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直接甲醇燃料电池甲醇电氧化催化剂研究的新动向 被引量:10
作者 陈胜洲 董新法 林维明 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期466-470,共5页
概述了直接甲醇燃料电池甲醇电氧化催化剂最近的一些研究情况。电化学沉积法和采用有机金属前驱体、有机溶剂中还原金属化合物制备催化剂的方法可以有效地控制催化剂组成、分布、颗粒大小 ;铂 -金属大环化合物对甲醇的电催化氧化具有很... 概述了直接甲醇燃料电池甲醇电氧化催化剂最近的一些研究情况。电化学沉积法和采用有机金属前驱体、有机溶剂中还原金属化合物制备催化剂的方法可以有效地控制催化剂组成、分布、颗粒大小 ;铂 -金属大环化合物对甲醇的电催化氧化具有很好的催化活性 。 展开更多
关键词 直接甲醇燃料 甲醇 电氧化催化剂 化学沉积法 金属大环化合物 金属碳化物 钙钛矿氧化
作者 王振波 左朋建 +2 位作者 王广进 王家钧 尹鸽平 《电源技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第1期10-13,共4页
为了提高直接乙醇燃料电池阳极催化剂的催化活性,降低贵金属载量,采用热还原法制备了Pt-Ru-W/C催化剂,比较了Pt-Ru-W/C和相同前驱体用化学还原法制备的Pt-Ru/C催化剂对乙醇的电催化氧化行为;在0.5mol/L乙醇和0.5mol/L硫酸混合溶液中考... 为了提高直接乙醇燃料电池阳极催化剂的催化活性,降低贵金属载量,采用热还原法制备了Pt-Ru-W/C催化剂,比较了Pt-Ru-W/C和相同前驱体用化学还原法制备的Pt-Ru/C催化剂对乙醇的电催化氧化行为;在0.5mol/L乙醇和0.5mol/L硫酸混合溶液中考核了上述催化剂对乙醇电催化氧化活性;通过X射线衍射光谱法(XRD)技术对催化剂的晶体结构进行了分析;结果表明:两种催化剂都具有Pt的面心立方晶格结构,晶格参数都小于Pt/C催化剂;计算表明Pt-Ru-W/C粒径较小,为6.5nm左右;Pt-Ru-W/C电化学活性比表面积小于Pt-Ru/C催化剂,但由于W的助催化作用使Pt-Ru-W/C对乙醇的电催化活性和抗乙醇中间产物毒化的能力高于Pt-Ru/C催化剂。 展开更多
关键词 直接乙醇燃料 Pt-Ru—W C催化剂 Pt—Ru/C催化剂:乙醇氧化
作者 Jafar Hussain Shah 谢起贤 +7 位作者 匡智崇 格日乐 周雯慧 刘朵绒 Alexandre I.Rykov 李旭宁 罗景山 王军虎 《电化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期48-78,共31页
近年来,析氧反应(oxygen evolution reaction)中针对高效且具有成本效益的电催化剂开发一直是构筑有效利用可再生能源存储系统和水分解生产清洁氢能燃料的重大障碍。OER过程涉及四电子、四质子耦合并形成氧-氧(O-O)键,因此动力学上进程... 近年来,析氧反应(oxygen evolution reaction)中针对高效且具有成本效益的电催化剂开发一直是构筑有效利用可再生能源存储系统和水分解生产清洁氢能燃料的重大障碍。OER过程涉及四电子、四质子耦合并形成氧-氧(O-O)键,因此动力学上进程缓慢。为提升其在水分解产氢及二氧化碳还原反应中的应用,需要开发高效催化剂,降低OER过电位,以减轻能量转换过程中固有的能量损失。研究表明,IrO;和RuO;具有较低析氧过电位,但储量低、价格昂贵,大大限制了其在析氧反应中的大规模应用。而Ni-Fe基析氧催化剂在碱性水分解反应中展现了优异的性能,其在水分解过程中的催化机制仍有待进一步研究。为了解决Ni-Fe基催化剂在析氧反应过程中反应位点及催化反应机制等关键问题,迫切需要更先进的原位技术来准确表征,原位追踪催化剂形态变化与电解质/电极之间的界面相互作用的影响。光谱与电化学结合的原位技术可以监测析氧反应过程催化剂自身的变化。目前,已有大量原位光谱技术与电化学进行结合,揭示Ni-Fe基催化剂在OER过程中的反应机理及活性位点,包括原位表面增强拉曼光谱、原位同步辐射X射线吸收光谱、原位紫外-可见光谱、原位扫描电化学显微镜及原位穆斯堡尔光谱等。其中,原位拉曼技术可以观察Ni-Fe催化剂的振动,可以在电解液中施加测试电压条件下监测电化学反应过程中的中间体,从而提供实时反应信息,有助于追踪电化学驱动反应是如何发生的。原位同步辐射技术可以研究OER过程中Ni-Fe催化剂材料的电子结构和局部几何结构的信息,但目前的研究中更多的是探究Ni的价态变化,对Fe的研究信息较少。原位紫外-可见光谱也主要是针对Ni(OH);的变化展开研究,逐渐提高施加电位,Ni(OH);会向着Ni OOH逐渐变化,紫外-可见技术可以追踪Ni-Fe基电催化剂中的金属氧化过程。众多电化学原位光谱技术中,^(57)Fe穆斯堡尔谱因具有超高的能量分辨率,是确定催化剂相结构、鉴定活性位点、阐明催化机理以及确定催化活性与催化剂配位结构之间关系的最佳手段。此外,原位穆斯堡尔光谱技术基于原子核和核外电子的超精细相互作用而给出的同质异能移、四极矩分裂以及有效磁场等针对催化剂中的Fe位点的氧化态、电子自旋构型、对称性和磁性信息进行研究,为Ni-Fe基催化剂在析氧反应中的应用提供强有力的支持。1957年,德国科学家鲁道夫·路德维希·穆斯堡尔(Rudolf Ludwig M?ssbauer)在其27岁时,发现作为晶格谐振子的原子在发射或吸收γ射线时以一定的概率不会改变它们的量子力学状态,而这一γ射线的核共振吸收现象于1961年获得诺贝尔物理学奖,不久后被命名为穆斯堡尔效应。穆斯堡尔效应是来自于无反冲的γ射线吸收和发射的核共振现象,能量E;处于激发态的原子核(Z质子和N中子)通过产生能量为E;的γ射线跃迁到能量为E;的基态,γ射线可能会被处于基态的另一个相同类型的原子核(相同的Z和N)吸收,从而转变为能量E;的激发态。只有当发射线和吸收线足够重叠时,才能看到共振吸收。原位穆斯堡尔谱在Ni-Fe催化剂析氧反应中应用,首先需要搭建;Fe穆斯堡尔谱仪与电化学工作站联用。标准的穆斯堡尔光谱仪主要由放射源(通常是;Co在Rh或Pd金属基质中用于;Fe穆斯堡尔光谱)、速度传感器、速度校准装置、波形发生器和同步器、γ射线检测系统、多通道分析仪、计算机,并且可选配低温恒温器或高温烘箱,以控制测量过程处于适宜温度。实际测试过程中,穆斯堡尔谱可以通过速度扫描方法生成,利用移动驱动器或速度传感器以特定速度重复移动源或样品(所谓的多普勒运动),同时γ射线连续传输或发射穿过样品并计数在同步通道上。获得穆斯堡尔谱图后,基于穆斯堡尔谱数据库(https://medc.dicp.ac.cn/,由中国科学院大连化学研究所穆斯堡尔效应数据中心从全世界收集的穆斯堡尔谱样品数据),对;Fe穆斯堡尔谱进行分析拟合,对含Fe基材料的物相、价态、自旋态和配位结构进行归因和分析。数据分析拟合主要利用Moss Winn数据分析和拟合软件(http://www.mosswinn.com/)。以Ni-Fe氢氧化物催化剂为例,对于原始催化剂,其仅存在一种Fe^(2+)物种,当该催化剂参与OER过程后,可能会存在Fe^(2+),在双峰基础上,拟合结果中则会出现肩峰向负侧移动现象,可以确认高价Fe的存在,例如Fe^(2+)。为充分证明高价Fe的存在,对于Ni-Fe基催化剂的穆斯堡尔谱测试,还需在工况条件下进行原位测试。20世纪80年代后期,非贵金属氧化物和氢氧化物代替贵金属氧化物阳极催化剂的电解水研究开始受到关注。Corrigan等通过将Fe杂质引入Ni O阳极,测试过程中发现OER活性会增加,但后续的研究中对于Fe究竟如何改变Ni基催化剂的OER性能仍旧不清晰。尔后,原位穆斯堡尔谱的引入逐渐揭开Fe在Ni-Fe电催化水分解析氧反应中的作用。为提高测试准确性并保证穆斯堡尔谱信号的稳定,本实验室对原位穆斯堡尔谱装置做了开发和改进。主要包括三部分:(1)穆斯堡尔光谱仪,(2)电化学工作站,以及(3)自主设计的原位OER电化学反应池。在我们的实验室中,使用了具有14.4 ke V级γ射线的单线;Fe穆斯堡尔谱放射源;Co(Rh),可以减少电解液中的信号衰减并获得令人满意的信噪比,附带CHI660E电化学工作站。对于常规的OER测试,在室温298 K条件下进行测试,测试前首先用α-Fe对穆斯堡尔谱仪进行多普勒速度校准,在进行原位穆斯堡尔谱-OER实验之前,电解液用氮气或氩气饱和以去除溶解的氧气。为了保证测试信号的准确性,实验中所使用的电解池不含任何Fe杂质,因此采用了Teflon材料。为避免测试过程中产生的O;气泡对信号产生干扰,可以采用蠕动泵循环电解液,并且保证测试过程中局部的微反应环境的一致性。对于普通OER测试,仅需要少量催化剂,但对于原位;Fe穆斯堡尔谱测试,只有保证Ni-Fe催化剂中;Fe含量充足的条件下,才可以获得高质量信号。但OER过程中,不建议催化剂载量过高,催化过程中主要是表面催化剂在反应,当样品过厚时,深层样品无法参与析氧反应过程,可能会有部分Fe仍旧维持Fe^(2+)状态。通常,对于常规;Fe穆斯堡尔光谱测量的催化剂,若在制备中使用普通Fe源,则需要Fe含量在5~10 mg·cm^(-2),这其中仅有~2.2%的自然丰度;Fe同位素,需要长时间监测才可以采集到信号。为保证实验的顺利进行,可以在样品制备过程中直接使用;Fe源,方便快捷采集高质量信号。为了保证样品测试的准确性,在OER开始前,我们可以在同一电解液中,在开路电位(OCP)下,对其进行测试,这一原始样品的测试可与后续施加电位的Ni-Fe催化剂测试结果进行对比。有外加电压测试时,需要保证催化剂处于稳定状态下进行测试,整个测试过程中保持电流密度稳定,这不仅可以保证催化剂的稳定性,还有助于确定催化剂的真实结构。利用原位;Fe穆斯堡尔谱,我们对通过Ni-Fe普鲁士蓝类似物原位拓扑转换获得的Ni-Fe羟基氧化物电催化剂进行了测试。基于原位拉曼技术,我们发现在阳极电位下,Ni-Fe催化剂中α-Ni(OH);相会不可逆转变为γ-Ni OOH。