The major element, trace element and rare earth element(REE) of the intrusion rock from the Dachang ore field in Guangxi, China, were analyzed. The results show that the phenocryst(about 15%) and matrix(about 85%...The major element, trace element and rare earth element(REE) of the intrusion rock from the Dachang ore field in Guangxi, China, were analyzed. The results show that the phenocryst(about 15%) and matrix(about 85%) mainly consist of quartz, K-feldspar and plagioclase. The rock is composed of low content of Si and high content of Al2O3, low contents of Ca, Fe2O3, Na, TiO2, etc. The intrusion rock has the medium alkali content, attributing to K-rich type rock; and contains medium to low REE contents, of which light rare earth elements(LREEs) and heavy rare earth elements(HREEs) are highly fractionated, showing a weak negative Ce anomaly and a negative Eu anomaly. These rocks are enriched in LREE, and the large ion lithophytes elements(LILE) are rich in Rb, Sr, and U; the high-field-strength elements(Nb, Th, etc) are relatively depleted. The REE chondrite-normalized patterns are consistent with the overall, roughly indicating their similar characteristics, sources and evolution. The intrusion rock mainly formed during the collisional and within-plate periods.展开更多
Inter-crystalline pores, cavities, and fractures created from diagenetic shrinkage of dolomite are inter-connected each other, forming fine oil- and gas-bearing reservoirs. It is hard to predict these complex fracture...Inter-crystalline pores, cavities, and fractures created from diagenetic shrinkage of dolomite are inter-connected each other, forming fine oil- and gas-bearing reservoirs. It is hard to predict these complex fracture-cavity reservoirs because of their random distribution, different growth timing, and so on. Taking the lacustrine dolomite fracture-pore reservoir in the Lower Cretaceous Xiagou Formation in the Qingxi oilfield within the Jiuquan basin as an example, we put forward a comprehensive geophysical method to predict carbonate fractures.展开更多
暗示,即用含蓄、间接的方法对人的心理状态产生迅速影响的过程。日本学者池田西次郎认为:受暗示“就是一个人不加批判地接受他人语言或其他刺激,由此而产生特定的知觉、观念、信念、感情、行动的现象。”而在英文中,暗示的侧重点在于强...暗示,即用含蓄、间接的方法对人的心理状态产生迅速影响的过程。日本学者池田西次郎认为:受暗示“就是一个人不加批判地接受他人语言或其他刺激,由此而产生特定的知觉、观念、信念、感情、行动的现象。”而在英文中,暗示的侧重点在于强调受暗示者的信念(insinuation of a belief or impulse into the mind),美国学者E·康克林解释说:暗示是认识作用的不加批判的接受。所谓不加批判的接受,是一种信仰或准备动作的态度。从各学者对暗示的研究中。展开更多
[Objective] To provide a scientific basis for the management of Cd contamination, the status of Cd contamination in paddy soil of Guangxi Province, as well as the effect of silicon fertilization on Cd content in brown...[Objective] To provide a scientific basis for the management of Cd contamination, the status of Cd contamination in paddy soil of Guangxi Province, as well as the effect of silicon fertilization on Cd content in brown rice, was investigated. [Method] A total of 157 topsoil(0-20 cm) samples were collected from the major rice-growing paddy fields in Guangxi Province. The Cd contents in the topsoil samples were determined. The paddy soil environment quality and potential ecological risk were evaluated by single factor index and potential ecological index methods. In addition, in the Cd-contaminated paddy fields, the effects of different silicon fertilization treatments(no application(CK), soil application of 750 kg/hm^2 silicon fertilizer(S), leaf application of 1 500 L/hm^2 0.2% nanometer silicon(L), soil application of 750 kg/hm^2 silicon fertilizer + leaf application of 1 500 L/hm^2 0.2% nanometer silicon(SL)) on Cd content in brown rice were investigated. [Result] The total Cd contents in the 157 topsoil samples from paddy fields of Guangxi Province ranged from 0.02 to 7.33 mg/kg with an average content of 0.53 mg/kg. The Cd contents in 35.03% of the topsoil samples exceeded the grade II of national soil environment quality standards, and the topsoil samples were dominated by moderate and mild Cd contamination. Different silicon fertilization treatment all significantly reduced the Cd content in brown rice(P〈0.05). In the treatment III, the Cd content in brown rice was lowest. Compared with that in the CK group, the Cd content in brown rice in the treatment III was reduced by 73.45%, in the treatment II was reduced by 62.07%, and in the treatment I was reduced by 34.48%. [Conclusion] The Cd in paddy fields of Guangxi Province showed a moderate to high ecological risk,and rational application of silicon fertilizer could effectively reduce the Cd content in brown rice.展开更多
