必然,是儿童认识、发展、锻炼自身的天然需要,同时也是儿童为满足不断的... 儿童游戏的生理-心理观能直接说明儿童游戏的发生及其本质特点。儿童游戏是由儿童生命历程的本性决定的,是儿童生活的必需。儿童游戏的发生是儿童生理和心理发展的必然,是儿童认识、发展、锻炼自身的天然需要,同时也是儿童为满足不断的身心"刺激—反应"活动的需要而产生的自发行为。儿童游戏的本质特点在于游戏是儿童在不可控制和不确定的世界中寻求自我控制感和一定程度的确定性的必然途径。 展开更多
关键词 儿童 游戏 生理-心理
作者 李相勋 《衡阳师范学院学报》 2018年第1期21-25,共5页
王夫之的"生生之理",是建立在气本论前提之下的"生生之理"。气是实存,此乃"生生之理"逻辑展开的基础与前提;气中涵理内蕴"生生之理";气之阴阳变合,催生了"生生之理";气之阴阳动几坐... 王夫之的"生生之理",是建立在气本论前提之下的"生生之理"。气是实存,此乃"生生之理"逻辑展开的基础与前提;气中涵理内蕴"生生之理";气之阴阳变合,催生了"生生之理";气之阴阳动几坐实"生生之理"。王夫之"生生之理"的逻辑展开,成就了其完整的"生理"观。宇宙万物在本体之气的关照之下,依循"生生之理"而实现了由本体之气向实然外物的转化,实现了由形而上之道向形而下之器的内在转化。 展开更多
关键词 王夫之 生生之理 生理
作者 王志威 胡璟 +1 位作者 裴以禄 杨继峰 《亚太传统医药》 2024年第6期57-60,共4页
基于壮医三道两路理论认识糖尿病及并发症的病理生理观。气道不通则病位在上,以口渴多饮为主;谷道不通则病位在中,以多食易饥为主;水道不通则病位在下,以尿频量多为主;龙路、火路不通则变证丛生:龙路不通、血脉瘀滞,多发生糖尿病血管病... 基于壮医三道两路理论认识糖尿病及并发症的病理生理观。气道不通则病位在上,以口渴多饮为主;谷道不通则病位在中,以多食易饥为主;水道不通则病位在下,以尿频量多为主;龙路、火路不通则变证丛生:龙路不通、血脉瘀滞,多发生糖尿病血管病变,火路不通、传感失司,多发生糖尿病神经病变。三道不通与两路不通,二者互为因果,循环为患。三道两路不通是糖尿病及并发症的壮医发病机制,此认识对糖尿病及并发症的壮医诊治理论体系进行了构建,丰富了糖尿病及并发症诊治思路,有益于糖尿病的防治。 展开更多
关键词 糖尿病 发病机制 三道两路 壮医 病理生理观
试论中国传统的健康审美价值观 被引量:1
作者 徐福生 熊飞 《广州体育学院学报》 北大核心 2002年第1期125-127,共3页
现代健康观是一个具有审美价值追求的概念。中国传统的健康价值观 ,所表现出的“中和”生理观、“中和”心理观、“中和”自然观、“中和”社会观 ,将人、自然、社会和谐地统一在一起 ,注重对精神情感的培养 ,是追求一种生命存在的审美... 现代健康观是一个具有审美价值追求的概念。中国传统的健康价值观 ,所表现出的“中和”生理观、“中和”心理观、“中和”自然观、“中和”社会观 ,将人、自然、社会和谐地统一在一起 ,注重对精神情感的培养 ,是追求一种生命存在的审美境界。 展开更多
关键词 中国 健康审美价值 “中和”生理观 “中和”心理现 “中和”自然 “中和”社会
作者 梁新民 《兵团教育学院学报》 2002年第1期48-49,58,共3页
现代健康观是一个具有审美价值追求的概念。中国传统的健康价值观 ,所表现出的“中和”生理观、“中和”心理观、“中和”自然观、“中和”社会观 ,将人、自然、社会和谐地统一在一起 ,注重对精神情感的培养 。
关键词 中国 传统健康 美学价值 审美蕴意 生理观 心理
《黄帝内经》与先秦精气学说 被引量:3
作者 王庆其 《上海中医药大学学报》 CAS 1999年第3期40-43,共4页
通过探析《内经》的自然观、生理观、病理观和治疗观与先秦精气学说之间的联系 ,认为先秦精气学说“气一元论”思想是形成《内经》理论体系的唯物主义思想基础 ,先秦精气学说对人类生命起源以及有关生理、养生防病等的独到见解为《内经... 通过探析《内经》的自然观、生理观、病理观和治疗观与先秦精气学说之间的联系 ,认为先秦精气学说“气一元论”思想是形成《内经》理论体系的唯物主义思想基础 ,先秦精气学说对人类生命起源以及有关生理、养生防病等的独到见解为《内经》生理病理和防治疾病学说的形成开拓了先河 ;今人研究和发展中医学 ,唯有自觉地以辩证唯物主义哲学为指导 ,在采用现代先进科技手段的同时 ,始终与中医学的基本理论紧密结合 ,从宏观到微观不断地探索研究 ,才有希望。 展开更多
关键词 黄帝内经 先秦精气学说 气一元论 自然 生理观 病理 治疗 辩证唯物主义哲学
Research advance in forest restoration on the burned blanks 被引量:3
作者 孔繁花 李秀珍 +1 位作者 赵善伦 尹海伟 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期180-184,共5页
How to restore the destroyed forest after forest fire is a key question that man must face. This paper reviewed the research situation and history on the forest restoration burned blanks and summed up the research met... How to restore the destroyed forest after forest fire is a key question that man must face. This paper reviewed the research situation and history on the forest restoration burned blanks and summed up the research methods used into four scales: seed-bank scale, community scale, ecosystem scale and landscape scale. The new technologies such as GIS & Remote Sensing used to vegetation restoration were also summarized. The strategies and developing trend of vegetation restoration research on burned blanks were discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Burned blanks Forest restoration Research advance Questions and countermeasures
The ideal landscape and its ecological planning approach in Mount Lushan National Park,China
作者 徐聪荣 胡海胜 +2 位作者 吴章文 郑艳萍 钟林生 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第A3期279-284,288,共7页
This paper described the main four basic models of ideal landscape in the Mount Lushan National Park as Kunlunshan model, Xumishan model, Peach flower land model, Christian model. Five typical places in Mount Lushan w... This paper described the main four basic models of ideal landscape in the Mount Lushan National Park as Kunlunshan model, Xumishan model, Peach flower land model, Christian model. Five typical places in Mount Lushan with the ideal landscape characteristics like the East Grove Temple, White Deer Cave Academy, Simplicity and Tranquility Monastery, Lushan Valley, and Villa-cluster of the East Valley were analyzed, and the integration of the basic models for each place was discussed to make the realistic landscape conform to the ideal needs. Moreover, the discussions also involved the characteristics of ideal landscape that are featured