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区域水资源利用压力分析评价 被引量:13
作者 刘玉龙 杨丽 《水利水电技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期1-4,共4页
水资源利用压力指数可用来衡量一个区域的水资源相对稀缺性,并判断水资源是否成为社会经济发展的制约因素。基于"压力—状态—响应"概念模型在经济、环境、生态综合评价指标体系中的应用,从人口数量压力、水资源数量压力、水... 水资源利用压力指数可用来衡量一个区域的水资源相对稀缺性,并判断水资源是否成为社会经济发展的制约因素。基于"压力—状态—响应"概念模型在经济、环境、生态综合评价指标体系中的应用,从人口数量压力、水资源数量压力、水环境压力、水资源技术压力、水资源用水管理压力的角度,建立了水资源利用压力指标体系。通过对全国223个地市水资源利用压力的计算分析,该指标体系定量反映了水资源与人口、经济、环境之间的协调关系,验证了所构建的水资源利用压力指标的合理性,为区域水资源可持续利用提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 水资源利用压力指数 压力指标体系 水环境压力指数 用水管理压力指数 评价模式
作者 陈宓(翻译) 《水利水电快报》 2023年第6期1-1,共1页
近来,世界银行发布了《中东和北非地区水资源短缺经济学:制度解决方案》(The Economics of Water Scarcity in MENA:Institutional Solutions)。报告指出,中东和北非地区正面临着前所未有的水资源短缺,并提出了一系列水资源管理及制度... 近来,世界银行发布了《中东和北非地区水资源短缺经济学:制度解决方案》(The Economics of Water Scarcity in MENA:Institutional Solutions)。报告指出,中东和北非地区正面临着前所未有的水资源短缺,并提出了一系列水资源管理及制度改革建议,以减轻该地区用水压力。报告的预测结果表明:到2029年末,中东和北非地区人均年可用水量将降至500 m³这一世界公认的严重缺水阈值以下;到2050年,该地区每年水资源缺口将达到250亿m³,相当于65座沙特阿拉伯修建的世界最大海水淡化厂的供水量。 展开更多
关键词 水资源管理 供水量 海水淡化厂 水资源短缺 用水 严重缺水 用水压力 世界银行
中水处理工艺对比分析 被引量:1
作者 赵金 王璐璐 《中国高新技术企业》 2015年第9期84-85,共2页
中水是城市日常生活生产的第二水源,中水处理技术是对有限水资源进行充分利用,降低城市用水压力,减少污水排放量,提高水质,使得生态和谐发展。文章在进行实地调查的基础上,对比分析了当前中水处理工艺,寻求最佳的处理技术,并针对一些工... 中水是城市日常生活生产的第二水源,中水处理技术是对有限水资源进行充分利用,降低城市用水压力,减少污水排放量,提高水质,使得生态和谐发展。文章在进行实地调查的基础上,对比分析了当前中水处理工艺,寻求最佳的处理技术,并针对一些工艺提出有效的改进对策。 展开更多
关键词 中水处理工艺 中水处理系统 第二水源 水资源 用水压力 污水排放量
作者 刘陶 《学习月刊》 2015年第1期39-40,共2页
一、地下水资源战略储备的意义 水是支撑人类社会可持续发展的重要战略资源,而人类和生物生存的淡水资源极为有限:地球上97.2%的水为海水,人类真正可利用的淡水资源只有河水、淡水湖水和浅层地下水,仅占地球总水量的0.2%左右。伴随人... 一、地下水资源战略储备的意义 水是支撑人类社会可持续发展的重要战略资源,而人类和生物生存的淡水资源极为有限:地球上97.2%的水为海水,人类真正可利用的淡水资源只有河水、淡水湖水和浅层地下水,仅占地球总水量的0.2%左右。伴随人类经济社会的快速发展,水资源需求亦不断增长,全球有超过1/3的人口面临用水压力,地表水资源已经不能完全满足人类生产生活的需要,地下水资源开始大量使用,19世纪60年代以来,地球上的蓄水层正在以比再生更快的速度被消耗.在某些情况下,消耗的速度甚至是再生的2倍还要多。 展开更多
关键词 地下水资源 水资源需求 湖北经济 用水压力 总水量 地表水资源 浅层地下水 资源储备 人类生产生活 水资源可利用量
电镀废水治理与回用技术的研究 被引量:6
作者 张霄 《电镀与环保》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期91-92,共2页
前言电镀是利用电解原理在某些金属或非金属表面镀上一层其他金属或合金的方法。电镀能提高基体的美观性、耐磨性、耐蚀性等性能。然而,电镀行业是全球三大 污染行业之一。电镀废水的排放占据工业废水排放总量的10%,而且在排放的电镀废... 前言电镀是利用电解原理在某些金属或非金属表面镀上一层其他金属或合金的方法。电镀能提高基体的美观性、耐磨性、耐蚀性等性能。然而,电镀行业是全球三大 污染行业之一。电镀废水的排放占据工业废水排放总量的10%,而且在排放的电镀废水中有超过1/3的电镀废水并未得到有效治理,其中含有金、银、铜、铬、锌、镉、镍等重金属污 染物及氰化物等成分。另外,电镀废水得不到有效治理和回用,也在一定程度上加重了社会用水压力。 展开更多
关键词 电镀废水 废水排放总量 回用技术 电镀行业 氰化物 用水压力 污染行业 重金属
农业节水补偿机制发展可行性探析——评《农业节水补偿理论、方法与实践》 被引量:1
作者 邢志宇 《灌溉排水学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期157-157,共1页
随着我国由农业文明向工业文明的转型,水资源的供给与需求矛盾日益凸显,这种矛盾不仅体现在领域上,更体现在区域上,甚至引发一系列生态问题。为解决这些问题,就必须提升水的利用效率与效益,并建立农业节水补偿机制。在这样的情况下,广... 随着我国由农业文明向工业文明的转型,水资源的供给与需求矛盾日益凸显,这种矛盾不仅体现在领域上,更体现在区域上,甚至引发一系列生态问题。为解决这些问题,就必须提升水的利用效率与效益,并建立农业节水补偿机制。在这样的情况下,广东省水利水电科学研究院等单位专家在水利部等部门的支持下,编写了《农业节水补偿理论、方法与实践》一书。《农业节水补偿理论、方法与实践》分为 3 篇,第一篇为总论,介绍了本书的研究背景、意义,以及农业节水补偿机制的总体框架与操作方案。第二篇为农业节水补偿实践案例,作者以哈密、茂名、湛江、东莞 4 市为例,通过列举这些地区的地理环境、用水状况、水资源开发等特点,分析他们在农业用水时存在的问题,最后分别指出当地政府因地制宜,展开合作,通过出台相应的农业用水、节水补偿政策,不仅缓解了当地农业用水的困境,还帮助了其他地区缓解了用水压力,实现了双赢。第三篇为结论,归纳概括了这些地区农业节水补偿机制的具体内容。本书是由从事水利工作的多名专家学者根据农业节水补偿实例撰写,不仅有着深刻的理论价值,更具有丰富的现实价值,它就我国农业节水补偿机制发展何以可能的问题提出了很多独特的见解。 展开更多
关键词 农业用水 操作方案 节水补偿 实践案例 省水利水电 归纳概括 水资源开发 用水压力
浅谈节水技术在建筑给排水设计中的应用 被引量:1
作者 韩凯歌 《河北企业》 2015年第8期95-95,共1页
现在市场上有很多节能产品,这些产品是符合国家发展要求的。各种资源包括水资源、石油、天然气资源等都是有限的,所以作为社会的一员我们应该树立节约意识。水资源是人类必需的资源,需要我们每个人的保护。现在人们对水资源的保护意识不... 现在市场上有很多节能产品,这些产品是符合国家发展要求的。各种资源包括水资源、石油、天然气资源等都是有限的,所以作为社会的一员我们应该树立节约意识。水资源是人类必需的资源,需要我们每个人的保护。现在人们对水资源的保护意识不足,认为水是无穷无尽的,浪费一点没关系,其实我国的水资源形势非常严峻,可用淡水的量越来越小。 展开更多