In chemical processes, fault diagnosis is relatively difficult due to the incomplete prior-knowledge and unpredictable production changes. To solve the problem, a case-based extension fault diagnosis (CEFD) method is ...In chemical processes, fault diagnosis is relatively difficult due to the incomplete prior-knowledge and unpredictable production changes. To solve the problem, a case-based extension fault diagnosis (CEFD) method is proposed combining with extension theory, in which the basic-element model is used for the unified and deep fault description, the distance concept is applied to quantify the correlation degree between the new fault and the original fault cases, and the extension transformation is used to expand and obtain the solution of unknown faults. With the application in Tennessee Eastman process, the result indicates that CEFD method has a flexible fault representation, objective fault retrieve performance and good ability for fault study, providing a new way for diagnosing production faults accurately.展开更多
A long-term fertilizer experiment on dry land of the Loess Plateau, northwestChina, has been conducted since 1984 to study the distribution and accumulation of NO_3-N down to adepth of 400 cm in the profile of a coars...A long-term fertilizer experiment on dry land of the Loess Plateau, northwestChina, has been conducted since 1984 to study the distribution and accumulation of NO_3-N down to adepth of 400 cm in the profile of a coarse-textured dark loessial soilafter continuous winter wheatcropping. Thirteen fertilizer treatments consisted of four levels of N and P applied alone or incombination. Annual N and P (P_2O_5) rates were 0, 45, 90, 135 and 180 kg ha^(-1). After 15successive cropping cycles, the soil samples were taken from each treatment for analysis of NO_3-Nconcentration. The results showed that NO_3-N distribution in the soil profile was quite differentamong the treatments. The application of fertilizer N alone resulted in higher NO_3-N concentrationin the soil profile than the combined application of N and P, showing that application of P couldgreatly reduce the NO_3-N accumulation. With an annual application of 180 kg N ha^(-1) alone, a peakin NO_3-N accumulation occurred at 140 cm soildepth, and the maximum NO_3-N concentration in thesoils was 67.92 mg kg^(-1). The amount of NO_3-N accumulated in the soil profile decreased as thecumulative N uptake by the winter wheat increased. Application of a large amount of N resulted inlowerN recoveries in winter wheat and greater NO_3-N accumulation in soil profile. KO_3-N did notenter underground water in the study region; therefore, there is no danger of underground waterpollution. Amount of NO_3-N accumulation can be predicted by an equation according to annual N and Prates based on the results of this experiment.展开更多
Product quality and operation cost control obtain increasing emphases in modern chemical system engineering. To improve the fault detection power of the partial least square (PLS) method for quality control, a new QRP...Product quality and operation cost control obtain increasing emphases in modern chemical system engineering. To improve the fault detection power of the partial least square (PLS) method for quality control, a new QRPV statistic is proposed in terms of the VP (variable importance in projection) indices of monitored process variables, which is significantly advanced over and different from the conventional Q statistic. QRPV is calculated only by the residuals of the remarkable process variables (RPVs). Therefore, it is the dominant relation between quality and RPV not all process variables (as in the case of the conventional PLS) that is monitored by this new VP-PLS (VPLS) method. The combination of QRPV and T2 statistics is applied to the quality and cost control of the Tennessee Eastman (TE) process, and weak faults can be detected as quickly as possible. Consequently, the product quality of TE process is guaranteed and operation costs are reduced.展开更多
