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赣西 有颗默默闪光的星——记江西电工厂党委书记厂长吴建华
作者 邹友松 袁雁萍 《企业经济》 北大核心 1997年第11期33-34,共2页
赣西有颗默默闪光的星——记江西电工厂党委书记厂长吴建华●邹友松袁雁萍在吴建华的脑海里,有二件使他难以忘却的事情,每每提起都会使他激动不已……江南赣西三月,迎面吹来的北风还有着一丝寒意,但在江西电工厂礼堂里却洋溢着一派... 赣西有颗默默闪光的星——记江西电工厂党委书记厂长吴建华●邹友松袁雁萍在吴建华的脑海里,有二件使他难以忘却的事情,每每提起都会使他激动不已……江南赣西三月,迎面吹来的北风还有着一丝寒意,但在江西电工厂礼堂里却洋溢着一派热气腾腾的景象。江西电工厂七届三次... 展开更多
关键词 电工厂 党委书记 赣西 江西 职工收入 经济指标 深化改革 档案工资 新的经济增长点 离退休干部
作者 赖荣 《中国军转民》 2003年第4期32-34,共3页
盘点2002年,兵器装备集团公司重庆长江电工厂带给我们的不仅有美好的构想,更有实实在在扭亏盈利100余万元的佳绩。长江,这个见证了近百年历史的老厂,以发愤为武,以图强为器,历经3年之艰辛,再次向世人昭示了一个老厂不竭的生命力。 资产... 盘点2002年,兵器装备集团公司重庆长江电工厂带给我们的不仅有美好的构想,更有实实在在扭亏盈利100余万元的佳绩。长江,这个见证了近百年历史的老厂,以发愤为武,以图强为器,历经3年之艰辛,再次向世人昭示了一个老厂不竭的生命力。 资产经营显生机 2000年初,受命于危难之际的程兴伟来到了连续多年亏损的重庆长江电工厂。 展开更多
关键词 长江 电工厂 扭亏脱困 资产经营 启示 房地产开发商 技术改造 房地产开发合同 土地资源 重庆市
“工厂供电”课程教学改革的研究与实践 被引量:20
作者 吕梅蕾 杜锦才 黄云龙 《电气电子教学学报》 2003年第2期15-17,22,共4页
针对工厂供电教学过程中存在的主要问题 :教学方法与学生的学习主动性和创造精神的培养问题 ,理论学习与实践教学的统一问题等 ,提出了启发式和讨论式的教学方法 ,教室、电化教室、实习基地三位一体的教学模式 ,以及采用灵活的课程设计... 针对工厂供电教学过程中存在的主要问题 :教学方法与学生的学习主动性和创造精神的培养问题 ,理论学习与实践教学的统一问题等 ,提出了启发式和讨论式的教学方法 ,教室、电化教室、实习基地三位一体的教学模式 ,以及采用灵活的课程设计指导方法 ,学生组长负责制的管理模式和课程设计答辩的考核方式。通过近几年的教学改革与实践 ,提高了教学效率和质量 ,强化了学生能力的培养。 展开更多
关键词 工厂”课程 教学改革 素质教育 教学方法 考核方式
作者 陈鑫梅 王明 +2 位作者 朱海焕 周德辉 孙海波 《现代商贸工业》 2019年第20期81-82,共2页
综述了"细胞工厂"显微光电监测仪的市场前景。首先概括了"细胞工厂"显微光电监测仪拟解决的问题,其次概述"细胞工厂"显微光电监测仪在企业中的应用,最后从市场需求、竞争优势以及市场份额和销售额三方面... 综述了"细胞工厂"显微光电监测仪的市场前景。首先概括了"细胞工厂"显微光电监测仪拟解决的问题,其次概述"细胞工厂"显微光电监测仪在企业中的应用,最后从市场需求、竞争优势以及市场份额和销售额三方面论述"细胞工厂"显微光电监测仪的市场前景。 展开更多
关键词 “细胞工厂”显微光监测仪 市场预测 前景分析
《学会》 1997年第Z1期81-81,共1页
国际电力电子与电气传动展览会掠影在中国电工技术学会主办的第二届国际电力和电子与电子传动展览会(IPEE96)期间由台湾工业技术研究院组织的电子考察团与该会在北京举行了座谈会,双方就如何发展电国电子技术产业化,科技成果... 国际电力电子与电气传动展览会掠影在中国电工技术学会主办的第二届国际电力和电子与电子传动展览会(IPEE96)期间由台湾工业技术研究院组织的电子考察团与该会在北京举行了座谈会,双方就如何发展电国电子技术产业化,科技成果商品化及大陆与台港之间在电力电子名... 展开更多
关键词 气传动 展览会 气工业 台湾工业技术研究院 工技术 上海华通开关厂 发展现状 电工厂 科技成果商品化
作者 史宏俊 《城市建筑》 2013年第10期271-271,共1页
电厂热工仪表及自动装置是计算机技术为电工厂带来的福音,有了这项技术的支持,电厂的工作效率和工作质量得到了很大的提高。本文通过探究电厂热工仪表自动装置,为电工厂生产带来了工作效率。并就对电厂热工仪表及制动装置进行定期维护... 电厂热工仪表及自动装置是计算机技术为电工厂带来的福音,有了这项技术的支持,电厂的工作效率和工作质量得到了很大的提高。本文通过探究电厂热工仪表自动装置,为电工厂生产带来了工作效率。并就对电厂热工仪表及制动装置进行定期维护与调试的重要性进行了论述。 展开更多
关键词 自动装置 热工仪表 计算机技术 电工厂 技术维护
作者 王洪祥 《理论与当代》 1999年第8期39-40,共2页
华烽厂是根据国家“七五”三线调迁计划,于1992年由原来的烽光电工厂和华文电工厂合并从修文县搬迁到贵阳小河经济技术开发区的大Ⅰ型的航空专业化生产企业,现有职工3300多人。合并搬迁后,企业背上了十分沉重的经济债务,亏损逐年递增,1... 华烽厂是根据国家“七五”三线调迁计划,于1992年由原来的烽光电工厂和华文电工厂合并从修文县搬迁到贵阳小河经济技术开发区的大Ⅰ型的航空专业化生产企业,现有职工3300多人。合并搬迁后,企业背上了十分沉重的经济债务,亏损逐年递增,1994年亏埙达800多万元,职工收入减少,士气低落,精神不振,人心涣散,人才流失严重。 展开更多
关键词 启示与思考 贵航集团 困难企业 干部职工 企业精神 科学决策 电工厂 人才流失 精神自救 解放思想
作者 黄岷春 《中国汽车市场》 1996年第6期12-13,共2页
关键词 长江电工厂 SC6330微型车 汽车工业 质量管理 汽车设计 真空助力器制动系
《重庆与世界》 1999年第6期19-19,共1页
你有难题我有妙计 11月12日下午,重庆市经委在"高交会"学术报告厅发布140项企业生产技术难题,寻求各路科技精英的锦囊妙计,市内外知识英雄们踊跃参与,报告厅内座无虚席,还增设了不少加座。市经委副主任缪光奎介绍后,重庆长江... 你有难题我有妙计 11月12日下午,重庆市经委在"高交会"学术报告厅发布140项企业生产技术难题,寻求各路科技精英的锦囊妙计,市内外知识英雄们踊跃参与,报告厅内座无虚席,还增设了不少加座。市经委副主任缪光奎介绍后,重庆长江电工厂首先上台发布了"汽车双胶在常温下自然干燥"等5个技术难题。 展开更多
关键词 交会 技术难题 重庆市 康明斯发动机 副主任 自然干燥 电工厂 企业生产 科技人员 发布
展望未来 科学管理 建设跨世纪的现代化企业集团
作者 赵广生 李志强 《市场经济研究》 1999年第2期37-38,共2页
关键词 科学管理 现代化企业 业务流程重组 吴忠仪表集团 电工厂 跨世纪 组织结构 事业部 子式度表 治理结构
《技术与市场》 1998年第9期6-6,共1页
H3卤素汽车灯生产线中国振华电子工业公司字光电工厂是原电子工业部电真空器件生产企业,现有职工1460人,其中各种高中级技术员260人。建筑面积5.7万平米,拥有机械动力设备1000台套,仪器仪表560台套,机械动力装... H3卤素汽车灯生产线中国振华电子工业公司字光电工厂是原电子工业部电真空器件生产企业,现有职工1460人,其中各种高中级技术员260人。建筑面积5.7万平米,拥有机械动力设备1000台套,仪器仪表560台套,机械动力装机容量4654KW,技术力量雄厚,... 展开更多
关键词 汽车灯 真空器件 卤钨汽车前照灯 汽车照明 生产线 国内外市场前景 真空开关管 机械动力设备 子工业 电工厂
作者 王兴华 《龙江党史》 1998年第2期11-12,共2页
关键词 周总理 周恩来 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 哈尔滨 电工厂 机厂 领导干部 文化大革命 公仆精神 阿尔巴尼亚
Analog-experiment analysis of ash-deposition monitoring model of boiler economizers in power plants
