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鸡新城疫活疫苗种毒HB1株和F株保存期试验 被引量:1
作者 吴涛 毛娅卿 +2 位作者 王嘉 王哲 蒋桃珍 《中国兽药杂志》 2011年第6期13-15,共3页
对不同保存年代的鸡新城疫活疫苗种毒HB1株(Ⅱ系)和F株(Ⅲ系)各3批进行了病毒含量测定和免疫原性试验。3批不同保存年代的鸡新城疫病毒HB1株和F株病毒含量均≥108.4EID50/0.1 mL,最小免疫量均≤2500 EID50。结果表明,鸡新城疫病毒HB1株... 对不同保存年代的鸡新城疫活疫苗种毒HB1株(Ⅱ系)和F株(Ⅲ系)各3批进行了病毒含量测定和免疫原性试验。3批不同保存年代的鸡新城疫病毒HB1株和F株病毒含量均≥108.4EID50/0.1 mL,最小免疫量均≤2500 EID50。结果表明,鸡新城疫病毒HB1株和F株毒种在-70℃分别保存16年和19年,病毒含量和免疫原性仍符合《中华人民共和国兽用生物制品规程》(二〇〇〇年版)规定。 展开更多
关键词 鸡新城疫活疫苗种毒 保存期 含量 免疫原性
作者 李成 李六金 阎庆润 《中国兽药杂志》 北大核心 1995年第4期34-36,共3页
应用电镜技术对犬五联疫苗种毒的检查李成(中国农科院哈尔滨兽医研究所哈尔滨,150001)李六金,阎庆润(中国人民解放军第四军医大学,西安)(辽宁省营口市兽医站,营口)犬五联疫苗种毒包括犬瘟热病毒、犬细小病毒、犬腺病毒... 应用电镜技术对犬五联疫苗种毒的检查李成(中国农科院哈尔滨兽医研究所哈尔滨,150001)李六金,阎庆润(中国人民解放军第四军医大学,西安)(辽宁省营口市兽医站,营口)犬五联疫苗种毒包括犬瘟热病毒、犬细小病毒、犬腺病毒、犬副流感病毒、狂犬病病毒。犬瘟热... 展开更多
关键词 五联疫苗种毒 检查 电镜
作者 李成 《中国兽药杂志》 北大核心 1995年第3期31-35,共5页
电镜技术对动物病毒性疫苗种毒的监测李成(中国农业科学院哈尔滨兽医研究所哈尔滨,15000)根据"兽用新生物制品管理办法"的规定,对病毒性疫苗毒种标准要求,在毒种中不应有支原体和外源性病毒。关于对这些非目的毒的检出,作... 电镜技术对动物病毒性疫苗种毒的监测李成(中国农业科学院哈尔滨兽医研究所哈尔滨,15000)根据"兽用新生物制品管理办法"的规定,对病毒性疫苗毒种标准要求,在毒种中不应有支原体和外源性病毒。关于对这些非目的毒的检出,作者认为应用电镜技术是较好的方法。该... 展开更多
关键词 动物 疫苗种毒 电镜 监测
一株1型非洲马瘟疫苗毒种的初步鉴定 被引量:1
作者 王静文 张敏 +6 位作者 宋亚芬 张兵 张桂铭 王磊 苗清新 陈玲 杨承槐 《中国兽药杂志》 2022年第6期9-14,共6页
为做好非洲马瘟疫苗的储备性研究,以更好应对我国周边地区非洲马瘟疫情传入风险,对中国兽医微生物菌种保藏管理中心的一株1型非洲马瘟病毒鼠脑组织毒进行了复壮和细胞适应性培养,并对其病毒含量、特异性、对小鼠毒力等进行测定。结果显... 为做好非洲马瘟疫苗的储备性研究,以更好应对我国周边地区非洲马瘟疫情传入风险,对中国兽医微生物菌种保藏管理中心的一株1型非洲马瘟病毒鼠脑组织毒进行了复壮和细胞适应性培养,并对其病毒含量、特异性、对小鼠毒力等进行测定。结果显示,该毒种在Vero细胞连续传代至F10代后病变产生明显,病毒含量可稳定在10^(6.5) TCID_(50)/0.1mL以上;对小鼠毒力表现稳定,细胞适应毒也可达10^(6.5) TCID_(50)/0.1mL。根据OIE参考引物进行RT-PCR鉴定,序列比对证实该毒株为血清1型,与泰国毒株THA2020/01拥有99.7%的同源性。血清学试验结果表明,该毒株可被非洲马瘟1型特异性血清中和。本研究获得了一株Vero细胞适应毒,可作为良好的疫苗毒株候选株,适用于规模化生产,为疫苗储备奠定良好基础。 展开更多
关键词 非洲马瘟病 血清1型 VERO细胞 疫苗种毒
单克隆抗体在甲肝减毒活疫苗毒种检定中应用 被引量:1
作者 钱汶 陈悦青 +3 位作者 黄海鹰 汪媛 姜立民 庄昉成 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第7期808-809,共2页
目的 利用单克隆抗体代替常规的人、猴免疫血清进行甲型肝炎减毒活疫苗毒种外源因子检查及鉴别试验。方法 选择适宜的单克隆抗体浓度与甲肝病毒进行中和试验 ,观察单克隆抗体的中和作用 ;利用单克隆抗体中和毒种 ,进行外源因子检查 ,... 目的 利用单克隆抗体代替常规的人、猴免疫血清进行甲型肝炎减毒活疫苗毒种外源因子检查及鉴别试验。方法 选择适宜的单克隆抗体浓度与甲肝病毒进行中和试验 ,观察单克隆抗体的中和作用 ;利用单克隆抗体中和毒种 ,进行外源因子检查 ,并应用于鉴别试验。结果 此单克隆抗体可中和 10 5细胞培养半数感染量 (CCID50 )甲肝病毒 ,比人、猴免疫血清的中和能力高约 10 0倍 ;将此高效价的单克隆抗体中和毒种后进行血吸附及非血吸附外源因子检查 ,结果均为阴性 ;此单克隆抗体还可用于毒种鉴别试验。结论 此高效价的单克隆抗体可代替人、猴免疫血清应用于毒种的外源因子检查及鉴别试验。 展开更多
关键词 单克隆抗体 甲型肝炎 疫苗 外源因子 鉴别试验
长47株麻疹减毒活疫苗纯化毒种三级种子批的建立及疫苗的临床观察 被引量:2
作者 公殿力 李开军 +9 位作者 王舰兵 李春明 刘丽 宣黎波 王丽华 刘延威 麻广 崔玉华 喻秀杰 孟东方 《吉林医学》 CAS 2005年第4期407-407,共1页
目的:建立长47株麻疹减毒活疫苗纯化毒种三级种子批;进行疫苗的临床观察.方法:将长47株麻疹减毒活疫苗毒种从26代连续传代至38代,其中27代定为原始种子批;29代定为主种子批;30~38代定为工作种子批.将不同代次的毒种制备疫苗,接种麻疹... 目的:建立长47株麻疹减毒活疫苗纯化毒种三级种子批;进行疫苗的临床观察.方法:将长47株麻疹减毒活疫苗毒种从26代连续传代至38代,其中27代定为原始种子批;29代定为主种子批;30~38代定为工作种子批.将不同代次的毒种制备疫苗,接种麻疹易感儿童,观察麻疹抗体的阳转率及GMT值.结果:新建立的长47株麻疹减毒活疫苗纯化毒种三级种子批,符合<中国生物制品规程>2000年版的要求.27代、32代疫苗的阳转率均为100%,GMT值分别为56.3、44.2.结论:新建立的长47株麻疹减毒活疫苗纯化毒种三级种子批,可作为制备麻疹减毒活疫苗的种子批.长47株麻疹减毒活疫苗毒种具有良好的免疫原性及安全性. 展开更多
关键词 长47株麻疹减疫苗纯化 子批 阳转率 GMT
作者 林志坤 《福建畜牧兽医》 2016年第4期1-2,共2页
将原料兔随机分成两组(A、B),每组各4 772只。A组接种猪瘟活疫苗种毒,每毫升含0.05 g猪瘟兔化脾毒;B组接种的种毒,每毫升含0.02 g猪瘟兔化脾毒。每组分成30个批次,每个批次确定一个反应率。结果表明,A组30个批次的平均反应率(等同利用率... 将原料兔随机分成两组(A、B),每组各4 772只。A组接种猪瘟活疫苗种毒,每毫升含0.05 g猪瘟兔化脾毒;B组接种的种毒,每毫升含0.02 g猪瘟兔化脾毒。每组分成30个批次,每个批次确定一个反应率。结果表明,A组30个批次的平均反应率(等同利用率)为90.49%,变动幅度为±7.0%;B组的平均反应率为67.71%,变动幅度为±16.24%,差异极显著。同时,A组的变异系数低于B组,表明A组利用率批间稳定性优于B组。 展开更多
