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零售业电子商务发展迟缓的原因及策略分析 被引量:7
作者 孙玉周 徐琳 《现代电子技术》 2005年第9期74-75,78,共3页
定位于零售业电子商务发展,从电子商务运营商、电子商务消费者、资金结算及商品信息及系统发展阶段论等不同角度讨论了零售业电子商务发展迟缓的原因,提出了依托大型连锁超市的企业经营商誉和现代化的管理体制及经营策略,从货币支付、... 定位于零售业电子商务发展,从电子商务运营商、电子商务消费者、资金结算及商品信息及系统发展阶段论等不同角度讨论了零售业电子商务发展迟缓的原因,提出了依托大型连锁超市的企业经营商誉和现代化的管理体制及经营策略,从货币支付、经营商誉、经营观念、现代物流方面,实现由大型连锁超市模式向零售业电子商务模式转变、发展面向消费者的零售业电子商务的策略。 展开更多
关键词 电子商务 电子商务运营 零售业电子商务 策略
关于中国电子商务服务商分析——基于产业链视角 被引量:9
作者 郑淑蓉 《经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第8期32-34,共3页
现实生活中,电子商务产业链具备技术推动型、特殊的产业链构成和产业链链条长等明显特征。电子商务产业链中的电子商务服务商有二类:一是以网络接入服务商、网络运营服务提供商、网络内容服务提供商、应用服务提供商和商业服务提供商为... 现实生活中,电子商务产业链具备技术推动型、特殊的产业链构成和产业链链条长等明显特征。电子商务产业链中的电子商务服务商有二类:一是以网络接入服务商、网络运营服务提供商、网络内容服务提供商、应用服务提供商和商业服务提供商为主体的系统服务商;二是以B2B、B2C、C2C为内容的提供交易平台的和以信用认证、电子金融、物流配送为内容的提供服务平台的中介服务商。 展开更多
关键词 产业链 电子商务产业链 电子商务服务
浅析我国电子商务的发展趋势 被引量:8
作者 李道全 黄丙习 《商场现代化》 北大核心 2006年第12X期130-131,共2页
关键词 电子商务 发展趋势 国际化 融合化 电子商务应用服务
中美农产品电子商务营销发展比较研究 被引量:10
作者 王永倩 《世界农业》 北大核心 2015年第7期75-78,共4页
以互联网为代表的电子信息时代已经到来,农产品营销方式从传统的线下实体交易转变成为依托于互联网平台的虚拟交易,加快农产品营销模式的新转变已经成为中国农业贸易转型阶段需要解决的关键问题。研究试借鉴美国农产品电子商务(简称电商... 以互联网为代表的电子信息时代已经到来,农产品营销方式从传统的线下实体交易转变成为依托于互联网平台的虚拟交易,加快农产品营销模式的新转变已经成为中国农业贸易转型阶段需要解决的关键问题。研究试借鉴美国农产品电子商务(简称电商)营销的相关经验,从中美农产品电子商务营销发展历程、现状的比较以及对中国的启示3方面进行剖析,以期更好地促进中国农产品电子商务营销的发展。 展开更多
关键词 中美 农产品 电子商务营销(电营销) 启示
我国电子商务服务商发展策略探析 被引量:2
作者 张艳红 《厦门广播电视大学学报》 2014年第4期18-22,共5页
随着我国企业电子商务应用程度的加深,电子商务服务企业呈飞速增长的势头,电子商务服务商已经成为推动我国电子商务发展的重要力量。目前我国的电子商务服务企业普遍存在企业盈利能力不足、产业结构不合理、缺乏行业技术标准以及服务商... 随着我国企业电子商务应用程度的加深,电子商务服务企业呈飞速增长的势头,电子商务服务商已经成为推动我国电子商务发展的重要力量。目前我国的电子商务服务企业普遍存在企业盈利能力不足、产业结构不合理、缺乏行业技术标准以及服务商之间缺乏合作等问题,为此,服务商自身应该不断提高服务水平,优化用户体验;应用大数据技术对服务模式进行创新;借力移动电子商务,大力发展移动端应用产品;服务商之间还应进行协作分工、抱团发展,共同打造良性的电子商务生态圈。 展开更多
关键词 电子商务 电子商务服务业 电子商务服务
C2C电子商务模式下提升顾客忠诚度的策略研究 被引量:5
作者 王艳 《科技信息》 2010年第36期219-220,共2页
C2C型电子商务网站市场机会较多,网商之间竞争激烈。如何让网络顾客满意、对网店建立信任和忠诚;如何挽留网络顾客、吸引其重复消费,成为大部分网店的目标。本文针对以上问题提出网络环境下顾客忠诚度的新特点,提出C2C模式下网商提升顾... C2C型电子商务网站市场机会较多,网商之间竞争激烈。如何让网络顾客满意、对网店建立信任和忠诚;如何挽留网络顾客、吸引其重复消费,成为大部分网店的目标。本文针对以上问题提出网络环境下顾客忠诚度的新特点,提出C2C模式下网商提升顾客忠诚度的三个策略,并对其进行了分析。 展开更多
关键词 客户忠诚度 C2C电子商务 提升 策略
中国电子商务服务商的发展新思路 被引量:3
作者 刘莉琼 《武汉商业服务学院学报》 2010年第2期57-59,共3页
在电子商务迅猛发展的背景下,电子商务平台、电子认证、电子支付、现代物流等方面的发展获得了广泛的关注并取得了一定的成绩。然而电子商务的人力资源建设逐渐成为了电子商务发展的薄弱环节",高校电子商务类人才培养相对过剩和行... 在电子商务迅猛发展的背景下,电子商务平台、电子认证、电子支付、现代物流等方面的发展获得了广泛的关注并取得了一定的成绩。然而电子商务的人力资源建设逐渐成为了电子商务发展的薄弱环节",高校电子商务类人才培养相对过剩和行业企业人才紧缺"的矛盾日益突出。本文通过对电子商务服务商的新做法进行SWOT分析,对其竞争力定位,进而摸索总结了中国电子商务服务商在人力资源领域发展的新思路。 展开更多
关键词 电子商务服务 SWOT 人力资源
工业分销商之电子商务策略研究 被引量:1
作者 陈念 《电子商务》 2012年第5期20-21,共2页
残酷的市场竞争要求企业不断寻求新的盈利模式和商业模式,电子商务是其明智的选择之一。工业分销商作为市场一份子,谋求电子商务有其必然性,也有其可行性。工业分销商应规避开展电子商务过程中所面临的相关问题,并采取有效的策略,才能... 残酷的市场竞争要求企业不断寻求新的盈利模式和商业模式,电子商务是其明智的选择之一。工业分销商作为市场一份子,谋求电子商务有其必然性,也有其可行性。工业分销商应规避开展电子商务过程中所面临的相关问题,并采取有效的策略,才能在竞争中拥有一席之地。 展开更多
关键词 中间批发工业分销电子商务策略
作者 朱小平 杨力 《西昌学院学报(自然科学版)》 2023年第1期36-42,51,共8页