原位;Fe穆斯堡尔谱测试结果表明,在较低的施加电位(例如1.22 V和1.32 V vs.RHE)下,Fe在NiFe^(2+)-O;H;中仅处于+3氧化态,其光谱结果与开路电位下NiFe^(2+)-O;H;谱图相似,其中只有一个双峰,两个峰的强度相等,可归因于高自旋Fe^(2+)物种。但随着外加电位增加并达到1.37 V,两个峰的强度开始变得不相等,开始出现一个小的肩峰,其同质异能移(δ)值约为-0.25 mm·s^(-1),可以归属为Fe^(2+)。随着电压的逐渐增加,催化剂中的Fe^(2+)含量逐渐增加。在OER过程中,施加电位1.42 V vs.RHE时,Fe^(2+)含量~12%。当施加的电势达到1.57 V时,催化剂中Fe^(2+)的含量进一步增加到约40%。这一实例充分展现了原位;Fe穆斯堡尔谱与Ni-Fe催化OER过程的应用,也体现了NiFe^(2+)-O;H;催化剂原位产生的Fe^(2+)物种的量与其水氧化反应性能呈正相关,进一步加深了对Ni-Fe水氧化催化机理的理解。Ni-Fe基催化剂因其价格低廉,电催化析氧性能优异,因此成为碱性水分解析氧过程的理想候选者。虽然Ni-Fe基电催化剂表现出优异的OER活性,但缺乏长期稳定性阻碍了其在商业中的应用。因此,充分了解Ni-Fe催化剂的衰减机理,包括形态、组成、晶体结构和活性位点数量的变化,对于设计稳定和高效Ni-Fe催化材料非常重要,充分了解Ni-Fe催化剂在OER过程中的电子结构及其与析氧反应中间体的相互作用尤为重要。原位拉曼及原位紫外-可见光谱可以对Ni-Fe催化剂中的Ni(OH);到NiOOH的变化进行深入探究,而原位;Fe穆斯堡尔谱测试则可以揭示Ni-Fe基催化剂中Fe的电子环境及其电子的、结构的和磁性的变化。穆斯堡尔光谱为研究Ni-Fe催化剂中Fe的局部电子结构、局部配位、键合和氧化态的提供了强大技术支撑。最近,穆斯堡尔光谱在电催化领域获得了越来越多的关注,它对于检测不同铁基催化材料中的主要活性位点有着重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 析氧反应 Ni-Fe羟基氧化催化剂 原位化学穆斯堡尔光谱技术 Ni-Fe普鲁士蓝类似物 关键中间物表征
纳米材料及其在电催化领域的研究进展 被引量:10
作者 徐明丽 张正富 杨显万 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第F11期2-6,共5页
综述了纳米材料的小尺寸效应、体积效应、表面效应、量子尺寸效应等特性,并详细介绍了不同纳米催化材料的分类与制备方法。此外,进一步介绍了纳米电催化材料所具有的特殊性质,概述了近年来人们对纳米电催化剂的研究成果和其在电催化领... 综述了纳米材料的小尺寸效应、体积效应、表面效应、量子尺寸效应等特性,并详细介绍了不同纳米催化材料的分类与制备方法。此外,进一步介绍了纳米电催化材料所具有的特殊性质,概述了近年来人们对纳米电催化剂的研究成果和其在电催化领域中的一些应用,并详细介绍了用于直接甲醇燃料电池中对甲醇催化氧化的纳米电催化剂的研究现状。对今后纳米电催化材料的研究方向进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 纳米材料 催化 催化剂催化氧化
作者 姜鲁华 唐琪雯 +1 位作者 刘静 孙公权 《催化学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期175-180,共6页
氧还原反应(ORR)是一个复杂的过程,尤其在碱性电解液中,炭载型催化剂表面的ORR路径尤为复杂,因为碳本身可以催化ORR以二电子转移过程发生,产生过氧化氢,继而过氧化氢或者发生化学分解生成氧气(HODR),或者发生电化学还原生成OH(HORR).本... 氧还原反应(ORR)是一个复杂的过程,尤其在碱性电解液中,炭载型催化剂表面的ORR路径尤为复杂,因为碳本身可以催化ORR以二电子转移过程发生,产生过氧化氢,继而过氧化氢或者发生化学分解生成氧气(HODR),或者发生电化学还原生成OH(HORR).本文详细研究了ORR在常用氧化锰催化剂表面的反应路径.通过比较HODR和HORR的转换频率发现,尽管利用旋转环盘电极方法得到的表观电子转移数接近4,真实的ORR主要是2电子过程,反应生成的过氧化氢继而大部分发生化学分解生成氧气.该结果有助于理解碱性电解质中炭载型过渡金属氧化物电催化剂对ORR的催化行为. 展开更多
关键词 氧还原反应路径 碱性解质 碳载氧化催化剂
Realizing efficient electrochemical oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural on a freestanding Ni(OH)_(2)/nickel foam catalyst
作者 Yunying Huo Cong Guo +6 位作者 Yongle Zhang Jingyi Liu Qiao Zhang Zhiting Liu Guangxing Yang Rengui Li Feng Peng 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第8期282-291,共10页
With the continuous improvement of solar energy production capacity,how to effectively use the electricity generated by renewable solar energy for electrochemical conversion of biomass is a hot topic.Electrochemical c... With the continuous improvement of solar energy production capacity,how to effectively use the electricity generated by renewable solar energy for electrochemical conversion of biomass is a hot topic.Electrochemical conversion of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural(HMF)to biofuels and value-added oxygenated commodity chemicals provides a promising and alternative pathway to convert re-newable electricity into chemicals.Although nickel-based eletrocatalysts are well-known for HMF oxidation,their relatively low intrinsic activity,poor conductivity and stability still limit the poten-tial applications.Here,we report the fabrication of a freestanding nickel-based electrode,in which Ni(OH)_(2) species were in-situ constructed on Ni foam(NF)support using a facile ac-id-corrosion-induced strategy.The Ni(OH)2/NF electrocatalyst exhibits stable and efficient electro-chemical HMF oxidation into 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid(FDCA)with HMF conversion close to 100% with high Faraday efficiency.In-situ formation strategy results in a compact interface between Ni(OH)_(2) and NF,which contributes to good conductivity and stability during electrochemical reac-tions.The superior performance benefits from dynamic cyclic evolution of Ni(OH)_(2) to NiOOH,which acts as the reactive species for HMF oxidation to FDCA.A scaled-up device based on a continu-ous-flow electrolytic cell was also established,giving stable operation with a high FDCA production rate of 27 mg h^(-1)cm^(−2).This job offers a straightforward,economical,and scalable design strategy to design efficient and durable catalysts for electrochemical conversion of valuable chemicals. 展开更多
关键词 Acid-corrosion-induced 5-HYDROXYMETHYLFURFURAL Electrocatalytic oxidation Ni electrocatalysis
Series Reports from Professor Wei's Group of Chongqing University:Advancements in Electrochemical Energy Conversions(1/4):Report 1:High-performance Oxygen Reduction Catalysts for Fuel Cells
