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长春市宽城区兴业社区重性精神病病例疾病信息分析 被引量:1
作者 丁秀君 段洪斌 曹禹 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2014年第32期77-78,共2页
目的:探讨长春市宽城区兴业社区重性精神病病例的疾病信息,为及时有效实施重性精神疾病监护和干预,减少肇事的发生提供基础资料。方法:资料来源于"686"项目,采用EXCEL提取重性精神疾病信息管理系统中的患者的疾病信息数据,运... 目的:探讨长春市宽城区兴业社区重性精神病病例的疾病信息,为及时有效实施重性精神疾病监护和干预,减少肇事的发生提供基础资料。方法:资料来源于"686"项目,采用EXCEL提取重性精神疾病信息管理系统中的患者的疾病信息数据,运用SPSS 19.0统计学软件对数据进行统计分析。结果:168例重性精神疾病病例中,精神分裂症122例(72.6%);二系三代精神病家族史阴性157例(93.5%),阳性11例(6.5%);患者与监护人关系为夫妻42例(25%),父母子女兄弟姐妹等直系血亲118例(70.2%);患者初次发病时间,2000-2009年组40例(23.8%);使用抗精神病药物治疗111例(66.1%);患者首次使用抗精神病药物治疗时间,2000-2009年组32例,占使用抗精神病药物治疗病例总数的28.8%。结论:以精神分裂症患者为主,二系三代有明确精神病家族史病例为少数,患者能得到家庭监护与照顾,多数患者病程较长,使用抗精神病药物治疗的人数仍不足,多数患者服药时间较长。 展开更多
关键词 社区 重性精神病 病例疾病信息 分析
新生儿感染性休克与新生儿疾病危重病例评分及多脏器功能损害间的关系 被引量:13
作者 曾玲 《安徽医药》 CAS 2016年第3期529-530,共2页
目的 分析新生儿感染性休克与新生儿疾病危重病例评分及多脏器功能损害间的关系。方法 选择该院收治的48例因感染性休克致死的新生儿,依据休克的程度、所患疾病危重程度及修正的Fry-MODS相关诊断标准对新生儿情况进行统计分析,以分析新... 目的 分析新生儿感染性休克与新生儿疾病危重病例评分及多脏器功能损害间的关系。方法 选择该院收治的48例因感染性休克致死的新生儿,依据休克的程度、所患疾病危重程度及修正的Fry-MODS相关诊断标准对新生儿情况进行统计分析,以分析新生儿感染性休克与新生儿疾病危重病例评分及多脏器功能损害间的关系。结果 48例新生儿中仅有3例新生儿未出现脏器功能衰竭,45例出现脏器衰竭情况,以1-2个脏器为主,占83.2%(40/48);脏器功能衰竭最常见的为呼吸系统衰竭,共计41例,占所有患儿的85.4%,且Ⅱ型呼吸衰竭新生儿占所有患儿的72.9%,远高于肺出血患儿38.8%。三组实验室指标中白细胞数目、中性粒细胞数目、p H值、乳酸水平及HCO3-指标比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),重度组白细胞数目、中性粒细胞数目、乳酸水平及HCO3^-指标均明显高于其他两组,p H值水平明显低于其余两组,比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论 导致新生儿发生感染性休克的最常见原因为感染性肺炎,且此类新生儿入院初期疾病即呈现危重或极危重,是新生儿死亡的主要原因,但尽早对新生儿进行疾病危重程度评定对新生儿休克的诊断有指导意义;新生儿脏器功能损害以呼吸系统中的呼吸衰竭和肺出血为主。 展开更多
关键词 新生儿 感染性休克 疾病危重病例评分 多脏器功能损害
新生儿感染性休克与新生儿疾病危重病例评分及多脏器功能损害间的关系 被引量:1
作者 郭玥馨 《临床研究》 2017年第7期11-12,共2页
目的探讨新生儿感染性休克与新生儿疾病危重病例评分及多脏器功能损害间的关系。方法在医院2015年5月到2016年1月期间诊治的45例因感染性休克死亡的新生儿作研究对象,根据其休克程度、Fry-MODS诊断标准及其所患疾病危重程度,分析新生... 目的探讨新生儿感染性休克与新生儿疾病危重病例评分及多脏器功能损害间的关系。方法在医院2015年5月到2016年1月期间诊治的45例因感染性休克死亡的新生儿作研究对象,根据其休克程度、Fry-MODS诊断标准及其所患疾病危重程度,分析新生儿感染性休克与新生儿疾病危重病例评分及多脏器功能损害间的关系。结果①45例感染性休克新生儿中,仅3例无脏器功能衰竭,剩余新生儿以1~2个脏器功能衰竭为主;②本组新生儿各脏器功能衰竭中以呼吸衰竭为主,其次是肺出血;③重度休克组新生儿的白细胞数量、HCO3水平、中性粒细胞数量、乳酸水平高于中度、轻度休克组(均P<0.05),而中度休克组上述指标水平则高于轻度休克组(均P<0.05)。结论新生儿感染性休克产生的最常见因素是感染性肺炎,而感染性休克新生儿入院初期即为危重病例,则容易致死,新生儿多脏器功能损害以肺出血、呼吸衰竭为主,而早期对新生儿疾病危重程度进行评分,对于新生儿感染性休克的临床诊断具有指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 新生儿感染性休克 新生儿疾病危重病例评分 多脏器功能损害
新生儿感染性休克与新生儿疾病危重病例评分及多脏器功能损害间的关系 被引量:3
作者 于华星 《临床研究》 2018年第2期62-64,共3页
目的探究新生儿感染性休克与新生儿疾病危重病例评分及多脏器功能损害间的关系。方法选取86例于2015年1月~2015年12月来我院治疗的因感染性休克致死的新生儿为研究对象,统计分析新生儿休克程度、疾病情况及器官功能衰竭情况。结果 86例... 目的探究新生儿感染性休克与新生儿疾病危重病例评分及多脏器功能损害间的关系。方法选取86例于2015年1月~2015年12月来我院治疗的因感染性休克致死的新生儿为研究对象,统计分析新生儿休克程度、疾病情况及器官功能衰竭情况。结果 86例感染性休克新生儿中,5例未发生脏器功能衰竭,其中3例为轻度休克组新生儿,2例为中度休克组新生儿,剩余81例均出现脏器功能衰竭现象,其中71例(82.56%)出现1~2个脏器衰竭,73例(84.88%)并发呼吸衰竭,34例(39.53%)并发肺出血,32例(37.21%)并发脑功能衰竭,重度组感染性休克新生儿中性粒细胞数目明显高于中度组、轻度组(P<0.05),重度组感染性休克新生儿乳酸水平明显高于中度组、轻度组(P<0.05)。结论感染性肺炎是造成新生儿感染性休克的主要原因,且大多数患儿入院时已处于危重或极危重状态,是导致新生儿死亡的主要原因,新生儿疾病危重病例评分对新生儿感染性休克诊断具有重要指导意义,脏器功能衰竭常表现在呼吸系统中。 展开更多
