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作者 张九源 《中国卫生产业》 2024年第11期50-52,共3页
目的分析使用国际疾病分类编码(International Classification of Diseases,ICD)对疾病进行标准分类准确性的影响因素并研究适当的处理对策。方法回顾性选取2021年1月—2023年12月河池市第三人民医院收治的1440例患者的临床资料,进行正... 目的分析使用国际疾病分类编码(International Classification of Diseases,ICD)对疾病进行标准分类准确性的影响因素并研究适当的处理对策。方法回顾性选取2021年1月—2023年12月河池市第三人民医院收治的1440例患者的临床资料,进行正规的编码流程并加以核对,分析导致编码错误的具体原因以及解决办法。结果73份病案编码错误中主要诊断选择错误12份,疑难诊断编码错误14份,未按病理报告编码18份,未按照合并编码原则10份,合并症未编码19份。73名病案编码错误科室分布中骨科15份,心血管内科18份,神经内科20份,泌尿外科10份,儿科8份,产科2份。73份病案编码错误原因中病历书写不规范25份(34.25%),主导词错误22份(30.14%),编码员业务水平不佳11份(15.07%),特殊疾病特殊编码6份(8.22%),其他9份(12.33%)。结论医院病案疾病诊断ICD编码准确性受到病历书写不规范、主导词错误、编码员业务水平不佳的影响,需提升编码员专业技术水平,减少工作中的差错,不断改进编码质量。 展开更多
关键词 病案疾病诊断 病案ICD-10编码准确性 影响因素
某三甲蒙医医院萨病(脑卒中)病案处方及首页诊断数据分析 被引量:1
作者 满达 《中国民族民间医药》 2022年第4期109-113,共5页
目的:了解目前萨病诊疗的临床现状与特点。方法:从医院HIS数据库提取数据,应用Gephi 0.9.2软件的modularity功能对诊断及蒙药处方信息进行模块化既聚类分析。同时应用Co-Occurrence 6.7(COOC6.7)软件对处方配伍的药物进行关联分析。结果... 目的:了解目前萨病诊疗的临床现状与特点。方法:从医院HIS数据库提取数据,应用Gephi 0.9.2软件的modularity功能对诊断及蒙药处方信息进行模块化既聚类分析。同时应用Co-Occurrence 6.7(COOC6.7)软件对处方配伍的药物进行关联分析。结果:处方分析显示珍宝丸、沉香35味散、红花13味丸、阿木日6味散等4个药物的节点评价指标均显著高于其它药物;诊断分析显示网络的核心节点为"高血压病",其次为高血压病、脑梗死、2型糖尿病、冠心病、高脂血症、肺部感染、高同型半胱氨酸血症、低钾血症、心律失常、脑梗死后遗症。结论:提示珍宝丸、沉香35味散、红花13味丸、阿木日6味散等4个药物在萨病处方当中具有较为重要的地位;诊断分析结果体现了临床当中上述疾病之间的紧密相关性。 展开更多
关键词 萨病 病案首页诊断 蒙药处方
作者 史学 张克青 王春连 《中国医刊》 CAS 2001年第12期44-44,共1页
关键词 发热 排尿困难 病案诊断
作者 张燕 《办公室业务》 2023年第24期89-91,共3页
随着经济社会的发展,许多领域的管理制度都在不断变革与创新。医疗机构是维护公众健康的关键场所,推进管理制度改革,调整管理模式与架构,使其能够适应当今的市场变化,是非常有必要的。基于此,文章对医院病案的管理工作进行了分析,指出... 随着经济社会的发展,许多领域的管理制度都在不断变革与创新。医疗机构是维护公众健康的关键场所,推进管理制度改革,调整管理模式与架构,使其能够适应当今的市场变化,是非常有必要的。基于此,文章对医院病案的管理工作进行了分析,指出了现阶段医院病案管理中存在的问题,并提出了针对性优化策略,以确保医院日常工作的顺利进行,从而促进中国医疗卫生服务的可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 病案管理 病案首页诊断 完整性
胡大夫谈针灸疗法的经络辨证(二)——针刺治疗肩部疼痛伴功能障碍 被引量:1
作者 胡昱 《中国社区医师》 2014年第12期34-34,37,共2页
肩部疼痛伴功能障碍者,临床上多见于“肩周炎”,以中年以上发病多见,患者多因慢性起病的肩部疼痛伴活动受限就诊,其有病程长,发病缓慢的特点。笔者本文所述2则病案,都有外伤史,案例1发作急骤,案例2车祸损伤后未积极治疗并误治... 肩部疼痛伴功能障碍者,临床上多见于“肩周炎”,以中年以上发病多见,患者多因慢性起病的肩部疼痛伴活动受限就诊,其有病程长,发病缓慢的特点。笔者本文所述2则病案,都有外伤史,案例1发作急骤,案例2车祸损伤后未积极治疗并误治,迁延1年余,虽然2则病案诊断为肩周炎有些牵强但希望通过2则病案,和同仁们分享经络辨证在针灸治疗中的作用,希望大家将经络诊察与辨证的方法更多地应用于临床,发现针灸之本——经络的魅力。 展开更多
关键词 经络辨证 肩部疼痛 功能障碍 针灸疗法 针刺治疗 大夫 病案诊断 积极治疗
作者 刘牧宇 刘远立 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)社会科学》 2023年第8期201-204,共4页
探讨按病种分值付费(DIP)在实施过程中遇到的问题,实施效果及医院的应对措施。方法 对泸州市A医院2017年和2021年出院患者住院病案首页及医保结算信息进行收集,作为按病种分值付费政策实施前后的两组数据。分析DIP实施前后的分组类型分... 探讨按病种分值付费(DIP)在实施过程中遇到的问题,实施效果及医院的应对措施。方法 对泸州市A医院2017年和2021年出院患者住院病案首页及医保结算信息进行收集,作为按病种分值付费政策实施前后的两组数据。分析DIP实施前后的分组类型分布情况、病例类型分布情况、主要诊断名称分布情况、实施前后费用及平均住院日比较、实施前后重复住院率比较。结果 正常倍率病例占比82.01%,低倍率占比11.7%,高倍率占比6.29%。政策实施后平均住院费用及平均住院天数均少于政策实施前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);政策实施后与政策实施前重复住院率比较,无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论 DIP的实施有着可以提高医院控费的动力、促进医生规范诊疗行为、优化医疗资源配置以及降低医保基金支付风险等优势。DIP的实施有利于医疗保险支付制度的优化和完善,以及提高医疗服务质量和效率具有一定意义。 展开更多
