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作者 谭晓磊 何灿群 《心理科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1305-1312,共8页
通过正交实验探究文本界面因素中字号、字间距、行间距和页边距对老年人数字阅读的影响。结果显示,老年人的客观表现水平较低,但对数字阅读的主观评价更高;对老年人影响最大的因素是页边距和字号;字间距和行间距的影响较低,但存在显著... 通过正交实验探究文本界面因素中字号、字间距、行间距和页边距对老年人数字阅读的影响。结果显示,老年人的客观表现水平较低,但对数字阅读的主观评价更高;对老年人影响最大的因素是页边距和字号;字间距和行间距的影响较低,但存在显著的交互作用;老年人阅读表现随各因素水平的增加呈现非单调变化的趋势。老年人对于数字阅读有更高的接受度,合理的文本设计能让老年人从数字阅读中获益更多。 展开更多
关键词 老年人 数字阅读 文本界面因素 认知负荷 用户体验
碳酸钙溶解的界面因素及水运动条件 被引量:5
作者 程星 周忠发 《贵州地质》 1994年第3期246-251,共6页
本文从碳酸钙的溶解实验着手,讨论了不同的水—气界面面积及水—固界面面积对CaCO3溶解速率的影响,以及水的运动条件对CaCO3溶解速度的影响。作者利用单位增长率的概念,对比了不同界面对CaCO3溶解的影响程度,得出了... 本文从碳酸钙的溶解实验着手,讨论了不同的水—气界面面积及水—固界面面积对CaCO3溶解速率的影响,以及水的运动条件对CaCO3溶解速度的影响。作者利用单位增长率的概念,对比了不同界面对CaCO3溶解的影响程度,得出了水—气界面的反应在整个体系中是最慢的。根据水运动条件对碳酸钙沉积过程及溶解过程的影响,本文还讨论了水运动条件在CaCO3溶解及沉积矛盾运动中的意义. 展开更多
关键词 界面因素 溶解速率 碳酸钙 不运动条件
高校科技成果转化的关键界面因素及优化路径 被引量:16
作者 徐丰伟 丁昱丹 《中国高校科技》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期90-93,共4页
高校科技成果转化是一种突破传统组织边界的科技成果转化协同活动,在此过程中高校、企业、中介机构等主体会产生多层面的复杂交互活动,这些活动就构成了"界面",这些界面是否有效运行对高校科技成果转化效率和效果具有很大的... 高校科技成果转化是一种突破传统组织边界的科技成果转化协同活动,在此过程中高校、企业、中介机构等主体会产生多层面的复杂交互活动,这些活动就构成了"界面",这些界面是否有效运行对高校科技成果转化效率和效果具有很大的影响。基于高校科技成果转化界面内涵的界定,归纳高校科技成果转化的关键界面因素主要是界面要素实力、界面要素组织、界面环境和界面敏捷性,并从这四个因素入手提出高校科技成果转化界面的优化路径,可为高校科技成果顺利转化提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 科技成果转化 关键界面因素 优化路径
装甲装备人机界面因素对乘员可靠性的影响分析 被引量:1
作者 曹伟国 刘维平 +1 位作者 孙伟 唐非 《装甲兵工程学院学报》 2005年第4期98-101,共4页
装甲装备乘员可靠性受内部因素和外部因素的共同影响,而人机界面是外部因素的主要组成部分.通过进行装甲装备人机界面特性分析,确定了乘员可靠性的人机界面影响因素,并结合人的失误致因分析,通过对装备使用者进行问卷调查的形式对其进... 装甲装备乘员可靠性受内部因素和外部因素的共同影响,而人机界面是外部因素的主要组成部分.通过进行装甲装备人机界面特性分析,确定了乘员可靠性的人机界面影响因素,并结合人的失误致因分析,通过对装备使用者进行问卷调查的形式对其进行了验证.得出的结论对于装备改造和部队乘员选拔都有一定的指导意义. 展开更多
关键词 装甲装备 人机界面因素 乘员可靠性
SiC/Al基复合材料界面调控 被引量:3
作者 焦宇鸿 朱建锋 王芬 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期147-159,共13页
界面润湿性和界面反应极大地限制了SiC/Al基复合材料的制备和性能提升。虽然通过实验、计算机模拟计算等研究揭示了Al-SiC的高温润湿行为和界面反应机理,得到了界面润湿和界面反应的理论模型,但调控润湿性的因素多且复杂,一些因素相互影... 界面润湿性和界面反应极大地限制了SiC/Al基复合材料的制备和性能提升。虽然通过实验、计算机模拟计算等研究揭示了Al-SiC的高温润湿行为和界面反应机理,得到了界面润湿和界面反应的理论模型,但调控润湿性的因素多且复杂,一些因素相互影响,尚未系统地提出SiC/Al基复合材料界面润湿性的影响因素,调控界面润湿性和界面反应的关键因素仍不明确,SiC/Al基复合材界面的相关研究仍存在争议。为了探索控制界面润湿性的关键因素,本文归纳了影响界面润湿性的实验因素:(1)SiC基体(纯度、表面粗糙度、气孔率、游离Si含量等)及表面极性(C端、Si端);(2)合金和基体的氧化层及其厚度(氧分压);(3)合金元素种类及含量;(4)接触温度和时间;(5)界面反应;(6)测试方法(座滴、挤出等);(7)液滴重量或尺寸及蒸发速率等。其中,除了(6)和(7)外,其他因素对调控SiC/Al基复合材料的界面润湿性具有重要意义,对复合材料的制备、性能提升和应用有重要指导价值。纯Al和SiC在650℃就能发生界面反应,其产物Al_(4)C_(3)在室温下与H_(2)O发生反应,该反应会破坏界面结合,使得复合材料性能急剧降低。根据密度泛函理论和热力学计算建立了界面反应的热力学、动力学模型,通过大量实验验证和显微结构分析,阐明了温度、反应时间、合金元素、SiC表面极性等因素对界面反应的影响,建立了抑制或消除有害界面反应的边界条件。与润湿性相比,界面反应严重制约了SiC/Al复合材料的性能提升及使用寿命的延长。但可通过简单工艺调控,通过向熔体中引入合金元素、改性SiC及过渡层和特殊制备工艺等能有效抑制界面反应,实现与润湿性协同调控。本文分析了界面反应和界面润湿性的研究进展,归纳了SiC/Al基复合材料的界面调控的三个途径。一是添加合金元素进行有限的调控,在特定工艺中,添加一定量的合金元素能够提高润湿性,减弱或消除界面反应;二是设计界面反应和界面过渡层,获得预期的界面组成和结构,提高润湿性的同时消除有害界面反应;三是采用新制备工艺,利用现有的界面研究成果和模型,调控界面反应温度和时间直接获得性能优异的体材料,如累积辊压、喷射沉积、原位自生等。虽然上述途径能够调控SiC/Al基复合材料的界面,但仍存在各自的局限性,所得复合材料的性能和预期性能还有较大的差距。因而,对SiC/Al基复合材料的界面设计和调控仍然需要在理论计算的基础上,深入地研究和探索其界面反应、组成和结构,减小接触角,缩短达到平衡接触角的时间,从而降低制备工艺难度,提升材料性能。 展开更多
关键词 SiC/Al基复合材料 界面润湿性 界面反应 界面调控因素
复合驱油体系油水界面张力测试条件优化 被引量:3
作者 栾和鑫 陈权生 +4 位作者 彭健 代学成 杨莲育 徐崇军 廖元淇 《油田化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期706-711,共6页
