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地域因素与画分南北 被引量:1
作者 孟宪平 《齐鲁艺苑(山东艺术学院学报)》 2008年第1期8-11,共4页
关键词 地域因素 画分南北 融合/对抗/色彩/形质
“画分南北”与山水画的隐逸精神 被引量:1
作者 肖鹰 《中国政法大学学报》 2012年第2期112-120,160-161,共9页
在明代晚期,董其昌倡导"画分南北二宗",一时纷争四起,至今仍有余响。对于董其昌以禅喻画,重顿悟、轻渐悟,重超逸、重精工,推崇文人画,贬抑院体画,学界多有以史为据的批评。本文试图以中国山水画的精神为理据,对董其昌的"... 在明代晚期,董其昌倡导"画分南北二宗",一时纷争四起,至今仍有余响。对于董其昌以禅喻画,重顿悟、轻渐悟,重超逸、重精工,推崇文人画,贬抑院体画,学界多有以史为据的批评。本文试图以中国山水画的精神为理据,对董其昌的"画分南北二宗"之说的要义作新的梳理、阐释。本文主张,董其昌此说,是对中国山水画所根源的庄子隐逸精神的总结性阐发,表达的是中国文人对于山水画的生命精神寄托。 展开更多
关键词 明代 山水画 画分南北 董其昌
作者 赵川 《现代电视技术》 2024年第1期24-29,共6页
关键词 IP矩阵 摄像机 切换台 IP画分 VSM
作者 黄亮 朱正 陈丽娜 《现代电视技术》 2024年第9期102-104,共3页
关键词 4K超高清 转播车视频系统 画分 IP VideoIPath系统
作者 王军 《作家》 北大核心 2010年第20期235-236,共2页
以禅理喻画理,以禅派喻画派,是董其昌绘画理论的基石。"画分南北宗"说着重于从顿渐之分来立论,而不是着重于从正闰之分来立论;不应该看做一个史学问题,而应该看做一个美学问题,即是否可能同时并存着在横向上可以相对划分的通... 以禅理喻画理,以禅派喻画派,是董其昌绘画理论的基石。"画分南北宗"说着重于从顿渐之分来立论,而不是着重于从正闰之分来立论;不应该看做一个史学问题,而应该看做一个美学问题,即是否可能同时并存着在横向上可以相对划分的通过不同画风、不同画法、不同审美追求和不同作画态度所呈现出来的两种相映成趣的绘画美学体系。本文从"画分南北宗"说误读的缘由、"画分南北宗"说与"文人之画"内涵的异同两个方面,来阐释"画分南北宗"说的实质。 展开更多
关键词 董其昌 画分南北宗 文人之画 非吾曹当学
成都市广播电视台20讯道4K IP超高清转播车系统设计及构成简析 被引量:2
作者 赵永欣 赵川 +3 位作者 张庆 甘正琦 贺子炀 何沙菲 《现代电视技术》 2023年第7期30-35,41,共7页
关键词 IP矩阵 摄像机 切换台 IP画分 LSM&VSM
浅谈电视播出系统与应急操作 被引量:1
作者 希吉尔 吕探光 《数字传媒研究》 2023年第3期44-47,共4页
关键词 电视播出系统 十二画分 节点定位 应急操作
作者 张闯 刘春桓 《电视技术》 2023年第5期143-151,共9页
发展4K超高清电视,对于提升广播电视传播力、影响力,促进文化产业与民族工业发展具有重要意义。基于此,从4K IP制作域监看系统架构的发展演化历程、IP远程监看制作特性及IP画面分割器(以下简称画分)输入输出相关配置的匹配三个维度,阐... 发展4K超高清电视,对于提升广播电视传播力、影响力,促进文化产业与民族工业发展具有重要意义。基于此,从4K IP制作域监看系统架构的发展演化历程、IP远程监看制作特性及IP画面分割器(以下简称画分)输入输出相关配置的匹配三个维度,阐述、分析当前的4K IP监看系统。 展开更多
关键词 IP画面分割器 画分同步编码推流 高动态范围(HDR)
作者 张丽波 《美术大观》 2007年第1期38-,共1页
  文人画,顾名思义就是文人画的画.文人在现代汉语中的解释是指有相对高程度文学艺术水平的知识分子.但是在古代文人的概念却不这么狭义了.中国字的'文'字来自天文一词,'天文'指的不是后来狭义的天文学,而是指天地之...   文人画,顾名思义就是文人画的画.文人在现代汉语中的解释是指有相对高程度文学艺术水平的知识分子.但是在古代文人的概念却不这么狭义了.中国字的'文'字来自天文一词,'天文'指的不是后来狭义的天文学,而是指天地之间的道,文:造化也!文人是对天地'造化'有相对高水准认识的人.什么是造化?得知造化者,化人世之道,天地之道,万物昆仑之道,三界无常之道,自知之明之道于一身,谓之:知道了.具备得知造化者的条件后是个得道人,但还不算是个文人,文人除了知博德厚以外更要有一二精通,并有独到建树者方才算是文人.…… 展开更多
关键词 琐谈 天地之道 古代文人 现代汉语 画品 笔墨情趣 画分南北宗 天地之间 倪云林 石涛
作者 杨修红 陈芳 《美与时代(美学)(下)》 2008年第5期62-64,共3页
中国传统文人画的发展,经历魏晋隋唐的初始阶段,至五代宋元而走向成熟,并在其后盛行不衰,以致成为贯穿中国绘画史后半段的一条主线。从唐宋的王维、苏轼,到近代的齐白石、黄宾虹等,他们不仅传承和丰富了中国文人画的图式,而且其博大精... 中国传统文人画的发展,经历魏晋隋唐的初始阶段,至五代宋元而走向成熟,并在其后盛行不衰,以致成为贯穿中国绘画史后半段的一条主线。从唐宋的王维、苏轼,到近代的齐白石、黄宾虹等,他们不仅传承和丰富了中国文人画的图式,而且其博大精深的艺术思想,也极大地充实了传统文化的理论宝库,并不断浸润着国人的情操、品格和精神。 展开更多
