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均匀带电球面的电场场强分布再讨论 被引量:10
作者 李配军 《物理与工程》 2003年第6期49-50,共2页
本文通过带电球面模型的建立 。
关键词 均匀带电球面 电场场强 电场分布 电场叠加 电学理论 突变
作者 张昌龙 李晔 任谨慎 《现代商贸工业》 2009年第3期296-297,共2页
关键词 电场场强 等效模型 圆弧法 半球面法
作者 田亮 李海宝 《技术物理教学》 2007年第3期26-27,共2页
1 引言 工科物理中,求静电场场强通常有三种方法:场强叠加原理;高斯定理;利用场强与电势梯度关系.对电荷分布具有对称性特点的静电场,高斯定理是解决这类问题的首选.但是,其中有很多问题用叠加原理也不复杂.现举两个例子.
关键词 场强叠加原理 电场场强 对称分布 计算 高斯定理 工科物理 电荷分布 电势梯度
电场场强校准技术的研究进展 被引量:5
作者 邢昊 何梓滨 +6 位作者 吴梦娟 王碧云 王凯 陈权 卢从俊 张荟如 刘玉梅 《计量科学与技术》 2023年第3期20-28,42,共10页
研究分析了当前国内外电场场强校准技术的发展趋势,重点介绍了TEM室、GTEM室、基于同轴锥的TEM室、镜面单锥TEM室、微波暗室以及电磁混响室等装置在国内外高校、研究所以及计量机构的研究现状。介绍了各类装置的设计结构以及性能参数,... 研究分析了当前国内外电场场强校准技术的发展趋势,重点介绍了TEM室、GTEM室、基于同轴锥的TEM室、镜面单锥TEM室、微波暗室以及电磁混响室等装置在国内外高校、研究所以及计量机构的研究现状。介绍了各类装置的设计结构以及性能参数,并对文中所提及的各类电场场强校准设备的特点、用途、适用环境进行了比较。根据电场场强校准技术的研究进展,分析了未来场强参数现场校准的发展趋势,以满足场强传感器在生产线现场条件下的快速校准需求。 展开更多
关键词 计量学 电场场强 标准装置 TEM室 单锥TEM室 现场校准
作者 张晓舟 曾明 《高中数理化》 北大核心 2003年第6期18-20,共3页
关键词 电场场强 电势 电场性质 点电荷 高中 物理 电磁学问题 解题指导
高场强脉冲电场在胡萝卜汁加工中应用的研究 被引量:4
作者 申双贵 张涛 何勤 《食品与机械》 CSCD 2000年第5期20-21,共2页
研究高场强脉冲电场 (HEFP)的产生及其处理胡萝卜浆提高出汁率的机理 ,探讨处理后的胡萝卜汁的营养成分、外观、色泽、风味的变化情况。
关键词 场强脉冲电场 胡萝卜浆 出汁率 产品品质
作者 徐信洪 《浙江海洋学院学报(人文科学版)》 1997年第1期46-47,共2页
在半径为R的圆柱形空间存在着垂直于纸面且向里的均匀磁场(?)(如图1,表示圆柱形空间一个模截面),磁感应强度(?)随时间变化,且dB/dt为常数,求变化磁场激发的感生电场的大小和方向.这是一般电磁学教材中,在讨论感生电场时,必讨论的一个问... 在半径为R的圆柱形空间存在着垂直于纸面且向里的均匀磁场(?)(如图1,表示圆柱形空间一个模截面),磁感应强度(?)随时间变化,且dB/dt为常数,求变化磁场激发的感生电场的大小和方向.这是一般电磁学教材中,在讨论感生电场时,必讨论的一个问题.对这问题的求解,一般采取以中心O为圆心,以r为个半径作一圆形回路,然后分析其对称关系,得出在回路上各点处的感生电场场强必是大小相等,方向与回路相切,最后通过(1)得到结果.初学者对回路上各点处感生电场场强大小相等,深信不疑,但对场强方向必与回路相切,感到疑惑.本文拟根据感生电场的性质,对此作一证明.首先证明回路上各点的感生电场沿轴向的分量为零. 展开更多
关键词 感生电场 圆柱形 电场场强 均匀磁场 电磁学教材 变化磁场 感到疑惑 磁感应强度B 大小相等 无限远
三种电流变阻尼器阻尼特性的对比分析 被引量:4
作者 陈吉安 张博明 +1 位作者 王殿富 杜善义 《应用力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期58-65,共8页
首先简要地介绍了电流变体材料以及电流变阻尼器的基本概念,进而阐明了剪切模式电流变阻尼器、流动模式电流变阻尼器和复合模式电流变阻尼器的工作原理。最后,应用非牛顿流体力学理论给出了它们的阻尼力模型,并对其各自的阻尼特性进... 首先简要地介绍了电流变体材料以及电流变阻尼器的基本概念,进而阐明了剪切模式电流变阻尼器、流动模式电流变阻尼器和复合模式电流变阻尼器的工作原理。最后,应用非牛顿流体力学理论给出了它们的阻尼力模型,并对其各自的阻尼特性进行了一些理论分析和探讨。 展开更多
关键词 电流变阻尼器 等效阻尼系数 电场场强 振动主动控制
槽型空心阴极放电特性的模拟 被引量:3
作者 何寿杰 刘淑敏 +1 位作者 刘志强 董丽芳 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期516-522,共7页
为进一步揭示槽型空心阴极放电的放电机理,利用流体-亚稳态原子传输模型模拟研究了槽型空心阴极放电等离子体参数的时空分布特性。模拟得到了不同时刻槽型空心阴极放电中电势、电子密度、电场场强和电离速率等的分布特性。结果表明槽型... 为进一步揭示槽型空心阴极放电的放电机理,利用流体-亚稳态原子传输模型模拟研究了槽型空心阴极放电等离子体参数的时空分布特性。模拟得到了不同时刻槽型空心阴极放电中电势、电子密度、电场场强和电离速率等的分布特性。结果表明槽型空心阴极放电在不同时刻处于不同的放电模式,即初始放电阶段为Townsend放电模式,此阶段以轴向放电为主;第2阶段为放电由槽外向槽内发展阶段,此阶段电场场强由轴向向径向转换;第3阶段为形成空心阴极效应放电模式阶段,此阶段逐渐形成稳定的阴极鞘层结构;第4阶段为稳定放电阶段,放电参数不随时间发生变化。研究结果为进一步分析空心阴极放电的时间发展特性提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 槽型空心阴极放电 流体-亚稳态原子传输模型 电势 电子密度 电场场强 电离速率
穿墙套管绝缘结构的优化设计分析 被引量:6
作者 郑丽 王思润 《天水师范学院学报》 2015年第2期75-77,共3页
铁道牵引系统电压较高,会对穿墙套管的绝缘质量和寿命产生影响。为了提升穿墙套管的绝缘性能,应从作用电极面积、电场分布、表面处理等因素出发,设计穿墙套管,在面积效应作用下,分析高低压屏蔽罩的形状、放置位置对于电场场强的影响,进... 铁道牵引系统电压较高,会对穿墙套管的绝缘质量和寿命产生影响。为了提升穿墙套管的绝缘性能,应从作用电极面积、电场分布、表面处理等因素出发,设计穿墙套管,在面积效应作用下,分析高低压屏蔽罩的形状、放置位置对于电场场强的影响,进而优化穿墙套管屏蔽罩形状及导体电极形状,改变高低压作用体的面积及屏蔽罩之间的距离,可有效降低作用最大场强数值,保证设备的安全性和可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 屏蔽罩 穿墙套管 绝缘 电场场强
CSNT2451中子管加速系统优化设计 被引量:1
作者 刘炯 岳爱忠 +3 位作者 丁希金 秦爱玲 鲁宁 李兵 《测井技术》 CAS 2021年第4期363-366,共4页
小直径中子管结构空间紧凑,高压绝缘问题突出,如果电场分布不合理,极易造成中子管内打火放电等不良后果。通过理论计算,实现在设计阶段预测电场分布情况,在设计过程中实现结构参数优化,使得中子管内打火放电等问题能够得以规避。利用有... 小直径中子管结构空间紧凑,高压绝缘问题突出,如果电场分布不合理,极易造成中子管内打火放电等不良后果。通过理论计算,实现在设计阶段预测电场分布情况,在设计过程中实现结构参数优化,使得中子管内打火放电等问题能够得以规避。利用有限元分析法对直径为25 mm的CSNT2451中子管进行模拟仿真,得到加速系统敏感区域电场数值分布和电极参数变化对电场变化的影响,指导中子管加速系统的设计优化,通过理论计算和实验验证相结合的办法,提高了CSNT2451中子管工作稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 CSNT2451中子管 中子管结构设计 电场场强分布 加速系统优化设计 有限元分析法