关键词 建筑给排水设计 节约意识 天然气资源 中水系统 节能产品 卫生器具 建筑用水 给排水设备 市政管网 用水压力
我是一名服务者 要做百姓的贴心人
作者 孙阳 《民心》 2016年第8期49-49,共1页
http://www.mxw.gov.cn/center/view.aspx?ID=1950045民心网是辽宁省人民政府主办的一个重民生、解民忧的网络工作平台。沈阳浑南水务集团一直秉承着“倾听民声、实现民意、服务民众”的宗旨,在办理民心网诉求的过程中,体现工作价值,... http://www.mxw.gov.cn/center/view.aspx?ID=1950045民心网是辽宁省人民政府主办的一个重民生、解民忧的网络工作平台。沈阳浑南水务集团一直秉承着“倾听民声、实现民意、服务民众”的宗旨,在办理民心网诉求的过程中,体现工作价值,践行服务诺言,全心全意为人民服务。我成为浑南水务集团民心网平台的办件人已有四年的时间。 展开更多
关键词 水务集团 工作价值 http 市政管网 道一 用水问题 用水压力 二次加压 前进路 水质污染问题
湖南株洲市渌口区:节水先行 润泽“湘渌明珠”
《长江技术经济》 2020年第4期I0003-I0004,共2页
三百里渌水东来,两千里湘江北去。坐落于株洲南部、湘江下游的绿口区,水资源常年享受“自然优待”,年平均降水量1432.6毫米。然而随着经济社会发展,渌口区面临着巨大的用水压力,推进县域节水型社会达标建设工作势在必行、迫在眉睫。201... 三百里渌水东来,两千里湘江北去。坐落于株洲南部、湘江下游的绿口区,水资源常年享受“自然优待”,年平均降水量1432.6毫米。然而随着经济社会发展,渌口区面临着巨大的用水压力,推进县域节水型社会达标建设工作势在必行、迫在眉睫。2018年起,全区全面启动县域节水型社会达标建设各项工作,着力推动用水方式从粗放向节约集约转变,推动节水从“全民行动”向“全面见效”转变。 展开更多
关键词 节水型社会 用水方式 达标建设 节约集约 湖南株洲市 用水压力 湘江北去 湘江下游
作者 孙菲 刘文茵 林霖 《上海艺术家》 2015年第4期92-95,共4页
青年建筑师获奖作品现身Mo MA PS1来自西班牙的安德烈斯·雅克(Andrés Jaque)的装置项目COSMO在第16届Mo MA PS1青年建筑师计划获得优胜,自6月23日起,观众们终于得以一睹其真容。雅克将通常埋于地下的城市水管系统,变为高耸... 青年建筑师获奖作品现身Mo MA PS1来自西班牙的安德烈斯·雅克(Andrés Jaque)的装置项目COSMO在第16届Mo MA PS1青年建筑师计划获得优胜,自6月23日起,观众们终于得以一睹其真容。雅克将通常埋于地下的城市水管系统,变为高耸、闪光、令人着迷的大型公共雕塑。COSMO的目的是创造关乎水资源的对话,提醒人们它对未来的重要性。根据联合国提供的数据,到2025年,全球将有18亿人生活在完全缺水的地区,而二分之三的地球人口可能面临用水压力。 展开更多
关键词 青年建筑师 用水压力 公共雕塑 水管系统 安德烈斯 雅克 亿人 铁臂阿童木 赖少其 艺博会
Wave-induced seepage and its possible contribution to the formation of pockmarks in the Huanghe(Yellow) River delta 被引量:1
作者 王虎 刘红军 +1 位作者 张民生 王秀海 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期200-211,共12页
Wave-induced seepage and its possible contribution to the formation of pockmarks in the Huanghe(Yellow) River delta were investigated experimentally and numerically. Laboratory experiments were carried out to explore ... Wave-induced seepage and its possible contribution to the formation of pockmarks in the Huanghe(Yellow) River delta were investigated experimentally and numerically. Laboratory experiments were carried out to explore the response of a layered silty seabed with various saturation conditions under cyclic wave loads,in which the pore pressure and seepage-related phenomena were particularly monitored. Numerical models to simulate wave-induced seepage in the seabed were presented and evaluated,then applied to the Huanghe River delta. The experimental results show that the excess pore pressure decreases more rapidly at the surface layer,while the seepage-related phenomena are more pronounced when large cyclic loads are applied and the underlying layer is less saturated. The proposed numerical models were verified by comparing with the experiments. The calculated seepage depth agreed well with the depth of the pockmarks in the Huanghe River delta. The experimental and numerical results and the existing insitu investigations indicate that the wave-induced seepage may be a direct cause of the pockmarks in the Huanghe River delta. Extreme storm waves and the dual-layered structure of hard surface layer and weak underlying layer are essential external and internal factors,respectively. Wave- or current-induced scour and transport are possible contributors to the reformation of pockmarks at a later stage. 展开更多
关键词 wave loads SEEPAGE excess pore pressure POCKMARKS Huanghe (Yellow) River delta