关键词 中国传统文人画 苏轼 王维 画分南北宗 董其昌 明清文人画 文人画家
论中国古代山水画史上的三个隐性问题 被引量:4
作者 刚祥云 《南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期29-35,共7页
对于中国绘画史或美学史来讲,历史被解释的过程也往往存在被价值重塑的痕迹。有关中国古代山水画之起源,从史料看,它萌芽于上古时期对国家地理山川的实景图绘,即地图。至魏晋以降,它获得独立审美品格,但一直到宋元文人山水兴起之先,它... 对于中国绘画史或美学史来讲,历史被解释的过程也往往存在被价值重塑的痕迹。有关中国古代山水画之起源,从史料看,它萌芽于上古时期对国家地理山川的实景图绘,即地图。至魏晋以降,它获得独立审美品格,但一直到宋元文人山水兴起之先,它依然维持着"写实"和"图真"的主导性。只不过,受中国哲学的浸润,此时的"写实"与"图真",已非仅停留于对山水外形的描摹,而是深入进逼到以彰显自然山水的蓬勃生机和内在精神气韵为旨归,即"物意"或"物道",方式则是"以形媚道"。之后,禅宗思想的渗透,宋元文人画的兴起,彻底将彰显"物意"转换成主观化"心意",使其沦为"心灵表象"。至明末,董其昌等人提出"画分南北"论,更将文人画拔高为中国艺术"正宗",重塑了后人对整个画史的理解,并生成了一定负面效应。 展开更多
关键词 山水画 文人画 董其昌 画分南北
作者 张沭宁 《影视制作》 2017年第10期68-73,共6页
随着技术的进步,演播技术系统的设计也出现了新的变化,本文介绍了基于新型多功能切换的演播室设计方案,同时结合江苏电视台综艺频道的实际情况,对3号演播室做了适合综艺节目制作的优化设计,将3号演播室融入整个综艺演播群中,方便大型综... 随着技术的进步,演播技术系统的设计也出现了新的变化,本文介绍了基于新型多功能切换的演播室设计方案,同时结合江苏电视台综艺频道的实际情况,对3号演播室做了适合综艺节目制作的优化设计,将3号演播室融入整个综艺演播群中,方便大型综艺节目制作,同时还共享1号演播室的直播部件,整个系统经济高效。 展开更多
关键词 多功能切换台 画分 演播室设计
作者 阎冬 《电视技术》 2022年第8期10-14,共5页
2021年9月,厦门广播电视集团转播技术团队承担了第十四届全国运动会曲棍球项目的比赛转播工作,按组委会要求,在转播的同时为视频裁判组提供一份可视化慢动作回放系统的实施解决方案。本文针对该方案的实际需求、设计实施、安装布局、接... 2021年9月,厦门广播电视集团转播技术团队承担了第十四届全国运动会曲棍球项目的比赛转播工作,按组委会要求,在转播的同时为视频裁判组提供一份可视化慢动作回放系统的实施解决方案。本文针对该方案的实际需求、设计实施、安装布局、接线调试及运用效果等几个方面进行详细介绍说明。 展开更多
关键词 视频裁判 慢动作回放系统 画分拼接 切换
作者 李东洲 《现代电视技术》 2022年第3期31-34,共4页
关键词 单边制作 公共信号 12G光收 IP画分 HDR与SDR
作者 张志伟 《中国书画》 2003年第11期69-70,共2页
康德在《判断力批判》中把画画的人区分成两种:一种是为功利目的所迫而画画的工匠,一种是无功利目的而自由画画的艺术家。中国古代的工匠画家(包括宫廷画家)与士夫画家的区别正符合于康德所作的区分。中国的魏晋时期就有文人士大夫为自... 康德在《判断力批判》中把画画的人区分成两种:一种是为功利目的所迫而画画的工匠,一种是无功利目的而自由画画的艺术家。中国古代的工匠画家(包括宫廷画家)与士夫画家的区别正符合于康德所作的区分。中国的魏晋时期就有文人士大夫为自己作画,他们均不必以画养家糊口,却可以画画怡情养性,东晋时的宗炳就是这种文人士夫画家早期的典型。宗炳在其《画山水序》中言:'余眷恋庐、衡,契阔荆、巫,不知老之将至。愧不能凝气怡身。伤砧石门之流,于是画象布色,构兹云岭。'可见,宗炳画画与他人无关。 展开更多
关键词 文人画家 士夫画 宫廷画家 《画山水序》 媚道 新文人画 小雅 文人士大夫 画分南北宗 范宽
Habitat partitioning by two sympatric Turdoides species in the vicinity of lake Naivasha,Kenya
作者 TadesseWoldemariamGole JeanEricRakotoarisoa 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期127-130,164,共4页