关键词 新生儿 感染性休克 疾病危重病例评分 多脏器功能损害
作者 任旭 黄强生 +2 位作者 王菲 徐佳音 张铁刚 《卫生职业教育》 2011年第16期50-50,共1页
口腔内科学中牙髓疾病一章是重点章节,具有临床表现鲜明、治疗效果确切的特点.因此,笔者在给口腔专业学生上口腔内科学牙髓疾病这一章内容时,分别针对牙髓病的病因、临床表现、诊断、治疗选择了不同的病例进行对照分析,使学生既加深了印... 口腔内科学中牙髓疾病一章是重点章节,具有临床表现鲜明、治疗效果确切的特点.因此,笔者在给口腔专业学生上口腔内科学牙髓疾病这一章内容时,分别针对牙髓病的病因、临床表现、诊断、治疗选择了不同的病例进行对照分析,使学生既加深了印象,又增强了学习兴趣. 展开更多
关键词 牙髓疾病病例 口腔内科学 教学应用
作者 巫协宁 汪佩文 《胃肠病学和肝病学杂志》 CAS 2023年第6期717-718,共2页
本文继续介绍一些罕见的消化系疾病病例的诊断与治疗,包括疑难诊断的肠结核与克罗恩病的鉴别;肝性卟啉病;自身免疫性胰腺炎与胆管炎的诊断问题;卡氏肉瘤;弥漫性结肠绒毛状息肉伴不典型增生,合并乙型肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌,有多种阳性肿瘤... 本文继续介绍一些罕见的消化系疾病病例的诊断与治疗,包括疑难诊断的肠结核与克罗恩病的鉴别;肝性卟啉病;自身免疫性胰腺炎与胆管炎的诊断问题;卡氏肉瘤;弥漫性结肠绒毛状息肉伴不典型增生,合并乙型肝炎、肝硬化、肝癌,有多种阳性肿瘤标志物;急性妊娠期脂肪肝;先天性胃肠功能减退伴内分泌腺功能减退症;乙肝肝硬化门静脉高压症伴回肠蜂窝组织炎。 展开更多
关键词 罕见消化系疾病病例 诊断与治疗
作者 巫协宁 汪佩文 《胃肠病学和肝病学杂志》 CAS 2022年第11期1293-1294,共2页
本文再介绍一些罕见的消化系疾病病例的诊断与治疗。内有肝硬化门静脉高压食管静脉曲张和胃动脉硬化引起的小动脉瘤;无症状的肝内大血管瘤;姐妹二人遗传性慢性胰腺炎;急性胃扩张与胃下垂的针刺治疗效果立竿见影;大肠气囊症;乙结肠克罗... 本文再介绍一些罕见的消化系疾病病例的诊断与治疗。内有肝硬化门静脉高压食管静脉曲张和胃动脉硬化引起的小动脉瘤;无症状的肝内大血管瘤;姐妹二人遗传性慢性胰腺炎;急性胃扩张与胃下垂的针刺治疗效果立竿见影;大肠气囊症;乙结肠克罗恩病有黑灰色坏死肠段类似皮肤化脓性坏疽;特发性门静脉高压症合并砷中毒;肝硬化腹水感染伴血管内凝血同时有脓性血栓性静脉炎伴肺栓塞肺梗死。 展开更多
关键词 罕见消化系疾病病例 诊断与治疗
作者 巫协宁 汪佩文 《胃肠病学和肝病学杂志》 CAS 2023年第5期599-600,共2页
本文继续介绍一些罕见的消化系疾病的诊断与治疗,内有腹腔内巨大肝脓肿的经支气管与气管引流;原因不明的间歇性腹痛,胃肠钡透偶见游离盲肠移动跨越腹中线诊断为盲肠移动症;慢性胰腺炎伴巨大假性囊肿自发破裂破入胃腔;原因不明无症状的... 本文继续介绍一些罕见的消化系疾病的诊断与治疗,内有腹腔内巨大肝脓肿的经支气管与气管引流;原因不明的间歇性腹痛,胃肠钡透偶见游离盲肠移动跨越腹中线诊断为盲肠移动症;慢性胰腺炎伴巨大假性囊肿自发破裂破入胃腔;原因不明无症状的血胆汁酸增高;耳针对右耳胆区行强刺激排出钻入胆总管的半条蛔虫,剧烈腹痛缓解;小肠旋转不良引起肠梗阻;肠系膜、回肠炎性肉芽肿;肝脾淀粉样变伴肝内胆汁郁积。 展开更多
关键词 罕见消化系疾病病例 诊断与治疗
作者 罗春丽 《临床和实验医学杂志》 2008年第10期165-166,共2页
目的分析1354例疾病病例的病因、年龄分布以及季节分布特点。方法疾病分类按照国际疾病分类ICD-10分类原则分类,随机抽取我院2006年12月至2007年12月的1354例门诊病例进行统计分析。结果发病最高的前五位疾病依次为高血压(15.14%)... 目的分析1354例疾病病例的病因、年龄分布以及季节分布特点。方法疾病分类按照国际疾病分类ICD-10分类原则分类,随机抽取我院2006年12月至2007年12月的1354例门诊病例进行统计分析。结果发病最高的前五位疾病依次为高血压(15.14%)、上呼吸道感染(10.19%)、糖尿病(9.38%)、尿路感染(9.01%)以及扁桃体炎(8.27%)。在1354例病例中,以40~59岁年龄段病例最多见,占总病例数的36.57%。高血压与糖尿病多发于40—59岁年龄段。结论高血压、糖尿病等年龄相关性疾病逐年呈现低龄化趋势,提示人们在工作之余必须要注意调节生活节奏,改善饮食结构和生活习惯。呼吸系统疾病的发生与季节有明显的相关性,易发于气候多变、温差较大的季节,对于特定的人群,在这些特定的季节尤应注意身体的调适。 展开更多
关键词 门诊 病例分析 疾病病例 季节
作者 Yongsheng Huang Lijun Zhou +8 位作者 Yuxin Yuan Xiling Yu Zhengjie Xu Jie Hu Tao Li Lin Lu Chenjin Jin Xiaoling Liang 杨玉洁 《Eye Science》 CAS 2017年第4期232-239,共8页
3位国际视网膜专家在中山眼科中心(Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center,ZOC)眼底病中心进行临床查房并讨论了4例具有挑战性且不寻常的视网膜病例:1)VHL病合并视网膜血管母细胞瘤的11年随访观察;2)半剂量光动力疗法(photodynamic therapy,PDT)... 3位国际视网膜专家在中山眼科中心(Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center,ZOC)眼底病中心进行临床查房并讨论了4例具有挑战性且不寻常的视网膜病例:1)VHL病合并视网膜血管母细胞瘤的11年随访观察;2)半剂量光动力疗法(photodynamic therapy,PDT)或微脉冲激光光凝治疗中心性浆液性视网膜病变(central serous chorioretinopathy,CSC)的观察;3)视神经缺陷儿童的诊断与治疗;4)合并虹膜晶状体脉络膜缺损的视网膜脱离(retinal detachment,RD)的治疗选择。通过讨论有助于我们更好地了解这四例视网膜疾病的发病机制和治疗方法,及其与全身疾病的关系。 展开更多
关键词 讨论 视网膜疾病病例
Location of Highly Pathogenic Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus in Tissues of Natural Cases 被引量:14