The Late Cretaceous tectonic upheaval was an important event during the evolution of the Qaidam Basin, resulting in the omission of the Upper Cretaceous in the whole basin and unconformities between the Paleogene sequ...The Late Cretaceous tectonic upheaval was an important event during the evolution of the Qaidam Basin, resulting in the omission of the Upper Cretaceous in the whole basin and unconformities between the Paleogene sequence and pre-K2 strata. Inte-grating geological and geophysical data, two different groups of Late Cretaceous faults were recognized in the study area, one group consisting of E-W extending strike-slip faults (e.g., the Maxian and Yema-Jinan faults in the Mahai area, which caused an E-W omission zone of Mesozoic), while the other one has NW-SE thrust faults, resulting in NW-SE fold-and-thrust belts. Considering the different strikes and scale of these two groups, a simple-shear model has been employed to explain this structural phenomenon. The NW-SE thrust faults were thought to be subsidiary to the E-W strike-slip faults. Putting this into the framework of the Cretaceous paleogeographic environment of central Asia, it is inferred that this tectonic event of the Qaidam Basin is a response to the continuous northward drifting of the India plate.展开更多
This article investigates the soil properties in two soil profiles from the terraces of the Nam Co Lake in Tibet,China. Profile 1,with a slope aspect to east,is 37 m,and profile 2,to southwest,is 32 m above the lake l...This article investigates the soil properties in two soil profiles from the terraces of the Nam Co Lake in Tibet,China. Profile 1,with a slope aspect to east,is 37 m,and profile 2,to southwest,is 32 m above the lake level. Twelve and nine layers were identified in profile 1 and profile 2,respectively,based on the color,texture,structure,moisture content,presence of carbonate,and root density. Grain sizes and measurements of water content,total organic carbon,total inorganic carbon,total carbon,pH value and electrical conductivity were all analyzed for each sample. The results show that soil is poorly developed because of sparse vegetation coverage and weak chemical weathering in the cold and arid area. The results also indicate that the soil properties are different between the two profiles and suggest that soil is better developed in profile 1 than in profile 2. These differences are ascribed to the dissimilarity of landform,vegetation and timing. Profile 1 faces to east as compared with profile 2 facing to southwest and gets less insolation and therefore less evaporation. Thus,vegetation grows better in profile 1 than in profile 2. Radiocarbon dating and OSL dating show that profile 1 underwent a longer soil forming process than profile 2,which is helpful for the soil development in profile 1.展开更多
This article deals with the important experience of regional planning developed by the CESP (Companhia Energ6tica de Silo Paulo), Brazil, through the implantation of its hydroelectric projects. The company accumulat...This article deals with the important experience of regional planning developed by the CESP (Companhia Energ6tica de Silo Paulo), Brazil, through the implantation of its hydroelectric projects. The company accumulated a large experience in deploying and managing residential centers built to provide support to the works of their dams. The presence of urban planning was verified in all cases studied, with the participation of different professionals such as architects, planners, engineers and landscape designers, from inside or outside the company. This research shows that they used concepts derived from experiences as company towns of 19th century, the neighborhood unit, the garden city, the urbanistic assumptions from CIAM (Congr^s Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne) and the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority).展开更多
The 1991 Booker Prize--winning novelist Ben Okri, while traveling in the Deep South after Barack Obama's victory in the November 2008 presidential election, wrote that Elvis Presley was a lingering deity in the city ...The 1991 Booker Prize--winning novelist Ben Okri, while traveling in the Deep South after Barack Obama's victory in the November 2008 presidential election, wrote that Elvis Presley was a lingering deity in the city of Memphis. The images of Elvis Presley, who earned the sobriquet "King of Rock" early in his career, and that of B. B. King, the exemplar extraordinaire of the Blues, are ubiquitous in the city of Memphis, which may be regarded as a metonym for the Blues and Rock 'n Roll. The byline for the city of Memphis is, "Home of the Blues, Birthplace of Rock 'n Roll", and this fact announces itself to the visitor as soon as he/she enters the arrivals concourse of the Memphis International Airport. As one proceeds towards the baggage claims area, the images which saturate the walkway create an aura that is redolent of the city's vibrant Rock 'n Roll era. Drawing on Foucault's notion of heterotopias, as well as Jakobson's work on metonymy, this paper explores the hybrid musical spatiality of the city of Memphis and its environs, as well as its iconic status in the evolution of Rock 'n Roll which was engendered by the Blues.展开更多
