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阿拉尔地区糖尿病人群的分布及病因特征 被引量:1
作者 向栋生 脱鸣富 《临床合理用药杂志》 2008年第2期73-73,共1页
关键词 糖尿病 病因特征 阿拉尔地区
智力低下儿童的病因特征分析及护理措施 被引量:1
作者 陈素真 《中国卫生标准管理》 2019年第7期101-104,共4页
目的分析智力低下儿童的病因特征并设计出合理护理方案。方法收集2017年1月—2018年7月我院诊治智力低下儿童120名,通过问卷调查方式及遗传学等方法对其病因特征进行分析,并设计针对性的高效护理模式。结果经过本研究发现,儿童智力低下... 目的分析智力低下儿童的病因特征并设计出合理护理方案。方法收集2017年1月—2018年7月我院诊治智力低下儿童120名,通过问卷调查方式及遗传学等方法对其病因特征进行分析,并设计针对性的高效护理模式。结果经过本研究发现,儿童智力低下的智力情况主要为轻度智力低下;在地域分配上,发现农村儿童的发病率明显高于城市儿童的发病率。主要病因可以划分为出生前病因:孕期和遗传因素;出生时因素:早产、窒息颅内出血、产伤;出生后病因:新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征、脑瘫;以及病因不明。结论智力低下儿童受多种因素影响,应在孕前、孕中以及孕后均强化相关知识的宣传,同时实施合理的护理干预,最大程度降低智力低下儿童的发生率。 展开更多
关键词 智力低下儿童 病因特征 护理 措施 特征 干预
作者 向栋生 脱鸣富 《医学理论与实践》 2008年第10期1230-1230,共1页
目的:了解阿拉尔地区糖尿病人群的分布及病因特征,指导我区糖尿病的防治工作。方法:采用回顾性的抽样调查方法,对在我院2005-2007年经检查确诊患有糖尿病的150名患者的分布及病因特征进行调查分析。结果:调查发现,无论从职业,民族及年... 目的:了解阿拉尔地区糖尿病人群的分布及病因特征,指导我区糖尿病的防治工作。方法:采用回顾性的抽样调查方法,对在我院2005-2007年经检查确诊患有糖尿病的150名患者的分布及病因特征进行调查分析。结果:调查发现,无论从职业,民族及年龄等诸多因素研究,我区糖尿病人群的分布及病因特征呈现多样性特征,糖尿病患者遍布各种职业、民族,且糖尿病患者低龄化较为严重。 展开更多
关键词 糖尿病 病因特征 阿拉尔地区
张家口地区社区获得性肺炎样综合征病因特征回顾性分析 被引量:4
作者 陈勇 陈宇 +2 位作者 范敬静 李春英 张志华 《公共卫生与预防医学》 2020年第2期105-108,共4页
目的回顾性研究张家口地区近3年社区获得性肺炎样综合征患者病因学特征,为临床的快速诊断及经验性治疗提供指导性意见。方法纳入2015年8月至2018年8月期间张家口地区门诊或住院初始诊断为社区获得性肺炎样综合征的患者471例,根据患者年... 目的回顾性研究张家口地区近3年社区获得性肺炎样综合征患者病因学特征,为临床的快速诊断及经验性治疗提供指导性意见。方法纳入2015年8月至2018年8月期间张家口地区门诊或住院初始诊断为社区获得性肺炎样综合征的患者471例,根据患者年龄分为青年组(年龄≤29岁)89例、中青年组(30≤年龄≤39岁)124例、中年组(40岁≤年龄≤49岁)177例、老年组(年龄≥50岁)81例。收集各组患者的临床病历资料,探究不同年龄组社区获得性肺炎样综合征的临床特征及病因学特征。结果①各组患者病程时长比较,青年组病程时长明显低于平均值,老年组病程时长明显高于平均值,中青年组与中年组病程时长差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);②患者社区获得性肺炎样综合征的季节性统计,总体上秋季发病率(48.20%)高于春(13.06%)、夏(16.77%)、冬(21.97%)3季。各组中老年组以秋冬发病为主,与青年组、中青年组、中年组差异有统计学意义(P=0.0313);③患者CURB-65评分比较,组间比较,青年组、中青年组主要以低危为主(57.30%,65.32%),中年组以低危、中危为主(40.68%,50.28%),老年组以中危、高危为主(29.01%,33.33%),差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论张家口地区社区获得性肺炎样综合征在季节上以秋季高发为主,在人群中以老年人为常见,且一旦发病较其他人群更为严重,发病病程也相应延长,应在临床予以重视。 展开更多
关键词 张家口 社区获得性肺炎样综合征 病因特征 回顾性分析
北京市某三级医院上消化道出血住院患者病因特征及治疗费用分析 被引量:3
作者 庞敏 卢丽娜 +1 位作者 匡哲 郭慧丽 《华南预防医学》 2022年第7期808-812,共5页
目的 探讨上消化道出血(UGIB)患者的病因特征,分析所承担的治疗费用及其影响因素。方法 从平谷区某医院信息管理系统中导出2016年10月至2021年9月UGIB住院患者基线资料、检查结果、治疗及住院时间等信息。并从医院收费系统调取患者住院... 目的 探讨上消化道出血(UGIB)患者的病因特征,分析所承担的治疗费用及其影响因素。方法 从平谷区某医院信息管理系统中导出2016年10月至2021年9月UGIB住院患者基线资料、检查结果、治疗及住院时间等信息。并从医院收费系统调取患者住院费用、手术费、输血费、西药费、中成药费等相关治疗费用信息。采用描述性及非参数分析临床资料及治疗费用,采用多重线性回归分析治疗费用的相关因素。结果 共纳入1 022例UGIB住院患者,男性732例(71.62%),女性290例(28.38%),男女比例为2.52∶1;18~44岁209例,45~59岁244例,60岁及以上569例。不同性别的疾病年龄分布差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。1 022例UGIB患者住院时间为14(10,17)d,治疗费用:检查费为2 755.0(1 988.0,4 575.3)元,手术费为1 870.0(1 380.0,2 603.0)元,输血费为1 546.0(0,2 773.3)元,西药费为9 746.5(8 765.5,11 527.3)元,中成药费为212.0(168.8,255.0)元,总费用为16 007.5(12 581.3,19 916.5)元。多重线性回归分析结果显示,年龄(β’=0.574)、合并高血压(β’=0.054)、合并冠心病(β’=0.064)、是否输血(β’=0.257)、是否胃癌(β’=0.047)以及住院时间(β’=0.230)为影响治疗费用的影响因素。结论 UGIB男性患者多于女性,不同年龄组病因存有差异,老年患者治疗费用较高,合并高血压、冠心病、输血、住院时间较长亦为高治疗费用的关键影响因素。 展开更多
关键词 上消化道出血 病因特征 治疗费用 影响因素
甘肃省智力低下儿童病因特征调查及护理干预 被引量:1
作者 崔巧玲 《中华现代护理杂志》 2010年第21期2520-2522,共3页
目的分析甘肃省0~14岁儿童智力低下(MR)的病因分布特征并提出相应的护理干预。方法采取分层、多阶段、整群抽样方法抽取被试,进行现况调查并对数据进行logistic.Cox回归模型统计分析。结果儿童MR现患率比较,年龄分布上差异有统计... 目的分析甘肃省0~14岁儿童智力低下(MR)的病因分布特征并提出相应的护理干预。方法采取分层、多阶段、整群抽样方法抽取被试,进行现况调查并对数据进行logistic.Cox回归模型统计分析。结果儿童MR现患率比较,年龄分布上差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),农村现患率(9.66‰)明显高于城市现患率(4.32‰),差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。智力低下儿童主要来自城市流动人口和农村人群;脑疾病在智力低下儿童病因中居首位,产伤是城市儿童智力低下形成的主要原因,产后窒息是农村智力低下形成的主要原因。结论重视儿童医疗保健,减少脑组织损伤,加强产前诊断和优生优育工作.首点放在农村地区.普及牛殖僻康知识.加强特殊教育和护殚干预. 展开更多
关键词 儿童 智力低下 病因特征 护理干预
表演型人格障碍的病因学特征和住院干预 被引量:1
作者 王彦海 陈海燕 李红政 《医学综述》 2015年第1期3-5,共3页
