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明代人口之谜探析 被引量:2
作者 王瑞平 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期62-66,共5页
“明代户口之雾”一直困扰着后世学者,使人们难以看清明代人口的真实数字,由于当时史书均没有注明所统计户口是否包括男口和女口,所以,给后世学者带来诸多疑问。由于明代人口数一直没有定论,故现代人在著作中都将正史中所记载人口... “明代户口之雾”一直困扰着后世学者,使人们难以看清明代人口的真实数字,由于当时史书均没有注明所统计户口是否包括男口和女口,所以,给后世学者带来诸多疑问。由于明代人口数一直没有定论,故现代人在著作中都将正史中所记载人口数作为全部人口数引用。通过对户口统计及记载资料的分析可证,明代户口统计是只计男口,不计女口,按自然生殖法则推算,明代人口数要比正史记载的多一倍左右。 展开更多
关键词 明代 统计 男口
史书词语札记 被引量:2
作者 骆晓平 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1989年第1期67-69,共3页
一部汉语词汇史,上下数千年,内容极为丰富,疑难空白尚多,正需诸多学人持之以恒加以爬梳,以最终清晰完整其面目。平日读汉魏六朝诸史,常见有为诸辞书,论著失载失论,或虽载而释义未备、虽论而未达一间者。今择数条,胪陈于次。间引他书之例... 一部汉语词汇史,上下数千年,内容极为丰富,疑难空白尚多,正需诸多学人持之以恒加以爬梳,以最终清晰完整其面目。平日读汉魏六朝诸史,常见有为诸辞书,论著失载失论,或虽载而释义未备、虽论而未达一间者。今择数条,胪陈于次。间引他书之例者,一作旁证,二明该词不特见于史书耳。 周——表时间,指“[一]年”。《三国志·魏书·董卓传》裴注:“董卓自窃权柄至于陨毙,计其日月,未盈三周。”“三周”谓“三年”。董卓废少帝、立献帝而独揽朝权,时为献帝初平元年;至初平三年四月即为吕布所杀。故松之云“未盈三周”。 展开更多
关键词 札记 史书 魏书 词语 北齐书 三国志 宋书 男口 汉语词汇史
李安世均田疏和北魏均田令颁佈的年代 被引量:1
作者 张尚谦 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1986年第1期42-44,共3页
北魏均田令颁布于孝文帝太和九年(四八五年)。《魏书》中《食货志》及《高祖纪》均作如是记载,互相吻合。《高祖记》更具体指出是在这年的“冬十月”。《魏书·食货志》记载事件遵循了年代次序,均田令的记载在太和十年李冲建议行三... 北魏均田令颁布于孝文帝太和九年(四八五年)。《魏书》中《食货志》及《高祖纪》均作如是记载,互相吻合。《高祖记》更具体指出是在这年的“冬十月”。《魏书·食货志》记载事件遵循了年代次序,均田令的记载在太和十年李冲建议行三长之前。看来不大可能有传刻的错误。均田令颁布的年代应当不成为问题。但许多学者仍然认为颁布年代有误,而提出北魏均田令应在李冲建议立三长之后,或是太和十年,或是更晚一些。 怀疑的根据之一和李安世均田疏的一处文字有关。《魏书·李孝伯附李安世传》: ……迁主客给事中。时民困饥流散,豪右多有占夺,安世乃上疏曰:“臣闻:量地画野,经国大式;邑地相参,致治之本。井税之兴,其来日久,田莱之数,制之以限。盖欲使土不旷功,民罔游力,雄擅之家,不独膏腴之美;单陋之夫,亦有顷亩之分。 展开更多
关键词 均田令 李安世 太和 北魏早期 授田制 《魏书》 荒田 李冲 相州 男口
作者 朱海燕 《中国房地产业》 1996年第4期58-58,共1页
童年时,不曾见过瓦房,更无缘一睹楼的风采。在故乡的茅屋草舍中,高楼总是伴随着老人的故事萦绕在我的心头。 7岁时,长我两岁的二哥,揣5毛钱,带我出了一趟远门,列20里外的一个小镇去赶集。
关键词 高楼 闲话 远门 男口 方圈 民铁 热仪 沙汀 象征 澡堂
作者 杨公民 朱锡钢 《山东农机化》 1996年第9期29-29,共1页
LYT型多功能追肥枪有效地解决了在玉米、蔬菜及经济作物追肥过程中出现的化肥利用率低、费工费时的问题。 该机操作简单、灵活,与喷雾器配套使用.深受农民欢迎。
关键词 机具 追肥枪 化肥深施 张店区 喷雾器 配套使用 化肥利用率 男口 操作简单 农机
作者 张江 《棋艺(象棋)》 2003年第7期17-17,共1页
重庆 许文学(先负)甘肃 李家华 (2003年4月16日弈于哈尔滨) 五七炮对屏风马1、炮二平五 马8进7 2、马二进三 车9平83、车一平二 马2进3 4、马八进九 卒7进15、炮八平七 车1平2 6、车九平八 炮2进47、车二进四 象7进5 8、兵三进一 …………
关键词 红方 心可定 摆脱困境 2003年 哈尔滨 巨甲 平乳 男口 取势 阵形
作者 李在芝 《四川统一战线》 1996年第2期5-5,共1页
九三学社四川省委常委、四川联合大学副校长、教授、博士生导师刘应明,新近当选为中科院院士,成为四川省九三学社社员中继柯召、徐僖的第三位院士。 现年55岁的刘应明是福建省福州市人,于1963年在北京大学数学系毕业。迄今他已有80余篇... 九三学社四川省委常委、四川联合大学副校长、教授、博士生导师刘应明,新近当选为中科院院士,成为四川省九三学社社员中继柯召、徐僖的第三位院士。 现年55岁的刘应明是福建省福州市人,于1963年在北京大学数学系毕业。迄今他已有80余篇论文在国内外重要学术刊物发表,曾获包括国家自然科学奖在内的省部级以上科技奖8项,并出访美、日、法、俄等国进行学术交流20余次。 展开更多
关键词 中科院院士 四川省科协 访美 联合大学 当选为 博士生导师 国际人才交流协会 魏豹 省部级 男口
作者 郭军 孔令青 +2 位作者 高筱松 卢建新 庞建平 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第2期123-125,共3页
141 cases of functional impotence of the kidney-deficiency type were treated by tonifying the kidney. On them, 103 cases at the same time were treated by improving blood circulation and the other 38 cases by the forme... 141 cases of functional impotence of the kidney-deficiency type were treated by tonifying the kidney. On them, 103 cases at the same time were treated by improving blood circulation and the other 38 cases by the former only. As a result the total effective rate and the markedly effective rate in the former were 84.46% and 46.60% respectively; but in the latter, 60.55% and 13.15%. A significant difference was found in Ridit analysis (P 展开更多
关键词 ADULT Diagnosis Differential Drugs Chinese Herbal Humans IMPOTENCE Male Medicine Chinese Traditional Middle Aged
Foraging areas of Rousettus leschenaulti on the Hainan Island of China 被引量:3