作者 Fa-Dong Chen Zhuo-Yang Xie +5 位作者 Meng-Ting Li Si-Guo Chen Wei Ding Li Li Jing Li Zi-Dong Wei 《电化学(中英文)》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第7期1-27,共27页
Two major challenges,high cost and short lifespan,have been hindering the commercialization process of lowtemperature fuel cells.Professor Wei's group has been focusing on decreasing cathode Pt loadings without lo... Two major challenges,high cost and short lifespan,have been hindering the commercialization process of lowtemperature fuel cells.Professor Wei's group has been focusing on decreasing cathode Pt loadings without losses of activity and durability,and their research advances in this area over the past three decades are briefly reviewed herein.Regarding the Pt-based catalysts and the low Pt usage,they have firstly tried to clarify the degradation mechanism of Pt/C catalysts,and then demonstrated that the activity and stability could be improved by three strategies:regulating the nanostructures of the active sites,enhancing the effects of support materials,and optimizing structures of the three-phase boundary.For Pt-free catalysts,especialiy carbon-based ones,several strategies that they proposed to enhance the activity of nitrogen-/heteroatom-doped carbon catalysts are firstly presented.Then,an indepth understanding of the degradation mechanism for carbon-based catalysts is discussed,and followed by the corresponding stability enhancement strategies.Also,the carbon-based electrode at the micrometer-scale,faces the challenges such as low active-site density,thick catalytic layer,and the effect of hydrogen peroxide,which require rational structure design for the integral cathodic electrode.This review finally gives a brief conclusion and outlook about the low cost and long lifespan of cathodic oxygen reduction catalysts. 展开更多
关键词 Fuel cell Oxygen reduction reaction Pt-based catalyst Carbon-based catalyst
Cu single-atom electrocatalyst on nitrogen-containing graphdiyne for CO_(2) electroreduction to CH_(4)
作者 Hao Dai Tao Song +8 位作者 Xian Yue Shuting Wei Fuzhi Li Yanchao Xu Siyan Shu Ziang Cui Cheng Wang Jun Gu Lele Duan 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第9期123-132,共10页
Developing Cu single-atom catalysts(SACs)with well-defined active sites is highly desirable for producing CH4 in the electrochemical CO_(2) reduction reaction and understanding the structure-property relationship.Here... Developing Cu single-atom catalysts(SACs)with well-defined active sites is highly desirable for producing CH4 in the electrochemical CO_(2) reduction reaction and understanding the structure-property relationship.Herein,a new graphdiyne analogue with uniformly distributed N_(2)-bidentate(note that N_(2)-bidentate site=N^N-bidentate site;N_(2)≠dinitrogen gas in this work)sites are synthesized.Due to the strong interaction between Cu and the N_(2)-bidentate site,a Cu SAC with isolated undercoordinated Cu-N_(2) sites(Cu1.0/N_(2)-GDY)is obtained,with the Cu loading of 1.0 wt%.Cu1.0/N_(2)-GDY exhibits the highest Faradaic efficiency(FE)of 80.6% for CH_(4) in electrocatalytic reduction of CO_(2) at-0.96 V vs.RHE,and the partial current density of CH_(4) is 160 mA cm^(-2).The selectivity for CH_(4) is maintained above 70% when the total current density is 100 to 300 mA cm^(-2).More remarkably,the Cu1.0/N_(2)-GDY achieves a mass activity of 53.2 A/mgCu toward CH4 under-1.18 V vs.RHE.In situ electrochemical spectroscopic studies reveal that undercoordinated Cu-N_(2) sites are more favorable in generating key ^(*)COOH and ^(*)CHO intermediate than Cu nanoparticle counterparts.This work provides an effective pathway to produce SACs with undercoordinated Metal-N_(2) sites toward efficient electrocatalysis. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon dioxide reduction ELECTROCATALYSIS Cu single-atom catalyst N-containing graphdiyne Methane
Enhanced ethanol electro-oxidation on CeO_2-modified Pt/Ni catalysts in alkaline solution 被引量:3
作者 徐志花 饶丽霞 +3 位作者 宋海燕 严朝雄 张利君 杨水彬 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期305-312,共8页