In order to build a model for the Chang-8 low permeability sandstone reservoir in the Yanchang formation of the Xifeng oil field,we studied sedimentation and diagenesis of sandstone and analyzed major factors controll...In order to build a model for the Chang-8 low permeability sandstone reservoir in the Yanchang formation of the Xifeng oil field,we studied sedimentation and diagenesis of sandstone and analyzed major factors controlling this low permeability reservoir.By doing so,we have made clear that the spatial distribution of reservoir attribute parameters is controlled by the spatial distribution of various kinds of sandstone bodies.By taking advantage of many coring wells and high quality logging data,we used regression analysis for a single well with geological conditions as constraints,to build the interpretation model for logging data and to calculate attribute parameters for a single well,which ensured accuracy of the 1-D vertical model.On this basis,we built a litho-facies model to replace the sedimentary facies model.In addition,we also built a porosity model by using a sequential Gaussian simulation with the lithofacies model as the constraint.In the end,we built a permeability model by using Markov-Bayes simula-tion,with the porosity attribute as the covariate.The results show that the permeability model reflects very well the relative differences between low permeability values,which is of great importance for locating high permeability zones and forecasting zones favorable for exploration and exploitation.展开更多
A series of field experiments from 1990 to 1994 in Yingtan, Jiangxi Province, were conducted on an upland red soil derived from Quaternary red clay which had been reclaimed three years before the experiments, in order...A series of field experiments from 1990 to 1994 in Yingtan, Jiangxi Province, were conducted on an upland red soil derived from Quaternary red clay which had been reclaimed three years before the experiments, in order to study the fertility characteristics and fertilizer requirements of the newly reclaimed soil. The field experiments included that on nutrient characteristics and fertilizer effect, that on K-supplying potential and K-Mg relationship, that on fertilization rates of K and N, etc. The newly reclaimed upland soil was low in both N and P, and its responses to nitrogen and phosphate application were very significant. The K-supplying potential was also low, so the soil was highly responsive to K fertilizer. The effect of Ca and Mg fertilizers was not so great for the reason that certain amounts of Ca and Mg were incorporated into the soil through application of calcium magnesium phosphate during land leveling before the experiments. Among the four micronutrients, B, Mo, Zn and Cu, B had the greatest effect on the soil. The fertilizer requirements of the soil were in an order of P and N > K > lime and B > Mg > Mo, Zn and Cu. Eight crops tested had different fertilizer-requiring characteristics. Rapeseed was very sensitive to P and B fertilizers. Barely was especially sensitive to P and lime and it also responded to B, Mo, Zn and Cu. And sweet potato was especially sensitive to K.展开更多
The Leishan-Rongjiang antimony ore field(LAOF) is in a unique geotectonic location in the uplift between the Youjiang and Xiangzhong basins.This paper focuses on two representative deposits in the LAOF:the Bameng and ...The Leishan-Rongjiang antimony ore field(LAOF) is in a unique geotectonic location in the uplift between the Youjiang and Xiangzhong basins.This paper focuses on two representative deposits in the LAOF:the Bameng and Peize antimony(Sb) deposits.We analyzed fluid inclusions(FIs) in stibnite and coexisting quartz,as well as the sulfur isotopic composition of stibnite,to better understand the nature of the ore-forming fluid and the metallogenic process.The FIs data from samples of the stibnite and coexisting quartz indicate that the ore-forming fluids were characterized by