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作者 孙其新 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2003年第12期963-965,共3页
谦斋集《内经》和清代脏腑辨证理论之大成 ,系统归纳出脏腑生理、病理条文 88条 ,脏腑用药法则 6 2条。为了普及和推广谦斋医学理论 ,笔者将脏腑发病及用药法则内容加以充实 ,并把它分成两个独立部分 ,命名为“脏腑生理病理对照式”和... 谦斋集《内经》和清代脏腑辨证理论之大成 ,系统归纳出脏腑生理、病理条文 88条 ,脏腑用药法则 6 2条。为了普及和推广谦斋医学理论 ,笔者将脏腑发病及用药法则内容加以充实 ,并把它分成两个独立部分 ,命名为“脏腑生理病理对照式”和“脏腑病因病位证状用药式” ,是辨证论治的两大基石。 展开更多
关键词 脏腑生理理对照式 脏腑病因病位证状用药式 谦斋医学 秦伯未 辨证论治 中医 脏腑理论
癫痫中医病因病位的现代文献研究 被引量:16
作者 牛志尊 黄密 +1 位作者 马作峰 周艳艳 《新中医》 CAS 2014年第1期193-196,共4页
近年来,癫痫的中医药治疗有了较深入的研究。由于个人思维的局限性以及人们认识疾病的角度不同,中医学者在对癫痫中医病因病位的认识上,还存在有一定的差异。因此,系统地研究癫痫中医病因、病位规律是非常迫切和必要的。笔者整理了2... 近年来,癫痫的中医药治疗有了较深入的研究。由于个人思维的局限性以及人们认识疾病的角度不同,中医学者在对癫痫中医病因病位的认识上,还存在有一定的差异。因此,系统地研究癫痫中医病因、病位规律是非常迫切和必要的。笔者整理了2000~2012年中医药治疗癫痫的临床文献,采用统计学频数分析法探讨癫痫病因病位的规律,以期为癫痫的临床辨证治疗提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 癫痫 中医病因病位 文献研究
作者 廖才慧 李坤 +3 位作者 张梦楠 李鉴衡 唐湘宇 徐全壹 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2021年第19期75-77,共3页
《脾胃论》曰:“内伤脾胃,百病由生”。饮食物是人体生命活动的物质基础,早在李东垣时代人们已经认识到脾胃对机体功能的影响,疾病发生、发展过程中,饮食物是重要的致病因素。当今经济物质文明高度发展,由于食肥甘厚味、起居无常、劳逸... 《脾胃论》曰:“内伤脾胃,百病由生”。饮食物是人体生命活动的物质基础,早在李东垣时代人们已经认识到脾胃对机体功能的影响,疾病发生、发展过程中,饮食物是重要的致病因素。当今经济物质文明高度发展,由于食肥甘厚味、起居无常、劳逸过度、工作精神压力大所造成的脾胃病已较李东垣时期发生了变化,追溯疾病的病因病位,仍需回归脾胃思考。 展开更多
关键词 脾胃 膳食结构 机理 病因病位
作者 彭芳胜 《中国民族医药杂志》 2007年第2期59-59,67,共2页
关键词 土家医 七十二症 病因病位研究
作者 刘伟伟 黄东辉 《新中医》 CAS 2024年第12期187-190,共4页
从三焦气化论治小儿鼾症,认为肺脾肾三脏亏虚、三焦气化失常、痰瘀内生是小儿鼾症的基本病机。治疗时应明确病因病位,表证尚在者,病位在上焦,宜散邪、通窍、宣肺;脾胃不和、痰瘀内生者,病位在中焦,宜健脾、化痰、散瘀;肾虚兼有肝郁者,... 从三焦气化论治小儿鼾症,认为肺脾肾三脏亏虚、三焦气化失常、痰瘀内生是小儿鼾症的基本病机。治疗时应明确病因病位,表证尚在者,病位在上焦,宜散邪、通窍、宣肺;脾胃不和、痰瘀内生者,病位在中焦,宜健脾、化痰、散瘀;肾虚兼有肝郁者,病位在下焦,宜疏肝、益肾、温阳。 展开更多
关键词 小儿鼾症 三焦气化 病因病位
Molecular Tagging of a New Resistance Gene to Maize Dwarf Mosaic Virus Using Microsatellite Markers 被引量:6
作者 吴建宇 汤继华 +1 位作者 夏宗良 陈伟程 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第2期177-180,共4页
With joint analysis based on the parents, F 1, F 2 and backcrosses, the authors found that the resistance of the maize inbred line Huangzaosi to the maize dwarf mosaic virus strain B was conditioned by a major gene ... With joint analysis based on the parents, F 1, F 2 and backcrosses, the authors found that the resistance of the maize inbred line Huangzaosi to the maize dwarf mosaic virus strain B was conditioned by a major gene and polygene, and identified a new major gene. Bulked segregate and microsatellite analysis of a F 2 progeny from the combination of Huangzaosi×Mo17 were used to identify the resistance gene, mdm1(t), on the long arm of chromosome 6. This new resistance gene is tightly linked to and located between the microsatellite markers loci, phi077 and bnlg391. The linkage distances between phi077-mdm1(t) and mdm1(t)-bnlg391 are 4.74 centiMorgan (cM) and 6.72 cM respectively. 展开更多
关键词 MAIZE maize dwarf mosaic virus resistance gene MICROSATELLITE molecular tagging
中医对老年性痴呆的认识 被引量:6
作者 曹娟 曹明荣 《中国现代医生》 2008年第17期82-82,88,共2页
关键词 老年性痴呆 中医理论分析 病因 证型分类
Mapping of a Major Stripe Rust Resistance Gene in Chinese Native Wheat Variety Chike Using Microsatellite Markers 被引量:4
作者 刘方慧 牛永春 +1 位作者 邓晖 檀根甲 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期1123-1130,共8页
