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作者 王涵玉 薛国忠 《临床研究》 2024年第6期9-12,共4页
在临床中慢性肾小球肾炎作为慢性肾脏病常见的疾病之一,以病程长、迁延难愈为特点,是导致慢性肾衰竭的首要病因,主要临床表现为血尿、蛋白尿、高血压、水肿,发病原因不同,病程时间久。目前仅使用西医治疗方法无法根治本病,临床常采用激... 在临床中慢性肾小球肾炎作为慢性肾脏病常见的疾病之一,以病程长、迁延难愈为特点,是导致慢性肾衰竭的首要病因,主要临床表现为血尿、蛋白尿、高血压、水肿,发病原因不同,病程时间久。目前仅使用西医治疗方法无法根治本病,临床常采用激素治疗,短期效果尚可,停药后容易复发。针对这一情况,刘宝厚教授在多年临床实践的基础上结合中医传统的辨证方法,提出主张用病位病性辨证法诊治慢性肾小球肾炎,借助辨识疾病的病变部位及性质的方法,将此病分为肺失宣降、脾失健运和肾阳虚衰型,并针对不同证型分别进行论治。本研究解释了病位病性的具体运用法则,并附案例加以佐证。 展开更多
关键词 肾小球肾炎 病位病性辨证法 经验总结
刘宝厚教授用病位病性辨证法治疗慢肾衰的临证经验 被引量:1
作者 赵敏 彭海平 刘宝厚 《中国老年保健医学》 2017年第2期89-90,共2页
关键词 病位病性辨证 慢肾衰 刘宝厚
作者 赵敏 《中国老年保健医学》 2019年第5期110-111,共2页
关键词 刘宝厚 病位病性 辨证论治
刘宝厚教授病位病性辨证体系解析 被引量:5
作者 张武德 刘宝厚 《西部中医药》 2018年第9期60-63,共4页
关键词 诊断 诊断 病位病性辨证 刘宝厚
病位病性辨证结合三伏灸贴治疗支气管哮喘的临床研究 被引量:6
作者 刘亚祥 刘巨旗 毛娅 《天津中医药》 CAS 2019年第1期53-57,共5页
[目的]观察病位病性辨证结合三伏灸贴治疗支气管哮喘的临床疗效。[方法]将180例患者随机分治疗组和对照组,各90例,研究中因病情恶化脱落9例,脱落率为5.0%,最终完成171例,治疗组87例,对照组84例。两组均予常规治疗。对照组给予沙美特罗... [目的]观察病位病性辨证结合三伏灸贴治疗支气管哮喘的临床疗效。[方法]将180例患者随机分治疗组和对照组,各90例,研究中因病情恶化脱落9例,脱落率为5.0%,最终完成171例,治疗组87例,对照组84例。两组均予常规治疗。对照组给予沙美特罗替卡松粉吸入,每次1吸,每日2次;治疗组给予病位病性辨证+三伏灸贴治疗,两组均治疗1个三伏周期。比较两组治疗前后中医症状评分、生存质量评分、肺功能评分、炎性指标及治疗后有效率。[结果]与本组治疗前比较,两组患者治疗后在中医症状评分、生存质量评分均降低(P<0.05);治疗后治疗组在喘息、咳嗽、哮鸣音、胸膈满闷、活动受限、哮喘症状及对自我健康的关心方面均低于对照组(P<0.05),在心理功能状况、对刺激原的反应方面两组比较无统计学差异(P>0.05);治疗后治疗组在第1秒用力呼吸容积(FEV1)、FEV1/用力肺活量(FVC)、最大呼气流量(PEF)均高于对照组(P<0.05);在白介素-4(IL-4)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、血清免疫球蛋白E(IgE)低于对照组(P<0.05),在干扰素-γ(INF-γ)表达方面比较无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组临床疗效比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]在常规治疗基础上,病位病性辨证结合三伏灸贴能够有效缓解支气管哮喘患者的临床症状,改善呼吸功能,提高生存质量,其机制可能与降低血清IL-4、TNF-α、IgE表达水平相关。 展开更多
关键词 支气管哮喘 病位病性辨证 三伏灸贴 临床研究
试应用伤寒六经辨证“血栓闭塞性脉管炎”之病位病性 被引量:2
作者 付岚岚 《中外医疗》 2011年第7期130-130,共1页
关键词 伤寒六经 “血栓闭塞脉管炎” 病位病性
皮肤“病位病性辨证观”视域下的附骨疽论治 被引量:1
作者 宋玮 艾儒棣 +2 位作者 陈明岭 沈涛 肖敏 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期2676-2679,共4页
遵《素问·至真要大论》病机十九条辨治精髓,提出皮肤“病位病性辨证观”,以此为指导辨治附骨疽。皮肤病虽见于体表,但进一步深入可涉及皮肉、筋骨,既要重视皮损体表横向发病部位,又要关注皮肤纵向病变情况,故皮肤病病位宜分层次。... 遵《素问·至真要大论》病机十九条辨治精髓,提出皮肤“病位病性辨证观”,以此为指导辨治附骨疽。皮肤病虽见于体表,但进一步深入可涉及皮肉、筋骨,既要重视皮损体表横向发病部位,又要关注皮肤纵向病变情况,故皮肤病病位宜分层次。皮肤病的诊治需要依据局部皮损特征、患者自觉症状等四诊信息,来审视疾病的表里、寒热、虚实,即明确皮肤病之阴阳属性,故皮肤病病性须定阴阳。法于阴阳,贵于辨证。证能够反映疾病过程特定阶段的本质,任何复杂的证都离不开病位、病性两大要素。临证皮肤病论治,先细查病位,再别阴阳,辨证论治,方能收到良效。附骨疽病在筋骨,分为阴阳二证,治疗各异。阴证治以温经通阳、活血逐瘀,方以阳和汤加减;阳证治以清热除湿、活血解毒,方以仙方活命饮加减治疗。内外并治,可协同增效。 展开更多
关键词 病位病性辨证 附骨疽 理论体系 内外并治
刘宝厚教授“病位病性辨证”理论初探 被引量:3
作者 付雪 戴恩来 《甘肃中医学院学报》 2016年第1期20-22,共3页
初步探讨刘宝厚教授"病位病性辨证"理论。刘教授提出辨证的核心就是辨明疾病的病位与病性,"病位病性辨证"法在临床应用中应先别病位,再别病性,病位和病性相参以辨证。通过运用"病位病性辨证"法,会起到删... 初步探讨刘宝厚教授"病位病性辨证"理论。刘教授提出辨证的核心就是辨明疾病的病位与病性,"病位病性辨证"法在临床应用中应先别病位,再别病性,病位和病性相参以辨证。通过运用"病位病性辨证"法,会起到删繁就简、提纲挈领的效果,可以完整地把握疾病的病位、性质,从而保证中医辨证的准确性和临床治疗的有效性。附典型病案1则以验证。 展开更多
关键词 病位病性辨证 理论依据 刘宝厚
中医如何诊治疑难病症 被引量:1
作者 熊继柏 《新中医》 CAS 2016年第10期181-183,共3页
(续上期)2诊治疑难病症要把握四条原则第二是要详察脉色与形候。脉就是脉象;色就是望色,望面色,望舌色;形就是形体、形态、动态;候就是疾病现象,疾病症候。即察色,按脉,望形态,听声音,问症状,这不就是我们中医的四诊吗?《内经》说:... (续上期)2诊治疑难病症要把握四条原则第二是要详察脉色与形候。脉就是脉象;色就是望色,望面色,望舌色;形就是形体、形态、动态;候就是疾病现象,疾病症候。即察色,按脉,望形态,听声音,问症状,这不就是我们中医的四诊吗?《内经》说:"能合脉色,可以万全",说到底就是"望闻问切"要详细地诊察。我们诊治疑难病人和危急病人,特别要注重详细诊察,绝对不能马虎,望闻问切缺一不可。 展开更多
关键词 疑难 察脉色与形候
证及辨证思想的理论探讨 被引量:10
作者 魏昭晖 王晓丽 万生芳 《中医研究》 2019年第7期4-6,共3页
“证”不仅是中医认识疾病的切入点,还是“理、法、方、药”的基础。张仲景开创辨证论治之先河,经后世历代医家的不断创立,完善中医辨证论治的思想体系,现代医家在前人基础上创新辨证思想,提出“证素辨证”“病位病性辨证法”等,使中医... “证”不仅是中医认识疾病的切入点,还是“理、法、方、药”的基础。张仲景开创辨证论治之先河,经后世历代医家的不断创立,完善中医辨证论治的思想体系,现代医家在前人基础上创新辨证思想,提出“证素辨证”“病位病性辨证法”等,使中医辨证思维精确化、规范化,对临床运用方便。 展开更多
关键词 辨证 证素辨证 病位病性辨证