low-temperature(150-210 ℃),low-salinity(1.5 wt%-6.0 wt%NaCl equiv.),and low-density(0.872-0.961 g/cm^3).The δ^(34)S values of stibnite(-8.21‰ to 3.76‰,average =-6.30‰)fall in between the sulfur isotopic compositions of the mantle and of biogenic sulfur in sedimentary rocks.However,the δ^(34)S_(∑s) values(-4.41 ‰ to +0.04‰,average =-2.49‰) of the ore-forming fluids are generally closer to the sulfur isotopic composition of the mantle source,indicating that the sulfur in the LAOF was mainly sourced from the mantle,but with possible involvement of biogenic sulfur.In addition,FIs petrography and ore deposit geology show that fluid boiling resulted from an abrupt decrease in pressure,which may have triggered the precipitation of stibnite.We conclude that low-temperature,dilute hydrothermal fluids with mixed origins migrated along the regional fault and interacted with the wall rock,extracting the ore-forming materials.Then,the oreforming fluids were injected into the fault fracture zones.展开更多
基金Project(41202051)supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject([2014]76)supported by the Platform of Scientific and Technological Innovation for Hunan Youth,China+1 种基金Project(2014T70886)supported by the Special Program of the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of ChinaProject(2012M521721)supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
文摘The major element, trace element and rare earth element(REE) of the intrusion rock from the Dachang ore field in Guangxi, China, were analyzed. The results show that the phenocryst(about 15%) and matrix(about 85%) mainly consist of quartz, K-feldspar and plagioclase. The rock is composed of low content of Si and high content of Al2O3, low contents of Ca, Fe2O3, Na, TiO2, etc. The intrusion rock has the medium alkali content, attributing to K-rich type rock; and contains medium to low REE contents, of which light rare earth elements(LREEs) and heavy rare earth elements(HREEs) are highly fractionated, showing a weak negative Ce anomaly and a negative Eu anomaly. These rocks are enriched in LREE, and the large ion lithophytes elements(LILE) are rich in Rb, Sr, and U; the high-field-strength elements(Nb, Th, etc) are relatively depleted. The REE chondrite-normalized patterns are consistent with the overall, roughly indicating their similar characteristics, sources and evolution. The intrusion rock mainly formed during the collisional and within-plate periods.
文摘Inter-crystalline pores, cavities, and fractures created from diagenetic shrinkage of dolomite are inter-connected each other, forming fine oil- and gas-bearing reservoirs. It is hard to predict these complex fracture-cavity reservoirs because of their random distribution, different growth timing, and so on. Taking the lacustrine dolomite fracture-pore reservoir in the Lower Cretaceous Xiagou Formation in the Qingxi oilfield within the Jiuquan basin as an example, we put forward a comprehensive geophysical method to predict carbonate fractures.
文摘暗示,即用含蓄、间接的方法对人的心理状态产生迅速影响的过程。日本学者池田西次郎认为:受暗示“就是一个人不加批判地接受他人语言或其他刺激,由此而产生特定的知觉、观念、信念、感情、行动的现象。”而在英文中,暗示的侧重点在于强调受暗示者的信念(insinuation of a belief or impulse into the mind),美国学者E·康克林解释说:暗示是认识作用的不加批判的接受。所谓不加批判的接受,是一种信仰或准备动作的态度。从各学者对暗示的研究中。
基金Supported by Guangxi Scientific Research and Technological Development Projects(GKG1123001-9B)Fundamental Research Funds of Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences(GNK2013YZ19,GNK2015YT32)~~
文摘[Objective] To provide a scientific basis for the management of Cd contamination, the status of Cd contamination in paddy soil of Guangxi Province, as well as the effect of silicon fertilization on Cd content in brown rice, was investigated. [Method] A total of 157 topsoil(0-20 cm) samples were collected from the major rice-growing paddy fields in Guangxi Province. The Cd contents in the topsoil samples were determined. The paddy soil environment quality and potential ecological risk were evaluated by single factor index and potential ecological index methods. In addition, in the Cd-contaminated paddy fields, the effects of different silicon fertilization treatments(no application(CK), soil application of 750 kg/hm^2 silicon fertilizer(S), leaf application of 1 500 L/hm^2 0.2% nanometer silicon(L), soil application of 750 kg/hm^2 silicon fertilizer + leaf application of 1 500 L/hm^2 0.2% nanometer silicon(SL)) on Cd content in brown rice were investigated. [Result] The total Cd contents in