关键词 按病种分值付费 支付方式改革 医疗服务质量 病案诊断和手术选择 入组病例归类
Magnifying endoscopy in upper gastroenterology for assessing lesions before completing endoscopic removal 被引量:8
作者 Ning-Li Chai En-Qiang Ling-Hu +4 位作者 Yoshinori Morita Daisuke Obata Takashi Toyonaqa Takeshi Azuma Ben-Yan Wu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第12期1295-1307,共13页
Any prognosis of gastrointestinal (GI) cancer is closely related to the stage of the disease at diagnosis.Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) and en bloc endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) have been performed as cu... Any prognosis of gastrointestinal (GI) cancer is closely related to the stage of the disease at diagnosis.Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) and en bloc endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) have been performed as curative treatments for many early-stage GI lesions in recent years.The technologies have been widely accepted in many Asian countries because they are minimally invasive and supply thorough histopathologic evaluation of the specimens.However,before engaging in endoscopic therapy,an accurate diagnosis is a precondition to effecting the complete cure of the underlying malignancy or carcinoma in situ.For the past few years,many new types of endoscopic techniques,including magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band imaging (MENBI),have emerged in many countries because these methods provide a strong indication of early lesions and are very useful in determining treatment options before ESD or EMR.However,to date,there is no comparable classification equivalent to "Kudo's Pit Pattern Classification in the colon",for the upper GI,there is still no clear internationally accepted classification system of magnifying endoscopy.Therefore,in order to help unify some viewpoints,here we will review the defining optical imaging characteristics and the current representative classifications of microvascular and microsurface patterns in the upper GI tract under ME-NBI,describe the accurate relationship between them and the pathological diagnosis,and their clinical applications prior to ESD or en bloc EMR.We will also discuss assessing the differentiation and depth of invasion,defying the lateral spread of involvement and targeting biopsy in real time. 展开更多
关键词 Magnifying endoscopy with narrow-band im-aging Upper gastroenterology Assessment Endoscopicsubmucosal dissection Endoscopic mucosal resection
某市二级以上医院住院病案首页诊断及编码缺陷分析 被引量:1
作者 梁丹梅 龚小玲 卢婷 《中国病案》 2023年第12期18-21,共4页