Pt/Ni catalysts modified with CeO2 nanoparticles were prepared by simple composite electrodeposition of Ni and CeO2,and spontaneous Ni partial replacement by Pt processes.The as-prepared CeO2-modified Pt/Ni catalysts ... Pt/Ni catalysts modified with CeO2 nanoparticles were prepared by simple composite electrodeposition of Ni and CeO2,and spontaneous Ni partial replacement by Pt processes.The as-prepared CeO2-modified Pt/Ni catalysts showed enhanced catalytic performance for ethanol electro-oxidation compared with pure Pt/Ni,and acetate species were proposed to be the main products of the oxidation when using these catalysts.The content of CeO2 in the as-prepared catalysts influenced their catalytic activity,with Pt/NiCe2(obtained from an electrolyte containing 100 mg/L CeO2 nanoparticles) exhibiting higher activity and relatively better stability in ethanol electro-oxidation.This was mainly due to the oxygen storage capacity of CeO2,the interaction between Pt and CeO2/Ni,and the relatively small contact and charge transfer resistances.The results of this work thus suggest that electrocatalysts with low price and high activity can be rationally designed and produced by a simple route for use in direct ethanol fuel cells. 展开更多
关键词 Direct ethanol fuel cell Ethanol oxidation CeO2 nanoparticle Composite electrodeposition ELECTROCATALYST
Co_3O_4 nanoparticles assembled on polypyrrole/graphene oxide for electrochemical reduction of oxygen in alkaline media 被引量:3
作者 任素贞 郭亚男 +6 位作者 马少博 毛庆 吴丹丹 杨莹 景洪宇 宋雪旦 郝策 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期1281-1290,共10页
The development of highly efficient catalysts for cathodes remains an important objective of fuel cell research. Here, we report Co3O4 nanoparticles assembled on a polypyrrole/graphene oxide electrocatalyst (C... The development of highly efficient catalysts for cathodes remains an important objective of fuel cell research. Here, we report Co3O4 nanoparticles assembled on a polypyrrole/graphene oxide electrocatalyst (Co3O4/Ppy/GO) as an efficient catalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in alkaline media. The catalyst was prepared via the hydrothermal reaction of Co2+ ions with Ppy-modified GO. The GO, Ppy/GO, and Co3O4/Ppy/GO were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The incorporation of Ppy into GO nanosheets resulted in the formation of a nitrogen-modified GO po-rous structure, which acted as an efficient electron-transport network for the ORR. With further anchoring of Co3O4 on Ppy/GO, the as-prepared Co3O4/Ppy/GO exhibited excellent ORR activity and followed a four-electron route mechanism for the ORR in alkaline solution. An onset potential of -0.10 V vs. a saturated calomel electrode and a diffusion limiting current density of 2.30 mA/cm^2 were achieved for the Co3O4/Ppy/GO catalyst heated at 800 ℃; these values are comparable to those for noble-metal-based Pt/C catalysts. Our work demonstrates that Co3O4/Ppy/GO is highly active for the ORR. Notably, the Ppy coupling effects between Co3O4 and GO provide a new route for the preparation of efficient non-precious electrocatalysts with hierarchical porous structures for fuel cell applications. 展开更多
关键词 Non-precious metal electrocatalyst CO3O4 POLYPYRROLE Graphene Oxygen reduction reaction Proton-exchange membrane fuel cell
Synthesis of nitrocarbazole compounds and their electrocatalytic oxidation of alcohol 被引量:4
作者 朱英红 张健青 +2 位作者 陈姿颖 张安伦 马淳安 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期533-538,共6页
Three compounds with nitrocarbazole frameworks were synthesized and their electrochemical reversibility as organic electrocatalysts was studied by cyclic voltammetry. The electrochemical reversibility and oxidation‐r... Three compounds with nitrocarbazole frameworks were synthesized and their electrochemical reversibility as organic electrocatalysts was studied by cyclic voltammetry. The electrochemical reversibility and oxidation‐reduction potential of the compounds were greatly affected by their substituents. The oxidation‐reduction potential of the compound with an electron‐donating group was negative, while that of the compound with an electron‐withdrawing group on the carbazole framework was positive. The electrocatalytic oxidation activities of the nitrocarbazole compounds were investigated through cyclic voltammetry and controlled potential electrolysis at room tem‐perature. The electrocatalysts showed excellent selectivity for p‐methoxybenzyl alcohol, converting it to the corresponding aldehyde through electro‐oxidation with just 2.5 mol%of the electrocata‐lysts presented. The electrocatalysts maintained their excellent electroredox activity following re‐cycling. 展开更多