表演型人格障碍是精神障碍中一个常见的疾病类型,但是与其他类型人格障碍的大量研究相比,关于表演型人格障碍的研究却很少。从仅有的研究中可以发现表演型人格障碍的形成可能与生物、神经心理和社会环境等因素有关。由于人格结构不能被... 表演型人格障碍是精神障碍中一个常见的疾病类型,但是与其他类型人格障碍的大量研究相比,关于表演型人格障碍的研究却很少。从仅有的研究中可以发现表演型人格障碍的形成可能与生物、神经心理和社会环境等因素有关。由于人格结构不能被改善,表演型人格障碍的治疗也变得十分困难,目前最为普遍的治疗方案是在明确病因的基础上针对其危险行为进行对症治疗、辅助心理治疗。 展开更多
关键词 表演型人格障碍 病因特征 冲动 攻击 住院干预
Cloning, Characterization and Chromosome Localization of Two Powdery Mildew Resistance-Related Gene Sequences from Wheat 被引量:4
作者 于玲 牛吉山 +3 位作者 马正强 陈佩度 齐莉莉 刘大钧 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第12期1438-1444,共7页
Reverse_transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT_PCR) was performed using cDNAs as templates from wheat_ Haynaldia villosa 6VS/6AL translocation line and 'Yangmai 5' induced with fungus Erysiphe gramin... Reverse_transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT_PCR) was performed using cDNAs as templates from wheat_ Haynaldia villosa 6VS/6AL translocation line and 'Yangmai 5' induced with fungus Erysiphe graminis , and degenerate primers designed based on the conserved amino acid sequences of known plant disease_resistance genes. The cDNA sequences encoding cyclophilin_like and H +_ATPase_like genes were first isolated and characterized in wheat. The putative amino acid sequences of the two clones showed that they were highly homologous to those of cyclophilin proteins and H +_ATPases isolated from other plants. Thus they were designated as Ta_Cyp and Ta_MAH . The obvious expression differences could be observed between wheat_ H. villosa 6VS/6AL translocation line and susceptible wheat cultivar 'Yangmai 5', implying that the two genes may be related with the resistance of wheat_ H. villosa 6VS/6AL translocation line to disease. Southern blot indicated that the wheat genome contained 2-3 copies of Ta_Cyp gene and one copy of the Ta_MAH gene. Chinese Spring nulli_tetrasomic line analysis located the Ta_Cyp homologous genes on wheat chromosome 6A, 6B and 6D. Southern blot using Ta_Cyp clone as a probe showed that the polymorphic bands existed among the H. villosa , amphiploid of Triticum durum _ H. villosa , wheat_ H. villosa 6VS/6AL translocation line and 'Yangmai 5', suggesting that Ta_Cyp homologies exist in wheat genome as well as on the short arm of chromosome 6V in H. villosa . 展开更多
关键词 CLONING wheat_ Haynaldia villosa 6VS/6AL translocation line cyclophilin gene H +_ATPase gene
Biomarkers and potential pathogenesis of colorectal cancer-related ischemic stroke 被引量:6
作者 Qi-Xiong Qin Xue-Min Cheng +8 位作者 Li-Zhi Lu Yun-Fei Wei Da-Cheng Wang Hai-Hua Li Guo-Hui Li Hong-Bin Liang Sheng-Yu Li Li Chen Zhi-Jian Liang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2018年第43期4950-4958,共9页
AIM To investigate the specific biomarkers and potential pathogenesis of colorectal cancer-related ischemic stroke(CRCIS).METHODS A retrospective study was conducted on CRCIS patients(colorectal cancer patients with i... AIM To investigate the specific biomarkers and potential pathogenesis of colorectal cancer-related ischemic stroke(CRCIS).METHODS A retrospective study was conducted on CRCIS patients(colorectal cancer patients with ischemic stroke without conventional stroke risk factors) registered at seven centers between January 2007 and December 2017. Clinical data and laboratory and imaging findings were compared with age-and sex-matched patients with colorectal cancer(CRC) without ischemic stroke that were admitted to the same hospital during the same period. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to analyze the independent risk factors for CRCIS. A receiver operator characteristic curve was configured to calculate the optimal cut-off value of the products of the independent risk factors for CRCIS. RESULTS A total of 114 CRCIS patients and 114 CRC patients were included. Multiple lesions in multiple vascular territories were common in CRCIS patients(71, 62.28%). The levels of plasma D-dimer, carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA), cancer antigen 125, and neutrophil count were significantly higher in CRCIS patients than in CRC patients. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that plasma D-dimer levels [odds ratio(OR) = 1.002, 95% confidence interval(CI): 1.001-1.003, P < 0.001], CEA levels(OR = 1.011, 95%CI: 1.006-1.015, P < 0.001), and neutrophil count levels(OR = 1.626, 95%CI: 1.268-2.087, P < 0.001) were independent risk factors for CRCIS. In addition, receiver operator characteristic curve revealed that the area under curve for the products of plasma D-dimer, CEA, and neutrophil count was 0.889 ± 0.022(95%CI: 0.847-0.932, P < 0.001), and the optimal cut-off value for the product was 252.06, which was called the CRCIS Index, with a sensitivity of 86.0% and specificity of 79.8%.CONCLUSION Hypercoagulability induced by elevated CEA and neutrophils may be an important cause of CRCIS. The CRCIS index, which serves as a biomarker of CRCIS, needs further study. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal cancer Ischemic stroke BIOMARKER PATHOGENESIS
Relationship between nm23H1 genetic instability and clinical pathological characteristics in Chinese digestive system cancer patients 被引量:16
作者 Yue-Qin Yang Liang Wu +7 位作者 Jin-Xing Chen Jian-Zhong Sun Meng Li Dong-Mei Li Hai-Ying Lu Zhi-Hong Su Xin-Qiu Lin Ji-Cheng Li 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第36期5549-5556,共8页
AIM: To study the relationship between nm23H1 gene genetic instability and its clinical pathological characteristics in Chinese digestive system cancer patients. METHODS: Polymerase chain reaction-single strand confor... AIM: To study the relationship between nm23H1 gene genetic instability and its clinical pathological characteristics in Chinese digestive system cancer patients. METHODS: Polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) was used to analyze the microsatellite instability (MSI) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH). Immunohistochemistry was employed to detect the expression of nm23H1. RESULTS: The MSI was higher in TNM stageⅠ + Ⅱ than in stage Ⅲ + Ⅳ of gastric, colonic and gallbladder carcinomas. The LOH was higher in TNM stage Ⅲ + Ⅳ than in stageⅠ + Ⅱ of gastric, colonic and hepatocellular carcinomas. Lymphatic metastasis was also observed. The expression of nm23H1 protein was lower in TNM stage Ⅲ + Ⅳ than in stageⅠ + Ⅱ of these tumors and in patients with lymphatic metastasis.The nm23H1 protein expression was higher in the LOH negative group than in the LOH positive group.CONCLUSION: MSI and LOH may independently control the biological behaviors of digestive system cancers. MSI could serve as an early biological marker of digestive system cancers. Enhanced expression of nm23H1 protein could efficiently inhibit cancer metastasis and improve its prognosis. LOH mostly appears in late digestive system cancer. 展开更多
关键词 NM23H1 Gastric cancer Colonic cancer Hepatocellular carcinoma Gallbladder carcinoma
Microarray-based analysis for hepatocellular carcinoma: From gene expression profiling to new challenges 被引量:5
作者 Yutaka Midorikawa Masatoshi Makuuchi +1 位作者 Wei Tang Hiroyuki Aburatani 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第10期1487-1492,共6页