目的通过督查某市二级以上医保定点医疗机构的住院病案首页诊断填写和编码,分析存在的问题,查找原因,以期提高住院病案首页填报质量。方法某市于2021年10月30日-2021年10月31日,组织临床及编码专家,从全市33家二级以上医保定点医疗机构... 目的通过督查某市二级以上医保定点医疗机构的住院病案首页诊断填写和编码,分析存在的问题,查找原因,以期提高住院病案首页填报质量。方法某市于2021年10月30日-2021年10月31日,组织临床及编码专家,从全市33家二级以上医保定点医疗机构中,随机抽取每家医院2021年9月1日0时-2021年9月1日23时出院结算的病案各20份,其中二级医院抽取480份病案,三级医院180份病案,共抽取660份病案,对住院病案首页书写质量和诊断、手术/操作编码质量遂项进行检查,同时对各家医院发放调查问卷,了解编码员持证上岗比例,使用统计学软件SPSS21.0进行处理。结果二级、三级医院的住院病案首页填写错误率分别为26.52%和25.00%,差异无统计学意义,P>0.05;二级、三级医院编码错误率分别为50.21%和22.22%,差异具有统计学意义,P<0.05;二级医院编码员平均执编码技能考试合格证0.58人/院,三级医院平均执编码技能考试合格证4.78人/院,二级医院执编码技能考试合格证上岗比例明显低于三级医院。结论医师对诊断填写重视程度不足是造成诊断缺陷的主要原因;二级医院编码员数量少,无证上岗现象严重;各级医院应建立和完善病历书写质量考核体系和编码质控机制,提升诊断书写和编码的准确率。 展开更多
关键词 住院病案首页诊断 编码 质量 编码员执证上岗
作者 包娜 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)医药卫生》 2022年第8期18-20,共3页
分析影响医院病案疾病诊断ICD-10编码准确性的因素,并研究相关的处理对策。方法:对我院2018年至2021年12月出现编码错误的200例患者进行回顾性分析,其中男女患者各100例,分析编码错误的主要原因。结果:引起编码错误的原因主要由于主治... 分析影响医院病案疾病诊断ICD-10编码准确性的因素,并研究相关的处理对策。方法:对我院2018年至2021年12月出现编码错误的200例患者进行回顾性分析,其中男女患者各100例,分析编码错误的主要原因。结果:引起编码错误的原因主要由于主治医师在病历书写方面不规范,编码员业务的能力水平不够,其中主治医师病历书写不规范引起的编码错误的比例最高,其次是编码员主导词选择错误,专业水平较差也是重要原因。结论:为了提高编码的准确性,加强编码员的工作能力,提高其专业素养,强化主治医生对专业术语的规范书写,这也是提高编码准确性的主要途径。 展开更多
关键词 医院病案疾病诊断 ICD-10编码 准确性影响因素 处理对策
Clinical Analysis of 13 Cases with Burkitt Lymphoma or Burkittlike Lymphoma 被引量:1
作者 Ning-jing LIN Wen ZHENG Yun-tao ZHANG Xiao-pei WANG Yu-qin SONG Yan XIE Mei-feng TU Ling-yan PING Jun ZHU 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2010年第2期110-115,共6页
OBJECTIVE To summarize the clinical characteristics and treatment effects of Burkitt lymphoma (BL) and Burkitt-like lymphoma (BLL), and to explore the best possible optimal regimens and the treatment-related compl... OBJECTIVE To summarize the clinical characteristics and treatment effects of Burkitt lymphoma (BL) and Burkitt-like lymphoma (BLL), and to explore the best possible optimal regimens and the treatment-related complications.METHODS Clinical data of 13 BL and BLL patients, who were pathologically diagnosed and treated in the Beijing Cancer Hospital from August 1996 to October 2008, were retrospectively analyzed, All patients received the therapeutic regimen with chemotherapy as the first-line treatment. The treatment effect and adverse reactions were evaluated.RESULTS Of the 13 patients, 12 were men and 1 was woman, with a median age of 15 years (range, 11-62). Three of the patients were in stage Ⅰ, 2 in stage Ⅱ, 2 in stage Ⅲ, and 6 in stage Ⅳ. Advanced cases were 8 (stage Ⅲ and Ⅳ), accounting for 61.5% of the patients. Bone marrow involvement was found in 2 cases (15.4%) and central nervous system invasion in 4 (30.8%) at the beginning of the treatment. The common involved sites included the superficial lymph nodes (61.5%), abdominal organs (53.8%), and abdominal and retro-peritoneal lymph nodes (38.5%). B symptoms were observed in 7 patients (53.8%). Serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) level was increased in 8 of the 10 patients who underwent the