关键词 Nitro-carbazole compounds Organic electro-catalyst Indirect electro-oxidation Selective electro-oxidation Redox reversibility
High-performance Pt catalysts supported on hierarchical nitrogen-doped carbon nanocages for methanol electrooxidation 被引量:5
作者 蒋湘芬 王学斌 +5 位作者 沈丽明 吴强 王秧年 马延文 王喜章 胡征 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期1149-1155,共7页
Hierarchical nitrogen-doped carbon nanocages (hNCNC) with large specific surface areas were used as a catalyst support to immobilize Pt nanoparticles by a microwave-assisted polyol method. The Pt/hNCNC catalyst with... Hierarchical nitrogen-doped carbon nanocages (hNCNC) with large specific surface areas were used as a catalyst support to immobilize Pt nanoparticles by a microwave-assisted polyol method. The Pt/hNCNC catalyst with 20 wt% loading has a homogeneous dispersion of Pt nanoparticles with the average size of 3.3 nm, which is smaller than 4.3 and 4.9 nm for the control catalysts with the same loading supported on hierarchical carbon nanocages (hCNC) and commercial Vulcan XC-72, respec- tively. Accordingly, Pt/hNCNC has a larger electrochemical surface area than Pt/hCNC and Pt/XC-72. The Pt/hNCNC catalyst exhibited excellent electrocatalytic activity and stability for methanol oxidation, which was better than the control catalysts. This was attributed to the en- hanced interaction between Pt and hNCNC due to nitrogen participation in the anchoring function. By making use of the unique advantages of the hNCNC support, a heavy Pt loading up to 60 wt% was prepared without serious agglomeration, which gave a high peak-current density per unit mass of catalyst of 95.6 mA/mg for achieving a high power density. These results showed the potential of the Pt/hNCNC catalyst for methanol oxidation and of the new hNCNC support for wide applications. 展开更多
关键词 Methanol oxidationFuel cellsPlatinum catalystHierarchical nitrogen-doped carbon nanocagesHigh performance
Progress in research on Li–CO_2 batteries: Mechanism, catalyst and performance 被引量:8
作者 李翔 杨思勰 +2 位作者 冯宁宁 何平 周豪慎 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期1016-1024,共9页
Rechargeable Li-CO2 batteries provide a promising new approach for carbon capture and energy storage technology. However, their practical application is limited by many challenges despite much progress in this technol... Rechargeable Li-CO2 batteries provide a promising new approach for carbon capture and energy storage technology. However, their practical application is limited by many challenges despite much progress in this technology. Recent development in Li-CO2 batteries is presented. The reaction mechanism with an air cathode, operating temperatures used, electrochemical performance under different CO2 concentrations, stability of the battery in different electrolytes, and utilization of different cathode materials were emphasized. At last, challenges and perspectives were also present- ed. This review provides a deep understanding of Li-CO2 batteries and offers important guidelines for developing reversible and high efficiency Li-CO2 batteries. 展开更多
关键词 Lithium carbon dioxide batteriesReaction mechanism on cathodeCatalyst designCarbon capture
Preparation of nitrogen-doped carbon nanoblocks with high electrocatalytic activity for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline solution 被引量:2
作者 张亭亭 何传生 +1 位作者 黎琳波 林雨青 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期1275-1282,共8页
The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is traditionally performed using noble‐metals catalysts, e.g. Pt. However, these metal‐based catalysts have the drawbacks of high costs, low selectivity, poor stabili‐ties, and... The oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is traditionally performed using noble‐metals catalysts, e.g. Pt. However, these metal‐based catalysts have the drawbacks of high costs, low selectivity, poor stabili‐ties, and detrimental environmental effects. Here, we describe metal‐free nitrogen‐doped carbon nanoblocks (NCNBs) with high nitrogen contents (4.11%), which have good electrocatalytic proper‐ties for ORRs. This material was fabricated using a scalable, one‐step process involving the pyrolysis of tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris) at 800℃. Rotating ring disk electrode measurements show