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嫦娥一号卫星干涉成像光谱仪电子学设计 被引量:1
作者 邱跃洪 汶德胜 +2 位作者 赵葆常 陈智 乔卫东 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期489-494,共6页
介绍了嫦娥一号卫星用于获取矿物光谱信息的干涉成像光谱仪电子学系统设计.概述了电子学系统的技术指标、系统组成、工作模式、外部接口和设计原则,详细描述了焦平面组件设计、视频处理和时序控制组件设计和EMC设计,给出部分正样产品实... 介绍了嫦娥一号卫星用于获取矿物光谱信息的干涉成像光谱仪电子学系统设计.概述了电子学系统的技术指标、系统组成、工作模式、外部接口和设计原则,详细描述了焦平面组件设计、视频处理和时序控制组件设计和EMC设计,给出部分正样产品实物照片以及地面实验和在轨飞行图像.各项地面试验和一年的在轨飞行结果表明该设计达到了预定的技术要求. 展开更多
关键词 嫦娥一号卫星 干涉成像光谱仪 电子学设计 焦平面组件 视频处理和时序控制组件
作者 宋海声 孙文健 +4 位作者 杨海波 赵承心 李承飞 彭鹏 李先勤 《现代电子技术》 2022年第6期39-43,共5页
针对核物理实验的读出需求,文中介绍一种具有高集成度、多通道、低功耗、高数据传输速率及较强的扩展性和通用性的前端读出电子学系统。该前端读出电子学系统可以实现对输入信号的传输和采集,保障核物理实验后续数据分析的高效进行。读... 针对核物理实验的读出需求,文中介绍一种具有高集成度、多通道、低功耗、高数据传输速率及较强的扩展性和通用性的前端读出电子学系统。该前端读出电子学系统可以实现对输入信号的传输和采集,保障核物理实验后续数据分析的高效进行。读出电子学系统主要基于VATA160电荷测量专用集成电路(ASIC)和FLASH型现场可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)进行设计,采用VATA160电荷测量专用集成电路进行输入信号的处理,并由逻辑控制单元将采集到的数据传输到上位机进行存储分析。最后,对读出系统的基线噪声和工作性能进行测试。结果表明:基线噪声值仅占整个读出系统量程范围的0.026%,噪声干扰小;通道的积分非线性优于0.801%,系统性能优;同时,该系统具有较大的动态范围、集成度以及较强的通用性,对于未来多种核物理实验的研发具有广泛的适应性。 展开更多
关键词 电子学设计 VATA160 信号处理 数据传输 存储分析 性能测试
数控刻字机结构设计及机械电子学设计探讨 被引量:1
作者 肖亚波 《大众科技》 2008年第5期139-139,135,共2页
电子设备结构的机械电子学设计是机械电子学一个重要的方面,是有机将机、电、磁、声、光、热、化学、生物、软件等多门全新的独立交叉的学科结合起来(比机电一体化含义更广)应用于电子设备的综合设计技术,是完善电子机械产品的重要手段... 电子设备结构的机械电子学设计是机械电子学一个重要的方面,是有机将机、电、磁、声、光、热、化学、生物、软件等多门全新的独立交叉的学科结合起来(比机电一体化含义更广)应用于电子设备的综合设计技术,是完善电子机械产品的重要手段,进口刻字机品牌如ROLAND,MIMAKI等就是运用机械电子学设计的范例。 展开更多
关键词 电子设备结构 刻字机 机械电子学设计
作者 李海金 刘义 +1 位作者 孙文斌 孙云 《科教导刊》 2012年第24期134-135,共2页
关键词 课程设计电子学教学 实践
基于APD阵列的PET探测器模块电子学 被引量:6
作者 王永纲 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期398-400,392,共4页
APD阵列γ光子探测器的诸多优点使之特别适用于 PET成像技术 ,根据 APD器件本身的特点以及 PET系统对探测器模块信号读出的要求 ,在介绍 APD实验模块前端电路的设计和性能测试以后 ,详细讨论了 APD模块电子学的整体设计。
关键词 APD阵列 PET探测器 核医学 电子学设计 电子发射断层扫描
SHINE丝扫描截面测量系统样机数据采集系统研制 被引量:1
作者 万钧 冷用斌 +5 位作者 赖龙伟 陈杰 高波 陈方舟 陈健 曹珊珊 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期1-8,共8页
上海高重复频率硬X射线自由电子激光装置(Shanghai HIgh repetition rate XFEL aNd Extreme light facility,SHINE)使用低温超导高频腔加速电子,电子能量可以到达8 GeV。对于SHINE的电子束团横向截面测量将使用丝扫描这种半拦截式的截... 上海高重复频率硬X射线自由电子激光装置(Shanghai HIgh repetition rate XFEL aNd Extreme light facility,SHINE)使用低温超导高频腔加速电子,电子能量可以到达8 GeV。对于SHINE的电子束团横向截面测量将使用丝扫描这种半拦截式的截面测量方法,产生的次级粒子数量较拦截式测量方法(如截面靶小)可以减小超导腔失超的风险,但需要实现束损探测器的信号与电机位置同步采集。本文基于Zynq-UltraScale+型片上系统设计与实现了丝扫描系统数据采集系统,首先对该数据采集系统的实现方式作了详细描述,然后利用实验平台检验了电机位置测量的正确性,并验证了同步采集探测器信号和扫描丝位置的功能。实验结果表明:该数据采集系统可以满足SHINE丝扫描截面测量系统的运行要求。 展开更多
关键词 丝扫描 SHINE 信号同步采集 电子学设计
作者 Yu Le Sun Jiabin +3 位作者 Zhang Chunhong Wang Zhaoxin Zhang Chao Yang Haigang 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2013年第6期587-598,共12页
