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作者 李琥 《教学仪器与实验》 1989年第S2期23-16,共2页
太阳测高仪是学生练习测太阳高度使用的仪器,而望远镜则是为丰富学生课外活动而设计的,我们将太阳测高仪和望远镜合为一体,是为了使用方便,充分利用材料,做到一物两用,也扩展了测高仪的用途。 1、制作材料 底座和立柱(可以用木材或其他... 太阳测高仪是学生练习测太阳高度使用的仪器,而望远镜则是为丰富学生课外活动而设计的,我们将太阳测高仪和望远镜合为一体,是为了使用方便,充分利用材料,做到一物两用,也扩展了测高仪的用途。 1、制作材料 底座和立柱(可以用木材或其他材科)、镜筒 (可以用纸筒、塑料管等)、量角器(90°)一个、粗铝丝10厘米左右、薄铁皮、螺钉四个、牙膏帽四个。凸透镜和凹透镜各一个。 展开更多
关键词 测高 学生课外活动 制作材料 用仪 镜筒 长焦距 铝丝 粗铅 纸筒 刻度线
作者 宋运明 《教学仪器与实验》 1991年第S2期19-20,共2页
一、制作材料 材料名称 规格 数量 木板 20mm厚,200×200mm^2 1 10mm厚,1045×40mm^2 1 10mm厚,100×40mm^2 1 10mm厚,50×40mm^2 1 10mm厚,500×25mm^2
关键词 制作材料 太阳高度 材料名称 用仪 有孔带 刻度线 影屏 废金属 中心线 线锤
作者 吴存杰 《电子制作》 1995年第2期14-15,共2页
调压、充电逆变三用仪在有市电时对电瓶充电;在停电时由电瓶逆变成220V交流电供家电使用;并能在电网电压过高或过低时通过手动将输出电压调节至220V,保证用电器使用安全。三用仪电路如图所示,图中开关K<sub>1</sub>K<sub... 调压、充电逆变三用仪在有市电时对电瓶充电;在停电时由电瓶逆变成220V交流电供家电使用;并能在电网电压过高或过低时通过手动将输出电压调节至220V,保证用电器使用安全。三用仪电路如图所示,图中开关K<sub>1</sub>K<sub>2</sub>拨至A向时,为逆变状态,左半部电路组成自激振荡器,产生约50Hz的方波,经变压器升压后由K<sub>3</sub>调至220V输出。K<sub>1</sub>、K<sub>2</sub>搬至B向时为充电状态,这时K<sub>1</sub>切断振荡管的基极通路,接通由L<sub>3</sub>L<sub>2</sub>D<sub>13</sub>组成的半波整流电路对电瓶充电。 展开更多
关键词 电瓶充电 电压调节 充电 逆变三用仪
作者 王峰 《工厂计量与检测》 1995年第4期7-8,共2页
关键词 温度计量三用仪 热工计量
作者 于吉求 王惠昌 沈慧珍 《四川建筑科学研究》 1979年第3期1-19,29,共20页
前言 静力触探和十字板试验是两种主要的地基土原位测试方法,具有快速、经济和可靠的优点,在我国和世界各国都得到了广泛应用。 静力触探是借助机械或液压装置,将带有探头的探杆,以一定的速度压入土内。
关键词 十字板试验 空心柱 底胶 板头 静力触探 CLD 探杆 用仪
作者 王知文 吴金梅 张明铭 《物理之友》 2014年第5期36-36,共1页
学校师生开展自制教具活动是推动新课程改革的重要举措,是培养学生创新精神和实践能力的必要手段.在实验教学过程中,适时恰当地运用设计新颖、构思巧妙的教具,能有效激发学生的好奇心和探究欲,启发创新思维,迸发出创造的火花.那么,在设... 学校师生开展自制教具活动是推动新课程改革的重要举措,是培养学生创新精神和实践能力的必要手段.在实验教学过程中,适时恰当地运用设计新颖、构思巧妙的教具,能有效激发学生的好奇心和探究欲,启发创新思维,迸发出创造的火花.那么,在设计制作自制教具时,千万不能为了制作自制教具而制作,而是要从解决教学中的问题入手.笔者制作的气力测量仪就是按发现问题——自制教具——解决问题——拓展创新的流程完成的:(1)发现问题:在新课程教学中,多处提到风力发电,但没有现成教具.(2)自制教具:用废旧电瓶车充电器的散热风扇做发电机,"风"用人吹"气"代替. 展开更多
关键词 自制教具 力测量 实验教学过程 新课程改革 散热风扇 用仪 创新精神 支架作用 吹风装置 量大小
《四川建筑科学研究》 1979年第3期75-76,共2页
CLD—1型十字板试验—静力触探两用仪,是由我所与华东电力设计院共同研制成功的。自1976年以来,用此台仪器先后在四川、武汉、上海、广州、昆明、江苏和天津等地区的30余个工地,对各种土层作过试验,打孔近300个,总进尺约3000米,作十字... CLD—1型十字板试验—静力触探两用仪,是由我所与华东电力设计院共同研制成功的。自1976年以来,用此台仪器先后在四川、武汉、上海、广州、昆明、江苏和天津等地区的30余个工地,对各种土层作过试验,打孔近300个,总进尺约3000米,作十字板试验200多组,实践证明效果良好。 展开更多
关键词 静力触探 技术鉴定会 用仪 会议 十字板试验 CLD
Analysis for the Volatile Secondary Metabolites of Mortierella alpina 被引量:9
作者 刘欣 马小琛 +4 位作者 黄和 于文涛 纪晓俊 彭超 高振 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期12-14,21,共4页
[ Objective] The study was to investigate the volatile components of secondary metabolites from M. alpine producing arachidonic acid and explore the changes in its metabolic pathway. [ Method] The air above M. alpine ... [ Objective] The study was to investigate the volatile components of secondary metabolites from M. alpine producing arachidonic acid and explore the changes in its metabolic pathway. [ Method] The air above M. alpine broth was extracted by solid-phase microextraction(SPME) during the post-exponential phase of growth and analyzed by GC-MS. [Result] 13 compounds were identified, 12 of which were sesquiterpenes with C15H24 formula and accounting for 99.62% of the complete compounds. Thujopsene-( 12), α-Guaiene and Aristolene were three most sesquiterpenes accounting for 10.66%, 33.69% and 34.85% of total content respectively. It can be sufficiently certified that sesquiterpene metabolic pathway existing in M. alpine. [ Coclusion] Metabolic flux of sesquiterpene pathway increased to improve its mass accumulation, because one or several key enzyme genes mutation in isoprene or sesquiterpene pathway enhanced their activities during induction of mutation from initial strain. 展开更多
关键词 Mortierella alpina SPME SESQUITERPENE Arachidonic acid
Influences of Various Environmental Factors on the Degradation of Deoxynivalenol in Wheat Grains
作者 孙明娜 王梅 +3 位作者 董旭 肖青青 段劲生 高同春 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第1期99-102,124,共5页
