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电网功能替代性储能替代效果评估和政策机制研究 被引量:2
作者 胡静 黄碧斌 +2 位作者 孟子涵 李娜娜 吉喆 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期10-16,共7页
近年来,国家持续出台政策支持新型储能发展,新型储能进入发展快车道。作为重要的应用形式,电网功能替代性储能可在电力系统中发挥替代或延缓电网输变电设施建设等作用,国家政策明确支持电网功能替代性储能发展,提出探索纳入输配电价疏... 近年来,国家持续出台政策支持新型储能发展,新型储能进入发展快车道。作为重要的应用形式,电网功能替代性储能可在电力系统中发挥替代或延缓电网输变电设施建设等作用,国家政策明确支持电网功能替代性储能发展,提出探索纳入输配电价疏导成本。目前电网功能替代性储能处于探索起步阶段,相关政策管理机制尚不成熟。厘清电网功能替代性储能的界定范围,提出电网功能替代性储能替代效果评估方法,并开展典型案例分析论证,提出在电力市场发展不同阶段下电网功能替代性储能的成本疏导机制,并形成有关政策建议,推动电网功能替代性储能有序发展和高效利用。 展开更多
关键词 电网功能替代性储能 替代效果评估 成本疏导机制 场景界定 准入评估
作者 吴嘀 刘俊 李红强 《改革与战略》 2013年第11期37-39,共3页
城乡统筹作为缩小城乡差距、协调区域联动发展、提振内需的重要举措,对电网功能定位也提出了新的要求。在城乡统筹的新形势下,需要进一步认识电网在我国经济社会发展中承担的重要功能,以促进电网的快速科学发展。文章结合我国社会、经... 城乡统筹作为缩小城乡差距、协调区域联动发展、提振内需的重要举措,对电网功能定位也提出了新的要求。在城乡统筹的新形势下,需要进一步认识电网在我国经济社会发展中承担的重要功能,以促进电网的快速科学发展。文章结合我国社会、经济和政治的具体实际,在城乡统筹发展的新形势下提出电网的功能定位,即保障民生、支持经济发展、执行政治职能和履行社会保障等方面。 展开更多
关键词 城乡统筹 电网功能 定位
配电网电力设施“功能块”负荷密度设计的研究 被引量:2
作者 王旭东 《信息技术》 2020年第7期140-144,共5页
为压制电力负荷密度的上升趋势、维持配电网的整体负荷水平稳定、缩小平均供电半径,文中在配电网“功能块”体系的支持下计算网络用户的配电成本,按照电路结构的分段调度处理原则实现基于“功能块”的配电网络智能调度操作;根据变电所... 为压制电力负荷密度的上升趋势、维持配电网的整体负荷水平稳定、缩小平均供电半径,文中在配电网“功能块”体系的支持下计算网络用户的配电成本,按照电路结构的分段调度处理原则实现基于“功能块”的配电网络智能调度操作;根据变电所的选址情况确定配电网高压线路的具体传输设施,遵循线路廊道要求完成配电网电力设施布局规划。实验结果表明,在电子供应量不断提升的条件下,随着上述布局规划方法的应用,配电网电力负荷密度的最大值不超过2.5T/km,电力组织平均供电半径仅维持在2.5km左右,整个配电网络的电子负荷水平逐渐趋于平稳。 展开更多
关键词 电网功能块”体系 电力设施布局 分段调度 变电所选址 线路廊道
新一轮能源革命下中国电网发展趋势和定位分析 被引量:12
作者 谭雪 刘俊 +2 位作者 郑宽 闫晓卿 石磊 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期49-55,共7页
新一轮能源革命下电网的发展将在电力系统传统功能基础上进一步扩展和丰富。在对新一轮能源革命内涵的深刻剖析基础上,借助电力系统优化规划模型对未来多元能源供应系统进行探索,预判未来能源发展格局。结合技术、经济、制度、环境等因... 新一轮能源革命下电网的发展将在电力系统传统功能基础上进一步扩展和丰富。在对新一轮能源革命内涵的深刻剖析基础上,借助电力系统优化规划模型对未来多元能源供应系统进行探索,预判未来能源发展格局。结合技术、经济、制度、环境等因素,识别影响电网发展的关键因素,通过构建电网功能定位模型,运用SWOT-AHP分析电网发展的内外部环境,构建相应的指标体系量化分析电网发展的战略定位,提出电网功能与形态转变的方向。结果表明,未来电网的电力传输功能向更大容量、更安全、更智能的方向发展,并呈现综合能源互联互补的高级形态,电网将为社会提供多元化、立体式、智能化服务。 展开更多
关键词 能源互联网 新一轮能源革命 电网发展 影响因素 功能形态 电网功能定位模型
电网的产业经济属性研究 被引量:3
作者 栾凤奎 马莉 庞博 《陕西电力》 2010年第1期22-25,共4页
电网在电力工业运行中处于枢纽和中介地位,是网络经济的重要组成部分,具有网络市场功能。研究分析了电力的技术特点和电力商品的特殊性,指出电网具有公用事业属性、网络基础产业属性和市场属性等多重属性;电网提供的产品和服务是基本公... 电网在电力工业运行中处于枢纽和中介地位,是网络经济的重要组成部分,具有网络市场功能。研究分析了电力的技术特点和电力商品的特殊性,指出电网具有公用事业属性、网络基础产业属性和市场属性等多重属性;电网提供的产品和服务是基本公共服务,需要承担社会责任;电网是典型的网络型基础产业,其网络经济性、规模经济性和范围经济性更加明显,具有强自然垄断属性;电网是电力的流通网络,是电力流通的市场载体和交换平台。 展开更多
关键词 电网 产业经济属性 电网功能 市场载体
分布式光伏发电微电网供能系统研究构建 被引量:2
作者 杨胜伟 张斌 +1 位作者 杜源 姜鑫 《云南电力技术》 2022年第2期51-53,共3页
关键词 分布式光伏发电 电网功能系统 验证
作者 张志奇 《科技情报开发与经济》 2012年第19期136-138,共3页
关键词 电网产业 电网功能 第三产业
一种多功能低压配网无功补偿装置 被引量:3
作者 门洪 梁志珊 《东北电力技术》 2002年第4期9-11,共3页
介绍一种应用在低压配电网中的无功补偿装置 ,该装置集多种功能为一体 ,具有动态无功补偿、配变监测、谐波测量和分析、计量、通讯等功能 ,投资少 ,功能多 ,管理方便 ,特别适合于配电网改造工程 。
关键词 无功补偿装置 功能低压配电网 电力电子技术 电力系统
无功电压优化控制在县级全电网中的应用 被引量:2
作者 张丽堃 《中国高新技术企业》 2012年第13期108-109,共2页
关键词 无功电压 县级电网 优化控制 电网无动优化补偿功能
智能电网实施的紧迫性和长期性 被引量:47
作者 余贻鑫 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第17期1-5,共5页
树立智能电网实施的紧迫性和长期性的观念对智能电网持续健康地发展至关重要。首先在已有著述的基础上,简述了智能电网的本质特征、主要功能及其智能分布式体系结构等基本理念。在此基础上,指出了目前我国智能电网实施中存在的一些问题... 树立智能电网实施的紧迫性和长期性的观念对智能电网持续健康地发展至关重要。首先在已有著述的基础上,简述了智能电网的本质特征、主要功能及其智能分布式体系结构等基本理念。在此基础上,指出了目前我国智能电网实施中存在的一些问题,表明了认识智能电网实施紧迫性的意义。进而论述了具有智能分布式体系结构的智能电网在提升电网韧性与和抵御赛博攻击方面的能力,从而强化了其实施的现实意义。最后,从能源转型需要接纳高比例分布式可再生能源发电的角度和智能电网的复杂性的角度,阐述了智能电网实施的长期性。 展开更多