关键词 猪瘟活疫苗 猪瘟活疫苗种毒
作者 李孝欣 缪从容 +2 位作者 李慧姣 张存帅 李启红 《中国兽药杂志》 北大核心 1998年第3期33-34,共2页
对3批不同时期制备的IBVH120毒种用SPF鸡胚进行毒种保存期测定。用保存5年的IBVH120毒种经复壮后繁殖冻干毒种并进行全面鉴定。结果表明冻干毒种在-70℃条件下保存4年、8年及15年后毒种效价下降不明显,用保... 对3批不同时期制备的IBVH120毒种用SPF鸡胚进行毒种保存期测定。用保存5年的IBVH120毒种经复壮后繁殖冻干毒种并进行全面鉴定。结果表明冻干毒种在-70℃条件下保存4年、8年及15年后毒种效价下降不明显,用保存15年的IBVH120毒种复壮后繁殖、冻干的毒种其免疫原性、安全性等指标均符合规程规定标准。 展开更多
关键词 鸡病 支气管炎病 疫苗 保存期
2株H7N9亚型重组禽流感病毒的生物学特性和免疫原性研究 被引量:7
作者 陈晓涵 吴姣姣 +7 位作者 潘舒心 刘艳晶 施建忠 邓国华 包红梅 陈化兰 曾显营 田国彬 《中国预防兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期924-930,共7页
为评估经反向遗传构建的H7N9亚型重组禽流感病毒(AIV)H7-Re1株和H7-Re2株的生物学特性及免疫原性,本研究将这2株病毒分别以10^4倍稀释接种10日龄SPF鸡胚后,36℃培养,观察鸡胚存活情况并检测病毒HA效价,结果显示96 h时,2株病毒接种的鸡... 为评估经反向遗传构建的H7N9亚型重组禽流感病毒(AIV)H7-Re1株和H7-Re2株的生物学特性及免疫原性,本研究将这2株病毒分别以10^4倍稀释接种10日龄SPF鸡胚后,36℃培养,观察鸡胚存活情况并检测病毒HA效价,结果显示96 h时,2株病毒接种的鸡胚全部存活,培养至72 h时其HA效价均为9 log2,均显著高于亲本分离株。测定2株病毒的静脉内接种致病指数(IVPI),结果显示均为0。将2株病毒分别以10^6 EID50剂量鼻腔内接种5周龄SPF鸡,进行致病性试验,结果显示,接种后14 d内,2株病毒接种鸡均无临床症状,也不排毒。以2株病毒为种毒分别制备油乳剂灭活疫苗,以0.3 mL/只接种3周龄SPF鸡后3周时检测免疫鸡血清中HI抗体,结果显示,两种疫苗免疫鸡平均HI效价均可达到8.0 log2。于免疫后21 d,H7-Re1株免疫组鸡分别攻击10^6 EID50的H7N9亚型低致病力AIV(PG/SHH/S1069/13株)和10^5 EID50的高致病力AIV(CK/GX/SD098/17株),进行攻毒试验,结果显示两种病毒攻毒后免疫鸡均全部存活,且无发病和排毒出现。H7-Re2株免疫组鸡于免疫后21 d分别以10^5 EID50的剂量进行高致病力H7N9亚型AIV(CK/GX/SD098/17株)和H7N2亚型AIV(DK/FJ/SE0195/18株)的攻毒保护试验,结果显示两种病毒攻毒后免疫鸡均不发病、不死亡、不排毒。以上结果表明,以H1N1亚型A/Puerto Rico/8/34株病毒为内部基因供体、经反向遗传学方法构建的H7-Re1株和H7-Re2株均具有生长滴度高、生物安全性高和免疫原性好的特点。本研究为H7N9亚型禽流感疫苗的研制和应用奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 禽流感 疫苗种毒 H7-Re1株 H7-Re2株 生物学特性 免疫原性
作者 郑晓波 《上海医药》 CAS 2005年第12期544-544,共1页
关键词 禽流感疫苗 哈药集团 生产工艺 疫苗种毒
腮腺炎减毒活疫苗毒种S79株工作种子批猴体神经毒力试验 被引量:1
作者 苏敏 毛勇 +8 位作者 师廷川 廖伟 史新辉 谭莹 廖文平 王海 王京昆 公殿力 徐秀凤 《中国新药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期1267-1272,共6页
目的:考察腮腺炎减毒活疫苗毒种S79株工作种子批是否有潜在神经毒力作用。方法:受试物接种于MV-IgG抗体阴性的恒河猴两侧丘脑,检测血清抗体及AST和ALT含量,观察中枢神经系统等临床症状及脑、脊髓主要部位的病理变化。结果:丘脑注射给药... 目的:考察腮腺炎减毒活疫苗毒种S79株工作种子批是否有潜在神经毒力作用。方法:受试物接种于MV-IgG抗体阴性的恒河猴两侧丘脑,检测血清抗体及AST和ALT含量,观察中枢神经系统等临床症状及脑、脊髓主要部位的病理变化。结果:丘脑注射给药后,观察期未见试验猴中枢神经系统症状和死亡;毒种组猴注射给药后摄食、体重波动正常,少数猴短时体温升高,对血清AST,ALT无影响;观察结束,毒种组猴抗体阳转率100%,对照组猴抗体阴性;所有猴丘脑及周围组织具明显针迹通路或针迹反应,组织病理学镜检除毒种组猴局部脑组织有轻微局灶性淋巴细胞浸润和血管套现象,未见其他组织形态学异常和病变。结论:腮腺炎减毒活疫苗毒种S79株工作种子批丘脑注射后具明显免疫原性,除有轻微局部脑组织炎性反应,无明显神经毒力临床症状和其他毒副反应。 展开更多
关键词 腮腺炎减疫苗 工作子批 恒河猴 神经
疫苗毒种支原体检测中去除本病毒干扰方法的探索 被引量:5
作者 徐程林 陈波 +1 位作者 陈秀珍 刘桂芳 《中国生物制品学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2009年第11期1141-1144,共4页
目的探索疫苗毒种支原体检测中去除本病毒干扰的方法。方法分别采用非敏感细胞直接接种法、特异性抗血清中和法及离心加中和法处理21株疫苗毒种样品后,评价去除本病毒干扰的效果。结果21株疫苗毒种中,13株可通过非敏感细胞法去除本病毒... 目的探索疫苗毒种支原体检测中去除本病毒干扰的方法。方法分别采用非敏感细胞直接接种法、特异性抗血清中和法及离心加中和法处理21株疫苗毒种样品后,评价去除本病毒干扰的效果。结果21株疫苗毒种中,13株可通过非敏感细胞法去除本病毒干扰;6株可通过特异性抗血清中和法去除干扰;2株可通过离心加中和法去除干扰。应用上述3种方法检测161批疫苗毒种,均能有效去除本病毒干扰。结论非敏感细胞直接接种法、特异性抗血清中和法及离心加中和法可针对不同毒种去除本病毒的干扰,适用于疫苗毒种的支原体检测。 展开更多
关键词 疫苗 支原体检测 本病干扰
Identification of the immunogenic domains in HBsAg preS1 region using overlapping preS1 fragment fusion proteins 被引量:7
作者 Wei-GuoHu JunWei Heng-ChuanXia Xin-XiuYang FengLi Guang-DiLi YuanWang Zu-ChuanZhang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第14期2088-2094,共7页