in resource, culture, structure, function, process, scale and region. In conclusion, ideal landscape in the Mount Lushan National Park was the product of the interaction between human and nature. Mount Lushan inherits the essence of Chinese traditional culture with a history of more than 1000 years; and it also absorbs the manna of the Western culture as well as the exchanges between nature and humanities together with the conflict and adaptation among different cultures. The natural landscape could be satisfied with the survival demand and cultural taste of mankind by the way of ecological planning. 展开更多
关键词 ecological planning ideal landscape landscape model Mount Lushan National Park
作者 钱明 《企业科技与发展》 1994年第2期25-25,共1页
许多少女,为自己的乳房发育不理想而自卑,故急求补救。 乳房健美与否,往往与遗传有关。从生理观点言之,乳房平坦或发育不理想,主要为雌性荷尔蒙不足所致。所以,补充雌性荷尔蒙,效果相当理想。 摄取雌性荷尔蒙之道。
关键词 荷尔蒙 河车 健美 生理观 乳房发育 《本草求真》 雌性 补气血 胎盘 滋补强壮
Responses of Tree Species to Climate Warming at Different Spatial Scales 被引量:2
作者 LIANG Yu HE Hong S LEWIS Bernard L 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第4期427-436,共10页
Tree species respond to climate change at multiple scales,such as species physiological response at fine scale and species distribution (quantified by percent area) at broader spatial scale.At a given spatial scale,sp... Tree species respond to climate change at multiple scales,such as species physiological response at fine scale and species distribution (quantified by percent area) at broader spatial scale.At a given spatial scale,species physiological response and distribution can be correlated positively or negatively.The consistency of such correlation relationships at different spatial scales determines whether species responses derived from local scales can be extrapo-lated to broader spatial scales.In this study,we used a coupled modeling approach that coupled a plot-level ecosystem process model (LINKAGES) with a spatially explicit landscape model (LANDIS).We investigated species physio-logical responses and distribution responses to climate warming at the local,zonal and landscape scales respectively,and examined how species physiological response and distribution correlated at each corresponding scale and whether the correlations were consistent among these scales.The results indicate that for zonal and warming-sensitive species,the correlations between species physiological response and distribution are consistent at these spatial scales,and therefore the research results of vegetation response to climate warming at the local scale can be extrapolated to the zonal and landscape scales.By contrast,for zonal and warming-insensitive species the correlations among different spatial scales are consistent at some spatial scales but at other scales.The results also suggest that the results of azonal species at the local scale near their distribution boundaries can not be extrapolated simply to broader scales due to stronger responses to climate warming in those boundary regions. 展开更多
关键词 climate warming vegetation response local scale zonal scale landscape scale LANDIS Changbai Mountains
Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Community-based Natural Resource Management in Northeast India 被引量:2
作者 S.C. Rai 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第3期248-258,共11页
Community-based natural resource management in northeast India has a long history. Indigenous knowledge and adaptation are the collective information, with improvement from generation to generation. The expectation is... Community-based natural resource management in northeast India has a long history. Indigenous knowledge and adaptation are the collective information, with improvement from generation to generation. The expectation is that under community control, local expertise on biodiversity will play a significant role in natural resource management through traditional practices. This paper discusses the characteristics and application of the traditional ecological knowledge of aboriginal peoples in northeast India and its role in natural