作者 Zhanhui TANG Zhong CHEN +4 位作者 Jie MA Guangjian ZHU Xunfeng MA Lianxi SHENG Yuchun LI 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期479-484,共6页
We investigated the foraging area of three individuals (1 female and 2 males) of Rousettus leschenaulti (Chiroptera,Pteropodidae) in suburban Haikou City, Hainan Province, South China from November 2005 to January 200... We investigated the foraging area of three individuals (1 female and 2 males) of Rousettus leschenaulti (Chiroptera,Pteropodidae) in suburban Haikou City, Hainan Province, South China from November 2005 to January 2006 using radio telemetry.These animals left the daytime roosting sites about 90 min after sunset with no significant difference in departure time betweenthe male and female bats. The average active times were 391.8 min for males and 533.7 min for the female, respectively.By reconstructing 93 radio-telemetry recording positions, we found that the long axis of foraging area of the bats ranged from7.45 to 11.70 km. The foraging area of the female (3867 ha) was larger than that of the males (1138 ha), and there was overlapbetween the foraging areas of different individuals. These bats usually kept the same flight routes across a few successive daysfrom the daytime roosting site to the foraging areas. Our findings suggested that female R. leschenaulti may explore a larger foragingarea than males. No obvious territorial behaviors were observed in our studied area. 展开更多
关键词 Rousettus leschenaulti Foraging behavior RADIO-TRACKING Hainan Island
宋代户部人口统计考察 被引量:11
作者 何忠礼 《历史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第4期83-98,共16页
本文否定了学术界关于宋代人口研究的“漏口说”、“析户说”、“户数虚增说”、“男口说”四种观点,提出了“丁口说”观点。作者指出,宋代户口统计对象是丁口而不是男口,更不是男女总人口。为减少免役钱和助役钱的摊派和征收,各地... 本文否定了学术界关于宋代人口研究的“漏口说”、“析户说”、“户数虚增说”、“男口说”四种观点,提出了“丁口说”观点。作者指出,宋代户口统计对象是丁口而不是男口,更不是男女总人口。为减少免役钱和助役钱的摊派和征收,各地方官都争相隐瞒人丁,这是造成宋代男口数和丁口数都严重偏低的原因。 展开更多
关键词 统计 男口 转运司 李心传 《文献通考》 户籍制度 《宋史·地理志》 统计 丁数
Incipient sexual isolation in Laupala cerasina: Females discriminate population-level divergence in acoustic characters 被引量:1
作者 Jaime L. GRACE Kerry L. SHAW 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第3期416-425,共10页
Sexual selection by female choice can shape the evolution of male traits within populations, since the most attractive males experience an increase in fitness through elevated mating success. Speciation by sexual sele... Sexual selection by female choice can shape the evolution of male traits within populations, since the most attractive males experience an increase in fitness through elevated mating success. Speciation by sexual selection occurs when evolution in traits and preferences within populations causes differentiation among populations, such that females in alternative populations prefer sexual signals of their own population relative to others. Differentiated traits and preferences thereby play an active role in limiting gene flow between divergent populations. The effectiveness of differentiated preferences in maintaining differentiated male signals against the homogenizing effects of gene flow across populations will be limited by both the degree to which fe- males can discriminate against non-local males, and the breeding values of traits and preferences. Populations of the Hawaiian cricket Laupala cerasina have diverged in pulse rate, a sexually selected male signal, and female acoustic preference for pulse rate. Gene flow between neighboring populations may be reduced if migrants from sexually