the 157 topsoil samples from paddy fields of Guangxi Province ranged from 0.02 to 7.33 mg/kg with an average content of 0.53 mg/kg. The Cd contents in 35.03% of the topsoil samples exceeded the grade II of national soil environment quality standards, and the topsoil samples were dominated by moderate and mild Cd contamination. Different silicon fertilization treatment all significantly reduced the Cd content in brown rice(P〈0.05). In the treatment III, the Cd content in brown rice was lowest. Compared with that in the CK group, the Cd content in brown rice in the treatment III was reduced by 73.45%, in the treatment II was reduced by 62.07%, and in the treatment I was reduced by 34.48%. [Conclusion] The Cd in paddy fields of Guangxi Province showed a moderate to high ecological risk,and rational application of silicon fertilizer could effectively reduce the Cd content in brown rice.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61104131).
文摘In chemical processes, fault diagnosis is relatively difficult due to the incomplete prior-knowledge and unpredictable production changes. To solve the problem, a case-based extension fault diagnosis (CEFD) method is proposed combining with extension theory, in which the basic-element model is used for the unified and deep fault description, the distance concept is applied to quantify the correlation degree between the new fault and the original fault cases, and the extension transformation is used to expand and obtain the solution of unknown faults. With the application in Tennessee Eastman process, the result indicates that CEFD method has a flexible fault representation, objective fault retrieve performance and good ability for fault study, providing a new way for diagnosing production faults accurately.
基金Project supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX2)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40025106).
文摘A long-term fertilizer experiment on dry land of the Loess Plateau, northwestChina, has been conducted since 1984 to study the distribution and accumulation of NO_3-N down to adepth of 400 cm in the profile of a coarse-textured dark loessial soilafter continuous winter wheatcropping. Thirteen fertilizer treatments consisted of four levels of N and P applied alone or incombination. Annual N and P (P_2O_5) rates were 0, 45, 90, 135 and 180 kg ha^(-1). After 15successive cropping cycles, the soil samples were taken from each treatment for analysis of NO_3-Nconcentration. The results showed that NO_3-N distribution in the soil profile was quite differentamong the treatments. The application of fertilizer N alone resulted in higher NO_3-N concentrationin the soil profile than the combined application of N and P, showing that application of P couldgreatly reduce the NO_3-N accumulation. With an annual application of 180 kg N ha^(-1) alone, a peakin NO_3-N accumulation occurred at 140 cm soildepth, and the maximum NO_3-N concentration in thesoils was 67.92 mg kg^(-1). The amount of NO_3-N accumulated in the soil profile decreased as thecumulative N uptake by the winter wheat increased. Application of a large amount of N resulted inlowerN recoveries in winter wheat and greater NO_3-N accumulation in soil profile. KO_3-N did notenter underground water in the study region; therefore, there is no danger of underground waterpollution. Amount of NO_3-N accumulation can be predicted by an equation according to annual N and Prates based on the results of this experiment.
文摘Product quality and operation cost control obtain increasing emphases in modern chemical system engineering. To improve the fault detection power of the partial least square (PLS) method for quality control, a new QRPV statistic is proposed in terms of the VP (variable importance in projection) indices of monitored process variables, which is significantly advanced over and different from the conventional Q statistic. QRPV is calculated only by the residuals of the remarkable process variables (RPVs). Therefore, it is the dominant relation between quality and RPV not all process variables (as in the case of the conventional PLS) that is monitored by this new VP-PLS (VPLS) method. The combination of QRPV and T2 statistics is applied to the quality and cost control of the Tennessee Eastman (TE) process, and weak faults can be detected as quickly as possible. Consequently, the product quality of TE process is guaranteed and operation costs are reduced.
