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果蔗疏植高产栽培技术 被引量:2
作者 邓光道 《现代农业科技》 2017年第21期87-88,共2页
关键词 果蔗 疏植 高产 栽培技术
基于圆柱凸轮的株距可调式取苗末端执行器设计与试验 被引量:10
作者 崔永杰 卫咏哲 +3 位作者 丁辛亭 崔功佩 何智 王明辉 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第1期104-114,122,共12页
穴盘苗疏植移栽是设施农业育苗的关键步骤,可为幼苗提供优良的生长环境,实现增产增收。针对疏植移栽环节中,可调株距设备自动化程度低,人工作业效率低下,易损苗伤苗等问题,本文设计了一种基于圆柱凸轮的株距可调式取苗末端执行器,可实... 穴盘苗疏植移栽是设施农业育苗的关键步骤,可为幼苗提供优良的生长环境,实现增产增收。针对疏植移栽环节中,可调株距设备自动化程度低,人工作业效率低下,易损苗伤苗等问题,本文设计了一种基于圆柱凸轮的株距可调式取苗末端执行器,可实现不同株距之间的疏植移栽作业。首先,对末端执行器整体结构进行设计,确定其工作原理;其次,通过理论分析确定圆柱凸轮与取苗手指各关键参数,并分析其作业状态下受力情况;然后,利用EDEM与Recur Dyn建立苗钵根土复合模型,进行耦合仿真单因素模拟试验,确定后续正交试验因素范围;最后,搭建了穴盘幼苗疏植移栽试验平台,以取苗针夹角、入土角、取苗针间距和变距速度为试验因素,以苗钵最大形变量和移栽成功率为试验指标,进行正交试验。在最优参数组合为取苗针夹角10°、入土角4°、取苗针间距8 mm、变距速度5 mm/s下,选取128穴至72穴与72穴至50穴两种疏植移栽要求进行验证试验,移栽后128穴钵体形变量平均值为(1.13±0.68)mm,72穴钵体形变量平均值为(1.51±0.64)mm。总移栽成功率为93.33%,整机移栽效率为22株/min,满足不同穴盘规格疏植作业需求,适用性强。 展开更多
关键词 穴盘苗 疏植移栽 末端执行器 圆柱凸轮 耦合仿真
多肉植物自动移栽机末端执行器设计与试验 被引量:4
作者 叶海平 《南方农机》 2022年第10期58-60,共3页
现有多肉植物种植基地主要采用穴盘苗种植,针对所采用的自动移栽机无法满足自动移栽机实现多肉植物的疏植移栽和移栽效率低的问题,笔者设计了一种基于气压传动的可调取苗末端执行器,该装置根据气缸活塞的上下运动,带动连杆和滑块运动,... 现有多肉植物种植基地主要采用穴盘苗种植,针对所采用的自动移栽机无法满足自动移栽机实现多肉植物的疏植移栽和移栽效率低的问题,笔者设计了一种基于气压传动的可调取苗末端执行器,该装置根据气缸活塞的上下运动,带动连杆和滑块运动,从而实现灵活调节取苗针间隙,满足穴盘苗疏植移栽作业要求。并根据穴盘苗的疏植移栽技术要求,确定末端执行器的功能要求,设计出末端执行器。以方形穴盘边长6.5 mm、10 mm和15 mm三种规格多肉植物穴盘所育钵苗为试验对象进行试机试验,试验结果表明,多肉植物自动移栽机移栽成功率在94%以上,移栽的成活率在90.56%以上,末端执行器可满足不同穴盘规格疏植作业需求,适用性强。 展开更多
关键词 穴盘苗 疏植移栽 末端执行器 多肉植物
4种花灌木乔木化育苗技术研究 被引量:2
作者 黎可华 李志东 +1 位作者 陆尚智 梁锦钧 《广东园林》 2011年第1期61-65,共5页
为了摸索如何把花灌木育成树状小乔木的育苗技术,选择了园林常见多花的扶桑、红花夹竹桃、黄花夹竹桃、紫薇等4个树种,采用保留单一中轴主枝,并按主枝全苗、主枝中截和主枝截顶三个处理方法,通过头年密植育干,第二年疏植养干,第三年储... 为了摸索如何把花灌木育成树状小乔木的育苗技术,选择了园林常见多花的扶桑、红花夹竹桃、黄花夹竹桃、紫薇等4个树种,采用保留单一中轴主枝,并按主枝全苗、主枝中截和主枝截顶三个处理方法,通过头年密植育干,第二年疏植养干,第三年储冠的育苗技术,育成了树状小乔木,改进了育苗期整形修剪技术,进一步提高了园林观赏效果。 展开更多
关键词 花灌木 乔木化 密植育干 疏植养干储冠 整形修剪 广东园林
Vegetation and Community Changes of Elm (Ulmus pumila) Woodlands in Northeastern China in 1983-2011 被引量:1
作者 LIU Li WANG He +1 位作者 LIN Changcun WANG Deli 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期321-330,共10页
Elm (Ulmus pumila), widely distributed in the north temperate zone, contributes to a special savanna-like woodland in typical grassland region in the northeastern China. This woodland performs a variety of ecologica... Elm (Ulmus pumila), widely distributed in the north temperate zone, contributes to a special savanna-like woodland in typical grassland region in the northeastern China. This woodland performs a variety of ecological functions and environmental signifi- cance, such as decreasing soil erosion, stabilizing sand dunes, preserving species diversity. However, in the last approximate 30 years, the species composition, productivity and distribution area of elm woodland has decreased severely. A series of studies have been carried out to find out whether the climate changes or human disturbances caused the degradation of elm woodland and how these factors af- fected elm woodland. In this study, undisturbed, plowing and grazing elm woodland were investigated in 1983 and 2011 by using Point-Centered Quarter method. The relationship between vegetation changes and environmental factors was analyzed by Bray-Curtis ordination. The results show that in 2011, species diversity and understory productivity of undisturbed elm woodland decrease slightly compared to those of undisturbed elm woodland in 1983. However, nearly 60% of the species is lost in the plowing and grazing elm woodland relative to the species undisturbed elm woodland in 1983. Interestingly, plowing stimulates the growth of elm and certain understory species through furrowing soil and accelerating soil nutrient turnover rate. Grazing