Chike (accession number Su1900), a Chinese native wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) variety, is resistant to the currently prevailing physiological races of Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici in China. Geneti... Chike (accession number Su1900), a Chinese native wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) variety, is resistant to the currently prevailing physiological races of Puccinia striiformis Westend. f. sp. tritici in China. Genetic analysis indicated that resistance to the physiological race CY32 of the pathogen in the variety was controlled by one dominant gene. In this study, BSA (bulked segregant analysis) methods and SSRs (simple sequence repeats) marker polymorphic analysis are used to map the gene. The resistant and susceptible DNA bulks were prepared from the segregating F2 population of the cross between Taichung 29, a susceptible variety as maternal parent, and Chike as paternal parent. Over 400 SSR primers were screened, and five SSR markers Xwmc44, Xgwm259, Xwmc367, Xcfa2292, and Xbarc80 on the chromosome arm 1BL were found to be polymorphic between the resistant and the susceptible DNA bulks as well as their parents. Genetic linkage was tested on segregating F2 population with 200 plants, including 140 resistant and 60 susceptible plants. All the five SSR markers were linked to the stripe rust resistance gene in Chike. The genetic distances for the markers Xwmc44, Xgwm259, Xwmc367, Xcfa2292, and Xbarc80 to the target gene were 8.3 cM, 9.1 cM, 17.2 cM, 20.6 cM, and 31.6 cM, respectively. Analysis using 21 nulli-tetrasomic Chinese Spring lines further confirmed that all the five markers were located on chromosome lB. On the basis of the above results, it is reasonable to assume that the major stripe rust resistance gene YrChk in Chike was located on the chromosome arm 1BL, and its comparison with the other stripe rust resistance genes located on 1B suggested that YrChk may be a novel gene that provides the resistance against stripe rust in Chike. Exploration and utilization of resources of disease resistance genes in native wheat varieties will be helpful both to diversify the resistance genes and to amend the situation of resistance gene simplification in the commercial wheat cultivars in China. 展开更多
关键词 WHEAT native variety Puccinia striiformis resistance gene microsatellite marker gene mapping
刘玲教授从火热内生论治原发性三叉神经痛 被引量:4
作者 周爱玲 朱梦雪 刘玲 《光明中医》 2017年第18期2625-2626,共2页
三叉神经痛属神经内科的常见病、难治病,以原发性最常见,导师刘玲教授运用中医独特优势从火热内生对其辨证论治,刘师认为原发性三叉神经痛病位在头面,病理因素或痰郁或血瘀或气郁或阳虚,病机火热内生贯穿病程始终,因此清热为治疗本病的... 三叉神经痛属神经内科的常见病、难治病,以原发性最常见,导师刘玲教授运用中医独特优势从火热内生对其辨证论治,刘师认为原发性三叉神经痛病位在头面,病理因素或痰郁或血瘀或气郁或阳虚,病机火热内生贯穿病程始终,因此清热为治疗本病的主要法则。清热之法,或化痰或化瘀或疏肝或温阳。方用黄连温胆汤或桃红四物汤合白虎汤或丹栀逍遥散或傅青主引火汤加减,配合日常调摄,每每取效甚好。 展开更多
关键词 火热内生 原发性三叉神经痛 病因 选方用药
Molecular and Physical Mapping of Powdery Mildew Resistance Genes and QTLs in Wheat: A Review 被引量:7
作者 Jun GUO Cheng LIU +8 位作者 Shengnan ZHAI Haosheng LI Aifeng LIU Dungong CHENG Ran HAN Jianjun LIU Lingrang KONG Zhendong ZHAO Jianmin SONG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第6期965-970,共6页
