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ICP-AES法测定废电解铝阳极碳块中铁、锂、钾、钙、镁含量 被引量:2
作者 王源瑞 孙帅楠 +2 位作者 王亚平 马健飞 李金明 《甘肃冶金》 2024年第1期87-90,共4页
废电解铝阳极碳块经过高温碳化,通过盐酸-硝酸-高氯酸三酸溶解完全后,冷却,完全溶解盐类加入10 mL 1.19 g/mL的盐酸,在优选出最优的仪器工作状态下,创建了ICP-AES法测定废电解铝阳极碳块样品中Fe、Li、K、Ca、Mg的化学分析方法。每个元... 废电解铝阳极碳块经过高温碳化,通过盐酸-硝酸-高氯酸三酸溶解完全后,冷却,完全溶解盐类加入10 mL 1.19 g/mL的盐酸,在优选出最优的仪器工作状态下,创建了ICP-AES法测定废电解铝阳极碳块样品中Fe、Li、K、Ca、Mg的化学分析方法。每个元素的校准曲线相关系数均大于0.999,同时对以上多种元素进行检出限、加标回收试验研究,结果表明其相对标准偏差(n=8)为0.60%~2.24%,加标回收率在97.1%~104%。 展开更多
关键词 电解铝阳极碳块 ICP-AES法 杂质元素
作者 王峰 《今日制造与升级》 2024年第7期40-43,共4页
电解铝阳极立式摩擦焊机在现代工业生产中扮演着重要角色,其钢爪夹具作为关键部件之一,直接关系到焊接质量和生产效率。文章研究了电解铝阳极立式摩擦焊机钢爪夹具的结构总体设计。首先,介绍了立式摩擦焊机的工作原理和摩擦焊机钢爪夹... 电解铝阳极立式摩擦焊机在现代工业生产中扮演着重要角色,其钢爪夹具作为关键部件之一,直接关系到焊接质量和生产效率。文章研究了电解铝阳极立式摩擦焊机钢爪夹具的结构总体设计。首先,介绍了立式摩擦焊机的工作原理和摩擦焊机钢爪夹具的功能设计。然后,确定了钢爪夹具的参数,并进行了受力分析。通过分析确定了钢爪夹具在摩擦焊机正常工作下的变形量,并对夹具本体的静态特性进行了灵敏度分析。 展开更多
关键词 电解铝阳极 立式摩擦焊机 钢爪夹具
电解铝阳极导杆铝-钢相位摩擦焊工艺及力学性能 被引量:7
作者 王希靖 李经纬 +1 位作者 张昌青 孙学敏 《焊接学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期83-86,117,共4页
传统的电解铝预焙槽阳极导杆采用爆炸焊块作为过渡实现铝导杆与阳极钢爪的连接.针对130 mm×130mm×2 420 mm方铝导杆和端面165 mm×210 mm的铸钢爪,采用相位摩擦焊技术进行焊接,替代原用爆炸块复合焊接的方式,实现自动化... 传统的电解铝预焙槽阳极导杆采用爆炸焊块作为过渡实现铝导杆与阳极钢爪的连接.针对130 mm×130mm×2 420 mm方铝导杆和端面165 mm×210 mm的铸钢爪,采用相位摩擦焊技术进行焊接,替代原用爆炸块复合焊接的方式,实现自动化生产并达到节能降耗的目的.通过不同工艺参数的试验研究如:摩擦时间、转速、先顶后刹时间、顶锻压力的改变,通过接头力学拉伸试验、冲击试验、显微组织分析得到了最优工艺参数.结果表明,最优工艺方法下可得到致密的焊缝组织以及动态再结晶完善的热影响区组织,接头表现出最优的综合力学性能,满足工业生产要求. 展开更多
关键词 电解铝阳极导杆 相位摩擦焊 铝-钢异种金属 工艺 力学性能
电解铝阳极铝/钢摩擦焊接头力学性能及节能研究 被引量:4
作者 王希靖 李经纬 +2 位作者 张昌青 张亚州 孙学敏 《电焊机》 北大核心 2014年第11期56-60,共5页
运用相位摩擦焊技术实现电解铝阳极铝-钢的大端面焊接,替代了传统电解铝中铝-钢爆炸焊块作过渡的连接方式。在此主要研究了铝-钢摩擦焊接头的各项力学性能,并模拟真实电解环境对焊接件进行了电阻检测试验,试验结果表明:铝-钢摩擦焊接头... 运用相位摩擦焊技术实现电解铝阳极铝-钢的大端面焊接,替代了传统电解铝中铝-钢爆炸焊块作过渡的连接方式。在此主要研究了铝-钢摩擦焊接头的各项力学性能,并模拟真实电解环境对焊接件进行了电阻检测试验,试验结果表明:铝-钢摩擦焊接头可承受的最高平均负载为88 t,高于传统型接头59 t;温度350℃、通电电流7 k A条件下,铝-钢摩擦焊技术可实现降低阳极压降约8 m V。 展开更多
关键词 电解铝阳极导杆 铝/钢异种金属 摩擦焊 节能效果
浅谈电解铝预焙阳极质量对电解铝生产的影响 被引量:2
作者 杨学光 李杨 +2 位作者 邓清泉 李鹏 文顺冬 《求知导刊》 2015年第10期23-24,共2页
预焙阳极质量的优劣直接会影响到电解铝的生产情况和电解效果,如果预焙阳极质量不达标,还会产生阳极裂纹、松散、断层、高灰份以及阳极脱落等问题。只有全面做好电解铝预焙阳极质量的监控工作,才能有效预防意外情况的发生。本文主要分... 预焙阳极质量的优劣直接会影响到电解铝的生产情况和电解效果,如果预焙阳极质量不达标,还会产生阳极裂纹、松散、断层、高灰份以及阳极脱落等问题。只有全面做好电解铝预焙阳极质量的监控工作,才能有效预防意外情况的发生。本文主要分析预焙阳极质量对铝电解生产产生的影响,并对其相应的应对措施进行了探讨,以期提高电解铝预焙阳极质量,进而促进我国电解铝生产行业的可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 电解铝预焙阳极质量 电解铝生产 影响
作者 贾军利 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2019年第7期6-7,共2页
关键词 电解铝阳极焙烧多功能天车 吸卸料系统 卸料装置
作者 陆耀福 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 2021年第11期283-284,共2页
时代在不断的发展,科学技术也从未停止过革新的脚步,在新时代的大背景之下,众多的生产方式都在不断的变化当中。在电解铝生产的过程当中,预焙阳极质量是否合格,与电解铝能否正常生产之间有着紧密的联系,因此,本篇文章主要对于电解铝预... 时代在不断的发展,科学技术也从未停止过革新的脚步,在新时代的大背景之下,众多的生产方式都在不断的变化当中。在电解铝生产的过程当中,预焙阳极质量是否合格,与电解铝能否正常生产之间有着紧密的联系,因此,本篇文章主要对于电解铝预焙阳极质量对于电解铝生产的作用进行细致的分析,站在预焙阳极质量检测的角度,对于国内铝用阳极技术的进展进行了细致的研究,希望可以加深相关企业对于预焙阳极质量检测工作的关注与重视,并起到一些参考与帮助的作用。 展开更多
关键词 电解铝预焙阳极质量 电解铝生产 作用
作者 冯小林 辛舟 +3 位作者 张昌青 芮执元 李鄂民 刘满强 《焊接》 北大核心 2023年第6期1-8,23,共9页
针对传统电解铝预焙阳极导电装置中使用手工焊时存在的劳动强度过大、环境污染严重及导电率偏低等问题,创新研制了国内首台5000 kN铝导杆摩擦焊装备和首台4000 kN铸钢爪摩擦焊装备,并投入实际生产。重点剖析2套装备在研发过程中涉及自... 针对传统电解铝预焙阳极导电装置中使用手工焊时存在的劳动强度过大、环境污染严重及导电率偏低等问题,创新研制了国内首台5000 kN铝导杆摩擦焊装备和首台4000 kN铸钢爪摩擦焊装备,并投入实际生产。重点剖析2套装备在研发过程中涉及自动控制设计范畴时,面临的焊件大惯量及大截面特性、摩擦焊工艺要求相位控制误差小、速度输出精度高,以及数据采集速率快等挑战,通过科学设计,实现摩擦焊装备对输入信号快速准确采集;同时,依靠高效控制策略构建,达到实时精准调控结果,满足大截面同种或异种金属在加工过程中对系统稳定性和人机互动质量,以及速度、位置、压力、安全等控制参数指标要求,进而满足摩擦焊工艺对加工焊件质量及重复性要求高的指标;由于其能够为焊接工艺研究提供过程精准数据,继而为追寻最佳接头质量提供科学路径。由于目前针对同种或异种金属大截面摩擦焊接头历经热时效、热循环及电流载荷下的基础理论和实际应用较少,相关装备研制成果对焊接与控制交叉学科融合发展具有积极作用。对该类装备及自动控制系统的发展趋势予以展望。 展开更多
关键词 大截面摩擦焊装备 自动控制系统 电解铝预焙阳极导电装置
