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混合动力汽车能效优化与控制策略研究 被引量:1
作者 付强 《时代汽车》 2024年第5期94-97,共4页
随着环境问题和能源危机的日益严重,混合动力汽车作为一种节能环保的交通工具,得到了广泛关注。能效优化和控制策略是混合动力汽车研究的重要方向,对于提高汽车性能、降低能耗、减少排放具有重要意义。本文旨在探讨混合动力汽车的能效... 随着环境问题和能源危机的日益严重,混合动力汽车作为一种节能环保的交通工具,得到了广泛关注。能效优化和控制策略是混合动力汽车研究的重要方向,对于提高汽车性能、降低能耗、减少排放具有重要意义。本文旨在探讨混合动力汽车的能效优化和控制策略,以提高汽车的整体性能和燃油经济性。 展开更多
关键词 混合动力汽车 能效优化 控制策 节能环保
社会组织参与困境儿童社会支持网络构建的服务策略研究--以广州市S组织困境儿童服务项目为例 被引量:3
作者 朱媛媛 王兴龙 吴君霞 《社会工作与管理》 2023年第2期18-29,共12页
要妥善回应深化改革过程中困境儿童多元化的需求,须从困境儿童社会支持着手,通过发挥社会组织联动多元主体的作用来筑实困境儿童社会支持网络。研究聚焦S组织困境儿童服务实践策略,分析其回应需求的服务过程,旨在为社会组织参与构建困... 要妥善回应深化改革过程中困境儿童多元化的需求,须从困境儿童社会支持着手,通过发挥社会组织联动多元主体的作用来筑实困境儿童社会支持网络。研究聚焦S组织困境儿童服务实践策略,分析其回应需求的服务过程,旨在为社会组织参与构建困境儿童支持网络提供实务参考。研究发现,S组织在开展困境儿童服务时能够充分发挥枢纽平台优势,在一定程度上促进了儿童主体发展和多元主体参与,但组织存在建设局限性、服务内容与形式创新不足、服务不够规范、机制缺失等方面的问题。推动儿童福利事业发展的关键在于要坚持政府主导的公共服务供给格局,拓宽社会参与渠道和门槛,整合跨界创新力量,动员多元主体在困境儿童服务中积极投入服务和资源,强化其社会支持网络。 展开更多
关键词 社会组织 困境儿童 社会支持 网络
作者 王荣华 《传奇故事》 2023年第9期75-76,共2页
近些年来,企业在社会市场当中发展的非常的迅速,无论是发展自身的经济,还是带动我国社会经济的不断发展,都起到了非常重要的作用,而在企业当中,人力资源管理部门可以算作是一个企业发展的命脉所在,人力资源管理部门直接关系着一个企业... 近些年来,企业在社会市场当中发展的非常的迅速,无论是发展自身的经济,还是带动我国社会经济的不断发展,都起到了非常重要的作用,而在企业当中,人力资源管理部门可以算作是一个企业发展的命脉所在,人力资源管理部门直接关系着一个企业在发展过程当中是否具备着充足的后备军,以及企业在发展的过程当中能否应对复杂的市场变化,是否拥有着强烈的生命力。人力资源管理一旦出现了问题,不但会影响企业在日常生活当中的经营以及生产,同时也会导致计划经济体制受到非常严重的影响以及限制。 展开更多
关键词 人力资源 存在问题 略研究
作者 白茂燕 《好家长(创新教育)》 2019年第4期0162-0162,共1页
随着国家教育改革的稳步推进,小学英语教学也迎 来了更大的发展空间和发展机会,广大英语教师应当仅仅 抓住改革的契机,大力倡导并执行新课标内容政策,在小学 英语教学过程中,积极改变原有的教学心态和教学思维,积 极搭建有效的情... 随着国家教育改革的稳步推进,小学英语教学也迎 来了更大的发展空间和发展机会,广大英语教师应当仅仅 抓住改革的契机,大力倡导并执行新课标内容政策,在小学 英语教学过程中,积极改变原有的教学心态和教学思维,积 极搭建有效的情境,以激活小学生的学习乐趣,努力研究出 多种多样的情境创设方法,促进小学英语课堂教学的稳步发 展,为提升小学生整体英文水平而努力。 展开更多
关键词 小学中年段 语课堂 境创设 略研究
作者 朱宏才 《攀登(哲学社会科学版)》 2021年第4期117-124,共8页
在关注国内包括大陆和港台学者已有研究的基础上,梳理国外相关研究,主要目的是尽可能全面总结"春秋决狱"的学术成果,为深入研究做好学术铺垫。国外研究方面,已知日本学者、美国学者和欧洲学者有相关学术成果,而且问题意识比... 在关注国内包括大陆和港台学者已有研究的基础上,梳理国外相关研究,主要目的是尽可能全面总结"春秋决狱"的学术成果,为深入研究做好学术铺垫。国外研究方面,已知日本学者、美国学者和欧洲学者有相关学术成果,而且问题意识比较明确,可以扩大我们的学术思考空间。尤其日本学者的相关学术见解,更应该引起我们的关注。 展开更多
关键词 “春秋决狱” 研究 日本 美国 欧洲
Research Plan on the Strategic Development of High-value Eco-agriculture in the Middle-lower Reaches of Yangtze River 被引量:3
作者 戴天放 温小华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第12期1975-1978,共4页
At present,high-value eco-agriculture research in China is till limited and controversial,theoretical innovation and practices on eco-agriculture should be conducted.The key problems which should be solved urgently on... At present,high-value eco-agriculture research in China is till limited and controversial,theoretical innovation and practices on eco-agriculture should be conducted.The key problems which should be solved urgently on the development of high-value eco-agriculture in the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River now including:the connotation and characteristics of high-value eco-agriculture,the construction of high-value eco-agriculture system and the policies of the development of high-value eco-agriculture.Therefore,the strategic development research on high-value eco-agriculture mainly includes the following aspects:development of agriculture modernization and theory and practices of eco-economics;theory of high-value eco-agriculture;practice of high-value eco-agriculture in the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River;construction of high-value eco-agriculture in the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River;development strategy and system innovation of high-value eco-agriculture in the lower and medium reaches of Yangtze River. 展开更多
关键词 High-value eco-agriculture Development strategy Research plan
作者 杜海霞 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期138-144,共7页
乔治·爱略特研究已经走过了一百多年的历史,21世纪以来更是出现了百花齐放、与时俱进的新景象,总体来说新世纪西方学界对爱略特的研究呈现出了以下几个特征:传记批评风采依旧﹑文论视野下的阐释呈现多元化的特征﹑跨学科和影响研... 乔治·爱略特研究已经走过了一百多年的历史,21世纪以来更是出现了百花齐放、与时俱进的新景象,总体来说新世纪西方学界对爱略特的研究呈现出了以下几个特征:传记批评风采依旧﹑文论视野下的阐释呈现多元化的特征﹑跨学科和影响研究异军突起﹑诗歌研究奋起直追。笔者希望通过对新世纪以来西方爱略特研究成果的梳理,总结其规律和不足,为今后国内爱略特研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 乔治·爱 研究 21世纪