FEM for Stability Analysis Against Overturning of Portal Water Injection Sheet Pile 被引量:1
作者 LIU Lingyun GUO Haiyan SUN Qi 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2006年第3期269-272,共4页
Portal water injection sheet pile (PWISP), as a retaining wall, appeared in seashore engineering in 2000. Although there have been many systematic methods addressing the issue, there are very few focusing on the new s... Portal water injection sheet pile (PWISP), as a retaining wall, appeared in seashore engineering in 2000. Although there have been many systematic methods addressing the issue, there are very few focusing on the new structure because of the difficulties in defining the earth pressure between the two piles. A new method is proposed in this paper to obtain the earth pressure between the PWISPs. Stability analysis against overturning follows as a consequence. Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software ANSYS, both the nonlinear characteristics of the soil and those of the contact elements are taken into account to obtain the earth pressure distribution on the contact surface. Based on the results of the FEA, Rankin’s theory and the slip plane theory, the formula of the earth pressure on the inner surfaces between the piles is given. Assuming the PWISP as the analysis object and the earth pressure as an outside force acting upon it, the equation of stability against overturning of the PWISP is presented. Finally, some parameters are discussed about the stability of the PWISP against overturning, such as the embedded depth of the front pile, the distance between the two rows of piles, the internal friction angle and the cohesion of the earth. The results show that the increase of the cohesion and the internal friction angle will decrease the distance and the embedded depth, and therefore enhance the stability against overturning. Specifically, when the distance is 1/3-2/3 of the maximal excavation depth, the two rows of piles give the best performance in stability. 展开更多
关键词 earth pressure portal water injection sheet pile stability against overturning pile-soil-pile interaction
Application of preblasting to high-section top coal caving for steepthick coal sea 被引量:3
作者 ZHAO Jian-hui LAI Xing-ping 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第2期113-118,共6页
For mining extra-steep-thick coal seam, the sublevel top coal caving is a high efficient method in practical engineering. However, major challenges associated with mining high-section top-coal-caving (HSTCC) are rel... For mining extra-steep-thick coal seam, the sublevel top coal caving is a high efficient method in practical engineering. However, major challenges associated with mining high-section top-coal-caving (HSTCC) are related to the resulting high ground stresses. Inevitability, using the high-section sublevel top coal caving for extra-steep-thick coal seam, the large scale of mined-out area appears. If the prefracture blasting and hydraulic fracture techniques are utilized, the top coal damage and cracks will develop, and the mining complexity will increase, such as seam inclination, continuity, mechanical characteristics of roof and susceptibility of top coal, etc. First, the field conditions of B1+2 seam were investigated at the +588 level of the Weihuliang Underground Mine of China. Subsequently, according to caving mechanism of strata response obtained from several special models including physical simulation tests and numerical simulation models, the prefracture process including blasting and injecting water were analyzed. Then, the prefracture blasting technique was successfully applied to the caving of 52 m-sublevel seam. Finally, the effects were verified by advanced detecting instruments, and the results show these methods and measurements are feasible and valid. 展开更多