作者 宁苏明 陈建国 《高桥石化》 2008年第1期5-8,共4页
从石油焦文献调研开始,介绍了石油焦性状、分类方法、行业标准和高硫焦的几种用途。对2008年炼油事业部2套延迟焦化装置产出的高硫焦数量和质量进行了分析和预测。在此基础上,选择河南、山东部分高硫焦用户进行走访和了解,从中可以... 从石油焦文献调研开始,介绍了石油焦性状、分类方法、行业标准和高硫焦的几种用途。对2008年炼油事业部2套延迟焦化装置产出的高硫焦数量和质量进行了分析和预测。在此基础上,选择河南、山东部分高硫焦用户进行走访和了解,从中可以得出高硫焦在碳素行业有市场潜力可挖。接着对石油焦制备电解铝阳极过程和影响因素进行了分析,明确了碳素企业对高硫焦的质量要求。并对国内高硫焦生产企业与竞争格局,风险来源与控制的规避策略进行了介绍。 展开更多
关键词 石油焦 硫含量 电解铝阳极
Corrosion of NiFe_2O_4-10NiO-based cermet inert anodes for aluminium electrolysis 被引量:3
作者 何汉兵 王原 +1 位作者 龙佳驹 陈照辉 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第12期3816-3821,共6页
NiFe2O4-10NiO-based cermet inert anodes for aluminium electrolysis were prepared and their properties were investigated in a lab-scale electrolysis cell. The results show that the inert anodes exhibit good performance... NiFe2O4-10NiO-based cermet inert anodes for aluminium electrolysis were prepared and their properties were investigated in a lab-scale electrolysis cell. The results show that the inert anodes exhibit good performance during electrolysis in molten salt cryolite at 960 °C, but according to the analyses of phase compositions and microstructures through XRD, SEM/EDX and metallographic analysis, the metal in the anodes is preferentially corroded and many pores are produced on the anode surface after electrolysis. The preferential dissolution of Fe in the NiFe2O4 phase may lead to the non-uniform corrosion of NiFe2O4 grains. Moreover, a dense protective layer of NiFe2O4-NiAl2O4-FeAl2O4 is formed on the anode surface, which originates from the reaction of Al2O3 dissolved in the electrolyte with NiO or FeO, the annexation of NiFe2O4-NiAl2O4-FeAl2O4 to NiO and volume expansion. Thus, the dense NiFe2O4-NiAl2O4-FeAl2O4 layer inhibits the metal loss and ceramic-phase corrosion on the surface of the cermet inert anodes. 展开更多
关键词 NIFE2O4-10NIO aluminium electrolysis inert anode CERMET CORROSION
Effect of additive BaO on corrosion resistance of xCu/(10NiO-NiFe_2O_4) cermet inert anodes for aluminum electrolysis 被引量:5
作者 何汉兵 肖汉宁 周科朝 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第1期102-108,共7页
xCu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4) cermet and 1BaO-xCu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4) cermet(x=5,10,17) inert anodes were prepared as potential inert anodes for aluminum electrolysis and their corrosion resistance to traditional electrolyte ... xCu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4) cermet and 1BaO-xCu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4) cermet(x=5,10,17) inert anodes were prepared as potential inert anodes for aluminum electrolysis and their corrosion resistance to traditional electrolyte was studied with anodic current density of 1.0 A/cm2 in laboratory electrolysis.The substantial corrosion of metal Cu was observed,many pores appeared on the surface of anode and electrolytes infiltrated inside anodes during the electrolysis.The wear rates of 5Cu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4),10Cu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4),17Cu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4),1BaO-5Cu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4),1BaO-10Cu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4) and 1BaO-17Cu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4) are 2.15,6.50,8.30,4.88,4.70 and 4.48 cm/a,respectively.The addition of BaO to 10Cu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4) cermet and 17Cu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4) cermet is advantageous because BaO can effectively promote densification and thus improve corrosion resistance.But the addition of BaO to 5Cu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4) cermet is unfavorable to corrosion resistance because additive BaO at the grain boundary of anode accelerates possibly the corrosion of cermet. 展开更多