关键词 智能电网的本质特征和功能 分布式智能的体系结构 高比例分布式可再生能源发电 韧性 赛博安全 能源转型
加快地方电力建设 为水电经济强市作贡献
作者 闫红光 《西部雅安》 2003年第7期24-24,共1页
关键词 雅安市 电力建设 电价 “权益电站” 电网功能 电源开发
大数据背景下的电力信息技术解析 被引量:6
作者 黄晓英 《信息与电脑》 2019年第1期169-171,共3页
大数据时代的到来,促进了我国社会的变革,尤其是对电力行业而言,是实现产业结构转型升级的重要推动力。随着计算机技术、通信技术的不断发展,电力信息技术的应用更加广泛。为了进一步提升我国电力行业的生产和管理水平,在大数据背景下,... 大数据时代的到来,促进了我国社会的变革,尤其是对电力行业而言,是实现产业结构转型升级的重要推动力。随着计算机技术、通信技术的不断发展,电力信息技术的应用更加广泛。为了进一步提升我国电力行业的生产和管理水平,在大数据背景下,应该加强电力信息技术的革新。基于此,笔者分析了大数据背景下电力信息技术的发展现状,探索了大数据背景下电力信息技术的发展策略。 展开更多
关键词 大数据 电力信息技术 电网预警功能
作者 翟必友 赵勇 奚有丹 《电气技术》 2009年第7期79-82,共4页
关键词 SCADA电力网络监控系统 电网监控系统功能
Hierarchical Cognition Cycle for Cognitive Radio Networks
作者 WANG Jinlong FENG Shuo +2 位作者 WU Qihui ZHENG Xueqiang XU Yuhua 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期108-121,共14页
Cognitive radio(CR) can bring about remarkable improvement in spectrum utilization.Different cognition cycles have been proposed in recent years.However,most of the existing works only emphasize functional or operatio... Cognitive radio(CR) can bring about remarkable improvement in spectrum utilization.Different cognition cycles have been proposed in recent years.However,most of the existing works only emphasize functional or operational aspects of cognition cycle,regardless of other indispensable aspects and the connection between them.To deal with the emerging situation of "data rich,information vague,knowledge poor" in cognitive radio networks(CRNs),we propose the hierarchical cognition cycle(HCC) as a new transdisciplinary research field in this paper.HCC investigates a fundamental problem,which is how to manage available resources in the complex environment to meet various demands in CRN.A comprehensive theoretical framework of HCC is established in terms of the core,the essence loop,the function loop,the operation loop,and the external loop of HCC.The reduction of uncertainty in CRN is studied and several new metrics in HCC are defined.Furthermore,a few research challenges ahead are presented as well. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive radio network hierarchical cognition cycle theoretical framework UNCERTAINTY research challenge
作者 宋毅 宫媛媛 +1 位作者 解正高 吴星伟 《Journal of Shanghai Second Medical University(Foreign Language Edition)》 2008年第2期109-114,共6页
Objective To observe the changes on multifocal electroretinography (MfERG) in the fellow eyes of patients with high myopia without fundus lesions and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). Methods MfERG was perf... Objective To observe the changes on multifocal electroretinography (MfERG) in the fellow eyes of patients with high myopia without fundus lesions and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). Methods MfERG was performed in 66 patients ( 66 eyes) which were grouped into : emmetropes ( n = 22 ) as the control eye ; high myopes without fundus lesions ( corrected visual acuity ≥ 1. 