作者 刘永宏 赵丽 +13 位作者 韩春华 王凤龙 刘月焕 林健 杨汉春 郭鑫 李栋梁 韦海涛 祝俊杰 赵景义 赵振华 马明 杨龙峰 王金玲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第2期20-25,共6页
[ Objective] The aim of this study was to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and treatment of highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (HP-PRRS). [Method] Antigen location and hist... [ Objective] The aim of this study was to provide a theoretical basis for the prevention and treatment of highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (HP-PRRS). [Method] Antigen location and histopathological observation in natural cases infected by highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (HP-PRRSV) were analyzed by immunohistochemistry and H. E. staining. [Result] The virus antigen mainly existed in epithelial calls, and also a few in mecrophages, lymphocytes and brain nerve cells. [ Conclusion] The cell and tissue tropism of HP-PRRSV strain in natural cases is different from that of previous strains. 展开更多
关键词 Highly Pathogenic Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Natural case IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY Antigen location
武威市食源性疾病病例实验室检测结果分析及耐药监测结果 被引量:1
作者 黄爱霞 申艳琴 +1 位作者 吴燕 曹莉莉 《中国卫生检验杂志》 CAS 2020年第2期235-238,共4页
目的分析武威市449例食源性疾病病例实验室检验结果,了解本市食源性疾病发病原因及流行趋势,为采取相应的风险监管提供科学依据;了解致病菌抗生素敏感情况,为合理用药提供依据。方法按照《2017年武威市食源性疾病监测计划》,对食源性疾... 目的分析武威市449例食源性疾病病例实验室检验结果,了解本市食源性疾病发病原因及流行趋势,为采取相应的风险监管提供科学依据;了解致病菌抗生素敏感情况,为合理用药提供依据。方法按照《2017年武威市食源性疾病监测计划》,对食源性疾病病例进行实验室检测、汇总和分析。结果共检出病原体57株(12.69%);其中诺如病毒38株(8.46%),致病菌19株(4.23%);致病菌中沙门菌检出率最高(2.90%);诺如病毒中以诺如病毒Ⅱ(8.46%)最高;男性检出率(15.75%)高于女性(8.72%),差异有统计学意义(χ^2=4.92,P<0.05);诺如病毒检出率以春季最高,差异有统计学意义(χ^2=28.18,P<0.05);致病菌检出率以秋季最高,差异有统计学意义(χ^2=8.24,P<0.05);感染者主要集中在0岁~5岁年龄组;不同菌株之间耐药性体现差异大,不同抗生素对19种菌株所体现出的抑制作用也各不相同。结论继续加强食源性疾病监测力度,防止聚集性食物中毒事件的发生和暴发,加强各类抗生素管理、使用和敏感检测。 展开更多
关键词 食源性疾病病例 病原体阳性率 实验室结果分析 药敏结果
Analysis of the Current situation of Syphilis in a Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic
作者 郑华 马蕾 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2005年第1期17-20,共4页
Objective: To analyze the current situation of syphilis in the sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) clinic, from January 1994 to December 2002 was studied. Methods: All syphilis patients were confirmed by history,... Objective: To analyze the current situation of syphilis in the sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) clinic, from January 1994 to December 2002 was studied. Methods: All syphilis patients were confirmed by history, physical examination, dark-field microscopy of samples taken from the chancre or satellite lymph nodes,or positive serological tests. Results: From 1994 to 2002, there were 2067 cases of early syphilis, accounting for 20.01% (2067/10330) of all STD cases. The annual proportion of syphilis cases among all STD cases from 1994 to 2002 was 0.57%, 0.53%, 3.54%, 16.20%, 31.29%, 27.88%, 25.63%, 17.11%, 10.48%, respectively. Of 2067 syphilis patients,49.64% (1026/2067) were male and 50.36% (1041/2067) were female. 