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作者 王成荣 杨进友 《法医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 1997年第4期205-207,共3页
在尺画字检案经验的基础上,引用痕迹学观点,提出:尺画方式虽然暂时强制改变了书写动作习惯,但字符形象在大脑中形成的痕迹(字符静态印象)仍决定着尺画字的结构和错写等特征.字符静态印象对书写支配作用成为尺画字检验的主要依据... 在尺画字检案经验的基础上,引用痕迹学观点,提出:尺画方式虽然暂时强制改变了书写动作习惯,但字符形象在大脑中形成的痕迹(字符静态印象)仍决定着尺画字的结构和错写等特征.字符静态印象对书写支配作用成为尺画字检验的主要依据.寻找和确定尺画字的特殊形态结构、基本笔划之间的搭配关系以及错写等特征,是检验尺画字的主要方法. 展开更多
关键词 笔迹检验 画字 意识痕迹 法医
作者 王文显 谢维军 黄勇军 《刑事技术》 2004年第1期43-44,共2页
关键词 画字 伪装手段 案件侦破 字迹检验
清代、民国河西契约文书所见“画字银”及其法律意义 被引量:1
作者 罗将 《原生态民族文化学刊》 CSSCI 2022年第2期99-115,155,共18页
“画字银”是民间契约交易中给予契约参与人的一定数额报酬,是正价之外的交易费用。无论白契还是红契,河西民间均存在给予契约参与人一定数额报酬,包括代书人、亲邻、中见人等。清代河西民间“画字银”给付数额一般占交易额的1%-8%,民... “画字银”是民间契约交易中给予契约参与人的一定数额报酬,是正价之外的交易费用。无论白契还是红契,河西民间均存在给予契约参与人一定数额报酬,包括代书人、亲邻、中见人等。清代河西民间“画字银”给付数额一般占交易额的1%-8%,民国时期占比较高。“画字银”分担方式多样,存在“酒食画字银在内”“酒食画字银在外”以及“内书字在内外书字在外”等规则,体现出河西民间契约实践的独特性。“画字银”分配方式亦具有一定的规律性,亲族中长辈所得数额高于晚辈,多数情形下代书人所得数额最高而中人所得最少,“画字银”均等分配属于较少情形。支付方式最常见为货币,其次是酒食、实物等,“画字银”的支付在民间契约交易中既有积极的也有消极的法律意义。 展开更多
关键词 河西契约 画字银” 法律 分担原则
作者 黎安林 秦赛玉 《学前教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期53-53,共1页
关键词 幼儿教育 画字游戏 教学程序 幼儿主体性 创造意识培养
作者 蔡源涨 《大学书法》 2023年第3期78-85,共8页
关键词 刷字 勒字 排字 描字 画字
《包装与设计》 2010年第3期112-112,共1页
关键词 《黑马画字 书刊 内容介绍 张小平
作者 吕治浩 《今古文创》 2020年第35期78-80,共3页
在清代的田宅交易中,法律规定民众必须交纳契税。但是,民众在交纳契税时,时常遭遇到官吏的盘剥,即“权力寻租”。民众为了应对权力寻租,同时又要保证交易安全。遂产生了“画字银”为依托的民间交易习惯。“画字银”虽然成功地避免了权... 在清代的田宅交易中,法律规定民众必须交纳契税。但是,民众在交纳契税时,时常遭遇到官吏的盘剥,即“权力寻租”。民众为了应对权力寻租,同时又要保证交易安全。遂产生了“画字银”为依托的民间交易习惯。“画字银”虽然成功地避免了权力的寻租,却由于自身处于法律的灰色地带,从而不可避免地带来新的纠纷和困境。 展开更多
关键词 权力寻租 画字 田宅交易
作者 蒋琪 《我爱学·课程与教学研究》 2022年第3期40-47,共8页
“立象尽意,赋韵达情”,中华汉字的形象和其中的意蕴都可以起到传情达意的效果。“画字”是将汉字与美术相结合的教学形式,在“画字”教学中对汉字进行创新,以形式多样的美术形式表现出来。从文化、造型、材料、视角、情怀这五大方面引... “立象尽意,赋韵达情”,中华汉字的形象和其中的意蕴都可以起到传情达意的效果。“画字”是将汉字与美术相结合的教学形式,在“画字”教学中对汉字进行创新,以形式多样的美术形式表现出来。从文化、造型、材料、视角、情怀这五大方面引导学生“画字”,以期在继承和创新中带学生走进一个有趣的绘画世界,让学生在趣味性教学中更全面、深入地了解汉字。 展开更多
关键词 画字”绘画 文化传承 实践创新
作者 邹晓 《美术学报》 北大核心 2013年第4期125-127,共3页
汉字比起欧洲和世界其它国家的文字,更趋具象。它与毛笔书写的结合,强化了书写中作者的情绪和情感、力度和速度,形成了独特的具有东方气质的图形。黑马画字正是在大量的传承前人的形式精华中提炼而成。作者将已存中国国家馆的叠篆文字... 汉字比起欧洲和世界其它国家的文字,更趋具象。它与毛笔书写的结合,强化了书写中作者的情绪和情感、力度和速度,形成了独特的具有东方气质的图形。黑马画字正是在大量的传承前人的形式精华中提炼而成。作者将已存中国国家馆的叠篆文字为创意之源,以空间方位和二十四节气名称为元素,传承和转译中华人文地理信息的文明密码,其中更加入了作者匠心独具的文字诠释和演绎。 展开更多
关键词 黑马画字 东方气质 文字诠释
作者 宋颖 《幼儿教育》 北大核心 2002年第6期37-37,共1页
关键词 幼儿教育 识字 教育策略 画字
国语电影插曲英译探究——以电影《金陵十三钗》插曲《秦淮景》为例 被引量:1
作者 宋歌 《郑州航空工业管理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期113-116,共4页
影视翻译研究近年来有了长足的进展。但在处于译界边缘的影视翻译中,很难涉及国语影片插曲的英译议题。当今中国在迈向经济强国的同时,文化软实力也在与日俱增。如何将优秀的国语影片金曲译出国门,让英语观众了解原汁原味的中国风,恰恰... 影视翻译研究近年来有了长足的进展。但在处于译界边缘的影视翻译中,很难涉及国语影片插曲的英译议题。当今中国在迈向经济强国的同时,文化软实力也在与日俱增。如何将优秀的国语影片金曲译出国门,让英语观众了解原汁原味的中国风,恰恰是本文所要探究的。 展开更多
关键词 国语电影 金陵十三钗 秦淮景 插曲英译 “声画字”合一
尺划字检验初探 被引量:1
作者 郭永祥 邵佳林 曹景隆 《中国司法鉴定》 2007年第6期37-39,共3页
本文叙述了尺划字检验的理论依据,尺画字的特点,稳定性及检验方法。依据人书写习惯的相对稳定性,尺画字具有以下特点:组字笔画通常无弧度和连笔,某些短小笔画自由画写,组字运笔方向部分改变。尺画字的稳定特征:尺画字具有运笔方向、组... 本文叙述了尺划字检验的理论依据,尺画字的特点,稳定性及检验方法。依据人书写习惯的相对稳定性,尺画字具有以下特点:组字笔画通常无弧度和连笔,某些短小笔画自由画写,组字运笔方向部分改变。尺画字的稳定特征:尺画字具有运笔方向、组字结构、搭配比例、书写水平、笔顺以及基本写法相对不变的稳定性特征。尺画字的检验方法:研究案情,研究检材,研究样本,比较检材和样本,确定稳定特征,进行综合评断。 展开更多
关键词 画字 检验 稳定特征 综合评断
"Painting with Words": "Social Justice" Protest's Narrative in the Israeli' s News
作者 Alonit Berenson 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第8期373-387,共15页
