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作者 雷俊 《现代机械》 2013年第2期17-19,共3页
挤压工艺不同,零件的内部应力应变也会不同。所以在设计冷挤压时,减少成形压力,提高模具寿命是我们设计时应考虑的重要因素。这里我们将讨论模具留余孔和不留余孔设计时,比较冷挤压零件的不同应力应变及其他一些参数,以便选择最佳冷挤... 挤压工艺不同,零件的内部应力应变也会不同。所以在设计冷挤压时,减少成形压力,提高模具寿命是我们设计时应考虑的重要因素。这里我们将讨论模具留余孔和不留余孔设计时,比较冷挤压零件的不同应力应变及其他一些参数,以便选择最佳冷挤压设计方法。 展开更多
关键词 冷挤压 留余 留余 模拟
作者 朱凌 麻欣瑶 陈波 《浙江理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第1期96-101,共6页
明清时期是浙派园林发展的顶峰时期,建于这一时期的留余山居为清西湖十八景之一,其"借景"手法可谓别具匠心。首先根据古文描述和界画描绘,对留余山居具体的地理位置进行考证,发现现存留余山居的位置、空间布局与明清时期不一... 明清时期是浙派园林发展的顶峰时期,建于这一时期的留余山居为清西湖十八景之一,其"借景"手法可谓别具匠心。首先根据古文描述和界画描绘,对留余山居具体的地理位置进行考证,发现现存留余山居的位置、空间布局与明清时期不一致。其次,用传统园林理论简要介绍论证了留余山居景点"因"与"借"的关系。再次,针对"活色声香"这四个借景对象,深入探析了留余山居中"借景"手法的应用。最后,提出留余山居的借景手法对当代园林建设的启示。 展开更多
关键词 浙派园林 借景 造园手法 留余山居 杭州
康氏家族基业长青的现代解读 被引量:1
作者 史振厚 《河南商业高等专科学校学报》 2013年第3期24-27,共4页
河南巩义的康百万家族从明代起,整整富裕了12代,400多年长盛不衰,创造了古代中国家业长青的典范。历代康家坚持耕读传家,奉行中庸留余;坚持诚信经营,贯彻用人不疑;积极审时度势,不断开拓进取;创下巨额财富,热心社会公益,实现了家族的基... 河南巩义的康百万家族从明代起,整整富裕了12代,400多年长盛不衰,创造了古代中国家业长青的典范。历代康家坚持耕读传家,奉行中庸留余;坚持诚信经营,贯彻用人不疑;积极审时度势,不断开拓进取;创下巨额财富,热心社会公益,实现了家族的基业长青。 展开更多
关键词 康氏家族 基业长青 留余 诚信
作者 胡军 《华夏文化》 2015年第1期48-50,共3页
张资度(1873—1941),名秉经,字亦权,号长公。梅州市梅江东街留余堂人。梅州的留余堂乃诗书世家,历代多有魁元擢桂之荣。留余堂下禾坪现在矗立着的七座举人楣杆即标志着留余堂由十七世至廿世四代出的七位举人。《留余堂试草》前言曰:... 张资度(1873—1941),名秉经,字亦权,号长公。梅州市梅江东街留余堂人。梅州的留余堂乃诗书世家,历代多有魁元擢桂之荣。留余堂下禾坪现在矗立着的七座举人楣杆即标志着留余堂由十七世至廿世四代出的七位举人。《留余堂试草》前言曰:"自王父稻邨公卜居城东三坑村,有负郭田数十亩,子孙读书为业。嘉庆丁丑伯祖凤曹(张其翰)先生补博士弟子员,后八十年间,一堂四世共处一室,计进泮者二十四人,食廪饩者十有一人。" 展开更多
关键词 留余 廪饩 王父 弟子员 艺术赏析 三坑 雪道人 浅绛山水 美术展览 越中历代画人传
《河洛图》:文化谱系下的中原书写 被引量:1
作者 韩优 《商丘职业技术学院学报》 2020年第6期24-26,30,共4页
李佩甫通过对康氏家族几个典型人物的描写,刻画了独具中原特色的康氏家族的商业史,将一个具有“留余”智慧的中原文化通过具体的人物和事件表现了出来。“留余”智慧的表达不仅仅是对中原地区以德载物的为人行事的思想观的赞扬,也是对... 李佩甫通过对康氏家族几个典型人物的描写,刻画了独具中原特色的康氏家族的商业史,将一个具有“留余”智慧的中原文化通过具体的人物和事件表现了出来。“留余”智慧的表达不仅仅是对中原地区以德载物的为人行事的思想观的赞扬,也是对永恒的看法和忧思。李佩甫通过塑造一系列典型人物与传奇情节,来表现时间对于智慧的磨损,以及对于现代文明时期中原文化走向不明的忧思。 展开更多
关键词 李佩甫 《河洛图》 留余 时间
刘承幹致李详手札考述 被引量:1
作者 佘彦焱 《上海文博论丛》 2004年第3期30-33,共4页
李详(1859-1931),字审言,中年又字媿生,江苏扬州兴化县人。清末民初文学家,扬州学派后期代表人物,以骈文知名于当世。其著作以笺注为多,有《选学拾沉》、《文心雕龙补注》、《颜氏家训补注》、《杜诗证选》等,又有《窳记》(后改名《媿... 李详(1859-1931),字审言,中年又字媿生,江苏扬州兴化县人。清末民初文学家,扬州学派后期代表人物,以骈文知名于当世。其著作以笺注为多,有《选学拾沉》、《文心雕龙补注》、《颜氏家训补注》、《杜诗证选》等,又有《窳记》(后改名《媿生丛录》)、《药裹慵谈》等札记掌故之作。辛亥以后居上海。 展开更多
关键词 刘承 李详 刘世珩 藏书楼 吴兴丛书 留余草堂 扬州学派 三垣笔记 江苏扬州 补注
作者 龚景兴 《湖州师范学院学报》 1991年第1期105-109,共5页
湖州自三国始设郡县,至南北朝时开始走向经济、文化的共同繁荣,成为经济发达、学术兴旺、文人荟萃之地,而古代典籍的收藏和利用作为文化事业的组成部分,也与时代的步伐一致有规律地发展着,表现在私人藏书事业上,就是历代都涌现了众多的... 湖州自三国始设郡县,至南北朝时开始走向经济、文化的共同繁荣,成为经济发达、学术兴旺、文人荟萃之地,而古代典籍的收藏和利用作为文化事业的组成部分,也与时代的步伐一致有规律地发展着,表现在私人藏书事业上,就是历代都涌现了众多的藏书家,而且其中不乏在中国藏书史上有着举足轻重地位的大家.清人郑元庆的《吴兴藏书录》就专门记载了晚明以前的一些湖州藏书家的藏书事迹,吴晗先生《两浙藏书家史略》 展开更多
关键词 私家藏书 藏书楼 私人藏书 中国藏书史 郑元庆 刘承干 择是居丛书 蒋汝藻 留余草堂 密韵楼
作者 吴晓瑜 向颖 《中学政治教学参考》 北大核心 2022年第6期79-80,共2页
用事实说话、用证据支撑是道德与法治学科特点之一。求真、求实、求证对提高学生分析、探究、解决问题能力,培养学生严谨的思辨意识与良好的思维品质具有重要意义。"合理利用网络"教学体现了培养初中生证据意识的三个维度:合... 用事实说话、用证据支撑是道德与法治学科特点之一。求真、求实、求证对提高学生分析、探究、解决问题能力,培养学生严谨的思辨意识与良好的思维品质具有重要意义。"合理利用网络"教学体现了培养初中生证据意识的三个维度:合作与分享、呈现与展示、拓展与留余。 展开更多
关键词 合作与分享 呈现与展示 拓展与留余
作者 王再新 《中国乡镇企业会计》 2018年第6期55-56,共2页
关键词 税收政策的变更 留余抵扣税 营业税改增值税
Joint Source-Channel Decoding of EVRC Speech Encoder Using Residual Redundancy
作者 阿哈麦德 尤肖虎 高西奇 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2002年第2期103-107,共5页