0, n = 15 ) ; and fellow eyes of high myopics with RRD (n = 29 ). The first-order kernels N1, P1, N2 response density and latency were analyzed. Results When compared with the emmetropes group, the high myopes group had significantly reduced N1 , PI , and N2 wave response densities in rings 1 to 6 ( P 〈 0. 05 ), delayed N1 wave latency in rings 3 to 6, and P1 wave latency in rings 3 to 5 ( P 〈 0. 05 ). The fellow eyes group had significantly reduced N1, P1, and N2 wave response densities in rings 1 to 6 and significantly delayed N1 and P1 wave latencies in rings 3 to 6 ( P 〈0. 05) compared with the emmetropes group. Compared with the high myopes group, P1 wave response densities in rings 1 to 6, N1 wave response densities in rings 1,3, 4, and 6, and N2 wave response density in ring 1 were significantly decreased in the fellow eyes group ( P 〈 0. 05 ) ; whereas there were no significant differences in latencies between the two groups (P 〉0.05). Conclusion MfERG can sensitively assess the early changes in visual function in fellow eyes in patients with RRD. 展开更多
关键词 fellow eye high myopia multifocal electroretinogram rhegmatogenous retinal detachment visual function
High Performance Double-Interleaved Dual Boost Converter and 3 Phase Grid Connected Converter for Wind Turbine
作者 K. Krajangpan B. Neammanee 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2011年第5期438-446,共9页
This paper proposes a high performance double-interleaved dual boost (DIDB) technique to solve the problems of high ripple current, large inductor size and the requirement of step-up transformer in many case found i... This paper proposes a high performance double-interleaved dual boost (DIDB) technique to solve the problems of high ripple current, large inductor size and the requirement of step-up transformer in many case found in the conventional DC-DC boost converter. The 3-phase grid connected converter with decoupling control give an independent control between active and reactive power using the load current feed-forward. With this technique, the disturbance rejection and the output power quality can be improved. Experiments are conducted with three case studies: 1) a test of the DIDB converter to determine current ripple and voltage gain, 2) a test of the 3-phase grid connected converter to determine DC-link voltage regulation, power factor and total harmonic distortion (THD), and 3) a test of the overall system with a 7.5 kW wind turbine simulator by step and various input wind speeds to determine the output power at the grid side and verify the maximum peak power tracking (MPPT) performance. The results can confirm that the DIDB converter gives lower ripple current and higher voltage gain than the conventional converter. For the grid side, the 3-phase grid connected converter can regulate the DC-link with fast dynamic response to disturbance rejection and low overshoot while complying with the THD standard defined in IEEE 519-1992. In addition, the MPPT controller is able to achieve the maximum energy capture with the various input wind speeds. 展开更多
关键词 DIDB converter MPPT controller grid connected converter wind turbine.