作者 程伟良 夏国栋 徐寿臣 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2005年第6期680-683,共4页
Ash deposition is a form of particulate fouling, and appears usually in boiler economizers. The ash deposition increases capital expenditure, energy input and maintenance costs. An analog experiment for monitoring ash... Ash deposition is a form of particulate fouling, and appears usually in boiler economizers. The ash deposition increases capital expenditure, energy input and maintenance costs. An analog experiment for monitoring ash deposition was performed from the analogous objective of a 410 t/h boiler economizer to verify the rationality and reliability of the ash-deposition-monitoring model presented in order to increase the security and economy in economizer running. The analog experiment platform is a tube-shell exchanger that conforms well to the conditions of a self-modeling area. The analog flue gas in the shell side is the heated air mixed with ash, and in the tube side the fluid is water heated by the flue gas. The fluid state in the water side and the flue gas side follows the second self-modeling area. A 4-factor-3-level orthogonal table was used to schedule 9 operation conditions of orthogonal experiment, with the 4 factors being heat power, flue gas velocity, ashes grain diameter and adding ashes quantity while the three levels are different values due to different position classes in every factor. The ash deposition thermal resistances is calculated by the model with the measure parameters of temperature and pressure drop. It shows that the values of the ash deposition thermal resistances gradually increase up to a stable state. And the experimental results are reliable by F testing method at α= 0.001. Therefore, the model can be applied in online monitoring of ash deposition in a boiler economizers in power plants and provides scientific decision on ash deposition prediction and sootblowing. 展开更多
关键词 thermal power engineering monitoring model ash deposition orthogonal experiment boiler economizer tube-shell exchanger
Independent component analysis approach for fault diagnosis of condenser system in thermal power plant 被引量:6
作者 Ajami Ali Daneshvar Mahdi 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第1期242-251,共10页
A statistical signal processing technique was proposed and verified as independent component analysis(ICA) for fault detection and diagnosis of industrial systems without exact and detailed model.Actually,the aim is t... A statistical signal processing technique was proposed and verified as independent component analysis(ICA) for fault detection and diagnosis of industrial systems without exact and detailed model.Actually,the aim is to utilize system as a black box.The system studied is condenser system of one of MAPNA's power plants.At first,principal component analysis(PCA) approach was applied to reduce the dimensionality of the real acquired data set and to identify the essential and useful ones.Then,the fault sources were diagnosed by ICA technique.The results show that ICA approach is valid and effective for faults detection and diagnosis even in noisy states,and it can distinguish main factors of abnormality among many diverse parts of a power plant's condenser system.This selectivity problem is left unsolved in many plants,because the main factors often become unnoticed by fault expansion through other parts of the plants. 展开更多
关键词 CONDENSER fault detection and diagnosis independent component analysis independent component analysis (ICA) principal component analysis (PCA) thermal power plant
Modeling of Operators' Workload in a Nuclear Power Plant