This article analyzes the role of the media during the 2011 social protests in Israel, in order to examine why the "Social Justice" protest proved more effective than any other social protest organized previously in... This article analyzes the role of the media during the 2011 social protests in Israel, in order to examine why the "Social Justice" protest proved more effective than any other social protest organized previously in Israel. Scholars have shown that media fi'aming has a powerful effect on citizen perception and policy debates. The social protests focused on the political-social-economic policy based on a neo-liberal ideology. They signified the beginnings of resistance to the system and became the focus of public and media identification via reports published by leading Israeli newspapers: Yedioth Ahronoth and lsrael Hayom. Using content analysis, the author explore how the media plays an important role to shape the public perception of how to think and act about the protest. Due to the results, we evident the expand media capacity and influence, and that these effects are mediated in presenting positive and supportive coverage, including connotations and metaphors expressed by means of familiar slogans and events in the collective memory of Israeli society. Additionally, the expression "social justice" that became the protest's slogan, offered a broad common basis with which each citizen could identify, including journalists. 展开更多
关键词 media framing JOURNALISM social justice PROTEST
2D Animation Hybrid Technique Combining Traditional and Digital Technique Based on Analytical Motion and Physics
作者 Michael Sega Gumelar 《Computer Technology and Application》 2011年第4期263-269,共7页
Great Animation not just drawing sequence of images or just combining images into frame by frame whatever motion will be, but Great Animation actually based on Physics, Biology and Lip sync. 2D Animation Hybrid Techni... Great Animation not just drawing sequence of images or just combining images into frame by frame whatever motion will be, but Great Animation actually based on Physics, Biology and Lip sync. 2D Animation Hybrid Technique is combination of Traditional Technique and Digital Technique, but the motion also based on analytical motion and physics. Traditional technique using mostly stop motion technique and experiment in any material animated objects, such as celluloid, sand, pebble, clay, doll, flour, or any objects that can be animated. This day digital technique is widely used mostly using computer hardware and software, and a lot of 2D animation software out there that can be used to create 2D animation. 2D Animation Hybrid Technique is a new technique that combining the traditional 2D animation technique but not using stop motion technique and with digital technique using computer and software, this technique become possible using image scanning technology that can digitizing any image from photo to hand drawn image. Then the sequence hand drawn animation edited in frame by frame also layer by layer using certain software in computer to create illusion of motion. The motion itself not just using any sense of art but also using physics, biology especially anatomy when needed to create such realism motion or perhaps funny motion in cartoon style animation. 展开更多
关键词 2D animation hybrid technique combining traditional and digital technique.
Animation of Chinese Characters: Evolution of Shapes and Styles
作者 WANG Ning HU Jia-jia 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第5期523-529,共7页