为了规范行业标准SY/T 5370—2018《表面及界面张力方法》中非牛顿流体油水界面张力的测定,对影响复合驱油体系油水界面张力影响因素如:温度、转速、非牛顿流体浓度及相对分子质量、测试时间以及表面活性剂浓度进行了规范:温度选用目标... 为了规范行业标准SY/T 5370—2018《表面及界面张力方法》中非牛顿流体油水界面张力的测定,对影响复合驱油体系油水界面张力影响因素如:温度、转速、非牛顿流体浓度及相对分子质量、测试时间以及表面活性剂浓度进行了规范:温度选用目标油藏温度;转速选用使仪器成像清晰的转速,建议使用(5000数6000)r/min;聚合物用量为0.1%,根据目标油藏储层物性选用适当相对分子质量的聚合物,但仲裁或抽检时建议使用1000万数1500万聚合物。界面张力取值选用不同时间下的平衡界面张力,回缩或拉断体系选取重复测试3次拉断前界面张力数据取值。二元体系中表面表面活性剂评价时选用体系为0.2%表面活性剂+0.1%聚合物,三元体系中表面活性剂评价是选用体系为1.2%碱+0.1%表面活性剂+0.15%聚合物和0.6%碱+0.3%表面活性剂+0.15%聚合物。 展开更多
关键词 复合驱 界面张力影响因素 行业标准 技术规范
地震波理论研究进展——介质模型与地震波传播 被引量:34
作者 牛滨华 孙春岩 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 2004年第2期255-263,共9页
 介质模型及地震波传播是地震波理论的核心内容之一,本文结合作者目前研究所涉及的内容,阐述了介质模型及地震波传播的相关问题.首先是地震学背景中的地震波传播的主要问题.其次是地震波传播的动力学,其中的主体内容可以由波动方程的...  介质模型及地震波传播是地震波理论的核心内容之一,本文结合作者目前研究所涉及的内容,阐述了介质模型及地震波传播的相关问题.首先是地震学背景中的地震波传播的主要问题.其次是地震波传播的动力学,其中的主体内容可以由波动方程的建立、波动方程和波动方程的延伸三部分组成.再次是地震波的传播与介质因素和界面因素,以及孔隙介质模型的认识和讨论.最后结合均匀弹性各向同性、粘弹性各向同性、双相介质和各向异性四种介质模型,阐述了地震波传播的主要特性. 展开更多
关键词 介质模型 地震波传播 波动方程 介质因素界面因素 孔隙介质 四种介质模型
巷道掘进施工人机环风险评价指标的建立 被引量:1
作者 王帅 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2017年第3期85-86,共2页
关键词 人的因素 机器设备的因素 环境的因素 人机界面因素
Quantitative analysis on influencing factors for interface propagation-based thermal conductivity measurement method during solid-liquid transition 被引量:1
作者 ZHOU Tian MA Xiao-yi +1 位作者 LIU Xu LI Yuan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第8期2041-2055,共15页
The recently proposed interface propagation-based method has shown its advantages in obtaining the thermal conductivity of phase change materials during solid-liquid transition over conventional techniques. However, i... The recently proposed interface propagation-based method has shown its advantages in obtaining the thermal conductivity of phase change materials during solid-liquid transition over conventional techniques. However, in previous investigation, the analysis on the measurement error was qualitative and only focused on the total effects on the measurement without decoupling the influencing factors. This paper discusses the effects of influencing factors on the measurement results for the interface propagation-based method. Numerical simulations were performed to explore the influencing factors, namely model simplification, subcooling and natural convection, along with their impact on the measurement process and corresponding measurement results. The numerical solutions were provided in terms of moving curves of the solid-liquid interface and the predicted values of thermal conductivity. Results indicated that the impact of simplified model was strongly dependent on Stefan number of the melting process. The degree of subcooling would lead to underestimated values for thermal conductivity prediction. The natural convection would intensify the heat transfer rate in the liquid region, thereby overestimating the obtained results of thermal conductivity. Correlations and experimental guidelines are provided. The relative errors are limited in ±1.5%,±3%and ±2% corresponding to the impact of simplified model, subcooling and natural convection, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 phase change material thermal conductivity measurement influencing factor interface propagation-based method numerical simulation