作者 Dai Licao Zhang Li +1 位作者 OuYang Jun Huang Shudong 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第1期31-37,共7页
Accidents in a nuclear power plant are coped with by operators in the main control room (MCR). An analysis of the workload of operators in a MCR after the happening of initiating events is helpful to the alleviation o... Accidents in a nuclear power plant are coped with by operators in the main control room (MCR). An analysis of the workload of operators in a MCR after the happening of initiating events is helpful to the alleviation of human errors and to the promotion of training efficiency. This paper establishes a framework of how man is located in a man-machine interface of a nuclear power plant (NPP) as well as a simulation of the man-machine scenario in accidents in NPPs, including the simulation of the operators' task and cognitive work and the establishment of task analysis. On the basis of the above, a model of the dynamic changes of the operators' tasks is constructed and a computation of operators' workload is conducted. 展开更多
关键词 nuclear safety management man-machine scenario operators' workload human error
Application of artificial slope stability evaluation of improved response surface method in Donggang Power Plant
作者 LI Xiangli 《Global Geology》 2014年第1期38-43,共6页
The study of artificial slope stability has been a key item of geological engineering projects. Though more evaluation methods are available,result of stability evaluation simulation does not explain the actual proble... The study of artificial slope stability has been a key item of geological engineering projects. Though more evaluation methods are available,result of stability evaluation simulation does not explain the actual problem owing to the diversified geological engineering factors and complexity. The author made a detailed study based on surveys of large amount of geological engineering research on Donggang Power Plant slope project,discussed the comprehensive factors influencing the project,and gave analytical calculation and evaluation to the improved response surface of the slope project. The study result shows that the slope is stable,which can provide scientific basis for designing the slope. 展开更多
关键词 SLOPE improved response surface method RELIABILITY plastic deformation STABILITY
Construction and Implementation of CNOOC's Green Supply China
作者 Lu Di 《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2018年第3期52-57,共6页
Firstly, the construction background and basic connotations of CNOOC's Green Supply Chain was presented in this paper. Then, a detailed introduction to CNOOC's good practices for building green oil and gas fie... Firstly, the construction background and basic connotations of CNOOC's Green Supply Chain was presented in this paper. Then, a detailed introduction to CNOOC's good practices for building green oil and gas fields, green power plants, green refineries and green chemical plants was given with respect to the establishment of a green production construction and assessment system as well as green exploration, green manufacturing,green products, green sales, green recovery and other aspects. Finally, the effects of the Green Supply Chain established by CNOOC were summarized. 展开更多
关键词 Green supply chain Energy conservation and emission reduction Low carbon
Operational Skill and TNA (Training Needs Analysis) for Generation Power Plant
作者 Aouda Arfoa Qais Alsafasfeh +1 位作者 Omar Alsaraereh Jaber Alrawahi 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2015年第8期753-759,共7页