In this study, the influences of various environmental factors on the degradation of deoxynivalenol (DON) in wheat grains were investigated using a triple quadrupole LC-MS/MS system. After being treated under differ... In this study, the influences of various environmental factors on the degradation of deoxynivalenol (DON) in wheat grains were investigated using a triple quadrupole LC-MS/MS system. After being treated under different conditions for 150 d, DON toxin in wheat grains exhibited the degradation rate of 78.85%-87.00% and degradation half-life of 54.57-71.44 d. According to the accelerating effects of different conditions on DON degradation, natural light 〉 strong light (10 000 lx) 〉 darkness, 90% humidity 〉50% humidity, but high temperature could not accelerate the degradation of DON toxin. 展开更多
关键词 DEOXYNIVALENOL Triple Quadrupole LC-MS/MS Temperature Humidity Light
作者 陈莺金 郭琳妹 《海峡药学》 1994年第3期77-77,共1页
关键词 紫外线灯管 紫外线强度 紫外线消毒 检测条件 机理认识 测试 紫蓝 用仪 测量中心 数字显示
作者 李宏 《农业知识》 2002年第24期20-20,共1页
关键词 蝎毒 电刺激 金属夹 感应电 用仪 刺激方法 真空干燥 五胎 天可
作者 赵德全 《现代教育科学(中学教师)》 2015年第S2期74-74,共1页
物理是一门实验科学,物理概念和规律大多是通过对实验现象的观察分析而概括出来的,中学物理实验既有直观生动的特点,又有科学研究的价值。加强实验教学,培养实验能力是物理学素质观的重要体现,高中物理教学大纲明确指出"观察和实... 物理是一门实验科学,物理概念和规律大多是通过对实验现象的观察分析而概括出来的,中学物理实验既有直观生动的特点,又有科学研究的价值。加强实验教学,培养实验能力是物理学素质观的重要体现,高中物理教学大纲明确指出"观察和实验对培养学生观察和实验能力和培养学生实事求是都很重要。"实验能力是物理物理科学中很重要的能力,其中包括以下能力。明确实验目的、实验原理; 展开更多
关键词 实验教学 高中物理教学 培养实验 实验科学 用仪 课外时间 试验现象 实验器材 实验数据处理 实验形式
作者 吴崇杰 《广东医学院学报》 1990年第4期290-290,共1页
关键词 刺激试验 电刺激 药理学教学 实验动物 鼠粪 透明有机玻璃 电子器厂 抗精神病药 实验教学 用仪
Inhibitory Effect of Oridonin on the Proliferation of NB4 Cells and Its Mechanism
作者 刘加军 伍新尧 +2 位作者 陆惠玲 潘祥林 彭军 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2004年第1期51-54,67,共5页
Objective: To investigate the anti-proliferation e?ect of oridonin on leukemic NB4 cells and its mechanism. Methods: NB4 cells in culture medium in vitro were given di?erent concentrations of o... Objective: To investigate the anti-proliferation e?ect of oridonin on leukemic NB4 cells and its mechanism. Methods: NB4 cells in culture medium in vitro were given di?erent concentrations of oridonin. The inhibitory rate of the cells were measured by MTT assay, cell apoptotic rate was detected by ?ow cytometry(FCM), morphology of cell apoptosis was observed by hoechst 33258 ?uorescence staining , and the activity of telomerase was detected using TRAP-PCR-ELISA before and after apoptosis occurred. Results: Oridonin (over 8 μmol/L) could decrease the telomerase activity, inhibit the growth of NB4 cells and induce apoptosis signi?cantly in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Marked morphological changes of cell apoptosis were observed by hoechst 33258 ?uorescence staining especially after the cells treated by oridonin for 48–60 h. Conclusion: Oridonin could inhibit the proliferation and induce the apoptosis of NB4 cells in vitro. One of the mechanisms may be the decrease of the telomerase activity of NB4 cells. 展开更多
Chemical fingerprinting of Su-He-Xiang-Wan and attribution of major characteristic peaks for its quality control by GC-MS 被引量:1
作者 WANG Wei-ping LIN Juan +2 位作者 ZHANG Liang-xiao ZHANG Ming-yue LIANG Yi-zeng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第8期2115-2123,共9页
A simple and facile gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) fingerprint of Su-He-Xiang-Wan (SHXW) was developed, the similarity analysis was conducted, and attribution of the major characteristic peaks was id... A simple and facile gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) fingerprint of Su-He-Xiang-Wan (SHXW) was developed, the similarity analysis was conducted, and attribution of the major characteristic peaks was identified for SHXW quality control. GC-MS analysis was performed on a QP2010 instrument (Shimadzu, Japan) equipped with a capillary column of RTX-5MS. The column temperature was initiated at 50℃, held for 5 min, increased at the rate of 3 ℃/min to 120 ℃, held for 2 min, and then increased