resource management. Examples are provided in two different eco-cultural landscapes, i.e., Demazong (the Buddhist eco-cultural landscape in Sikkim Himalaya) and the Apatani eco-cultural landscape in Arunachal Pradesh, which illustrate the utility value of traditional ecological knowledge in sustainable natural resource management. Both eco-cultural landscapes are indeed very complex and highly evolved systems with high levels of economic and ecological efficiencies. The paper concludes that traditional ecological knowledge systems and institutions could serve as entry points into the sustainable utilization and management of natural resources. This could be achieved through the exploration of the cultural practices of the local people and integrating useful aspects into the modern natural resource management expertise. With rapidly depleting biodiversity in the developing tropic regions, there is a greater utilization today than ever before of the value of respecting the "Sacred" as a tool towards better conservation of natural resources. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional ecological knowledge resource management cultural landscape sustainable development northeast India
作者 ZANG Shu ying YUAN Hui NING Jing 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第2期176-181,共6页
Based on the theories of landscape ecology, landscape eco environment in the control watershed by reservoir of Erlong Mountain in Heilongjiang Province was analyzed and assessed by using GIS technique and statistical ... Based on the theories of landscape ecology, landscape eco environment in the control watershed by reservoir of Erlong Mountain in Heilongjiang Province was analyzed and assessed by using GIS technique and statistical model of Principal Component Analysis and Spatial Cluster Analysis. It is found that 100.08km2(36%)of the total area is in the state of kilter,85.73km2(31%)of the total area is in the state of general,and 47.26km2(17%)and 15.48km2(16%)is in the relatively poor state and ideal state. According to landscape ecological structure,there are three landscape function areas being planned and designed. 1) Agricultural landscape function area: its developmental direction is tour agriculture and high benefit agriculture. 2) Eco environment protected function area:the direction of development and utilization of this region is to develop vigorously forest for soil and water conservation, and try to increase the rate of vegetation cover. 3) Forest landscape function area: rational cut and utilization of forest resources, space optimization disposal of category of forest, foster of forest and protection of wildwood will become the main development directions for this region. This study trys to provide scientific foundation for ecological restoration of the whole valley and its sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 landscape ecological assessment landscape ecological planning GIS
"Love of Life" Versus "Love of Death": A Frommian Perspective on Middle Passage
作者 JIA Yan-yan CHEN Hou-liang 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第3期181-190,共10页
According to Fromm, the life instinct constitutes the primary potentiality in man, while the death instinct a secondary potentiality, and which of the two prevails depending crucially on the living conditions that the... According to Fromm, the life instinct constitutes the primary potentiality in man, while the death instinct a secondary potentiality, and which of the two prevails depending crucially on the living conditions that the subject experiences during his or her childhood. Not limited to the individual level, Fromm's observation works on the collective level as well. Different environments foster different potentialities and lead to the formation of different cultures and ethics. A biophilic ethics treasures the value of love, peace, reciprocal altruism and unity of being, while a biophobic ethics is more addicted to hatred, violence, dualistic confrontation, and mutual destruction. Appling Fromm's