Two species of babblers, Black-lored Babbler (Turdoides sharpie) and Arrow-marked Babbler (Turdoides jardeneii) are sympatric around lakes Naivasha and Nakuru, Kenya. This study was carried out to assess the habitat p... Two species of babblers, Black-lored Babbler (Turdoides sharpie) and Arrow-marked Babbler (Turdoides jardeneii) are sympatric around lakes Naivasha and Nakuru, Kenya. This study was carried out to assess the habitat partitioning mechanisms of the two species around Lake Naivasha area. The charactretistics of habitats used by seven groups of each species were studied along the shorelines of lakes Naivasha and Oloiden. The two species differed significantly in the habitat characteristics. Arrow-marked Babbler is restricted to shorelines with dense tree and ground vegetation cover while Black-lored Babbler occupies open areas with sparsely distributed small trees and short ground vegetation cover. Observations on the feeding habits and social behaviours of the two species are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Arrow-marked Babbler Black-lored Babbler Habitat preference WOODLAND DISTURBANCE Kenya
Analysis on the Developmental Trend and Characteristics of Modern Oil Painting from Perspectives of the Texture and Color
作者 Xinghua Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第8期4-6,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the developmental trend and characteristics of the modern oil painting from perspectives ofthe texture and color. Image oil painting is not just a simple art genre and style, it i... In this paper, we conduct research on the developmental trend and characteristics of the modern oil painting from perspectives ofthe texture and color. Image oil painting is not just a simple art genre and style, it is a western oil painting the foreign art in the Chinese culturalenvironment to generate the types of oil painting is a kind of Chinese national culture characteristic of painting art for the purpose of art topresent true feelings and true feelings should be created by the artist’s technique, form, style, texture effects such as external factors. And manyof the current oil painting art works are showing the true feelings, because of the wrong style, texture and other external factors as the purpose ofart. Master of art means the long-term growth path is essentially in express their true feelings, and to form the style need to constantly supplementand perfect process. We provide the novel perspective on the corresponding issues that will be meaningful and important. 展开更多
关键词 Texture and Color Developmental Trend Oil Painting MODERN General Analysis.