at the rate of 4 ℃/min to 220℃, held for 10 min. Helium carrier gas was used at a constant flow rate of 1.3 mL/min. Mass conditions were ionization voltage, 70 eV; injector temperature, 250℃; ion source temperature, 250 ℃; splitting ratio, 30:1; full scan mode in the 40-500 Da mass ranges with rate of 0.2 s per scan. Attribution of the major characteristic peaks was identified for SHXW by comparing the chemical standards, references of Chinese herbal medicines and the negative controls of prescription samples (NC) of SHXW. With the help of the temperature-programmed retention indices (PTRIs) used together with mass spectra and chemical standards, 25 major characteristic peaks have been identified. Nine volatile medicinal materials were identified in the prescription of SHXW by attributing to the 27 major characteristic peaks. The results demonstrate that the proposed method is a powerful approach to quality control of complex herbal medicines. 展开更多
关键词 chromatographic fingerprint attribution analysis quality control herbal medicines complex prescription
Translocation of Pesticide Residues in Tomato, Mango and Pineapple Fruits 被引量:1
作者 Akwasi Akomeah Agyekum George Soda Ayemor +1 位作者 Firibu Kwasi Saalia Betty Bediako-Amoa 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2015年第3期142-149,共8页
Pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables have become a major concern associated with chemical food safety issues. Translocation of pesticides in tomato, mango and pineapple fruits in locally produced samples was inv... Pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables have become a major concern associated with chemical food safety issues. Translocation of pesticides in tomato, mango and pineapple fruits in locally produced samples was investigated using gas chromatography/mass spectrophotometer (GC/MS) procedures. Samples were fractionated with respect to distance from the skin to the core and prepared for analysis. Results showed that organochlorine, organophosphate and synthetic pyrethroid residues were translocated in all fruit samples analyzed. With respect to tomato fractions, the peels retained more residues compared to the pulp and the central core. In the chemical species, organochlorines were retained more in the peels of tomato than the other fractions of the fruit. More organophosphate and organochlorine residues were detected in pineapple peels compared to the pulp. Synthetic pyrethroid residues were evenly distributed in the pineapple fruit. In mangoes, the pulp retained more chemical residues than other fractions of the fruit. More organochlorine residues were retained in the pulp of mango than in the other fractions of the fruit. Synthetic pyrethroid residues were evenly distributed throughout the mango fruit. All the chemical species identified were translocatable across the fractional parts of all the fruits. There were significant differences in translocation and residue accumulation of pesticides among the fractional parts of all samples. 展开更多
Development of a Small-Scale Universal Apparatus for Evaluating Soil-Structure Interaction 被引量:1
作者 Md. Zakaria Hossain 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第4期314-321,共8页
This paper describes design and calibration procedures of a new small-scale testing apparatus for evaluating soil-structure interaction. Two distinct modes of loadings, such as, direct shear and pullout loadings on fl... This paper describes design and calibration procedures of a new small-scale testing apparatus for evaluating soil-structure interaction. Two distinct modes of loadings, such as, direct shear and pullout loadings on flexible and rigid reinforcements are implemented by the multiple functionalities of the apparatus through the use of single loading frame, dividing mechanism, instrumentation and data acquisition systems. The design is similar to