随着“互联网+”与传统行业的不断融合,越来越多自身电子商务运营能力不足的中小企业选择电子商务服务外包的方式进入电子商务行业,电子商务代运营服务企业面临机遇的同时也面临激烈的竞争与挑战。为提高电子商务代运营服务企业的竞争力... 随着“互联网+”与传统行业的不断融合,越来越多自身电子商务运营能力不足的中小企业选择电子商务服务外包的方式进入电子商务行业,电子商务代运营服务企业面临机遇的同时也面临激烈的竞争与挑战。为提高电子商务代运营服务企业的竞争力,提升其核心能力建设,从企业综合实力、代运营技术、代运营服务项目、代运营服务质量、人力资源、企业信誉、发展潜力7个方面构建了电子商务代运营服务商竞争能力评价指标体系。针对评价指标众多,主观、客观因素繁杂的状况,建立了DEMATEL与ANP相结合的多属性综合决策方法,首先,使用DEMATEL分析评价指标间的影响关系,绘制影响因素四分图;其次,构建了电子商务代运营服务商竞争能力重要性及关联性ANP网络,引入ANP方法计算各指标的全局权重,并与调整后的综合矩阵混合计算;最后,通过分析混合权重,识别出管理体系、财务状况、历史业绩、服务理念、战略规划为电子商务代运营企业核心竞争力影响的关键因素,进而制定培育企业核心竞争能力的对策。 展开更多
关键词 电子商务代运营服务 核心能力 DEMATEL ANP
作者 吴惠英 《税务(福州)》 2000年第5期19-20,共2页
关键词 香港 电子商务 税收 电子商务商 利润来源
作者 彭玉兴 《管理学家》 2020年第19期157-158,共2页
发展工业电子商务有助于推动工业企业生产方式与经营模式的网络化与协同化,促进生产制造过程与供应链管理的信息交互和集成协作,加速我国由制造业大国向制造业强国的转型升级。电商平台与经营者即是利益的共同体,又是利益博弈的竞争对手... 发展工业电子商务有助于推动工业企业生产方式与经营模式的网络化与协同化,促进生产制造过程与供应链管理的信息交互和集成协作,加速我国由制造业大国向制造业强国的转型升级。电商平台与经营者即是利益的共同体,又是利益博弈的竞争对手,道德风险与利益分配不合理无法通过简单地规范经营者的行为与制定利益分配方案得到解决,违规运营的背后包括电商平台与经营者的利益博弈。文章主要对工业电子商务电商平台与经营者合规运营演化进行了综合的分析。 展开更多
关键词 工业电子商务平台 经营者合规运营 演化博弈
跨境电商物流成本控制的研究 被引量:4
作者 张瑛杰 《全国流通经济》 2018年第33期18-19,共2页
目前,经济全球化趋势的不断增强,经济的飞速发展,科技水平的不断进步以及我国的"一带一路"倡议提出后顺利得到了沿线许多国家的积极响应,这些都为我国跨境电子商务企业的兴起与蓬勃发展创造了良好的条件。然而,对于我国的跨... 目前,经济全球化趋势的不断增强,经济的飞速发展,科技水平的不断进步以及我国的"一带一路"倡议提出后顺利得到了沿线许多国家的积极响应,这些都为我国跨境电子商务企业的兴起与蓬勃发展创造了良好的条件。然而,对于我国的跨境电子商务企业来说,跨境物流成本是一个影响跨境电子商务企业的销售利润和消费者体验的关键因素。这也就意味着跨境电商企业需要对物流成本的控制引起高度重视,需要综合考虑各种因素,结合自身情况,制定一个具有企业特色、适合本企业自身发展状况的跨境物流策略,以此来实现对于物流的成本的控制。本文对我国目前跨境电商企业在控制物流成本方面所面临的困境做出了分析,并提出了一些相应的解决措施。 展开更多
关键词 电子商务跨境电 物流成本控制
双渠道下农资供应链协调的Stackelberg博弈研究 被引量:2
作者 白世贞 丁小洲 《江苏农业科学》 北大核心 2017年第3期254-257,共4页
构建由1个生产商和1个零售商组成的双渠道农资供应链模型,以供应链的最大利润为协调目标,分析、比较了集中式决策和分散式决策下双渠道农资供应链的利益分配问题,研究了不同决策模式下的农资供应链各个节点成员的利益及供应链整体利益... 构建由1个生产商和1个零售商组成的双渠道农资供应链模型,以供应链的最大利润为协调目标,分析、比较了集中式决策和分散式决策下双渠道农资供应链的利益分配问题,研究了不同决策模式下的农资供应链各个节点成员的利益及供应链整体利益。最后通过算例分析,验证了集中式决策对供应链协调的有效性,进而提出了协调化肥供应链的方法,指导农资企业减少成本,提高竞争优势,使农资供应链的发展更具有现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 双渠道农资供应链 生产 零售 供应链协调 STACKELBERG博弈 电子商务运营
作者 黄志球 左藤真司 李清 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2000年第2期207-212,共6页
High availability is a critical mission for business system. At first, an instance of business system OPENSTOCK for pharmacy is introduced including both client and server sides. Secondly, a solution to the high avail... High availability is a critical mission for business system. At first, an instance of business system OPENSTOCK for pharmacy is introduced including both client and server sides. Secondly, a solution to the high availability of this system is given in detail, including design and implementation. The essentiality of this solution consists of scope of system information, system parameter tables of service status, schedule strategies of load ba lance and how to acquire system parameters and detect service states. The solution proposed is scalable and application oriented and supporting load balance for high performance and fault tolerate for high reliability. This application system has been applied and verified realistically, and the features of this business system derived in this paper have been achieved. 展开更多