关键词 extra-steep-thick seam high-section top-coal caving (HSTCC) prefracture blasting and verification
Computation of one—dimensional consolidation of double layered ground using differential quadrature method 被引量:6
作者 王宏志 陈云敏 黄博 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2003年第2期195-201,共7页
The authors give the solution to the problem of one-dimensional conso l idation of double-layered ground with the use of the differential quadrature me t hod. Case studies showed that the computational results for por... The authors give the solution to the problem of one-dimensional conso l idation of double-layered ground with the use of the differential quadrature me t hod. Case studies showed that the computational results for pore-water pressure in soil layer agreed with those of analytical solution; and that in the computat ional results for the interface of soil layer also agreed with those of the anal ytical solution except for the small discrepancies during shortly after the star t of computation. The advantages of the solution presented in this paper are tha t compared with the analytical solution, it avoids the cumbersome work in solvin g the transcendental equation for eigenvalues, and in the case of the Laplace transform s olution, it can resolve the precision problem in the numerical solution of long time inverse Laplace transform. Because of the matrix form of the solution in th is paper, it is convenient for formulating computational program for engineering practice. The formulas for calculating double-layered ground consolidation may be easily extended to the case of multi-layered soils. 展开更多
关键词 Double-layered ground One-dimensional consolidat ion Differential quadrature method
Numerical Study on the Influence of Boss Cap Fins on Efficiency of Controllable-pitch Propeller 被引量:8
作者 Ying Xiong Zhanzhi Wang Wanjiang Qi 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2013年第1期13-20,共8页
Numerical simulation is investigated to disclose how propeller boss cap fins (PBCF) operate utilizing Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) method. In addition, exploration of the influencing mechanism of PBCF on... Numerical simulation is investigated to disclose how propeller boss cap fins (PBCF) operate utilizing Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) method. In addition, exploration of the influencing mechanism of PBCF on the open water efficiency of one controllable-pitch propeller is analyzed through the open water characteristic curves, blade surface pressure distribution and hub streamline distribution. On this basis, the influence of parameters including airfoil profile, diameter, axial position of installation and circumferential installation angle on the open water efficiency of the controllable-pitch propeller is investigated. Numerical results show: for the controllable-pitch