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交通部与民初的电政革新述评 被引量:2
作者 苏全有 邓鹏 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第3期93-98,共6页
交通部在民国初年致力于电政革新事业,其举措之一是推行电政国有。电政国有是交通部在电政方面的指导思想,交通部也做了不少的工作,然而由于当时中国处于列强的环伺之下,各个列强之间在该问题上由于利益一致,对北洋政府均采取推延无赖政... 交通部在民国初年致力于电政革新事业,其举措之一是推行电政国有。电政国有是交通部在电政方面的指导思想,交通部也做了不少的工作,然而由于当时中国处于列强的环伺之下,各个列强之间在该问题上由于利益一致,对北洋政府均采取推延无赖政策,而北洋政府又没有勇气采取断然措施,以至于它的既定政策难以贯彻。举措之二是提升服务。交通部在服务领域的努力一是严格保障军需,军需在民初的电政经营中占有最重要的地位,这也是电政的性质所决定;二是改良电政设施以利民用,由于当时民生凋敝,各种不法行为较多。举措之三是强化管理。交通部强化管理表现之一是现代会计的初步建立,二是完善章程,三是协调上下级关系。上述之外,还值得提及的是致力于加入国际电气联合会。由于当时政治局面纷纷扰扰,交通部内部也是内耗连连,截至民国五年(1916)时,北洋政府并没有能够加入该协会。总之,交通部在电政领域的革新举措,极大地推动了民初我国邮电事业的近代化。其中所存在的问题,在今天依旧颇多借鉴意义和价值。 展开更多
关键词 交通部 电政事业 民国初年
交通部与民初的电政基本建设述略 被引量:2
作者 苏全有 邓鹏 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第6期28-32,共5页
我国电政事业在中华民国成立之初的1912-1916年间之所以取得了长足的发展,交通部的努力至为关键。以电政基本建设为例,交通部的推动作用主要体现之一是规划线路,其特点首先是设计追求实用性,这既与民初我国交通依赖外人、应"列强... 我国电政事业在中华民国成立之初的1912-1916年间之所以取得了长足的发展,交通部的努力至为关键。以电政基本建设为例,交通部的推动作用主要体现之一是规划线路,其特点首先是设计追求实用性,这既与民初我国交通依赖外人、应"列强的要求建线"有关,又与各条国有线路的支线几乎都靠地方局自筹资金,新线建设则靠几个局筹款,因此在规划中大量出现已有路线的延长工程有很大关系;其次是电政业务如有线电、电话、无线电等,在民初均未出现应有的大统一局面,设计主体趋于多元。体现之二是统一标准,包括相关组织的创设以推动统一标准的制定、改进细化标准两个方面。体现之三是清查线路障碍。总体来看,交通部极大地推动了我国电政事业的现代化,尽管其中也存在一些问题。 展开更多
关键词 交通部 电政基本建设 民初
邮传部与清末电政利权回收 被引量:3
作者 苏全有 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第2期70-74,共5页
清末是我国经济发展的小黄金期,这其中,邮传部领导的、包括电政业在内的交通利权回收是不可忽视的因素。邮传部对清末电政的利权回收之推动集中体现在中俄、中日交涉及中国与德国、英国、意大利、法国等国的交涉,除此之外还进行了进口... 清末是我国经济发展的小黄金期,这其中,邮传部领导的、包括电政业在内的交通利权回收是不可忽视的因素。邮传部对清末电政的利权回收之推动集中体现在中俄、中日交涉及中国与德国、英国、意大利、法国等国的交涉,除此之外还进行了进口替代生产,这极有利于该领域的近代化。以往学界仅仅关注民间的利权回收运动,而对政府部门多所忽视,此乃革命史范式在作祟。 展开更多
关键词 邮传部 清末 电政 利权回收 交通
民国初年交通部推动电政营运发展述略 被引量:1
作者 苏全有 邓鹏 《南京邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第4期91-95,共5页
民国初年(1912~1916年)交通部对电政营运发展的推动,表现之一是开展、规范业务。开展业务主要是购置设备等;规范业务方面,针对各项电政事业处于无序状态,特别是有线电、无线电等业务线路堵塞已成常态,交通部以电报为重点,通过制定章程... 民国初年(1912~1916年)交通部对电政营运发展的推动,表现之一是开展、规范业务。开展业务主要是购置设备等;规范业务方面,针对各项电政事业处于无序状态,特别是有线电、无线电等业务线路堵塞已成常态,交通部以电报为重点,通过制定章程,对电报、电话、无线电等电政各项业务进行规范。表现之二是在资费方面进行整顿,针对电政的营业收入大部分来自有线电以及电话,不仅对价格努力进行控制,而且通过限制官电,形成了对价格、收费、盈亏等一系列的经营与统计,促使电政收入有所增加。民初交通部在电政营运方面所做的努力,极大地推动了我国电政事业的现代化。 展开更多
关键词 交通部 电政运营 民国初年
邮传部与清末电政事业的近代化 被引量:2
作者 苏全有 《重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第1期120-124,共5页
清末10年是我国社会近代化的关键之年,其为世人注目。这其中,既有民间力量的作为,亦有中央政府的政策导向。以电政业为例,邮传部作为主管交通的中央政府职能部门,通过健全章程、整顿与改良、增费与减费等新举措,极大地推动了清末我国电... 清末10年是我国社会近代化的关键之年,其为世人注目。这其中,既有民间力量的作为,亦有中央政府的政策导向。以电政业为例,邮传部作为主管交通的中央政府职能部门,通过健全章程、整顿与改良、增费与减费等新举措,极大地推动了清末我国电政事业的近代化。 展开更多
关键词 邮传部 电政 近代化
谈谈清末的电政借款 被引量:2
作者 王晓琳 《文史杂志》 2005年第5期71-72,共2页
关键词 清朝末期 电讯行业 电政借款 中国 历史研究 工作效率
作者 张云燕 《贵州社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期133-136,共4页
在1928-1937年间,国民政府多次试图发行电政公债进行融资,却只有民国二十四年电政公债发行成功。此次发行具有一定的特殊性,公债券在发行后实际上未进行公开认购及流通,而仅是成为向金融机构借款的抵押品。1928-1937年的电政公债,在制... 在1928-1937年间,国民政府多次试图发行电政公债进行融资,却只有民国二十四年电政公债发行成功。此次发行具有一定的特殊性,公债券在发行后实际上未进行公开认购及流通,而仅是成为向金融机构借款的抵押品。1928-1937年的电政公债,在制度构建、运作设计及操作过程等环节都反映了当时电信产业发展融资的巨大需求及行业本身要求走向市场的客观性,但受时代局限,其发行屡次未果,仅二十四年公债得以发行。对这一期间电政公债发行的研究,有助于对民国内债史乃至政治史、经济史研究的深入,对于现代产业融资也具有一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 1928—1937年 国民政府 电政公债
对晚清电报史研究的回顾与反思 被引量:1
作者 苏全有 贾苗苗 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2013年第2期128-133,共6页
近三十年来,学界对晚清电报史的研究总体上取得不小的成绩,主要表现在三个方面:对晚清电报自身要素的研究;对晚清电报作用或影响的研究;对晚清电报与其他相关事业或行业关系的研究。但仍存在不足之处,主要表现在:宏观研究把握不足,微观... 近三十年来,学界对晚清电报史的研究总体上取得不小的成绩,主要表现在三个方面:对晚清电报自身要素的研究;对晚清电报作用或影响的研究;对晚清电报与其他相关事业或行业关系的研究。但仍存在不足之处,主要表现在:宏观研究把握不足,微观探讨分析欠缺;分析方法缺乏创新,思考视角新意不够;内容选取缺乏均衡,部分细节有待考证;研究理论有待架构,规律总结需要加强。因此,在晚清电报史研究方面仍有较大研究空间需要探索,也有许多方面有待加强、充实和丰富,需要研究者全面、客观、真实地展示晚清电报事业的历史状况。 展开更多
关键词 晚清 电报史 电政
论清末的商电官办事件 被引量:1
作者 苏全有 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期105-111,共7页