关键词 high availability load balance fault tolerate business system application service provider
An Empirical Study on Purchasing Intention of Online Group-buying in China
作者 Zhai Shuai Wang Jianfeng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期37-40,共4页
In recent years, the development of electronic commerce has led to the creation of many new and interesting business models for intemet-based buying, and online group-buying has become an effective form of it. Online ... In recent years, the development of electronic commerce has led to the creation of many new and interesting business models for intemet-based buying, and online group-buying has become an effective form of it. Online group-buying is a model in which consumers collaborate and purchase a good at a discounted price. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of reputation, price and service on purchasing intention through mediator which is perceived risk. To empirically test the proposed model, a survey was conducted and 140 samples were collected. The result of this study shows price has a significant effect on purchasing intention through perceived risk. This result also shows service and reputation have an insignificant relationship with perceived risk. Therefore, online group-buying retailers should not only focus on making money from the business but also consider how to keep consumers for future business. 展开更多
关键词 online group-buying purchasing intention perceived risk REPUTATION SERVICE price.
The Analysis on theUse and Boost of E-commerce in the Process of Urbanization
作者 Hui Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第1期44-46,共3页
The development of e-commerce in agriculture is our weak link in the e-commerce system, the formation of agricultural industrialization and modernization of agriculture development incentives did not play its due role... The development of e-commerce in agriculture is our weak link in the e-commerce system, the formation of agricultural industrialization and modernization of agriculture development incentives did not play its due role. Improvement of agricultural e-commerce model is to provide a more direct way of agricultural e-commerce operations performance. Based on this, this paper analyzes the status quo of e-commerce development of agricultural markets, and it is to explore the complete path of agricultural development of electronic commerce. 展开更多
E-commerce applications in the power of Purchasing Management
作者 Qian Kun Wu Jingang Cao Gang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期59-61,共3页