Training needs analysis is the preliminary step in a cyclical process which adds to the overall training and progress strategy of staff in a generation power plant or a professional group, questionnaires were distribu... Training needs analysis is the preliminary step in a cyclical process which adds to the overall training and progress strategy of staff in a generation power plant or a professional group, questionnaires were distributed among WAJPCO (Wadi Al Jizzi Power Company) staff and their responses were used to conduct a training need and gap analyses with a view to identify the operational skill and the training needs of the generation power plant, the time and travel commitment the industry is willing to invest in employee training, and an understanding of what skills are considered specific to lumber manufacturing and what can be combined with the needs of other industries and taught locally. 展开更多
关键词 Training needs analysis power plant operational skill.
Optimization and Innovation of Engineering Design for Ninghai Power Plant
作者 Zhou Daji Zhang Hualun Ji Jun 《Electricity》 2011年第2期30-34,共5页
In order to build a power plant with high efficiency,low investment and zero warm water discharge,a series of innovations are applied to the two 1 000-MW units of Ninghai Power Plant.The new technologies include the c... In order to build a power plant with high efficiency,low investment and zero warm water discharge,a series of innovations are applied to the two 1 000-MW units of Ninghai Power Plant.The new technologies include the closed-circuit system for seawater cooling tower with a spraying area of 13 000 m2,the main buildings with reinforced concrete structure,the plasma ignition system for tower boiler and the fieldbus control system.Optimization measures are taken in some aspects,such as the open point of the turbine overload valves,the boiler dimensions,the technical process,the electric system,the building structures and the layout of the power plant.The units have been running for more than half a year with the thermal efficiency as high as 45.79% and without warm water discharged,which indicates that all the systems are safe and steady and the original purpose of optimization has been realized. 展开更多
关键词 coal-fired power plant DESIGN INNOVATION EFFICIENCY
Investigation of different coal types effect on the overall plant recovery 被引量:1
作者 Ghasemi J. Karamoozian M. Sereshki F. 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第4期447-450,共4页
Coal washing plants are usually fed from various sources. Coals include different combinations which should be considered for increasing the plant proficiency. Thus different methods have been used to enrich various c... Coal washing plants are usually fed from various sources. Coals include different combinations which should be considered for increasing the plant proficiency. Thus different methods have been used to enrich various coal types. In this study, Alborz-Sharghi coal washing plant was investigated which is fed from five coalmines. The optimum recovery was achieved for all coal types individually through experimental design. The controllable operation parameters in the experiments were collector dosage,frother dosage, solid percent content and particle size. The other parameters such as impeller speed,pH, conditioning time and flotation time were kept constant for all experiments. The optimum combination of coals was also specified. The results show that the optimum recovery for coal blends is 91.2%which shows much improvement relative to the plant conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Coal Effect Optimization Recovery
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