作者 王存 《传奇故事》 2023年第19期27-28,共2页
在初中物理教学中,不仅要让学生掌握理论基础和做题技巧,更要提高学生的探索意识和实践能力,让学生在探索物理现象中总结实验规律,增加学习物理的积极性。但是,目前初中物理实验教学还存在一些问题,比如教学手段单一、教学理念片面、忽... 在初中物理教学中,不仅要让学生掌握理论基础和做题技巧,更要提高学生的探索意识和实践能力,让学生在探索物理现象中总结实验规律,增加学习物理的积极性。但是,目前初中物理实验教学还存在一些问题,比如教学手段单一、教学理念片面、忽视学生地位等等。因此,为有效解决上述问题,初中物理教师应该重视实验教学,探索多样性、趣味性、灵活性的教学方式,推动学生的物理核心素养的发展与进步。 展开更多
关键词 初中物理 实验教学 略研究
作者 朱金萍 《中国科技经济新闻数据库 教育》 2021年第11期185-186,共2页
高中生已经有了比较强的自主思考能力,不过,很多时候因为他们在初中积累的英语知识不够丰富,所以在应对英语学习问题时就会不够灵活,进行英语阅读以及写作时还常常会混淆词汇,句式比较混乱,对于他们的英语成绩的提升会产生很大的影响。... 高中生已经有了比较强的自主思考能力,不过,很多时候因为他们在初中积累的英语知识不够丰富,所以在应对英语学习问题时就会不够灵活,进行英语阅读以及写作时还常常会混淆词汇,句式比较混乱,对于他们的英语成绩的提升会产生很大的影响。高中英语教学的内容是很复杂的,需要掌握很多的词汇,学生很难有比较充足的时间去记忆。所以说,教师必须要教会学生高效的记忆方法,强化他们的记忆,这样才能为学生提高英语成绩提供保障。 展开更多
关键词 高中英语 词汇教学 问题分析 略研究
Programmed Cell Death in Plants--- A New Emerging Research Field 被引量:1
作者 宁顺彬 王玲 宋运淳 《Developmental and Reproductive Biology》 1999年第2期71-100,共30页
There is increasing evidence shows that programmed cell death (PCD) can occur underphysiological, pathological or stress conditions in plants. The present review describes themorphological and biochemical characterist... There is increasing evidence shows that programmed cell death (PCD) can occur underphysiological, pathological or stress conditions in plants. The present review describes themorphological and biochemical characteristics, physiological functions, and the research significance ofplant PCD in detail as well as makes comparison betWeen these aspects with those in animals. Inaddition, this paper is also making exploration of the possible pathway for signal transduction, geneticregulation of plant PCD, origin and evolution of PCD and proposes a tactic for research on plant PCDalthough it is still in a preliminary stage.Compared to PCD in animals, PCD in plants under various conditions has revealed much greaterdifference in morphological and biochemical characteristics, which presents different essence far fromthe definition of apoptosis of animals. Nevertheless, no inflammation, specific fragmentation of DNAand rise of the activities of endonuclease and protease in plant PCD are still typical hallmarks fordistinguishing PCD from necrosis. On view of molecular level, as in animals, PCD in plants is alsoregulated by specific genes and involves signal transduction pathway with the involvement of a varietyof signal molecules.The physiological functions of plant PCD are similar to those in animals too. In the importantphysiological and pathological processes in plants, i.e., during reproduction, development, growth,senescenced disease-resistance, and stress-resistance against adverse circumstance conditions, PCDtakes on functions as important as proliferation throughout the whole life cycle of living organisms.Obviously, the research on PCD in plants is of vital importance that should not be ignored either intheory or in agricultural production.At present, the research on PCD in plants is focusing on collecting morphological and biochemicalevidences. But many molecules of initiation signal participating in plant PCD have been identified andseveral genes directly related to this process were isolated, which provide useful enlightenment forillustrating signal transduction pathway of PCD. Moreover, some conserved signal molecules andregulating genes were found in plant PCD, and caspase-like proteases have been detected in HR celldeath as well as in development-associated PCD. These data provide strong evidence at molecular levelfor conservation and the origin and evolution of PCD.1 The authors want to extend the sincerely thanks to Prof. Michele C. Heath (University of Toronto, Canada),Prof. Niroo Fukuda (University of Tokyo, Japan), Prof. Duran L. Nooden (University of Michigan, USA),Prof. Chris Lamb (Salk institute, California), Prof. Sarah Hake (Agricultural Research Service, USA), Prof.David