AIM: The incorporation of hepatitis B virus (HBV) preS1 region into epitope-based vaccines against HBV has been accepted widely, but the incorporate site and size of preS1 sequence is controversial. Therefore our purp... AIM: The incorporation of hepatitis B virus (HBV) preS1 region into epitope-based vaccines against HBV has been accepted widely, but the incorporate site and size of preS1 sequence is controversial. Therefore our purpose was to further investigate its immunogenic domains for the epitopebased hepatitis B vaccine design.METHODS: Eight GST fusion proteins containing overlapping preS1 fragments in preS1 (21-119) region were expressed in E.coli. Using these purified fusion proteins, the immunogenic domains in preS1 region were identified in detail in mice and humans by Western blot analysis and ELISA.RESULTS: The results in mice showed that the immunogenic domains mainly existed in preS1 (21-59) and preS1 (95-109). Similarly, these fragments had strong immunogenicity in humans; whereas the other parts except for preS1 (60-70) also had some immunogenicity.More importantly, a major immunogenic domain, preS1 (34-59), which has much stronger immunogenicity, was identified. Additionally, the antibodies against some preS1 fragments, especially preS1 (34-59), were speculated to be virus-neutralizing.CONCLUSION: Eight GST fusion proteins containing overlapping preS1 fragments were prepared successfully. They were used for the study on the immunogenic domains in preS1 (21-119) region. The preS1 (34-59) fragments were the major immunogenic domains in the preS1 region, and the antibodies against these fragments were speculated to be virus-neutralizing. Therefore, the incorporation of preS1 (34-59) fragments into epitopebased HBV vaccines may be efficient for enhancement of immune response. Additionally, the results also imply that there are more complex immune responses to preS1 region and more abundant immunogenic domains in humans. 展开更多
关键词 HBV preSl GST fusion protein Immunogenic domain OVERLAPPING
Immune response to an indigenously developed r-Hepatitis B vaccine in mixed population: Study of an accelerated vaccination schedule 被引量:12
作者 A Chowdhury A Santra +5 位作者 CM Habibullah AA Khan J Karunakaramaiah TSA Kishore AVR Raju S Lahiri 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第7期1037-1039,共3页
AIM: To establish the safety and efficacy of an indigenously developed r-hepatitis B vaccine using an accelerated schedule and to highlight the social awareness and commitment in preventing the spreading of hepatitis ... AIM: To establish the safety and efficacy of an indigenously developed r-hepatitis B vaccine using an accelerated schedule and to highlight the social awareness and commitment in preventing the spreading of hepatitis B virus infection. METHODS: The study was a multicentric, double blind, randomized (3:1) study using three doses of vaccine immunization schedule (20μg for those above 10 years old and 10 μg for those below 10 years old) on d 0, 30 and 60. One hundred and sixty-six subjects were enrolled (87 