Analysis of drop deformation dynamics in turbulent flow 被引量:1
作者 Stephanie Nachtigall Daniel Zedel Matthias Kraume 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第2期264-277,共14页
Drop breakage and coalescence influence the particle formation in liquid-liquid dispersions. In order to reduce the influencing factors of the whole dispersion process, single drops where coalescence processes can be ... Drop breakage and coalescence influence the particle formation in liquid-liquid dispersions. In order to reduce the influencing factors of the whole dispersion process, single drops where coalescence processes can be neglected were analyzed in this work. Drops passing the turbulent vicinity of a single stirrer blade were investi- gated by high-speed imaging. In order to gain a statistically relevant amount of drops passing the area of interest and corresponding breakage events, at least 1600 droplets were considered for each parameter set of this work. A specially developed fully automatic image analysis based on Matlab was used for the evaluation of the resulting high amount of image data. This allowed the elimination of the time-consuming manual analysis and further- more, allowed the objective evaluation of the drops' behavior. Different deformation parameters were consid- ered in order to describe the drop deformation dynamics properly. Regarding the ratio of both main particle axes (0axes), which was therefore approximated through an ellipse, allowed the determination of very small de- viations from the spherical shape. The perimeter of the particle (0peri) was used for the description of highly de- formed shapes. In this work the results of a higher viscosity paraffin oil (ηd =127 mPa. s) and a low viscosity solvent (petroleum, ηd = 1.7 mPa-s) are presented with and without the addition of SDS to the continuous water phase. All results show that the experimentally determined oscillation but also deformation times underlie a wide spreading. Drop deformations significantly increased not only with increasing droplet viscosity, but also with decreasing interfacial tension. Highly deformed particles of one droplet species were more likely to break than more or less spherical particles. As droplet fragmentation results from a variety of different macro-scale de- formed particles, it is not assumed that a critical deformation value must be reached for the fragmentation pro- cess to occur. Especially for highly deformed particles thin particle filaments are assumed to induce the breakage process and, therefore, be responsible for the separation of drops. 展开更多
关键词 Drop deformation Drop breakage Liquid-liquid system Turbulent mixing Image analysis High-speed imaging
A Mathematical Model for Preeze-Drying
作者 涂伟萍 陈孟林 +1 位作者 杨卓如 陈焕钦 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2000年第2期118-122,共5页