作者 杨太华 《湖南民族职业学院学报》 2010年第3期85-89,共5页
关键词 万有引力 静电力 奇点 约束反力 电场场强
三相高压整流节能电源在西山热电兴能发电厂的改造 被引量:1
作者 张成 《安徽电子信息职业技术学院学报》 2010年第6期30-32,共3页
电除尘器三相高压整流节能电源,在氧化铝冶金烧结机头上已经取得多个成功案例并成为普遍应用的趋势,但在电力上推广一直缺乏有效的应用数据。本文介绍山西西山热电兴能电厂1#机ESP1 30MW发电机组,通过三相电源+智能低压的整体电气改造后... 电除尘器三相高压整流节能电源,在氧化铝冶金烧结机头上已经取得多个成功案例并成为普遍应用的趋势,但在电力上推广一直缺乏有效的应用数据。本文介绍山西西山热电兴能电厂1#机ESP1 30MW发电机组,通过三相电源+智能低压的整体电气改造后,经太原环保局检测中心测出出口排放从150mg/Nm^3下降到45mg/Nm^3以下,达到比预期更好的效果,为电力行业的推广使用,提供了成功的经验。 展开更多
关键词 三相高压电源 选型 电场场强 驱进速度
作者 赵宝媛 朱芸桢 +2 位作者 黎良玉 刘雅丽 徐金洲 《东华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期141-146,共6页
为提高微波共振探针测量气体放电等离子体参数的灵敏度,采用COMSOL软件仿真并比较近场场强与辐射的方法,优化了共振探针的几何结构以及探针与耦合线圈的最佳耦合位置。通过仿真模拟可知:具有臂长长和臂间距小的探针的品质因子相对较大;... 为提高微波共振探针测量气体放电等离子体参数的灵敏度,采用COMSOL软件仿真并比较近场场强与辐射的方法,优化了共振探针的几何结构以及探针与耦合线圈的最佳耦合位置。通过仿真模拟可知:具有臂长长和臂间距小的探针的品质因子相对较大;当耦合线圈与探针的摆放位置越近时,耦合效率高,但耦合线圈和探针的辐射也随之增强。提出屏蔽耦合线圈辐射的方法来获得更大的品质因子,仿真模拟和试验测量均表明上述方法具有可行性。 展开更多
关键词 微波共振探针 品质因子 电场场强 辐射 辐射屏蔽
Numerical simulation of high voltage electric pulse comminution of phosphate ore 被引量:5
作者 Razavian Seyed Mohammad Rezai Bahram +1 位作者 Irannajad Mehdi Ravanji Mohammad Hasan 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第3期473-478,共6页
Numerical simulation of the electrical field distribution helps in-depth understanding of the mechanisms behind the responses and the benefits of the high voltage pulse comminution. The COMSOL Multiphysics package was... Numerical simulation of the electrical field distribution helps in-depth understanding of the mechanisms behind the responses and the benefits of the high voltage pulse comminution. The COMSOL Multiphysics package was used to numerically simulate the effect of ore compositions in this study. Regarding phosphate ore particles shape and composition, the effects of mineral composition, particle size, particle shape and electrodes distance were investigated on the electrical field intensity and distribution. The results show that the induced electrical field is significantly dependent on the electrical properties of minerals,the feed particle size and the location of conductive minerals in ores. The angle of material contact surface with the discharge electrode is also an important factor in the intensity of electrical field. Moreover,it is found that the specific liberation effect at the disintegration of phosphate ore by electrical pulses is due to the locality of the electrical field at the interface of mineral components of the phosphate ore aggregates with different permittivities. However, the intensity of the electrical field increases with sharpening the contact angle. Besides, the electrical discharge in the samples is converted to the electrohydraulic discharge across the surrounding water by changing the distance between the discharge electrode and sample surface. 展开更多
关键词 Numerical simulation High voltage electric pulse Electrical comminution Phosphate ore
Binding Energies of D^- Centers Trapped by a Quantum Dot in a Magnetic Field
作者 XIE Wen-Fang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期748-750,共3页