关键词 BAO inert anode aluminum electrolysis CERMET corrosion resistance wear rate
Effect of sintering atmosphere on corrosion resistance of Ni/(NiFe_2O_4-10NiO) cermet inert anode for aluminum electrolysis 被引量:3
作者 田忠良 郭伟昌 +2 位作者 赖延清 张凯 李劼 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第11期2925-2929,共5页
A comparative study on the corrosion resistance of 17Ni/(NiFe2O4-10NiO) cermet inert anode prepared in differentsintering atmospheres was conducted in Na3AlF6-Al2O3 melt. The results indicate that the corrosion rate... A comparative study on the corrosion resistance of 17Ni/(NiFe2O4-10NiO) cermet inert anode prepared in differentsintering atmospheres was conducted in Na3AlF6-Al2O3 melt. The results indicate that the corrosion rates of NiFe2O4-based cermetanodes prepared in the vacuum and the atmosphere with oxygen content of 2×10^-3 (volume fraction) are 6.46 and 2.71 cm/a,respectively. Though there is a transition layer with lots of holes or pores, a densified layer is formed on the surface of anode due tosome reactions producing aluminates. For the anode prepared in the atmosphere with oxygen content of 2×10^-3, the thickness of thedensification layer (about 50 μm) is thicker than that (about 30 μm) formed on the surface of anode prepared in the vacuum. Thecontents of NiO and Fe(II) in NiFe2xO4-y-z increase with the decrease of oxygen content in sintering atmosphere, which reduces thecorrosion resistance of the material. 展开更多
关键词 sintering atmosphere corrosion resistance NiFe2O4-based cermet inert anode aluminum electrolysis
SnO_2-based gas(hydrogen) anodes for aluminum electrolysis 被引量:3
作者 肖赛君 Tommy MOKKELBOST +2 位作者 Ove PAULSEN Arne P.RATVIK Geir M.HAARBERG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第12期3917-3921,共5页
A novel SnO2-based gas anode was developed for aluminum electrolysis in molten cryolite at 850 &#176;C to reduce energy consumption and decrease CO2 emissions. Hydrogen was introduced into the anode, participating in... A novel SnO2-based gas anode was developed for aluminum electrolysis in molten cryolite at 850 &#176;C to reduce energy consumption and decrease CO2 emissions. Hydrogen was introduced into the anode, participating in the anode reaction. Carbon and aluminum were used as the cathode and reference electrodes, respectively. Cyclic voltammetry was applied in the cell to investigate the electrochemical behavior of oxygen ion on platinum and SnO2-based materials. The potential for oxygen evolution on these electrode materials was determined. Then, galvanostatic electrolysis was performed on the gas anode, showing a significant depolarization effect (a decrease of ~0.8 V of the anode potential) after the introduction of hydrogen, compared with no gas introduction or the introduction of argon. The results indicate the involvement of hydrogen in the anode reaction (three-phase-boundary reaction including gas, electrolyte and electrode) and give the possibility for the utilization of reducing gas anodes for aluminum electrolysis. 展开更多
关键词 SnO2-based gas anode hydrogen anode aluminum electrolysis
Electrochemical behavior of graphite anode during anode effect in cryolite molten salts 被引量:2