清末我国电政有商办、官办等区分。光绪三十四年(1908年)邮传部尚书陈璧通过购买股份的方式,将商股转化为官股,从而实现了电政的全官办化。就该事件的影响而言,其在推动电政发展的同时,也对商办资本的信心是一个打击。陈璧之所以如此,... 清末我国电政有商办、官办等区分。光绪三十四年(1908年)邮传部尚书陈璧通过购买股份的方式,将商股转化为官股,从而实现了电政的全官办化。就该事件的影响而言,其在推动电政发展的同时,也对商办资本的信心是一个打击。陈璧之所以如此,与其性格的张扬及恤商、商办官助思想不无关系。在今天看来,我们不应将官办与商办对立化,而应该看到,官办商办,官商合作,是中国经济近代化的必由之路。 展开更多
关键词 电政 商办 官办 清末 陈璧
E-government maturity model and its evaluation 被引量:4
作者 黄梦醒 邢春晓 杨吉江 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第3期389-392,共4页
In order to ensure e-government construction healthily,rapidly and orderly develop,an e-government maturity model(EGMM)is proposed based on a software capability maturity model (CMM)and a project management maturi... In order to ensure e-government construction healthily,rapidly and orderly develop,an e-government maturity model(EGMM)is proposed based on a software capability maturity model (CMM)and a project management maturity model(PMMM). Five levels of maturity in e-government development process are constructed,which include network infrastructure,information serving,information interactive,information sharing and comprehensive integrating.An index system of e-government maturity is put forward,and then an e-government maturity levels evaluation method is presented,which can provide clear,detailed and efficient decision information and investment directions of e-government for decision-makers.The EGMM and its maturity evaluation method are helpful for improving the construction of e-government. 展开更多
关键词 E-GOVERNMENT maturity model index system EVALUATION
Analysis on Construction and Operation of Pumped-Storage Stations in China 被引量:1
作者 彭天波 刘晓亭 《Electricity》 2004年第4期23-29,共7页
Through investigation and analysis on typical system of pumped-storage stations built in China, this paper approaches the investment andfinancing policies, electricity pricing policies and management modes for suchsta... Through investigation and analysis on typical system of pumped-storage stations built in China, this paper approaches the investment andfinancing policies, electricity pricing policies and management modes for suchstations. In order to find out the actual operation situations, eight pumped-storage stations in five provinces (municipality) were investigated, and analysesand calculations were carried out on their investments, benefits, capabilities ofloan-repaying etc. During the investigation and study, the types and the installedcapacities of the stations were paid close attention to, so they were made morerepresentative to reflect the present situation of pumped-storage stations inrespect of construction and operation. 展开更多
关键词 pumped-storage station investment and financing constructionand operation mode electricity tariff
Approach for analyzing,extracting and modeling e-government ontology
作者 杨东 童立新 叶艳 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第3期361-364,共4页
Taking the knowledge-intensive characteristics of governmental processes into account, an approach to analyzing, extracting and modeling e-government ontology by using both the IDEF5 ontology capture method and the we... Taking the knowledge-intensive characteristics of governmental processes into account, an approach to analyzing, extracting and modeling e-government ontology by using both the IDEF5 ontology capture method and the web ontology language (OWL), is presented. First, both knowledge-intensive activities and knowledge items can be identified by the analysis of governmental processes. Secondly, the IDEF5 ontology capture method is utilized to extract concepts, terms and statements from these knowledge items, which act as a starting point for ontology refinement and validation. To describe precisely the semantics of the ontologies, the OWL language is employed in our project to formally model these e-government ontologies with the help of Prot6ge-OWL tools. Finally, a case study about applying for social security cards (SSCs) in Shanghai local government is illustrated to demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented approach. 展开更多