disturbance not only leads to species loss and productivity decrease, but also induces changes in elm growth (small, short and twisted). The mean age of the elm was 29 -4- 2 yr in undisturbed and plowing elm woodland, while only 15 yr in the grazing elm woodland. The results of Bray-Curtis ordination analysis show that all sample stands clustered to three groups: Group I including the undisturbed sample stands of 83UE (undisturbed elm wood- land in 1983) and l lUE (undisturbed elm woodland in 2011); Group II including sample stands of PE (elm woodland disturbed by plowing); Group III including samples stands of GE (elm woodland disturbed by grazing). The results indicate that the long time distur- bance of the plowing and grazing have converted elm woodland to different community types. Climate change is not the primary reason causing the degradation of elm woodland, but plowing and grazing disturbance. Both plowing and grazing decrease the vegetation composition and species diversity. Grazing further decreases vegetation productivity and inhibits the growth of elm tree. Therefore, we suggest that reasonable plowing and exclusive grazing would be favorable for future regeneration of degraded elm woodland. 展开更多
关键词 Elm (Ulmus pumila) woodland species diversity plant distribution Bray-Curtis ordination
日本江户农书《农业自得》中的特色稻作技术考察 被引量:4
作者 叶磊 曾博涵 惠富平 《中国农史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期117-126,共10页
日本江户农书《农业自得》中的稻作技术是在封建制时代背景下提出的,以"稀播,长育,疏植,少本栽插"为核心,以"深耕防茂,干鰯肥田,切根减耗,适时排灌"等措施为配套的,极富科学性的特色水稻栽培技术。这一技术的创立... 日本江户农书《农业自得》中的稻作技术是在封建制时代背景下提出的,以"稀播,长育,疏植,少本栽插"为核心,以"深耕防茂,干鰯肥田,切根减耗,适时排灌"等措施为配套的,极富科学性的特色水稻栽培技术。这一技术的创立不仅纠正了过去暖地稻作"密播密植"的通行做法,同时也改变了稻作单纯依靠主茎出穗的栽培历史,从而实现了包括水稻在内的多种分蘖性粮食作物的稳产高产。"稀播疏植"技术的诞生和实施,标志着近代日本实验农学的萌芽,其技术内容对于发展现代暖地稻作农业依然具有十分重要的借鉴作用。 展开更多
关键词 近世日本 稀播疏植 稻作技术 农业自得
近世日本传统暖地稻作技术研究:兼与清代中国的比较 被引量:1
作者 叶磊 《中国农史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期22-31,共10页
近世日本的传统暖地稻作技术(1)是为应对暖地气候条件及土壤环境而诞生的一种特色水稻栽培方法。其中,"稀播疏植"核心技术的实施有效缓解了暖地气候所带来的秧苗徒长、过繁茂化等问题;合理排灌、高肥栽培、综合防治等配套技... 近世日本的传统暖地稻作技术(1)是为应对暖地气候条件及土壤环境而诞生的一种特色水稻栽培方法。其中,"稀播疏植"核心技术的实施有效缓解了暖地气候所带来的秧苗徒长、过繁茂化等问题;合理排灌、高肥栽培、综合防治等配套技术的应用有效确保了稻田的水肥供给和虫害防治的效果;而暗渠排水、干鰯肥田、鲸鱼油防虫等措施则极具日本地方特色。从技术的实施效果来看,传统暖地稻作技术实现了水稻的稳定高产和瘦田增收,对于当代农业生产依然具有十分重要的生态价值和借鉴意义。通过与同时期清代中国的比较发现,日中两国在水稻用种、插秧规格、稻田灌溉等方面的做法较为相似,即两国都主张通过"稀播疏植,精细管理"的方式来发展稻作生产。基于比较结论和种种史实,我们推测日本这一技术的形成在很大程度上应是受到清代中国的影响。 展开更多
关键词 近世日本 暖地稻作 稀播疏植 清代中国
Remote sensing based monitoring of interannual variations in vegetation activity in China from 1982 to 2009 被引量:8
作者 LI Fei ZENG Yuan +2 位作者 LI XiaoSong ZHAO QianJun WU BingFang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期1800-1806,共7页
Terrestrial vegetation is one of the most important components of the Earth's land surface. Variations in terrestrial vegetation directly impact the Earth system's balance of material and energy. This paper de... Terrestrial vegetation is one of the most important components of the Earth's land surface. Variations in terrestrial vegetation directly impact the Earth system's balance of material and energy. This paper describes detected variations in vegetation activity at a national scale for China based on nearly 30 years of remote sensing data derived from NOAA/AVHRR(1982–2006) and MODIS(2001–2009). Vegetation activity is analyzed for four regions covering agriculture, forests, grasslands, and China's Northwest region with sparse vegetation cover(including regions without vegetation). Relationships between variations in vegetation activity and climate change as well as agricultural production are also explored. The results show that vegetation activity has generally increased across large areas, especially during the most recent decade. The variations in vegetation activity have been driven primarily by human factors, especially in the southern forest region and the Northwest region with sparse vegetation cover. The results further show that the variations in vegetation activity have influenced agricultural production, but with a certain time lag. 展开更多