Establishment of 6VS Telocentric Lines of Haynaldia villosa Resistant to Powdery Mildew Induced by Immature Embryo Culture 被引量:1
作者 李辉 陈孝 +3 位作者 辛志勇 徐惠君 杜丽璞 马有志 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第2期127-131,共5页
The line of T240-6 was selected from 32 SC 2 lines of immature embryo culture of T240 (common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)× Wheat-Haynaldia villosa (L.) Schur. 6D/6V substitution line) through powdery mildew ch... The line of T240-6 was selected from 32 SC 2 lines of immature embryo culture of T240 (common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)× Wheat-Haynaldia villosa (L.) Schur. 6D/6V substitution line) through powdery mildew characterization, glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT) enzyme and gliadin (Gli) analyses and in situ hybridization. All of the individual plants resistant to powdery mildew lacked the locus of GOT at 6VL arm (GOT-V 2) and had gliadin locus at 6VS arm (Gli-V 2) of Haynaldia villosa. All the plants resistant to powdery mildew had one or two telocentric chromosomes that did not pair with wheat chromosomes but paired between themselves. T240-6 was identified as a telocentric line through in situ hybridization. 展开更多
关键词 Haynaldia villosa immature embryo culture telocentric chromosome glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase GLIADIN in situ hybridization
Analysis of Quantitative Trait Loci for Pathogenic Strain Pi-1 of Resistance to Rice False Smut in Rice(Oryza sativa)
作者 李余生 杨娟 黄胜东 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第10期2179-2182,2317,共5页
In order to identify the resistant gene of rice false smut in rice, a recombi- nant inbred line (RILs) population with 157 lines derived from an inter-subspecies cross of Daguandao/IR28 by the single seed descent me... In order to identify the resistant gene of rice false smut in rice, a recombi- nant inbred line (RILs) population with 157 lines derived from an inter-subspecies cross of Daguandao/IR28 by the single seed descent method was used to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring resistance to strain Pi-1 of rice false smut caused by Usti/aginoiclea virens (Cooke) Takahashi in 2012 and 2013. The disease rate indexes of the two parents and 157 RILs caused by the strain Pi-1 of rice false smut were scored and the QTLs for rice false smut resistance were detected accordingly by QTL Cartographer software. Seven QTLs controlling false smut re- sistance were detected on chromosomes 2, 7, 8, 11 and 12, respectively, with the phenotypic variance of 8.5%-17.2%. There were four QTLs detected in 2012 and 2013, respectively, and only one QTL was found in both two years, the phenotypic variation explained by this individual QTL was 13.5% and 17.2%, and the additive effects of this QTL contributed to the 9.9% and 14.3% decrease of disease index and therefore the disease resistance increased. The direction of the additive effects at five loci qFsr2a, qFsr8a, qFsr8b, qFsr11 and qFsr12 coincided with that predicted by phenotypes of the parents, and the IR28 alleles at these loci had positive effect against rice false smut while the negative effects were found in Daguandao alleles at qFsr2b and qFsr7. The qFsr11 should be useful in rice breeding for resistance to rice false smut in marker-assisted selection (MAS) program. 展开更多
关键词 RICE Rice false smut Pathogen strains Disease resistance Quantita- tive trait locus