作者 陈功 石忠宁 +2 位作者 高炳亮 胡宪伟 王兆文 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第9期2306-2311,共6页
Anodic electrochemical behavior was studied on graphite anode at 1000 ℃ in cryolite-alumina molten salt by means of cyclic voltammetry. The high current peak in a typical cyclic voltammogram was discussed. It is cons... Anodic electrochemical behavior was studied on graphite anode at 1000 ℃ in cryolite-alumina molten salt by means of cyclic voltammetry. The high current peak in a typical cyclic voltammogram was discussed. It is considered that a type of oxyfluoroaliminate complex anions reacts with carbon to form a high-resistance CF film on the anode surface at a high potential. The passivation potential is 3.28 V in 0.5% alumina-containing electrolyte, and the passivation potential increases with alumina content increasing which indicates that the alumina content determines the anodic process in the cryolite-alumina molten salt system. 展开更多
关键词 anode behavior aluminum electrolysis PERFLUOROCARBONS anode passivation
Effect of metallic content on mechanical property of Ni/(10NiO-NiFe_2O_4) cermets 被引量:4
作者 李劼 张刚 +3 位作者 叶绍龙 赖延清 田忠良 孙小刚 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第4期347-352,共6页
Ni/ (10NiO-NiFe2O4) cermets were fabricated by using cold pressing-sintering method. The phase composition and effect of metallic content on the mechanical properties such as bending strength, Vickers’ hardness, fr... Ni/ (10NiO-NiFe2O4) cermets were fabricated by using cold pressing-sintering method. The phase composition and effect of metallic content on the mechanical properties such as bending strength, Vickers’ hardness, fracture toughness and thermal shock resistance were studied. The results show that the cermets consist of Ni, NiO and NiFe2O4. Within the range of metallic content from 0 to 17%(mass fraction), the relative density decreases with the increase of metallic content and the decrease of sintering temperature, Vickers’ hardness decreases from 7097MPa to 4814MPa and the bending strength increases from 110MPa to 157MPa, and the fracture toughness reaches the optimal value of 5.11MPa·m 1/2 at the metallic content of about 10%. The residual strength after thermal shock testing falls sharply as the thermal shock temperature difference is above 200℃.The cermets samples, whose metallic content is 10% and 15%, respectively, exhibit promising property of thermal shock resistance at 960℃ with six cycles of heating and quenching testing. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum electrolysis inert anode NIFE2O4 fracture toughness thermal shock resistance
Numerical modeling of effect of slot on bubble motion in aluminum electrolytic process 被引量:4
作者 Qiang WANG Mei-jia SUN +2 位作者 Bao-kuan LI Guang-qiang LI Jian-ping PENG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第8期1670-1678,共9页
A transient three-dimensional(3 D) model was established to understand the bubble motion in an industrial electrolytic process. An anode with a new design was tested. It incorporates two slots that allow an efficien... A transient three-dimensional(3 D) model was established to understand the bubble motion in an industrial electrolytic process. An anode with a new design was tested. It incorporates two slots that allow an efficient removal of gas bubbles. The electromagnetic fields were described by solving Maxwell's equations. The bubble movement was studied with two-way coupling Euler-Lagrange approach. The interplay of current density