Accumulation of mutations and alterations in the expression of various genes result in carcinogenesis,and the development of microarray technology has enabled us to identify the comprehensive gene expression alteratio... Accumulation of mutations and alterations in the expression of various genes result in carcinogenesis,and the development of microarray technology has enabled us to identify the comprehensive gene expression alterations in oncogenesis.Many studies have applied this technology for hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC),and identified a number of candidate genes useful as biomarkers in cancer staging,prediction of recurrence and prognosis,and treatment selection.Some of these target molecules have been used to develop new serum diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets against HCC to benefit patients.Previously,we compared gene expression profiling data with classification based on clinicopathological features,such as hepatitis viral infection or liver cancer progression.The next era of gene expression analysis will require systematic integration of expression profiles with other types of biological information,such as genomic locus,gene function,and sequence information.We have reported integration between expression profiles and locus information,which is effective in detecting structural genomic abnormalities,such as chromosomal gains and losses,in which we showed that gene expression profiles are subject to chromosomal bias.Furthermore,array-based comparative genomic hybridization analysis and allelic dosage analysis using genotyping arrays for HCC were also reviewed,with comparison of conventional methods. 展开更多
关键词 Liver cancer IVlicroarray
Construction and characterization of a fosmid library for pathogenic bacterium Vibrio anguillarum 被引量:1
作者 韩一凡 莫照兰 +4 位作者 茅云翔 肖鹏 李杰 郝斌 郭东升 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期519-526,共8页
Vibrio anguillarum is a common bacterial pathogen in fish.However,little is known about its pathogenic mechanism,in part,because the entire genome has not been completely sequenced.We constructed a fosmid library for ... Vibrio anguillarum is a common bacterial pathogen in fish.However,little is known about its pathogenic mechanism,in part,because the entire genome has not been completely sequenced.We constructed a fosmid library for V.anguillarum containing 960 clones with an average insert size of 37.7 kb and 8.6-fold genome coverage.We characterized the library by end-sequencing 50 randomly selected clones.This generated 93 sequences with a total length of 57 485 bp covering 1.4% of the whole genome.Of these sequences,58(62.4%) were homologous to known genes,30(32.3%) were genes with hypothetical functions,and the remaining 5(5.3%) were unknown genes.We demonstrated the utility of this library by PCR screening of 10 genes.This resulted in an average of 6.2 fosmid clones per screening.This fosmid library offers a new tool for gene screening and cloning of V.anguillarum,and for comparative genomic studies among Vibrio species. 展开更多
关键词 end-sequencing fosmid library PCR screening Vibrio anguillarum
Comethylation of p16 and MGMT genes in colorectal carcinoma:Correlation with clinicopathological features and prognostic value 被引量:10
作者 Koviljka Krtolica Milena Krajnovic +3 位作者 Slavica Usaj-Knezevic Dragan Babic Dusan Jovanovic Bogomir Dimitrijevic 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第8期1187-1194,共8页