关键词 vegetation activities AVHRR MODIS NDVI China
Deposition of Nutrients From Harmattan Dust in Ghana, West Africa
作者 Henrik BREUNING-MADSEN Theodore Wola AWADZI Gry LYNGSIE 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期613-621,共9页
In order to measure dust's nutrient input on farmland in different agro-ecological zones, Harmattan dust was sampled by mats with plastic straw in Ghana between 2002–2006. The inputs of total nutrients by Harmatt... In order to measure dust's nutrient input on farmland in different agro-ecological zones, Harmattan dust was sampled by mats with plastic straw in Ghana between 2002–2006. The inputs of total nutrients by Harmattan dust in Ghana per Harmattan period were about 1–2 kg Ca ha-1, 0.5–2 kg K ha-1, 0.5–1.5 kg Mg ha-1and less than 0.5 kg P ha-1. Compared with the annual input of nutrients by precipitation, the dust accounted for 10% or less of Ca, Mg and K but approximately 20%–40% of P. The input of nutrients by dust was only valid for areas with vegetation, because in areas with none or sparse vegetation, loss of soil due to wind erosion and hereby loss of nutrients might be significant. In farmland areas with bare and vegetated fields there seemed to be an internal redistribution of the nutrients and not a net gain of nutrients from outside the area(long-range transported dust). The input of P by dust might be of some importance in the traditional shifting cultivation systems, while the inputs of other three nutrients of Ca, Mg and K were so low that they must be considered insignificant. In the intensive agriculture systems with huge inputs of manures and fertilizers the nutrient input by dust is insignificant and could be neglected. 展开更多
关键词 deposition rate dust deposition input of nutrient long-range transported dust nutrient concentration traditionalagricultural system
Implant-induced microdamage in osteoporotic bone
作者 YU Zhi-feng TANG Ting-ting QIU Shi-jing 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2012年第2期113-117,共5页
With the increase of elderly population, more and more implant operations need to be performed in osteoporotic bone, while different forms of microdamage will be produced in peri-implant bone intraoperatively, includi... With the increase of elderly population, more and more implant operations need to be performed in osteoporotic bone, while different forms of microdamage will be produced in peri-implant bone intraoperatively, including high- and low-density diffuse damages, as well as linear cracks. The length and location of the microcracks are the main factors in affecting the biomechanical performance of bone. Suppression of bone remodeling by bisphosphonates may lead to microdamage accumulation, which is often accompanied with the decrease of bonestrength and the increase of bone fragility. Microdamage can be repaired by bone remodeling or mineralization to maintain the strength and structural integrity. Both remodeling and mineralization can affect the bone quality and long-term implant stability, In this paper, we make a brief summary of some important issues and research progresses in this field. 展开更多
关键词 Osteoporosis postmenopausal Boneremodeling Aged
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