关键词 E-GOVERNMENT ontology modeling OWL IDEF5
Thinking about Renewable Portfolio Standard to be Implemented in China
作者 刘连玉 《Electricity》 2002年第4期7-9,共3页
This paper briefs the basic objective of pursuing Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), puts forward a thinking about the scope and three modes of RPS-implementation in China and enumerates other possible measures, such... This paper briefs the basic objective of pursuing Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), puts forward a thinking about the scope and three modes of RPS-implementation in China and enumerates other possible measures, such as public bidding on concession, exemption from value-added tax, to promote wind power exploitation and development. 展开更多
关键词 renewable portfolio standard HYDROPOWER wind power POLICY
作者 冯晓蔚 《民主与科学》 2022年第6期58-61,共4页
王维钧,江苏省淮安县人(系清末盐商王蔚华之子),1932年毕业于上海光华大学化学系。1933年经教授颜任光(时任交通部电政司长)介绍进入上海国际电讯局任职。1934年12月参与组织针对日本外交密电码研究破译工作。1935年由蒋介石批准正式成... 王维钧,江苏省淮安县人(系清末盐商王蔚华之子),1932年毕业于上海光华大学化学系。1933年经教授颜任光(时任交通部电政司长)介绍进入上海国际电讯局任职。1934年12月参与组织针对日本外交密电码研究破译工作。1935年由蒋介石批准正式成立密电检译所(原南京市荷兰公使馆附近的西桥7号洋楼),后负责实际工作参与破译日本外交人员于国外使用的一般通用密码(LA码)。 展开更多
关键词 外交人员 通用密码 电政 光华大学 密电 颜任光 淮安县 王维
作者 王志轩 《Electricity》 2002年第4期3-6,共4页
This paper analyzes 9 essentials in trial collecting SO2 emission charges based on the relevant legislative policies, summarizes and analyzes the actual practices of collecting and using SO2 emission charges in power ... This paper analyzes 9 essentials in trial collecting SO2 emission charges based on the relevant legislative policies, summarizes and analyzes the actual practices of collecting and using SO2 emission charges in power industry, and combining the status of power system reform, puts forward some recommendations about reasonably collecting and using SO2 emission charges and prompting power plants to take measures of desulfurization. 展开更多
关键词 thermal power plant SO2 control emission charges POLICY
Digital Signatures for e-Government - a Long-Term Security Architecture 被引量:1
作者 Przemyslaw Blaskiewicz Przemyslaw Kubiak Miroslaw Kutylowski 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第6期64-70,共7页
The framework of digital signature based on qualified certificates and X. 509 architecture is known to have many security risks. Moreover, the fraud prevention mechanism is fragile and does not provide strong guarante... The framework of digital signature based on qualified certificates and X. 509 architecture is known to have many security risks. Moreover, the fraud prevention mechanism is fragile and does not provide strong guarantees that can be necessary for flow of legal documents. Mediated signatures have been proposed as a mechanism to effectively disable signature cards. In this paper we propose further mechanisms that can be applied on top of mediated RSA, compatible with the standard format, but providing security guarantees even in the case when RSA becomes broken or the keys are compromised. The solution is immune tokleptographic attacks as only deterministic algorithms are used on user's side. 展开更多
关键词 MRSA PSS padding hash based signatures kleptography deterministic signatures
China's Wind Power in Rapid Progressing 被引量:1
作者 本刊编辑部 《Electricity》 2001年第2期42-45,共4页
China’s wind power has gone through an exploring course of 20 years. At present, it is on the fast track under the support of the state’s preferential policies concerned. The various wind power development areas in ... China’s wind power has gone through an exploring course of 20 years. At present, it is on the fast track under the support of the state’s preferential policies concerned. The various wind power development areas in China have made rapid progress and put forward their own thinking of developing wind energy. 展开更多
