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从实景到画景:戴本孝澄怀味象画故国 被引量:1
作者 束新水 《美术大观》 2016年第6期36-38,共3页
关键词 画景 戴本孝 故国
作者 陈曙 《黄梅戏艺术》 2004年第2期52-53,共2页
为了参加两年一度的全省小戏、折子戏调演,我院排演的几台小戏,舞台设计的活都交给了我.剧院领导的意思是想搞个综合戏,让剧院在调演演出中的舞台风格给人以统一的印象,可五个小戏中有现代戏、古装戏、俗的、雅的,真可谓从古到今雅俗共... 为了参加两年一度的全省小戏、折子戏调演,我院排演的几台小戏,舞台设计的活都交给了我.剧院领导的意思是想搞个综合戏,让剧院在调演演出中的舞台风格给人以统一的印象,可五个小戏中有现代戏、古装戏、俗的、雅的,真可谓从古到今雅俗共赏,多样化的戏剧形式、风格使得综合台的计划搁浅了.经过数日的"辛勤劳作"我终于把几个戏的舞台设计图呈现在了诸位导演们的面前,五个小戏其中四个戏的舞台设计方案导演一看便通过了,真是非常顺利,但其中<游园惊梦>这一折戏的舞台设计就没有那么幸运了……,在这里我想把<游园惊梦>的舞台设计过程说出来和同行们一起探讨究竟. 展开更多
关键词 舞台空间 舞台灯光 色彩 光影 画景 舞台设计 固有色调
寻找如画之景——英国18世纪如画园林的认知过程 被引量:2
作者 朱宏宇 《新建筑》 2012年第4期99-103,共5页
作为英国18世纪三大美学范畴之一的如画理论,不仅是一种审美认知,也是切实可行的方法和手段。在如画园林发展的百年间,人们不断寻找如画美景。早期,英国人对如画美景的寻找带有明显的怀旧情结,这体现在对克劳德镜的使用以及对古典废墟... 作为英国18世纪三大美学范畴之一的如画理论,不仅是一种审美认知,也是切实可行的方法和手段。在如画园林发展的百年间,人们不断寻找如画美景。早期,英国人对如画美景的寻找带有明显的怀旧情结,这体现在对克劳德镜的使用以及对古典废墟的热衷。后期,随着如画发展成为与美、崇高并列的美学范畴,崇高逐渐演化为如画园林的重要内涵。从文献和实例两个方面入手,深入18世纪英国语境,从多重视角探索如画园林的认知过程。 展开更多
关键词 英国18世纪如园林 克劳德镜 古代废墟 原始野趣
作者 钟虹滨 臧晓琳 《艺海》 2012年第2期66-67,共2页
"潇湘八景"作为中国传统集称文化的起源,其绘画、题画诗等表现出强烈的士文化特征。这一特有的艺术现象也深深地影响了日本绘画的发展。"潇湘八景"绘画缘起于北宋文人画家宋迪的《潇湘八景图》,12世纪晚期东传至日... "潇湘八景"作为中国传统集称文化的起源,其绘画、题画诗等表现出强烈的士文化特征。这一特有的艺术现象也深深地影响了日本绘画的发展。"潇湘八景"绘画缘起于北宋文人画家宋迪的《潇湘八景图》,12世纪晚期东传至日本。"潇湘八景"绘画对日本"八景"画的影响上主要通过禅宗文化与意识的汇通、"八景"命名与构词的仿效、绘画主题与形式的承传、审美价值与情趣的契合等方面体现出来。 展开更多
关键词 “潇湘八”绘 日本“八
作者 张玮 《中小企业科技》 2001年第5期22-22,共1页
动景魔画是一项投资少、见效快的工艺制品,适合家庭生产,且制作简单,易懂易学。现将其工艺介绍如下: 1 工具及材料 3毫米玻璃两张(规格15×25cm);333牌玻璃胶一筒;注射器两支;洗发精一瓶;5号大头针一盒;各种颜料若干;木尺一把。
关键词 制作方法 工艺制品 玻璃
作者 林久杏 《书画世界》 2023年第8期62-63,共2页
宋代绘画创作主体可谓三足鼎立:院画家、文人画家、民间画工。他们各自形成了不同的创作群体、审美趣味与图像样式。而在院体画家中,为迎合皇家赞助人的欣赏品位,其创作极尽精工巧细、富丽典雅、务求形似,创造出了中国绘画史上最具代表... 宋代绘画创作主体可谓三足鼎立:院画家、文人画家、民间画工。他们各自形成了不同的创作群体、审美趣味与图像样式。而在院体画家中,为迎合皇家赞助人的欣赏品位,其创作极尽精工巧细、富丽典雅、务求形似,创造出了中国绘画史上最具代表性的皇家审美样式,这尤其体现在北宋院体画家中。而在北宋皇家院体画家中,苏汉臣以其独具匠心的婴戏图博得一席之地。其作品在很大程度上彰显出皇家贵族不仅有富贵艳丽的内在审美,又有避俗尚雅的精神追求,体现出宋代皇室极高的审美品格。本文即是以北宋院画家苏汉臣《秋庭婴戏图》为例,尝试以画面中常被研究者忽略的背景为考证出发点,探究配景中的图像寓意。 展开更多
关键词 皇家审美 《秋庭婴戏图》 中配 图像寓意
作者 肖鹏飞 《阜阳职业技术学院学报》 2021年第3期93-95,共3页
关键词 《四山水图》 画景 艺术特点 影响
Research on the Landscape Painting in Ming and Qing Dynasties of the Art of Wu School
作者 huang huanchen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第9期10-12,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the landscape painting in Ming and Qing dynasties of the art of Wu School. The Wu School of art is full of creativity, they worship nature, between large vigorous refined landscap... In this paper, we conduct research on the landscape painting in Ming and Qing dynasties of the art of Wu School. The Wu School of art is full of creativity, they worship nature, between large vigorous refined landscape painting in the real world with fast red green courtyard, this spirit of the innovation to future generations of artists with great inspiration, Wu school opened up the artistic development for future generations, direct and profound infi uence after the landscape painting and flower and bird painting. Today, we are in the pursuit of the traditional Chinese painting of change, innovation, modernization, “Wu door school” this group of literati painter to do a historical retrospect that is a positive significance. Based on this historical time, we analyze the corresponding theories to provide the systematic research that will be meaningful. 展开更多