propeller, the thrust generated is at the optimum when the radius of boss cap fins is 1.5 times of propeller hub with an optimal installation position in the axial direction, and its optimal circumferential installation position is the midpoint of the extension line of the front and back ends of two adjacent propeller roots in the front of fin root. Under these optimal parameters, the gain of open water efficiency of the controllable-pitch propeller with different advance velocity coefficients is greater than 0.01, which accounts for approximately an increase of 1%-5% of open water efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 boss cap fins controllable-pitch propeller open water efficiency Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS)
Investigation of Coolant Fluid through Grinding Zone in High-Speed Precision Grinding 被引量:1
作者 李长河 刘占瑞 +1 位作者 毛伟平 蔡光起 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第1期87-91,共5页
In the grinding process,grinding fluid is delivered for the purposes of chip flushing,cooling,lubrication,and chemical protection of the work surface.Due to the high-speed rotation of the grinding wheel,a boundary lay... In the grinding process,grinding fluid is delivered for the purposes of chip flushing,cooling,lubrication,and chemical protection of the work surface.Due to the high-speed rotation of the grinding wheel,a boundary layer of air forms around the grinding wheel and moves most of the grinding fluid away from the grinding zone.Hence,the conventional method of delivering coolant fluid that floods delivery with high fluid pressure and nozzle fluid rare supply coolant fluid to achieve high performance grinding.The flood grinding typically delivering large volumes of grinding fluid is ineffective,especially under high speed grinding conditions.In the paper,a theoretical model is presented for flow of grinding fluid through the grinding zone in high-speed precision grinding.The model shows that the flow rate through the grinding zone between the wheel and the workpiece surface not only depends on wheel porosity and wheel speed,but also depends on nozzle volumetric flow rate and fluid jet velocity.Furthermore,the model is tested by a surface grinding machine in order to correlate between experiment and theory.Consequently,the useful flow-rate model is found to give a good agreement with the experimental results and the model can well forecast the useful flow-rate in high-speed precision grinding. 展开更多
关键词 GRINDING useful flow-rate boundary layer hydrodynamic pressure
Novel Control Structure Design of Differential Pressure Thermally Coupled Reactive Distillation for Methyl Acetate Hydrolysis 被引量:2
作者 Li Jun Zhou Hao +3 位作者 Huang Xiaoqiao Zhao Tianlong Ma Zhanhua Sun Lanyi 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2018年第3期85-95,共11页
In this paper, the novel control structures of differential pressure thermally coupled reactive distillation process for methyl acetate hydrolysis were proposed. The RadFrac module of Aspen Plus was adopted in the ste... In this paper, the novel control structures of differential pressure thermally coupled reactive distillation process for methyl acetate hydrolysis were proposed. The RadFrac module of Aspen Plus was adopted in the steady-state simulation. Sensitive analysis was applied to find the stable intial value and provide