L. Vaux (The Walter and Eliza Hall insititue of Medical Research, Post Office Royal MelbourneHospital, Australia), Associate Prof. Jeffrey L. Dangl (University of North Carolina, USA), Associate Prof.Eric Lain (The State University of New Jersey, USA), Dr. Maki Katsuhara (Okayama University, Japan),Prof. Sarah Hake (AgricultUral Research Service, USA), Dr. Peter P. Repetti (University of California,USA), Da Blazena Koukalova (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CZ), Dr. Iona Weir(Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand, New Zealand), Dr. Thorsten Jabs (Institute forBiology III, Germany), Dr. Hong Wang (University of California, USA) and Dr. Patrick Gallois (Universityof Perpignan, France) for their kind providing their personal latest data of their research concerned andoffering academic exchanges with us.This project is granted by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 39870423) and by StateCommission of Education, Doctorate Spot Foundation.Author for correspondence. E-mail: ycsong@whu.edu.cn.Evidences in various aspects indicate that PCD origins from prokaryote, and various forms of PCD arefound along the phylogenic tree.Conclusion: A variety of endogenous and exogenous signals can break the homeostasis within plantbody and result in differentiation, proliferation, quiescence, or death of cell at length 展开更多
关键词 PLANTS programmed cell death morphological and biochemical features
Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation in Australia:Strategy and Research Developments 被引量:2
作者 Trevor H.BOOTH 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2012年第1期12-21,共10页
Many countries are developing national strategies and action plans aimed at minimising the negative impacts of climate change on biodiversity.The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview not only of strate... Many countries are developing national strategies and action plans aimed at minimising the negative impacts of climate change on biodiversity.The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief overview not only of strategies and plans that have been developed in Australia,but also of research that has been carried out in Australia by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation(CSIRO) Climate Adaptation Flagship to assist the development of future strategies and plans.Major points are summarised from key policy documents such as the National Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan 2004-2007,and Australia's Biodiversity Conservation Strategy 2010-2030,as well as the 2009 report on "Australia's Biodiversity and Climate Change".Within the first three years of its existence,the Natural Ecosystems theme in CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship has carried out studies analysing impacts and identifying potential adaptations across the whole of Australia's vast terrestrial and marine environments.Techniques used in these studies could be applied easily in other countries and could assist the development of more effective national strategies and adaptation action plans for the conservation of biodiversity under climate change. 展开更多
关键词 BIODIVERSITY climate change ADAPTATION STRATEGY action plan
Does Innovation Drive Sustainable Competitive Advantages?
作者 Fawzy Soliman 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第1期130-143,共14页