The enhanced variable rate codec (EVRC) is a standard for the 'Speech ServiceOption 3 for Wideband Spread Spectrum Digital System,' which has been employed in both IS-95cellular systems and ANSI J-STC-008 PCS ... The enhanced variable rate codec (EVRC) is a standard for the 'Speech ServiceOption 3 for Wideband Spread Spectrum Digital System,' which has been employed in both IS-95cellular systems and ANSI J-STC-008 PCS (personal communications systems). This paper concentrateson channel decoders that exploit the residual redundancy inherent in the enhanced variable ratecodec bitstream. This residual redundancy is quantified by modeling the parameters as first orderMarkov chains and computing the entropy rate based on the relative frequencies of transitions.Moreover, this residual redundancy can be exploited by an appropriately 'tuned' channel decoder toprovide substantial coding gain when compared with the decoders that do not exploit it. Channelcoding schemes include convolutional codes, and iteratively decoded parallel concatenatedconvolutional 'turbo' codes. 展开更多
关键词 residual redundancy convolutional codes turbo codes
A high-level synthesis based dual-module redundancy with multi-residue detection(DMR-MRD)fault-tolerant method for on-board processing satellite communication systems
作者 杨文慧 Chen Xiang +2 位作者 Wang Yu Zhao Ming Wang Jing 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第3期245-252,共8页
On board processing(OBP) satellite systems have obtained more and more attentions in recent years because of their high efficiency and performance.However,the OBP transponders are very sensitive to the high energy par... On board processing(OBP) satellite systems have obtained more and more attentions in recent years because of their high efficiency and performance.However,the OBP transponders are very sensitive to the high energy particles in the space radiation environments.Single event upset(SEU)is one of the major radiation effects,which influences the satellite reliability greatly.Triple modular redundancy(TMR) is a classic and efficient method to mask SEUs.However,TMR uses three identical modules and a comparison logic,the circuit size becomes unacceptable,especially in the resource limited environments such as OBP systems.Considering that,a new SEU-tolerant method based on residue code and high-level synthesis(HLS) is proposed,and the new method is applied to FIR filters,which are typical structures in the OBP systems.The simulation results show that,for an applicable HLS scheduling scheme,area reduction can be reduced by 48.26%compared to TMR,while fault missing rate is 0.15%. 展开更多
关键词 single event upset (SEU) residue code triple modular redundancy (TMR) high-level synthesis (HLS) fault missing rate
Effect of Extractive Removal on the Calorific Value of Brazilian Woods Residues
作者 Ticiane Rossi Luiz Femando de Moura Patricia R. Torquato Jose Otavio Brito 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第4期340-343,共4页
In wood processing, the production of residues is an unavoidable aspect to be considered. The use of wood residues is gaining importance due to the large amount generated and improper disposal, which can seriously har... In wood processing, the production of residues is an unavoidable aspect to be considered. The use of wood residues is gaining importance due to the large amount generated and improper disposal, which can seriously harm environment. Burning of wood residues to energy generation is an increasingly usual practice. However, wood residues hold chemical substances that could be recovered before burning. These substances are the wood extractives, which may have many uses as natural dyes for fabrics, foods and cosmetics, as well as potential medicines. Thus, it is of great interest to study the effect of extractive removal on the calorific value