AIM: To investigate the significance of p16 and O6- methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) genes promoter hypermethylation and K-ras mutations on colorectal tumorigenesis and progression. METHODS: p16 and MGMT met... AIM: To investigate the significance of p16 and O6- methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) genes promoter hypermethylation and K-ras mutations on colorectal tumorigenesis and progression. METHODS: p16 and MGMT methylation status was examined on 47 tumor samples, and K-ras mutational status was examined on 85 tumor samples. For methylation analysis, a methylation specific PCR (MS-PCR) method was used. RESULTS: p16 and MGMT promoter methylation was found in 51% (24/47) and 43% (20/47) of CRCs, respectively, and the K-ras mutation was found in 44% (37/85) of CRCs. Comethylation of p16 and MGMT genes was significantly associated with lower aggressiveness of the disease within a two-year period of observation. Only 27% of patients with simultaneous p 16 and MGMT methylation showed the detectible occurrence of metastasis and/or death, compared to 67% of patients without double methylation or with no methylation (3/11 vs 22/33, P < 0.05, χ2-test). In addition, p16 and MGMT comethylation showed a trend toward an association with longer survival in patients with CRCs (35.5 ± 6.0 mo vs 23.1 ± 3.2 mo, P = 0.072, Log-rank test). Progression of the disease within a two-year period was observed in 66% of patients carrying the K-ras mutation, compared to only 19% of patients with wild type K-ras (29/44 vs 7/37, P < 0.001, χ2-test). The presence of the K-ras mutation significantly correlated to shortened overall survival (20.0 ± 1.9 mo vs 37.0 ± 1.8 mo, P < 0.001, Log-rank test). The comethylation of p16 and MGMT genes was significantly associated with lower aggressiveness of the disease even when K-ras mutations were included in the analysis as an independent variable. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that comethylation of promoters of p 16 and MGMT genes could have a prognostic value in patients with CRC. Specifically, concurrent methylation of both genes correlates with better prognosis. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal carcinoma DNA methylation P16 MGMT K-ras mutation
A Combined Clinicopathologic Analysis of 658 Urothelial Carcinoma Cases of Urinary Bladder 被引量:1
作者 Hui-zhi Zhang Chao-fu Wang +1 位作者 Juan-juan Sun Bao-hua Yu 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2012年第1期24-28,共5页
Objective To study the clinicopathological features of patients with urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder (UCB), and analyze the association of clinicopathological characteristics with tumor recurrence and prog... Objective To study the clinicopathological features of patients with urothelial carcinoma of the urinary bladder (UCB), and analyze the association of clinicopathological characteristics with tumor recurrence and progression. Methods Altogether 658 UCB cases in Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center were collected from January 2006 to December 2010. The histopathologic materials and the clinical records were reviewed. Univariate and multivariate analyses were preformed to detect the association. Results The mean age of the patients was 61.97±12.97 years (range, 20-90 years). Male to female ratio was about 5:1. A total of 517 cases (78.6%) were superficial at the time of diagnosis (stage Ta/T1). The mean follow-up period was 22.36±24.92 months. Twenty-five patients lacking follow-up information were excluded in calculating recurrence and progression rates, the recurrence rate was about 37.0% (234/633), and progression rate about 6.2% (39/633). Three variables (grade, tumor growth pattern, and pathological stage) were found to be significant risk factors for tumor progression in univariate and multivariate analyses (P<0.05). Conclusions Most of the newly diagnosed UCB cases may be superficial diseases. Grade, tumor growth pattern, and pathological stage are associated with tumor progression of UCB. 展开更多
关键词 urinary bladder urothelial carcinoma tumor growth pattern RECURRENCE PROGRESSION
Clinicopathological characteristics of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive Barrett's adenocarcinoma 被引量:2