44.75% (925/2067) of all cases presented with primary syphilis, 44.90% (928/2067) with secondary syphilis, 9.77% (202/2067) with latent syphilis (without any conspicuous clinical signs or symptoms), and 0.58% (12/2067) with congenital syphilis. The 30-39 year old cohort accounted for the largest proportion, at 37.68% (779/2067) of all syphilis cases. The 20-29 year old cohort also accounted for a large proportion, at 37.20% (769/2067) of all cases,followed by the 40-49 year old cohort, at 17.95% (371/2067). Syphilis was most prevalent among the unemployed,self-employed laborers, and office workers in decreasing order. The majority of cases were graduates of either primary school, high school, or college. Of all syphilis cases, 87.86% (1816/2067) were married, and 12.14%(251/2067, including children) were unmarried. 76.78% (1587/2067) of all cases were acquired through extramarital intercourse. 14.03% (290/2067) of cases were infected by their spouses. 0.58% (12/2067) of cases were due to vertical transmission. 8.61% (178) of cases were acquired through indirect contact. Conclusion: The proportion of syphilis infection among all STDs remained stable from 1994 to 1995,quickly and dramatically increased from 1996 to 1999,and then gradually tapered down from 2000 to 2002. The incidence of congenital syphilis infections increased throughout the study period. 展开更多
Gynura root induces hepatic veno-occlusive disease:A case report and review of the literature 被引量:27
作者 Ning Dai Ying-Cong Yu +4 位作者 Tian-Hua Ren Jia-Guo Wu Yuan Jiang Lai-Gen Shen Jing Zhang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第10期1628-1631,共4页
Gynura root has been used extensively in Chinese folk medicine and plays a role in promoting microcirculation and relieving pain.However,its hepatic toxicity should not be neglected.Recently,we admitted a 62-year old ... Gynura root has been used extensively in Chinese folk medicine and plays a role in promoting microcirculation and relieving pain.However,its hepatic toxicity should not be neglected.Recently,we admitted a 62-year old female who developed hepatic veno-occlusive disease(HVOD)after ingestion of Gynura root.Only a few articles on HVOD induced by Gynura root have been reported in the literature.It is suspected that pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Gynura root might be responsible for HVOD.In this paper,we report a case of HVOD and review the literature. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatic veno-occlusive disease Gynura root
What caused the increase of autoimmune and allergic diseases:A decreased or an increased exposure to luminal microbial components? 被引量:3
作者 Xiaofa Qin 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第8期1306-1307,共2页