Location of Highly Pathogenic Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus in Tissues of Natural Cases 被引量:14
作者 刘永宏 赵丽 +13 位作者 韩春华 王凤龙 刘月焕 林健 杨汉春 郭鑫 李栋梁 韦海涛 祝俊杰 赵景义 赵振华 马明 杨龙峰 王金玲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第2期20-25,共6页
[ Objective] The aim of this study was to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and treatment of highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (HP-PRRS). [Method] Antigen location and hist... [ Objective] The aim of this study was to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and treatment of highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (HP-PRRS). [Method] Antigen location and histopathological observation in natural cases infected by highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (HP-PRRSV) were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and H. E. staining. [Result] The virus antigen mainly existed in epithelial calls, and also a few in mecrophages, lymphocytes and brain nerve cells. [ Conclusion] The cell and tissue tropism of HP-PRRSV strain in natural cases is different from that of previous strains. 展开更多
关键词 Highly Pathogenic Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Natural case IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY Antigen location
Associations between NOD2/CARD15 genotype andphenotype in Crohn’s disease-Are we there yet? 被引量:4
作者 Graham Radford-Smith Nirmala Pandeya 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第44期7097-7103,共7页
There have been multiple NOD2/CARD15 genotype- phenotype analyses undertaken in patients with Crohn’s disease since the gene’s discovery in 2001. This review focuses on the major published series based upon their si... There have been multiple NOD2/CARD15 genotype- phenotype analyses undertaken in patients with Crohn’s disease since the gene’s discovery in 2001. This review focuses on the major published series based upon their size and on the presence of specific clinical and genetic information provided in the published material from 2001 to 2005. Twelve studies provided raw data to carry out comparisons of disease location while ten studies included analysis of NOD2/CARD15 genotypes. NOD2/CARD15 variant frequency in ileal disease did not differ significantly among studies, whereas a comparison of disease location demonstrated highly significant differences among studies. Meta-analysis confirmed significant associations between NOD2/CARD15 variants and both ileal and ileocolonic disease locations, and with both stricturing and penetrating forms of disease behavior. This review underlines the significant phenotypic differences that exist among populations, including similar ethnic groups, and has demonstrated the need for further studies of patients with long-term “inflammatory” Crohn’s disease. 展开更多
关键词 Crohn's disease Phenotypic heterogeneity GENOTYPE Inter-observer agreement Disease location Disease behavior
An Indirect ELISA of Classical Swine Fever Virus Based on Quadruple Antigenic Epitope Peptide Expressed in E.coli 被引量:4
作者 Guo-zhen LIN Fu-ying ZHENG Ji-zhang ZHOU Xiao-an CAO Xiao-wei GONG Guang-hua WANG Chang-qing QIU 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期71-76,共6页