This paper examines the critical role of innovations as a driver for sustainable competitive advantages. A quadruple model of global strategy is introduced. The model is based on the introduction of an innovation-base... This paper examines the critical role of innovations as a driver for sustainable competitive advantages. A quadruple model of global strategy is introduced. The model is based on the introduction of an innovation-based perspective of strategy. This is in addition to the other three but well-known perspectives of global strategy (industry-based, resource-based, and institution-based views). Thus, the four perspectives of strategy could lead a complete set of factors that need to be analyzed for the formulation of global strategy. The model could assist organizations in sustaining their competitive advantages. It is proposed that the introduction of the innovation-based view represents the fourth perspective of a strategy quadruple, thus overcoming a long-standing criticism, namely, the global strategy may lack adequate attention to innovation in developing a firms' global competitive strategies. This paper presents a set of four hypotheses. When tested, these hypotheses could result in a better understanding of the link between the innovation and the global strategy domain. Furthermore, the quadruple model could be useful in understanding the relationship between innovativeness and business performance. It is anticipated that this paper could assist researchers, business management, and analysts in developing global innovation strategies. 展开更多
关键词 strategy INNOVATIVENESS product innovativeness firm innovativeness industry innovativeness market innovativeness competitive advantages
The Training and Culture Strategies in the CIMS Subject of China 863 Program(1986-2000)
作者 赵新力 Zhang Chao 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2003年第2期68-71,共4页
Manpower is a key factor for the success of the CIMS Subject of China 863 Program. Many manpower strategies have been used in the CIMS Subject, which include elite strategies, training and practicing strategies, and c... Manpower is a key factor for the success of the CIMS Subject of China 863 Program. Many manpower strategies have been used in the CIMS Subject, which include elite strategies, training and practicing strategies, and culture strategies. This paper is mainly about the training and culture strategies such as to pay attention to the training and the practice of the technical team, and to form a fine CIMS culture. 展开更多
Research on the Sustainable Development of Chinese Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises-Con-struction and Application of R&D Strategic Alliance 被引量:1
作者 Zhang Ying Zhang Xin 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第4期71-75,共5页
R &D strategic alliance is important for enterprises' sustainable development and it is a worth research for us. This paper firstly analyzes the condition and situation of tho small and medium-sized enterprises' st... R &D strategic alliance is important for enterprises' sustainable development and it is a worth research for us. This paper firstly analyzes the condition and situation of tho small and medium-sized enterprises' strategic alliance. Then it points out that the small and medium-sized enterprises should choose a sttieable alliance organization, ally themselves with big enterprises, strive for the support of the government, and develop their technology through technology unions. Finally, it suggests that the government should create better innovation environment for R&D strategic, alliance. A new way is also put forward for the applicotion and foundation of the small and medium-sized enterprises ' R&D ,strategic alliance in China. It is also helpful for the sustainable development of small and medium-sized enterprises. 展开更多
关键词 techoological innovatian R&D strategic alliance small and medium-sized enterprises
Empirical study on factors motivating business students to move to the entrepreneurial sector
作者 Arasu Raman Ali Khatibi 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第7期58-63,共6页