作者 Takehiro Tanaka Atsushi Fujimura +7 位作者 Koichi Ichimura Hiroyuki Yanai Yasuharu Sato Katsuyohi Takata Hiroyuki Okada Seiji Kawano Shunsuke Tanabe Tadashi Yoshino 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第43期6263-6268,共6页
AIM:To compare the clinicopathological characteristics of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive and HER2-negative Barrett's adenocarcinoma in Japan. METHODS:We performed immunohistochemical anal... AIM:To compare the clinicopathological characteristics of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive and HER2-negative Barrett's adenocarcinoma in Japan. METHODS:We performed immunohistochemical analysis of HER2 in 30 samples taken from patients with Barrett's adenocarcinoma and dual color in situ hybridization in cases showing 2+ reactions. We compared the clinicopathological characteristics of HER2-positive and HER2-negative patients.RESULTS:HER2 positivity was identified in 8 (27%) carcinoma samples. We found that HER2 expression was associated with p53 overexpression (100% vs 52.6% in pT1 tumor; 100% vs 54.5% in all stage tumor, P < 0.05) and protruding lesions at the early disease stage. There was no association between the mucin phenotype of the carcinomas and prognosis. HER2 expression and low clinical stage were unexpectedly different between Barrett's adenocarcinoma patients and gastric cancer patients, but the macroscopic features may be associated with earlier diagnosis in these patients. CONCLUSION:Our results suggest that HER2-positive Barrett's adenocarcinomas are associated with p53 overexpression and lesion protrusion at the early disease stage. 展开更多
关键词 Barrett's adenocarcinoma Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 p53 Mucin phenotype
The expression of Twist in salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma and its clinicopathological significance
作者 Molun Shen Yanli Wen +1 位作者 Chengge Hua Jin Xiao 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2010年第4期187-192,共6页
Objective:The purpose of this study was to investigate the expression of Twist in salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma (SACC) and the relations between Twist expression and the clinicopathological characteristics. Method... Objective:The purpose of this study was to investigate the expression of Twist in salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma (SACC) and the relations between Twist expression and the clinicopathological characteristics. Methods: The expression of Twist was examined immunohistochemically in 48 cases of SACC, 18 of pleomorphic adenoma and 10 of normal parotid gland. The relationship between Twist expression in SACC and the clinicopathological factors was analyzed. Results: Twist expression was significantly higher in SACC tissues compared with pleomorphic adenomas and normal parotid gland tissues (P<0.05). Twist expression levels in SACC were significantly associated with histological type, perineural invasion, postoperative recurrence, and distant metastasis (P<0.05), rather than age, gender, tumor site, tumor size, or clinical staging (P>0.05). Conclusion: Twist expression may be associated with tumor cell differentiation, perineural invasion and metastasis of SACC. Twist expression is a potential prognostic factor for disease survival of SACC. 展开更多
关键词 salivary gland neoplasms INVASIVENESS METASTASIS Twist protein PROGNOSIS
Clinical features and treatment options for mitral regurgitation in elderly inpatients 被引量:7
作者 Rui-Qi ZHUGE Xiao-Pei HOU +2 位作者 Xi-Ling QI Yong-Jian WU Ming-Zi ZHANG 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第6期428-433,共6页