In this study,a synthesized quadruple antigenic epitope gene region of the classical swine fever virus (CSFV)E2 glycoprotein was expressed in E.coli to a obtain target protein.This target protein was used as a coating... In this study,a synthesized quadruple antigenic epitope gene region of the classical swine fever virus (CSFV)E2 glycoprotein was expressed in E.coli to a obtain target protein.This target protein was used as a coating antigen to establish an indirect ELISA for specifically detecting anti-CSFV antibodies in serum samples from pigs.The P/N cut-off value of this assay was 1.92 by receiver operating characteristic curve(ROC)analysis based on 30 negative sera and 80 positive samples.The test gave 97.5%sensitivity and 96.7%specificity compared with the indirect hemagglutination(IHA)test.The inter-assay and intra-assay coefficients of variation (CVs)for 16 sera were both≤6.8%.No cross-reactivity between the coating antigen and anti-bovine viral diarrhoea virus(BVDV)antibodies was observed. 展开更多
关键词 Antigenic epitope Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) Expression Indirect ELISA
Conservation of T cell epitopes between seasonal influenza viruses and the novel influenza A H7N9 virus
作者 Huawei Mao Hui-Ling Yen +3 位作者 Yinping Liu Yu-Lung Lau J.S.Malik Peiris Wenwei Tu 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期170-175,共6页
A novel avian influenza A(H7N9) virus recently emerged in the Yangtze River delta and caused diseases, often severe, in over 130 people. This H7N9 virus appeared to infect humans with greater ease than previous avian ... A novel avian influenza A(H7N9) virus recently emerged in the Yangtze River delta and caused diseases, often severe, in over 130 people. This H7N9 virus appeared to infect humans with greater ease than previous avian influenza virus subtypes such as H5N1 and H9N2. While there are other potential explanations for this large number of human infections with an avian influenza virus, we investigated whether a lack of conserved T-cell epitopes between endemic H1N1 and H3N2 influenza viruses and the novel H7N9 virus contributes to this observation. Here we demonstrate that a number of T cell epitopes are conserved between endemic H1N1 and H3N2 viruses and H7N9 virus. Most of these conserved epitopes are from viral internal proteins. The extent of conservation between endemic human seasonal influenza and avian influenza H7N9 was comparable to that with the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1. Thus, the ease of inter-species transmission of H7N9 viruses(compared with avian H5N1 viruses) cannot be attributed to the lack of conservation of such T cell epitopes. On the contrary, our findings predict significant T-cell based cross-reactions in the human population to the novel H7N9 virus. Our findings also have implications for H7N9 virus vaccine design. 展开更多
关键词 H7N9 influenza virus T cell epitope conservation clinical phenotype vaccine immunity
中医自然体质学概述 被引量:13
作者 尹婷 李游 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期3056-3058,共3页
中医体质学研究的方法可分两类。一是基于大规模的临床流行病学调查,先用归纳法形成某学说或理论,再用演绎法应用该学说或理论。二是应用已有的中医理论到体质学研究中。中医理论体系是多层次、多系统的,应用不同层次的中医理论到中医... 中医体质学研究的方法可分两类。一是基于大规模的临床流行病学调查,先用归纳法形成某学说或理论,再用演绎法应用该学说或理论。二是应用已有的中医理论到体质学研究中。中医理论体系是多层次、多系统的,应用不同层次的中医理论到中医体质学研究中会不断丰富体质学研究的内涵,加深对人体健康与疾病的认识,也是对中医学术的发展和创新。五运六气是非常重要的中医理论之一,它研究日月地的周期性运动规律对生物与人的生长化收藏的气化功能的影响,这种影响也是人体体质形成的内在基础。中医自然体质学根据五运六气理论,用人出生年的天干推算年运,可测知人体体质易病之脏腑部位;地支推算司天在泉之气和主气客气,可推知人体体质易病之病性及程度。 展开更多
关键词 五运六气 中医自然体质 天干地支 病位病性
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