males and 76 females aged 5-35 years). The main outcome measure was assessment of immunogenicity and safety. RESULTS: A 100% seroconversion response was observed on the 30th d after the 1st injection in both the experimental groups. The sero-protection data reported a 41.2-65.6% response on the 30th d after the 1st injection and reached 100% on the 60th d. Descriptive statistical analysis showed a geometric mean titer value of 13.77 mIU/mL in the test (BEVAC) group and 10.95 mlU/mL in the commercial control (ENGERIX-B) group on the 30th d after the 1st injection. The response on the 60th d showed a geometric mean titre value (GMT) of 519.84 mlU/mL in the BEVAC group and 475.46 mlU/mL in the ENGERIX-B group. On the 90th d, the antibody titer response was observed to be 2627.58 mlU/mL in the BEVAC group and 2272.72 mlU/mL in the ENGERIX-B group. Two subjects in each group experienced pains at injection site after the first vaccination. A total of six subjects in both groups experienced a solicited adverse reaction, which included pains, swelling and redness at the injection site, three subjects in the group-B had a pain at the injection site after the third dose. No other serious adverse events occurred and no dose-related local or general symptoms were observed during the study. CONCLUSION: The vaccine is safe, efficacious and immunogenic in comparison with the well documented ENGERIX-B. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B r-Hepatitis B Vaccines Immune response Accelerated vaccination schedule
作者 莫照兰 谭训刚 +1 位作者 徐永立 张培军 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第4期319-326,共8页
The characteristics of a bacterium strain M3, isolated from cultured flounder Paralichthys olivaceus with remarkable external sign of skin ulcer during an epizootic outbreak, indicated that the bacterium belonged to t... The characteristics of a bacterium strain M3, isolated from cultured flounder Paralichthys olivaceus with remarkable external sign of skin ulcer during an epizootic outbreak, indicated that the bacterium belonged to the species Vibrio anguillarum . Challenge by I.M. (intramuscular injection), bath, and oral administration with M3 showed that it was highly pathogenic for Paralichthys olivacues . The LD 50 dose was 5.144×10 3 CFU/ per fish infection by I.M. injection. Recovered inoculated bacteria from the surviving fish revealed that the asymptomatic carriers could be a latent contagious source. Study of the effect of bacterial culture CFS (cell free supernatant) showed that the exotoxins produced by M3 play an important role in its pathogenicity for flounder. The resistance of M3 to 36 out of 41 antibiotics indicated that the bacterial disease outbreak was mainly attributable to the frequent and excessive use of antimicrobial agents; and that vaccination would be an effective precaution against bacterial disease. 展开更多
关键词 flounder Paralichthys olivaceus bacterial identification Vibrio anguillarum PATHOGENICITY LD 50 antibiotic sensitivity
New therapeutic vaccination strategies for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B 被引量:9