The dramatic increase of allergic and autoimmune diseases such as asthma, atopic dermatitis (eczema), allergic rhinitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD, including both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis), mu... The dramatic increase of allergic and autoimmune diseases such as asthma, atopic dermatitis (eczema), allergic rhinitis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD, including both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis), multiple sclerosis, and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type Ⅰ diabetes) in the developed countries in the last century is a big puzle. "Hygiene Hypothesis" was proposed more than two decades ago and it suggested that the increase in these allergic and autoimmune diseases is caused by the aberrant development and response of the immune system due to a reduced exposure to microorganisms along with the improved hygiene. Interestingly, recent studies revealed that these allergic and autoimmune diseases are closely related to the microbes in the gut. For instance, even asthma, an allergic reaction of the lung to inhaled antigens, is closely related to a reduced exposure to foodborne and orofaecal microbes, rather than the amount of allergens in the air or the exposure to airborne microbes. It is known that bacteria in the gut could be 10 times in number of the eukaryotic cells of the body. Therefore, it would be not too surprising that microbes in the gut may have a great impact on these autoimmune and allergic diseases. 展开更多
关键词 Autoimmune disease Allergic diseases Hygiene hypothesis Intestinal permeability Luminal microbial components
Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma metastatic to the pancreas: A case report 被引量:14
作者 C Fotiadis A Charalambopoulos +3 位作者 S Chatzikokolis GC Zografos M Genetzakis R Tringidou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第14期2203-2205,共3页
Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma (EMC) is a lowgrade sarcoma characterized by developing metastases and local recurrence in high rate. It is mainly deep seated in the proximal extremities. The most common metastati... Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma (EMC) is a lowgrade sarcoma characterized by developing metastases and local recurrence in high rate. It is mainly deep seated in the proximal extremities. The most common metastatic sites are the lungs, soft tissues, lymph nodes, bones and the brain. To our knowledge, no case of clearly defined EMC has been reported to date developing a metastasis in the pancreas. We describe a case of a man suffering from EMC who developed a single pancreatic metastasis 20 years after the initial diagnosis. A 49-year-old man was submitted to surgical excision of an EMC, in left thigh, 20 years ago. Fourteen years after the initial diagnosis a local recurrence in left thigh occurred. Multiple lesions of metastatic origin, in both lungs, were excised via thoracotomies until the time being. In 2003, as a part of a periodically performed imaging control, an abdominal CT scan was performed revealing a solid lesion in the pancreas. Distal pancreatectomy was performed. The histopathology of the excised specimen proved to be the one of metastatic lesion of EMC. The above-mentioned case of EMC is, as far as we know, the first one described developing a certain pancreatic metastasis. 展开更多