Analysis of the formation ofNi Zan's landscape painting style --Taking "Map of a fishing village in an autumn sunny day after the rain" as an example
作者 KONG Xiaofeng 《International English Education Research》 2016年第4期26-29,共4页
The paintings in the Yuan Dynasty, because oft.heir unique characteristics of the times, have made a deep and superexcellent track in the history of the Chinese painting, among which the literati landscape paintings r... The paintings in the Yuan Dynasty, because oft.heir unique characteristics of the times, have made a deep and superexcellent track in the history of the Chinese painting, among which the literati landscape paintings represented the subject of the paintings in the Yuan Dynasty. And in the literati paintings, Ni Zan's paintings are the most representative. The application of the pen and ink in his works is concise and thinly scattered, and the artistic conception is cold and desolate. In this paper, with "Map of a fishing village in an autumn sunny day after the rain" as an example, the author analyzes Ni Zan's painting style and the causes of its formation. 展开更多
关键词 Ni Zan landscape painting painting style causes of the painting style
Muse Turned "Femme Fatale" in D. G. Rossetti's Painting and Poetry
作者 Pritha Kundu 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第12期772-786,共15页
In many of D. G. Rossetti's paintings, Elizabeth Siddal appears as a model. In real life, they formed a married couple, and the relatonship was not as idealistic as it might have been, between a muse-figure and an ar... In many of D. G. Rossetti's paintings, Elizabeth Siddal appears as a model. In real life, they formed a married couple, and the relatonship was not as idealistic as it might have been, between a muse-figure and an artist. After Elizabeth's death, Rossetti seemed to have been preoccupied with the "Lilith" theme in his painting and poetry and somehow he could not free himself from the haunting memory of the "wronged wife", the muse. This often found manifestation in his portrayal of the "femme fatale" images. Applying psychoanalysis to art-criticism and literary appreciation, this paper is an attempt to explore the relationship between a model and an artist, which both psychologically and aesthetically, seemed to be working beyond the former's death. Through a detailed analysis of the "Lilith" image in D. G. Rossetti's art, this paper has shown the coplexities of the artist's agony and anxiety over the image of a muse, a homely beloved--turned into a threatening "femme fatale", now distant, unknown, frightening yet fascinating, and mystified by death. 展开更多
关键词 D. G. Rossetti "Lady Lilith" Elizabeth Siddal femme fatale pre-Raphaelite art
Efficient Approach for Face Detection in Video Surveillance
作者 宋红 石峰 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第4期52-55,共4页
Security access control systems and automatic video surveillance systems are becoming increasingly important recently,and detecting human faces is one of the indispensable processes.In this paper,an approach is presen... Security access control systems and automatic video surveillance systems are becoming increasingly important recently,and detecting human faces is one of the indispensable processes.In this paper,an approach is presented to detect faces in video surveillance.Firstly,both the skin-color and motion components are applied to extract skin-like regions.The skin-color segmentation algorithm is based on the BPNN (back-error-propagation neural network) and the motion component is obtained with frame difference algorithm.Secondly,the image is clustered into separated face candidates by using the region growing technique.Finally,the face candidates are further verified by the rule-based algorithm.Experiment results demonstrate that both the accuracy and processing speed are very promising and the approach can be applied for the practical use. 展开更多
关键词 face detection skin-color segmentation BPNN frame difference region growing
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