作者 Jia Liu Anna Kosinska +1 位作者 Mengji Lu Michael Roggendorf 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期10-16,共7页
Chronic hepatitis B virus(CHB) is currently treated with either interferon-based or nucleot(s)idebased antiviral therapies.However,treatment with pegylated interferon alpha results in a durable antiviral response in o... Chronic hepatitis B virus(CHB) is currently treated with either interferon-based or nucleot(s)idebased antiviral therapies.However,treatment with pegylated interferon alpha results in a durable antiviral response in only about 30%patients and is associated with side effects.Most patients receiving nucleot(s)ide analogue treatment do not establish long-term,durable control of Infection and have rebounding viremia after cessation of therapy.Thus,novel therapy strategies are necessary to achieve the induction of potent and durable antiviral immune responses of the patients which can maintain long-term control of viral replication.Therapeutic vaccination of HBV carriers is a promising strategy for the control of hepatitis B.Here the authors review new therapeutic vaccination strategies to treat chronic hepatitis B which may be introduced for patient treatment in the future. 展开更多
关键词 hepatitis B virus woodchuck hepatitis virus therapeutic vaccination IMMUNOMODULATION programmed death-1
Review for Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus
作者 Tao XING Xingxing YU +6 位作者 Jun ZHANG Hongfei ZHANG Haigen WANG Guangsheng ZHOU Min ZHANG Chuanmin LIU Jingui LI 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第1期147-150,179,共5页
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is the severest disease of pigs worldwide, caused by a highly genetically diverse RNA virus, called Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV).... Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is the severest disease of pigs worldwide, caused by a highly genetically diverse RNA virus, called Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). The research summarized the genome characteristics of PRRSV particles and the most updated knowledge of structure protein function, and introduced the intellectual of PRRSV transmission and host immune response, which is very important for prevention and control for PRRS. A report showed that mass vaccination can stabilize the immunity of the entire herd, and this is the first required step for a PRRS eradication plan. However, the attenuated live vaccines may not achieve a valid prevention. The final goal of the EU project is to develop new generation, efficacious and safe maker vaccines that can be adapted to temporary changes and geographical differences.Robinson reported that broadly antibodies could neutralize all rapidly evolving type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ viruses, while further studies are expected to elucidate mechanisms of neutralizing antibody production and maturation and to investigate conserved epitope targets of cross-neutralization in this rapidly evolving virus. 展开更多
关键词 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome VIRUS VACCINE Broadly antibodies Prevention and control