and bubble nucleation rate was included. The collision and coalescence of bubbles were considered. Random walk module was invoked for involving the chaotic effect of the turbulence. The numerical results were validated by experimental measurements. The results indicate that the current distribution and the bubble nucleation periodically change. Due to the slot, the bubble elimination heavily increases. The contribution of the slot to the bubble removal exceeds 50% in the case of three currents, and the promotion of the slot decays with increasing the current. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum electrolytic process anodic bubble SLOT Euler-Lagrange approach numerical simulation
Effect of electrolysis superheat degree on anticorrosion performance of 5Cu/(10NiO-NiFe_2O_4) cermet inert anode 被引量:3
作者 王家伟 赖延清 +1 位作者 田忠良 刘业翔 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2007年第6期768-772,共5页
5Cu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4) cermet inert anodes were prepared by cold-pressing and sintering process, and the effect of superheat degree of melting K3AlF6-Na3AlF6-AlF3 on their anticorrosion performance was studied under elec... 5Cu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4) cermet inert anodes were prepared by cold-pressing and sintering process, and the effect of superheat degree of melting K3AlF6-Na3AlF6-AlF3 on their anticorrosion performance was studied under electrolysis conditions. The results show that, the fluctuation of cell becomes small with increasing of superheat degree, which is helpful to inhibit the formation of cathodic encrustation; the concentration of impurities from inert anode in bath goes up to certain degree, but it is far smaller than those in traditional high-temperature bath. Increasing the superheat degree of melting K3AlF6-Na3AlF6-AlF3 has unconspicuous effect on the contents of impurities in cathodic aluminum. The total mass fractions of Fe, Ni and Cu in aluminum are 15.38% and 15.09% respectively under superheat degree of 95 and 195 ℃. From micro-topography of anode used view, increasing the superheat degree can aggravate corrosion of metal Cu in inert anode, and has negative influence on electrical conductivity of electrode to some extent. 展开更多
关键词 cermets inert anode aluminum electrolysis electrolysis corrosion superheat degree
Electrical conductivity of Cu/(10NiO-NiFe_2O_4) cermet inert anode for aluminum electrolysis 被引量:1
作者 田忠良 赖延清 +1 位作者 李劼 刘业翔 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2007年第5期643-646,共4页
Cu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4) cermets containing mass fractions of Cu of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% were prepared, and their electrical conductivities were measured at different temperatures. The effects of temperature and content of ... Cu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4) cermets containing mass fractions of Cu of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% were prepared, and their electrical conductivities were measured at different temperatures. The effects of temperature and content of metal Cu on the electrical conductivity were investigated especially. The results indicate that the metallic phase Cu distributes evenly in 10NiO-NiFe2O4 ceramic matrix. The mechanism of electrical conductivity of Cu/(10NiO-NiFe2O4) cermets obeys the rule of electrical mechanism of semiconductor, the electrical conductivity for cermet containing 5% Cu increases from 2.70 to 20.41 S/cm with temperature increasing from 200 to 900 ℃. The change trend of electrical conductivity with temperature is similar with each other and it increases with increasing temperature and content of metal Cu. At 960 ℃, the electrical conductivity of cermet increases from 2.88 to 82.65 S/cm with the content of metal Cu increasing from 0 to 20%. 展开更多