Based on the experiments on freeze-drying carrot and potato slabs, the effects of some parameters, such as heating temperature and pressure on the freeze-drying process are examined. A simple model of freeze-drying is... Based on the experiments on freeze-drying carrot and potato slabs, the effects of some parameters, such as heating temperature and pressure on the freeze-drying process are examined. A simple model of freeze-drying is established to predict drying time and the mass variations of materials during the drying. The experimental results agree well with those calculated by the model. 展开更多
关键词 FREEZE-DRYING MODEL heat and mass transfer
Research & Exploration Dematerialization Factors in Furniture-design Based on Scandinavian Style
作者 G. Liu P.M. Wang 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第2期54-57,共4页
Nordic design has also been called the "Scandinavian" design, with the best reputation in the international design field, especially in furniture, industrial products and other fields. Scandinavian design, with simp... Nordic design has also been called the "Scandinavian" design, with the best reputation in the international design field, especially in furniture, industrial products and other fields. Scandinavian design, with simple but not easy product appearance and shape, perfect man-machine interface, and very humane exotic customs, has led the global design industry trend, touching consumers' hearts all over the world since several decades of years ago. Dematerialization factors bound in Nordic-design are the root cause of the classic achievements. Dematerialization fully contains human touch, human factors. This is focusing on people-oriented design concepts, reflecting the best harmonious development of the modern world's ideas and themes. This article mainly takes Scandinavian-product design as an example-furniture and industrial design, and makes further exploration and research of dematerialization factors contained by products. 展开更多
关键词 Scandinavian design human-oriented service LIFESTYLE dematerializations family atmosphere
作者 杨璇 《艺术与设计(理论版)》 2007年第4X期33-35,共3页
关键词 浏览心理需求 网页认知特征 影响认知的界面因素
Numerical calculation and influencing factors of the volume fraction of interfacial transition zone in concrete 被引量:3
作者 SUN GuoWen SUN Wei +1 位作者 ZHANG YunSheng LIU ZhiYong 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期1515-1522,共8页
The determination of volume fraction of interracial transition zone (ITZ) is very important for investigating the quantitative relationship between the microstructure and macroscopical property of concrete. In this ... The determination of volume fraction of interracial transition zone (ITZ) is very important for investigating the quantitative relationship between the microstructure and macroscopical property of concrete. In this paper, based on Lu and Torquato's most nearest surface distribution function, a calculating process of volume fraction of ITZ is given in detail according to the actual sieve curve in concrete. Then, quantitative formulas are put forward to measure the influencing factors on the |TZ vol- ume fraction. In order to validate the given model, the volume fractions of ITZ obtained by numerical calculation are compared with those by computer simulation. The results show that the two are in good agreement. The order of the factors influencing the ITZ volume fraction is the ITZ thickness, the volume fraction of aggregate and the maximum aggregate diameter for Fuller gradation in turn. The 1TZ volume fraction obtained from the equal volume fraction (EVF) gradation is always larger than that from the Fuller gradation for a given volume fraction of aggregate. 展开更多