Wheat powdery mildew (Pro) is a major disease of wheat worldwide. During the past years, numerous studies have been published on molecular mapping of Pm resistance gene(s) in wheat. We summarized the relevant find... Wheat powdery mildew (Pro) is a major disease of wheat worldwide. During the past years, numerous studies have been published on molecular mapping of Pm resistance gene(s) in wheat. We summarized the relevant findings of 89 major re- sistance gene mapping studies and 25 quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping studies. Major Pm resistance genes and QTLs were found on all wheat chromosomes, but the Pm resistance genes/QTLs were not randomly distributed on each chromosome of wheat. The summarized data showed that the A or B genome has more major Pm resistance genes than the D genome and chromosomes 1A, 2A, 2B, 5B, 5D, 6B, 7A and 7B harbor more major Pm resistance genes than the other chromosomes. For adult plant resistance (APR) genes/QTLs, B genome of wheat harbors more APR genes than A and D genomes, and chromo- somes 2A, 4A, 5A, 1B, 2B, 3B, 5B, 6B, 7B, 2D, 5D and 7D harbor more Pm resistance QTLs than the other chromosomes, suggesting that A genome except 1A, 3A and 6A, B genome except 4B, D genome except 1D, 3D, 4D, and 6D play an impor- tant role in wheat combating against powdery mildew. Furthermore, Pm resistance genes are derived from wheat and its rela- tives, which suggested that the resistance sources are diverse and Pm resistance genes are diverse and useful in combating against the powdery mildew isolates. In this review, four APR genes, Pm38/Lr34/Yr18/Sr57, Pm46/Lr67/Yr46/Sr55, Pm?/Lr27/Yr30/ SY2 and Pm39/Lr46/Yr29, are not only resistant to powdery mildew but also effective for rust diseases in the field, indicating that such genes are stable and useful in wheat breeding programmes. The summarized data also provide chromosome locations or linked markers for Pm resistance genes/QTLs. Markers linked to these genes can also be utilized to pyramid diverse Pm resis- tance genes/QTLs more efficiently by marker-assisted selection. 展开更多
关键词 Wheat powdery mildew Molecular mapping Major Pm resistance genes Quantitative trait loci (QTL) Marker-assisted selection
Relationship between HLA-DR gene polymorphisms and outcomes of hepatitis B viral infections:A meta-analysis 被引量:11
作者 Ze-Hui Yan Yi Fan +3 位作者 Xiao-Hong Wang Qing Mao Guo-Hong Deng Yu-Ming Wang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第24期3119-3128,共10页
AIM:To assess the rigorous relationship between human leukocyte antigens(HLA)-DR alleles and outcomes of hepatitis B virus(HBV) infections by means of metaanalysis.METHODS:Medline/PubMed,EMBASE,CNKI and VIP were searc... AIM:To assess the rigorous relationship between human leukocyte antigens(HLA)-DR alleles and outcomes of hepatitis B virus(HBV) infections by means of metaanalysis.METHODS:Medline/PubMed,EMBASE,CNKI and VIP were searched to identify relevant studies.Study quality was evaluated using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale.Odds