Cytokines Expression Profile and Kinetics of Peste des petits ruminants Virus Antigen and Antibody in Infected and Vaccinated Goats
作者 Arun Patel Kaushal Kishor Rajak +5 位作者 Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan Arnab Sen Shashi Bhusan Sudhakar Veerakyathappa Bhanuprakash Raj Kumar Singh Awadh Bihari Pandey 《Virologica Sinica》 CAS CSCD 2012年第4期265-271,共7页
The present study deals with the co-ordination of cytokine (IL-4 and IFN-7) expression and kinetics of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) virus antigen and antibody in PPRV infected and vaccinated goats. The infecte... The present study deals with the co-ordination of cytokine (IL-4 and IFN-7) expression and kinetics of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) virus antigen and antibody in PPRV infected and vaccinated goats. The infected animals exhibited mixed cytokine (both TH1 and TH2) responses in the initial phase of the disease. The infected and dead goats had increased IFN-T response before their death; while IL-4 remained at the base level. The cytokine expression in recovered animals was almost similar to that of vaccinated ones, where a unique biphasic response of IL-4 expression was observed with an up-regulation of IFN-T on 7th days post vaccination (dpv). Analysis of PPR virus antigen and antibody kinetics in different components of blood from infected and vaccinated animais revealed that the PPR virus antigen load was highest in plasma followed by serum and blood of the infected animals, whereas vaccinated animals showed only marginal positivity on 9th dpv. The antibody titer was high in serum followed by plasma and blood in both vaccinated and infected animals. Therefore, it is inferred that the presence of antigen and antibody were significant with the expression of cytokine, and that a decreased response of IL-4 was noticed during intermediate phase of the disease i.e., 7 to 12m days post infection (dpi). This indicates the ability to mount a functional TH2 response after 14th dpi could be a critical determinant in deciding the survival of the PPR infected animal. 展开更多
关键词 Peste despetits ruminants (PPR) GOAT CYTOKINES Real time RT-PCR ELISA
Model for the Vaccination against the Poliomyelitis 被引量:1
作者 Irene Duarte Gandica Lina Marcela Ocampo +1 位作者 Edwin Femando Duque Matin Maria Mercedes Gonzáilez 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2013年第2期62-67,共6页
The poliomyelitis is an acute infection produced by the polio virus that affects the human central nervous system. It is transmitted by fecal-oral and respiratory contact.There are two types of vaccine, OPV (live att... The poliomyelitis is an acute infection produced by the polio virus that affects the human central nervous system. It is transmitted by fecal-oral and respiratory contact.There are two types of vaccine, OPV (live attenuated virus) and IPV (inactivated polio virus). Currently, there is a plan of vaccination until the age of 5 with OPV. The children vaccinated expel a virus (derived from the vaccine) to