The procurement of goods determines the cost of business operations and the impact of corporate profits.For the purposes of Shandong Electric Power Company, with grid construction continued to increase efforts, gradua... The procurement of goods determines the cost of business operations and the impact of corporate profits.For the purposes of Shandong Electric Power Company, with grid construction continued to increase efforts, gradually increase the amount of investment in power grid construction.2013, Shandong Electric Power Company invested 360.5 billion yuan in fixed assets, an increase of 9%, in which grid investment 337.9 billion yuan,forecasting it will continue to increase in the coming years.How to strengthen procurement management is a top priority of Shandong Electric Power Enterprise Development,this paper conducted a systematic investigation and analysis in e-commerce companies in Shandong Power supplies procurement,comparing with the traditional procurement and e-commerce business processes,summarizing the problems and proposing strategies and suggestions for improvement, 展开更多
关键词 material procurement e-commerce platfonia
Study on the Problems in China's Free E-commerce Model
作者 Degang CHEN Yayun HUA 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期1-3,共3页
There are a variety of e-commerce development modes. Free mode as one of the most important has been widely applied in e-commerce enterprises, and it has become one of the basic methods for ensuring e-commerce enterpr... There are a variety of e-commerce development modes. Free mode as one of the most important has been widely applied in e-commerce enterprises, and it has become one of the basic methods for ensuring e-commerce enterprises to seek a development. In this paper, the current development of the free mode is firstly analyzed and also the factors influencing users to make a choice are analyzed under the free business model, and then the problems in free e-commerce model are proposed, and finally related strategies and suggestions on how to develop for e-commerce enterprises under the free business model are provided. Keywords: 展开更多
关键词 E-COMMERCE Free Business Model Profit Making
Storage Areas and the Development of E-commerce Sector Based on the Example of Poland
作者 Justyna Majchrzak-Lepczyk 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第3期115-122,共8页
The popularity of e-commerce sector in Poland is increasing each year. Thus, it determines the need for market observation and analysis of the changes taking place. This article aims to examine if the dynamics of the ... The popularity of e-commerce sector in Poland is increasing each year. Thus, it determines the need for market observation and analysis of the changes taking place. This article aims to examine if the dynamics of the development of e-commerce in Poland significantly affects the development of the offer of modem warehouse space. Based on available market sector reports the article identifies major factors which stimulate storage management on the one hand, but are certain challenges on the other hand. The article is undoubtedly a good starting point for further tests to examine the model on a sample of entities operating in the industry. E-commerce industry in Poland is growing very rapidly. Retail chains are introducing more and more