ratios(OR) and 95% confidence interval(95% CI) were pooled using Stata 11.0.Subgroup analyses were performed by ethnicity.Heterogeneity and publication bias analyses were performed to validate the credibility.RESULTS:A total of 2609 patients with chronic hepatitis B and 2606 controls spontaneously recovering from prior HBV infection were included.Meta-analysis showed that HLA-DR*04(OR = 0.72,95% CI:0.60-0.85) and DR*13(OR = 0.27,95% CI:0.19-0.37) alleles were significantly associated with HBV clearance while patients carrying HLA-DR*03(OR = 1.47,95% CI:1.16-1.87) or DR*07(OR = 1.59,95% CI:1.24-2.03) alleles had a significantly increased risk of chronic HBV persistence.For the HLA-DR*01 polymorphism,a significantly association with HBV clearance was found in Chinese Han group(OR = 0.48,95% CI:0.26-0.86),but not found in other ethnic groups(P = 0.191).For other polymorphisms,no association with the HBV infection outcome was found.CONCLUSION:HLA-DR*04 and DR*13 alleles may be the protective factors for HBV clearance and HLADR*03,and DR*07 alleles may be the risk factors for HBV persistence. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B virus Human leukocyte anti-gens META-ANALYSIS POLYMORPHISM
Computational analysis of antigenic epitopes of avian influenza A (H7N9) viruses 被引量:6
作者 LIU Mi SONG TingRui +2 位作者 HUA Sha WU AiPing JIANG TaiJiao 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第7期687-693,共7页
Influenza virus can rapidly change its antigenicity, via mutation in the hemagglutinin(HA) protein, to evade host immunity. The emergence of the novel human-infecting avian H7N9 virus in China has caused widespread co... Influenza virus can rapidly change its antigenicity, via mutation in the hemagglutinin(HA) protein, to evade host immunity. The emergence of the novel human-infecting avian H7N9 virus in China has caused widespread concern. However, evolution of the antigenicity of this virus is not well understood. Here, we inferred the antigenic epitopes of the HA protein from all H7 viruses, based on the five well-characterized HA epitopes of the human H3N2 virus. By comparing the two major H7 phylogenetic lineages, i.e., the Eurasian lineage and the North American lineage, we found that epitopes A and B are more frequently mutated in the Eurasian lineage, while epitopes B and C are more frequently mutated in the North American lineage. Furthermore, we found that the novel H7N9 virus(derived from the Eurasian lineage) isolated in China in the year 2013, contains six frequently mutated sites on epitopes that include site 135, which is located in the receptor binding domain. This indicates that the novel H7N9 virus that infects human may already have been subjected to gradual immune pressure and receptor-binding variation. Our results not only provide insights into the antigenic evolution of the H7 virus but may also help in the selection of suitable vaccine strains. 展开更多
关键词 antigenic epitope antigenic evolution HEMAGGLUTININ influenza H7N9 virus
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