Objective To summarize clinical characteristics and treatment strategy of Chinese elderly mitral regurgitation (MR) inpatients under the current guidelines, and to identify factors related to treatment options in th... Objective To summarize clinical characteristics and treatment strategy of Chinese elderly mitral regurgitation (MR) inpatients under the current guidelines, and to identify factors related to treatment options in them. Methods A single center retrospective study was conducted in which patients hospitalized in Fuwai hospital from May ist of 2014 to April 30 of 2015 with moderate to severe MR assessed by transthoraeic echocardiography were enrolled consecutively (n = 1741). Patients 〉 60 years old were grouped as elderly group (n = 680) and patients 〈 60 years were grouped as control group (n = 1061). The elderly group was categorized into two subgroups based on surgical status. Results The mean age of the elderly group was 66.98 i 5.94 years. The most common reason of MR in elderly group was degenerative MR (41.18%). Atherosclerotic risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes or hyperlipidaemia were more commonly observed in elderly group than the control group (45.44% vs. 25.17%, P 〈 0.001; 19.56% vs. 8.48%, P 〈 0.001; 35.29% vs. 19.51%, P 〈 0.001). Elderly group had higher Enroscore Ⅱ score (5.54 ± 2.42 vs. 3.15 ± 1.66), greater left ventricular end diastolic diameter (LVEDD) (57.72±12.3 vs. 57.33 ± 10.19 ram) and a lower surgery rate (54.71% vs. 63.91%); P 〈 0.05. Age, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), regurgitation grade, Eu- roScore-Ⅱ high risk stratification and having diabetes were identified as factors associated with therapy decisions in elderly MR patients. Conclusions Valve surgery was denied in 45.29% of elderly MR inpatients. Older age, impaired LVEF, lower regurgitation grade, Euro- Score-Ⅱ high risk stratification, and having diabetes were factors most significantly associated with surgery denial among elderly Chinese inpatients with MR. 展开更多
关键词 Clinical features Elderly patients Mitral regurgitation TREATMENT
Molecular Characterization of Avian-like H1N1 Swine Influenza A Viruses Isolated in Eastern China, 2011 被引量:6
作者 Xian Qi Yuning Pan +5 位作者 Yuanfang Qin Rongqiang Zu Fengyang Tang Minghao Zhou Hua Wang Yongchun Song 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第5期292-298,共7页
Currently, three predominant subtypes of influenza virus are prevalent in pig populations worldwide: H1N1, H3N2, and H1N2. European avian-Hke H1N1 viruses, which were initially detected in European pig populations in... Currently, three predominant subtypes of influenza virus are prevalent in pig populations worldwide: H1N1, H3N2, and H1N2. European avian-Hke H1N1 viruses, which were initially detected in European pig populations in 1979, have been circulating in pigs in eastern China since 2007. In this study, six influenza A viruses were isolated from 60 swine lung samples collected from January to April 2011 in eastern China. Based on whole genome sequencing, molecular characteristics of two isolates were determined. Phylogenetic analysis showed the eight genes of the two isolates were closely related to those of the avian-like H1N1 viruses circulating in pig populations, especially similar to those found in China. Four potential glycosylation sites were observed at positions 13, 26, 198, 277 in the HA1 proteins of the two isolates. Due to the presence of a stop codon at codon 12, the isolates contained truncated PB1-F2 proteins. In this study, the isolates contained 591Q, 627E and 701N in the polymerase subunit PB2, which had been shown to be determinants of virulence and host adaptation. The isolates also had a D rather than