Hanzi (Chinese characters) has a long history and affluent contents. To promote the popularity of historical and cultural knowledge of Chinese characters, an online program has been launched by Beihang University an... Hanzi (Chinese characters) has a long history and affluent contents. To promote the popularity of historical and cultural knowledge of Chinese characters, an online program has been launched by Beihang University and Beijing Normal University to explain Chinese characters' original meanings and evolution processes with vivid and expressive animation videos. Currently, More than 1,000 videos can be accessed through the website “http://www.chinesecharacter.org/”. Besides these online resources, a human-computer interaction system is also proposed to simulate clerical changes of Chinese characters through computer morphing technology. What we want is to make the teaching and learning of Chinese characters more reasonable, more easily understandable and more interesting. 展开更多
关键词 ANIMATION evolution of Chinese characters original meaning clerical change
Reasons Why the Great Pyramids of Giza Remain the Only Surviving Wonder of the Ancient World: Drawing Ideas from the Structure of the Giza Pyramids to Nuclear Power Plants
作者 Samia Wafik Morsy Mohamed A. Halim 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第10期1191-1201,共11页
Selecting a site for a nuclear power plant requires extensive studies to ensure its safety and stability during its operation until its decommissioning. The 4,500-year old Egyptian pyramids at Giza are buildings to le... Selecting a site for a nuclear power plant requires extensive studies to ensure its safety and stability during its operation until its decommissioning. The 4,500-year old Egyptian pyramids at Giza are buildings to learn from. This paper tries to pin down the reasons for the survival of the Giza pyramids in order to reach a criterion for choosing sites for important buildings. It argues that the site selection and the geological properties of the area, being away from seismic effects,, floods and groundwater levels, the stability of the geometric form of the pyramid, the solidity of the structural engineering and precision of execution arguably are the reasons why the Great Pyramids of Giza are the only survivors of the seven wonders of the ancient world. 展开更多
关键词 Site selection nuclear power plants PYRAMIDS stability of form solidity of form precision of execution.
Research on the Application of Flash Animation Technology in Digital Media
作者 Yong Zhang Peng Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期115-117,共3页
This article first respectively introduces the characteristics of product design and digital media technology, combined with knowledge of the new economic background and user participation trends in innovation, analyz... This article first respectively introduces the characteristics of product design and digital media technology, combined with knowledge of the new economic background and user participation trends in innovation, analyzed the shortcomings of traditional design expression and digital media technology, through the use of digital media flash design expression and method, to solve the problem of traditional design expression. Finally, through the expression model of digital media and interactive animation based on flash animation technology, showed that flash obtained the rapid development and application in the multimedia platform. 展开更多
关键词 Digital media Flash animation technology interactive animation
作者 陆家衡 《书法》 1997年第3期5-7,共3页
关键词 描字 画字 依样 汉碑 米元章
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