diverged populations experience re- duced mating success. We show that females discriminate among divergent songs characteristic of neighboring populations, that differences among populations in song and preference breed true in a common environment, and that mean preferences for each population closely match the mean pulse rates. Divergence in preference was observed only between populations that also dif- fered in song. Along with a striking ability to discriminate slight differences in song, correlated evolution of song and preference within populations could be a mechanism that promotes assortative mating among populations, thereby reducing gene flow, and leading to speciation in Laupala [Current Zoology 58 (3): 416-425, 2012]. 展开更多
关键词 Sexual selection Phenotypic divergence Behavioral isolation Preference functions SPECIATION
A test of genetic association among male nuptial coloration, female mating preference, and male aggression bias within a polymorphic population of cichlid fish 被引量:2
作者 Inke van der SLUIJS Peter D. DIJKSTRA +5 位作者 Charlotte M. LINDEYER BertanneVISSER Alan M. SMITH Ton G. G. GROOTHUIS Jacques J. M. van ALPHEN Ole SEEHAUSEN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期221-229,共9页
Both inter- and intrasexual selection have been implicated in the origin and maintenance of species-rich taxa with di- verse sexual traits. Simultaneous disruptive selection by female mate choice and male-male competi... Both inter- and intrasexual selection have been implicated in the origin and maintenance of species-rich taxa with di- verse sexual traits. Simultaneous disruptive selection by female mate choice and male-male competition can, in theory, lead to ~,;peciation without geographical isolation if both act on the same male trait. Female mate choice can generate discontinuities in gene flow, while male-male competition can generate negative frequency-dependent selection stabilizing the male trait polymor- phism. Speciation may be facilitated when mating preference and/or aggression bias are physically linked to the trait they operate on. We tested for genetic associations among female mating preference, male aggression bias and male coloration in the Lake Victoria cichlid Pundamilia. We crossed females from a phenotypically variable population with males from both extreme ends of the phenotype distribution in the same population (blue or red). Male offspring of a red sire were significantly redder than males of a blue sire, indicating that intra-population variation in male coloration is heritable. We tested mating preferences of female offspring and aggression biases of male offspring using binary choice tests. There was no evidence for associations at the family level between female mating preferences and coloration of sires, but dam identity had a significant effect on female mate prefe- rence. Sons of the red sire directed significantly more aggression to red than blue males, whereas sons of the blue sire did not show any bias. There was a positive correlation among individuals between male aggression bias and body coloration, possibly due to pleiotropy or physical linkage, which could facilitate the maintenance of color polymorphism [Current Zoology 59 (2): 221-229, 2013]. 展开更多
关键词 Disruptive selection Sexual selection SPECIATION Pundamilia Linkage disequilibrium
《中外鞋苑》 2001年第2期28-34,共7页
关键词 小舌式新潮员工鞋 款式特点 高发泡料 耐磨片底
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