A investigation of the properties of the bound states of D^- centers confined in a parabolic quantum dot has been performed for the case with the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. Calculations are carried ou... A investigation of the properties of the bound states of D^- centers confined in a parabolic quantum dot has been performed for the case with the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. Calculations are carried out by using the method of numerical diagonalization of Hamiltonian matrix within the effective-mass approximation. The binding energies of the ground and some bound-excited states are obtained as a function of the applied magnetic field strength. Detailed calculations of the binding energies for a number of low-lying states show that for field strength less than B = 2.1 T, the D center confined in a quantum dot possesses two bound states, for 2.1 〈 B 〈 2.4 T, there exist three bound states, etc. Further relevant characteristics of the D- center quantum dots in magnetic fields are provided. 展开更多
关键词 quantum dots DONOR
Effects of Various Pulsed Electric Field Conditions on Cell Disintegration and Mass Transfer of Sugar Beet
作者 A. M. Maskooki M. N. Eshtiaghi 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2011年第1期67-76,共10页
Pulsed electric field is an innovative method for non-thermal food processing. The effects of pulsed electric field on cell disintegration and mass transfer in sugar beet were studied. Sugar beet slices were treated b... Pulsed electric field is an innovative method for non-thermal food processing. The effects of pulsed electric field on cell disintegration and mass transfer in sugar beet were studied. Sugar beet slices were treated by various Field strengths (0.5-6 kV cm^-1), capacity of capacitors (0.5, 8 and 32 μF) and pulse numbers (1-100 pulses). The cell disintegration index and energy input for each treated sample was evaluated. The results showed that the cell membrane of PEF (Pulsed Electric Field) treated samples using 2 kV cm^-1, 8 μF after 20 pulses, and 3 kV cm1, 8 μF after 10 pulses were rapidly disintegrated in less than 1 min. Most important parameters during cell permeabilization were the total energy input followed by field strength. Energy efficiency index was defined as cell disintegration index per energy input unit. The maximum efficiency index was achieved using 2 kV cm^-1, 8 μF after 5 pulses. Comparison between PEF pretreatment and thermal method showed that large amount of sugar may be extracted after PEF pretreatment using field strength of 2 Kv cm^-1, 8μF in less than 10 min at ambient temperature. In.addition, the consumed energy for thermal treatment was approximately 20 to 50 times more than PEF pretreatment. Optimizing the field conditions in PEF treatment is an important factor to achieve high amount of sugar extraction from sugar beet. 展开更多
关键词 Nonthermal Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) sugar beet cell disintegration mass transfer
Electromagnetic Environmental Impact of 500-kV Double -Circuit Transmission Lines
作者 Qi Jianzhao, Zhang Guohua, Wu Xiaoyan Hebei Electric Power Design & Research Institute Zhang Jianping 《Electricity》 2011年第1期24-28,共5页
The strength of the power frequency electric intensity and magnetic field of the 500-kV double circuit transmission lines was calculated by using the equivalent charge method and the Ampere's Law, and the environm... The strength of the power frequency electric intensity and magnetic field of the 500-kV double circuit transmission lines was calculated by using the equivalent charge method and the Ampere's Law, and the environmental impact factors of the fields were evaluated. By optimizing the phase sequence, the frequency electric intensity and magnetic field strength can be reduced. Within a distance of 25 m from the center of the transmission line, the power frequency electric intensity and magnetic field strength fall off sharply with the distance increase. Finally, the best phase sequence and the minimum ground clearance of the transmission lines were obtained to meet the requirements of the least impact on envionment. 展开更多