关键词 NIFE2O4 NIO CERMET inert anode aluminum electrolysis electrical conductivity
Effect of electromagnetic force and anode gas on electrolyte flow in aluminum electrolysis cell 被引量:3
作者 周乃君 夏小霞 包生重 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第5期496-500,共5页
Based on the commercial computational fluid dynamics software CFX-4.3, electrolyte flow fields in a 156 kA pre-baked anode aluminum electrolysis cell were investigated in three different cases where the electrolyte me... Based on the commercial computational fluid dynamics software CFX-4.3, electrolyte flow fields in a 156 kA pre-baked anode aluminum electrolysis cell were investigated in three different cases where the electrolyte melt was driven by different kinds of force, i.e. electromagnetic force only, the anode gas drag force only and both of the former two forces. The results show that when electromagnetic force was introduced only, most of the electrolyte moves horizontally; when anode gas drag force was introduced only, the electrolyte flows mainly around each anode with small circulation; when electromagnetic force and anode gas drag force were both introduced together, the structure of the electrolyte flow fields and the velocity of electrolyte are similar to that of the case where only anode gas drag force is used. The electrolyte flow fields are mainly determined by the anode gas drag force. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum electrolysis cells electrolyte flow fields electromagnetic force anode gas numerical simulation
Effect of coke properties and its blending recipe on performances of carbon anode for aluminium electrolysis 被引量:4
作者 刘凤琴 刘业翔 +1 位作者 Mannweiler U Perruchoud R 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2006年第6期647-652,共6页
The properties and blending recipe of petroleum cokes used to make high quality carbon anodes for aluminium electrolysis were studied. Three kinds of green cokes were selected for bench scale study to illustrate the e... The properties and blending recipe of petroleum cokes used to make high quality carbon anodes for aluminium electrolysis were studied. Three kinds of green cokes were selected for bench scale study to illustrate the effects of cokes properties and its blending recipe on anode performances. The results show that impurities derived mainly fi'om cokes remarkably affect the CO2 reactivity and air reactivity of carbon anodes. Ca, Na and V can increase CO2 reactivity of calcined cokes but S has the contrary effect, and the cokes of high V level generally present high air reactivity. The anodes with good quality can be made by properly selecting and scientifically blending of cokes, some poor quality cokes can also be used to produce high quality anodes with a reasonable blending recipe. Na contaminated anodes have high CO2 reactivity and air reactivity, so the recycled anode butts should be well cleaned to reduce Na content before being introduced into anode production, which is especially important to the low S cokes. 展开更多
关键词 petroleum coke blending recipe QUALITY carbon anode aluminium electrolysis
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