关键词 Landscape Painting Ming and Qing Dynasties of the Art Wu School.
Yu Chengsong and His Composite Oil Print
作者 Xin Yuan 《China & The World Cultural Exchange》 2006年第2期12-15,共4页
Yu Chengsong and his composite oil print works were I first known to the art circle in 1993 when he published a 35-volum painting album on Chinese landscape. The album, printed in six languages including Chinese, Engl... Yu Chengsong and his composite oil print works were I first known to the art circle in 1993 when he published a 35-volum painting album on Chinese landscape. The album, printed in six languages including Chinese, English, Japanese and French, was distributed worldwide. In order to create this album, Yu traveled across the country on his own expenses. He painted the most marvelous and beautiful landscapes in China, 展开更多
关键词 In
Trichromatic Animation
作者 Michel Albert-Vanel 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第5期544-550,共7页
The process described here is well at the heart of the appearance of pigmentary materials and their interactions with light. It is indeed based on the property of colored materials to reflect, in a selective way, the ... The process described here is well at the heart of the appearance of pigmentary materials and their interactions with light. It is indeed based on the property of colored materials to reflect, in a selective way, the colored radiations of light. The innovation is here based on a more subtle and more complete process, using the trichromy, i.e., all the possibilities of the white light, which is split in three primary radiations: red^een--blue. One can, indeed, animate a pigmentary surface by the alternate projection of these three colors, and thus reveal three different images on the same support, or create a motion effect. However, in this process, the weakness of bhie, compared to green and red, might constitute an obstacle. But that will be compensated by the use of fluorescent colors, instead of ordinary colors. This process may provide very spectacular applications in the fields of lighting, architecture, design, scenography, booths, display windows, etc.. We shall propose a step-to-step approach. 展开更多
关键词 color light ANIMATION trichromatic absorption re-emission RADIATIONS dihedron FLUORESCENT RGB(Red--Green--Blue)
"Montage" mentality on the art of painting study about figure painting scenes of convergence in the Five Dynasties and Song Dynasty
作者 Zhihui WANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第3期59-61,共3页
We often see different time and space scenes, different stories and different viewpoints change organically through one lens converge to form a complete film in the movie, and one of a series of the shearing lens elem... We often see different time and space scenes, different stories and different viewpoints change organically through one lens converge to form a complete film in the movie, and one of a series of the shearing lens elements and convergence is the montage technique. Such a method actually also often exists in different scenes in our ancient literature and different scenes and jumping thinking thoughts form a series of montage in the