关键词 Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma METASTASIS PANCREAS
Spontaneous perforation of an intramural rectal hematoma:Report of a case 被引量:2
作者 Zhu-Lin Li Zhen-Jun Wang Jia-Gang Han 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第19期2438-2440,共3页
Spontaneous hematomas are rare and most occur secondary to hematologic disorders or during anticoa- gulant therapy. Most spontaneous hematomas occur above the sigmoid colon, and rarely in the rectum. Herein we present... Spontaneous hematomas are rare and most occur secondary to hematologic disorders or during anticoa- gulant therapy. Most spontaneous hematomas occur above the sigmoid colon, and rarely in the rectum. Herein we present the case of a patient with a spontaneous perforating hematoma of the rectum who presented with severe abdominal pain after a bloody stool. The hemoglobin level decreased by 33 g/L within 20 h. An abdominal sonogram showed a hydrops in the lower abdomen with a maximum depth of 7.0 cm. A hematoma, 8 cm x 6 cmx 5 cm in size, was noted intra-operatively in the rectosigmoid junction, with a 1.5-cm perforation in the hematoma and active hemorrhage. Thus, a partial rectectomy and sigmoidostomy were performed. Three months later, a second opera- tive procedure to re-establish intestinal continuity was performed. The patient is in good condition 12 mo after the last surgery. In addition to this case, the causes of spontaneous perforating hematomas and the treatment are discussed. 展开更多
Acute hepatitis induced by an Aloe vera preparation: A case report 被引量:3
作者 Christian Rabe Annemarie Musch +2 位作者 Peter Schirmacher Wolfgang Kruis Robert Hoffmann 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期303-304,共2页
AIM: Aloe vera, plant extracts of Aloe barbadensis miller,is widely used in phytomedicine. The first case of acute hepatitis due to this compound was described.METHODS: Description of a clinical case.RESULTS: Hepatiti... AIM: Aloe vera, plant extracts of Aloe barbadensis miller,is widely used in phytomedicine. The first case of acute hepatitis due to this compound was described.METHODS: Description of a clinical case.RESULTS: Hepatitis in a 57-year old female could be linked to the ingestion of Aloe barbadensis miller compounds. The patient's hepatitis resolved completely after discontinuing this medication.CONCLUSION: The case emphasizes the importance of considering phytopharmaceutical over-the-counter drugs as causative agents of hepatitis. 展开更多
关键词 HEPATITIS Aloe vera Acute diseases
Holmes-Adie syndrome, autoimmune hepatitis and celiac disease: A case report 被引量:1