关键词 wind power present situation and prospects development mode policies of wind power
Development of the zinc-air power battery on electric bicycles in China
作者 Zhu Mei Xu Xianzhi +1 位作者 Song Hui Li Fen 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2008年第3期72-75,共4页
Electric bicycles powered by lead-acid batteries have developed very fast for several years in China. Because the inconvenience caused by the service performance and the inconsistency to the environmental protection p... Electric bicycles powered by lead-acid batteries have developed very fast for several years in China. Because the inconvenience caused by the service performance and the inconsistency to the environmental protection policy of the lead-acid battery, the zinc-air power battery was proposed to solve the problem in this paper. The advantage and the feasibility of developing zinc-air power batteries in China have been illustrated in the paper. And, it is represented that development of electric bicycles powered by the zinc-air power battery also can accelerate this kind of battery's development in other electric vehicles, which is favorable to economic development and environmental protection. 展开更多
关键词 zinc-air battery electric bicycles energy policy China
Analysis of the Development of E-government in Poland Compared With the World and the European Union Countries
作者 Janina Banasikowska Anna Sottysik-Piorunkiewicz 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第10期670-678,共9页
The paper focuses on the increasing development of e-services and an increase in interest in them. With e-government is developed, a collaboration between employees of public administration at different levels of the ... The paper focuses on the increasing development of e-services and an increase in interest in them. With e-government is developed, a collaboration between employees of public administration at different levels of the natural or legal persons according to their needs. The paper presents the electronic platforms of public administration services in Poland. The analysis of e-government was conducted based on selected statistics from reports prepared by the United Nations in 2010 and 2012. The data for the European Union and Poland are summarized in the table in order of occupied places in the ranking and evaluation of e-government and e-services in Poland on the background of world and the European Union are presented in the form of graphs. 展开更多
关键词 information society E-GOVERNMENT E-SERVICES
Research on Value Assessment-Based Accurate Identification of Government and Corporate Customers of Telecom Operators 被引量:1
作者 LI Xiaowen TONG Lili HU Zuohao 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第11期168-173,共6页
Aiming at discovering target customers,this article establishes the value assessment system for government& corporate customers according to the level,stability and accessibility of customer value.With 137 custome... Aiming at discovering target customers,this article establishes the value assessment system for government& corporate customers according to the level,stability and accessibility of customer value.With 137 customers as samples,it builds the government & corporate customer value assessment system through analytic hierarchy process(AHP) and identifies target government &corpora te customers by indicator optimization,model fitting and cluster analysis.All these achievements help accurate identification of high-value government and corporate customers and optimization of resource allocation for customer service. 展开更多
关键词 value assessment government corporate customer accurate identification
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