a basis for the improved control structure design. The Aspen Dynamics software was adopted to study the process dynamic behaviors, and two novel control structures provided with feed ratio controllers and sensitive tray temperature controllers were proposed. The reflux ratio controllers were applied in the improved novel control structures. Both control structures abandoned the composition controllers that were replaced by simpler controllers with which the product purity could meet the specification requiring under a ± 20% disturbance to the total feed flowrate / MeAc composition. 展开更多
关键词 reactive distillation process control HYDROLYSIS thermally coupled methyyl acetate
Corn Leaf Water Retention as Affected by OrganicFertilizations and Effective Microbes Applications
作者 XU HUILIAN N. AJIKI +1 位作者 WANG XIAOJU C. SAKAKIBARA and H. UMEMURA (International Nature Farming Research Center, Hata-machi, Nagano 390-14 (Japan)) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第1期1-8,共8页
Effects of organic fertilizers and effective microbes on leaf water retention of sweet corn (Zea mays L. cv.Honey-Bantam) were studied. Sweet corns were grown with organic or chemical fertilizers with or without effec... Effects of organic fertilizers and effective microbes on leaf water retention of sweet corn (Zea mays L. cv.Honey-Bantam) were studied. Sweet corns were grown with organic or chemical fertilizers with or without effective microbes (EM). A water retention curve was obtained by drying the excised leaves under a light of 500 μmol (m2·s)-1. The curve shows two distinct phases. The initial steep slope indicates the water loss speed by stomatal transpiration (Est) and the gentle slope of the second phase indicates water loss speed by cuticular transpiration (Ecu). Both Est and Ecu were lower for leaves of plants grown with organic materials than for those with chemical fertilizers. Addition of EM to both organic and chemical fertilizers decreased Est but showed no effect on Ecu. The water retention ability of the excised leaves was proportional to photosynthetic maintenance ability under soil water deficit conditions as well as the solute concentration in leaves. The results suggested that organic fertilization and EM application increased water stress resistance both under in situ conditions and in excised leaves of sweet corn plants. 展开更多
关键词 cuticular transpiration effective microorganism organic fertilizer water stress Zea mays
青贮饲用型甜高粱肉牛育肥试验 被引量:4
作者 李学钊 张延贵 +1 位作者 王治仓 段龙 《畜牧与兽医》 北大核心 2016年第5期141-142,共2页
甘肃省武威市位于河西走廊东端,是水资源比较短缺的地区之一。近年来,市政府结合当地实际情况提出以设施暖棚养殖减轻生态用水压力的战略决策,积极推进"百组千户"设施暖棚养殖扶贫示范工程。在这些政策的指引下,全市设施暖棚肉牛养殖... 甘肃省武威市位于河西走廊东端,是水资源比较短缺的地区之一。近年来,市政府结合当地实际情况提出以设施暖棚养殖减轻生态用水压力的战略决策,积极推进"百组千户"设施暖棚养殖扶贫示范工程。在这些政策的指引下,全市设施暖棚肉牛养殖业得到了快速长足发展。甜高粱是高粱的一个变种,因其含糖量高、耗水量少、抗逆性强、生物学产量极高等优势,是一种新型的优质饲料作物、糖料作物和能源作物。 展开更多
关键词 甜高粱 肉牛育肥 肉牛养殖业 河西走廊东端 甘肃省武威市 生物学产量 用水压力 战略决策 青贮玉米 耗水量
肉牛用生物发酵饲料的研制及其育肥效果研究 被引量:3
作者 李学钊 张延贵 +1 位作者 王治仓 朱永泽 《畜牧与兽医》 北大核心 2016年第4期143-144,共2页
甘肃省武威市位于河西走廊东端,是水资源比较短缺的地区之一。近年来,市政府根据当地实际情况提出大力发展以玉米种植为主的节水农业,以及减轻生态用水压力的设施暖棚养殖业。在这些政策的指引下,全市玉米种植业和设施暖棚肉牛养殖业得... 甘肃省武威市位于河西走廊东端,是水资源比较短缺的地区之一。近年来,市政府根据当地实际情况提出大力发展以玉米种植为主的节水农业,以及减轻生态用水压力的设施暖棚养殖业。在这些政策的指引下,全市玉米种植业和设施暖棚肉牛养殖业得到了快速长足发展。同时,武威市结合基于当地最佳光照、温度、 展开更多
关键词 肉牛养殖业 育肥效果 河西走廊东端 甘肃省武威市 节水农业 用水压力 优质农业 节粮型畜牧业 草食畜牧业 西门塔尔
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