mind, and then it can be expressed through poetry. This case is the same as it in art, different time and spaces, the characters appear in a scene in a picture, and we distinguish them with a series of symbols to convergence in each scene. Therefore, we can say that if the montage was born after his birth of firms in the twentieth century, then it has existed since ancient time, and it has always existed in the fine arts, however, such thinking played an important role in the development of Chinese art, especially in the convergence and performance practices screen scene. 展开更多
关键词 montage thinking thinking: Song figures convergence of scenes
中国早期话剧布景体系考述 被引量:1
作者 马俊山 《戏剧艺术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期4-16,F0002,F0003,共15页
布景是近代以来中国人睁开眼睛看世界的产物。从1907年新剧诞生到1923年文明戏落幕,早期话剧逐步形成了由硬片、软幕和大道具构成的写实性布景体系。天幕的使用增加了舞台景深。机关布景的初衷则是求真求实,后来蜕化为追求好看。布景的... 布景是近代以来中国人睁开眼睛看世界的产物。从1907年新剧诞生到1923年文明戏落幕,早期话剧逐步形成了由硬片、软幕和大道具构成的写实性布景体系。天幕的使用增加了舞台景深。机关布景的初衷则是求真求实,后来蜕化为追求好看。布景的功能是把戏剧情境从想象变为实在,使表演贴近生活,使剧情更加集中、紧凑,也使听戏变成了看戏。但其平面画景的形式和一般化的值班布景,始终无法跟立体的、具体的表演完全融合,对表演形成有力的约束。角色制的流行和幕外戏的膨胀,均与此有关。最终,表演完全脱离情境、脱离戏剧,沦为杂耍和滑稽,早期话剧即告结束。表演跟布景的有机结合,还有很长的路要走。 展开更多
关键词 话剧 软幕 画景 天幕 深度 平面 表演 编剧
静穆 清虚 浑沦--品读龚贤《峰峦台阁图》中的意象“造境”
作者 应一平 《美术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期62-64,共3页
龚贤的山水画黑墨浑沦,其意象"造境"静穆清虚,将内敛的"心中之境"引向发散的"画中之景",在移情观照中互融相彰。从创作与欣赏双向流程品读《峰峦台阁图》,它不仅切合传统国画的本体核心,又初具现代审美观... 龚贤的山水画黑墨浑沦,其意象"造境"静穆清虚,将内敛的"心中之境"引向发散的"画中之景",在移情观照中互融相彰。从创作与欣赏双向流程品读《峰峦台阁图》,它不仅切合传统国画的本体核心,又初具现代审美观念,也使我们窥见其中一道寓心于景的人格风景。 展开更多
关键词 意象 造境 黑龚 心中之境 中之
Pictorial Versions of the Mulian Story in East Asia (Tenth--Seventeenth Centuries): On the Connections of Religious Painting and Storytelling 被引量:1
作者 Rostislav Berezkin 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2015年第1期95-120,共26页
In this paper, I analyze pictorial representations of the Buddhist story of Mulian rescuing his mother in China, Japan, and Korea in the pre-modern and early modern periods. I have collected several pictorial versions... In this paper, I analyze pictorial representations of the Buddhist story of Mulian rescuing his mother in China, Japan, and Korea in the pre-modern and early modern periods. I have collected several pictorial versions of the Mulian story in these countries, and comparison shows close proximity of several such works. All of them are related to the narrative texts that represent elaboration of the originally scriptural story (it originated in the apocryphal Buddhist scripture that circulated in China) in vernacular languages. Images of the Mulian story in the countries of East Asia had diverse nature: they could appear as separate scenes in devotional religious paintings, multi-scene handscrolls, and illustrations in the manuscripts and editions. I argue that the subject of Mulian rescuing his mother was of primary importance in the popularization of Buddhist ideas among different layers of society. The related images were used for both storytelling and reading practices and helped different audiences to comprehend the Mulian story. 展开更多
关键词 Religious art · Narrative images· Chinese traditional art · Japanese traditional art · Korean traditional art
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