文摘The Late Cretaceous tectonic upheaval was an important event during the evolution of the Qaidam Basin, resulting in the omission of the Upper Cretaceous in the whole basin and unconformities between the Paleogene sequence and pre-K2 strata. Inte-grating geological and geophysical data, two different groups of Late Cretaceous faults were recognized in the study area, one group consisting of E-W extending strike-slip faults (e.g., the Maxian and Yema-Jinan faults in the Mahai area, which caused an E-W omission zone of Mesozoic), while the other one has NW-SE thrust faults, resulting in NW-SE fold-and-thrust belts. Considering the different strikes and scale of these two groups, a simple-shear model has been employed to explain this structural phenomenon. The NW-SE thrust faults were thought to be subsidiary to the E-W strike-slip faults. Putting this into the framework of the Cretaceous paleogeographic environment of central Asia, it is inferred that this tectonic event of the Qaidam Basin is a response to the continuous northward drifting of the India plate.
基金supported by the Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. kzcx2-yw-104)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 40730101 and 40671023)
文摘This article investigates the soil properties in two soil profiles from the terraces of the Nam Co Lake in Tibet,China. Profile 1,with a slope aspect to east,is 37 m,and profile 2,to southwest,is 32 m above the lake level. Twelve and nine layers were identified in profile 1 and profile 2,respectively,based on the color,texture,structure,moisture content,presence of carbonate,and root density. Grain sizes and measurements of water content,total organic carbon,total inorganic carbon,total carbon,pH value and electrical conductivity were all analyzed for each sample. The results show that soil is poorly developed because of sparse vegetation coverage and weak chemical weathering in the cold and arid area. The results also indicate that the soil properties are different between the two profiles and suggest that soil is better developed in profile 1 than in profile 2. These differences are ascribed to the dissimilarity of landform,vegetation and timing. Profile 1 faces to east as compared with profile 2 facing to southwest and gets less insolation and therefore less evaporation. Thus,vegetation grows better in profile 1 than in profile 2. Radiocarbon dating and OSL dating show that profile 1 underwent a longer soil forming process than profile 2,which is helpful for the soil development in profile 1.
文摘This article deals with the important experience of regional planning developed by the CESP (Companhia Energ6tica de Silo Paulo), Brazil, through the implantation of its hydroelectric projects. The company accumulated a large experience in deploying and managing residential centers built to provide support to the works of their dams. The presence of urban planning was verified in all cases studied, with the participation of different professionals such as architects, planners, engineers and landscape designers, from inside or outside the company. This research shows that they used concepts derived from experiences as company towns of 19th century, the neighborhood unit, the garden city, the urbanistic assumptions from CIAM (Congr^s Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne) and the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority).
文摘The 1991 Booker Prize--winning novelist Ben Okri, while traveling in the Deep South after Barack Obama's victory in the November 2008 presidential election, wrote that Elvis Presley was a lingering deity in the city of Memphis. The images of Elvis Presley, who earned the sobriquet "King of Rock" early in his career, and that of B. B. King, the exemplar extraordinaire of the Blues, are ubiquitous in the city of Memphis, which may be regarded as a metonym for the Blues and Rock 'n Roll. The byline for the city of Memphis is, "Home of the Blues, Birthplace of Rock 'n Roll", and this fact announces itself to the visitor as soon as he/she enters the arrivals concourse of the Memphis International Airport. As one proceeds towards the baggage claims area, the images which saturate the walkway create an aura that is redolent of the city's vibrant Rock 'n Roll era. Drawing on Foucault's notion of heterotopias, as well as Jakobson's work on metonymy, this paper explores the hybrid musical spatiality of the city of Memphis and its environs, as well as its iconic status in the evolution of Rock 'n Roll which was engendered by the Blues.