that the NCNBs give a high electrocatalytic performance and have good stability in ORRs. The onset potential of the catalyst for the ORR is-0.05 V (vs Ag/AgCl), the ORR reduction peak potential is-0.20 V (vs Ag/AgCl), and the electron transfer number is 3.4. The NCNBs showed pronounced electrocatalytic activity, improved long‐term stability, and better tolerance of the methanol crosso‐ver effect compared with a commercial 20 wt%Pt/C catalyst. The composition and structure of, and nitrogen species in, the NCNBs were investigated using Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and X‐ray diffraction. The pyroly‐sis of Tris at high temperature increases the number of active nitrogen sites, especially pyridinic nitrogen, which creates a net positive charge on adjacent carbon atoms, and the high positive charge promotes oxygen adsorption and reduction. The results show that NCNBs prepared by pyrolysis of Tris as nitrogen and carbon sources are a promising ORR catalyst for fuel cells. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen-doped carbon nanoblock Trihydroxymethyl aminomethane ELECTROCATALYST Oxygen reduction reaction NANOCATALYST
Electrochemical hydrogen compression and purification versus competing technologies: Part Ⅱ. Challenges in electrocatalysis 被引量:4
作者 Marine Trégaro Maha Rhandi +2 位作者 Florence Druart Jonathan Deseure Marian Chatenet 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期770-782,共13页
Hydrogen will be at the basis of the World’s energy policy in forthcoming decades, owing to its decarbonized nature, at least when produced from renewables. For now, hydrogen is still essentially produced from fossil... Hydrogen will be at the basis of the World’s energy policy in forthcoming decades, owing to its decarbonized nature, at least when produced from renewables. For now, hydrogen is still essentially produced from fossil feedstock(and to a minor extent from biomass);in consequence the present hydrogen gas on the market is containing non-negligible amounts of impurities that prevent its immediate usage in specialty chemistry or as an energy carrier in fuel cells, e.g. in transportation applications(cars, buses, trains, boats, etc.) that gradually spread on the planet. For these purposes, hydrogen must be of sufficient purity but also sufficiently compressed(at high pressures, typically 70 MPa), rendering purification and compression steps unavoidable in the hydrogen cycle. As shown in the first part of this contribution "Electrochemical hydrogen compression and purification versus competing technologies: Part I. pros and cons", electrochemical hydrogen compressors(EHCs), which enable both hydrogen purification and compression, exhibit many theoretical(thermodynamic) and practical(kinetics) advantages over their mechanical counterparts. However, in order to be competitive, EHCs must operate in very intensive conditions(high current density and low cell voltage) that can only be reached if their core materials, e.g. the membrane and the electrodes/electrocatalysts, are optimized. This contribution will particularly focus on the properties electrocatalysts must exhibit to be used in EHCs: they shall promote(very) fast hydrogen oxidation reaction(HOR) in presence of impurities, which implies that they are(very) tolerant to poisons as well. This consists of a prerequisite for the operation of the anode of an EHC used for the purification-compression of hydrogen, and the materials developed for poison-tolerance in the vast literature on low-temperature fuel cells, may not always satisfy these two criteria, as this contribution will review. 展开更多
关键词 Electrochemical hydrogen compression Electrochemical hydrogen purification ELECTROCATALYSTS Hydrogen oxidation Poison tolerance
Tuning the electronic structure of platinum nanocrystals towards high efficient ethanol oxidation 被引量:2
作者 Sheng Zhang Hai Liu +4 位作者 Na Zhang Rong Xia Siyu Kuang Geping Yin Xinbin Ma 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第12期1904-1911,共8页