This exploratory study is attempting to examine how employable individuals turn their focus to start-ups. Today, majority of employees still practice a more or less self-protective strategy. In this paper the authors ... This exploratory study is attempting to examine how employable individuals turn their focus to start-ups. Today, majority of employees still practice a more or less self-protective strategy. In this paper the authors have reported the results of an empirical study of factors motivating degreed potential employees to move to self-enterprising. The deciding factors to become an entrepreneur and of sustainable employment-oriented factors are analyzed in order to discover how they differ. Participants consisted of 200 students from Malaysia entered final year of business undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Self-administered questionnaires were used to gather data on factors and types of relationships influencing career choice and entrepreneurial intention. The results will serve as a basis for improvement of employment practices and promising entrepreneurial curriculum in universities to support start-ups in creating sustainable businesses. 展开更多
关键词 entrepreneurial option career development planning job switching motivation
Empirical Studies on L2 Communication Strategies over Four Decades:Looking Back and Ahead 被引量:3
作者 郭继东 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2011年第4期89-106,128,共19页
Studies on communication strategies (CSs) have been carried out for nearly four decades and have contributed a lot to the development of such fields as applied linguistics and second language acquisition, but they a... Studies on communication strategies (CSs) have been carried out for nearly four decades and have contributed a lot to the development of such fields as applied linguistics and second language acquisition, but they are still inadequate and there remain controversies over certain issues. Thus, more systematic and rigorous studies are needed to check or confirm the findings of some studies and further CS research from newer and broader perspectives. This paper mainly reviews the existing empirical studies from different perspectives: CS classifications and research methods, factors affecting the choices of CSs, teachablity and teaching of CSs, and effectiveness of CSs. It is aimed to provide a clear picture of research on L2 CSs and offer some suggestions for further research. 展开更多
关键词 communication strategies empirical studies CLASSIFICATIONS LIMITATIONS suggestions
A Case Study of the English Teachers' Burnout in a Medical University in China 被引量:2
作者 李顺英 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2015年第2期234-245,247,共13页
Many College English teachers complain about work stress. To learn about the actual burnout situation and to seek intervention, a questionnaire survey and written interviews were conducted in a medical university in C... Many College English teachers complain about work stress. To learn about the actual burnout situation and to seek intervention, a questionnaire survey and written interviews were conducted in a medical university in China. The results of the survey suggest that 29.73% of the participants experienced burnout. No significant differences were found in the aspects of the gender and educational background. However, older teachers experienced significantly more intense reduced personal accomplishment while more-experienced teachers reported significantly more intense depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. Similarly, participants with higher professional titles experienced much more intense depersonalization. Meanwhile, the results of the interviews indicate four causes of burnout: factors related to the job, students, management and teacher development. Internal and external moderations are categorized as the burnout reducers. As for intervention, teachers and the organization should work together to reduce the burnout syndrome. 展开更多
关键词 College English teachers' burnout causes of burnout burnout reducers INTERVENTION case study
作者 孔京京 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2006年第2期3-9,127,共8页