of wood residues. In this work, the calorific value of three Brazilian wood species commonly used in sawmills (hymenaeacourbaril, jatoba; cedrelingacatenaeformis, cedroarana; tabebuiasp, ipe) and residues of urban trees pruning (caesalpiniaechinata, Brazil wood) were evaluated before and after extraction in hot water. In woods studied, the calorific value showed three patterns of behavior after removal of extractives soluble in hot water. For Brazil wood, the removal of extractives caused no significant change in calorific value. For cedroarana and jatoba, extractive removal led to a decrease in wood calorific value of 161.3 kcal.kg1 and 40. l kcal.kg^-1, respectively, which indicates that the extractives from these species have a positive energy potential. Finally, for ipe, the removal of extractives resulted in an increase in calorific value of wood (67.6 kcal.kg^-1), which might encourage the recovery of extractives from wood residues before burning for energy generation. 展开更多
关键词 Calorific value EXTRACTIVES wood residues recovery.
作者 卢舒奕 王丹 关晓光 《中医药管理杂志》 2015年第12期39-40,共2页
太极思想是中国传统文化中最具代表性的哲学思想。中医心理学有着深厚的中国传统文化和哲学基础,不可避免地受到太极思想的深刻影响。太极的天人合一、整体、中和、留余等思想对中医心理学产生的深远影响,逐步形成了中医心理学的形神一... 太极思想是中国传统文化中最具代表性的哲学思想。中医心理学有着深厚的中国传统文化和哲学基础,不可避免地受到太极思想的深刻影响。太极的天人合一、整体、中和、留余等思想对中医心理学产生的深远影响,逐步形成了中医心理学的形神一体、以情胜情、留有余地的理论体系和诊疗思想。 展开更多
关键词 太极思想 中医心理学 天人合一 整体 中和 留余
Nitrogen transformations during co-composting of herbal residues,spent mushrooms,and sludge 被引量:4
作者 Dong-lei WU Ping LIU +2 位作者 Yan-zhang LUO Guang-ming TIAN Qaisar MAHMOOD 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第7期497-505,共9页
Sewage sludge composting is an important environmental measure. The reduction of nitrogen loss is a critical aim of compost maturation, and the addition of spent mushrooms (SMs) and herbal residues (HRs) may be helpfu... Sewage sludge composting is an important environmental measure. The reduction of nitrogen loss is a critical aim of compost maturation, and the addition of spent mushrooms (SMs) and herbal residues (HRs) may be helpful. To evaluate the nitrogen transformations during co-composting of sewage sludge, SMs, and HRs, windrows were constructed in a residual processing plant. Dewatered sewage sludge and sawdust were mixed with SMs and HRs at two proportions on a fresh weight basis, 3:1:1 (sewage sludge:sawdust:SMs or HRs) and 3:1:2 (sewage sludge:sawdust:SMs or HRs). The mixture was then composted for 40 d. Changes in the physicochemical charac- teristic of sewage sludge during composting were recorded and analyzed. Addition of SMs and HRs accelerated the temperature rise, mediating a quicker composting maturation time compared to control. The addition also resulted in lower nitrogen losses and higher nitrate nitrogen levels in the compost products. Among the windrows, SM and HR addition improved the nitrogen status. The total nitrogen (TN) and nitrogen losses for SM and HR treatments ranged from 22.45 to 24.99 g/kg and from 10.2% to 22.4% over the control values (18.66-21.57 g/kg and 40.5%-64.2%, respectively). The pile with the highest proportion of SMs (3:1:2 (sewage sludge:sawdust:SMs)) had the highest TN level and the lowest nitrogen loss. The germination index (GI) values for all samples at maturity were above 80%, demonstrating optimal maturity. The addition of SMs and HRs augments sewage composting. 展开更多
关键词 Sewage sludge Spent mushrooms Herb residues Maturity Nitrogen retention Co-compost
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