基金Project 50374048 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
文摘In order to build a model for the Chang-8 low permeability sandstone reservoir in the Yanchang formation of the Xifeng oil field,we studied sedimentation and diagenesis of sandstone and analyzed major factors controlling this low permeability reservoir.By doing so,we have made clear that the spatial distribution of reservoir attribute parameters is controlled by the spatial distribution of various kinds of sandstone bodies.By taking advantage of many coring wells and high quality logging data,we used regression analysis for a single well with geological conditions as constraints,to build the interpretation model for logging data and to calculate attribute parameters for a single well,which ensured accuracy of the 1-D vertical model.On this basis,we built a litho-facies model to replace the sedimentary facies model.In addition,we also built a porosity model by using a sequential Gaussian simulation with the lithofacies model as the constraint.In the end,we built a permeability model by using Markov-Bayes simula-tion,with the porosity attribute as the covariate.The results show that the permeability model reflects very well the relative differences between low permeability values,which is of great importance for locating high permeability zones and forecasting zones favorable for exploration and exploitation.
基金Project supported by the Potash & Phosphate Institute (PPI/PPIC), Canada.
文摘A series of field experiments from 1990 to 1994 in Yingtan, Jiangxi Province, were conducted on an upland red soil derived from Quaternary red clay which had been reclaimed three years before the experiments, in order to study the fertility characteristics and fertilizer requirements of the newly reclaimed soil. The field experiments included that on nutrient characteristics and fertilizer effect, that on K-supplying potential and K-Mg relationship, that on fertilization rates of K and N, etc. The newly reclaimed upland soil was low in both N and P, and its responses to nitrogen and phosphate application were very significant. The K-supplying potential was also low, so the soil was highly responsive to K fertilizer. The effect of Ca and Mg fertilizers was not so great for the reason that certain amounts of Ca and Mg were incorporated into the soil through application of calcium magnesium phosphate during land leveling before the experiments. Among the four micronutrients, B, Mo, Zn and Cu, B had the greatest effect on the soil. The fertilizer requirements of the soil were in an order of P and N > K > lime and B > Mg > Mo, Zn and Cu. Eight crops tested had different fertilizer-requiring characteristics. Rapeseed was very sensitive to P and B fertilizers. Barely was especially sensitive to P and lime and it also responded to B, Mo, Zn and Cu. And sweet potato was especially sensitive to K.
基金financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (Grant No.41503030)the Planning Project of Science and Technology Cooperation of Guizhou Province (Grant Nos.20157663,20152032)
文摘The Leishan-Rongjiang antimony ore field(LAOF) is in a unique geotectonic location in the uplift between the Youjiang and Xiangzhong basins.This paper focuses on two representative deposits in the LAOF:the Bameng and Peize antimony(Sb) deposits.We analyzed fluid inclusions(FIs) in stibnite and coexisting quartz,as well as the sulfur isotopic composition of stibnite,to better understand the nature of the ore-forming fluid and the metallogenic process.The FIs data from samples of the stibnite and coexisting quartz indicate that the ore-forming fluids were characterized by low-temperature(150-210 ℃),low-salinity(1.5 wt%-6.0 wt%NaCl equiv.),and low-density(0.872-0.961 g/cm^3).The δ^(34)S values of stibnite(-8.21‰ to 3.76‰,average =-6.30‰)fall in between the sulfur isotopic compositions of the mantle and of biogenic sulfur in sedimentary rocks.However,the δ^(34)S_(∑s) values(-4.41 ‰ to +0.04‰,average =-2.49‰) of the ore-forming fluids are generally closer to the sulfur isotopic composition of the mantle source,indicating that the sulfur in the LAOF was mainly sourced from the mantle,but with possible involvement of biogenic sulfur.In addition,FIs petrography and ore deposit geology show that fluid boiling resulted from an abrupt decrease in pressure,which may have triggered the precipitation of stibnite.We conclude that low-temperature,dilute hydrothermal fluids with mixed origins migrated along the regional fault and interacted with the wall rock,extracting the ore-forming materials.Then,the oreforming fluids were injected into the fault fracture zones.