Direct ethanol fuel cell is a promising low temperature fuel cell,but its development is hindered by sluggish kinetics of anode catalysts for ethanol oxidation.Here a high efficient platinum/tin oxide/Graphene nanocom... Direct ethanol fuel cell is a promising low temperature fuel cell,but its development is hindered by sluggish kinetics of anode catalysts for ethanol oxidation.Here a high efficient platinum/tin oxide/Graphene nanocomposite is synthesized through a facile and environmentally benign method.The structure and morphology are carefully characterized by X-ray diffraction and Transmission electron microscopy,showing a clear platinum/tin oxide heterostructure uniformly dispersed on graphene support.This catalyst demonstrates the highest activity among the reported catalysts and much higher durability towards ethanol oxidation compared to conventional platinum nanocatalysts.The ultrahigh activity originates from promoted removal of poisoning carbon monoxide immediate species on platinum due to a strong electronic donating effect from both tin oxide and graphene,which is fully supported by carbon monoxide stripping and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis.Our platinum/tin oxide/Graphene appears to be a promising candidate for ethanol oxidation electrocatalysts. 展开更多
关键词 Platinum nanocrystals Ethanol oxidation ELECTROCATALYST Pt/tin oxide heterostructure Electronic effect
Defective high-entropy rocksalt oxide with enhanced metal‒oxygen covalency for electrocatalytic oxygen evolution 被引量:6
作者 Fangming Liu Meng Yu +3 位作者 Xiang Chen Jinhan Li Huanhuan Liu Fangyi Cheng 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期122-129,共8页
High‐entropy materials are emerging electrocatalysts by integrating five or more elements into one single crystallographic phase to optimize the electronic structures and geometric environments.Here,a rocksalt‐type ... High‐entropy materials are emerging electrocatalysts by integrating five or more elements into one single crystallographic phase to optimize the electronic structures and geometric environments.Here,a rocksalt‐type high‐entropy oxide Mg_(0.2)Co_(0.2)Ni_(0.2)Cu_(0.2)Zn_(0.2)O(HEO)is developed as an electrocatalyst towards the oxygen evolution reaction(OER).The obtained HEO features abundant cation and oxygen vacancies originating from the lattice mismatch of neighboring metal ions,together with enlarged Co/Ni‒O covalency due to the introduction of less electronegative Mg and Zn.As a result,the HEO exhibits superior intrinsic OER activities,delivering a turnover frequency(TOF)15 and 84 folds that of CoO and NiO at 1.65 V,respectively.This study provides a mechanistic understanding of the enhanced OER on HEO and demonstrates the potential of high‐entropy strategy in developing efficient oxygen electrocatalysts by elaborately incorporating low‐cost elements with lower electronegativity. 展开更多
关键词 High-entropy material Rocksalt oxide Oxygen evolution reaction Electrocatalyst Defect Metal-oxygen covalency
Electrocatalytic generation of hydrogen peroxide on cobalt nanoparticles embedded in nitrogen-doped carbon 被引量:1
作者 Basil Sabri Rawah Wenzhen Li 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第12期2296-2305,共10页
Electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen is a growing synthetic technique for the sustainable production of hydrogen peroxide(H_(2)O_(2)).The current challenges concern seeking low-cost,highly active,and selective electro... Electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen is a growing synthetic technique for the sustainable production of hydrogen peroxide(H_(2)O_(2)).The current challenges concern seeking low-cost,highly active,and selective electrocatalysts.Cobalt-nitrogen-doped carbon containing catalytically active cobalt-nitrogen(Co-N_(x))sites is an emerging class of materials that can promote the electrochemical generation of H_(2)O_(2).Here,we report a straightforward method for the preparation of cobalt-nitrogen-doped carbon composed of a number of Co-N_(x)moieties using low-energy dry-state ball milling,followed by controlled pyrolysis.This scalable method uses inexpensive materials containing cobalt acetate,2-methylimidazole,and Ketjenblack EC-600JD as the metal,nitrogen,and carbon precursors,respectively.Electrochemical measurements in an acidic medium show the present material exhibits a significant increase in the oxygen reduction reaction current density,accompanied by shifting the onset potential into the positive direction.The current catalyst has also demonstrated an approximate 90%selectivity towards H_(2)O_(2)across a wide range of potential.The H_(2)O_(2)production rate,as measured by H_(2)O_(2)bulk electrolysis,has reached 100 mmol g_(cat).