theory to the interpretation of Charles Johnson's Middle Passage, readers can get a newly enlightened understanding of this award-winning masterpiece. Based on Fromm's hypothesis about human nature, this article analyzes the representation of the confrontations between the biophobic ethics and the biophilic ethics in this novel, the former being embodied by Captain Falcon's "syndrome of decay" which is also Johnson's critical metaphor of Western civilization, while the latter embodied by the Allmuseri culture's "syndrome of growth" which represents Johnson's idealistic imagination of the sum of non-Western civilization 展开更多
关键词 Middle Passage Charles Johnson Erich Fromm syndrome of decay syndrome of growth biophobicethics biophilic ethics
Change of Management Values in Estonian Business Life in 2007-2009
作者 Anu Virovere Marl Meel Eneken Titov 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第11期1028-1042,共15页
The paper deals with the change of management values in Estonian business life in the year of the rapid growth (2007) as compared with the year of hard decline (2009). The hypothesis is set that company managers d... The paper deals with the change of management values in Estonian business life in the year of the rapid growth (2007) as compared with the year of hard decline (2009). The hypothesis is set that company managers do not have permanent values but they change accordingly to the change in economic conditions: in economical welfare situations business-managers more eagerly take larger responsibilities on ethical and philantrophical stages but in crisis only the lower stages (economical and legal ones) could be detained. In the paper, we firstly observe if values change in general and secondly we study if our pre-stated hypothesis holds. As the research method we use the method of critical incidents 展开更多
关键词 core values organizational values economical crisis SUSTAINABILITY change of values
Investigation of Spring Waters to Assess the Geo-ecological State of Landscape and Soil
作者 Gero Webel Jochen Kubiniok 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第8期592-602,共11页
The purpose of the investigation was to assess the opportunity to use spring waters as indicator for the load state of rural landscape ecosystems. In the periods from 2000-2003 and 2011-2012, the physical and chemical... The purpose of the investigation was to assess the opportunity to use spring waters as indicator for the load state of rural landscape ecosystems. In the periods from 2000-2003 and 2011-2012, the physical and chemical water quality of 55 freshwater springs in the German federal state of the Saarland was investigated in monthly intervals. The catchment areas of the springs represented the prevailing geological formations in the Saarland as well as the main land use types such as forest, grassland and arable land. The results show a clear correlation between the nitrate content and the share of arable land in the closer catchment area of the springs. The problem of acidification and related processes occurs mainly at the sites with acid parent rock material and accordingly substrates deficient in lime. Very low pH-values between 4 and 5 are observed and the aluminum concentration levels are consistently increased. Especially at sites with low calcium content in the geological substrate, a progressive destruction of the clay minerals can be assumed. In the extremely acidic spring waters, which showed the highest aluminum contamination during the measurement 10 years ago, the aluminum-values decreased slightly. This indicates that the clay minerals in these locations are already completely destroyed. Thus, it can be concluded that the investigation of spring waters provides information on the geo-ecological conditions in catchment areas. By means of the multi-temporal approach, changes of land use or other influences by human activities can be detected. 展开更多
关键词 Spring water surface water SOIL land use NITRATE ACIDIFICATION aluminum.
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