the conventional apparatus; however, it includes some key modifications to adapt additional features of reinforcements. For the pullout test, the top half of the pullout box is fixed with the bottom half of the pullout box, while for the direct shear test, the top half is allowed to slide horizontally on low friction roller bearings connected to the driving mechanism. Mechanical loadings through a steel plate are used to apply the normal load in the pullout and direct shear apparatus. A series of shear and pullout tests are performed to validate the functionality of the apparatus and to examine relationships between the reinforcements and its shear and pullout resistances. 展开更多
关键词 Design apparatus SHEAR PULLOUT soil REINFORCEMENTS
Numerical simulation of scatterometer assimilated wind and ocean wave in eastern China seas and adjacent waters 被引量:1
作者 李明悝 侯一筠 +2 位作者 尹宝树 宋金宝 赵玮 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第1期42-47,共6页
Using the latest version of Mesoscale Modeling System (MMSv3), we assimilated wind data from the scatterometer and built a model to assimilate the wind field over eastern China seas and adjacent waters and applied t... Using the latest version of Mesoscale Modeling System (MMSv3), we assimilated wind data from the scatterometer and built a model to assimilate the wind field over eastern China seas and adjacent waters and applied the wave model WAVEWATCH-Ⅲ to test the sea area with assimilative wind and blended wind of QSCAT and NCEP as driving forces. High precision and resolution numerical wave results were obtained. Analysis indicated that if we replace the model wind result with the blended wind, better sea surface wind results and wave results could be obtained. 展开更多
Portable Instrument for Normalized Difference Vegetation Index 被引量:2
作者 ZHOUHan-chang ZHAOChun-jiang +1 位作者 XUEXu-zhang HAOXiao-jian 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2004年第4期289-292,共4页
By using four specially designed narrow bandpass filters and photodetectors in the instrument, the incident and reflected radiances of sun light on the vegetation are optically sensed, at the red and near infrared ban... By using four specially designed narrow bandpass filters and photodetectors in the instrument, the incident and reflected radiances of sun light on the vegetation are optically sensed, at the red and near infrared bands, then the normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) is processed by a microprocessor. Compared with conventional spectrometer measuring method of NDVI, the instrument is easy to be used, compact, light and low-cost. 展开更多
关键词 Optical sensor Fiber optic spectrometer NDVI Nitrogen use efficiency
A new method to accurately measure the drift of shipborne floated gyro 被引量:2
作者 CHENG Jian-hua HAO Yan-ling HUANG Wei-quan WU Lei SHAN Dan-ping 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2006年第2期1-5,共5页
Shell-feeding velocity is an important factor affecting naval gun shooting capacity. An agile shell-feeding system was designed to ensure quick implementation of the shell-feeding task. Based on composition of the agi... Shell-feeding velocity is an important factor affecting naval gun shooting capacity. An agile shell-feeding system was designed to ensure quick implementation of the shell-feeding task. Based on composition of the agile shell-feeding system, hoist technology was studied. Working principles were discussed and the hydraulic pressure system of the hoist was constructed. The hydraulic pressure cylinder and the accumulator were analyzed and calculated. Finally, PRO/E and ADAMS were used to simulate the hoist and its hydraulic system. It was found that this type of virtuaU674.7l prototype provides a good method to actualize a physical prototype. 展开更多
关键词 shell-feeding system naval gun hoist ACCUMULATOR
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