E at position 92 of the NS1, a marker of mammalian adaptation. Both isolates contained the GPKV motif at the PDZ ligand domain of the 3' end of the NS1, a characteristic marker of the European avian-like swine viruses since about 1999, which is distinct from those of avian, human and classical swine viruses. The M2 proteins of the isolates have the mutation (S31N), a characteristic marker of the European avian-like swine viruses since about 1987, which may confer resistance to amantadine and rimantadine antivirals. Our findings further emphasize the importance of surveillance on the genetic diversity of influenza A viruses in pigs, and raise more concerns about the occurrence of cross-species transmission events. 展开更多
关键词 Influenza A virus Avian-like H 1N 1 SWINE Molecular characterization
Methylation of the PCDH8 (Protocadherin-8) gene in gastric cancer 被引量:1
作者 Zhang Danjie Che Xiangming +3 位作者 Zhao Wei Liao Xinhua Bi Tieqiang Li Haijun 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2012年第1期10-19,共10页
Objective: To investigate the methylation status of the PCDH8 (Protocadherin-8) gene in gastric cancer tissues and find out the relationship between methylation status of the PCDH8 and clinicopathological features in ... Objective: To investigate the methylation status of the PCDH8 (Protocadherin-8) gene in gastric cancer tissues and find out the relationship between methylation status of the PCDH8 and clinicopathological features in gastric cancer patients. Methods: We first investigated the methylation status of the PCDH8 (Protocadherin-8) gene in 65 gastric cancer and detected aberrant promoter methylation in gastric cancers; and then analyzed he relationship between methylation status of the PCDH8 and clinicopathological status with SPSS 13.0 software. Results: We first investigated the methylation status of the PCDH8 (Protocadherin-8) gene in 65 gastric cancer and detected aberrant promoter methylation in 36 of 65 (55.4%) gastric cancers. There was no significant difference in the distribution of patients with methylation or unmethylation of PCDH8 in terms of age, sex, tumor size, distant metastasis, or TNM stage. Methylation of PCDH8 was significantly correlated to negative pathological lymph node metastasis (P=0.038) and tumor differentiation (P=0.01). These two factors were proved to be of prognostic importance. Conclusion: Methylated PCDH8 seems to have a trend for worse prognosis in gastric cancer. However, a further large series of tumor samples and a longer follow-up period are required to elucidate its potential role. 展开更多
关键词 Protocadherin 8 Gene methylation Gastric cancer
Characteristics of Antisense Non-coding RNA in the INK4 Locus and Its Roles in Disease
作者 Jin-hua He Yu-guang Li 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2013年第2期122-123,共2页
Abstract With the development of genome-wide sequencing technology, 195 types of functional long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have so far been found, and their cellular roles are gradually being revealed. Now lncRNAs h... Abstract With the development of genome-wide sequencing technology, 195 types of functional long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have so far been found, and their cellular roles are gradually being revealed. Now lncRNAs have become a hotspot in the life science. These small molecules exist in almost all higher eukaryotes, and have very important regulatory roles in these organisms. This review briefly summarizes recent progress in researches on antisense non-coding RNA in the INK4 locus. 展开更多
关键词 long non-coding RNAs antisense non-coding RNA in the INK4 locus EXPRESSION
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