关键词 transmission line frequency electric field intensity frequency magnetic field strength
Anisotropic Emission from Magnetized Quark-gluon Plasma
作者 YU Xiaozhu WANG Xinyang 《原子核物理评论》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期564-572,共9页
this work,the polarization effects of a strongly magnetized quark-gluon plasma are studied at finite temperature.It is found that a background magnetic field can have a strong effect on the photon and dilepton emissio... this work,the polarization effects of a strongly magnetized quark-gluon plasma are studied at finite temperature.It is found that a background magnetic field can have a strong effect on the photon and dilepton emission rates.It affects not only the total rate but also the angular dependence.In particular,the Landau-level quantization leads to a nontrivial momentum dependence of the photon/dilepton anisotropic flow coefficient on transverse momentum.In the case of photon emission,nonzero coefficients v_(n)(with even n)have opposite signs at small and large values of the transverse momentum.Additionally,the v_(n) signs alternate with increasing vn,and their approximate values decrease as 1/n^(2) in magnitude.The anisotropy of dilepton emission is well-pronounced only at large transverse momenta and small invariant masses.The corresponding Un coefficients are of the same magnitude and show a similar sign-alternative pattern with increasing n as in the photon emission.It is proposed that the anisotropy of the photon and dilepton emission may serve as indirect measurements of the magnetic field. 展开更多
关键词 heavy ion collision electromagnetic probe strong magnetic field finite temperature theory
Geometric optimization of electrostatic fields for stable levitation of metallic materials 被引量:4
作者 HU Liang WANG HaiPeng +1 位作者 LI LiuHui WEI BingBo 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期53-59,共7页
Experimental and computational methods are used to optimize the electrostatic field for levitating metallic materials.The calculated launch voltage increases linearly with the distance between top and bottom electrode... Experimental and computational methods are used to optimize the electrostatic field for levitating metallic materials.The calculated launch voltage increases linearly with the distance between top and bottom electrodes.The combination of a larger top electrode diameter with a smaller bottom diameter may enhance the levitation ability because the electric field intensity near the levitated sample is strengthened.Top convex and bottom concave electrodes can guarantee good levitation stability but decrease the levitation force.The design of bottom electrode is crucial to attain not only a stable levitation state but also a higher levitation capability.As a measure characterizing the intrinsic levitation ability of various materials,the product of density and diameter of levitated samples can be used to determine the launch voltage for counteracting gravity according to a power relationship. 展开更多
关键词 electrostatic levitation containerless processing capacitive induction space science
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