multi-channel solutions, numerous start-ups are being created, there is increasing interest in internet shopping, which, undoubtedly, enhances the development of the sector. Poland online sales represents only a small percentage in total retail sales and has a lot of catching up to do compared to the mature European markets. However, the situation is clearly more dynamic and the differences are decreasing. More and more companies are operating in the industry, which translates into demand for modem warehouse space. The purpose of this article is to present the dynamic changes taking place in the Polish market, closely linked to the development of e-commerce and an attempt to define their role in shaping the offer of modem warehouse space. E-commerce plays a key role in building global supply chains, in which storage can significantly affect their efficiency and agility. The article highlights the changes in the market warehouse in their many aspects, however, it clearly emphasizes the impact of e-commerce sector. E-commerce is revolutionizing supply chains by rebuilding existing links, such as marketing, payment system, distribution, inventory management, and storage. What important, therefore, is the research problem presented in the article, because it presents current trends and market changes. 展开更多
关键词 WAREHOUSE LOGISTICS logistics operator market E-COMMERCE RETAIL omnichannel CONSUMER
Design and Research on Tourism E-commerce Platform
作者 Dongxia Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第1期97-99,共3页
this paper analyzes application status of tourism e-commerce in China and the Existing problems, points out that the construction of tourism e-commerce platform is an important part of the development of tourism elect... this paper analyzes application status of tourism e-commerce in China and the Existing problems, points out that the construction of tourism e-commerce platform is an important part of the development of tourism electronic commerce. The implementation of all business systems of various tourism enterprise data integration and information integration, the travel industry, all kinds of information resources for collaborative centralized management. By connecting the information management system of scattered all corporate travel value chain, realize the unified operation in the tourism e-commerce platform, improve the exchange of information and online transaction speed. According to our country' s tourism status and characteristics, from the feasibility analysis, function analysis, performance analysis and service oriented thought, this paper analyzes the system architecture of and data flow diagrams, system flow chart, PAD chart analysis of the system' s business processes. And it was analyzed and discussed briefly from the aspects of adaptability, functions, implementation strategy. 展开更多
关键词 SOA Web service tourism e-commerce service object model
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