关键词 CONCRETE interfacial transition zone (ITZ) volume fraction Fuller distribution equal volume fraction distribution(EVF) sieve curve
Mechanistic insights for efficient inactivation of antibiotic resistance genes: a synergistic interfacial adsorption and photocatalytic-oxidation process 被引量:1
作者 Zhiruo Zhou Zhurui Shen +5 位作者 Zhihui Cheng Guan Zhang Mingmei Li Yi Li Sihui Zhan John C.Crittenden 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2020年第24期2107-2119,M0006,共14页
Advanced oxidation processes(AOPs) have been applied to address multiple environmental concerns including antibiotic resistance genes(ARGs). ARGs have shown an increasing threat to human health,and they are either har... Advanced oxidation processes(AOPs) have been applied to address multiple environmental concerns including antibiotic resistance genes(ARGs). ARGs have shown an increasing threat to human health,and they are either harbored by antibiotic-resistant bacteria(ARB) or free in the environment.However, the control of ARGs has been substantially limited by their low concentration and the limited knowledge about their interfacial behavior. Herein, a novel AOP catalyst, Ag/TiO_(2)/graphene oxide(GO),combined with a polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF) ultrafiltration membrane was designed with a synergistic interfacial adsorption and oxidation function to inactivate ARGs with high efficiency in both model solutions and in secondary wastewater effluent, especially when the residue concentration was low.Further analysis showed that the mineralization of bases and phosphodiesters mainly caused the inactivation of ARGs. Moreover, the interfacial adsorption and oxidation processes of ARGs were studied at the molecular level. The results showed that GO was rich in sp^(2) backbones and functional oxygen groups,which efficiently captured and enriched the ARGs via p-p interactions and hydrogen bonds. Therefore,the photogenerated active oxygen species attack the ARGs by partially overcoming the kinetic problems in this process. The Ag/Ti O2/GO catalyst was further combined with a PVDF membrane to test its potential in wastewater treatment applications. This work offers an efficient method and a corresponding material for the inactivation and mineralization of intra/extracellular ARGs. Moreover, the molecularlevel understanding of ARG behaviors on a solid–liquid interface will inspire further control strategies of ARGs in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Trace contaminants Antibiotic resistance genes(ARGs) Synergistic adsorption and photocatalytic oxidation Interfacial behaviors
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