Many 3D IC applications such as MEMS and RF systems require Through-Silicon Via (TSV) with operations for high-speed vertical communication. In this paper, we introduce a novel air-gap coaxial TSV that is suiTab, fo... Many 3D IC applications such as MEMS and RF systems require Through-Silicon Via (TSV) with operations for high-speed vertical communication. In this paper, we introduce a novel air-gap coaxial TSV that is suiTab, for such RF applications. Firstly, the detailed fabrication process is described to explain how to acquire such a structure. Then, an Resistor Inductance Conductance Capacitance (RLGC) model is developed to profile the transverse electromagnetic field effect of the proposed air-gap TSV. The model is further verified by a 3D field solver program through the S-parameter comparison. With reference to the numerically simulated results, this analytical model delivers a maximum deviation of less than 6%0, on the conditions of varying diameters, outer to inner radius ratios, and SU-8 central angles, etc. Taking advantages of scalability of the model, a number of air-gap-based TSV designs are simulated, providing 1.6-4.0 times higher bandwidth than the con- ventional coaxial TSVs and leading to an efficient high frequency vertical RF interconnection solution for 3D ICs. 展开更多
关键词 Through-Silicon Via (TSV) Three dimensional Integrated Circuits (3D IC) Air-gap COAXIAL Radio Frequency-Interconnect (RF-I)
Developing a Data Modelling Tool to Visualize the Transformation of an ER Diagram into a Relational Schema
作者 Elitsa Silyanova Arsova Silyan Sibinov Arsov 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第3期201-205,共5页
In this paper, the authors present the development of a data modelling tool that visualizes the transformation process of an "Entity-Relationship" Diagram (ERD) into a relational database schema. The authors' foc... In this paper, the authors present the development of a data modelling tool that visualizes the transformation process of an "Entity-Relationship" Diagram (ERD) into a relational database schema. The authors' focus is the design of a tool for educational purposes and its implementation on e-learning database course. The tool presents two stages of database design. The first stage is to draw ERD graphically and validate it. The drawing is done by a learner. Then at second stage, the system enables automatically transformation of ERD to relational database schema by using common rules. Thus, the learner could understand more easily how to apply the theoretical material. A detailed description of system functionalities and algorithm for the conversion are proposed. Finally, a user interface and usage aspects are exposed. 展开更多
关键词 E-learning course data modelling tool entity-relationship model relational model.