作者 Timea Csak Aniko Folhoffer +4 位作者 Andrea Horvath Judit Halász Csaba Diczházi Zsuzsa Schaff Ferenc Szalay 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第9期1485-1487,共3页
A 35-year-old female patient presented with the following symptoms of Holmes-Adie syndrome: photophobia, enlargement of the left pupil unresponsive to light, Achilles areflexia. The pilocarpine test was positive. No ... A 35-year-old female patient presented with the following symptoms of Holmes-Adie syndrome: photophobia, enlargement of the left pupil unresponsive to light, Achilles areflexia. The pilocarpine test was positive. No tumor or other neurological abnormality was found. She had a 19-year history of autoimmune hepatitis. Flares up were observed following each 3 deliveries. At age of 31 she presented with diarrhea and weight loss. Abdominal tumor was detected by ultrasound. The surgically removed tumor was histologically a benign mesenteric multicystic lymphangioma. Simultaneously, celiac disease was diagnosed. Gluten-free diet resulted in a significant improvement of celiac disease, but not of autoimmune hepatitis. Autonomic neuropathy was proven by standard cardiovascular tests. The patient was a homozygous carrier for HLA DQ2 antigen characteristic for celiac disease and heterozygous for HLA DR3 B8 frequent in autoimmune liver diseases. Our novel observation on association of Holmes-Adie syndrome with autoimmune hepatitis and celiac disease is suggestive for a common immunological background for all three entities present in a patient with mesenteric multicystic lymphangioma. 展开更多
关键词 Holmes-Adie syndrome Autoimmune hepatitis Celiac disease Mesenteric lymphangioma Autonomic neuropathy
Calyceal Diverticulum Mimicking Simple Parapelvic Cyst:a Case Report 被引量:2
作者 Yong-han Peng Wei Zhang +1 位作者 Xiao-feng Gao Ying-hao Sun 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2015年第1期56-58,共3页
CALYCEAL diverticulum is a cystic intrarenal cavity lined by nonsecretory transitional epithelium that communicates with the collecting system via a narrow isthmus or infundibulum. It is arare anatomic anomaly with an... CALYCEAL diverticulum is a cystic intrarenal cavity lined by nonsecretory transitional epithelium that communicates with the collecting system via a narrow isthmus or infundibulum. It is arare anatomic anomaly with an incidence of 0.2% to 0.6% in the patients undergoing renal imaging.1 Single imaging modality usually cannot differentiate calyceal diverticulum from other cystic renal diseases.2 Here, we report a 60-year-old male who was reliably diagnosed with calyceal diverticulum by retrograde urography combined with non-enhanced computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance urography (MRU). 展开更多
关键词 calyceal diverticulum retrograde urography computed tomography magnetic resonance urography
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