the environment, and some of the people that have oral contact with them, get vaccinated by the herd behavior. Nevertheless, taking into account the lately observed facts about the reversion to virulence of the oral polio vaccine during its circulation in the environment, a change in the current vaccination schedule is being contemplated, where the oral polio vaccine can be replaced by the inactivated vaccine. Nowadays, In Colombia the inactivated oral polio vaccine is recommended for children presenting immune deficiency who are vaccinated with IPV. These children do not expel poliovirus to the environment. This work presents a mathematical model that describes the dynamics of the infection in a population where the two types of vaccination are carried out. The population is divided into two groups of age and Michaelis-Menten interactions. Different strategies of vaccination are simulated and analyzed. 展开更多
关键词 POLIOMYELITIS vaccine OPV vaccine IPV VACCINATION mathematical model.
Four-year follow up of hepatitis C patients vaccinated against hepatitis B virus
作者 Slawomir Chlabicz Tadeusz Wojciech Lapinski +1 位作者 Anna Grzeszczuk Danuta Prokopowicz 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第12期1798-1801,共4页
AIM: Patients with chronic hepatitis C have been recommended to receive vaccinations against hepatitis B. Our study aimed at evaluating the hepatitis B immunogenicity and efficacy against hepatitis B virus infection 4... AIM: Patients with chronic hepatitis C have been recommended to receive vaccinations against hepatitis B. Our study aimed at evaluating the hepatitis B immunogenicity and efficacy against hepatitis B virus infection 4 years after primary immunization series in a group of patients with chronic hepatitis C.METHODS: We recruited 36 out of 48 hepatitis C virus (HCV) infected individuals who were vaccinated against hepatitis B virus (20 μg of recombinant HBsAg at 0-1-6mo schedule) in 1998. Here we measured anti-HBs titers and anti-HBc 4 years after delivery of the third dose of primary immunization series.RESULTS: After 4 years a total of 13/36 (36%) HCV infected patients had seroprotective titers of anti-HBs compared with 9/10 (90%) in the control group, (P<0.05).Similarly the mean concentration of anti-HBs found in hepatitis C patients was significantly lower than that found in healthy subjects (18.3 and 156.0 mIU/mL respectively (P<0.05). None of the HCV infected patients or controls became infected with HBV during the study period as confirmed by anti-HBc negativity.CONCLUSION: We demonstrated that 4 years after HBV immunizations' more than 60% of vaccinated HCV patients did not maintain seroprotective levels of anti-HBs, which might put them at risk of clinically significant breakthrough infections. Further follow-up studies are required to clarify whether memory B and T lymphocytes can provideprotection in chronic hepatitis C patients in the absence or inadequate titers of anti-HBs. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B Hepatitic C vaccine Follw-up studies
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