^(–1)h^(–1)with high H_(2)O_(2)faradaic efficiency close to 85%(for 2 h at 0.3 V vs.RHE).Lastly,the catalyst durability has been tested(for 6 h at 0.3 V vs.RHE).The catalyst has shown relatively consistent performance,while the overall faradic efficiency reaches approximate 85%throughout the test cycle indicating the promising catalyst durability for practical applications.The formed Co-N_(x)moieties,along with other parameters,including the acidic environment and the applied potential,likely are the primary reasons for such high activity and selectivity to H_(2)O_(2)production. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrogen peroxide Two-electron oxygen reduction Carbon catalyst ELECTROCATALYSIS
Recent advances in glycerol valorization via electrooxidation:Catalyst,mechanism and device 被引量:4
作者 Jianxiang Wu Xuejing Yang Ming Gong 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第12期2966-2986,共21页
Glycerol is one of the most important biomass-based platform molecules,massively produced as a by-product in the biodiesel industry.Its high purification cost from the crude glycerol raw material limits its applicatio... Glycerol is one of the most important biomass-based platform molecules,massively produced as a by-product in the biodiesel industry.Its high purification cost from the crude glycerol raw material limits its application and demands new strategies for valorization.Compared to the conventional thermocatalytic strategies,the electrocatalytic strategies can not only enable the selective conversion at mild conditions but also pair up the cathodic reactions for the co-production with higher efficiencies.In this review,we summarize the recent advances of catalyst designs and mechanistic understandings for the electrocatalytic glycerol oxidation(GOR),and aim to provide an overview of the GOR process and the intrinsic structural-activity correlation for inspiring future work in this field.The review is dissected into three sections.We will first introduce the recent efforts of designing more efficient and selective catalysts for GOR,especially toward the production of value-added products.Then,we will summarize the current understandings about the reaction network based on the ex-situ and in-situ spectroscopic studies as well as the theoretical works.Lastly,we will select some representative examples of creating real electrochemical devices for the valorization of glycerol.By summarizing these previous efforts,we will provide our vision of future directions in the field of GOR toward real applications. 展开更多
关键词 Glycerol electrooxidation Reaction mechanism Design of electrocatalyst Real application Biomass conversion
Commercial indium-tin oxide glass:A catalyst electrode for efficient N_(2)reduction at ambient conditions 被引量:4
作者 Ting Wang Shaoxiong Li +8 位作者 Bingling He Xiaojuan Zhu Yonglan Luo Qian Liu Tingshuai Li Siyu Lu Chen Ye Abdullah M.Asiri Xuping Sun 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第6期1024-1029,共6页
The typical Haber technical process for industrial NH_(3)production involves plenty of energy-consumption and large quantities of greenhouse gas emission.In contrast,electrochemical N_(2)reduction proffers environment... The typical Haber technical process for industrial NH_(3)production involves plenty of energy-consumption and large quantities of greenhouse gas emission.In contrast,electrochemical N_(2)reduction proffers environment-friendly and energy-efficient avenues to synthesize NH_(3)at mild conditions but demands efficient electrocatalysts for the N_(2)reduction reaction(NRR).Herein we report for the first time that commercial indium-tin oxide glass(ITO/G)can be used as a catalyst electrode toward artificial N_(2)fixation,as it demonstrates excellent selectivity at mild conditions.Such ITO/G delivers excellent NRR performance with a NH_(3)yield of 1.06×10^(-10) mol s^(-1) cm^(-2) and a faradaic efficiency of 6.17%at-0.40 V versus the reversible hydrogen electrode(RHE)in 0.5 M LiClO4.Furthermore,the ITO/G also possesses good electrochemical stability and durability.Finally,the possible reaction mechanism for the NRR on the ITO catalysts was explored using first-principles calculations. 展开更多
关键词 N_(2)reduction reaction NH_(3) Indium-tin oxide ELECTROCATALYST Ambient conditions Density functional theory
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