A semi-custom design methodology for design performance optimization
作者 Dong-ming LV Pei-yong ZHANG +3 位作者 Dan-dan ZHENG Xiao-lang YAN Bo ZHANG Li QUAN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第4期510-516,共7页
We present a semi-custom design methodology based on transistor tuning to optimize the design performance. Compared with other transistor tuning approaches, our tuning process takes the cross-talk effect into account ... We present a semi-custom design methodology based on transistor tuning to optimize the design performance. Compared with other transistor tuning approaches, our tuning process takes the cross-talk effect into account and prominently reduces the complexity for circuit simulation and analysis by decomposing the circuit network utilizing graph theory. Furthermore, the incremental placement and routing for the corresponding transistor tuning in conventional approaches is not required in our methodology, which might induce timing graph variation and additional iterations for design convergence. This methodology combines the flexible automated circuit tuning and physical design tools to provide more opportunities for design optimization throughout the design cycle. 展开更多
关键词 Transistor tuning CROSS-TALK Circuit decomposing
Model GC1312S Multifunction Integrated Optical Circuit Devices
作者 ZENGQing-gao LIGang-yi 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2001年第4期193-196,共4页
Model GC1312S multifunction integrated optical circuit device (MIOC) used in inertial grade interferometric fiber optics gyroscopes (IFOGs) is fabricated by annealing and proton exchange process (APE). The unique feat... Model GC1312S multifunction integrated optical circuit device (MIOC) used in inertial grade interferometric fiber optics gyroscopes (IFOGs) is fabricated by annealing and proton exchange process (APE). The unique feature of the device is the incorporation of the beat detection circuit besides all the features the conventional single Y branch multifunction integrated optical circuit devices have. The device structure, operation principle and typical characteristics, etc., are briefly presented in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 FOG MIOC Beat detection Annealing and proton exchange
Theoretical Studies on Electronic Structures and Spectroscopy of Fluorescent Arylamino Fumaronitrile
作者 Xiao-peng Chen Yu-qi Ding Qi-wen Teng 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期105-110,共6页
A new series of fluorescent arylamino fumarinitrile derivatives was designed and optimized using density function theory at the B3LYP/6-31G^* level. Based on the optimized geometries, the electronic, fluorescent and ... A new series of fluorescent arylamino fumarinitrile derivatives was designed and optimized using density function theory at the B3LYP/6-31G^* level. Based on the optimized geometries, the electronic, fluorescent and 13C NMR spectra are calculated with INDO/CIS, CIS-ZINDO TD, and B3LYP/6-31G^* methods, respectively. Starting with the first of the series, the LUMO-HOMO energy gaps of the derivatives become wider and the fluorescent wavelengths and the main peaks in the electronic spectra are blue-shifted owing to the large steric effect of naphthyl rings. On the contrary, the energy gaps of the derivatives turn narrow, and the fluorescent wavelengths and the main peaks in the electronic spectra are red-shifted since hydroxyl groups improve the symmetry and extend the conjugation system. The chemical shifts of sp^2-C on the phenyl rings are moved upfield, while chemical shifts of carbon atoms on the cyano groups and those connected with the cyano groups are changed downfield in the presence of hydroxyl groups. 展开更多
关键词 Arylamino fumaronitrile FLUORESCENCE Energy gap B3LYP/6-31G^*
A Task-driven Medical Teaching Design under the Guidance of B-learning
作者 Jie MA Haiping PENG Ming LEI 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第12期65-67,共3页
A new challenge has been brought by the rapid development of information technology to medical teaching, and the teaching reform of the medical education in China should be deepened for attaining a development. The co... A new challenge has been brought by the rapid development of information technology to medical teaching, and the teaching reform of the medical education in China should be deepened for attaining a development. The core of deepening medical teaching reform is to break the traditional teaching model (i.e. giving a lecture), and create a better classroom teaching situation by making full use of the modern teaching methods. In B-learning, the effective combination of the traditional teaching method' s advantages with the E-learning in a pure technical environment is advocated. In the task-driven teaching, a teaching design is made by students in a real or simulated real environment. In this paper, the effective combination of B-learning with the task-driven teaching model is introduced, so that the better teaching effect is achieved. 展开更多
关键词 B-Learning Teaching Model Task-driven Teaching Model
Systematic study on the mechanical and electric behaviors of the nonbuckling interconnect design of stretchable electronics 被引量:4
作者 Hao Liu RiYe Xue +8 位作者 JianQiao Hu XueCheng Ping HuaPing Wu MingQi Huang Han Zhang Xu Guo Rui Li YuLi Chen YeWang Su 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第11期41-49,共9页
Recently, we developed a nonbuckling interconnect design that provides an effective approach to simultaneously achieving high elastic stretchability, easiness for encapsulation, and high electric performance for stret... Recently, we developed a nonbuckling interconnect design that provides an effective approach to simultaneously achieving high elastic stretchability, easiness for encapsulation, and high electric performance for stretchable electronics. This paper aims to systematically study its mechanical and electric behaviors, including comparisons of the nonbuckling and buckling interconnect designs on stretchability, effects of the thickness on electric performance, and modeling and experimental investigations on the finite deformation mechanics. It is found that the results on stretchability depend on the layouts. Long straight segments and small arc radii for nonbuckling interconnects yield an enhancement of stretchability, which is much better than that of buckling designs. On the other hand, shorter straight segments or thicker interconnects are better to lower the resistances of interconnects.Therefore, optimization of the designs needs to balance the requirements of both the mechanical and electric performances. The finite deformation of interconnects during stretching is analyzed. The established analytic model is well validated by both the finite element modeling and experimental investigations. This work is key for providing the design guidelines for nonbucklingbased stretchable electronics. 展开更多
关键词 nonbuckling finite deformation stretchability stretchable electronics
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