serum LDH determination, while serum uric acid level was increased in 1 of the 10. Pathological diagnosis showed that 11 of the cases were BL and 2 BLL. Of the 13 patients, 11 (84.6%) achieved a complete remission (CR) or CR/unconfirmed (CRu), and 1 (7.7%) a partial remission (PR), with a total responsive rate of 92.3%. At a median follow-up of 8 months (range 5-35), 6 patients were found dead at the end of the follow-up. One of the 13 patients was lost to the follow-up. The 1-year overall survival, progression-free survival and disease-free survival rates were 56.98%, 32.31% and 39.77%, respectively. The grade-Ⅲ or Ⅳ myelosuppression was found in 9 patients during the chemotherapy (69.2%), and tumor lysis syndrome and grade- Ⅳ total gastrointestinal mucositis were seen in 1.CONCLUSION Intensive short-course chemotherapy is recommended as the optimal first-line treatment for BL and BLL, and actively preventive treatments for chemotherapy-related adverse reactions are essential in the treatment course. 展开更多
关键词 Burkitt lymphoma INVASION biomedicalresearch drug therapy combination.
Local resection for tumor of papilla of Vater: an analysis of 25 cases
作者 Mei Jianmin LU Minsheng Yu Conghui Nie Hongfeng Wang Jianfei 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2009年第5期288-295,共8页
Objective: To investigate the clinical features, diagnostic methods, and treatment choice of tumor of the papilla of Vater. Methods: The clinical data of 25 patients with tumor of the papilla of Vater treated by local... Objective: To investigate the clinical features, diagnostic methods, and treatment choice of tumor of the papilla of Vater. Methods: The clinical data of 25 patients with tumor of the papilla of Vater treated by local resection in our hospital from December 1983 to May 2006 were retrospectively analyzed. Results: The morbidities of abdominal pain, jaundice and recurrent cholangitis were 84%, 80% and 48%, respectively. The accordant rate for preoperative duodenoscopic biopsy and post-operative pathological diagnosis was 80%. Intraoperative frozen section examination accurately predicted the final pathological results in all the patients. The post-operative complication rate was 20% and the operative mortality rate was 4%. The 5-year survival rates of local resection for benign tumors and malignant tumors were 75% and 28.5%, respectively. Conclusion: Abdominal pain, jaundice and recurrent cholangitis are the main symptoms and signs of tumor of the papilla of Vater. Duodenoscopy is the principal preoperative diagnostic method and intraoperative frozen section examination is reliable in assessing the operative specimens. Selective local resection is an effective treatment option for tumor of the papilla of Vater. 展开更多
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