This paper, through tape-recording students' conversations with native speakers, makes an attempt to examine the use of CSs by Chinese non-English major students at postgraduate level. The results show that the st... This paper, through tape-recording students' conversations with native speakers, makes an attempt to examine the use of CSs by Chinese non-English major students at postgraduate level. The results show that the students are not competent in using CSs, which is easily seen in their heavy reliance on the L1-based strategies and appeal for assistance strategy rather than the more efficient and effective L2-based strategies. Inexperienced in oral communication and unaware of CSs, the students in general need awareness training in the use of CSs. Suggestions are then given as to how to conduct the training in terms of form, procedure and materials. 展开更多
关键词 communication strategies postgraduate students of non-English majors communication strategy training
A review of heavy-duty legged robots 被引量:19
作者 ZHUANG HongChao GAO HaiBo +2 位作者 DENG ZongQuan DING Liang LIU Zhen 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第2期298-314,共17页
Heavy-duty legged robots have been regarded as one of the important developments in the field of legged robots because of their high payload-total mass ratio,terrain adaptability,and multitasking.The problems associat... Heavy-duty legged robots have been regarded as one of the important developments in the field of legged robots because of their high payload-total mass ratio,terrain adaptability,and multitasking.The problems associated with the development and use of heavy-duty legged robots have motivated researchers to conduct many important studies,covering topics related to the mechanical structure,force distribution,control strategy,energy efficiency,etc.Overall,heavy-duty legged robots have three main characteristics:greater body masses,larger body sizes,and higher payload-total mass ratios.Thus,various heavy-duty legged robots and their performances are reviewed here.This review presents the current developments with regard to heavy-duty legged robots.Also,the main characteristics of high-performance heavy-duty legged robots are determined and conclusions are drawn.Furthermore,the current research of key techniques of heavy-duty legged robots,including the mechanical structure,force distribution,control method,and power source,is described.To assess the transportation capacity of heavy-duty legged robots,performance evaluation parameters are proposed.Finally,problems that need further research are addressed. 展开更多
关键词 heavy-duty legged robot mechanical structure force distribution control method power source
China's National Identity in Transition: Domestic and International Perspectives(1982-2012)
作者 门洪华 Li Cunna 《Social Sciences in China》 2014年第2期189-207,共19页
In the era of globalization, China's national identity is in close interaction with ethno- cultural and cultural identity, and is facing great challenges and is under pressure to reshape itself. An in-depth analysis ... In the era of globalization, China's national identity is in close interaction with ethno- cultural and cultural identity, and is facing great challenges and is under pressure to reshape itself. An in-depth analysis of the Chinese national identity in its institutional, economic, cultural, political and strategic dimensions from both domestic and international perspectives can help us grasp the transition that has taken place in China's national identity since 1978. In order to strengthen China's national identity by building domestic consensus and increasing international recognition, China needs to further foster its civic consciousness, increase its soft power, enhance the ties between its national, regional and global identities and actively assume the role of a bridge between the developing and the developed countries. 展开更多
关键词 China national identity GLOBALIZATION strategic studies
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