An Implication of E-business in Destination Development: A Case Study of Hainan Rural Tourism
作者 Zhou Jinquan Liu Jiajia He Wenjin 《International English Education Research》 2014年第11期61-65,共5页
With the rapidly development of rural tourism, tourism e-commerce provides an internet platform for it that promotes the combination of e-tourism and rural tourism. Based on the research on electronic information serv... With the rapidly development of rural tourism, tourism e-commerce provides an internet platform for it that promotes the combination of e-tourism and rural tourism. Based on the research on electronic information services, website features and mode of operation of rural tourism, a case study was employed to develop rural e-commerce in Hainan where its topical website type and function were studied. In this paper, questionnaire was using to identify existing problems in the perceptions and expectations of rural tourism tourists website features module, we recommend B2B2C model is proposed to develop rural tourism e-commerce in Hainan. 展开更多
关键词 Rural tourism E-COMMERCE HAINAN
Research on the Development and Countermeasure of Modem Logistics Industry in Henan Province under the Background of"Intemet+"
作者 ZHANG Yanjie LI Yuewen 《International English Education Research》 2017年第4期29-31,共3页
In the context of"lnternet +", the development of e-commerce has promoted the development of modern logistics industry to the integration, multi-function nationalization, information nationalization, globalization ... In the context of"lnternet +", the development of e-commerce has promoted the development of modern logistics industry to the integration, multi-function nationalization, information nationalization, globalization and greening. Modern logistics is a new industry in the service industry, which not only promotes the circulation of goods, flourishes the regional market, improves the consumption of the residents, and promotes the regional development and economic growth. This paper explores the new ideas of building modern logistics industry in Henan province by analyzing the logistics market in Henan province and the development of modern logistics industry. 展开更多
关键词 e-commerce modern logistics development
Fundamental capacity for peak interference power constrained cognitive radio relay networks
作者 谢先斌 Guo Wei Li Xinshan 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2012年第2期173-178,共6页
A Cognitive radio communication link is possible to be interrupted easily when its physical channel suffers severe fading. Relay technology is an effective way to mitigate the fading effect of wireless channels in a n... A Cognitive radio communication link is possible to be interrupted easily when its physical channel suffers severe fading. Relay technology is an effective way to mitigate the fading effect of wireless channels in a network. Based on the highest achievable rate of the relay channels, this paper considers a cognitive radio relay network where the secondary transmitter communicates with the receiver through the best relay node under the peak power constraint of a primary receiver. Intuitively, the secondary transmission can benefit from an intermediate relay node chosen from N possible nodes. To quantify this benefit, outage probability of cognitive radio relay networks is derived and also the closed-form expressions for outage capacity and ergodic capacity of cognitive radio relay networks are obtained in Rayleigh fading channels. Numerical simulation results are provided to show that the outage capacity and ergodic capacity benefit tremendously by properly increasing the number of relaying nodes. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive radio relay networks (CRRN) outage probability outage capacity ergodic capacity peak interference power constrained
Information System Functions for SmartGrid Management
作者 Mila llieva-Obretenova 《Sociology Study》 2016年第2期96-103,共8页
The violently penetration of renewables in power supply network leads to situations, by which the offer exceeds the demand. Therefore, it is necessary to include a system for processes' management. SmartGrid is a pla... The violently penetration of renewables in power supply network leads to situations, by which the offer exceeds the demand. Therefore, it is necessary to include a system for processes' management. SmartGrid is a platform over the power supply network. It is represented with its network and services, which also have to be managed. The paper aims to show the second stage of SmartGrid management modeling. It meets heterogeneous requirements of the actors--subscriber without photovoltaics, subscriber with photovoltaics, service provider, network operator, and network elements operator--to service and network management and is oriented to functional areas, covering the life cycle of power supply service: Design, Planning, Installation, Provision, Configuration, Maintenance, Performance, Accounting, Buying Up, Security and Subscriber Control. Functional models for existing networks--telecommunications--are used and they are adapted to power supply. The results are illustrated with three functional areas for service management: Accounting, Buying Up, and Performance. The synthesis of network management functions and network element management functions are similar. 展开更多
关键词 SmartGrid functional areas service management network management network element management
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